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Energy Policy 39 (2011) 3281–3295

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Dynamics of productivity change in the Australian electricity industry:

Assessing the impacts of electricity reform
Reza Fathollahzadeh Aghdam n
Department of Finance and Economics, College of Industrial Management, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, PO Box 257, Dhahran 31261, Saudi Arabia

a r t i c l e i n f o abstract

Article history: The Australian electricity industry has undergone a significant reform, since the mid-1990s. Key
Received 12 June 2010 changes comprised functional unbundling, market restructuring, regulatory reform, public corporatisa-
Accepted 3 March 2011 tion and privatisation. Technological development has been another indisputable constituent of these
Available online 2 April 2011
changes, in the wake of ICT revolution. The principle rationale behind these changes has been that they
Keywords: would improve productivity of the industry and social well-being of people. This paper examines the
Australian electricity reform dynamics of productivity changes in the Australian electricity industry and conducts several hypoth-
Malmquist TFP index eses-testings to identify whether industry’s efficiency measures are truly improved as a result of the
ANOVA hypothesis-testing reform-driven changes. Malmquist Total Factor Productivity Index approach and ANOVA are used for
this purpose. The results reveal that the productivity gains in the industry have been largely driven by
technological improvements and, to a lesser extent, by reform-induced comparative efficiency gains. On
average at national level and for the entire industry, there are efficiency gains that, to large extents, can
be attributed to functional unbundling and public corporatisation and, to a lesser extent, to market
restructuring and privatisation. The results, however, reveal that the reform-driven changes have made
insignificant contribution to comparative efficiency, at the level of thermal generation.
& 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction State governments in response to emerging concerns about the

inefficiencies in the industry, essentially originated from the energy
The Australian electricity industry has experienced several crises of the 1970s (see for example, Beardow 2002, p. 8); and (v)
reforms in its history. The industry – like most developed countries nation-wide market reform (1994-present), the industry started to
– emerged in the 1880s (see, Casazza and Delea, 2003, p. 1; EANSW, undergo a radical and nation-wide reform till present time. This
1986, p. 1) and has evolved ever since. In its evolution, there have reform is often called the market reform attributable to its under-
been certain periods, when a pace of change has become significant lying free market philosophy, emphasising on promotion of compe-
and distinctive. Such periods are often associated with a reform – a tition through a bid-based market structure (see also, Quiggin, 2001;
substantial change in industry’s institutional facet. In Australia, five Sharma, 2003; Sharma & Bartels, 1997).
such periods are generally identifiable (Fathollahzadeh, 2006, The market reform has changed almost every institutional facet
pp. 59–62): (i) early years (1888–1913), there was free and fierce of the industry, including its organisational setting, market struc-
competition among numerous private-sector players and the infant ture, regulatory framework, and ownership arrangement. The tradi-
industry lacked transmission lines and standards; (ii) wars and tionally vertically integrated organisation of the industry has been
depression years (1914–1944), in spite of progressive inventions functionally unbundled, essentially into four segments of genera-
during this period, the industry developed slowly due to compli- tion, transmission, distribution and retail. The market structure of
cated socio-political turmoils caused by the two world wars and the the industry for electricity trade and pricing has been drastically
Great Depression; (iii) industry consolidation (1945–1985), there was moved away from its traditional order-of-merit mechanism to a
significant expansion of electricity industries in each State, inde- mandatory bid-based system. A nation-wide regulatory framework
pendent from one another, as the governments realized significant has been formed for overseeing and harmonising activities of State-
development potentials behind electricity; (iv) internal reforms based regulatory bodies. Further, considerable parts of the industry
(1986–1993), a set of State-wide reforms that was launched by have been either corporatised (yet remaining under public owner-
ship) or privatised. While much of these changes took place by the
year 2002, some changes have accomplished in recent years. The
Tel.: þ966 3 860 7525; fax: þ966 3 860 2585. process of institutional change in the industry continues evolving as
E-mail addresses:, challenges keep emerging.

0301-4215/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3282 R.F. Aghdam / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 3281–3295

Although the market reform became the first comprehensive Factor Productivity (TFP) index and Distance Function approach.
national approach towards electricity in Australia, each State tai- Several models are configured at two levels of aggregation,
lored the reform programme to its own political interest. Hence, a namely: the entire electricity industry; and thermal generation.
divergence became observable in States’ approaches to electricity The paper also conducts several hypotheses-testings to examine
reform during this period. One aspect of such divergence was whether or not the industry’s comparative efficiency measures
observed in the type of ownership arrangement adopted by various are truly improved as a result of the aforementioned reform-
States. For example, Victoria decided to privatise its industry, almost driven institutional changes (i.e., changes in organisational set-
entirely. Other States found the privatisation politically more ting, market structure, regulatory framework, and ownership
challenging and, in some instances, totally unpopular. South Aus- arrangement).
tralia, for instance, privatised its industry in a different way, by Organisation of the rest of the paper is as follows. Section 2 is
leasing out key parts of its industry to private sector for a long devoted to literature review, with a view to identify a research
period of time. New South Wales (NSW) chose to rather corporatise gap and justify this paper’s methodology. Section 3 specifies the
its industry, but kept the ownership under public control. Qeens- structure of the models. Section 4 describes the dataset that is
land, Western Australia, Tasmania, and Northern Territory did not developed for this paper. Section 5 discusses the empirical results
do much for changing their industries’ ownership arrangement. and Section 6 provides conclusions.
Another critical divergence was seen in industry’s regulatory
framework that was sighted to being a multiplicity of institu-
tional involvement and jurisdictional contrasts that contributed 2. Literature review
to unaccountability, overlap, ambiguity, and inconsistency in the
system (Sharma, 2003). By 2002, this issue became a major As mentioned in the previous section, in order to substantiate
challenge, needing to be urgently addressed. A major impetus the soundness of the rationale behind electricity reform, several
to this issue was provided by the findings of the Council of studies have been undertaken by various research groups. These
Australian Governments Review (COAG, 2002), recommending – studies have covered a broad range of specific objectives. How-
alongside other things – a national regulatory framework that ever, they all – whether explicitly or implicitly; fully, or partially –
could oversee and harmonise federal, State, and territory regula- aimed to assess the impacts of electricity reform on the produc-
tory frameworks. The Ministerial Council of Energy (MCE, 2003), tivity of the electricity industry and the wider economy.
in recognition of COAG Review’s recommendations, agreed on Prior to the inception of the market reform, a series of studies
establishment of a new national regulatory framework. The were carried out by a group of individuals, think tanks and
Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) and the Australian governmental bodies, in the early 1990s. Among the studies that
Energy Regulator (AER), each with well-defined tasks and respon- were conducted by individuals, one should refer to the works of
sibilities, were formed as key institutional components of the new Lawrence et al. (1990, 1991) (Swan Consultants, 1991, 1992;
regulatory framework. Zeitsch and Lawrence, 1993; Zeitsch et al., 1992). The most
Due to the changes that started in 2002 and almost completed important studies that were conducted by think tanks and
by 2006, some analysts may wish to break down the market governmental bodies included: Industry Commission (IC, 1991);
reform period into two separate periods: between 1994–2002 and London Economics (1993, Part 1); Bureau of Industry Economics
2003–present. Nonetheless, one should note that the essence of (BIE, 1992, 1994); and Electricity Supply Association of Australia
reform philosophy (i.e., promotion of competition through a (ESAA, 1992; 1994 (also known as: London Economics, Part 2)).
newly introduced bid-based market structure) and main organi- These studies – whether using a simple or sophisticated
sational setting of the industry have remained unchanged since approach; measuring partial or total factor productivity indices
the mid-1990s. Therefore, recent changes in the industry can best – mostly remarked that introduction of competition and privati-
be considered as an error-elimination stage for the entire process sation would improve the productivity of electricity industry.
of the market reform, rather than a new reform. Such stages will Intertwined with the results of the studies of the early 1990s, a
continue happening in the years to come because this is how series of anecdotal debates were going on at that time about how
human organisations evolve institutionally. to reform the electricity industry. Such debates became more
The principle rational behind the market reform has been that intense by the release of the report that was conducted by
this reform, through competition, would improve the productivity independent committee of enquiry into competition policy in
of the industry and ultimately will enhance social well-being of Australia (NCPRC, 1993). This report essentially argued that
people. Several studies have been conducted to substantiate this competition should be promoted, not only for electricity industry,
rationale. Analyses of these studies, this paper argues, have not but also for most infrastructure industries and Government
adequately accomplished this task. These studies, each using Business Enterprises (GBEs) such as gas, water, telecom, post,
either a scenario approach (applying ex-ante or ex-post counter- aviation, transport, and port authorities. In this way, the electri-
factuals) or a trend analysis, mostly assumed how the impacts of city reform was considered as an integral element of a wider
electricity reform on productivity of the industry would look like. economic reform programme of Australian governments under
Perhaps, the use of scenario approach was inevitable in the early the title of National Competition Policy (NPC). NCP called for a set
stages of implementation of the reform. However, nearly two of institutional changes (more or less) like those that as noted
decades to the reform, no alternative approach has been employed above, eventually, imposed on electricity industry.
in the context of Australia. A typical alternative approach could be Accordingly, National Electricity Market (NEM) was designed
‘hypothesis-testing’ that allows for examining the significance of the on the basis of a UK-style model of mandatory bid-base system1 .
impacts of reform-driven changes on productivity measures of the
industry. This would be possible by developing an appropriate panel 1
The United Kingdom became one of the most leading pioneers of the global
dataset, across the Australian States over a suitable time span. wave of electricity reforms of the 1990s (Sioshansi & Pfaffenberger, 2006).
Against this background, the objective of this paper is to Australia embraced this model regardless of existing oppositions. According to
examine the dynamics of productivity changes in the Australian Booth (2003), this was done while the UK was having so much trouble with its
reform model in the 1990s. Booth argued that Australia could have adopted
electricity industry on the basis of a panel dataset for the period Scandinavian model instead (p. 53). Booth, however. comments that this choice
1969–2007 across Australian States and territories. The paper can be explained by Australia’s ‘old cultural cringe’ and ‘strong ties to Britain’ (pp.
estimates various productivity measures, using Malmquist Total v-2).
R.F. Aghdam / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 3281–3295 3283

The main steps towards operationlisation of the NEM were: reform on economic performance of the wider economy that is
operation of Victoria Pool, which was known as Victorian Power essentially expressed in terms of GDP growth. In the context of
Exchange, in January 1995; formation of National Electricity Code this paper, the first group of analyses is called micro-impact studies
Administration (NECA) as regulatory administrator and National (e.g., Lawrence, Swan & Zeitsch et al., 1991; London Economics,
Electricity Market Management Company (NEMMCO) as market 1993; Whiteman, 1999), while the second group is called macro-
operator, in March 1996; operation of the New South Wales impact studies (including IC, 1995; PC, 1999; Quiggin, 1997; Short
separate State electricity market, in May 1996; harmonisation of et al., 2001; Whiteman, 1999). In turn, the impacts measured on the
these two State pools (known as NEM1), in May 1997; Queens- basis of the former are called micro-impacts, while the impacts
land’s intention to join the NEM, in December 1998 (Booth, 2003, measured on the basis of the latter are called macro-impacts. It
p. 209); completion of Queensland and South Australia connec- should also be noted that macro-impact studies generally had their
tions to the NEM by 2002; and completion of the undersea High own micro-impact analysis as well (e.g., Whiteman, 1999) or,
Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) transmission line and, hence, occasionally, results of micro-impact analysis was taken from
Tasmania’s operational connection to NEM, in May 2006. Western another study as exogenously given (e.g., PC, 1999).
Australia and Northern Territory, due to geographical distance, This paper, obviously, remains focused only on micro-impacts.
have remained unconnected. However, their individual State Table 1 provides more detailed classification for the approaches
electricity reforms have been very much coordinated with general that are used in the micro-impact studies. Each study involves
policy directions of NCP in the NEM area (i.e., New South Wales, with some kind of productivity analyses. Such analyses typically
Victoria, Queensland, and South Australia). employ either an Index Approach (IA) or a Frontier Approach (FA)
As NCP started to be implemented and NEM was forming, which measure productivity in terms of various partial or overall
debates for or against the soundness of rationales behind elec- productivity indices. As can be seen in Table 1, there are some
tricity reform not only did not end, but also became more intense. variations, across various studies, in the selection of a specific
A key turning point in such debates was the release of Industry approach. For example, Lawrence et al. (1991) apply IA for measur-
Commission report (IC, 1995). This study was undertaken by IC at ing various Partial Factor Productivities (PFPs) and Total Factor
the behest of the COAG. Its objective was to comprehensively Productivity (TFPs) (a sophisticated multilateral TFP); Whiteman
assess the economy-wide benefits (reform-induced growth and (1999) uses FA with advanced Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
revenue) of implementing a set of reforms in Australia under NCP. and Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA); Short et al. (2001) – simple
These were a set of sectoral reforms for GBEs, including electricity PFPs; and Coelli et al. (1998, pp. 221–242) – Malmquist TFP index,
industry. IC (1995) estimated that GBEs would achieve significant using Distance Function. In preparation of Table 1, while utmost care
productivity gains as a result of implementation of NCP and its is made to keep it as self-explanatory as possible, it is assumed that
related reforms and that Australian economy on average would readers are familiar with these approaches. It is beyond the scope of
gain an extra 1.39% annual growth in real GDP in comparison to this paper to elaborate these approaches but, for interested readers,
an alternative (reference) scenario where no reform is implemen- Coelli et al. (1998) would be a suitable introductory text.
ted at all (SAIIR, 2002, p. 29). Quiggin critically argued that IC’s
‘estimated productivity gains are overoptimistic’ (Quiggin, 1997). 2.2. Assessment-frameworks
As a result of Quiggin’s criticism, more empirical studies were
engaged in this debate. Key studies included: Whiteman (1999); Review of previous studies reveals that scenario analysis is the
Coelli et al. (1998, pp. 221–242); Productivity Commission (PC, most dominant and explicitly mentioned assessment-framework,
1999); Short et al. (2001); and Abbot (2006). especially after the release of Industry Commission report (IC,
In the rest of this section, previous studies (mostly those of 1995). SAIIR (2002) (p. 32) also points this out and mentions that
which focused on Australia context) are analysed in terms of their ‘the most common approach to estimate benefits of reform has
methodology for addressing such concerns and with a view to been to estimate a best practise outcome for the electricity sector,
identify a research gap. Their results are not discussed as they and then assume that reform will achieve that outcome’. This
have been mixed. Two methodological frameworks are distin- implies that impacts of electricity reform have been assessed by
guished in previous studies: (i) a framework for measuring the gap between two scenarios, namely no-reform and reform.
economic performances (either at micro- or macro-level); and The no-reform scenario consists of the continuation of the pre-
(ii) a framework for assessing to what extent change in perfor- reform trends of productivities, whereas the reform scenario
mance is due to the market reform and to what extent, to other assumes that these productivities will be improved to the best-
factors. These frameworks, in the context of this paper, are called practise benchmark.
measurement- and assessment-frameworks, respectively. This dis- The appropriateness of scenario analysis as a methodological
tinction has not been made explicit in the reviewed studies, framework has however been subject of critical debate, since 1995,
perhaps because these frameworks are often tightly intertwined when the IC report was released. It is argued by critics that scenario
with each other. This paper, however, contends that this distinc- analysis suffers from a methodological weakness in assessing the
tion is useful because it allows a more comprehensive approach impacts of electricity reform. Such a weakness, according to the
for assessing industry’s performance, and for ascertaining the critics, relates mainly to the fact that this framework is not able to
institutional impacts of electricity reform on industry perfor- specify ‘what changes in practices need to take place, that reform
mance. The following sub-sections help to further substantiate will induce the Australian y electricity industry y to emulate the
this matter. performance of the benchmark enterprise’ (Quiggin, 1997, p. 258,
italics added). While the assessment-framework should be able to
2.1. Measurement-frameworks address this issue, the scenario analysis assumes these gains as
somewhat granted as a result of reform. This assumption, critics
Analysis of previous studies can be divided into two groups: argue, ‘involves a substantial leap of faith’ (SAIIR, 2002, p. 32) that
(a) analyses of the impacts of electricity reform on economic has inflated the estimated benefits of electricity reform (see also
performance of the electricity industry that is essentially Johnson and Rix, 1991, pp. 130–134).
expressed in terms of productivity gains; (b) analyses – relying Although the methodological weaknesses of scenario analysis
largely on the results of the first set of studies (either exogenously are revealed by some of the critics, the recommendations pro-
given or carried out independently) – of the impacts of electricity vided by these critics have not given any significant guidance.
3284 R.F. Aghdam / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 3281–3295

Table 1
Classification of existing studies in terms of their measurement- and assessment-frameworksa.
Source: adopted from Fathollahzadeh (2006).
Benchmarking Scope

Index Approach (IA) Frontier Approach (FA)

Partial Index Number Overall Index Number Behavioural Framework Axiomatic Framework
PFP Sophisticated PFP TFP Sophisticated TFP e.g. Cost Minimisation Distance Function

Partial Index Overall Index

Lawrence et al. (1990) Lawrence et al. (1990)


Lawrence et al. (1991) Lawrence et al. (1991) Abbot (2006)

Zeitch et al. (1992)
ESAA (1992) ESAA (1992) Coelli (1998) Coelli (1998)
Murtough et al. (2001) Murtough et al. (2001)
Swan Constultant (1991) Swan Constultant (1991)

BIE (1992) BIE (1992) BIE (1992)

London Economics (1993) London Economics (1993) London Economics (1993) ESAA (1994), London Economics
Part 1 Part 1 Part 1 Part 2

Short et al. (2001)

This Paper

IC (1995) IC (1995)
Whiteman (1999)

All studies, except this paper, adopted either ‘scenario analysis’ or ‘trend analysis’ as their assessment-framework.

Essentially, this is because the recommendations have focused on scenario analysis, years after implementation of the market
highlighting the weaknesses in the measurement-frameworks of reform. A minor breakthrough could be found in Short et al.
the previous studies and the sensitivity of the measured produc- (2001) that developed ex-post counterfactuals, while still using a
tivity gains to the assumptions behind counterfactuals (reform/ similar scenario analysis. In this study, reform scenario was the
no-reform scenarios) which are often subjective. For example, actual trend, while no-reform scenario was estimated on the basis
with regard to IC (1995), Quiggin (1997, p. 256) argues that the of some (subjective) assumptions. Abbott (2006), which is the
‘estimated productivity gains are overoptimistic, representing most recently cited article on this topic using a trend analysis as
upper bounds to possible achievement rather than likely out- its assessment-framework, has also made no significant break-
comes’. Consequently, for instance, Quiggin (1997, p. 258) urges through. In fact, despite valid criticisms, none of the studies have
‘the choice of an appropriate benchmark’ and SAIIR (2002, p. 32) adopted any alternative assessment-framework.
similarly recommends the adoption of ‘more reliable estimates of To sum up this discussion on methodology, one can note that,
a best practise benchmark’. in the literature, attentions have been paid to conceptual and
These recommendations, while useful, do not adequately methodological weaknesses of conventional productivity ana-
reflect the methodological weaknesses of scenario analysis as a lyses. This triggered some improvements. These improvements
distinct assessment-framework. As a result, responses to the however, in the context of the reviewed studies (Australia),
criticisms have all focused on the adoption of an alternative appear to be highly imbalanced, inadequate and skewed towards
measurement-framework, but almost all of the studies continued measurement-frameworks. Application of more advanced mea-
using scenario analysis as their assessment-framework. For surement-framework does not necessarily imply a better assess-
instance, Whiteman (1999), in responding to Quiggin’s criticism, ment. Their theoretical underpinnings – intertwined with free
carried out another study applying two alternative measurement- market philosophy and economic rationalism – render most of
frameworks (i.e., DEA and SFA), but using the same assessment- these studies normative and subjective rather than positive and
framework (i.e., scenario analysis). Although Whiteman’s use of objective. With regard to assessment-frameworks, improvements
SFA was due to its advantage in making allowances for data noise have been trivial. Observations revealed that only trend analysis
and errors, the results became even more paradoxical. In fact, and scenario approach were employed.
theoretically the inefficiency measured by SFA is supposed to be A robust assessment-framework should indeed allow for test-
less than that from DEA (SAIIR, 2002, p. 21), whereas the results ing hypotheses against a suitable panel dataset. Panel should
from SFA in Whiteman’s study, in contrast, were almost double include both reformed and no-reformed firms/industries. In this
the results from DEA. way, dataset would contain actual counterfactuals rather than
Perhaps, application of scenario analysis, using ext-ante coun- those of which are developed on the basis of subjective assump-
terfactuals, is known as inevitable for assessing reform-impacts, tions. In panel, a productivity measure is a quantitative variable,
prior to, or in the early stages of implementation of a reform. For whereas reform/no-reform state of a firm/industry is a qualitative
instance, IC (1995), Quiggin (1997) and Whiteman (1999) were variable—in some texts called environment variable (Coelli et al.,
among such analyses. In these studies, potential impacts of the 1998, pp. 166–171). Each qualitative variable can be associated
market reform were subject of assessment, while there were no with a reform-driven institutional change as described earlier.
historical data available (at least, inside Australia) to conduct such Such variables can be captured by well-defined dummy (binary)
assessment. However, more studies continued applying similar variables. Consequently, examination of the causality between
R.F. Aghdam / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 3281–3295 3285

quantitative variables (productivity measures) and qualitative The Constant Return to Scale (CRS) technology is assumed for
variables (reform-driven institutional change) can be reduced to all models. This assumption, according to Grifell-Tatjé and Lovell
development of an appropriate set of ‘hypothesis-testing’. (1995), avoids the interpretational problem that is encountered
Such a methodology can be found in, for instance, Färe et al. with TFP changes, when the Variable Return to Scale (VRS)
(1985), Atkinson and Halvorsen (1986). These studies employed technology is assumed. In the case of VRS, the estimated TFP
useful assessment-frameworks that allowed for testing signifi- changes using the approach used in this paper may not properly
cance of ownership type (private vs. public) on productivity reflect the TFP gains or losses (see also, Coelli et al., 1998, p. 224).
measures. Pollitt (1995) also adopted similar assessment-frame- It should be mentioned that, in this paper, the following
work and evaluated the impacts of privatisation, restructuring criteria are imposed on the process of assigning inputs and
and management-reform on productivity of electricity industry. outputs in every model:
These studies used several parametric and non-parametric tech-
niques for this purpose, including ANOVA. Steiner (2000) and (i) An input is a factor for which, if other factors remain constant,
Hattori and Tsutsui (2004) are also among studies which using less of it would be more desirable for the firm/industry
employed a useful parametric approach, as assessment-frame- and
work. Hattori and Tsutsui (2004), for instance, focused on the (ii) An output is a factor for which, if other factors remain
impacts of electricity reform on electricity prices, as the most constant, making more of it would be more desirable for the
important constituent of productivity gains, in the context of firm/industry.
OECD countries. The study tested the impacts of functional
unbundling, private ownership, retail access (i.e., third party
access to the network which is one of key elements of recent In this way, inputs and outputs are treated slightly different
regulatory reform) and establishment of wholesale market on from what conventionally considered as inputs and outputs of a
electricity price. system. On the basis of these criteria, physical inputs and outputs
Following studies of this sort, this paper adopts ‘hypothesis- (e.g., labour, capital and electricity generated) are assigned as
testing’ as its main assessment-framework. In addition, ‘conven- they have traditionally been assigned in most studies. This is
tional trend analysis’ also accompanies ‘hypothesis-testing’ for while, financial data (expenditure, revenue, or price/cost related
analysing dynamics of TFP changes by its decompositions. data) are assigned differently from conventional ways2. For
example, ‘average price’ is considered as an input, because the
lower prices would be reflecting more productive industry and,
3. Model structure hence, more desirable. Along these lines, data requirement would
be less cumbersome than conventional TFP analysis.
As noted in Section 2, methodological framework of this paper The key point behind these criteria is that they classify inputs
has two folds. This section, hence, describes the structure of the and outputs in a way that is consistent with the axioms of feasible
models in two sub-sections, as follows: output set as described in Coelli et al. (p. 62). Throughout this
process of modelling, there is no need to adopt explicit beha-
vioural assumption for firms such as profit maximisation or cost
3.1. The measurement-framework minimisation (1998, p. 221). Further, these criteria imply that,
unlike conventional modelling processes, one can measure tech-
This paper follows Coelli et al. (1998, pp. 221–242) for its nical and non-technical (i.e., allocative or economic) efficiencies
measurement-framework. It measures various TFPs of the Aus- using the same process of modelling. In this way, it is the
tralian electricity industry on the basis of (input-oriented) Malm- interpretation of efficiency measures that varies from model to
quist index. This index, using the concept of Distance Function model. While one model may measure ‘pure technical efficiency’,
(Coelli et al., 1998, pp. 67–67 & 222–232), is modelled as follows: one may measure ‘economic (price) efficiency’. Table 2, describes
" #1=2 the input–output configuration of eight (8) models that are
dt ðyt ,xt Þ dt1 ðyt ,xt Þ dt1 ðyt1 ,xt1 Þ
mi ðyt1 ,xt1 ; yt ,xt Þ ¼ t1 i i
developed for this paper. In this Table, the interpretations of
di ðyt1 ,xt1 Þ dti ðyt ,xt Þ dti ðyt1 ,xt1 Þ
efficiency measures for each model are indicated. As can be noted
ð1Þ from Table 2, models are configured at two (2) levels of aggrega-
where x is the vector of inputs; y is the vector of outputs; mi tion, namely entire industry (Models 1–4); and thermal genera-
represents TFP change; and dt1 ðyt ,xt Þ, for example, represents the tion (Models 5–8). Due to low quality and quantity of data for
(input-oriented) distance of a representative firm at year t from network segment of the industry, no model is configured for
the Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) at year t  1. transmission and distribution sub-sectors.
PPF estimates the best practiced productivities in a certain The Malmquist TFP index holds three important properties that
year, given the available technology. Each input–output data- make it useful for the purpose of this paper. More specifically, this
point ðyt ,xt Þ, located on PPF, refer to firms that are performing at index is: (i) based on a dynamic framework; (ii) more data-friendly;
highest efficiency. Data-points that are falling away from PPF are (iii) free from conventional microeconomics behavioural assump-
belonged to firms that are performing inefficient. Distance Func- tions (i.e., profit maximisation or cost minimisation) as imposed on
tion of dt(yt, xt), therefore, estimates comparative efficiency (or conventional modelling; and (iv) decomposable into efficiency
inefficiency) of firms, which range between zero and one. Dis- change and technological change (see Eq. (1), above). The forth
tance Functions of d  1(yt, xt) and dt(yt  1, xt  1) have also applica- property, in particular, allows for decomposing, say, TFP growth into
tions for capturing the dynamics of productivity changes. those of which are due to comparative efficiency gains (moving
In Eq. (1), mi measures TFP changes. A value of mi greater than towards the PPF) and those of which are due to technological
one indicates positive TFP growth from year t 1 to year t, while a improvements (shifts in PPF). In such decomposition, it is logical
value of mi less than one indicates a negative TFP growth. The to think that comparative efficiency gains would be the most
ratio outside the square brackets in Eq. (1) measures the com- desirable outcome of introducing ‘competition’. This allows for
parative efficiency change between years t and t 1—relative
proximity to PPF. The remaining part of Eq. (1) is a measure of 2
See Zeitsch et al. (1992), ESAA (1994), Coelli et al. (1998, pp. 161–165 &
technological change—shifts in the PPF. 209–112) for models that included financial data in conventional ways.
3286 R.F. Aghdam / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 3281–3295

Table 2
Input–output configuration of models.

Model Time period Level of Interpretation of No. inputs Inputs No. outputs Outputs
aggregation comparative efficiency

1 1969–2007 ESI Pure technical 4 X1, X3, X5, X6 1 Y1

2 1969–2002 ESI Pure technical 5 X1, X3, X5, X6, X7 1 Y1
3 1969–2007 ESI Economic (price) 5 X1, X3, X5, X6, X8 1 Y1
4 1969–2002 ESI Economic (price) 6 X1, X3, X5, X6, X7, X8 1 Y1
5 1969–2007 TG Pure technical 2 X2, X4 1 Y2
6 1969–2002 TG Pure technical 3 X2, X4, X7 1 Y2
7 1969–2007 TG Economic (price) 3 X2, X4, X8 1 Y2
8 1969–2002 TG Economic (price) 4 X2, X4, X7, X8 1 Y2

Notes: ESI: the entire electricity industry, TG: the thermal generation segment, T&D: the transmission and distribution, X1: Energy input—ESI (terajoules), X2: fuel
input—TG (terajoules), X3: installed capacity—ESI (MW), X4: installed capacity—TG (MW), X5: network capacity—T&D (MVA), X6: network length—T&D (Km), X7:
labour—ESI (persons), X8: average price ($/MWh), Y1: final electricity supply/consumption (GWh), Y2: thermal electricity generation (GWh).

examining the extents of which competition policies (NCP) have Table 3

proven success. This will be possible by developing appropriate Periods of which dummy variables score the value 1 in each State.
hypotheses against ‘efficiency gains’ that could possibility be asso-
S1 S2 R1 O1 O2
ciated to an institutional change, which is captured by a dummy
variable (see Section 3.2, below). NSW 1994–2007 1996–2007 2006–2007 1991–2007 –
VIC 1993–2007 1995–2007 2006–2007 1990–1995 1996–2007
QLD 1995–2007 1998–2007 2006–2007 – –
3.2. The assessment-framework SA 1997–2007 1998–2007 2006–2007 1995–1998 1999–2007
WA 2003–2007 2006–2007 2006–2007 – –
Five dummy variables are introduced by this paper to capture key TAS 1998–2007 2006–2007 2006–2007 – –
institutional changes that have taken place since the early 1990s: NT – – 2006–2007 – –
Australia 1993–2007 1995–2007 2006–2007 1990–1995 1996–2007

(1) Organisational structure, S1: the value is 1 if functionally

unbundled, and 0 if vertically integrated;
(2) Market structure, S2: the value is 1 if mandatory bid-base, and pp. 310, 321–322). This is a non-parametric ANOVA test, based on
0 if traditional order-of-merit; F-Stat. Färe et al. (1985) employs a number of alternative non-
(3) Regulatory framework, R1: the value is 1 if national, and 0 if parametric tests, namely Kruskal–Wallis, median scores, Van der
State-based; Waerden and Savage score. Such tests are based on w2-Stat. This
(4) Public corporate ownership, O1: the value is 1 if ownership paper relies only on the ANOVA test.
type is Public Corporate (PC), and 0 if otherwise (including
public (Pu) and private (Pr) ownership);
(5) Private ownership, O2: the value is 1 if private ownership, and
4. Dataset
0 if otherwise (i.e., Pu and PC ownership).
In this paper, a panel dataset for eight States/territories – for
Table 3 shows the periods of which these variables score the simplicity, hereafter, are called States – over the period 1969–
value 1. Using these dummy variables, the measured efficiencies 2007 is developed. The data for inputs (Xs) and outputs (Ys) of
(symbolized by Z) are classified in different groups over time and various State electricity industries, corresponding to those listed
space. This allows for testing whether the mean value of com- in Table 2, are obtained mostly from the Energy Supply Associa-
parative efficiency measures of the industry have significantly tion of Australia3 (ESAA various-a; ESAA, various-b) publications
improved as a result of the institutional changes that are captured in various years. In this section, key considerations about the
by the above-mentioned dummy variables. All tests are one-tailed. dataset are explained.
The following set of hypotheses is designed for this purpose: The inputs and outputs of the Snowy Mountain Scheme – on
( (
H0 : ZS1 ¼ 0 ¼ ZS1 ¼ 1 H0 : ZS2 ¼ 0 ¼ ZS2 ¼ 1 the basis of EANSW (1986) and also according to the assumption
ðiÞ ðiiÞ made by Whiteman (1999) – are divided between the two States
H1 : ZS1 ¼ 0 r ZS1 ¼ 1 H1 : ZS2 ¼ 0 r ZS2 ¼ 1
( ( (NSW and Victoria) in the ratios 23 and 13, respectively. The
H0 : ZR1 ¼ 0 ¼ ZR1 ¼ 1 H0 : ZO1 ¼ 0 ¼ ZO1 ¼ 1 Australian Capital Territory (ACT) is merged with NSW and
ðiiiÞ ðivÞ
H1 : ZR1 ¼ 0 r ZR1 ¼ 1 H1 : ZO1 ¼ 0 r ZO1 ¼ 1 collectively is regarded as one State, named NSW hereafter.
( Therefore, the cross-section of the panel data includes: NSW,
H0 : ZO2 ¼ 0 ¼ ZO2 ¼ 1
ðvÞ ð2Þ Victoria (VIC), Queensland (QLD), South Australia (SA), Western
H1 : ZO2 ¼ 0 r ZO2 ¼ 1
Australia (WA), Tasmania (TAS), and the Northern Territory (NT).
where, for instance, hypothesis (2 i) is designed to assess the Fuel inputs data (X2) refers to energy content of fossil fuels
impacts of ‘organisational restructuring’ (captured by dummy vari- (e.g., oil products and gas) that are consumed by thermal
able S1) on efficiency measures. In this hypothesis, ZS1 ¼ 0 and ZS1 ¼ 1 electricity plants. This data is readily available in ESAA publica-
refer to mean value of efficiency within ‘vertically integrated’ and tions. Energy input data (X1), in contrast, are not provided by
‘functionally unbundled’ firms, respectively. Null hypothesis (H0), ESAA. This, according to a definition often used in ‘energy
hence, refers to this statement that ‘there is no significant difference balances’, refer to total energy content that are required to
between mean of efficiency measures within firms with different produce gross electricity if entirely produced by fossil fuels. In
organisational structures (i.e., ZS1 ¼ 0 and ZS1 ¼ 1 )’. These tests are
easily doable using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) technique for 3
Prior to 2004, ESAA was the name of Electricity Supply Association of
unequal numbers of observations as described in Spiegel (1988, Australia.
R.F. Aghdam / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 3281–3295 3287

this definition, average energy efficiency of thermal plants is used seems to be not problematic because, according to most of the
to calculate equivalent energy content of primary energy for previous studies, labour productivities have shown continuous
producing non-fossil electricity (e.g., hydro, solar and wind). improvement over time and across States. What is more worri-
Labour force data (X7) is no longer produced by ESAA in a some in this respect is the fact that the existing labour data,
consistent way, since 2003. This has caused a significant loss of especially in recent years (after 1998), does not include out-
observation (2003–2007) for the models that include labour sourced contractors. This implies that many measured labour
variable as an input (Models 2, 4, 6 and 8). This variable, hence, productivities in previous studies entail overestimation.
is not included in some models of this paper (Models 1, 3, 5 and With regards to financial data (e.g., expenditure, revenue), ESAA
7), in order to utilise non-labour data for 2003–2007. This issue no longer provides consistent time series. This, just like labour data,

Table 4
Summary of statistics of efficiency measures and the results of hypothesis tests—State efficiency measures are averaged for Australia.

Type of efficiency level of Technical-ESI Technical-ESI Cost-ESI Cost-ESI Technical-TG Technical-TG Cost-TG Cost-TG
aggregation model Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7 Model 8

Number of observations
Total 39 34 39 34 39 34 39 34
Organisational structure (S1)
Vertically integrated 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
functionally unbundled 15 10 15 10 15 10 15 10
Market structure (S2)
Order-of-merit Mechanism 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29
Bid-base system 10 5 10 5 10 5 10 5
Ownership arrangement (O1 and O2)
Public 9 14 9 14 9 14 9 14
Public Corporate 18 13 18 13 18 13 18 13
Private 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7
Regulatory framework (R1)
State-base 37 34 37 34 37 34 37 34
National 2 0 2 0 2 0 2 0
Mean of efficiencies
Total 0.9547 0.9528 0.9641 0.9619 0.9336 0.9416 0.9354 0.9434
Organisational structure (S1)
Vertically integrated 0.9413 0.9419 0.9535 0.9540 0.9353 0.9437 0.9380 0.9461
functionally unbundled 0.9763 0.9788 0.9812 0.9810 0.9311 0.9365 0.9314 0.9370
Market structure (S2)
Order-of-merit mechanism 0.9481 0.9490 0.9591 0.9595 0.9367 0.9437 0.9391 0.9458
Bid-base system 0.9739 0.9748 0.9788 0.9760 0.9249 0.9294 0.9249 0.9294
Ownership arrangement (O1 and O2)
Public 0.8870 0.9181 0.9109 0.9371 0.9454 0.9509 0.9509 0.9539
Public corporate 0.9761 0.9780 0.9804 0.9799 0.9307 0.9348 0.9319 0.9364
Private 0.9736 0.9753 0.9797 0.9783 0.9292 0.9356 0.9292 0.9356
Regulatory framework (R1)
State-base 0.9536 0.9528 0.9632 0.9619 0.9350 0.9416 0.9369 0.9434
national 0.9755 – 0.9805 – 0.9080 – 0.9080 –
Standard deviation
Total 0.0248 0.0247 0.0211 0.0208 0.0215 0.0207 0.0213 0.0195
Organisational structure (S1)
Vertically integrated 0.0210 0.0210 0.0195 0.0195 0.0237 0.0221 0.0232 0.0204
Functionally unbundled 0.0118 0.0066 0.0088 0.0067 0.0179 0.0165 0.0179 0.0163
Market structure (S2)
Order-of-merit mechanism 0.0247 0.0248 0.0217 0.0216 0.0221 0.0205 0.0215 0.0188
Bid-base system 0.0124 0.0043 0.0097 0.0051 0.0179 0.0193 0.0179 0.0193
Ownership arrangement (O1 and O2)
Public 0.0020 0.0151 0.0037 0.0086 0.0138 0.0131 0.0139 0.0138
Public corporate 0.0108 0.0061 0.0082 0.0062 0.0165 0.0151 0.0166 0.0148
Private 0.0117 0.0039 0.0091 0.0060 0.0190 0.0190 0.0190 0.0190
Regulatory framework (R1)
State-base 0.0245 0.0247 0.0209 0.0208 0.0211 0.0207 0.0208 0.0195
national 0.0304 – 0.0233 – 0.0099 – 0.0099 –

Test 1 (S1)—Ho: no significant difference between mean of efficiencies within firms with different organisational structure.
F-value 34.5682 29.1171 25.3516 17.1812 0.3436 0.8555 0.8703 1.5549
Pr(F) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 0.5613 0.3619 0.3569 0.2215
Test 2 (S2)—Ho: no significant difference between mean of efficiencies within firms with different market structure.
F-value 9.9010 5.2620 7.2268 2.6481 2.3000 2.1086 3.4997 3.2257
Pr(F) 0.0033 0.0285 0.0107 0.1135 0.1379 0.1562 0.0693 0.0819
Test 3 (R1)—Ho: no significant difference between mean of efficiencies within firms with different regulatory framework.
F-value 1.4956 – 1.2320 – 3.1712 – 3.7424 –
Pr(F) 0.2291 – 0.2742 – 0.0832 – 0.0607 –
Test 4 (O1)—Ho: no significant difference between mean of efficiencies within firms with different ownership (public corporate vs. otherwise).
F-value 68.5584 63.5185 37.5596 27.2384 0.6101 2.3893 0.9232 2.8849
Pr(F) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.4397 0.1320 0.3429 0.0991
Test 5 (O2)—Ho: no significant difference between mean of efficiencies within firms with different ownership (private vs. otherwise)
F-value 13.2151 9.1211 11.5267 5.9931 0.7460 0.7417 1.5190 1.4418
Pr(F) 0.0008 0.0049 0.0017 0.0200 0.3933 0.3955 0.2255 0.2387
3288 R.F. Aghdam / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 3281–3295

Table 5
Summary of statistics of efficiency measures and the results of hypothesis tests—efficiency measures, at State levels.

Type of efficiency level of Technical-ESI Technical-ESI Cost-ESI Cost-ESI Technical-TG Technical-TG Cost-TG Cost-TG
aggregation Model Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7 Model 8

Number of observations
Total 273 238 273 238 273 238 273 238
Organisational structure (S1)
Vertically integrated 205 200 205 200 205 200 205 200
Functionally unbundled 68 38 68 38 68 38 68 38
Market structure (S2)
Order-of-merit mechanism 224 213 224 213 224 213 224 213
Bid-base system 49 25 49 25 49 25 49 25
Ownership arrangement (O1 and O 2)
Public 225 205 225 205 225 205 225 205
Public corporate 27 22 27 22 27 22 27 22
Private 21 11 21 11 21 11 21 11
Regulatory framework (R1)
State-base 259 238 259 238 259 238 259 238
National 14 0 14 0 14 0 14 0
Mean of efficiencies
Total 0.9548 0.9527 0.9642 0.9619 0.9336 0.9416 0.9353 0.9434
Organisational structure (S1)
Vertically integrated 0.9446 0.9445 0.9546 0.9547 0.9271 0.9367 0.9293 0.9388
Functionally unbundled 0.9855 0.9961 0.9929 1.0000 0.9533 0.9672 0.9535 0.9676
Market structure (S2)
Order-of-merit mechanism 0.9480 0.9479 0.9572 0.9574 0.9261 0.9364 0.9282 0.9384
Bid-base system 0.9858 0.9940 0.9959 1.0000 0.9678 0.9861 0.9679 0.9862
Ownership arrangement (O1 and O 2)
Public 0.9465 0.9458 0.9566 0.9558 0.9248 0.9355 0.9265 0.9371
Public corporate 0.9943 0.9939 1.0000 1.0000 0.9829 0.9817 0.9866 0.9862
Private 0.9930 1.0000 0.9987 1.0000 0.9647 0.9745 0.9647 0.9745
Regulatory framework (R1)
State-base 0.9536 0.9527 0.9633 0.9619 0.9350 0.9416 0.9368 0.9434
National 0.9756 – 0.9804 – 0.9079 – 0.9079 –
Standard deviation
Total 0.0645 0.0668 0.0527 0.0539 0.0756 0.0723 0.0766 0.0732
Organisational structure (S1)
Vertically integrated 0.0690 0.0697 0.0556 0.0560 0.0768 0.0727 0.0782 0.0738
Functionally unbundled 0.0336 0.0137 0.0275 0.0000 0.0688 0.0655 0.0689 0.0657
Market structure (S2)
Order-of-merit mechanism 0.0678 0.0688 0.0549 0.0553 0.0775 0.0740 0.0789 0.0751
Bid-base system 0.0324 0.0166 0.0225 0.0000 0.0551 0.0305 0.0552 0.0305
Ownership arrangement (O1 and O 2)
Public 0.0305 0.0502 0.0470 0.0543 0.0004 0.0002 0.0002 0.0004
Public corporate 0.0166 0.0162 0.0000 0.0000 0.0278 0.0297 0.0283 0.0304
Private 0.0164 0.0000 0.0059 0.0000 0.0452 0.0397 0.0452 0.0397
Regulatory framework (R1)
State-base 0.0652 0.0668 0.0531 0.0539 0.0747 0.0723 0.0757 0.0732
National 0.0480 – 0.0438 – 0.0905 – 0.0905 –

Test 1 (S1)—Ho: no significant difference between mean of efficiencies within firms with different organisational structure.
F-value 22.1683 20.6314 29.8039 24.8353 6.2771 5.8111 5.1715 5.0297
Pr(F) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0128 0.0167 0.0237 0.0258
Test 2 (S2)—Ho: no significant difference between mean of efficiencies within firms with different market structure.
F-value 14.4638 11.1467 23.3832 14.7485 12.7490 11.0304 11.1578 9.9093
Pr(F) 0.0002 0.0010 0.0000 0.0002 0.0004 0.0010 0.0010 0.0019
Test 3 (R1)—Ho: no significant difference between mean of efficiencies within firms with different regulatory framework.
F-value 1.5357 - 1.4072 - 1.7144 - 1.9070 -
Pr(F) 0.2163 – 0.2366 – 0.1915 – 0.1684 –
Test 4 (O1)—Ho: no significant difference between mean of efficiencies within firms with different ownership (public corporate vs. otherwise).
F-value 13.2151 9.1211 11.5267 5.9931 0.7460 0.7417 1.5190 1.4418
Pr(F) 0.0008 0.0049 0.0017 0.0200 0.3933 0.3955 0.2255 0.2387
Test 5 (O2)—Ho: no significant difference between mean of efficiencies within firms with different ownership (private vs. otherwise)
F-value 8.1932 5.8974 10.0950 5.8736 3.8834 2.4121 3.3617 2.0978
Pr(F) 0.0045 0.0159 0.0017 0.0161 0.0498 0.1217 0.0678 0.1488

has caused unbalanced data-availability for the models that include 2003 to 2007, for NEM States (i.e., NSW, VIC, QLD, SA, and TAS), this
financial data. Real average electricity price (X8)4 seems to be the variable is replaced with volume-weighted average prices of the
most reliable variable that is available and, hence, can be included in wholesale electricity market (i.e., NEM). It should be noted that
the models. There are, however, some considerations that must be proportionate volume-shares of Snowy are not included in this
mentioned here. From 1969 to 2002, nominal average price was variable for NSW and VIC. In order to have a consistent time series
calculated as ‘total revenue’ divided by ‘total consumption’. From for the Northern Territory during 2003–2007, data from annual
reports of Power and Water Corporation (PWC various years) are
used. These reports provide original figures of ‘total revenue’ and
This is calculated as nominal prices divided by average annual State-CPIs ‘total consumption’ for NT between 2003 and 2007. As for WA, ESAA
(1990 ¼100). State-CPIs are extracted from ABS (2010). (2004, 2005) has provided the average price data for 2003 and 2004.
R.F. Aghdam / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 3281–3295 3289

Table 6
Summary of test results about impact of reform-driven institutional changes on efficiency measures of the Australian electricity industry.

Industry State-based measures (State levels) Averaged measures at national level

segment M. efficiency/change S1 S2 R1 O1 O2 S1 S2 R1 O1 O2

ESI 1 Pure technical efficiency nnnn nnn nl nnn nn nnnn nn nl nnnn nnn
2 Pure technical efficiency nnnn nnn – nn n nnnn n – nnnn nn
3 Economic (price) efficiency nnnn nnnn nl nnn nn nnnn nn nl nnnn nn
4 Economic (price) efficiency nnnn nnn – nnn n nnn nl – nnnn n
TG 5 Pure technical efficiency n nnn nl nnn n nl nl nl nl nl
6 Pure technical efficiency n nn – nn nl nl nl – nl nl
7 Economic (price) efficiency n nnn nl nnn nl nl nl nl nl nl
8 Economic (price) efficiency n nn – nn nl nl nl – nl nl

Notes: nnnn, nnn, nn, n imply that null hypothesis is rejected at 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, and 0.5 level of significance, respectively.‘nl’ implies that null hypothesis is not rejected.‘-’
implies that test is not applicable due to lack of data.

For 2006 and 2007, the volume-weighted average of MCAP5 and (captured by S1, S2, R1, O1, and O2 variables) on various efficiency
STEM6 price is calculated for this purpose using data provided by measures of the Australian electricity industry. As can be noted
WA Independent Market Operator (IOM, 2008). the impacts are mixed.
Finally, dummy variables (Table 3) are gathered from various For efficiency measures which are averaged for the whole
sources and the author’s personal communications with institutions Australia, the results reveal that the efficiency gains at the level of
and industry professionals. At the national level, dummy variables entire electricity industry, to large extents, are driven by func-
are generally implying the same interpretation as described for tional unbundling and public corporatisation, and to a lesser
States. However, as States are not synchronized, the variable-values extent, by market restructuring and privatisation. In these, state-
are assigned 1, if at least one State-base dummy variable has taken ment and similar statements to come in this section of the paper,
the value 1. For example, variable S1 is taking value 1 for 1993–2007 the extents of each impact are made quantitative, by the level of
and value 0 otherwise (see the last row of Table 3). significance.7 In Table 6, this is shown by the number of ‘n’
regarding the result of each test. The results, further, reveal that
regulatory reform has made insignificant contribution to effi-
5. Empirical results
ciency gains and that none of the reform-driven changes has
made any significant contribution to country-wide (average)
All models of this paper are run by the DEAP programme
efficiency measures, at the levels of generation.
developed by Professor Coelli of University of Queensland (Coelli,
For efficiency measures at their (original) State-level data-
1996). The results of ANOVA are calculated using Microsoft Excel
points (Table 5), the results reveal that the efficiency gains at the
programme. This section discusses the results. Findings of
level of entire electricity industry are driven by functional
hypothesis-testings are presented in Section 5.1. This is followed
unbundling, to a large extent; market restructuring and public
by a discussion, in Section 5.2, on main findings about dynamics
corporatisation, to a lesser extent; and privatisation, to a far lower
of TFP changes, where TFP trends are analysed by their decom-
extent. Regulatory reform has shown insignificant contribution to
positions, using trend analysis. The discussion of this section is
efficiency gains. At the level of thermal generation, efficiency
limited to the most intriguing findings at national and State
gains are relatively more attributable to market restructuring and
levels. The results are selective to conserve space. Full results in
public corporatisation and, to a lesser extent, functional unbund-
tabular form are available from the author on request.
ling. At this level, regulatory reform and privatisation have made
insignificant contribution to efficiency gains.
5.1. Findings of hypotheses-testings
5.2. Dynamics of TFP changes
Table 4 provides a summary of statistics for various compara-
tive efficiency measures (averaged for the whole Australia), for
The findings in Section 5.1 were exclusive about comparative
the sample, as well as being aggregated over data-groups, where
efficiency gains of the market reform (1994-present) because, as
different types of organisational structure, market structure,
noted in Section 3, such efficiency gains should be a logical outcome
regulatory framework, and ownership arrangement are observed.
of implementation of competition policy (NCP). Thus, it deserved
Each efficiency measure at the whole national level is calculated
such a careful and detailed assessment. However, apart from
on the basis of geometrical mean of efficiency measures of State-
comparative efficiency gains, the impacts of reform can also be
level data-points in each year. The number of observations,
realised in terms of improvements in TFP measures. Improvements
means, and standard deviations of the comparative efficiencies
of TFP measures may be caused by, e.g., technological developments
are presented in Table 4. Further, the results of the five hypoth-
(shifts in PPF). 8The models of this paper allow analysis of the
eses tests (as described in Section 3.2) are presented by F-value
dynamics of TFP changes by two components, namely comparative
and F-probability in Table 4.
Table 5 shows similar summary for comparative efficiency
measures at State levels. This is a summary of entire State-level Statistically speaking, level of significance refers to probability of Type-I error
data-points that includes total of 273 observations in Models 1, 3, – probability of rejecting a hypothesis, when it should be accepted – which is
quantified by Pr(F) as indicated in Tables 4 and 5. The smaller the amount of such
5 and 7; and 238 observations in Models 2, 4, 6 and 8.
probability is regarded as the larger the extent of the reform impact, because it
Table 6 further summarises tests-results of Tables 4 and 5, implies that the differences between mean variables, before and after a reform
regarding the impacts of reform-driven institutional changes change, are more meaningful, in statistical sense.
There is yet another source of TFP changes, such as changes in scale efficiency
that may occur as a result of economies of scale. In this paper, as the CRS
Marginal cost of administrative price. technology is assumed (See Section 3), such efficiency, in this paper’s models, is
Short term energy market. embedded in CRC efficiency measures and is not decomposed.
3290 R.F. Aghdam / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 3281–3295

efficiency changes and technological changes. This analysis is made Fig. 1 shows trends of the Australian electricity industry TFP by
over a time period that not only covers the market reform period States, corresponding to Model 3, where economic (price) effi-
(1994–2007), but also includes the internal reforms period (1986– ciency is incorporated in measuring the TFP at the level of entire
1993) and considerable portion of the industry consolidation period electricity industry. This figure generally reveals that the magni-
(1969–1985). Understanding the dynamics of TFP changes is useful tude and direction of productivity changes across States have
for truly assessing the impact of the market reform on productivity been mixed. State TFPs are ranked differently over the past years
of the industry. This section is devoted to discuss the most intriguing (1969–2007). Average national TFP (thicker line —scaled on the
findings of this analysis. right) generally shows an increasing trend in productivity of the









0.6 0.9

Fig. 1. TFP by States in Australia, corresponding to the Model 3. (Note: Australia average (AUS) is scaled on the right).


3.6 1.85




0.6 0.85


















Fig. 2. TFP by States in Australia, corresponding to the Model 4. (Note: Australia average (AUS) is scaled on the right).
R.F. Aghdam / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 3281–3295 3291

Australian electricity industry. Some declines in average national Figs. 2 and 3 show trends of the overall TFPs by States,
TFP are notable during the 1970s and the early 1980s. These, corresponding to Models 4 and 8, respectively. In these models,
according to many analysts, can be associated to external inter- economic (price) efficiency is used in measuring the TFP at the
national events, particularly the oil shocks of the 1970s (see, e.g., levels of entire electricity industry and thermal generation,
Beardow 2002). respectively. Tasmania TFP is excluded from Fig. 3 because it
The sudden increase of TFPs in 2003–2004, which is followed predominantly generates its electricity from hydro-powers.
by a sharp decline soon after, is difficult to interpret. Similar There is, at least, one common finding in Figs. 1–3 and that is
pulsations are observed in the models that labour input (X7) is that TFP measures show a faster increasing trend from 1985 to
excluded (due to lack of data) but a longer observation-period 1998. This is intriguing because no one can conclude that TFP gains
(1969–2007) is included. This pulsation can be mainly related to are exclusively attributable to the market reform (started in 1994).
the changes that have taken place in the basis of ESAA data, since In other words, it is clear that much of the TFP gains are already
2003. This can be associated to data inconsistencies which were realised during the State-wide internal reforms of the 1980s.
discussed in Section 4—predominantly, State electricity prices. As noted in Section 3, changes in Malmquist TFP index are
Models 2, 4, 6, and 8 are relatively free from such inconsistencies. decomposable into efficiency change and technological change.
These models use labour input (X7) but lose considerable number Figs. 4–9 shows some of such decompositions, corresponding to
of observations (2003–2007). some of the models of this paper. Figs. 4–6 are associated with





1 1

0.6 0.8


















Fig. 3. TFP by States in Australia, corresponding to the Model 8. (Note: Australia average (AUS) is scaled on the right).


























technical efficiency technology shifts TFP

Fig. 4. Technical efficiency and corresponding TFP index (Model 1) in entire electricity industry.
3292 R.F. Aghdam / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 3281–3295
























technical efficiency technology shifts TFP

Fig. 5. Technical efficiency and corresponding TFP index (Model 2) in entire electricity industry.


















economic (price) efficiency technology shifts TFP

Fig. 6. Economic efficiency and corresponding TFP index (Model 4) in entire electricity industry.

Models 1, 2 and 4, respectively, capturing TFP measures at the Such technology driven productivity gains, then, continued
level of entire electricity industry. In Model 1, only physical during the course of the market reform. This is plausible as
inputs are used, whereas in Models 2 and 4, economic (price) upgrading industry’s technology is naturally a gradual process
inputs are also incorporated. Fig. 7 shows the decomposition of due to sunk-cost effects. This also confirms that technological
TFP in Queensland electricity industry. Fig. 8 shows the decom- innovations of the 1980s have been really influential on industry’s
position of TFP index, associated with Model 8, where economic productivity improvements. This makes sense because innova-
(price) efficiency is incorporated in measuring TFP at the level of tions and diffusion of technologies in Telecommunication and
thermal generation segment of the industry. Finally, Fig. 9 shows the Internet (or, generally speaking, ICT revolution) began in the
trend of TFP (of Model 8) by its decomposition in Queensland’s 1980s. Distributed Electricity Generation and Combined Cycle
thermal generation. Gas Turbine (CCGT) technologies also emerged during the 1980s
These figures clearly confirm that productivity gains of the (Hunt and Shuttleworth, 1996, pp. 1–8; Sharma and Bartels,
Australian electricity industry are largely driven by technological 1997). Together, these became the technological breakthrough
changes (shifts in PPFs) and that the impacts of efficiency gains that played a vital role in the reforms of the 1980s and onwards.
have been either relatively small or insignificant, in many Reasons for this include an end to a 100 years old argument of
instances. These figures further reveal that technological shifts ‘natural monopoly’ behind vertical integrated structure of the
mainly stem from the internal reform period (1986–1993) and electricity industry; and a possibility of separating generation
not necessarily from the market reform. from transmission in the industry. Feasibility of functional
R.F. Aghdam / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 3281–3295 3293





















economic (price) efficiency technology shifts TFP

Fig. 7. Economic efficiency and corresponding TFP index (Model 4) in QLD electricity industry.


















economic (price) efficiency technology shifts TFP

Fig. 8. Economic efficiency and corresponding TFP index (Model 8) in thermal electricity generation.

unbundling of the industry was therefore an integral element of gains. This is consistent with the nature of the electricity industry
such technological breakthrough. which, since its inception, has been a highly technology-driven. The
One should also note that the ICT has worked as an ‘add-on’ results also reveal that much of these technology-induced produc-
component of generation and transmission technologies. It is true tivity gains were already realised during State-wide internal reforms
that generation and transmission technologies have not been between 1986 and 1993 and prior to the inception of the market
changed as fast as ICT. However, ICT revolution has contributed reform of the 1990s and onwards. This, too, is plausible as ICT was
to more efficient use of existing technologies (see, Booth 2003, well revolutionised by the mid-1980s and consequently paved a
p.22). That is what a shift in PPF literally implies. road for substantial technological upgrades in electricity industry.
The results of hypothesis-testing reveal that, at the level of
entire electricity industry, efficiency measures (averaged for
6. Conclusions the whole country) have shown improvements that are, to
large extents, attributable to functional unbundling and public
Analysis of TFP dynamics reveal that the productivity gains in the corporatisation, and to a lesser extent, market restructuring
Australian electricity industry have shown a strong and steady and privatisation. The results further reveal that the reform-
growth over the last 22 years. Such productivity growth, the results driven institutional changes have made insignificant contribution
of this paper reveal, has been largely driven by technological to efficiency gains at the level of thermal generation of the
improvements and to a lesser extents by comparative efficiency industry.
3294 R.F. Aghdam / Energy Policy 39 (2011) 3281–3295

























economic (price) efficiency technology shifts TFP

Fig. 9. Economic efficiency and corresponding TFP index (Model 8) in QLD thermal electricity generation.

For State-level efficiency measures, the results reveal that GDP Gross Domestic Product
there are efficiency gains at the level of entire electricity industry, HVDC High Voltage Direct Current
attributable to functional unbundling, to a large extent; market IA Index Approach
restructuring and public corporatisation, to a lesser extent; and IC Industry Commission
privatisation, to a far lower extent. At the level of thermal ICT Information and Communication Technologies
generation, efficiency gains are more attributable to market MCAP Marginal Cost of Administration Price
restructuring and public corporatisation and, to a lesser extent, MCE Ministerial Council of Energy
functional unbundling. At this level, regulatory reform and NCP National Competition Policy
privatisation have relatively made insignificant contribution to NCPRC National Competition Policy Review Committee
efficiency gains. NECA National Electricity Code Administration
NEM National Electricity Market
NEMMCO National Electricity Market Management Company
Acknowledgment NSW New South Wales
NT Northern Territory
The author would like to express his profound gratitude to OECD Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development
Professor Deepak Sharma of University of Technology, Sydney for PFP Partial Factor Productivity
reviewing various drafts of this paper and providing valuable PPF Production Possibility Frontier
inputs. He would like to thank Professor John Quiggin of QLD Queensland
University of Queensland for providing constructive feedback, SA South Australia
too. Thanks should go to Deanship of Scientific Research of King SAIIR South Australian Independent Industry Regulator
Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals for providing one- SFA Stochastic Frontier Approach
month summer grant, which helped towards completion of this STEM Short Term Energy Market
paper. Sincere thanks also go to anonymous reviewers for their T&D Transmission and Distribution
valuable comments. The author is, of course, responsible for the TAS Tasmania
contents. TFP Total Factor Productivity
TG Thermal Generation
VIC Victoria
Appendix: list of Acronyms and Abbreviations VRS Variable Return to Scale
WA Western Australia
AEMC Australian Energy Market Commission
AER Australian Energy Regulator
ANOVA Analysis of Variance References
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