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Mental Math 7

Data Handling
General Questions
1) Vijay distributed some chocolates among his friends. Here is the number of
chocolates each friends received 6, 11, 8, 12, 13. What is the average number of
chocolates each friend received?
a) 20 b) 10 c) 15 d) 50
2) The rainfall ( in mm ) in a 7 days of a certain week was recorded as follows:
0.0, 12.3 , 2 , 0.0, 20.2 , 5.3 , 1.5. What was the mean rainfall for the week?
a) 5.9 b) 5.8 c) 5.7 d) 5.6
3) Find the mean of the first 10 natural numbers.
a)4.5 b) 5.5 c) 6.5 d) 5
4) Sara collects data about the number of children in each household of a village. The data
looks like this : 0,3,2,2,1,0,1,4, 3,1,2,3, 0,2,1,0, 1,1,3,2,2,3,1,0,2 , 3,3,0,2,4. After collecting
the data which was the most frequently noted number of children?
a) 1 b) 0 c) 2 d) 3
5) Find the median of first 11 odd natural numbers
a) 11 b) 9 c) 13 d) 7
6) Find the mode of the given data: 11,9,4,7,9, 10,17,9,4, 2,3,6,9
a)4 b) 7 c) 2 d) 9
7) For the following data, calculate the mean of its median and mode
7,1,6,4,5,4, 4,1,5
a) 5 b) 1 c) 4 d)5
8) The weights ( in kg) of 13 students of a class are:
37, 46, 34, 45, 50, 32, 41, 41, 40, 36, 37, 41, 37
Find the median of this data.
a) 40 b)37 c) 50 d) 41
9) Marks obtained by class 7 students are as follows: 68, 56, 45, 78,89, 95, 49, 46, 94, 80, 77.
Find the range of the given dataset
a) 50 b) 95 c) 45 d) 49
10) Find the range of the first 10 natural numbers
a) 10 b) 0 c)1 d) 9
11) Look at the graph below and answer the question that follows:

Choose the most suitable title for the y-axis

a) The population of the state b) The number of men∈the state c) Number of states
d) ¿

How many shirts were sold on Wednesday?

a) 40 b) 50 c) 60 d) 30
13) Write the appropriate scale for the graph given below:
a) 200 b) 100 c) 50 d) 300
14) Company sells TVs and their sale data for the month of March, April, May and June are
analyzed across 2016 and 2017 as follows:

The number of TVs sold over March for both the years
a) 210 b) 220 c) 120 d) 100
13) A survey was conducted among grade 7 students to find their fruit juice preferences. Here
is how the data is represented.

Does this graph tell us how many girls prefer apple juice?
a) Yes b) No c) May be d) Both b∧c
14) The graph shows the number of medals won by five countries in 2008 and 2012 summer
Olympics games. How many more medals did Great Britain win in 2008 than in 2012?
a) 10 b) 20 c) 30 d)5
15) The following bar chart shows the amount of sugar (in tons) purchased by the
government from 2006 to 2010.

Find the average amount of sugar ( in tons) that the government purchased in 2006 and 2009.
a) 45 b) 80 c) 75 d) 70
16) Consider the following double graph

Find the average sale of brand X in six months

a) 40.12 b) 39.67 c) 38.35 d) 38.72
17) Tom scored 6,9, 5 and x points in four rounds in a game of darts. If the arithmetic mean
of the scores is 7 , what is the value of x.
a) 6 b) 7 c) 8 d)9
18) In a showroom the number of watches sold in five days of a week is as follows:
24, 12, 24, 18, 16
If M and m represent the median and mode of the above data respectively, then find m-M.
a) 5 b) 8 c) 7 d) 6
19) In a class, marks obtained in two tests by five students are represented on a double bar

Which student has shown the maximum improvement?

a) Roger b) Banner c) Banda d) Stark
20) What is the arithmetic mean of first five even natural numbers?
a) 7 b) 5 c) 6 d)4.5
Higher Order Thinking Skills
1) After removing a number from the group 1,2,3,4,5,6 the mean of the remaining five
number was 3.6. Which number was removed from the group?
2) The mean of 10 observations was calculated as 60. It was detected on rechecking that
the value of 55 was wrongly copied as 25. Find the correct mean.
3) The median of the data 13, 14, 15, 19, x+3 , 25, 27 , 29 , 42 arranged in ascending
order is 24. Find the value of x.
4) The marks out of 100 obtained by Tom and Jack in the Annual examination are given
below :
English Science History Geography Maths
Tom 68 71 56 78 82
Jack 90 85 68 82 79

a) Draw a double bar graph by choosing appropriate scales

b) Calculate the total percentage of marks obtained by Jack
c) In how many subjects did Jack got more marks than Tom? Which are those
d) Who got more marks in history and what was the difference of marks?
5) The table below gives the flavors of ice-cream liked by children ( boys and girls ) in a
Flavours Vanilla Chocolate Mango Butterscotch Litchi
Boys 4 15 3 9 6
Girls 9 25 5 3 8

a) Draw a double bar graph using appropriate scale to represent the above data
b) Which flavor is liked the most by the boys?
c) How many girls are there in all?
d) How many children like mango flavor ice cream?
Answers 1) 3 2) 63 3) 21
4 a)

b) 80.8 % c) In four subjects: English, Science, History, Geography d) Jack, 12

5 a) b) Chocolate c) 37 d) 8

1) Find the mean of first 8 prime numbers.
2) The weight in kgs of 13 students of a class are: 37, 46, 34, 45, 50, 32, 41, 41, 40, 36,
37, 41, 37. Find the mode and median of this data.
3) Find the range of the following set of data: 21, 42, 36, 17, 20, 24, 64, 98, 8, 91, 43, 27,
4) An ice – cream vendor kept records of ice cream of different flavors sold on Sunday.
The following table is the record of sales.
Type of flavor Vanilla Strawberry Chocolate Pista
No. of ice- 7 22 36 11
cream sold
Which of the following will help vendor to decide which flavor should he stock the
Mean, Median, Mode and Range
5) The bar graph given below shows the number of bikes sold by a company in the years
2011, 2012, 2013.

What is the difference between bikes sold in 2011 and 2013?

Answers 1) 9.625 2) Mode is 40 and two medians 37 and 41 3) 90 4) Mode
5) 1500
Case Study
Consider the following data

a) What information does the graph give?

b) In which subject he is poor?
c) In which subject the student is very good?
d) If 45 and above denotes, then name the subject in which student got distinction?
Answers a) The graphs represents the mark of a student scored in different subjects.
b) Science c) Math d) English, Math, Geography

Integrated Learning
In mathematics, sometimes, we have large data to analyze, and it is difficult to handle large
data in numbers. To remove this problem, we graphically represent the data. There are many
ways to represent data graphically. Bar graph is one of it.
It is a widely used method of data representation. It is easy to understand. It is used in
various fields such as retail, business, sports etc.
Here is a review of a beauty product. 2006 people rated the product. How many people gave
5-star rating? Plot the same in bar graph.

Answer 1083 people

Robert tore out several successive pages from a book. The first of these pages was
numbered 183, and the number on the last page had the same digits in some other order.

How many pages did Robert tear out?

In this problem, one page refers to one side of a sheet of paper.

Answer: 136 Pages

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