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February 17, 2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operation Head
Kilusan Cuartel De Sto Domingo inc.


On our first day with my classmates at the cuartel de sto domingo, we were well received and welcomed
by the co-teachers and the chairman of the cuartel. On our first day, there was orientation, and the tour
guide, Sir Josevel Bartolazo, toured us inside the cuartel and explained to us the history of the cuartel.
Ma’am Jean Beatrice also made us write 250 words of expectation about entering the cuartel de sto

Thanks for reading this!


Erica joy N. Galgao

Don jose integrated High school -OJT
February 16, 2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operation Head
Kilusan Cuartel De Sto Domingo inc.


On the second day with my classmates at the Cuartel de Sto Domingo, we arrived on time and not late,
and the first thing we did was take an exam about Philippine history and the history of the Cuartel de Sto
Domingo. We checked the exam and taught Sir Josevel, who also explained it to us and also made us
watch the history of the Cuartel de Sto Domingo while we were watching. It was also explained to us by
No Sir Josevel after we made a reaction paper about what we watched.

Thanks for reading this!


Erica joy N. Galgao

Don jose integrated High school -OJT
February 19, 2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operation Head
Kilusan Cuartel De Sto Domingo inc.


On our third day at the cuartel as Ojt, we arrived at about 7:30 a.m. and when we arrived we
were listed in the Dtr and we entered the main office and we greeted the co teachers and after
that there was a little announcement maam nancy we also have to clean the cuartel because we
are also cultural workers and after we cleaned we just rested for a while and we listened to maam
nancy's announcement and after that we had lunch at 11:35 a.m. and after we ate we were let
inside and sir josevel taught us to tour and he also explained to us what was inside the exibhit
and one by one we role played and around 4 in the afternoon we got ready to go home and we
said goodbye to our co teacher's and that was our 3rd day

Thanks for reading this!


Erica joy N. Galgao

Don jose integrated High school -OJT
February 20, 2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operation Head
Kilusan Cuartel De Sto Domingo inc.


On our fourth visit to the Cuartel de Sto Domingo as Ojt, we entered before 7:30 a.m. and
registered at the DTR, and after that, we entered the main office and greeted the staff inside, and
we attended. After that, we went out to clean outside, and when we finished cleaning, we rested
first. After that, my classmates and I had lunch, and at around 1 we went inside because sir was
going to watch something with us, Josevel. After we watched the video that Sir Josevel asked us
to do, we made a reaction paper about what we watched, and after that, it had to be passed
immediately the next day, and that's what happened during our four days in the cuartel de

Thanks for reading this!


Erica joy N. Galgao

Don jose integrated High school -OJT
February 21, 2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operation Head
Kilusan Cuartel De Sto Domingo inc.


Our five days at Cuartel de Sto Domingo, as usual, we arrived early to clean and freshen up and
registered at the DTR first and entered the office and greeted all the staff inside. Then, we went
out to clean the cuartel, and after that, we just rested. Around 11 we had lunch with my
classmates, and around 1 we were let in because we were going to be taught a tour because there
were visitors coming the next day. After that, we were given the uniforms that we will wear
tomorrow for the tour. After that, we were separated, and by 4 o'clock, we were immediately sent
home, and we said goodbye to the co-teachers and to Our chairman Ms Gemaline Batink Diaz
and that’s my D5 in cuartel

Thanks for reading this!


Erica joy N. Galgao

Don jose integrated High school -OJT
February 22, 2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operation Head
Kilusan Cuartel De Sto Domingo inc.


the other six of us in the cuartel as OJt we entered early because this is the first day we
will participate in the tour we entered early and first registered at DTR and went to the
office and did attendance then we greeted our co teacher's and then we went out to
clean, we cleaned well because this was the day that some tourists would come and we
toured the inside of the cuartel after we cleaned we just rested for a while and dressed
ourselves first then the chairman and maam bea called us to announce what to do for
the tour, Ma'am Bea assigned which group each one would be assigned to and around 9
the buses arrived and we, group 1, assisted the first bus first and we arranged the
guests and we arranged the queue of each student to tour inside the cuartel and I took
pictures of them for documentation and at the end of the tour we were fed and around 3
and some kindergartners came and it was also a tour inside the cuartel after that, one
by one the PNP SAF gave each one a piece of bread and after that we were sent home
and we said goodbye to our co teachers and ma'am gemaline

Thanks for reading this!


Erica joy N. Galgao

Don jose integrated High school -OJT
February 27, 2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operations Head
Kilusan Cuartel de Santo Domingo Inc.

Re: Narrative Report (Day7)

We arrived at the cuartel at 7:35 a.m. We attended and registered at the DTR.
After attending, we changed our clothes so that we could help the other cultural workers
clean the entire cuartel. We greeted all the cultural workers outside. After we cleaned up,
we rested for a while and changed our clothes afterwards. Our vacant time was also long
because there was a guest inside because the former chairman of the cuartel, Architect
Mario Zavalla, came. Then we were called by Ma'am Nancy to eat lunch with my
classmates because the break time was still long. We first thought of playing and looking
for entertainment, and while we were playing, there were also people from Sto Domingo
who also came to OJT here at the Cuartel de Sto Domingo for their work immersion. They
let us in, and we also welcomed them with the rest of us cultural workers, and we were
also introduced by Ms. Gemaline to them. After their orientation, Sir Josevel took them
out to show them around the quarter and give them a tour inside. After that, they were
immediately sent home, and then Ma'am Bea called us because she just said something
about the business letter and the one in the format of how to fix it, and then Ma'am Bea
dismissed us, and we said goodbye to the cultural worker's, and then we went home safe
and sound.

Thank you for reading This business letter


Erica Joy N. Galgao

Don Jose Integrated High School
February 28, 2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operations Head
Kilusan Cuartel de Santo Domingo Inc.

Re: Narrative Report (Day8)

We arrived at balibago at 12:00 in the afternoon with 5 of my classmates and we

waited for a few minutes because our other classmates were not there yet and soon the
other classmates arrived and when we were complete we left together for Sta Rosa
Plaza and when we arrived we just waited in front of the Santa rosa elementary school
central 1 after that we just waited for ma’am bea's chat and for the one to pick us up and
soon sir Richard and sir em arrived and at the same time left together and went to the
house of Architect Mario Zavalla and before we entered we greeted the cultural workers
and architect Mario Zavalla after that the architect told a story about the Santa rosa
laguna and its history is that Santa Rosa used to be called baryong Bukal and after the
story of architect Mario zavalla we said our goodbyes and sir josevel toured us the town
and we all walked and so we could see and know the name of the road and know the
ancestral house in the town or square street while walking we were also taken photos at
each and sir josevel also explained to us the ancestral houses, museums, plazas,
churches in the town and when we finished going around they let us rest first sir josevel
then sent us home immediately because we finished touring the town in Sta rosa and
after that we were sent home and we said goodbye to the cultural workers and my co
interns went home together

Thank you for reading This business letter


Erica Joy N. Galgao

Don Jose Integrated High School
February 29, 2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operation Head
Kilusan Cuartel De Sto Domingo inc.


We arrived at the cuartel at 7:15 a.m. and this is our nine days in the cuartel. We
registered and greeted the cultural workers inside and changed our clothes so that we
could clean the entire cuartel after we cleaned. and sir josevel let us rest before we
went inside and after that sir josevel just taught us again and he repeated the teaching
about the ancestral houses in Sta rosa Laguna while teaching we took notes because it
will also be shown in the exam we read and took notes after that ma’am bea made us
do an essay then we went out and did it outside because there was also a guest inside
so we did it outside waiting We just finished the essay before we ate. After we ate, we
rested for a while and later the Ojt’s from Sto Domingo arrived around 1 and let them
inside and we stayed outside and we just waited for After a while ma’am bea came out
to announce to us that we will have an advertisement and we were grouped into two
groups after ma’am bea announced she and I discussed what to do aa advertisement
until Going home reached us after that we said goodbye just us cultural workers and our
present chairman ma’am gemaline and we just signed out at the gate and went home

Thanks for reading this!


Erica joy N. Galgao

Don jose integrated High school -OJT
March 1, 2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operation Head
Kilusan Cuartel De Sto Domingo inc.


We arrived at the cuartel at 7:15 in the morning, we just registered at the DTR and we
went to the court and he got us a broom and a sack to clean up. We finished cleaning at
9 a.m. first we went in because there was a meeting inside so what we did was we just
waited until we could go in and later sir josevel let us in because sir josevel was going to
show us two advertisements so he said we had an idea for making advertisement video
after we listened to the announcement by sir josevel and ma’am Nancy we left the office
and we went to him for the first preparation of what to do for the video we talked to
group 1 and group 2 also talked we took a little video so that we could have a draft to
save. after we finished eating, we all took the table and chairs inside and brought it out
so that we could eat, we ate at the same time and after us, the from OJT of Sto
domingo and we just rested in the shady place and played and we just looked for
entertainment when we were not doing anything around 3 ma’am Nancy came to say
hello to us about the process if we had done anything and after His announcement sent
us home and we said goodbye to the cultural workers inside and we went home

Thanks for reading this!


Erica joy N. Galgao

Don jose integrated High school -OJT
March 1, 2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operation Head
Kilusan Cuartel De Sto Domingo inc.


I am Erica Joy Galgao, and this is my 11th day at the Sto. Domingo barracks. We
arrived at 7 in the morning, and upon arrival, we registered at the DTR (Daily Time
Record) and then went to the main office and wrote our attendance. After that, we were
sent outside to clean up, and after cleaning, we took a short rest before entering again
because Ma'am Gemaline wanted to talk to us when we woke up. We listened carefully
to everything she said and then she taught us. She asked each one of us what we
learned from her teachings. Luckily, I was able to answer, and that made Ma'am
Gemaline happy.

After the discussion with Ma'am Gemaline, we had lunch outside, rested for a while, and
then started recording a video for our advertisement. We took another short break, and
then the following events were the arrival of visitors from a friend, one of my
classmates, who toured them around. After the tour, we said goodbye to the cultural
workers inside and went out to the gate to sign out at the DTR and went home together.

Thanks for reading this!


Erica joy N. Galgao

Don jose integrated High school -OJT
March 4, 2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operation Head
Kilusan Cuartel De Sto Domingo inc.


I am Erica Joy Galgao is an OJT at Don Jose in Cuartel de Sto. Domingo. When we
arrived at the 7th Avenue gate in the morning, we registered at the DTR main gate. After
that, we went to the main office to record our attendance. Then, we went outside to
clean, taking brooms and bags to start cleaning. While we were cleaning, it suddenly
started raining, so we went back inside and were talked to by Ma'am Nancy about the
advertisement. She asked for an update on our advertisement video.

After that, my group decided to start recording again, and other groups also created
videos featuring the entire barracks for their advertisements. Once we finished
recording, we went back inside to rest and talked to Ma'am Nancy about the video takes
we had. I also showed her some of our video takes, hoping to improve her feedback on
our video.

After that, we went out to have lunch, and around 12, more OJTs from Sto. Domingo
arrived. While we were resting, we thought to play a game for a while, and after we
finished, we took more video recordings with my group to complete them. At around 3,
some visitors came for their thesis project, three women and three men. My classmates
guided them inside and gave them a tour. After that, we just waited for them outside,
and Ma'am Nancy reminded us to continue working on the video. We then went back
inside to improve it before finally heading home with my fellow interns.
Thanks for reading this!


Erica joy N. Galgao

Don jose integrated High school -OJT
March 4, 2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operation Head
Kilusan Cuartel De Sto Domingo inc.


I am Erica Joy Galgao is an OJT at Don Jose in Cuartel de Sto. Domingo., today marks
my 13th day at Cuartel de Sto Domingo. As usual, seven of us arrived at the camp.
Upon arrival, I only registered at DTI and then went to the main office to have my name
added to the Attendance list and also greeted the cultural workers inside. After that, I
went outside to get a broom and a sack and started cleaning, assisted by Sir Josevel in
cleaning and tidying up until we finished.

We took a short break after the cleaning, then had our break time. After the break, Sir
Josevel let us in again to teach us how to give a tour and explain the things on the
board. We did role-playing one by one, and after that, we were informed that when there
are tourists, we would have to do role-playing again.

Once we finished role-playing, we went out to eat. We just set up a table and chairs for
us to eat. After eating, we took another short break. While we were resting, we were
called inside around 2 in the afternoon because Ms. Gemaline's child was there, and we
greeted him. After that, we went out again to look for a place to rest while resting, I didn't
expect to have lump on my forehead. I put on some ice to prevent it from getting worse.

Then, we all went inside to refresh of ourselves. At around 4 in the afternoon, we said
goodbye to the cultural workers and went home with my fellow interns.

Thanks for reading this!


Erica joy N. Galgao

Don jose integrated High school -OJT
March 6,2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operation Head
Kilusan Cuartel De Sto Domingo inc.


My name is Erica Joy Galgao, and today is my 14th day here at Camp Sto. Domingo.
Today, there were early tourists who arrived at 7:15 a.m., and when my registration at
DTR was done, we immediately went to the main office to assist the tourists. I was
assigned as Sir Josevel's assistant, with my task being to take a photo of every tourist
during their visit. After a few buses arrived, Ma’am Gemaline called us inside. We
disappointed Ma’am Gemaline because many of us were late and didn't understand
what to do. She just talked to us and gave us a second chance to improve and fix our
work. After the conversation, we were ready again for the next buses. I was also
assigned as an assistant to my classmate Vincent, who served as our tour guide. As
usual, I took photos of all the tourists during their visit, and after the tour, we just said
goodbye to the visitors and entered to rest. Ma’am Nancy talked to us after that, and
then we went out to eat with my classmates. After eating, we rested and looked for a
place to hang out until 3 o'clock. We then occupied seats to get ready to go home. We
refreshed ourselves upon entering, and then we left after saying goodbye to the cultural


Erica joy N. Galgao

Don jose integrated High school -OJT
March 7,2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operation Head
Kilusan Cuartel De Sto Domingo inc.


I am Erica Joy Galgao, and this is my 15th day at Cuartel de Sto Domingo. At 6:51 in
the morning, my three classmates and I arrived, then we registered at the DTR (Daily
Time Record). After that, we went to the Main Office to have our names listed in the
attendance. Then, we went out to clean the area, tidying up until we finished and took a
short break.

Afterward, Ma'am Nancy called us because she had something important to tell us. She
reminded us not to throw chip and can foils in the bushes because it's prohibited, as
they might attract mosquitoes. So, we removed the foils from the bushes and placed
them in a separate trash bin.

Next, we were spoken to by Sir Josevel and Nems, who asked us to do the same task
again that day. We were assigned to work together with the entire barracks, and while
Group 1 was supposed to go first, we started counting the adobe bricks. After they
finished measuring, we followed their example, and we finished measuring by 11 in the

Then, we had lunch together. After eating, we took a short break and prepared to
resume measuring for the entire barracks from 1 PM to 2 PM when we finished and took
another break. We waited until 4 PM, and then we said goodbye to the cultural workers
and went home.


Erica joy N. Galgao

Don jose integrated High school -OJT
March 8,2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operation Head
Kilusan Cuartel De Sto Domingo inc.


This is my 16th day here at Cuartel de Sto Domingo. We arrived around 7 in the
morning after registering at the DTR and going to the Main office to list our names in the
Attendance. After that, we went out to clean the entire camp, helping Sir Josevel with
the cleaning. We also greeted other cultural workers outside after the cleaning. We took
a short break, then resumed our work on measuring and counting the adobes that were
not yet completed. We thought about having lunch with my interns. After eating, we took
another short break, and then Nancy's mom showed us an easy way to count the
adobes. We waited for 4 o'clock before entering, and we said goodbye to the cultural
workers inside. Finally, after leaving and going home with my companions.


Erica joy N. Galgao

Don jose integrated High school -OJT
March 11,2024

Jen Beatrice B. Diaz

Operation Head
Kilusan Cuartel De Sto Domingo inc.


We arrived at the cuartel de Santo Domingo in 6th the morning and registered at the
DTR. After that, we were listed in the attendance. We greeted the cultural workers
inside and then left to clean the entire barracks. We cleaned and then rested. Four of us
women were called inside because there was a visitor arriving, but they wanted us to
tour them around instead, which didn't happen. They prioritized Sir Josevel, who had a
video for us to complete for the video advertisement. So, we went back outside and
started recording the video while we were recording, we finished around 11. We decided
to have lunch first, so we paused and ate together. After eating, we took a short break
and continued recording video for each group. Sir Neme came to check on our progress
we just passed on to sir nems what he asked us to do the other day. We continued
recording videos until we finished, and as it was almost time to leave, we went back
inside to refresh ourselves. Finally, we said goodbye to the cultural workers inside and
left together around 4 in the afternoon.


Erica joy N. Galgao

Don jose integrated High school -OJT
March 12, 2024
Jen Beatrice Diaz
Operation Head
Kilusan Cuartel de Sto. Domingo
City of Santa Rosa, Laguna

Re: Narrative Report(Day18)

Dear, Ms. Diaz


I hope this message finds you well

On my 18th day at the Cuartel de Santo Domingo , we arrived early to register for the
DTR and then we went to the main office to list our names on the Attendance. After that,
we went out to clean and help other cultural workers outside. After cleaning, we took a
short break, and then Ms. Nancy came to check our video. We showed her a part of the
video, and she gave us positive feedback on our introduction. Following that, we
recorded another video to finish and edit it with my group mates. In the afternoon, we
had lunch with my co intern, and after eating, we took a short break again. Ms. Nancy
checked our attendance, and Ms. Nancy was sad about those who had incomplete
attendance and time. While she was checking the attendance, Ms. Bea arrived and
talked to us about attendance and the video we were making. We showed her the
video, and she gave us good feedback. She reminded us about the deadline for the
video advertisement, which is March 13, 2024. After the conversation, Ms. Nancy and
Ms. Bea left, and we continued recording the video. In the afternoon, Ms. Maquinad
came to excuse us to ma’am Gemalin Batino Diaz that we be taking the NAT exam.
After that, we recorded another video at the coffee shop with my group, and after
finishing the video, we were ready to go home. We took a picture with Sir Josevel and
other cultural workers before leaving.

We appreciate you taking the time to read these instructions.


Erica Joy Galgao

Don Jose Integrated High School-OJT

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