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‘usumconmn-ooer og, 2 ENSGON oma os 2099 ‘HEE PRESEWWATION OWER NO. H/ 1098 ‘TUE noMm ond couaRY pLANERNG_(wREE PaEsERUADTON EE Se Set) SIGS ae Tor OER F.3. VOODIEY, XAFIONS FAL, COROREDOE LANE, CURDREDGE ‘Aober . 0,%, ANDRES, & WEST LANE, HoREH BHOSLE, sour MOPICE xs HERNUY GIVEN tat. the Winchester Clty cometh acting 4a pursuance ‘9F the povers conferred cm then by Seotion 18912) ot the Local Governeene Act, 1972 have nade an Onier under Sections €0 and 62 of the Tow aca Counery Fiaoning Act, 1971, and eubject to the proviatone of the Forestry det, 3067, for the preservation of trees situate ne Tursecote Yam, aa Voethans Road, Curdviage, lant, (a copy of the caid Order and of the Hap annexed thereto are enclosed seventh) ha grounds, for making the Ordor are a0 fottoyg:._the tree bolts azo an Enpetane mail dusts ‘fostite of Girdriége Vittago. Telr proxintty 0 tho Toads sin ¢o thet: monty value, ‘The individual exke are in good condition an valuabio to the Leidecape, A cortitted cony of tha oxtex and the Map have been epoatted at the Ottises of che Councii's city Secretary snd Solicitor at Clty office Colehrook stresty Winchesser, and may be Snapected at that sdézese uring noraal office hours, Every objection or representation with xeapect to the oxder chal be lade in weiting to the Sesretary of State for the Bnvironsent, caxton Bouse, othili Street, Tendon, sili Sut and aball state the grounds thereoe and the name of the authority vio made the Order and specity the pérticular trees, group oF trees, or woodlands in teapect of which Le fs ak ‘ay objection or representation ahsll he duly made Af {¢ somplice with {the previous paragraph of this totice and is reseived by the Secreeary of state forthe davirotaent within ewentyrelgne days fen the dave of the servion of thin Notice, Seotion 61, of the Tow and country Planning Act 1971 shall apply to the Oder ann. se 1 therefore immediately effective without previous oonfteastion by the Secratary’of state for the Bnvisoanent,” @ich an Oster, Lf uncpposeds fy be confined by the Winchester City coumoil who nade it after ‘ariod Of 42 days.” hn oproued Order munt be subuitted to the Secretary Sf state fox the Envisoweme for contirastion and wilt cease to be ‘eefeotive attor ox nonths sf not by then conkimed, ox at an caritoe ate Af the Secretary of stata gives notice that he'doee not propose to ccontten the Order pated emis ZO. aay og Sememy a9 78 Redwine Ontee-trecutive- ity Secretary and Solicitor ruponmore. mits comatensten AEPRONE YOUR PROPERTY ‘oma au comer PuouNE nes 1072-4 ‘mime eweseavneron onDeR, Ho, 1099 ‘the Winchester ity Council (An thts Ordar called "ehe Authority") Ln pursuance of the povera conferred in that behalf by Sections 60 and 61 of the Tox and Country Planniag Act, 1971 ‘as suended By Section 10 (2) of the How and Ooontry SEtnicles act 297) and eubject to the provisions of the Poxeatsy Act, 1967 Rereby mikes the following orders in thls order = eho Act means the foun and coutsy Planning Act, 1972 "owner woans the comer in foo inpla, either Sn posseoston oF who hes geanted a Leace. oF ‘tananoy OTOE eh the snosptved portion Le leee than thave youray. lewae (including =0b- seuee) oF tenane Sm possession, the linexpived Fortion Of vhogs I 1S"Ektue yours ot mores, anda gostgages 4n posseaston;. and "ehe [Stats nenne the Saoreeary 9f Seate for the Envlyonment 2. subject to the provisiow of this Order and to the exaotione tthe Soeond Schade hezeto, no pevsen shall, excopt with tho consent of the Authority an in aecordence with he conditions, if aay, duposed on such consent, Gut down, t9p, lop, eproct, WALGully damage oF wilfully deatrey OF oause ox pemntt the eutelny dion, Copping, topping, sprooting, wilful damage, ox wilfur destruction OF any teoe epucitied in the Piast Schedule hereto oF comprized in e group of trees Sr in'a woodland therein spoct#ied, the position of Which Crees, groups of treee Gna woodlands ir Qefined inthe mafner snatested Sm the suid Pies Echodslo on the Mp ieeeed hessto nanted "see Preservation Ordar Ho. yo95 and daposited for Tnipection pt the offioe of The City Secretary and Solicitor, Clty Offices, Colebrook Stusetsainchoster, lampshise, mich sap ehall, for the purpose of such definition as Serenata prevell vhete ary wbiguity ariaee betwoan 1 ana the epecttication in the Biase schedule 3, tm sppiication fox consent mada to the Authority undax Article 2 of this order Bhatt bein writing stating the seasons for making the application, and shall By Teforonce if asoasenty 0-2 plan specify tho trues, to witch, the-appitoution relates, fd the operetions for tho carrying out of viteh congine 18 teulred. 44. 1), those on application for consent 14 mada to the AuthorLty undar thie Order, ‘Ge autoortty may grant such consent either uncondiesonally, oF subject to euch SMhaleions Claciding conditions cequixing the replacement of any exes by one OF Dore Crue on the alte or An the Lnmediate toinity thereof) as the Authority way thiak rove eat use the gpLtonon roan to sty voodand apecttied sn ehe \itth the princapies of gooe forestry, except nheze, Ln the opsndon of the Authoe!ty, Te ie necersary in eho ineerests of amanaty £5 ndlatain the special character of {he woodland oF the wiodlerd chasnoter of the sree, snd ahall Hot npose conditions fn euch consent. egulsing sepLecement oF replanting. (2). the huthoskty shall kop a regtater of ali applications for consent under texte Order containing infomation #8 0 the natuke of the application, te decision Sf the huthority theveon, any compensation auerded in consequance of tuck decision na ony alssotiona az e0\seplaneing of Woodlands} and overy such register shall fe avaliable for inapaction by the Public ae all reasonable hoor. iare the Authority safuse consent Uae thle Oedne oF grant suc consen, they nay, when refuaing or granting consent, ovetity 1 fox wel thoy aga 9 Fefusiag of granting sonwent that they are eatiacieas~ (a) that retuaas or cendLtton 19 An the Antavouts of good #orestay (b) dn tho ase of treen other then treed eorgeleed tn woodLanday that ‘etree have an outstanding oF speckal ayentty vulva stg paar era unr eh osteo fu ay pat Of & ooatand otter thn eoneent for eLiviguitutal thiintng then Uden — (a) suet consent Lo granted for the puayots of enabling developannt to Bl coarriad oUt Si docordance Wet « porwtaston to devetop Land under bart 112 of the Ast, (2) the authority vith tho approval of the Vecretary of State dlapense with replanting, ‘the Authority aiald give to the omer of the Land on which that past of the Wosdland {a altuntod a divection in welting epecltylng tbe manner plant enothor tree of oppimpriate sive uid species a the seas place a0 1s a hs feasonably can. Encopt iu guaryerey, not leve than § Gaye previcus nottoe of th rinoval, et2., should be giv to the authority to ekable the iatter to decide vietios or not bo dlaponse with the muieasene, ‘ ast peste ‘ngs specter ruonvanonce, (encisoind in bac on tho map) eased situation 2 one 116 the novi 6¢ 2 ne Gordstdge Lane, 5 oak ‘uraridge Boutheapton, (withls @ dotked black kine oh thie map) tooo escetption situetion 2 ‘the sovoral trees of vaataver apeotes standing. To'the onrt of"Bydenirat” Ix sla" ron muted Aa co to may ‘he daverah tree of iatever species standing a marked A3 on the map, and easter boundary of ‘Sirarldge taro, Curdehd fouthenpton ra trove of viatevar species standing Kiang pure of tho southern sitted #3" on to wap owmtary os antrsage taney M4, trees of whatever species stunting “To the vest of Locthans Mi, nied iden tho nap. hegrtage, sosthoapton, seo oP ms, (within a broken black Line on te sp) *— pesostpeton ‘steuatson yo oon, (within a continous black Line on te sap) Desextption situation ‘tis Order shall not apply so 25 to roquize the consent of the authority to (2) the cuteing coun of any e220 on Lond which 4= subject to a foxestsy dodloation (a) any postive covnants on the part of the omer of tie land oontained én ‘the cane Geod ab the Jovestry dedication covenant ana at the tine Of the cutting fim binding on the then cmos of the land ave ful flied: {b) the cutting down is in accordance with a plan of operations approved by the Dorestry Gannoston tedee euch deed. (2) whe cutting dom of any tree witch £2 in accordance with a plan of operations approved by the Forestry Comission Uundar the. approved woodlands schene oF other grant Schowe under Section 4 of the Forestzy Act 1967, excopt a sche whitch applies toa (the cutting dom, uprooting, tomping oF Lopping of a tree (2) in purauenoe of the power conferred on the Bost Office by vixtus of ‘Section 5 of the Telegraph (Construction) Act 1908 ond Section ai of the Post of by ov at the oquest of the Poot OfGioe where the land on vhich the tree 4 Situated 18 operatioral land as dofined by the Fost Office Opazationel band Foguistions fd either works on such land canact otheswise be carried out oF fe catting doum, topbliy oF Sopplig {4 foe the puspoue of speration of the wider (by by oF at the request of) (2) a statutory undortakor whore Hho ind on vic thn Exe dn udtuated 415 operationel land ao fofined by tho Act and elter works en otet tend ‘eamioe othanlue be carried out or the cutting doin) topping of loppiny 49 ‘for tho purpose of sovtsing sufety nthe operation of the idestehingy (it) am electtlolty boud within tho momntig of the Miactriolty Rot 1947, sete tick trou bivtrsow tho conse fiction by the board of any bale Extnesiscton Line oF otior cleotels Line within the neeainy teepoctivoly Of the BlecteLeity (euppiy) act 1919 aid the klecteie Lighting fot 1862 oF Gntorferes oF vould interfare With the olntanance of Working Of any such ine (Lt) a water cuthorley eatabltahed sider the Water Act 1973) 4 dradnage oard constituted or tevated us having been comrtseuted uidar’ the band Deainage fot 1930, or the Grater Lowden Colwell, where the tebe inverterod ‘or vould ntoxfors with the oxzrclse of my OB the functions of wich water authority, drainage board, oF Counelt in relation to the maluteiance, Inprovenent or constzucrion Of watercoutees OF Of drainage Hoekay OE (iv) the secretary of stato for Dofoncay the Sectotery of state for Meade. the civLt aviation Authority oF the Ueitiah ALsporte nichority vite 4 ‘tho oplnton of ouch doomtary of Beate or Authority the tren Chotructs the ‘uptonch of nlzerae to, or tele depactien feet tay aarodsone or hinder ‘he vato end ettictont tse of uviation or GofeHes tochnienl inetallationsy (o)_ voto tnmedlateiy regul:ed fot the purpow of ekrsying out developanht authorised by the planking pemsluston geueed on aM applteation wade under Dart 13% OF the Act, oF doened ts have bacn so geantad for any of the purpores of that Party ( vuich 4s a Bult tree cultivated fot Frult prodistion groving of tani) ct land comprtoed tH at oxehaed oF garden. PD, pom Provisions of ts follofing pacts of Part TITof the Yom and dowttny Plowing Hot, 1971 eo alepter ent edited 4 apply 40 Ukte Order. 33+ (1). HLthout-progultve to the following provisteus up 4 the sevooution or nodieioation of vonsentay any consent unter the Grier, inolwding my dseot~ fee sy iagviening gery the Auherlty he erring of oak pee shia (oxgnt{y fet ae the connor other prviden) tary fr She denefit of the land tnt of 11 persons for the tine being {rtereuied therein. 35s (1), the Secretary of state ty give Aixenttons 4o the Authority reaeiring sgpllontions for consort wider she Order 40 be veferted to his inebead of Dotng deeit with iy the Avthorsay (2) A dtreotdon unter this deotou my zelote either to a partiouies applic Stlon or to applioatfoas of a olage epeoified in she tizestions (3). Any applioetion tr reapeot of Wot a Aizection wider ‘hte Seotion has Sefect Shall be Foferred to the Beorbtary of Bhat nooortinglys (4) there st eppifcation for conv der the Oxdar 4a referred to the Eecretany of Shete unter thie Geotion, she jrovlelons of Articles 42.5 of fhe Order whet apply 6 they epply 80 et application \aich fells 40 be etennined by she aisborttye . (5) Before doterntning an uppligetion referred do htm uniter #hiu Yootion the Beoretany of Stave choliy Af either the sppiioan) tr the Authority eo dolitey ffford 40 sock of than af opportunity of egponring before, end being hast’ 3) {person eopotnted ty tho Beoretuay Of Stabe fer the purpeee. (6) tho decision of the Seorataay of Slate on exy application referred to in sar this Bootion shall be finale Sb.) hore un application 4 made to dhe Asthesity for consent sndat shy Order that content 1a Pefuued by shat Authority ox Ln granted by than axbjot to Conditions, oF shore eiy omréifionte or diseoiion 10 given ty she Aubhority, She applitnt, 17 ho ie eggrioved By thelr destolon of tke wpitoation, of Sy ‘ny euch oortlftontey or the perven Giseoted if he Aw aggrieved hy She Sirection, nay hy Motion under shia eootion eppesl to Ske Seoretaty of dbete. (2) +A notion andas thts section shalt bo aeeved 4x wetting within tvenby- signe dave fron the receipt of totlfioetion of the decinton, certlfioate or Aifeotion, ag she cust may be, oF puch Tonger parted ke the Seoratary of State nay allows (2) Where an apponl is brought under this gevtion trea o deciuton, cortisioxte or Atreotion of the Authority, the Secretary of Btatey wibjest to the following previelone of thlg voction, my allov of diostoa the ¢ppeai, or my reverte. or ‘vary my past of the deotaion of tho Authority, ubother the'sppeal selaves 40 Yes pert aherece of sets or nay enced muy cettldionte or cence! orvvany any ‘Rreotion, ad may deel With the application ew f 19 und boon made 40 hn tk ‘the flzot snotonc (2) nefore determing an appeal under this yeotion, the Seoretany of State shally if stthor the oppelLent gx the Auihgrlty 80 denise, afford So east Be ‘hen tn opportuntty of appenting befebe,. end Reing heard ty, « person ‘ppeltted ty the eoretary of Beate for the purpon (2) the deotuton of the Beorotury of Bhate on way appeal, uiler Wkly gectton ‘abet 0 finns 231... Were an epplication for donaeut wider the Onder is mate to the Authoity, {fhen aldeop within Ave moutha fron the date of repeipt of the application Gr within suoh extended pertod as nay ot may tins be egreod upon in writing Dettoon the appliount and the Authority, the Authority etthors= mt (2) elve motive to the applicant of thet dootutes on she spoltoationt (%) give aotios to bin shut the spptioubion fins voen sefersad to the Hooretary of State An eooordance wth dlzwotions g.ven Under Seotion 35 tov, ‘ho provitcna of the nit preceding vostiei ehtlt eppiy in retation to the pepllontion ax {F she consent to which {4 rolaias hal baer vetuned ty: the Authordty, and oo 4f notification of theis deotelon hod Seon raneived fy tho spplioas 96 $ho eid of tbe anid ported ‘of two tonthay of ai the aud of the ald extended peciod, ‘ne the ove tay bo. 45. (1) ZF 4 appoace to the Aitionlty that 44 iy expedlent to revoke oF molly ‘uy onset under sho Order grated on th typltoerion made under Astiote > of the Ordos, the huthority fay Sy Oder veveke cr Uodlty the seheant te suoh txtent ai they consider expedtens (2) (Gubjoot to the provisions of Sections 46 and 61 of sho Act) an Onder under thie geotion shail met teks affect utlose 1b ip oantiones dy the Seoretary of Statoy aid the Seorstary of Gtate nay Confit miy oth Oster aubnitted to Hin alther vithout wodifioathon or prbject te wish most fee tony fg he considera expedtonts (3) Nore on Authority minis on Onder to the Goorvteay of Stute for Mts Songirmation under thin section, the Authority shall finish the Saorovesy of State with 9 atatenent of theix’ ronson for waking the Order end thei! aeive otive togetier ith w copy of the afuressia atebenent on tke sier ait ay she ovounter ef the land atfectod, and on say other person sto tn thet? cpinson wil be effect! by the Oriar and {7 wthin ‘he period of ventyceient dap Erm tho servioe thereof any poraon on Won the notice is served ao Sere foo, tho Seovetary of Satay befure oontisming the Oster, shell aéford to whet peroeny wid $0 the Authority, 1 opporvunty of noptaring beforey end being heard yy a perwon appointed hy the Seoretety of State for the porponos (4) the vower congerred by ‘thie yootion to revoke or witfy a consent may bo froroiued at wy Hino Lefore the operations for witch Gonoert har Seen favor hhuve boon coupietdt Provided that the rovooation or nodileation of consett shall not effoot vo ‘moh of thove operations ap hes beet previousiy carried ont (5), More, notios has boss wervod in acoartanos lth the proviatons of sub Seotion (3) of this section, no cperations ur firther operations a the caus ay ‘ey in pursuasice of the'oonvent granted, shall bs okrried out Ponting sho sotsiin of tho Seoretary of Gtate Wider tub-tention (2) of thie woctions 460 (4), the foltontng provision phat hey futhortty uve nade’ a Onder (horolnat 45 shove vovoking ar noting ary onnsent sounded sh on aoolvontion cade ‘aor a seu preservation Glee ene et meal Se sees Svoretary of State for Confizmation by hia mad the cisior wid the oceupher of ‘tho Tend’ and all peruany vin tn the Author{¥y'e opinion will be effosted by toh Order havo notified the Authority in waiting thet thay do nol object fo toh Order. (2) ho Authowlty uted névertige tho fact thet sich Ontos heo been mate and ‘he edvertisenent ell, mpecity (a) the period (nob Love then tentycoleh days from the date on whisk ake alversieenant. firms appecxe) mithin oiick petaono atfeoted ty’ suh Onier any give Hosioe #0 the Seazetary of bate that ‘they woh for an opportunity of appearing before, aid being heard hry & porees upotnted ty the Georetary of Seaze for She yurpoos end (0) "ake peelos font ‘ego than 14 days fron the expLraiies of the period fetorred to sh paoageesh (e) above) at the explauticr of witeh; if no auch notige te atven te tne Seonotary of Gtnioy auolt Oriar nay tako arfect hy vivtie of fie westlon ant ‘without being confirmed ty the Seorevary of State. =O effect whore the looel planing onlled Mnush Order") wader Gestion (3), the duthontty sult atuo sarve notions to the wens effeot on the Dervons nartioned 44 mub-seotion (1) shoves (4) the Authority shalt wed a copy.of any advert ent publdahed tnder tubcasotion (2) shore to the Uectotaay of Siete, not mare sian shite ange after the publiontion. we of Hoteused to ti mubmueotion (2) (8) above ho z 0 aefeoded ty wich Order laa given notioe fe the bs aforeuaidé and she deoretesy ‘of Blate har nob Sireobed ‘hot ouch Order be subnitied to him Zor ooutimnetion suse Orter abut oo ‘he eapiration of he ported referred ¢o ih sumavsttor (2) (0) of shia seoklon take efféat ty vixtus of thin asotion and without being oonfineed ty the Beoretary of Sisto as required ty Baction 43 (2) of the Tom wil Goxntey Planning Aot 1971. (6) Mats ection doos act apply te wus onter revoking or nadstying 8 Seperh greed or seemed soe been grated hy tho Secretary of Sto wider Pobta 11%, 1 er V of the Town and Gountny Plaine hot 19tt« ‘ns comet sun oP woioanecER (OTTY COWOTL, yas heresto sttized this “Tose diet, day of Senuary 8 the yeas Mnotoot indeed ad ‘evonty-etut a8 the eames eft ReAwwess; Clty Beorolary ee PLANNING COMMITTEE 1%-S'7G. Parry ii Rema. ‘5. ERERS ontmied ° NSW TRE. PRESERVATION onDERS ‘Tye Cli Sooretary std sollollor ha informed mn tat tn each ef the Troe Preservation ‘Cedar lnted below the aatitory pesodalloved for taking chjectons bao expleed ond no bjeotions have been reclved. ‘Thoreore eack Tyee Preservation Order bas Deen co {amped a0 an unopposed Orcer. FRO.L0e Hampton Lane, Winchester {790.1028 Blactown, te. Upham ‘790.1000 Alele Read, Winchester Turzeccto Farm, Candzldgo ltrs Waraory, Homeoy Toad, Winchester Slog Hl Houee, Winghestar RECOMMENDED:

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