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Mental Math 7


General Questions
1) Which is the pair of integers whose sum is “ ̶ 5”?
(a) 1, ̶ 4 (b) 1 , ̶ 6 (c) ̶ 3 , 2 (d) 5, 0
2) What integers or number should be added to “ ̶ 3” to get 4 ?
(a) 1 (b) ̶ 1 (c) ̶ 7 (d) 7
3) What will be the additive inverse of ̶ 3?
(a) ̶ 6 (b) ̶ 4 (c) 3 (d) 5
4) What will be the additive inverse of 5 ?
(a) ̶ 7 (b) ̶ 6 (c) ̶ 5 (d) ̶ 4
5) Which is the odd one out of the four options given below:
(a) -6,8 (b) -10,12 (c) -24,26 (d) -32,35
6) Which is the pair of integers whose product is –20 and whose difference is 1?
(a) -5, 4 (b) -8,6 (c) -7,9 (d) -10,11
7) Which is the next number in the pattern – 74, – 44, – 14 _________ is?
(a) 45 (b) 13 (c) 0 (d) –16
8) Wha is -36 ÷ 6 ?
(a) 7 (b) -6 (c) -30 (d) 6
9) 0 ÷ 9 is equal to
(a) 9 (b)1 (c) 0 (d) -9
10) On dividing a negative integer by other negative integer the quotient will be
(a) Always negative (b) Always positive (c) Either positive or negative (d) 1
11) What is (-5)x(-7)x(4)
(a) -140 (b) 120 (c) -120 (d) 140
12) What is (-22)- (-22) ?
(a) 0 (b) -44 (c) 44 (d) -22
13) [(– 3) × ( – 5)] × (– 6) is not equal to
(a) (– 3) × [(– 6) × (– 5)] (b) [(– 5) × (– 6)] × (– 3)
(c) [(– 6) × (– 3)] × (– 5) (d) ( – 3) × (– 6) – (– 5) × (– 6)
14 ) Which of the following does not represent an integer?
(a) 16 ÷ (– 8) (b) 30 ÷ (– 5) (c) 0 ÷(- 3) (d) (– 14) ÷ 4
15) ____ x (-1)= -23
(a) 23 (b)-23 (c) 1 (d) 0
16 ) On the number line, the value of (–7) × 7 lies on right hand side of
(a) – 50 (b) -49 (c) 50 (d) 49
17 ) The value of 6 ÷ (–1) will lie between which two integers
(a) 0 and – 9 (b) 0 and 9 (c) – 5 and 0 (d) – 4 and 4
18 ) (-7)+ [(– 10) × (+ 8)] is equal to
(a) -87 (b) 87 (c) – 136 (d) 136
19 ) –25 ÷ [10 ÷ (–2)] is equal to
(a) –1 (b) 1 (c) 5 (d) –5
20 ) (– 10) × 6 is not equal to
(a) 10 × (– 6) (b) – (10 × 6) (c) (– 10) × (– 6) (d) 6 × (– 10)

Higher Order Thinking Skills

1. Rohini ended round one of a quiz with 100 points. In round two, she scored -200
points and in the third round, she gained 200 points. What was her total score at the
end of the third round?
2. The temperature in city-A was 5°C in the morning which dropped by 6°C in the
evening. What is the temperature in the evening?
3. The temperature of a hot iron rod drops by 8°𝐶 every hour. If the temperature of the
iron rod is 118°𝐶, find the temperature after 4 hours.
4. Ryan was playing a game where catching a fish in the basket adds 10 points to his
score. If he catches an octopus instead, he loses 5 points. What is his total if he catches 3
fish and 5 octopus?
5 . Rohan has deposited Rs 9000 and has withdrawn Rs 4800 two times consecutively.
Find the amount in his account.
Answers: 1) 100 2) -1 3) 86 ° C 4) 5 points 5) -600
1) Is sum of two negative number is always negative? Justify
2) Can you write a pair of integers whose product is –16 and there lies seven integers
between them (excluding the given integers)?
3) What is the successor of 0x (-1)?
4) Rohit solved the expression –6 – (–2) and got the answer as –8. Is his answer correct?
5) When - 2 is added to 8, keeping 8 as the reference we move by _____ on the number
Answers 1) yes 2) (-4,4) 3) 1 4) No (-4 is the correct answer) 5) 2 units towards
the left
Case Study
1. A studies shows that in 3 particular localities, the subscriptions for an English daily is
decreasing by an average of 50 each month. Total subscriptions of 3 localities at present is
A) Calculate the total change in subscription over 2 months.
B) Calculate the new subscription after two months.
Answer A ) (-300) B) 1700

Integrated Learning
The highest peak of Mount Everest has an elevation of 8849 m above the sea level, while a
particular point in the dead sea is 9,155 m below the highest peak of Mt. Everest.
1) What is the distance between highest peak of Mt. Everest and a particular point in the
dead sea ?
2) What is the expression to find the position of the point in the dead sea ?
3) What is the integer representing the position of the point in the dead sea?
4) Describe the location of the point. Hint: Above the sea level or Below the sea level

Answer 1) 9155 m 2) 8849-9155 3) -306 4) 306 m below the sea level.


Construct 3x3 magic square using:

-10,-7, -4,-3,0,3,4,7,10

0 -10



-7 4 3

10 0 -10

-3 -4 7

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