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Policy No. : II - 1.0

Document Title : EMPLOYMENT

Sub - Title : Recruitment Policy

Effective : May 1, 2013

Policy Obective/ Statement:

The Company makes every effort to recruit and employ the most able and qualified
persons for the right job. People placement is given emphasis so as to utilize their maximum
potentials. Screening and placement of candidates for employment are done objectively and
fairly in accordance with the guidelines prescribed in the New Labor Code of the Philippines.

An individual’s employment in the Company, including all subsequent changes in

the work assignment, shall be determined solely by the individual’s ability to perform the job
without regard to age, sex, status, race, creed, national origin, religion or political beliefs.
Equal Opportunity Employment shall be practiced by the Company to promote just and fair
consideration to all employees.

Scope of Policy:

All employees of the Artemisplus Express Inc.


1.0 Job Opportunity Program - a practice where company employees are given
preference to apply for or assume vacant positions/job openings.

2.0 Relatives - refers to spouses, children, brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters-
in-law, first degree cousins, etc.

3.0 Requisition - a personnel action in writing needed prior to recruitment in order to

fill up a vacant position or job opening.

4.0 Applicant Testing - any written tests or skills demonstration required as a

condition for employment.

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5.0 Department - pertains to all
cost centers reporting to a
single department head or manager.


1.0 Employment procedure shall start only after a job vacancy has been determined;
a personnel requisition shall be approved by the concerned Department
Manager/Head and/or the President/General Manager.

2.0 Preference shall be given to qualified company employees for a vacant or new
position. External hiring shall only be resorted to when no incumbent employee
is interested in or is qualified for the position. In the event of a vacancy in a
higher rank or position in the company, all interested and qualified employee
applicants shall be evaluated based on the following:

2.1. Accomplishment in the Company

2.2. Qualifications and experience
2.3. Intelligence and aptitude
2.4. Personality and disposition
2.5. Career views and goals

3.0 Recruitment or sourcing of applicants shall be done through:

3.1 Classified Advertisement in newspapers;

3.2 Referrals by employees, schools, organizations, etc.;
3.3 Manpower/recruitment agencies and services;
3.4 Networking;
3.5 Job Fairs and Public Employment offices of LGU’s;
3.6 Posters and announcements;
3.7 Internet/ JobStreet

4.0 The Human Resources Department (HRD) will maintain a talent bank or
manpower pool of qualified applicants who have been carefully evaluated using
the following assessment tools:

4.1 Psychological testing;

4.2 Targeted Interviewing;
4.3 Applicants below Section/Department Head level will be subjected to in-
depth interviews by the HRD Manager and Head/Manager of the
requesting department;
4.4 For managerial positions, in-depth interviews will be done by the HRD
Manager and the President/CEO.
4.5 On-the-Job Training in the Outlets

Note: For Canteen Rank and File positions, applicants who have undergone the
required On-the-Job training for 30 days, (depending on the position
applied for), and who are deemed qualified, shall be placed in the
manpower pool, prior to deployment/assignment in the canteen outlets.

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5.0 Basic Hiring Requirements:

The personnel requirements that shall be met in hiring employees are:

5.1 At least 18 years old; those below 18 years of age must present a Special
Permit for Child Labor from the DOLE.

5.2 Satisfaction of the minimum qualification standards set for the position
the applicant is being considered for hiring;

5.3 Not a relative of an incumbent employee of the Company within the

fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity, or as defined in this policy.

5.4 Fit to work as certified by the Company’s accredited Medical Clinic.

6.0 Personnel Requisition:

6.1 The Personnel Requisition shall indicate the position, department, section
or outlet, employment condition (trainee, contractual, probationary or
regular), job grade/salary, reason for hiring (replacement, new position,
reliever, etc.), qualifications (educational attainment, training, work
experience, etc.) job description, etc.

6.2 Replacement requisition must be for the same job grade. Position
upgrading or down grading is considered as a requisition for a new
position and shall need the approval of the President/CEO.

7.0 Candidates for hiring shall complete and satisfy all pre-employment requirements
before they are allowed to sign their contracts of employment and start their
official duties.

8.0 Only those who have attended the Company Orientation, Basic Food Service
Seminar and Food Safety Training shall be considered for hiring. Attendance in
these trainings/seminars shall be a requisite prior to the start of employment.

9.0 Candidates for employment shall likewise be required to undergo a complete

medical examination. Employment will depend on the favorable outcome of the
medical examinations. The cost of the medical examination shall be shouldered
by the applicant/candidate.

10.0 A background investigation on the applicant’s and newly-hired employee’s

personal and professional background and credentials may be conducted, if
deemed necessary.

11.0 Former employees who were dismissed for an offense or for justified causes shall
not be considered for re-employment by the company.
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12.0 Marriage of incumbent employees:

12.1 In the event that two (2) company employees decide to marry, only one (1)
employee shall be allowed to remain employed. Management may require either one of
the two (2) employees to resign his/her job voluntarily.

1.0 The HR Department prepares announcement for Job Openings and circulates it
within the Company and posts it in the Bulletin Boards.

2.0 Internal hiring procedure will be done by the HR Department. If no one qualifies
or is not interested in the position, hiring from external sources follows.

3.0 Applicants for Job Openings will complete an Application/Information Data

Form. Applicants will furnish full personal particulars of information about
themselves and their dependents, as well as provide appropriate references from
previous employment and work experiences.

4.0 Applicants are pre-screened, given tests (if position requires testing), to
determine if the criteria required in the Personnel Requisition are met.

5.0 Applicants in the Rank and File positions are interviewed by HRD personnel.
Applicants for Staff positions and higher, the HRD Manager conducts the

6.0 Applicants who are interviewed but are not selected will be notified to that effect
by the HR Department.

7.0 In case an applicant is qualified for other positions than the one needed, his/her
application is placed in the Talent Bank for future references with the applicant’s

8.0 After an applicant has been selected, he/she is asked to complete the pre-
employment requirements, prior to attending the Company Orientation Training.

9.0 The qualified applicants will be required to undergo medical examination/check-

up by the Company’s accredited Medical Clinic. Candidates for hiring must be
physically fit for work before they can be considered for hiring.

10.0 Qualified candidates for hiring will be required to submit the following prior to
their attendance of the Orientation Training and/or their start of employment.

10.1 Completed Application for Employment/Information Data Sheet;

10.2 SSS, TIN, Pag-ibig and Philhealth Membership numbers/photocopy;

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10.3 Diploma and/or Transcript
of Records (whichever is applicable)
10.4 NBI, Police and Barangay Clearance
10.5 Complete Medical Examination Results (Fit to Work)
10.6 Mayor’s and Occupational/Health Permits
10.7 Certificate/s of previous employment
10.8 2 pcs. 2” x 2” and 4 pcs. 1” x 1” ID pictures
10.9 Other documents that may be required by the HR Department/Client

11.0 After the Orientation Training, applicants may either be:

11.1 Sent to different outlets for completion of their On-the-Job Trainings,

(for Operations Department positions), or
11.2 Asked to sign their Employment Contracts and start working (for
Corporate Office positions).

12.0 After the applicants have passed the On-the-Job Training, they are hired and
deployed to the Canteen outlets after signing their Employment Contracts.

13.0 The HR Department will issue appropriate uniforms to new employees to be

assigned to the Operations Department (Canteen outlets).

14.0 If deemed necessary, the HR Department will conduct a background

investigation on the newly hired-employees’ personal and professional

15.0 The HR Department will prepare internal and external reports for submission to
the company’s Finance/Payroll Department and to the SSS and other government


1.0 Personnel Requisition Form

2.0 Employee Information Data Sheet
3.0 Performance Qualification Report Form
4.0 Employment Contract


Prepared by: Approved by:

Analyn Salazar Ricardo S. Abelardo

HR Manager General Manager

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