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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Pangasinan Division II
ABE International Colleges
Business Accountancy
Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

The Negative Effects of Not Eating Breakfast before Going to School among the Senior

High School Student’s Classroom Performances at ABE-Urdaneta City Campus

S.Y. 2023-2024

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Practical Research 2

Submitted by:
Quidem, Trizza Khaye - STEM
Esperanza, Laarnie Joy - ABM
Lambino, Lj Bevelynn - ABM
Meimban, John Rey - HUMSS

Submitted to:
Ms. Claraise Jane Caliwliw

JUNE, 2024


Title Page..........................................................................................................................................i

Table of Contents.............................................................................................................................ii

Approval Sheet...............................................................................................................................iii

Acknowledgement Letter................................................................................................................iv

Chapter I- INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................1-5


Background of the Study.................................................................................................................2

Statement of the Problem.................................................................................................................3

Scope and Delimitations of the Study..............................................................................................4

Significance of the Study..............................................................................................................4-5

Chapter II- METHODOLOGY................................................................................................6-7

Research Design...............................................................................................................................6

Subject of the Study and Sampling Scheme....................................................................................6

Data Gathering Instrument...............................................................................................................7

Collecting of Data............................................................................................................................7

Chapter III- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION.........................................................................8-13




Chapter V- RECOMMENDATION..........................................................................................16

REFERENCE LIST.....................................................................................................................17

CURRICULUM VITAE OF RESEARCHERS...................................................................18-21


In partial fulfilment for the subject Research. This research entitled “The Negative Effects of Not

Eating Breakfast Before Going to School Among The Senior High School Student’s Classroom

Performances at ABE Urdaneta Campus S.Y. 2023-2024” has prepared by Trizza Khaye Quidem,

Laarnie Joy Esperanza, Lj Bevelynn Lambino, and John Rey Meimban who are hereby

recommended for final examination.

________________________________ __________________________________

Research adviser Critic Reader

Panel of examiners



___________________________________ __________________________________

Member Member

___________________________________ __________________________________

Member Member


First of all, the researchers would like to express their gratitude to the Almighty God for

His enduring grace, guidance, and protection throughout this research project.

The researchers also want to thank their adviser, Claraise Caliwliw, for her unwavering

support, motivation, and immense knowledge. Her guidance helped us significantly during the

research and writing process.

Additionally, special thank you to our parents for their continuous financial support and

their guidance, encouragement, and inspiration throughout our lives.

Lastly, we extend our thanks to our classmates and friends for the stimulating discussions

and the collaborative efforts during those sleepless nights working towards deadlines.



This chapter introduces the study, "The Negative Effects of Not Eating Breakfast

before Going to School on the Classroom Performances of Senior High School Students at ABE-

Urdaneta City Campus S.Y. 2023-2024”.


This study invetigates how skipping breakfast affects the classroom performance of

Senior High School students at ABE-Urdaneta City Campus during the 2023-2024 school year.

The research aims to understand if there is a link between not eating breakfast and how well

students do in school, highlighting the importance of breakfast for learning and overall health.

A qualitative case study method was used, involving 10 students from Grades 11 and 12

who regularly skip breakfast. Data were collected through interviews conducted via Messenger

starting on June 7, 2024. The analysis showed that most students who skip breakfast have trouble

focusing, participating, and paying attention in class because they feel hungry and lack energy.

Common reasons for skipping breakfast included not having enough time and not having food

available, with many students prioritizing getting to school on time over eating.

The study concludes that not eating breakfast negatively impacts students' classroom

performance, emphasizing the meal's importance for academic achievement. It suggests that

future researchers should include more students and different age groups to get a fuller picture of

how breakfast affects learning. This research offers valuable insights for students, parents,

teachers, and school administrators about the critical role of breakfast in education.
Introduction and Background of the Study

This study aims to investigate The Negative Effects of Not Eating Breakfast before Going

to School among the Senior High School Student’s Classroom Performances at ABE Urdaneta

Campus S.Y. 2023-2024. The researchers are going to investigate whether there’s a relationship

between skipping breakfast and how students perform academically. The goal is to learn more

about why breakfast matters in school and how it might affect how well among the Senior High

school Students learn.

According to Grace Chen (2022), the food that the student’s intake is vital for their

performance in school. The nutrients that the students get from foods can either be an advantage

or disadvantage for their performance in class and can also affect their mood and behaviour. The

foods that most student’s intake such as foods that contain sugar, caffeine, chemicals, sodium,

and saturated fats leave them energized, unfocused, etc. Which hinder their ability to learn or

adopt new learnings from school.

The researchers wants to figure out if there’s a negative effects of not eating breakfast of

students’ classroom performances. The researchers also want to understand why this happens

and find ways to stop it from being a problem. In the end, the researchers hope to learn why

students sometimes struggle in class when they skip breakfast and how to help them do better.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the negative effects of not eating breakfast before going to

school among the senior high school student’s classroom performances at ABE- Urdaneta City

Campus S.Y. 2023-2024.

Specifically, the study will answer the following questions:

1.) What is the profile of the Senior High School student in terms of the following attributes;

a. Age

b. Grade level

2.) What are the reasons why skipping breakfast affects the Senior High School Students at

ABE-Urdaneta class participation?

3.) What are the reasons behind senior high school students at ABE-Urdaneta not eating

breakfast before going to school?

4.) How do SHS Students perceive the importance of breakfast in relation to their over-health

and academic performances?

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study aims to identify the negative effects of not eating breakfast on Academic

Performances in ABE-Urdaneta Campus.

This research will be conducted using online surveys with a total of 10 respondents of

Senior High School Students of ABE-Urdaneta Campus, S.Y. 2023-2024 during the month of

May-June 2024. The research included questions that can be answered by the students to know if

the problem had negative effects on their classroom performances; Class Participation, Lower

Cognitive, Behaviour during class hours.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will give advantage to the following:

Students – This study will help students understand the impact of breakfast on their academic

performance and overall well-being. By highlighting the importance of a nutritious morning

meal, students will be better informed about how their dietary habits can influence their focus,

energy levels, and classroom engagement.

Teachers – As key facilitators in the teaching-learning process, teachers will gain valuable

insights from this research that will enable them to emphasize the importance of time

management and healthy eating habits to their students. This knowledge will empower teachers

to guide students in planning their mornings effectively, ensuring they have enough time to eat

breakfast and prepare for the school day.

Parents – This study will provide parents with a better understanding of how crucial breakfast is

for their children's academic success and health. Armed with this information, parents can

implement alternative strategies and practical solutions to ensure their children have a nutritious

breakfast before leaving for school, even on busy mornings.

Administrators – School administrators will benefit from this research by gaining the

knowledge needed to develop and implement programs that encourage students to eat breakfast.

By creating initiatives such as breakfast clubs, school-wide campaigns, or providing healthy

breakfast options on campus, administrators can foster a culture that prioritizes the well-being

and academic performance of their students.

Future Researchers – It will be very important to future researcher because they can use this

research as a guide for their own research.



This chapter explains various methodologies that were used in gathering data that are

relevant to the research. This chapter presents a research design that is use for this study. It

includes 10 participants, 5 questions, research design, subject of the study and sampling scheme,

data gathering instrument, and collecting of data to be used or instrument on this research.

Research Design

The researchers chose case study as their qualitative research design since not all senior

high school students of ABE-Urdaneta Campus skip breakfast before going to school. This is to

easily gather the needed data for the research.

Subject of the Study and Sampling Scheme

The participants of this research study were the Senior High School students of ABE-

Urdaneta Campus during the S.Y. 2023-2024. The researchers need to find participants from the

Senior High School Students who skip breakfast before going to school. There are a total number

of 17 grade 11 students and 16 grade 12 students in ABE Urdaneta campus who’s taking face-to-

face classes. The researchers will pick 5 students from grade 11 and 5 students from grade 12 to

be respondents in this study.

Data Gathering Instrument

A. What is the profile of the Senior High School student in terms of the following attributes;

a. Age

b. Grade level

B. These are the specific questions aimed at gathering qualitative data from the participants.

1.) Describe your typical morning routine before coming to school.

2.) Have you noticed any differences in your classroom performance on days when you eat

breakfast versus when you don't? If so, please describe.

3.) How do you feel physically and mentally during classes on days when you skip breakfast?

4.) What factors influence your decision to skip breakfast before school?

5.) How do you think skipping breakfast affects your concentration and focus during class?

Collecting of Data

There are a total number of 10 participants. The researchers need to know how many of

them skip breakfast. The researchers prepared questions for the selected senior high school

students of ABE Urdaneta Campus. The researchers asked them through messenger one by one

to get the information the researchers aim to know. Data gathering started on June 7, 2024. The

responses were accurately counted for analysis and interpretation in order to address the specific

issues raised by the study.



A questionnaire was employed to collect data for this research investigation. The

instrument consists of two sections. The first section focuses on the respondents' personal

information, including their sex and grade level. The second section contains 5 questions

designed to assess the negative effects of not eating breakfast before going to school among the

senior high school students’ classroom performances at ABE-Urdaneta City Campus during the

school year 2023-2024.

Respondent’s Profile:

Table 1 shows the presentation of respondents’ profile in terms of age and grade level

corresponding frequency (f) count and percentage (%) equivalent of each bracket.

Table 1: Distribution of Respondents According to their Age


16 years old 3 30%

17 years old 3 30%

18 years old 4 40%

Table 1 presents that there are 3 or 30% respondents are 16 years old, 3 or 30%

respondents are 17 years old, and 4 or 40% respondents are 18 years old.

16y/o 17y/o 18y/o



Table 2: Respondent’s Morning Routine before Going to School


Not Eating Breakfast 50%

Just Drinking (coffee,milk,milo) 20%

Eating Breakfast 30%

Table 2 presents that there 50% of students do not eat breakfast before going to school.

The primary reason for this is that they do not have enough time to prepare or eat breakfast and

they prioritize their studies over having a meal in the morning. 20% of students only drink

something, like coffee, Milo, or milk, in the morning because they’re on a diet. 30% of students

eat a proper breakfast before going to school. This table highlighting time constraints,
prioritization of studies, and dietary considerations as key factors influencing their breakfast


Table 3: Differences Effects when you Eat Breakfast and when you dont.


Experienced negative effects of not 90%

Eating breakfast.

Experienced positive effects of not eating 10%


Experienced negative effects of 10%

Eating breakfast.

Experienced positive effects of 90%

Eating breakfast.

Table 3 presents that 90% of student’s experienced negative effects when they did not eat

breakfast. These effects include feeling tired and unable to focus during classes, becoming easily

distracted, feeling exhausted and hungry, lacking energy, experiencing moments of fatigue and

difficulty concentrating, struggling to stay engaged in class, and noticing that their brain doesn't

function well on an empty stomach. 10% of student experienced positive effects from not eating

breakfast. This might include not feeling a difference in their performance or avoiding physical

discomfort from eating in the morning. 10% of students experienced negative effects from eating

breakfast, such as feeling nauseous or vomiting due to not being morning people. 90% of

students experienced positive effects when they ate breakfast. These effects include increased

energy, better focus, alertness, improved attention span, enhanced concentration, problem-

solving skills, and overall academic performance. The data suggests that most students benefit
from eating breakfast, experiencing improved energy levels and cognitive function, while a small

percentage do not see a difference or may have adverse reactions to eating in the morning.

Table 4: Physical and mental states during classes on days when breakfast is skipped


Physically Sluggish 90%

Mentally Foggy 30%

No Difference/Fine Without Breakfast 10%

Hunger 60%

Table 4 presents that 90% of students report feeling physically sluggish when they skip

breakfast. Within this group, 60% also report feeling hungry. 30% of students feel mentally

foggy and unfocused, making it hard to concentrate during classes. 10% of students do not notice

any difference in their physical or mental state when they skip breakfast. 60% of the students

who feel physically sluggish also experience hunger, indicating a strong correlation between

physical sluggishness and hunger due to skipping breakfast.

This table highlights that the majority of students experience physical sluggishness, with

a significant portion also feeling hungry, when they skip breakfast. Additionally, a smaller group

of students experience mental fogginess or do not notice any difference.


Table 5: Factors Influencing the Decision to Skip Breakfast Before School

Time Constraints/ Rushing 30%

Not Hungry in the Morning 20%

On a Diet 10%

No Food 40%

Table 5 presents that 30% of students skip breakfast because of time constraints or

feeling rushed in the morning. 20% of students skip breakfast because they are not hungry in the

morning. 10% of students skip breakfast as part of a diet or weight management plan. 40% of

students skip breakfast due to a lack of available food at home.

This table indicates that the primary reason for skipping breakfast among students is

unavailability of food, followed by time constraints, not feeling hungry, and dieting.

Table 6: Effects of Skipping Breakfast on Student’s Classroom Performances.

Feeling Sleepy and Tired 40%

Difficulty in Communicating 30%

Can’t Function Mind Properly 20%

No Differences in Performance 10%

Table 6 presents that 40% of students feel sleepy and tired in class when they skip

breakfast. 30% of students find it challenging to communicate with others easily when they skip

breakfast. 20% of students can’t function their mind properly in class discussions. 10% of

students believe that skipping breakfast has no noticeable effect on their classroom behaviors.

This table highlights that a significant portion of students experience feeling sleepy and

tired, as well as difficulty in communication and can’t function mind properly, when they skip




This chapter presents a summary of the research findings and the conclusions drawn from

the study on "The Negative Effects of Not Eating Breakfast before Going to School on the

Classroom Performance of Senior High School Students at ABE Urdaneta Campus S.Y. 2023-

2024." It provides a concise overview of the key results and discusses the implications of these



Based on the research conducted, the researchers were able to know how skipping

breakfast negatively affects the senior high school students in ABE-Urdaneta City Campus. The

participants of the research have different answers on what effects does skipping breakfast has on

their academic performances. Most of the participants stated that skipping breakfast makes it

difficult for them to focus, participate, and listen during class discussions. Their focus is diverted

to the hunger they are feeling rather than the lesson being discussed. Only a few of the

participants of the research said that skipping breakfast does not negatively affect them. They are

many factors affecting the students when they skip breakfast before going to school and a lot of

studies can prove those. And also majority of participants said that they skipped eating breakfast

because of the no availability of foods and the time constraint or rushing to go to school. Lastly,

majority of the participants are not eating breakfast because they prioritize more their school

responsibilities, like they don’t want to be late, than their own health.


The researchers’ problem is that many students skip their breakfast before going to

school. The researchers aim to know what are the effects of it to the students because they

believed that the breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That is why they conducted a

research knowing The Negative Effects of Not Eating Breakfast before Going to School among

the Senior High School Student’s Classroom Performances at ABE-Urdaneta City Campus S.Y.

2023-2024. The researchers think that not eating the first meal of the day has a negative effect on

their daily performances, but their own analysis is not enough to prove that the given problem is

really a problem. But one thing is for sure that not eating breakfast before going to school has a

negative effect to the students, especially on their classsroom performances, even a lot of studies

show that breakfast is vital for the students’ daily performances. The researchers gave some

possible effects of the research on the people that are affected by it such as the students, parents,

teachers, administrators and so as the future researchers that will use this research. For the future

researchers that will use this research, gather more data from different grade levels of students so

that more information will be gathered such as if the age of the students can have different

results from the others.




This chapter discusses the recommendations the researchers could give to future

researchers who could possibly improve this study.


The researchers would like to recommend this study to all future researchers who would

be making a study about effects of skipping breakfast of the student’s classroom performances.

What hindered the researchers in improving this study is the lack of time and data. Therefore, the

researchers would appreciate if the future researchers would give their time to improve their

studies and provide more data so that the problem regarding skipping breakfast would be



 Chen, G. (2022, May 20). How Diet and Nutrition Impact a Child’s Learningability.

Public School Review.

nutrition-impact-a-childs-learning ability?



 Laguipo, Angela B. (2019, November 19). Skipping Breakfast Affects Academic

Performance. News Medical and Life Sciences.



 Breakfast and the Brain: How Eating Breakfast Impacts School Performance. (2019, June

12). Healthy Food Choices in School. https://healthy-food-choices-in-



San Vicente, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

Date of Birth: April 17, 2006

Place of Birth: Urdaneta City, Pangasinan

Age: 18 years old

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Iglesia Ni Cristo

Civil Status: Single

Height: 5’3

Weight: 65kg


Senior High School: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

ABE International College of Business and Accountancy - 2023-2024

Lord’s Hand Academy Inc. - 2022-2023

Junior High School:

Malasiqui National High School - 2021-2022

First Asian Learning Center of Northern Luzon - 2018-2021


First Asian Learning Center of Northern Luzon - 2013-2018

Malasiqui Central School - 2012-2013


Poblacion Central, Sison, Pangasinan



Date of Birth: March 27, 2006

Place of Birth: Sison, Pangasinan

Age: 18 years old

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single


Senior High School: Accountancy, Business, and Management

ABE International College of Business and Accountancy - 2023-2024


Talogtog, Pozzorubio, Pangasinan



Date of Birth: August 10, 2005

Place of Birth: Pozzorubio, Pangasinan

Age: 18 years old

Citizenship: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Civil Status: Single

Height: 5’3

Weight: 60kg


Senior High School: Accountancy, Business, and Management

ABE International College of Business and Accountancy - 2023-2024

John Rey B. Meimban

Sto Tomas, Pangasinan City, 2426



Date of Birth June 19, 2004

Birth of Place Carmen West, Rosales, Pang.

Age 20 years old

Citizenship Filipino

Sex Male

Religion Roman Catholic

Civil status Single

Height 5’9

Weight 114lbs


SECONDARY: ABE International Business College and Accountancy


St. John Paul II Institute and Technology


Antonio P. Villar National High School


PRIMARY: Ernesting Gonzales Central School


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