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The class will be divided in to 4 groups. Each group will be given specific topic to
discuss it in the class. The group should have 2 representatives to present their output.
They will be given 10 minutes to do the activity. They will be graded according to the

Presentation- 30%

Total: 100%


The class will be divided in to 3 groups. Each group will present a short play
presentation showing the importance of religion and it’s interconnectedness to
geography and culture. The group will have 3 minutes to perform.

Presentation- 30%

Total: 100%
The class will be divided into 3 groups. They will have an “Envoy Activity” .Each group
will be given a strip of paper that contains the topic. The group must select one leader
to discuss their selected topic; afterwards, the leader of each group will go to the other
group and explain to them about their chosen topic. They will be given 5 minutes to
discuss the topic. The other members of the group will take notes important
information provided by the leader during the discussion.

Good Adequate Needs Improvement

(5) (3) (1)

Clarity of the Analysis Analyze thoroughly the Analyze parts of the Analyze the poem a
whole parts of the poem poem and some little and the references
X5 and reference are clear. references are clear. are not clear.

Organization Organization is very Organization is very Writing is not organized.

clear with transitions clear. Transitions are The transitions between
X3 that are effective and present at times, but ideas are not clear.
varied throughout the there is little variety.

Evidences Presented Presents extensive Presents some Presents little evidence

evidences from the evidences from the from the poem and
X2 poem and relevant poem with some relevant supports to
supports to back up relevant supports to back up his/her
his/her interpretation. back up his/her interpretation.

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