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Master of Ceremonies (MC):

Good morning our respected Principal Ibu Wira, respected teachers and most importantly, our
wonderful new students! Welcome to Bali Kiddy School !
I am so excited to see all of you standing here. Today marks a significant milestone in your academic
journey – your first day as part of Bali Kiddy School!

On behalf of the entire school community, I extend a warm welcome to all of you. We are thrilled to
have you join our vibrant and dynamic learning environment.

National Anthem:

Now, as we embark on this new chapter together, let's take a moment to sing the National Anthem
“Indonesia Raya”.
Thank you, Kania. Let’s take a moment of silence to pray for our activities today. For Calya time is
Thank you, Calya

Speech Ibu Wira:

Now, let's hear some inspiring words and explanations about our school profile from our esteemed
principal, Ibu Wira. Ibu Wira, time is yours.
Thank you, Ibu Wira, for your insightful words and comprehensive overview.

Now, to break the ice and loosen up a bit, let's play a fun game called "Follow What I Said." I'll make a
statement and you will follow what I said.

(After the game)

That was a lot of fun! Now, let's explore the exciting world of extracurricular activities offered here at
Bali Kiddy. Before we continue, May I know how many of you are joining the extras? Raise your hand
Ms. Erlita will take us through the various clubs and organizations you can join to pursue your

(The MC invites Ms. Erlita to the stage.)

Ms. Erlita's Speech:

(Ms. Erlita explains the various extracurricular activities available and how students can get


Thank you, Ms. Erlita, for sharing that information.

**(Ms. Erlita returns to her seat.) **


To capture this momentous occasion, we'll be having a photo session for each class. Please gather
around your respective homeroom teachers for a class photo.

(The MC provides instructions for the class photo session. After the photos are taken,)

Alright friends, that’s all for the first session today. Your next session will be in the classroom with your
class teacher. See you later ^^
. We hope you enjoyed your first day at Bali Kiddy Secondary and are filled with excitement for the
year ahead.

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