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Augmented Reality In

Teacher Training

Presented by:
Ayesha Afzal
Roll No 241404
Presented To:
Sir Kashif

• Augmented reality (AR) is the integration of digital information with the

user's environment in real time.

• Either visually change natural environments in some way or to provide

additional information to users

• This information is overlaid onto the device to create an interwoven and

immersive experience where digital information alters the user's perception
of the physical world.
• AI and machine learning (ML) as game-changers in cybersecurity.
• Capabilities of AI:Anomaly detection, pattern recognition, threat
• ARintelligence.
can bring complex scientific concepts to life by allowing students to
• Real-timethree-dimensional models pattern recognition, threat
threat analysis and response.
• students
• Machinecan engage in group
Learning: activities
Supervised andwhere they worklearning
unsupervised togetherforto detecting
problems or complete virtual simulations
• Deep Learning: Neural networks for analyzing large datasets and
identifying complex patterns.
• Natural Language Processing (NLP): Analyzing communication
patterns for phishing and social engineering attacks.
LITERATURE REVIEW Author Title Year Method Results Advantages Limitation

1 Iwona Adamska Aspects of 2021 This utilizes a mixed- Unlike passive Comprehensive This mainly focused
Augmented Reality methods approach, learning methods, AR Coverage, Real- on theories without
To the real world integrating quantitative enables students to World Relevance, testing them out in
environment and qualitative analyses actively engage with Ethical real-life situations or
to explore the the subject matter Considerations, discussing the
multifaceted dimensions through immersive Practical practical difficulties
of AI-driven cybersecurity and interactive Frameworks of putting those
comprehensively elements theories into action.
LITERATURE REVIEW (Continue) Author Title Year Method Results Advantages Limitation

2 Mohammed Brief Study: Augmented 2023 bring complex scientific rely on passive The paper reflects Lack of empirical
Rizvi reality in education concepts to life by allowing learning methods, the latest trends data to support
students to visualize three- leaving students and advancements, claims.
dimensional models of craving for more Clarity and Minimal
molecules or explore engaging and Accessibility of AR discussion on
virtual environments interactive in Education future trends and
simulating scientific experiences research
phenomena directions.
LITERATURE REVIEW (Continue) Author Title Year Method Results Advantages Limitation

3 Bilal Alhayani, Effectiveness of artificial 2022 This research paper Artificial Provides insights into manipulating and
Husam Jasim intelligence techniques employed a quantitative intelligence (AI) the effectiveness of AI interacting with
Mohammed, To support Augmented approach. To quatify the significantly techniques in virtual objects in
and Ibrahim reality benefits of AR in education enhances the Education a hands-on
Zeghaiton + teacher training use of AR manner, students
Chaloob. gain a deeper
understanding of
the subject
matter, fostering
curiosity, critical
thinking, and
Inclusion Exclusion Diagram
Citation Identified In
Literature Search

Potentially Relevent Potentially Relevent

Reports From Other Source Reports Identified As Screened
7 4

Total Potentially Relevent

Reports Identified And Screened

Report Excluded

Report Excluded Presenting Data

From 11 Unique Studies

• Augmented reality in education offers a promising solution to the challenge of

knowledge retention.
• By visualizing complex ideas through interactive and contextualized virtual
elements, AR helps students form stronger mental connections and
associations with the subject matter.
• educators can empower students to retain information more effectively.

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