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Basic Electrical & Electronics

Current & Charge Basic Electrical Circuits & Components

Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq
Department of Mechanical Engineering Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology

The amount of electrical charge of an electron (e ) and that of proton (p ) is the same, except that they are opposite sign, e p 1 60219 1019 Coulomb

Current, i t is the rate of charge ow through a conductor in a circuit, dQ t i t Ampere Coulomb sec dt where, Q t is the amount of electrical charge that passes through the conductor.

ME 361: Instrumentation & Measurement

Electrons ow from cathode to anode through the circuit, but convention assumes current ow in the opposite direction.

Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)

Electrical Circuits

ME 361

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Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)

Electrical Circuits

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Basic Electrical & Electronics

Basic Electrical & Electronics

Electrical Circuit Terminology

Analogy Between Electrical & Earth Ground


Anode : +ve side of source where electrons are attracted. Cathode : -ve side from where electrons are released. Ground : a reference point where voltage is assumed zero. Load : network of circuit elements that dissipate or store electrical energy.
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Ground indicates a reference point in the circuit where the voltage is assumed to be zero.

Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)

Electrical Circuits

ME 361

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Basic Electrical & Electronics

Basic Electrical & Electronics

Basic Electrical Elements

Resistor dissipates electrical energy into heat.


I 2R

ab 10c


a b c
Registor Capacitor Inductor Voltage Source Current Source


There are three basic passive elements: the resistor (R), capacitor (C) and inductor (L). Passive elements require no additional power supply, as active elements such as integrated circuits. There are two types of ideal energy sources: a voltage source (V) and a current source (I). Ideal sources contain no internal resistance, inductance or capacitance.
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Table: a , b, and c Bands

Color Value Black 0 Brown 1 Red 2 Orange 3 Yellow 4 Green 5 Blue 6 Violet 7 Gray 8 White 9

Table: tol Band

Color Value Gold 5%



Nothing 20%

Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)

Electrical Circuits

ME 361

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Basic Electrical & Electronics

Basic Electrical & Electronics

Capacitor is a passive element that stores energy in the form of an electric eld, resulted from a separation of electrical charge. An ideal capacitor generates a voltage potential dierence between its two nodes proportional to the stored electrical charge. vC t

Q t C

1 C


i t

dvC dt

where, C = Capacitance (Farad = Coulomb/Volt) Since the voltage across a capacitor is the integral of the displacement current the voltage cannot change instantaneously. An ideal capacitor induces a 90o phase angle between its voltage and current across its terminals due to the integral function.

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Basic Electrical & Electronics

Basic Electrical & Electronics

Inductor is a passive energy storage element that stores energy in the form of a magnetic eld. An ideal inductor generates a potential dierence proportional to the rate of change of current passing through it. vL t
e433.eps e434.eps

di dt

d dt

i t

1 L

t 0


Capacitance is a property of the dielectric material, the plate geometry and separation. Capacitors block DC voltage and pass the AC voltage. DC voltage will build a potential dierence in the capacitor until they are equal. AC voltage simply alternates the charge and discharge of the capacitor and is passed, not blocked, in a circuit.
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= Magnetic ux through the coil due to current (Weber), = Inductance of the coil (Henry), assumed to be constant.

Current through an inductor cannot change instantaneously because it is an integral of the voltage. Motor, electromagnetic relays or solenoids have large inductance, so it is dicult to turn these ON or OFF very fast.

Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)

Electrical Circuits Circuit

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Basic Electrical & Electronics

Node & Loop


A node is the junction of 2 or more branches.



The inductor is made by a coil of conductor around a core like a solenoid.

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A loop is any closed connection of branches.

Electrical Circuits ME 361 12 / 19

Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)



Kirchos Voltage Law (KVL)

Sum of voltages around a closed loop is zero,

Kirchos Current Law (KCL)


N i 1 Vi

In clockwise or counterclockwise loop direction, form the sum of the voltages across each element, assign to each voltage the rst algebraic sign encountered at each element.
V2 I2 + + V3 + VN IN I3

Sum of the currents owing into a closed surface or node is zero, N I1 I2 IN 0. i 1 Ii


I1 I1 I3 IN






V 1 V 2 V 3 V N
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET) Electrical Circuits Circuit

If the calculated result for a current is negative, the current actually ows in opposite direction.
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Thevenins Equivalent Circuit

Thevenins theorem states that given a pair of terminals in a linear network, the network may be replaced by an ideal voltage source, Voc in series with a resistance, RTH . Voc is equal to the open circuit voltage across the terminals. RTH is the equivalent resistance across the terminals when independent voltage sources are shorted and independent current sources are replaced with open circuits.

Thevenins Theorem . . . Example

R1 + R2 Vs Remaining Circuit Network



Remaining Circuit Network

Thevenin Equivalent Circuit
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R2 R1




R1 R2 R1 R2

Electrical Circuits

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AC Signals & Impedance

Norton Equivalent Circuit

Network is replaced by an ideal current source, ISC and a Thevenins resistance, RTH in parallel with this source. ISC is found by calculating the current that would ow through the terminals if they were shorted together having removed the remaining load circuit.

Sinusoidal Waveform



Remaining Circuit Network

1 frequency: f time shift: t T 2 if is +ve occurs earlier on time axis lagging.

Norton Equivalent Circuit

V t dt V cos t dt I t dt I cos t dt I P t V t I t 2V I P t dt V I cos t cos t P cos

rms 1 T T 0 2 1 T T 0 2 m 2 1 T T 0 2 1 T T 2 0 m 2 rms rms av 1 T T 0 rms rms
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Vm 2 Im 2

Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)

Electrical Circuits

ME 361

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AC Signals & Impedance

Phasor Representation of Sinusoidal Signals

V Z R j Z L j Z C j

IZ R j L 1 j C L 90o 1 90o C

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