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1. Explain the meaning of integrity and its role in business.

The qualities of honesty and upholding high moral standards are referred to as
integrity. Integrity is a fundamental value in business that guides individual and
organizational behavior and decision-making. It entails maintaining consistency in
actions, adhering to ethical standards, and committing to transparency. Integrity
portrays some roles in the business world such as:
 Trustworthiness - Clients are becoming more wary of the businesses with
which they choose to interact, making it difficult to earn trust. It serves as the
foundation for professional relationships and can help you develop valuable
relationships with coworkers, managers, and customers.
 Respect - The relationship between a business and its customers can be
strengthened by a mutual exchange of values and respect. Respect in the
workplace is a sign that you recognize and value other people's contributions.
And integrity at work involves more than just honesty and respect.
 Risk Mitigation - Maintaining integrity in business operations helps reduce a
variety of risks, such as those related to finances, legal issues, and reputation.
Companies that place a high value on ethics are better able to deal with
difficulties and unpredictability.
 Long-term Success – Building integrity inside the corporation achieve long-
term success. They have a reputation for moral behavior, which helps them
handle difficulties and crises more skillfully.

2. Site two examples of marketing translation either here or abroad.

Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” Campaign
A well-known marketing initiative, Coca-Cola's "Share a Coke" campaign
replaced the iconic Coca-Cola logo on bottles with well-known names and phrases like
"Share a Coke with [Name]." The goal of the campaign was to give customers a more
unique and interesting experience. When implementing this campaign in different
countries, effective marketing translation was essential. Names and phrases had to be
culturally appropriate and resonate with local audiences. Coca-Cola successfully adapted
the campaign by translating names into multiple languages and taking into account
cultural differences. For example, here in the Philippines, the campaign may feature
Baybayin characters that conveyed similar personalization with the country. Another one
is in China, the campaign involved characters in Mandarin that shows connectivity with
the country.
McDonald’s “I’m Lovin’ It” Slogan
McDonald's "I'm Lovin' It" is one of the most well-known global marketing
slogans. Translation of this slogan into other languages required careful consideration of
linguistic and cultural differences when expanding into new markets. In Germany, for
example, the slogan was translated as "Ich liebe es," which retains the same meaning
while using the German language. Meanwhile, in the Philippines, the slogan translation
is “Love ko to” in tagalong. This translation's success is based on its ability to convey the
intended message of enjoyment and satisfaction while also appealing to the local
3. Explain how internet technology is affecting international business and trade.
Internet technology had a significant impact on international business and trade,
by simply seeing how vast the change of how businesses operate and engage in
global commerce. There are several important aspects emphasizes the impact of
internet technology such as Global Connectivity, E-Commerce and Online Retail,
Digital Marketing and Advertising,, Communication and collaboration, Supply
Chain Optimization, Cross-Border Payments, Market Research and Data
Analytics, and Regulatory Compliance and Cross-Border Transactions. Internet
technology has completely changed international business and trade through
different forms of aspects. As technology advances, its impact on the
international business landscape is likely to change and shape the future of global
trade. It broadens the world of business and trade that serves also as connection
of a country to another country. Lot of business opportunities and growth for
innovation were explored. The internet's advantages are propelling the global
economy's continuous growth and expansion, despite certain obstacles that need
to be overcome.

4. Write your reflections on at least two of the following myths about entrepreneurship:
a. Entrepreneurs are born, not made.
One of the myths about the entrepreneurship is about “Entrepreneurs are born,
not made”, this implies that individuals possess inherent traits or characteristics
of becoming a successful entrepreneurs not only learned through education or
experiences. There are lots of people that are born to be an entrepreneur because
they also grow up in the world of business. However, not all people are born to be
entrepreneurs. There are also people who become entrepreneur by learning
through education and experiences. Because of their patience, perseverance,
determination, goals, and dreams they become entrepreneurs. There are
advantages and disadvantages of being born as entrepreneur. Such advantages
are Inherent qualities, Passion and Drive, and Intuition. These are the merits of
being born entrepreneur that they can posses to contribute to their
entrepreneurial success. On the other hand, the limitations are learnable skills,
adaptability, education and training, and environmental factors. The nature-
versus-nurture debate over entrepreneurship is actually quite complex. While
some people may be born with characteristics that make them successful
entrepreneurs, it is overly simplistic to believe that entrepreneurs are born rather
than made. Entrepreneurship is a multifaceted endeavor that combines innate
qualities, acquired skills, experiences, and external influences. Furthermore,
learning, adapting, and growing continuously are common parts of the
entrepreneurial journey. Many successful entrepreneurs credit their success not
only to natural abilities, but also to lessons learned from failure, mentorship, and
a dedication to personal and professional growth. In the end, the most successful
businesspeople are probably those who have innate traits along with an ability to
pick up new skills, adjust, and keep going when things get difficult. The
interaction of nature and nurture in entrepreneurship is a dynamic and evolving
process that differs from person to person.
b. It takes a lot of money to start a business.

It takes a lots of money to start a business is a myth that reveals truth,

facts, and some limitations. Starting up a business really need an effort,
plan, and hard work, however, it also takes up some money to put in
reality the visualized business. Capital requirement is indeed needed in
business in which it might cost for researching, campaigns and some
safety net allowing entrepreneurs to navigate unforeseen challenges and
market fluctuations. Also, establishing a variety of expenses, including
finding a physical location, buying inventory and equipment, recruiting
staff, marketing, and paying for legal and regulatory fees. It is true that
initial capital requirements can be high in industries like technology or
manufacturing that has high entry barriers. Though there are now a
number of ways to launch a business with less initial funding. For
example, the development of technology and the internet has made it
easier for online businesses to expand, even though they might need less
startup capital than conventional brick and mortar businesses.
Regardless of capital, businesses also need innovative and creative mind,
Access to alternative funding, enough experiences in business and some
plans and strategies. The idea that "it takes a lot of money to start a
business" should be carefully considered, even though having enough
capital can definitely offer a competitive advantage and reduce risks. A
holistic strategy that incorporates financial planning with originality,
innovativeness, and wise resource allocation is something that
entrepreneurs should think about. Building a successful business depends
not only on the amount of money invested, but also on the ability to
adapt, innovate, and create value in the market. Despite the fact that the
statement emphasizes the financial aspects of launching a business, it is
imperative that entrepreneurship be approached from a broad angle.
Although capital plays a significant role in business success, it is not the
only factor; resilience, adaptability, and strategic planning are also
essential to the development of a successful enterprise. In conclusion this
myth doesn’t apply in this era, because it’s not about having a lot of
money, it is about having an innovative and creative mind, perseverance,
and right goal. You can start a business with an ample amount of money
that can satisfy your need and roll the profit that the business provides to

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