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Time and Relative Dimension Systems, Inc.

1234 Universe Way ★ Tyler, TX 75000-9876 ★ 800-987-654-3210 ★ 001-801-555-1212 ★ Fax 801-555-1213

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The future is now. Embrace it.

April 1, 2022

Tiberius J. Kirk, CEO

Stargazers Institute
1234 Enterprise Drive
Fort Baker, CA 98765

RE: Proposal for Starship Time Dilation technology

Dear Mr. Kirk:

It has been a pleasure working with you on the Starship Time Dilation technology for all starships in the
federation fleet. Attached is the proposal for this project, including deliverable deadlines.

As you understand, time has a bunch of whimey, wiggly, wobbly bits and dimensions. The technology
can be extremely dangerous because it is essential to know the difference between fixed points in time
and things that are subject to change. Also, there can be no policing of bad acts and bad actors across
any rifts in time. Explanations are fully explored in the attached proposal.

For all of us at Time and Relative Dimension Systems, Inc., we look forward to a long and prosperous
relationship far into the future. Should you have any questions after your initial read of the proposal,
please feel free to contact me while I am visiting Earth and our plant in Tyler, TX at 800-987-654-3210 ★


Time and Relative Dimensions Systems, Inc.

Dr. John Smith, President


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