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 Discusses basic terms in sexuality as an important component
of one’s personality; and
 Explain the dimensions of human sexuality.

A. Introduction:
In this module, you will learn that sexuality is a natural part of the life of a human being. It is
about being a man or a woman. Most important aspects are masculine and feminine identification.
Sexuality involves the name given at birth, the toys played with, the garments worn, the buddies
played with and the roles and responsibilities included at home. It provides a sense of self-worth
when sexual understanding is learned.

B. Discussions:
Sexuality - it refers to people’s sexual interest in and attraction to others, as well as their capacity
to have erotic experiences and responses. It is experienced and expressed in thoughts, fantasies,
desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors, practices, roles and relationships. Sexuality is influenced
by the interaction of biological, psychological, social, economic, political, cultural, legal, historical,
religious and spiritual factors. (WHO, 2006a, updated 2010). Is an essential part of what we do and
who we are. It is the way in which we experience and express ourselves as human beings. It is the
entire expression of an individual’s self-concept. Sexuality involves the physical, mental, social,
emotional and ethical aspects of one’s personality.
Sexuality is a natural and healthy part of life. It is everything about being a male or female. It’s the
most important aspect in masculine or feminine identification. It involves the name given at birth, the
toys played with, the garments worn, the buddies played with, the roles and responsibilities at home.
Sexuality provides a sense of self-worth when sexual understanding is positive.

Gender and Human Sexuality

Gender - is a social concept on how men and women should think, feel, and act. It refers to
femininity or masculinity of a person’s role and behavior as defined by society. It is a term that refers
to social or cultural distinctions associated with being male, female, or intersex. It does not exist
naturally because it was generally regarded as a social construct where the concept is created by
cultural and societal norms.
Human sexuality - is the quality of being male or female. It is the way in which we
experience and express ourselves as sexual beings. (Department of Education,2013)

The following are the key terms related to gender and sexuality:
Sex- is the biological basis of being a male or female. It refers to physiological differences found
among male, female and various intersex bodies on the basis of their reproductive organs and
functions. It has two characteristics;
1. Primary Sex Characteristics – those related to the reproductive system

2. Secondary Sex Characteristics- those that are not directly related to the reproductive system,
such as breasts and facial hair.
Gender- It is a term that refers to social or cultural distinctions associated with being male,
female, or intersex. It does not exist naturally because it was generally regarded as a social construct
where the concept is created by cultural and societal norms. It is a social view on how men and
ladies should think, feel, and act. It refers to femininity or masculinity of an individual’s role and
Gender Equality - grants man and woman equal enjoyment of human rights.
Gender Role - refers to certain roles, characteristics, and expectations of how a person should
feel, think, and act as influenced by parents, peers, and society.
A gender symbol is a way of representing a particular gender identity through unique symbol.

Male Female Female Male

Sexuality - is a basic part of what we do and who we are; it is the way in which we experience and
express ourselves as sexual beings. It is the entire expression of an individual’s self-concept.
According to Greenberg, Bruess and Oswalt (2017), sexuality means many things: feelings about
ourselves, roles we play in the society, and reproduction. It is not limited to how we believe
It is the total of our physical, emotional and spiritual responses, thoughts and feelings. Sexuality is
more about who we are than about what we do.
Human sexuality is a natural part of life and its concept are learned. There are three
dimensions of human sexuality; biological, psychological and socio-cultural. The interactive
relationship of these dimensions describes individual’s total sexuality.

Three Dimensions of Human Sexuality

There are three dimensions of human sexuality according to Greenberg, Bruess and Oswalt
(2017) in their book Exploring the Dimensions of Human Sexuality and these are the following:
 Biological Dimension involves our physical appearance, especially the development of
physical sexual characteristics; our responses to sexual stimulation; our ability to reproduce or
control fertility; and our growth and development in general.
 Psychological Dimension involves our sense of being and a learned aspect of sexuality. It is
our attitudes and feelings towards ourselves and other people.

 Socio-cultural Dimension is the sum of the cultural and social influences that affect our
thoughts and actions. Sexual identities and experiences are acquired from, influenced and

modified by an ever-changing social environment. People acquire and assemble meanings,
skills and values from the people around them.

C. Readings:

Sexuality as an Important Component of One’s Personality

According to the American Psychological Association, personality refers to individual
differences in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. It is how the various parts of a
person come together as a whole. Human Sexuality is part of our overall personality. It is something
that is natural and biological that develops into personality when growing up.

Sexuality is an important component of one’s personality because it helps a person define and
determine who he/she is that can affect his/her future choices and life decisions. It is vital to have a
positive outlook of yourself. Focus on your strengths and improve your weaknesses. If you fully
understand and accept yourself, you will know what you must do to stay healthy.

D. Examples:

Illustrations of the dimensions of one’s personality.

Physical Self – the way you look as a man or a man and woman
Mental Self – the way you think as man or a woman.
Social Self – the way you interact with others.

Emotional Self – the way you feel about yourself and others.

Ethical Self – the way you value relationships

Health 8 Module 1 p.8

PART II. Activity Proper

Activity 1: Jumbled letters:

Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters to identify the terms being asked using the descriptions
1) EXS - it is the biological basis of being a male or female.
2) DEGREN AQLYETUI - it is a state in which access to rights or opportunities by man and
woman equally.
3) RDENGE - it is either of two sexes male or female.

4) EGDREN OERL - it is a characteristic, and expectations of how a person should feel,

think, and act as influenced by parents, peers, and society.
5) XALISTYEU - it is the way in which we experience and express ourselves as sexual


Directions: Write Agree if you agree to the statement and Disagree if you don’t agree with the
1. It is the responsibility of the parents to take care of their children.

2. Men has no right to cry in public

3. Teaching job is only for women.

4. It is not the sole responsibility of the mother to attend to the PTA meeting in the school

5. Father is the sole provider of the family.

Activity 3: Graffiti
Directions: Write quotations, sayings, or slogans that describe and reveal your likes, passions, and
aspects of your personality. Write in a long bond paper and submit to your teacher or you can picture it and
send through messenger or Facebook. You may paste in your bedroom after you picture it. See the examples

Activity 1 Activity 2

1. SEX 1. Agree

2. GENDER 2. Disagree
3. Disagree
4. Disagree
5. Agree
A. Directions: Write the letter of the correct answer in your paper.
1. What is the biological basis of being male or female?
A. androgyny C. sex
B. gender D. sexuality
2. Which of the following illustrates gender?
A. Dave loves to sing and act. C. Ron has a crush on Vea
B. Maria has a positive body figure D. Deanna does not shout in public.
3. It refers to femininity or masculinity of a person’s role and behavior.
A. androgyny C. sex
B. gender D. sexuality
4. It is the total expression of an individual’s self-concept.
A. androgyny C. sex
B. gender D. sexuality
5. It is one of the dimensions of human sexuality that involves our sense of being and sexuality that
talks about attitudes and feelings towards ourselves and other
A. Biological B. Psychological C. Socio-cultural D. Ethical
6. It is a natural and healthy part of the life of a human being which is most important aspect of masculine
and feminine identification.
A. gender C. sex
B. personality D. sexuality
7. It is the dimension that involves physical appearance, especially the development of physical sexual
A. Biological B. Psychological C. Socio-cultural D. Ethical
8. It gives a man and a woman to have an equal enjoyment of human rights.
A. gender C. gender equality
B. sexuality D. gender role
9. It refers to set of roles, characteristics, and expectations of how a man or woman feels, thinks, and acts as
influenced by parents, peers, and society.
A. gender C. gender role
B. gender equality D. sexuality
10. It is a way of representing a particular gender identity.
A. gender symbol C. sex
B. personality D. sexuality

B.1 Directions: Match the statement in column A with the dimensions of human sexuality in column B.
Write the letter of your choice in your activity notebook.
Column A Column B
1. It is the one that drives you to interact with others. a. emotional self
2. It is an anatomic aspect of man and woman. b. ethical self
3. It is considered as your morals or values
regarding relationships. c. mental self
4. It is the way you think as a man or woman d. physical self
5. It is the way you feel about yourself and others. e. social self
B.2 Directions: Write T if the statement is true and write F if it is incorrect.
1. Social self is the major aspect of personality.
2. The process of sexual development is a continuous process throughout life.
3. To promote wholesome family and interpersonal relationship is the ultimate goal of gender
and sexuality education.
4. Ethical self is the way you value relationship.
5. The way you think as a man or a woman is about mental self.
C. Write an essay about yourself based on the dimensions of one’s personality. Your answer will be assessed
with the Rubrics.

Content and Organization
The idea is clear, well-explained and was able to answer
the questions.
The idea is moderately explained and was able to answer
the questions.
The idea is fairly explained and was able to answer the
The idea is slightly explained and was able to answer the
1 The idea is not clear. But answered the question

A. Books
Anido B, Bldoz A, Parakikiay M, Basilio A, etc all, 2013 PE and Health - Grade 8 Learner’s module.
Ground floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines:
Department of Education.
Greenberg, Jerrold S., Clint E. Bruess, and Sara B. Oswalt. Exploring the Dimensions of Human
Sexuality. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2017.

B. Online and Other Sources

Department of Education.
Rubrics: -




A. B. 1
1.C 1. E
2. B 2. D
3. B 3. B
4. D 4. C
5. B 5. A
6. C B. 2
7. A 1. F
8. C 2. T
9. D 3. T
10. A 4. T
5. T
* Answer may assess with the use of rubrics

Content and Organization
The idea is clear, well-explained and was able to answer
the questions.
The idea is moderately explained and was able to answer
the questions.
The idea is fairly explained and was able to answer the
The idea is slightly explained and was able to answer the
1 The idea is not clear. But answered the question

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