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PPH 8/12/2012 (031085) Vol. 185 Kota Kinabalu, Saturday, July 13, 2024 RM1.

50 Established 1963

l Achievements since new Board took charge l MACC report lodged l End to lending outside Sabah

State to recover SDB’s RM5bil

KOTA KINABALU: Deposits with SDB.
State Finance Minis- <We are also positioning SDB as the
lead lender/manager to provide local
ter Datuk Seri
content in financing large investment
Masidi Manjun (pic) projects coming into Sabah.
said the State Gov- <Another important financial support
ernment is firm in is the conversion of the State9s Deposits
supporting the of RM660 million to Redeemable Prefer-
Sabah Development ence Shares over the next few years to
Bank (SDB) and that its RM5 billion strengthen the bank9s capitalisation,=
said Masidi.
Non-Performing Loans (NPLs) are Over the past years, legacy issues have
secure and recoverable. negatively affected SDB9s financial posi-
<I wish to reaffirm the State9s support tion.
to the bank in times of need, particu- However, Masidi said achievements
larly on our commitment to ensure that have been recorded since the new Board
the bond obligations and repayments and Management came on board in the
are kept whole. second half of 2023.
<The bank reflects the State9s financial GLC loan exposure was reduced from
standing and has an important role in RM2.2 billion in July 2023 to RM0.7 bil-
the development of the State,= said lion currently, and bond obligations
Masidi in a statement, Friday, in response from RM5 billion to RM3.9 billion.
to media coverage following the He said the new team has imple-
announcement on its NPLs from 2003 mented strict governance and reported
until 2018. alleged wrongdoing to the Malaysian
It clarified that the RM5 billion NPLs are Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).
not losses and are recoverable as they are The bank has adopted industry prac-
mainly secured against land-based assets tices and BNM guidelines and com-
that are under active recovery action. menced recovery of NPLs with an
Masidi informed the State Assembly aggressive target of RM1 billion recovery
on Wednesday that the SDB would per year for the next three years.
Saifuddin visiting the counters at the KKIA Immigration Department Office.
announce an unprecedented loss for According to him, the bank expects to
FY2023-2024, in accordance with best exit the Peninsular Malaysia market by
practices and accounting standards.
He noted that SDB has always fulfilled
its bond repayment obligations in the
He said the bank is now firmly guided
by the mandate from the State Govern-
10-year passports soon: Saifuddin
past and that the bank has sufficient cap- ment to pursue economically and Jonathan Nicholas Saifuddin said this when launching opened at Kuala Lumpur International
ital to honour its coming bond repay- socially meaningful and environmentally KOTA KINABALU: The Immigration the country9s first airport Immigration Airport compounds but not exactly
ment obligations. responsible development projects in Department is ready to issue passports office at Kota Kinabalu International Air- inside the airport. KKIA is concentrated,
<I was made to understand that the Sabah and Sabah only. with a validity period of 10 years after a port (KKIA), here, Friday. It has been oper- so the decision for it to be placed here is
bank had, after the announcement, RM1.5 billion loan applications that feasibility study deemed it suitable for ating for two weeks (Monday to Friday) apt and people-centric,= he said.
proactively engaged with key investors, did not fall within this mandate or did the country. from 8am to 5pm, processing only inter- Saifuddin said Sabah9s second interna-
depositors and other stakeholders. not meet the bank9s new rigorous credit However, Home Minister Datuk Seri national passports for the time being tional airport, Tawau, will be receiving
<The general response is that there is test have been rejected, he added. Saifuddin Nasutian Ismail declined to with more services to follow. four new inbound and two outbound
full understanding and support for the On the other hand, RM616 million of reveal when this would be implemented, Saifuddin said based on feedback, cus- immigration counters in response to over-
bank to undertake this house cleaning, loans in the focus areas of water, power saying it will be announced in due time. tomers were happy that it took them only whelming arrivals in the State9s East Coast.
and they are reassured by the State9s and infrastructure have been approved. For now, the maximum passport validity an hour of waiting time. <Malaysia9s passport credibility allows
strong support towards the bank9s trans- <The State once again makes clear that period is five years. <Malaysia Airlines Holdings Berhad visa-free travel to 183 countries, ranking
formation plan. it fully supports SDB and the new leader- He said neighbouring countries such allocated the space and having the office the 12th most powerful in the world and
<The State9s strong support is not just ship and that the bank will be turned as Thailand, Indonesia, the Philippines in KKIA is strategic as Kota Kinabalu is fifth in Asia according to the Henley Pass-
in the GLC loans repayment exercise, but around and become a development bank and Singapore have already implemented receiving an influx of international port Index which gets its data from the
my Ministry has also issued letters to that the State and the people can be it, alongside Europe and the United flights. International Air Transport Association,=
other GLCs to place excess cash as Fixed proud of,= he said. States. <An immigration office was also he said.

Chamber: No reason for surcharge anymore Anti-party

hopping law:
KOTA KINABALU: The said its President Datuk Michael Lui (pic), congestion problem. Increasing man- appealed to reconsider to prevent addi-
Kota Kinabalu Chi- Friday. power to clear the containers piled up at tional costs for Sabah consumers and Govt open to
nese Chamber of He also said it is incredible that SPSB the terminal and for operators to clear the adverse effects on local trade.
Commerce and Indus-
try (KKCCCI) hopes
only formulated timely measures to solve
the congestion problem after the imple-
accumulated containers at the terminal
promptly is also a feasible solution,= he
SPSB said it has outlined immediate
steps to address the congestion, and with
Sabah Ports Sdn Bhd mentation of the Congestion Surcharge said. clear strategies in place, assures that con- PUTRAJAYA: The Govern-
(SPSB) will pressure triggered dissatisfaction among opera- The shipping companies recently tainer backlogs would be cleared by end ment is open to discus-
shipping lines to tors. announced that a Congestion Surcharge of the month. sions on making legal
withdraw the Port <SPSB should always be prepared to of RM500 to RM1,000 will be imposed on As an alternate option, SPSB would amendments to plug any
Congestion Surcharge deal with the port congestion problem all container types from July 16, on consider for Ro-Ro operations to be tem- loopholes in the anti-
on Sapangar Bay Container Port because anytime, not wait until operators and con- grounds that the continuous congestion porarily handled at KK Port until more party hopping law, said
SPSB has ensured that the large number of sumers complain about the extra costs!= at Kota Kinabalu Port has caused serious yard space is available at SBCP. Despite KK Prime Minister Datuk Seri
containers piled up at the terminal will be Lui hopes SPSB will pay attention and delays in ship turnaround time, affecting Port having greatly reduced in land size, Anwar Ibrahim (pic).
cleared by end of July and normal opera- focus on supervising the operational effi- the shipping schedule, and thus causing a and being surrounded by ongoing devel- He said that Pakatan Harapan (PH) had
tions will be resumed. ciency of the port. significant increase in operating costs. opments, this move will provide signifi- in 2022 proposed such amendments but
<If everything returns to normal as <KKCCCI agrees that simplifying the SPSB, in a statement Thursday, cant relief to SBCP9s yard capacity and its suggestion was rejected by the govern-
assured by SPSB, there is no reason for the process of containers entering the termi- expressed deep regret over the sudden berth availability. ment then.
shipping lines to impose any surcharges,= nal will help to quickly solve the terminal decision by the shipping lines and See Page 2, Col. 4 <Previously, we proposed that anyone
rejected by their party should vacate their
seat, but it was not agreed upon by the
Convenience Illegal tour Sabah, S Korea government then. Because at that time,
store operators working Umno members were joining their party.
robberies: a worry also on future So for me, if we want to amend it, we can
discuss it so that no one is exempt. They
Cops nab man in Sukau cooperation (the opposition) opposed it before; many
PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 7 do not know,= he said, Friday.
See Page 2, Col. 1
2 Local SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024
Double Six: M’sia rules out compensation talks with Australia
KUALA LUMPUR: clarified that the official report on the inci- closed the declassified findings of the the final approach for landing.= draft had not been approved by the civil
Malaysia has ruled dent, known as the <Double Six= tragedy, crash in compliance with a High Court Additionally, the report highlighted aviation department at the time.
out discussions with conclusively attributed it to human error order for the release of the investigation issues with the airline9s adherence to oper- Similar to Malaysia9s findings, the GAF
the Australian gov- rather than any technical malfunction or results. ational procedures and noted that the report dismissed fire or sabotage as likely
ernment regarding deliberate sabotage. The report, compiled by Malaysia9s civil pilot had exceeded his duty period by 67 causes, attributing the incident prelimi-
compensation for the =Therefore, the Ministry does not aviation authorities, the Royal Malaysian minutes. narily to overloading at the rear of the air-
families affected by intend to engage in talks with the Aus- Air Force and Australia9s Transport Depart- Weeks after Malaysia declassified its craft.
the 1976 plane crash, tralian government regarding compensa- ment, concluded that there was no indica- crash report, Canberra followed suit with The crash claimed the lives of Fuad
which tragically tion for the victims9 families,= he stated in tion of sabotage, fire, or explosion. the declassification of an investigation and 10 others, including state ministers
claimed the lives of a written parliamentary response to a According to the findings, the likely report from the aircraft manufacturer, Salleh Sulong, Chong Thien Vun, and
then Sabah Chief Minister Fuad Stephens question posed by Riduan Rubin (Inde- reason for the crash was <an aft centre of Government Aircraft Factories (GAF). Peter Mojuntin, occurred in Sembulan,
and 10 others. pendent-Tenom). gravity position, causing the control col- The GAF report revealed that the airline Kota Kinabalu, just 53 days after Fuad
Transport Minister Anthony Loke (pic) Last April, the Transport Ministry dis- umn to exceed its forward range during operated illegally as its operations manual took office.

Cut grass regularly, DBKK

tells concessionaire firm

KOTA KINABALU: The concession com- along main roads and protocol roads in
pany involved has been instructed to Kota Kinabalu.
increase the frequency of grass-cutting <Our survey revealed several areas
along road shoulders, main roads and pro- where the grass has grown too long and
tocol roads throughout the city. requires immediate attention from the
In a statement Friday, City Hall (DBKK) concession company.
said maintaining the cleanliness of the <Given this need, the responsible con-
city9s landscape is a top priority. It did not cession company must take a more proac-
The victim being brought
name which of the three concession com- tive role and reassess the maintenance
down to Timpohon Gate.
panies was being referred to. schedule.
<This involves implementing a compre- <Regular maintenance is crucial to pre-
Sammy (second left) showing a photofit of the suspect being sought.
hensive plan for regular maintenance, vent overgrowth and maintain the attrac-
American inspections, tree-trimming and grass-cut- tive appearance of Kota Kinabalu, thereby
ting to ensure a satisfactory environment ensuring the comfort of city residents,= it
One suspect still at large for both residents and visitors. said.
injured while <These efforts ensure that the grass The statement also highlighted that a
along road shoulders, main roads and pro- beautiful and tidy urban landscape

Convenience climbing Mt

tocol roads remains neat and well-kept,
thus preventing any discomfort for road
users,= it said.
Recently, the DBKK Landscape Depart-
ment team conducted inspections and
enhances Kota Kinabalu9s appeal as a Nat-
ural Resort City.
<Therefore, improving the quality of
services through cooperative agreements
is essential for the benefit of the city9s citi-

store robberies:
RANAU: The slippery surface of the trail monitored the condition of the grass zens,= the statement concluded.
resulted in an American male being
injured after falling while climbing
Mount Kinabalu, here, Thursday.
Ranau Fire and Rescue Station Chief
Ridwan Mohd Taib said the incident hap-

Cops nab man

pened at Km 6.7 of the climbing route
and four of
around noon.
<We received a call through the station the other

line and a six-member team of the Moun- five MPs at

tain Search and Rescue (Mosar) led by the press

Nora Ahmad able registration plate number,= Sammy operation commander Feranideh Medi conference

KOTA KINABALU: An unemployed man told reporters, Friday. rushed to the scene. at

was arrested on suspicion of being He said the suspect was jobless and had <When the team arrived at the location Parliament.

involved in an armed gang-robbery at a two previous criminal records involving 1km from the Mosar post, we found that
24-hour convenience store, here, recently. drugs and brawling. a 53-year-old male climber slipped and
The 47-year-old male was arrested in a <Following the arrest, we seized 22 fell, before the back of his waist got
village in Papar at 8.30pm last Tuesday items, including two self-made rifles, smashed on hard ground, resulting in dif-
with the loot, three machetes, two rifles
and ammunitions.
spent shells, a box containing air rifle bul-
lets and three machetes.
ficulty to walk down.
<The Mosar team, assisted by 15 Kina- Six ex-Bersatu MPs will
Penampang Police Chief Supt Sammy <Further questioning revealed they had balu Parks staff, a mountain ranger, three

remain as Independents
Newton said the arrest was made follow- also robbed convenience stores in Tanjung porters and four Sutera Sanctuary Lodge
ing a report about a gang robbery at a Aru, Luyang and Keningau. (SSL) staff, provided initial treatment and
store off Jalan Penampang on June 16. <We are actively tracking the other sus- then took the victim down to Timpohon
According to the complainant, two pect, identified as 8Samsul,9 who is about Gate using a stretcher,= he said. KUALA LUMPUR: Six former Bersatu MPs Regarding the seating arrangement of
men wearing motorcycle helmets and face 180cm tall,= he said, holding up a photofit He added that the victim was safely will continue serving as Independent rep- all six MPs in the Dewan Rakyat, Suhaili
masks entered the convenience store. of the suspect. brought down to Timpohon Gate and resentatives after Dewan Rakyat Speaker said the matter will be decided by the
One of them brandished a machete and Sammy said the suspect still at large is then handed over to the Ministry of Tan Sri Johari Abdul decided that their Speaker.
demanded the staff surrender the outlet9s a local and urged anyone with informa- Health (KKM) ambulance staff for further seats need not be vacated. <If the opposition bloc does not want us
money. tion on his whereabouts to contact inves- action. Labuan MP Datuk Dr Suhaili Abdul to sit in the current seats, the Speaker can
<The suspects made off with tigating officer Insp Norisyam Syed Putra It was the second case in July and the Rahman said according to Article 49A of decide.
RM1,081.50 from the safe and a staff mem- Arsad at 018-9618072. 20th this year. the Federal Constitution, they cannot join <At the moment, we are sitting in the
ber9s mobile phone worth an estimated The case is being investigated under Ridwan reiterated his advice to all any party. usual seats, despite receiving various let-
RM2,000. Section 395/397 of the Penal Code for future climbers to take a serious assess- <What we have been advocating for, ters from the party. We are still in the same
<The men then escaped on a dark- armed gang robbery and the Arms Act ment of their health before climbing which led us to become Independent MPs, seats, but maybe it9s a big deal for them
colour motorcycle with an indistinguish- 1960. Mount Kinabalu. 3 Clarence Dol is the provision for MPs to serve and assist (the party),= he said.
the people in our constituencies. On Wednesday, Bersatu President Tan
<The letter we submitted to the Speaker Sri Muhyiddin Yassin confirmed that the
last year clearly stated that we remain loyal party has received a notification letter
Cable theft, drug abuse: 4 held in Ranau to Bersatu, the party we represented, but it
was not accepted by the party leadership,=
dated July 9 from the Dewan Rakyat
Speaker that there are no vacancies of par-
believed to be syabu weighing 6.12gm,= he Suhaili, representing the other five MPs, liamentary seats involving its six former
Clarence Dol told a press conference in Parliament. members who pledged support to Prime
RANAU: Four men suspected involved in said.
Simiun said investigations showed the The other five MPs are Zahari Kechik Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
cable theft and drug abuse were arrested,
male suspects, aged between 25 and 30, (Jeli), Mohd Azizi Abu Naim (Gua Musang) On June 20, Bersatu Chief Whip Datuk
here, on Thursday.
were on their way to Tambunan to sell the who is also Nenggiri Assemblyman, Datuk Seri Dr Ronald Kiandee said the party has
Ranau District Police Chief DSP Simiun
stolen cables. Iskandar Dzulkarnain Abdul Khalid (Kuala submitted notices to the Dewan Rakyat
Lomudin said some 100kg of cables
<Two of the suspects are locals while Kangsar), Datuk Dr Zulkafperi Hanafi Speaker9s Office on the status of its six MPs,
belonging to Telekom Malaysia (TM),
the other two hold red identity cards,= he (Tanjong Karang) and Datuk Syed Abu whose memberships have been revoked by
worth an estimated RM6,000, were
told a press conference at IPD Ranau, Hussin Hafiz Syed Abdul Fasal (Bukit Gan- the party, in accordance with Article 49A
here, Friday. tang). of the Federal Constitution.
He said the suspects, equipped with
weapons such as sling shots, were He said all four suspects tested positive

Budget 2025 on Oct 18

believed to have been carrying out cable for methamphetamine and
theft activities in the district for the past amphetamine.
three months. <Three of the suspects have five to 11
<On July 11 at 3.30pm, an enforcement past records of various offences, while the PUTRAJAYA: Budget 2025, the third Finance Ministry level to ensure it is in
team inspected two Perodua Bezza other has no past criminal record,= he under the Unity Government, will be line with the document or Budget
vehicles at a roadblock at Km 4, Jalan added. tabled in Parliament on Oct 18, Commu- Madani 2025,= he told a post-Cabinet
Ranau-Tambunan. The case is being investigated under nications Minister Fahmi Fadzil said. meeting press conference, here, Friday.
<The rented cars were found carrying Section 39A(1) of the Dangerous Drugs Fahmi, who is also the spokesperson On Tuesday, at the Budget 2025
Simiun (second left) and his officers various types of cables, cable cutters and Act 1952 and Section 431A of the Penal for the Unity Government, said Prime engagement session, Anwar said Budget
showing some of the confiscated cables. equipment, and a bag containing what is Code. Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has Madani 2025 will continue to focus on
instructed all ministers to conduct Bud- the benchmarks set within the Madani
get Madani 2025 dialogue sessions with Economic framework, including
their respective ministries and stake- enabling Malaysia to become a leading
Bersatu strongly opposed proposal holders in the relevant sectors. economy in Southeast Asia.
<The Prime Minister9s aim is to gather Anwar, who is also Finance Minister,
From Page One feedback from the industry and stake- emphasised the urgent need for the Gov-
Anwar said PH had proposed that anyone expelled by their party should auto- holders regarding policies, incentives, ernment to explore methods to further
matically lose their seat, but Bersatu strongly opposed the proposal. programmes, implementation, con- boost efforts to raise the economic ceil-
<We reached a compromise, and it became the current law. So, if they want to straints and challenges. ing, such as restructuring the economy to
amend it, we can discuss it,= he said. <This feedback will be reviewed at the achieve greater national wealth.
On June 20, Bersatu submitted a notice to Dewan Rakyat Speaker Tan Sri Johari
Abdul, requesting that the six parliamentary seats represented by their MPs who Fire damages
pledged support for the Prime Minister be vacated. SPSB has invested close to RM1b
The notice was submitted based on the provisions of Article 49A(1)(a)(ii) of the Tambunan From Page One
Federal Constitution, which states that a MP shall cease to be a member of the Sabah Ports Authority (SPA) and SPSB have already identiûed several areas near KK
Dewan Rakyat and their seat becomes vacant when they are no longer a member Port as potential staging areas. A close collaboration between SPA, SPSB, Ro-Ro operators
of a political party. and cargo clearance authorities is essential to ensure a coordinated approach among
However, Johari has decided that the six MPs need not vacate their seats TAMBUNAN: The GMART supermarket in all agencies involved.
although they have ceased to be members of Bersatu. Tambunan town suffered a 15 per cent SPSB also stated that the SBCP9s outer berth was speciûcally designed to handle con-
Johari said he had conducted studies and read all statements regarding Article damage due to fire (pic) from a freezer at tainer cargoes and the two berths mentioned are, in fact, inner berths that primarily
49 of the Federal Constitution before deciding on the matter. midnight on Thursday. The District Fire cater to smaller vessels.
On Friday, Universiti Malaya senior lecturer Dr Mohammad Tawfik Yaakub was and Rescue Station received a call at <One of the inner berths has already been blocked for the SBCP expansion while the
reported as suggesting that Parliament review the anti-party hopping law to plug 12.03am and deployed a nine-member other berth remains operational.
loopholes in the legislation. team led by operation commander David <During incidences of vessel bunching (arrival of multiple vessels within a short
The six MPs at the centre of the controversy are Datuk Syed Abu Hussin Hafiz Wong to the scene with machinery. period of time), berth availability is further impacted, preventing the port from taking
Syed Abdul Fasal (Bukit Gantang), Datuk Dr Suhaili Abdul Rahman (Labuan), Also present were police personnel. on more ships
Zahari Kechik (Jeli), Mohd Azizi Abu Naim (Gua Musang), Datuk Iskandar Dzulka- The firemen managed to extinguish the <Since taking over the port operations from SPA in 2004, SPSB has invested close to
rnain Abdul Khalid (Kuala Kangsar) and Datuk Dr Zulkafperi Hanapi (Tanjong fire using water from the machinery. RM1 billion to develop the ports, with many initiatives speciûcally targeted towards
Karang). No casualties were reported. 3 Johan Aziz upgrading the capability of SBCP to cater for future demands,= it said.
dailyexpress SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024
Local 3

Illegal tour operators

a worry also in Sukau
SUKAU: This biodiversity haven is not tourist experience,= he said.
spared from the menace of unlicensed Yanti Awang, a homestay entrepreneur,
tour operators who bring tourists and left her job to open Mother Forest B&B,
negotiate deals with boat owners, affect- recognising Sukau9s potential to attract
ing local entrepreneurs9 income. tourists. Sukau’s flora and fauna make it a famous tourist destination.
<If problems arise, it impacts all local <Sukau9s preserved flora and fauna
operators. The authorities should address make it a famous tourist destination. My
this issue as these touts are unlicensed,=
said Mohamad Mal Noro, who has worked
husband and I started our homestay in
2023 with six rooms.
Kampung chicken investment
in this field since he was 12. <Initially, the pandemic recovery phase
Located 358km from Kota Kinabalu,
Sukau is one of the areas within the San-
affected tourist numbers, but now we
often have more visitors than available scam syndicate smashed
dakan area and the Kinabatangan parlia- rooms. KUALA LUMPUR: Bukit Aman Commercial Penal Code.
mentary constituency. It covers <Popular activities include river cruises Crime Investigation Department director, On a separate note, Ramli advised the
approximately 4,972 sq km. on the Kinabatangan River, wildlife spot- Datuk Seri Ramli Mohamed Yoosuf, dis- public to exercise caution when making
It is a top destination for eco-tourists ting, and exploring caves like Gua Goman- closed that police toppled a kampung (free donations, especially if it involved unreg-
seeking the <Borneo Big 5= 3 Pygmy Ele- tong,= Yanti said. range) chicken investment scam syndi- istered individuals or organisations.
phant, Proboscis Monkey, Orangutan, Rhi- Yanti noted challenges such as price cate, involving losses of over RM3.2 million He said the public9s tendency to sympa-
noceros Hornbill and crocodile. competition among operators, weather through raids across several states on June thise and offer help to individuals facing
The natural beauty and wildlife make it impacts on planned activities and unequal 26. adversity creates opportunities for
a preferred choice for both domestic and distribution of aid from the Sabah He said that the states covered were unscrupulous individuals to exploit these
international visitors. Tourism Board (STB). Perak, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Melaka, sentiments for financial gain under the
Dutch tourist Tijemen De Lorm who has A tourist taking pictures <Unhealthy price competition and lack Terengganu, and Labuan, leading to the guise of charity.
returned to Sukau five times because of its of a pygmy elephant. of fair aid distribution from STB are major arrests of 11 individuals aged between 38 <The public must ensure that their
unique and abundant wildlife, said it is an issues. Homestay operators like us also and 56, including the organisation9s donations are made only to registered
excellent place to spot wildlife. this, I would return as the Kinabatangan need support, as we pay annual fees to founders, directors, and volunteers. organizations that undergo audit
<Making places like Danum and Tabin area offers so much wildlife to discover. I STB,= she said. <Initial investigations revealed that the processes. They also need to know how the
more accessible with budget accommoda- highly recommend this place,= Tim said. Deputy Prime Minister II, Datuk Seri Dr. scam syndicate, operating under the guise donations are used.
tion will make more people visit these Local tourist Adi Songping from Kota Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, earlier highlighted of Pertubuhan Amal Kita Kinta, Perak, had <Bank accounts of organisations col-
rainforests,= said Tijemen, a PhD candidate Kinabalu praised Sukau9s forests and rivers government initiatives to support tourism been active since early last year, promising lecting donations must also undergo
in Oil Palm Plantation Biodiversity at as its main attractions. operators, including homestay training, returns of either one kampung chicken or audits to ensure that the funds received
Imperial College London. <I encourage nature lovers to explore funding, and facility upgrades. RM13 per month for every RM250 invested. are directed to the intended parties,= he
Her friend, Tim Arbeid, Tijemen, said Sukau9s preserved treasures by hiking <We are working with the Ministry of <Investors deposited funds into the emphasised.
Sukau9s facilities, including transportation through dense forests and boating along Tourism, Arts and Culture to provide train- organisation9s bank account. However, He was commenting on the recent
and homestays meet tourists9 needs. the Kinabatangan River. ing, funding, and supervision to improve from September 2023 onwards, they arrests related to the misappropriation of
<However, the roads around Sukau are <Many homestays and resorts offer var- homestay facilities,= he said at the Sen- stopped receiving the promised returns. A donations.
poor, with many large potholes. Despite ious packages and guides to enhance the tuhan Kasih Desa Program @Sukau event. total of 85 police reports on the case were On Thursday, a social media influencer
received nationwide,= he said at a press couple was remanded for four days to

Quake: Anxious Business permits conference here Friday.

Police seized 13 luxury vehicles, 13 gold
assist in an investigation into the alleged
misappropriation of donations.
chains, two gold rings, 20 smartphones, 17 A source from the Malaysian Anti-Cor-
moment for to be cancelled if laptops, eight checkbooks, 37 bank cards, ruption Commission disclosed that the
2,143 sheep, and numerous documents couple is suspected of misappropriating
Tamparuli family rented to foreigners suspected to be related to the scam. public donations estimated at RM3 mil-
They also froze the organisation9s 34 lion, since 2020.
KUALA LUMPUR: Business licences can be bank and unit trust accounts, totaling In another instance, police arrested a
R. Gonzales cancelled if rented to foreign workers, vio-
TUARAN: A family of five faced an anx- RM6.5 million, under the Anti-Money man on July 9 at his residence in Wangsa
lating the conditions stipulated under Laundering, Anti-Terrorism Financing, Maju, for allegedly being involved in a
ious moment when a strong earthquake local authority (PBT) regulations, accord-
measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale struck and Proceeds of Unlawful Activities Act fraud case related to the collection of
ing to the Economy Ministry. 2001, he said, adding that the case is being donations since last year, resulting in
Mindanao in the Southern Philippines, The ministry said foreigners are not
shaking their home at Kampung Bongol, investigated under Section 420 of the losses exceeding RM140,000.
allowed to apply for or hold licences for
Tamparuli, Thursday. hawkers, small traders, business premises,
The house where Rembini Suanti, 45,
and her family lived suffered numerous
grocery stores, eateries, car workshops and
market stalls, under the trade, business
Refining regulations related to
cracks in the 10.20am incident, but fortu- and industrial licensing bylaws.
nately, none of them were injured.
At the time of the incident, Rembini
<Despite existing regulations, weak- ban on sale of smoking products
nesses such as lenient punishments and
was farming with his child and rushed lack of enforcement have led to wide- PUTRAJAYA: The Ministry of Health (MOH) Act 1983 (Act 281),= it said in a statement.
into the house to check on three other spread violations,= the ministry said. is refining regulations related to the ban The statement added that since the
family members. The Economy Ministry is reviewing on the sale of all smoking products, issue of the sale of vapes through vending
<At that time, the wind was very Cracks on the wall of Rembini’s house. measures to enact an Anti Rent-Seeking including through vending machines. machines went viral, the ministry had met
strong, making it quite difficult for us to Act to address the causes, issues and chal- The ministry said that the regulations the management of the shopping centre
confirm whether it was an earthquake or house, which is located on the hillside, are related to sales, where the ban on the involved to explain the ban on sales via
lenges of rent-seeking.
not. has become familiar with earthquakes. sale of smoking products will be enforced vending machines. <The MOH also recom-
<The government is conducting a study
<As soon as the wind started to die <However, the house that is getting together with the Control of Smoking mended that the management shut down
to prepare the framework for the Anti-
down, we felt the shaking, which gradu- more and more cracks and I9m worried Products for Public Health Act 2024 (Act the vending machine immediately as their
Rent-Seeking Act. This study aims to iden-
ally subsided and we breathed a sigh of for the safety of my family, especially the 852), once approved. social responsibility and they agreed to it,=
tify the specifics of rent-seeking and the
relief. younger ones,= Rembini said. <The MOH takes a serious view of com- it said.
actions required to strengthen enforce-
<Afterward, I went outside to inspect Earlier, the Department of Meteorol- plaints regarding the sale of electronic cig- The statement said that, in preparation
ment,= the ministry added.
the cracks on the walls of the house. Pre- ogy Malaysia issued a statement on arettes or vape through vending machines for the enforcement of the Act along with
The proposed Anti-Rent-Seeking Act
viously, it had only suffered minor cracks Thursday stating that the epicentre of the as seen on the X application that went viral its regulations and orders, the MOH has
addresses the lack of comprehensive and
from the 2018 earthquake, but now, there earthquake at 10.13am was located 154km on Wednesday (July 10). held a series of briefings on the enforce-
effective legislation to curb rent-seeking.
are larger cracks and many new ones,= southeast of Isabela City, Philippines at <The ban on the sale of e-cigarettes ment of Act 852 for all enforcement offi-
Existing laws, such as the Anti-Corrup-
Rembini said. coordinates 6.1 degrees North and 123.3 through vending machines is also a con- cers from the MOH and the local
tion Commission Act 2009, Competition
She also said the location of their East with a depth of 632km. tinuation of the ban on the sale of tobacco authorities nationwide since June 9.
Act 2010, Companies Act 2016, and various
by-laws, are deemed insufficient, it said. products like cigarettes, cigars and loose <This is to inform them about the pro-
The ministry9s statement was in tobacco through vending machines under hibitions under Act 852 and the regula-
Loke’s shortness of breath response to Datuk Ahmad Amzad
Mohamed @ Hashim (PN-Kuala Tereng-
the existing regulations, namely Regula-
tion 10 of the Control of Tobacco Product
tions under it, including the ban on the
sale of smoking products through vending
ganu), who inquired about the govern- Regulations (PPKHT) 2004 under the Food machines,= it said. 3 Bernama
not related to heart attack ment9s specific approach to the Anti-Ali
Baba law, including actions against parties
IPOH: The incident of Transport Minister,
Anthony Loke who had a shortness of
breath while replying oral questions at
been running, sometimes you can get out
of breath,= he said.
On Wednesday, there were anxious
renting business licences to foreign work-
ers without meeting the prescribed condi-
Fertility rate continues on
tions. 3 Bernama
Dewan Rakyat on Wednesday was not
related to a heart attack.
Deputy Health Minister Datuk Lukanis-
moments in the Dewan Rakyat when Loke
was seen to be gasping for breath when he
started speaking and then asked to be Cabinet informed a downward trend: Dept
man Awang Sauni said the shortness of given some time to calm down. PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia9s fertility landscape said the world population has increased
has undergone signiûcant changes with a from one billion in 1800 to 8.1 billion in
breath was due to fitness problems faced
by the minister.
Following that, the Deputy Speaker of
the Dewan Rakyat, Alice Lau Kiong Yieng
about Raja’s decline of 4.9 children in 1970 to 1.6 chil- 2024.
He said Loke was in a hurry to get to requested that the Deputy Minister of dren in 2022, below the replacement level <Although global population continues
Parliament because he was stuck in a traf-
fic jam earlier and by chance it was his
Transport, Datuk Hasbi Habibollah to con-
tinue the session.
decree: Fahmi since 2013, according to the Department of
Statistics Malaysia (DOSM).
to grow, its growth has slowed since 1950
due to declining fertility rates,= said
turn to answer oral questions as soon as he However, Loke resumed his duties by PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Datuk Seri DOSM said the transition is closely DOSM.
arrived at Parliament. answering supplementary questions Anwar Ibrahim Friday informed the Cabi- related to delayed marriages, where a <The total fertility rate (TFR) at the
<When he arrived at Parliament in a posed by Subang Member of Parliament net about the Raja of Perlis Tuanku Syed woman chooses to plan a family at an world level recorded 2.3 children, whereas
hurry, he (Loke) immediately entered the Wong Chen. Sirajuddin Tuanku Syed Putra Jamalullail9s older age due to education or career fac- Malaysia9s TFR recorded 1.6 children in
hall and there was shortness of breath In the meantime, Lukanisman said all decree expressing disapproval of using the tors. 2022.= Malaysia also experienced a decline
while answering oral questions. Members of Parliament are encouraged to name of the Conference of Rulers to sup- <The average age of marriage has also in the crude birth rate (CBR) since 1958
<So, it is not related to a heart attack or undergo a mandatory health screening to port the Mufti (Federal Territory) Bill, increased signiûcantly, from 24.7 years that is 43.3 births to 12.9 births in 2022 for
anything (other diseases), it is all about detect any disease as an early preventive Communications Minister Fahmi Fadzil (1990) to 28.9 in 2022, affecting fertility each 1,000 population.
the fitness of the individual. If you have measure. 3 Bernama said. levels,= said DOSM. Meanwhile, in 2022, Terengganu
Fahmi, who is also the spokesperson for <If the fertility rate continues on a recorded the highest CBR, with 21.3 births,
the Unity Government, said that the Prime downtrend, the size of a Malaysian family while Kuala Lumpur recorded the lowest
PM’s visit abroad generated Minister would look into the decree before will also shrink in future, and based on the
ûndings of the Malaysian Census 2020, the
CBR, with 10.1 births.
At the district level, the highest CBR was
referring it to the Conference of Rulers
RM431bil potential investments meeting next week.
<All of this (the decree and views) will
average household size in Malaysia will
decline from 5.5 people in 1970 to 3.9 peo-
recorded in Song, Sarawak and Kuala
Terengganu, Terengganu, with 24.3 births
KUALA LUMPUR: Prime Minister Datuk and Japan. Additionally, Germany, Kaza- serve as guidelines for us to ensure that the ple in 2020, which will result in a popula- while the Kinabatangan in Sabah recorded
Seri Anwar Ibrahim9s visits abroad have khstan, Cambodia, Egypt, Laos, China, Sin- bill achieves its original purpose and tion reduction of Malaysians.= the lowest rate at 4.6 births.
generated potential investment amount- gapore, Thailand, Turkiye, Uzbekistan, intent,= he said. The statement was released in conjunc- With regard to the aspect of increasing
ing to RM431.18 billion from 2023 until last Vietnam and Qatar. Fahmi was responding to a news portal tion with World Population Day, aimed at life expectancy, DOSM said that a baby
May. <This includes attending conferences report that Tuanku Syed Sirajuddin had raising awareness of the importance of born in 2023 on average is expected to live
Minister in the Prime Minister9s Depart- and scheduled international meetings decreed against using the name of the population issues in the world, and cele- up to 74.8 years, with males and females
ment (Federal Territories) Dr Zaliha also attended by world leaders,= she said. Conference of Rulers to support the bill, brated on July 11 since 1989. born in that year respectively expected to
Mustafa said that the amount was RM253.6 The response was provided to Muham- which was tabled for its first reading in the The theme of this year9s World Popula- live up to an average age of 72.5 and 77.4
billion in 2023 and RM77.58 billion from mad Fawwaz Mohamad Jan (PN-Per- Dewan Rakyat by Minister in the Prime tion Day is 89Embracing the Power of Inclu- years compared to 61.6 and 65.6 years in
January to May this year. matang Pauh), who inquired about the Minister9s Department (Religious Affairs), sive Data Towards a Sustainable and 1970.
She said Anwar made 31 official and details of the Prime Minister9s official and Datuk Dr Mohd Na9im Mokhtar, on July 2. Equitable Future for All9. It is aimed at The highest life expectancy at birth for
working visits to 19 countries from unofficial visits abroad from 2022 to the The decree was reportedly made using data and information as the main men and women by state for the year 2023
November 2022 to May 2024, including present, as well as the amount of invest- through Perlis Mufti Datuk Dr Mohd Asri source for the implementation of any ini- was recorded in Selangor (78.1 years) while
Saudi Arabia, Australia, Brunei, the United ments successfully brought into Malaysia Zainul Abidin, who then posted it on Face- tiative for various levels of society. Terengganu recorded the lowest life
Arab Emirates, the Philippines, Indonesia as a result of these visits. book. 3Bernama Regarding global demographics, DOSM expectancy at birth at 71.2 years.
4 Local SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024
YB wants status for ‘oldest Likas village’
RM6.2m Tenom

library in progress
By Hayati Dzulkifli mittee addressing Squatter Colonies. as it affected 700 household heads (KIR) flood victims by the State Government on
KG LIKAS LAMA, the old- <That is why I am requesting the State who incurred losses in terms of property July 1. TENOM9s new RM6.27 million state library is
est village in Likas, needs Government to take quick action to give damage, loss of personal belongings and He reiterated his call to the Govern- under construction and expected to open in
proper status to ensure proper status as a village to Kg Likas Lama cleaning expenses after the floodwater ment to carry out dredging works to December.
the villagers of several so that the many houses in the village subsided. deepen shallow area of Sungai Likas river The two-storey building would provide
generations can continue area are not included in the list of <For this reason, I would like to remind mouth starting from the Fisheries Depart- internet, audio-visual services, book borrow-
their lives without worry- colonies to be demolished,= he said when the State Government to take extraordi- ment in Kg Likas right up to an area near ing besides being a point of information.
ing their houses might be debating the Supplementary Supply Bill nary action to resolve the problem. If the a helipad at Menara Kinabalu building. State Science, Technology and Innova-
demolished by relevant authorities. 2024 at the recent State Legislative Assem- Government still takes an indifferent atti- He said such work is vital to facilitate tion Minister Datuk Dr
Darau assemblyman Azhar bin Datuk bly sitting. tude, then the result will remain the more than 100 full-time fishermen from Mohd Arifin Mohd Arif said when replying
Matussin (Warisan) said currently the Kg According to him, he had requested the same,= he said. Kg- Bangka-Bangka, Kg likas, Kg. Ram- Datuk Raime Unggi (Umno-Nominated
Likas Lama, which has been inhabited for cancellation of the sewage reserve gazette Azhar said the Government needs to payan, Kg Kalansanan and Kg Darau to go Assemblyman) at the State Legislative
over 100 years since in the 1920s, had been through a letter to the Chief Minister on take drastic action of addressing the prob- out fishing. Assembly on Thursday.
gazetted as a sewage reserve. June 22, 2020 and he extended the letter to lems arising from the drainage system in <Over the past few years, Sungai Likas Arifin said the project was approved
He said Kg Likas Lama is the original the Director of the Lands and Surveys the villages involved. river mouth has become shallow up to the under the 12th Malaysia Plan and offered to
village of Kg Likas known as <Ta9dia= Department on the next day on June 23, Secondly, he said there is need to build level of three-feet which makes it difficult Sejiwa Construction Company.
which means <Below= in the Bajau Sama 2020 for appropriate action to be taken. a larger bridge in Jalan Sulaman, Kg Ram- for fishermen boats to pass through. <In addition, this new building will also
language. On the floods on June 30, he said it was payan immediately, and thirdly, he pro- <It was found by the fishermen, that be equipped with a multipurpose hall and
<The village is located about 50 metre the worst in 30 years in Darau con- posed that the Sungai Rampayan be one of the causes the river become shal- meeting rooms which can be rented out to
from Masjid Jamek in Kg Likas and the stituency which affected 700 families in widen and deepened after the Kg Ram- low is because the riverbed is filled with users.
irony is even though it has not been several villages such as Kg Rampayan Laut, payan bridge. plastic waste, waste products and thickr <This project is regulated by the Sabah
gazetted as a village, facilities such as Kg Tobur Rampayan, Kg Seradan and Kg <If these three proposed measures are mud. Public Works Department and construction
water and electricity supplies have been Dambai. not implemented, the flood mitigation of <During low-tide the fishermen could progress as of June 2024 was 30.52 per cent,=
provided to the villagers, legally for a long He said the flood was not the common Sungai Rampayan, under construction, not return home due to the shallow paths he said.
time. flood that the villagers used to face before. will not achieve its real objective,= he said. and they have to drag their boats between Datuk Jonnybone J. Kurum (PBS-Telupid)
<But what worries me is that Kg Likas <Every time it rains heavily, there is Azhar urged the Government to one to two kilometres to go to a jetty. asked about the Satellite Campus approved
Lama might be listed as one of 285 squat- always flood happening in my con- include the 700 KIR flood victims in Darau Some have to sleep in their boats and two years ago.
ter colonies in Sabah recently identified stituency, Darau. to be given the RM1,000 monetary aid endure various security threats,= Azhar Arifin said the Human Resources Devel-
by the State Government through its com- <But the recent flood was very unusual that was also announced for Penampang said. opment Department (JPSM) had submitted
an official application to the Sandakan

459 homestays across Sabah

Lands and Surveys Department to acquire
He said a satellite campus is a campus
located far from the main campus or simply,
a branch.
<This campus aims to provide formal
Jonathan Nicholas educational opportunities to communities
KOTA KINABLAU: There that may face logistical and access chal-
are 459 homestay partici- lenges.
pants across 17 districts in <With its existence, more individuals in
Sabah which operate as a remote areas can obtain an education equiv-
part of 37 clusters. alent to that offered on campus,= said Arifin
State Assistant who is State Education Exco.
Tourism, Culture and He said Sandakan Lands and Surveys is
Environment Minister currently taking prompt action to ensure the
Datuk Joniston Bangkuai (pic) said they application process runs smoothly and effi-
always established continuous engage- and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishery ciently. - Jonathan Nicholas
ment with registered homestay operators. and Food Industry to look at the needs.
<The Ministry always worked closely <If upgrading works involve the scope
with the Federal Ministry of Tourism, Arts of the KPLB for example, then we will see
and Culture Malaysia (Motac) which is the how we can cooperate.
coordinator of the Homestay programme <There is also agrotourism, like you
Limus (centre) together with Public Works Minister Datuk Ir. Shahelmey Yahya (right)
in Malaysia,= he said. said. Therefore, there should be a synergy
and Assistant Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Datuk Hendrus Anding.
Various courses had been offered by between these ministries so that we can
Motac to improve the skills of homestay find ways forward.
entrepreneurs such as digital marketing, <Motac is now in talks with the Chief Attending to Penampang sewerage woes
basic language, Malaysia-friendly and Minister and surely these matters will be
courses about the sustainability of nature brought up. It9s also important for the Fed- THE State Government through the Sabah been allocated by the State Government in
and others, he said. eral and State tourism ministries to be Department of Irrigation and Drainage 2024 for the Local Authority Sewerage
<Motac also holds annual meetings working very closely,= he said. (JPPS) is committed to dealing with sewer- Scheme programme.
with the homestay cluster coordinators to Meanwhile, Datuk Seri Bung Moktar age issues in Penampang district. In terms of maintenance allocation, JPPS
get feedback as well as about problems (Umno-Lamag) asked if the State Govern- Assistant Minister of Public Works, is allocated as much as RM42,644,554 in The Wildlife personnel fired a shot

faced including current issues regarding ment plans to reorganise the homestay Datuk Limus Jury said JPPS carries out oper- 2024. at the crocodile near a house in

scammers and fraud. operators in Kundasang. ations and maintenance of sewerage assets He was answering a question posed by Kampung Sabah Baru.

<If a family only has three rooms, of regularly and upon receiving complaints. Jannie Lasimbang (DAP-Kapayan) regard-
<To prevent such cases from occurring
<For sewerage assets that have been ing immediate action in dealing with
Croc shot
widely, Motac has developed a website, the course they no longer belong to those who
are under poverty. So, how will the govern- identified as critical where there are increasingly serious sewerage issues and the
Malaysian Homestay Programme, contain-
ment benefit from these homestays repeated complaints that require routine addition of JPPS staff.
ing the list of homestay operators as a
dead in LD
operation and maintenance work, JPPS will In relation to Penampang JPPS staff,
guide for users and tourists,= said Joniston throughout Sabah?
plan and enter into a three-year operation Limus said they are aware of the increase in
when replying to Datuk Dr Yusof Yacob <Sabah is known worldwide for its
and maintenance contract as well as an the number of complaints received this year
(PGRS-Sindumin) who asked about the beauty but its homestay organisation is Azmie Lim
annual one. compared to last year in addition to receiv-
coordination of infrastructure allocations not up to the standard. <Additionally, there are also sewerage ing additional assets from PBT for Penam- LAHAD DATU: The Wildlife Department
for those interested in setting up homes- <What are the efforts to reorganise assets identified as critical included in the pang. shot dead a female crocodile following an
tays. Kundasang so that it continues to attract scope of work under the Local Authority <Proactive measures by improving the integrated operation carried out in Kam-
Joniston agreed with Dr Yusof9s sugges- tourists from all over the country?= he Sewerage Scheme (PBT) programme in organisation at JPPS Penampang have been pung Sabah Baru, here, on Thursday.
tion, saying the trend among tourists now asked. 2024. taken in addition to replacing J29 District Lahad Datu Wildlife Officer, Silvester
is <back to nature=. Joniston replied that the Ministry has <There are a total of 23 projects where Sewerage Work Officers J41 District Engi- Saimin, said the operation was launched in
<The Ministry has asked districts to constant engagements with the Tourism the main purpose of this programme is to neer. an effort to annihilate crocodiles that
activate each tourist9s action council to see Action Council, Sabah Homestay Associa- upgrade and repair existing assets owned <This is to enable the Penampang JPPS to accompanied by the Wildlife Department,
potential that can be worked on. tion and Sabah Rural Tourism Association by the PBT that have been taken over by JPPS function more effectively and deal with Police and Civil Defence Force.
<We will form a joint committee with to find ways to upgrade where the Ministry since 2015,= he said. complaints quickly,= he said at the State Leg- The operation covered some areas,
the Rural Development Ministry (KPLB) could get Motac9s involvement. According to Limus, RM10,931,085 had islative Assembly on Thursday. including Palm Oil Industrial Cluster (Poic),
Kampung Dasar Baru, Kampung Desa
Bajau, Kampung Sabah Baru, Kampung
Tabanak and Kampung Terusan.
Five drug hotspots identified in Kuching <In operation, the team spotted a croc-
odile near a house in Kampung Sabah Baru.
agency features KUCHING: Samariang, Rampangi, Sultan Tengah, Demak Laut, MetroCity <A shot was fired towards the crocodile.
Bintawa, Tabuan and the surrounding and Semerah Padi. Of these, 14 cases The carcass was later brought to the Lahad
Datu Wildlife Department for further
Kayan ‘Parap’,
area of Jalan Datuk Ajibah Abol have have been charged and 37 cases have
been identified as hotspots for drug been completed. The total value of action,= he said.
The female crocodile is about 8.2 feet
activities in Kuching. seizures amounted to RM32,152,= he
among others Kuching District Police Chief ACP said.
long, while the operation will continue
from time to time.
Ahsmon Bajah disclosed that from Jan- Ahsmon highlighted the need for
KUCHING: Kuching-based creative agency, uary to June this year, a total of 1,182 June 10. public support and cooperation to
The Culture Capital, has recently launched individuals were arrested for involve- Ahsmon stressed that police analy- halt the supply and flow of drugs into Online forex scam:
a 16-episode docuseries that features a ment in various criminal activities sis has found that 85 per cent of sus- the community in order to curb drug
Kayan Parap & Takna practitioner from
Sarawak, Adrian Jo Milang, among other
including pects arrested in various criminal activities in Kuching and Sarawak 18 suspects nabbed
drug distribution and abuse in activities, including home break-ins, overall.
global cultures.
Kuching District alone. theft of cables and vehicles, and bur- <We have deployed various strate- KUALA LUMPUR: Eighteen individuals,
8Indigenous Exchange9 is the com-
pany9s first social documentary series that The police also seized various drugs glary, possessed past criminal records gies in efforts to curb narcotic criminal including a foreign woman, have been
dives into five different tribes across Niue, weighing over three kilogrammes, related to drug abuse. activities in Kuching. The police have arrested on suspicion of being involved in
Cook Islands, Borneo, Samoa, and Maori, including 1,661 Eramin pills and 708 He revealed that home break-in also launched operations targeting online forex fraud targeting victims from
uncovering stories, histories, ancestries, psychotropic pills, with an estimated and theft cases in Kuching district have repeat drug offenders with 28 suspects South Korea and the United States.
languages, and cultural values and prac- value of RM370,054.70. surged by 119.61 per cent, with a total charged,= he said, warning that repeat Wangsa Maju District Police hief ACP
tices. <The Kuching District Police head- of 112 cases reported in the past six offenders face imprisonment of Mohamad Lazim Ismail said the
It can be viewed across various digital quarters (IPD months of this year, resulting in a loss between seven to 13 years if convicted. suspects, comprising 16 local men, one local
and social media platforms, including Kuching) is among the districts of about RM345,435. Ahsmon urged the public to come woman and a foreign woman, were arrested
YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Tiktok. at two condominium units on Jalan Ampang
with highest number of arrests and <Cases have increased by 61 com- forward and cooperate with the police
Episodes one through five are currently at 6 pm on Wednesday.
charges. pared to 51 cases in the same period if they have information on any crimi- He said police also seized 62 types of
available on these platforms, while <Of these, a total of 1,146 investiga- last year. nal activities, including scams.
episode six will launch in August. equipment, including 18 computers and 43
tion papers have been initiated with <From January to June of 2024, a Information may be channeled to mobile phones, during the raid.
The Culture Capital Chief Executive
Officer Azuar said the docuseries high- 952 cases, or 83 per cent, involving 963 total of 32 individuals have been the IPD Kuching Control Centre at 082- <The modus operandi (of this syndicate)
lights these regions9 essence through vari- arrests were charged,= he said in a arrested throughout the operations 244444 or the nearest police stations. was getting people to invest in non-existent
ous themes. press conference at IPD Kuching on conducted in the hotspot areas of Jalan 4 DayakDaily forex investment schemes, targeting South
He said the films could empower com- Korean and US citizens.
munities and ensure that the ancient wis- <They would invite investors to invest
dom of ancestors continues to guide
future generations.
Too many lottery firms in M’sia: Sng using the 8Poly X9 platform, promising a
return of 1.5 per cent profit. However, it is
According to a news report by TVS on believed that after investing, they did
KUCHING: Julau MP over the years from the sweat and blood Sng said Sarawak has a big problem not receive the promised returns,= he said in
Wednesday (July 10), The Culture Capital Datuk Larry Sng (pic) of poor Malaysians. when it comes to online gambling, and it
executive creative director Koh Poh Leong a statement Friday.
urged the government to <The government needs to address affects the people negatively. He said the suspects were believed to have
said the program aims to celebrate and
consolidate all the lottery this problem,= he said in a statement yes- <Everyone knows about this, includ- been carrying out their activities for the past
preserve indigenous communities9 unique
companies in Malaysia terday (July 11). ing the politicians, but no one dares to three months and received a payment of
heritage, ensuring their stories and tradi-
tions are shared with the world. into just one or at most Meanwhile, Sng applauded Prime speak up because the gangsters are RM3,000 per month.
With guidance from cultural authori- two. Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim9s involved. <The suspects were remanded for one day
ties, he believed that local cultural insights He said it has been his move to eradicate illegal gambling and <Keeping silent in the long run will (July 12). The value of the profits obtained and
would accurately empower and add value long-term opinion that there are too prostitution in Malaysia while hoping wreak the State. Hopefully, something the ownership of the premises are still under
to the local communities and not be mis- many lottery companies in the country. that the Ministry of Home Affairs would needs to be done immediately,= he added. police investigation,= he said, adding that the
represented. -DayakDaily <These companies have made billions follow through with this matter. 4 DayakDaily case is being investigated under Section 420
of the Penal Code for fraud. - Bernama
dailyexpress SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024
Local 5

Politician’s Extradition
Act: Court
allows apeal
review bid on by Ministry
and 4 others
molest rejected PUTRAJAYA: The Court of Appeal has
allowed an appeal by the Ministry of Home
Affairs and four others to reinstate two
provisions in the Extradition Act 1992 pre-
viously struck down by the High Court.
Cynthia D Baga
KOTA KINABALU: The This ruling overturned the High Court9s
High Court here decision last year which ruled in favour
rejected an applica- of businessmen Ling Yang Ching and
Wong Ong Hua9s suit regarding the validity
tion by a politician to
of certain provisions in the Extradition Act
review the order for
him to enter his
A three-judge panel of the Appeals
defence on a charge of Yuseri being led to court yesterday.
Court, led by Justice Datuk Azizah Nawawi,
molesting a woman
ruled that the two sections are valid and do
three years ago. conviction.
Judge Datuk Zaleha
Rose Pandin dismissed Phillip Among9s
After the High Court9s decision, Philip9s
case was mention at the Magistrate9s Court
not contravene the provision of judicial
power under Article 121 (1) of the Federal
Constitution as well as Articles 4, 5, 8 and 9
Baby Syifaa’s dad denies
(pic) application after hearing both par- to fix the date for his defence which mag-
concerning fundamental liberties.
ties9 submissions.
Philip had applied to review the deci-
istrate Lovely Natasha Charles set for Aug
In allowing the appeal by the public
prosecutor, the Minister of Home Affairs,
misappropriating RM67,000
sion by the Magistrate9s Court to order him Deputy Public Prosecutor Siti Hajar the Ministry of Home Affairs and the
to enter his defence. Mazlan conducted the prosecution while KUALA LUMPUR: The father of Nour Rania stable income.
Malaysian government, Justice Azizah said Asyifaa, also known as 8Baby Syifaa9, Magistrate Illi Marisqa Khalizan set bail
In October 2023, the Magistrate9s Court Philip was represented by counsel Abdul extradition proceedings were not
had ordered Philip to enter his defence Fikry Jaafar Abdullah. pleaded not guilty at the Magistrate9s at RM6,000 with one surety and sched-
intended to determine the guilt of a person Court here Friday to a charge of misappro- uled Aug 26 for case mention.
after the court ruled that the prosecution Phillip, who was the technical head for but the sufficiency of evidence for extradi-
had established a prima facie case against the 2021 Unduk Ngadau competition, is priating RM67,000 belonging to a woman, On July 10, Bernama reported that
tion purposes. last year. police detained the man to assist in inves-
him. also ordered to enter his defence on Justice Azizah, who sat with judges
Phillip is accused of committing the another four charges of molesting a State Yuseri Yusoff, 41, was charged with mis- tigations related to a fraud case involving
Datuk See Mee Chun and Mohamed Zaini appropriating the money, which legal fees and fund collection since last
offence against the woman at 11pm on Unduk Ngadau contestant but the cases Mazlan, said extradition proceedings are
April 17, 2021 in the living room of Jessel- are also awaiting for revision against the belonged to Nurul Ain Awatiff, at a prem- year, resulting in losses of RM140,000, fol-
committal proceedings and are not trials, ises in Wangsa Maju between July 20 lowing reports lodged by several individ-
ton Capsule Inn in Asia City. decision. adding that there is no issue of the Home
On June 10, 2021, Phillip claimed trial to He was a Parliamentary Coordinator for and Oct 12, 2023. uals claiming to be victims.
Minister interfering with the exercise of He was charged under Section 403 of On Feb 23, 2022, the media reported
the charge under Section 354 of the Penal Sabah Star9s Putatan Division but was sus- judicial power of the Sessions Court.
Code which provides for a jail term of up pended from his position after two police the Penal Code, which carries up to five that Baby Syifaa, who was 15 months old at
Justice Azizah said: <We find the High
to 10 years, or with a fine or with whipping reports were lodged against him for sexual years imprisonment, caning, and a fine the time, was found unconscious after her
Court (judge) has erred in law in his deci-
or with any two of such punishments, on assault. upon conviction. neck was entangled in a cloth cradle at a
sion, warranting appellate intervention.
Deputy public prosecutor Hamizah daycare centre in Bandar Seri Sendayan,
She set aside the decision of the High
Hisan proposed bail at RM15,000 with one Negeri Sembilan. Following the incident,
Cook charged with raping girl In 2021, businessmen Ling and Wong,
sought by the US Department of Justice for
surety, while Yuseri9s lawyer T. Gaithri
appealed for a lower sum, on the basis that
many people donated to the baby9s family
to support them in hiring the best lawyer
Cynthia D Baga On the second count, he allegedly com- her client supports his family and has no to defend her case. 3 Bernama
their alleged involvement in a major hack-
KOTA KINABALU: A 35-year-old cook was mitted sexual intercourse against the same ing syndicate, filed a lawsuit asking the
charged with raping a girl and inserting girl by inserting two fingers into the girl9s High Court to determine several constitu-
his finger into her private part.
Arronny Janius pleaded not guilty
private part on the same day inside the
same vehicle parked in Taman Awam Teluk
tional questions on the validity of the
extradition law.
Filipino jailed 10 months
before Sessions Court Judge Elsie Primus Likas, here. In January last year, High Court judge
to the two charges against him.
On the first count, Arrony is accused of
The offence under Section 377CA of the
Penal Code provides for a jail term of
Datuk Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh struck
down Sections 4 and 20 of the Act after rul-
for assaulting supervisor
raping the 18-year-old girl between 2am between five and 30 years, and whipping, ing the provisions contravened Article
on conviction. Jo Ann Mool The complainant then went to see his
and 6am on May 12 inside a car parked 121(1) of the Federal Constitution and the
The court set Aug 7 for mention and no KOTA KINABALU: A Filipino factory employer before being advised to seek
near the TT Bar in Kepayan Point, Penam- fundamental liberties of the businessmen.
bail was offered to Arrony pending the dis- worker was jailed 10 months jail on Friday medical treatment while Arjun had fled.
pang. Section 4 deals with the home minister9s
posal of his case. Deputy Public Prosecutor for assaulting his supervisor, last week. The complainant did not know the rea-
The offence under Section 376(1) of the power to direct the extradition of a suspect
Siti Hajar Mazlan appeared for the prose- Arjun Damli Julhasad, 38, pleaded son why Arjun had acted in such a manner
Penal Code carries a jail term of up to 20 to face criminal charges in a requesting
cution while Arrony was not represented. guilty before Magistrate Stephanie Sher- as they had never had any previous dis-
years, and whipping, on conviction. country. Section 20 states the court must
ron Abbie to voluntarily causing hurt to agreements.
commit the suspect to detention, pending
Md Niezam Firdaus Saidin, 22, on July 3, at As a result of the incident, the com-
the minister9s order to surrender him.
the Cement Industries (Sabah) Sdn Bhd in plainant sustained injuries, including lac-
CEO fined RM15,000 for power abuse The US government wants them to face
charges in the District of Columbia for Sepanggar. erations on his head for which he received
The prosecution said while the com- three stitches as well as bruises and
MELAKA: A former chief executive officer Meanwhile, in MELAKA, a shop assis- allegedly running a global hacking opera-
plainant was on duty, Arjun intentionally scratches on the face.
of a government-linked subsidiary in tant pleaded not guilty in the Ayer Keroh tion to steal identities, video game technol-
stepped on his supervisor9s foot without Arjun was subsequently arrested fol-
Melaka was fined RM15,000 by the Ayer Magistrate9s Court here to charges of driv- ogy and plant ransomware, as well as to
apologising. lowing a police report.
Keroh Sessions Court here today after ing under the influence of alcohol, which spy on Hong Kong activists.
They were produced before a Sessions The complainant reprimanded Arjun He was charged under Section 323 of
pleading guilty to abuse of power resulted in the deaths of two women last the Penal Code carries a jail term of up to
Court for the government to secure extra- for his action and he retaliated by punch-
for appointing his daughter to the com- year. one year or fine or up to RM2,000 or both,
dition orders. ing Md Niezam9s face which subsequently
pany in 2021. Yong Sang Kein, 37, made the plea after on conviction.
In their application to the High Court, sparked into a fight.
Amir Ali, 58, was slapped with an alter- the charges were read to him by an inter- The court ordered Arjun to serve the
they alleged that both provisions of the During the scuffle, Arjun grabbed an
native charge, namely, on his own behalf, preter before Magistrate Khairunnisak sentence from the date of his arrest and to
Extradition Act violated the articles in the iron rod and struck the complainant on
making arrangements concerning the Hassni. be referred to the Immigration Depart-
constitution that touch on fundamental the head before the scuffle was broken up
total salary payment of RM13,750 received Yong is accused of driving a car on Jalan ment thereafter.
liberties and judicial power. by other workers.
by his daughter, whom he had appointed Pulau Gadong in the Melaka Tengah dis-
to the position of Financial Officer W41 at trict on July 17, 2023, around 8.30 am while Senior federal counsels Shamsul Bolhas-
Melaka Halal Hub Sdn Bhd.
He committed the offence at Melaka
Halal Hub, Lot 125, Bangunan Anchor,
under the influence of alcohol and being
involved in an accident with a motorcycle,
resulting in the deaths of Iman Nur Azrin
san and Liew Horng Bin appeared for the
public prosecutor, the Minister of Home
Affairs, the Ministry of Home Affairs and
Molest: RTD man freed
Melaka Halal Hub Industrial Area, Serkam, Noriman, 18, and Nurul Rahimah Abdull the Malaysian government while lawyer
KOTA KINABALU: A government servant fined RM25 or a day9s jail for behaving in a
Jasin on April 1, 2021. Samad, 32. Tey Jun Ren acted for the businessmen.
was freed from the charge of molesting a threatening manner towards a man.
Amir was charged under Section 23 of The charge is framed under Section 44 woman by the Magistrate9s Court, Friday. Hubert Charles admitted before Magis-
the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commis-
sion Act 2009 and sentenced under Sec-
(1) of the Road Transport Act (Amend-
ment) 2020, which carries a penalty of not
Two friends Magistrate Lovely Natasha Charles dis-
charged and acquitted Christopher Chiu,
trate Stephanie to committing the offence
towards Surezza Ng, 63, with the intention
tion 26 of the same act, which provides for less than 10 years and not more than 15
a fine not exceeding RM50,000 or a maxi- years in jail, a fine between RM50,000 and charged with 51, without his defence being called, ruling
that the prosecution had failed to estab-
of disturbing the peace on June 24, at 6pm,
Bukit Bantayan Residence.
mum imprisonment of seven years or RM100,000, and a 10-year disqualification lish a prima facie case. The charge under Section 8(1)(e) of the
both. from holding a driving licence upon con- trafficking Chiu allegedly caressed the woman9s Minor Offences Ordinance provides for a
His lawyer, Azrul Zulkifli Stork, viction. breasts at 10.20am on March 29 at the RM25 fine, on conviction.
requested the court to impose a minimum The court allowed the accused a bail of underage girls Automation Engineering Division of the The facts of the case presented by the
fine, saying Amir has to support a large RM5,000 in one surety and ordered the Road Transport Department at Jalan Bun- prosecution stated that on the said day,
family. accused9s Class D licence to be suspended KANGAR: Two friends, including an dusan, Penampang. the complainant was at the car park when
However, deputy public prosecutor until the disposal of the case and set underage girl, pleaded not guilty in the He had on Dec 1, 2023, claimed trial to Hubert approached him with a stick,
Mohamad Azriff Firdaus Mohamad Ali Aug 19 for remention and submission of Sessions Court here Friday to two charges the charge under Section 354 of the Penal threatening and challenging him to a fight
asked for a punishment commensurate documents. of trafficking two underage girls for the Code. and accused him of throwing rotten eggs
with the offence. Deputy public prosecutor Fikri Hakim purpose of sexual exploitation on July 2. Six prosecution9s witnesses testified into his house.
Judge Elesabet Paya Wan ordered Amir Zamri appeared for the prosecution while For the first charge, Shakila Latiff, 25, during the prosecution stage. Their argument was diffused by the
to serve six months in jail if he could not the accused was represented by lawyer Siti and her 17-year-old friend were charged Chiu was represented by counsels Yong security guard on duty. Deputy Public
pay the fine. Nur Alia Safri. 3 Bernama together with trafficking a 16-year-old Pei Yi, Dicky Lo and Cornelius Chua. Prosecutor (DPP) Ling Guong Zhi and
teenage girl for the purpose of sexual Meanwhile, a 55-year-old man was Inspector Suzie S.K. prosecuted.
Actor’s ex-wife withdraws police report exploitation at a hotel in Persiaran Jubli
Emas here at 6.20 pm, July 2.
KUALA KUBU BHARU: The Magistrate9s
Court here was told Friday that the ex-wife
As for the second charge, the two
accused were charged with committing Social media influencers fail
of actor Hafidz Roshdi, Nurul Shuhada the same act involving another 14-year-old
Mat Shukri, has withdrawn the police
report filed against him.
girl in a separate room at the same hotel at
6.25 pm, on the same date.
to set aside remand order
Lawyer Datuk Akberdin Abdul Kader, They were charged under Section 14 of KUALA LUMPUR: The social media influ- investigation is completed.
representing Hafidz, whose full name is the Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti- encer couple embroiled in allegations of <The MACC should be allowed to com-
Muhammad Hafidz Roshdi, 30, said when Smuggling of Migrants Act 2007 read misappropriating donations, remain in plete their investigation, and the remand
contacted that Nurul Shuhada had with- together with Section 34 of the Penal Code custody following the High Court9s dis- order issued by the magistrate against
drawn the police report on July 6. which provides for life imprisonment or missal of their application to set aside the them is valid. Therefore, the application
Following the withdrawal, he informed imprisonment for a period of not less than remand order issued by the Putrajaya for review is dismissed,= said the judge.
that Judge Siti Fatimah Talib, acting as the five years and can be whipped if convicted. Magistrate9s Court, Thursday. Earlier, the couple9s lawyer, Abd Rahim
magistrate, has set a new mention date for The prosecution of the case was han- Judge Datuk Muhammad Jamil Hussin Ali, argued that his clients were not affili-
Aug 2 for the prosecution to determine dled by Deputy Public Prosecutor Alia dismissed the review application filed by ated with any public body as stipulated
whether the case will proceed or not. Suzila Chek Pi, while the accused were not Mohd Hazalif Mohd Hazani, 30, also under Section 3 of the MACC Act, which
On March 13, 2023, Hafidz pleaded not Hafidz with his new wife Athira represented. known as Alif Teega, and his wife Aisyah allows them to be investigated under Sec-
guilty to the charge of voluntarily causing at the court yesterday. Judge Musyiri Peet allowed both Hijanah Azhari, 26, after finding that the tion 23 of the same Act.
hurt to Nurul Shuhada by punching her RM2,000, or both. The charge was read accused to be bailed at RM15,000 with one Putrajaya Magistrate9s Court had complied <The shareholders in Hijanah Haul
left cheek three times, resulting in cuts, together with Section 326A of the same surety for the first charge and RM10,000 with Section 117 of the Criminal Procedure Holdings Sdn Bhd are only the first and
bruises, and swelling. Code, which carries imprisonment for a with one surety for the second charge. Code in granting the Malaysian Anti-Cor- second suspects (Mohd Hazalif and Aisyah
The drama actor was alleged to have term which may extend to twice the maxi- The two accused were also subject to ruption Commission9s (MACC) request for Hijanah). The members of the company
committed the offence near the Sungai mum term on conviction under Section additional conditions by having to report the remand. are also not public officials, and we argue
Buaya Toll Plaza exit at 3.22 am on March 323. to the nearest police station every month <The issue of absence of nexus between that there is no connection between the
2 last year. On July 27 last year, the Shah Alam and are not allowed to approach prosecu- the applicants and the alleged offence two suspects and the alleged offence.
The charge, framed under Section 323 Lower Syariah Court decided that tion witnesses and victims. under investigation lacks merit, and any <Due to the absence of any connection,
of the Penal Code, carries a maximum jail Hafidz and Nurul Shuhada were divorced The court fixed August 22 for the re- offences committed by the applicants, if the remand order issued by the Magis-
term of one year, or with a fine of up to with a single talak. 3 Bernama mention of the case. any, can only be determined after the trate9s Court should be set aside,= he said.
6 Local SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024

Improving zakat collection in Sabah

Nora Ahmad ing the words 8Administration of Islamic
KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Zakat and Law Enactment 19929 with the words
Fitrah Division will be further strength- 8Sabah State Islamic Religious Council
MPS needs to
ened by expanding branches at the district Enactment 2004 [No. 5 of 2004]9.
level to collect zakat from the agricultural <In the definition of 8Secretary9, by
sector in the state. replacing the words 8Administration of
The Minister responsible for Islamic Islamic Law Enactment 19929 with the fulfil two
affairs in Sabah, Datuk Mohd Arifin Mohd words 8Sabah State Islamic Religious Coun-
Arif, said his party welcomes the proposal cil Enactment 20049,= he said. more criteria,
submitted by Bugaya Assemblyman Jamil Meanwhile, Jamil, who participated in
says DCM
Hamzah regarding zakat in the agricul- debating the Bill, suggested that zakat col-
tural sector. lection be further expanded in the agricul-
<We will expand and broaden the tural sector in the state. TWO out of 11 criteria
branches of the Sabah Islamic Religious <Many of our community who are farm- need to be satisfied
Council (Muis) zakat centre. So far, we ers have oil palm plantations but do not before Sandakan can
have established them in major towns pay agricultural zakat. be upgraded from a
including Kota Marudu, Tawau, Sandakan, <So there we might have a lot of loss, municipality to a full-
Beaufort, Keningau, and Lahad Datu. that is, the worship is not carried out, fledged city.
InsyaAllah, we will expand further. doing business and farming but the wor- Local Government
Mohd Arifin having a light moment with State Finance Minister Datuk Seri
<The purpose is, as suggested earlier, to ship of zakat is neglected. and Housing Minis-
Masidi Manjung (right) and Rural Development Minister Datuk Jahid Jahim.
increase awareness among people to pay <My purpose in raising this matter is so ter Datuk Dr Joachim
zakat and help the relevant asnaf (benefi- of Science, Technology and Innovation, for the short title and commencement of that our community implements the wor- Gunsalam (pic) said
ciaries). said after tabling the Bill to amend the this Bill. ship of zakat,= he said. the district must first have a population of
<We indeed have plans this year to open Zakat and Fitrah Enactment 1993 in the <Clause 2 aims to amend subsection Previously, the amendment to the Zakat no less than 500,000 and an annual revenue
several more branches, and the response State Legislative Assembly sitting on 2(1) regarding definitions in the parent and Fitrah Enactment 1993 and the of RM100 million or above.
to this matter has been very good and Thursday. Enactment by replacing the definition of amendment to the Waqf Enactment <Towards that goal, the Sandakan Munic-
encouraging. We will promote it further Mohd Arifin, when tabling the Bill, said 8Court9 with the definition of Syariah Court (Sabah State) 2018 which were presented ipal Council (MPS) has drafted a strategic
with various programmes in the districts,= the amendment to the enactment involves established under the Syariah Courts were unanimously approved through a plan scheduled to be launched this year.
he said. only two clauses. Enactment 2024. voice vote in this State Legislative Assem- <The MPS has set the goal of upgrading
Mohd Arifin, who is also State Minister <As usual, Clause 1 of this Bill provides <In the definition of 8Council9, by replac- bly sitting. Sandakan9s status from municipality to city
before or by 2030,= he told the August House
Youths involved in policy making process: Ellron on Thursday.
The Deputy Chief Minister II was replying
replying to (PHRS-Kukusan) Datuk Rina The Sabah Youth Assembly simulates the government policies holistically. to Datuk Mokran Ingkat (Umno-Sungai
Jonathan Nicholas Manila) who asked about transformation
THE state is involving Jainal who asked about the government9s Sabah State Legislative Assembly conference <The Felo SMJ programme also provides
involvement. giving the youth an opportunity to voice opportunities to deepen and learn the func- progress.
the youth in its policy
<The SYC is also an information provider their ideas in the conference session. tions and governance of at the highest level Joachim said to achieve the RM100 mil-
making by empower-
working with government and private agen- <Under this programme, the youth can of a ministry and agency and at the same lion annual target, the local government
ing them through
cies from inside and outside the country. discuss and give ideas and views to the State time they are being able to voice relevant would be enforcing by-laws to optimise rev-
associations under
<To ensure the voice of Sabah9s youth is Government regarding issues and govern- policies to the youth,= he said. enue collection.
the Registrar of Soci-
always heard, the State Ministry of Youth ment policies during the conference. Ellron said the aspirations of the youth <This is in addition to implementing a
eties or Registrar of
and Sports has drawn up many youth <In addition, the Felo Sabah Maju Jaya deserve a place in the formulation of poli- new assessment rate that will be fully
Youth Organisations.
empowerment activities under the Sabah programme is also designed to provide cies process. gazetted by 2025, reviews of property rental
The Sabah Youth
Youth Leadership Incubator initiative exposure on management and State Gov- <Apart from implementing their rights as rates based on current market value and
Council (SYC) acts as
(IKEBS). ernment administration systems. a citizen, youth participation in the process empowering efforts to collect arrears
the parent body and prime mover in shap-
The minister said it led to the creation of <Youth involvement in the programme of public policy formulation can also amounting to over RM40 million.
ing the associations as well as looking after
the Sabah Youth Assembly and Felo Sabah gives them an opportunity to get involved improve their position in driving the devel- <For the second criterion, which is having
their welfare and development.
Maju Jaya. in the planning and formulation of state opment of the country,= he said. a total population of no less than 500,000
Minister Datuk Ellron Angin (pic) was
people, the MPS is currently intensifying var-
ious planning efforts to ensure Sandakan is
Chinese community Directives in Bersatu Constitution
always a strategic investment destination to
increase job opportunities and to diversify
economic potential.
see 33pc drop
contravene Federal Constitution <To achieve this purpose, one of MPS9
plans is to boost the tourism industry
in marriages KUALA LUMPUR: MPs to return to the opposition seats, I through the Sandakan Tourism Action Plan
Dewan Rakyat found that, until today, they are still seated 2020-2030.
MARRIAGES in the country has seen a <MPS is trying to obtain various recogni-
declining trend within the Chinese com- Speaker Tan Sri Johari in the opposition bloc. Therefore, I found subject to the Federal Constitution,= he said.
Abdul (pic) said that and decided that there is no vacant seat Regarding the decision not to declare the tions either at national or international level
munity, according to Bayan Baru MP Sim to ensure Sandakan always receives positive
Tze Tzin. the directives under under Article 49A (1) of the Federal Consti- Labuan seat vacant, Johari, in a separate let-
Clause 10.5 of the tution,= he said in the letter. ter, stated that he did not want to prejudice highlight,= he said.
The data, obtained from the annual He noted among them were achieving
Social Statistics bulletin report on mar- Bersatu Constitution In considering the notice, Johari said he the interests of the parties involved in the
are contrary to the referred to several related documents such ongoing court case, as the Labuan MP Datuk the national Asean Clean Tourist City Stan-
riages and divorce of Muslim and non- dards 2024-2026 in April 2024 through the
Muslim citizens by the Department of Federal Constitution. as the Report of the Special Select Commit- Dr Suhaili Abdul Rahman has filed a lawsuit
He said the tee (JKPK) Reviewing the Constitution against Bersatu in the Shah Alam High Federal Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Cul-
Statistics (DoSM). ture, the MPS Voluntary Local Review and
From 2016, DoSM published statistics Bersatu Constitution denies the rights of its (Amendment) Bill (No.3) 2022 and Regard- Court.
five former members as enshrined in the Fed- ing the Provision Prohibiting Members of <Since this case is currently under judicial SDG Roadmap in collaboration with Urban-
specific to marriages and divorce ice Malaysia which would be completed and
through the Marriage and Divorce statis- eral Constitution, the Dewan Rakyat Stand- the Dewan Rakyat from Party Hopping D.R 7 consideration, I do not want to prejudice the
ing Orders and the Houses of Parliament Year 2022 (JKPK Report). interests of the parties involved in the court presented in New York, United States during
tics report containing data according to the High Level Political Forum in 2025.
race which showed a decline in other (Privileges and Powers) Act 1952, which guar- Also the official report dated April 11, case with my decision under Article 49A (3)
antees the privileges, freedom of speech, 2022, on the Constitution (Amendment) Bill of the Federal Constitution,= he said. <MPS is optimistic of the district9s strong
races except the Bumiputera commu- economic position as well as recognition
nity. debate and voting rights to the MPs con- (No.3) 2022; and the official reports dated Earlier Thursday, Prime Minister Datuk
cerned. July 27 and 28, 2022, on the Constitution Seri Anwar Ibrahim defended Johari9s deci- from various levels that can put it as one of
In the report, the Bumiputera com- the cities on par with global habitable stan-
munity recorded a 47 per cent jump This is among the content of the letter (Amendment) Bill (No. 3) 2022 and the sion, saying that the Speaker has acted in
dated July 9 sent by the Speaker to Bersatu Motion Regarding the JKPK Report, he said. accordance with the constitutional and legal dards,= he added. - Jonathan Nicholas
from 2016 to 2022 with 16.0 marriages
within a population of 1,000 individuals Chief Whip Datuk Seri Ronald Kiandee, on <I have found from these documents that interpretations in deciding that the six MPs
in 2022 from 10.9 marriages in 2016, Tze his decision relating to Bersatu9s notice con-
cerning the unexpected seat vacancies
the purpose of Article 49A of the Federal
Constitution was established to ensure the
would retain their seats.
Yesterday, Bersatu President Tan Sri
MOE: Legal
Tzin said in a written reply to the Dewan
Rakyat on Wednesday (July 10). involving six lawmakers who have been political stability of the country for a long Muhyiddin Yassin confirmed that the party
The Chinese community however, stripped of their party membership. period. has received a notification letter from the action against
saw a 33pc decline in marriages in 2016, Copies of the letter were also sent to five <In addition, I also consider the principle Dewan Rakyat Speaker that there are no
of the MPs namely Datuk Syed Abu Hussin of the Supremacy of the Constitution. vacancies of parliamentary seats involving
2020 and 2022, recording 9.8 marriages
per a population of 1,000 in 2016 while Hafiz Syed Abdul Fasal (Bukit Gantang), Malaysia practices the principle of the the six MPs who pledged support to Anwar.
2020 saw a drop 3.5 drop to 6.3 marriages Zahari Kechik (Jeli), Mohd Azizi Abu Naim Supremacy of the Constitution under the The six MPs were served with the notice
(Gua Musang), Datuk Iskandar Dzulkarnain Federal Constitution, and it is also the third
foreign docs
but rose to 6.6 marriages per population of immediate termination of party member-
of 1,000 in 2022, indicating a 0.3 jump. Abdul Thalid (Kuala Kangsar) and Datuk Dr principle of the Rukun Negara. ship on June 12 after failing to respond to a
The Indian community showed a 9pc Zulkafperi Hanapi (Tanjong Karang). <This is because under the Supremacy of notice to confirm their loyalty to Bersatu. -
<About Bersatu9s application for the five the Constitution, all laws or regulations are Sun IPOH: The Ministry of Health (MOH) will
decline in the report with 12.2 marriages
take legal action against unlicensed med-
per population of 1,000 in 2016 decreas-
Bumi student ical practitioners, believed to be foreign
ing to 11.1 marriages in 2022. Child Witness Bill 2024 passed nationals, operating uncertified aesthetic
From these figures, the government
has gathered several reasons from single THE Evidence of competent to give testimony in any pro- enrollment at SJKCs medical service centres in the country.
Its Deputy Minister Datuk Lukanisman
Malaysian men and women aged 25 to Child Witness ceeding unless the Court finds that the child Awang Sauni said that foreigners cannot
49-years-old according to the 2014 Study (Amendment) Bill witness is unable to understand the ques- nearly doubled
run private clinics in the country without
of Population and Families in Malaysia. 2024 was passed in tions posed to them or provide rational
CHINESE national-type primary schools being licensed by the Private Medical Prac-
The study showed 56.0pc of men list- the Dewan Rakyat on answers in that proceeding,= she said in the
(SJKC) have experienced a notable increase in tice Control Section (CKAPS).
ing financial difficulties, together with Thursday (July 11). Dewan Rakyat.
Bumiputera student enrollment, nearly dou- <I will bring this matter to the post-cab-
18.4pc having not found the right part- In her winding- On whether the provisions regarding
bling from 11.67pc in 2014 to 18.52pc this year, inet meeting to ensure the responsible
ner as a reason and 9.4pc opt to priori- up speech, Minister child witness testimony under this Act also
according to the Education Ministry (MoE). agency investigates this in detail. Legal
tise their career development before in the Prime Minis- apply to testimony given by children during
In a written response on the Parliament action will be taken as the activity is
tying the knot. ter9s Department police investigations, Azalina said under the
website, the ministry reported that the enroll- believed to be illegal,= he said at a press
About 35.7pc of women in the study (Law and Institutional Reforms) Datuk Seri Child Witness Testimony Act 2007, the tes-
ment of non-Bumiputera students at SJKC conference after officiating the 13th Asean
said they have not found the right part- Azalina Othman Said (pic) said no mini- timony of child witnesses pertains to testi-
decreased from 88.33pc to 81.48pc over the and 10th Perak Health Congress Friday.
ner for marriage whereas 26pc also mum age limit was set under this Bill mony given in court proceedings.
same period. On July 9, the Malaysian International
listed financial difficulties while 18.1pc because early childhood development <During investigations, the testimony
A similar trend was observed in national Humanitarian Organisation (MHO) urged
chose to focus on building their career. varies for each child. can be submitted to the court as evidence if
schools (SK), where non-Bumiputera student the MOH to conduct an immediate inves-
3 Sun <All child witnesses shall be deemed it meets certain conditions.
enrollment decreased from 6.19pc in 2014 to tigation into fake medical practitioners,
<When a child9s testimony during an
4.88pc in 2024, while Bumiputera student believed to be foreigners, and their beauty
Over RM25b losses from road accidents investigation is recorded, the video record-
enrollment increased from 93.81pc to 95.12pc clinics operating in Kuala Lumpur and
ing can be accepted as evidence as provided
during the same period. Johor.
FINANCIAL losses stemming from road (MoT) developed the Malaysian Road by this Act,= noted Azalina. <For Tamil national-type primary schools, MHO Secretary-General Datuk
accidents have amounted to over RM25 bil- Safety Plan 2022-2030 (PKJRM 2022-2030), When asked about the implementation there has been an increase in the enrollment Hishamuddin Hashim called for action
lion in 2023, according to Transport Minis- said Loke, adding the PJKRM targets a of giving testimony via video and whether of Bumiputera students from 0.38pc in 2014 following an incident involving a victim
ter Anthony Loke Siew Fook. reduction of road accident fatalities by at it can enhance the accuracy of the testimony to 0.49% this year and non-Bumiputera who underwent breast surgery costing
Loke told the Dewan Rakyat the amount least 50pc by 2030. given by children, Azalina replied that tes- pupils constitute approximately 99pc of the RM23,400 on June 21, 2022.
indicated a jump from the previous year9s Loke added the PJKRM is also in line timony via video is a facility that has already enrollment at SJKTs during the same period, Hishamuddin said the victim, known
figures. with the goals of United Nations Resolu- been used for a long time since the estab- said the Ministry. only as Alice, was enticed by attractive
In a written reply, yesterday, Malaysia tion 74/299. lishment of the child sexual crimes court. It Regarding international schools, as of offers on social media, which led her to
has estimated financial losses of nearly Furthermore, the MoT and Ministry of allows children to give testimony more May 31 this year, there were a total of 88,951 trust an unlicensed aesthetic medical serv-
RM18 billion, equivalent to 2.2pc in 2010, Housing and Local Government (KPKT) are comfortably without facing the accused, students enrolled, with 67.1pc being citizens ice centre for the surgery. Unfortunately,
according to the statistics of deaths and researching the implementation of Transit thus preventing trauma. and 32.9pc non-citizens. Among citizen stu- she suffered pain after the procedure.
serious injuries based on reports from the Oriented Development (TOD) based devel- <Although the testimony is given via dents, 19.9pc were Bumiputera and 80.1pc In another development, Lukanisman
police. opment. video, the weight or admissibility of the were non-Bumiputera. described the actions of shirtless, muscled
<It increased to over RM25 billion in TOD aims to promote the use of public child witness9s testimony is the same as giv- The MOE also highlighted that from 2019 men strutting and posing with cleavers
2023,= he was quoted as saying. transportation, while intending to reduce ing testimony in an open court,= she said. - to 2024, there was a 34 pc increase in citizen
while selling durian at a stall in Kajang,
This was in response to Pang Hok the dependence on private vehicles to meet Star student enrollment in international schools.
Selangor, as inappropriate.
Liong9s (PH-Labis) request for clarification individual needs for mobility. On Tuesday (July 11), Azalina, who tabled During the same period, Bumiputera student
He said the action was inappropriate in
regarding the losses estimated and effec- Loke said the inter-ministerial collabo- the Bill for the first reading, said it aimed to enrollment increased by 49.4pc, while non-
Bumiputera enrollment increased by 30.6pc.
the food preparation process, as the food
tive measures to address the topic at hand. ration could help lower the risk of road enhance provisions for child witness testi-
- Sun seller was not dressed properly, which
Seeing this, the Transport Ministry accidents indirectly. - Sun mony.
involved personal hygiene. - Bernama
dailyexpress SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024
Local 7

KB padi area being extended

Series of events

to remember

MH17 victims
KOTA KINABALU: The Large-Scale Rice pung Jawi-Jawi, involving 14 rice farmers
– decade on
Field Smart Programme (Smart SBB) Ala and reclaiming 40 hectares of abandoned
Sekinchan is now being extended to Kg land.
Kesapang Tengah, Kota Belud, involving <Bernas serves as the project manager,
181 local farmers. providing services and supervising fer- KUALA LUMPUR: It has been a decade
Chairman of Padiberas Nasional Berhad tiliser and pesticide use under contract since the downing of the Malaysia Airlines
(Bernas), Datuk Seri Rohani Abdul Karim, farming agreements with the rice farm- flight MH17 tragedy in 2014, which took
said Sabah rice granary programme, cover- ers,= she said to the Media after a courtesy the lives of all 298 people on board, includ-
ing an area of 187,000 hectares, increased call to the Head of State, Tun Juhar ing 80 children.
production to 4.2 tonnes per hectare, com- Mahiruddin, recently. As a tribute to the innocent souls that
pared to the previous production of about She also said Smart SBB Ala Sekinchan perished in the devastating tragedy, the
2.6 tonnes per hectare. Bernas-IADA Kota Belud initiative will be 10th commemoration will be held on July
<Smart SBB Ala Sekinchan is a new launched by the Minister of Agriculture 17 at the National Monument MH17 at Park
model that applies high-yield farming and Food Security, Datuk Seri Muhamad Vijfhuizen near Amsterdam Schiphol Air-
practices aimed at increasing rice farmers9 Sabu, on July 13, coinciding with the Paddy port, according to the Embassy of the
income through optimal rice cultivation Wave Programme. Kingdom of the Netherlands in Malaysia.
techniques and targeted production Also present were Bernas Group Chief To witness the historic events, five
through group area development. Executive Officer, Zulkiflee Abdul Rahman Malaysian media representatives includ-
<The Smart SBB pilot project, part of and Bernas Head of Upstream Activities ing Malaysian National News Agency
Kota Belud9s Integrated Agricultural and Concession Division, Abdul Rahman (Bernama) have been invited to partici-
Development Area (IADA), began in Kam- Mohd Nasri. Juhar in a group photo with Bernas officials.
pate in the remembrance programmes,
which are scheduled for three days, start-
ing on July 15.
The programme includes a series of
Passing of
Sabah, S Korea working on future cooperation events and site visits designed to provide
an in-depth understanding of the ongoing
ex-CJ Md KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah government efforts and cooperation between the
is expected to further cooperate with the Netherlands and Malaysia in the aftermath
Dzaiddin South Korean in various ûelds in the of the MH17 disaster.
future. On the first day, an interview session
Sabah Tourism, Culture and Environ- was scheduled with Digna van Boetzelaer,
great loss to ment Ministry permanent secretary Josie former Chief Public Prosecutor at the Pub-
Lai said South Korea through Jeju Special lic Prosecution Service, District Public
nation: Peers Self-Governing Province and Sabah Prosecutor9s Office 8Noord-Holland9. She
through Sabah Parks shared a deep com- was leading the prosecution and criminal
KUALA LUMPUR: The mitment in preserving and showcasing investigation into the downing of flight
passing of former our natural heritage. MH17.
Chief Justice Tun She said it was an example of shared Other than that, an interview was
Mohamed Dzaiddin responsibility in safeguarding our planet9s scheduled with the next-of-kin, as well as
Abdullah (pic) is a ecological balance. visits to the reconstruction of flight MH17,
great loss to the Lai said her Ministry recognised the which is placed in the military base in
nation, especially to importance of sustainable tourism and Gilze-Rijen, central Netherlands.
the judiciary and conservation efforts in ensuring the <Apart from the next-of-kin, almost
legal profession, said preservation of our natural resources, 1,500 people from across the world will
legal practitioners. especially for the future generation. gather for the ceremony. The pain of their
Former Chief Justice Tun Md Raus Sharif, She added that Sabah, globally known passing (victims) is still felt intensely
73, said Mohamed Dzaiddin was not only for its rich biodiversity and stunning land- today, by their families and friends all over
known among their colleagues as a very kind scapes, including the majestic Mount Kin- the world.
and patient person, but also as someone very The launching of the Korean World Natural Heritage abalu and its pristine marine <As we approach ten years since this
meticulous, especially when delivering his Jeju Exhibition at a local shopping mall, recently. environments, stood as an example of tragedy, Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the
judgments. good environmental stewardship and sus- Netherlands and Ukraine wish to under-
tainable tourism practices. line that we remain steadfast in our com-
PM mobbed by mini fans
<If we read legal journals, some of his rul-
ings still serve as precedents today,= he said <We are also looking forward to taking mitment to achieving truth, justice and
when met after the burial of Mohamed our relationship and cooperation in vari- accountability for the victims of the down-
Dzaiddin at the Bukit Kiara Muslim Cemetery PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minis- ous fields to the next level through the ing of flight MH17 and their next-of-kin.
here. In their younger years, Md Raus said ter Datuk Seri Anwar memorandum of understanding (MoU). <Those who have been left behind
they often met at the Kota Bahru Court when Ibrahim was joyfully <The MoU will be signed in October in deserve closure. They need to know that
Mohamed Dzaiddin was still a lawyer and 8mobbed9 by excited Jeju Island, during the 2024 World Her- everything that can be done has been done
had a law firm there. schoolchildren eager to itage Global Forum,= she said during the to prevent these tragedies from happening
<Then, he became a judge and I used to catch a glimpse of him launching of the Korean World Natural in the future,= according to the embassy.
appear before him as the deputy public pros- when he stopped by a food Heritage Jeju Exhibition at a shopping On July 14, 2014, MH17 was downed by a
ecutor (DPP) and senior federal counsel. stall here for lunch before mall here. BUK missile while flying over the conflict-
When I became a judge, he was already a Fed- performing Friday prayers. Lai9s speech was read by the Ministry9s hit eastern Ukraine, and everybody on
eral Court judge, and subsequently the Chief His arrival at the An- senior assistant secretary (Environment) board was killed.
Justice. Najah Precinct 9 stall Dayang Siti Maryam Mohd Hanan. The victims came from 17 countries and
<I learned a lot from him and have been around 12.45pm was Speaking on the exhibition, Lai said it included 198 Dutch nationals, 43
keeping in touch after his retirement and warmly received by the did not only celebrate the natural wonders Malaysians, 38 Australians, and 10 from
when I was the Chief Justice,= he said. crowd, particularly the of Jeju, but also served as a testament to the United Kingdom.
Sharing a mutual interest in golf, Md Raus enthusiastic schoolchild- the bond shared between South Korea and Following the horrific incident, on
Anwar being mobbed by pupils at a stall in An-Najah
said they often spent time playing golf at the ren from the nearby Seko- Malaysia, in terms of conservation and cul- November 17, 2022, the Hague District
Presint 9 in Putrajaya ahead of the Friday prayer.
Kuala Lumpur Golf & Country Club (KLGCC), lah Kebangsaan Putrajaya tural exchange. Court convicted in absentia two Russians
and the last time he met Mohamed Dzaiddin Presint 9 (2). Zainal Mohd Yusoh. She added that the exhibition was also and a Ukrainian to life imprisonment after
was three months ago. As the Prime Minister, clad in a light After lunch, Anwar made his way to the a testament to the cultural and environ- finding them guilty on charges of causing
<When I visited him at his home, I held his blue Baju Melayu, arrived at the stall, the nearby Surau An-Najah, located about 60 mental significance of the respective the downing of MH17 and the murders of
hand and said my name, and I saw tears in his schoolchildren excitedly rushed to shake metres from the stall, to join nearly 1,000 regions, which also foster mutual under- all 298 people on board.
eyes because he recognised me even though hands with him. congregants for Friday prayers. standing and appreciation among the They are Russians Igor Girkin and
he could not speak,= he said. Anwar spent about 30 minutes savour- Surau Imam Hazim Malim led the Fri- communities. Sergei Dubinsky and Ukrainian citizen
Meanwhile, Shah Alam High Court Judge ing a variety of dishes at the stall, accom- day prayers and delivered a sermon enti- Present was Sabah Parks Director Dr Leonid Kharchenko. However, the court
Datuk Seri Mohd Firuz Jaffril, 55, who is also panied by An-Najah Cooperative secretary tled <Perihal Mizan=. Maklarin Lakim. 3 NST acquitted another Russian, Oleg Pulatov,
Mohamed Dzaiddin9s nephew, said that his of the same charges.

P’pang panel to expedite distribution of accurate info

uncle was a strict, highly disciplined person The court also ordered the three men to
and very punctual. pay more than 16 million euros in com-
<When I was a child, he was already a pensation to the relatives of the victims.
judge. At that time, I never thought of follow- PENAMPANG: The Health Clinic Advisory
ing his footsteps because after seeing his Panel (PPKK) can help speed up and sim-
strict and disciplined way, I knew it was hard plify the distribution of accurate informa-
Why critical
to follow,= he said. tion health-related issues among the local
Former Federal Court judge Tan Sri Abu community.
Samah Nordin, 73, said the Mohamed Dzaid- Penampang Area Health Officer, Dr conversations
din was very considerate in making decisions Carol Lim Kai Joo, said PPKK is an organisa-
and was friendly with all the judges who tion based on a volunteering concept that on social
worked with him, including junior judges. creates a two-way communication channel
for interaction between the community and
media matter
<I was a DPP when he was a judge, and Carol in a

that was when I knew he was very considerate group photo

Health Department staff.
when making decisions,= he said. with the
<PPKK always takes into account the
opinions and views of the community in KAJANG: Conversations about various crit-
Meanwhile, former Perak Police Chief Penampang
ical issues are important on social media
Datuk Seri Noordin Omar, 67, said Mohamed PPKK
planning health activities such as open days,
gotong-royong and local health services. platforms and young people should be
Dzaiddin should be an example for the cur- committee
encouraged to take part in such discourses,
rent generation, especially for his contribu- members.
<In addition, this panel functions to
obtain feedback from the community says TikTok Malaysia9s public policy head
tions to the nation, particularly in the Anuar Fariz Fadzil.
regarding problems and the effectiveness of
Boy, 12, reels in RM30,000 prize
judiciary and policing fields, which are cru- Speaking during a panel discussion
cial to national security. the activities carried out, fostering a sense of
shared responsibility between the commu- titled <Surf9s up: deputies of digital liter-
<He also served as a police officer early in acy=, Anuar said it is essential to question
his career, and the current generation should JERTIH: A Year Six student from Kampung homemade chicken bait prepared by my nity and the Department of Health in
Dengir, near here, has struck gold with his mother. Almost immediately, a fish was addressing health issues.= decisions and have critical conversations on
emulate what he did during his lifetime,= he various issues, such as policy changes and
said. fishing hobby, earning him RM30,000 caught on the hook,= the Sekolah She said this after chairing the Commit-
in prize money from various competitions Kebangsaan (SK) Bukit Puteri pupil told tee Members9 Formation Meeting for PPKK societal problems.
Among those present to pay their last <Society and governments need to be
respects to Mohamed Dzaiddin were former this year. Muhammad Alif Irfan Ahmad Bernama when met at his home here. Penampang Area at the Penampang Health
Numan, 12, landed his biggest catch last Muhammad Alif Irfan shared that his sec- Office. According to Carol, PPKK9s role can mature about this. I would like to think our
Chief Judge of Malaya Tan Sri Haidar Mohd audience is mature enough or is maturing.
Noor, former Court of Appeal judge Datuk Thursday, winning a whopping RM20,000 ond biggest prize was RM5,000, which he further enhance the image of the Health
after reeling in a massive 5.4-kilogramme cat- won in a fishing competition in Setiu just a Department through a transparent It doesn9t matter what your age is.=
Wan Adnan Muhamad, and former Johor Anuar was asked by the moderator
Bahru Member of Parliament Tan Sri Shahrir fish, or ikan keli. week before the recent Hari Raya Aidil Adha. approach, reducing misunderstandings
<In the competition, I used a rod with 3 Bernama between the public and health personnel. about the social and moral responsibilities
Abdul Samad. 3 Bernama of a social media platform in creating bet-
ter democratic spaces.
He also highlighted the importance of
Syndicate using chewing gum to conceal RM5m in drugs: Cops digital literacy among young children, who
grow up with constant exposure to online
KUALA LUMPUR: Police busted a syndicate He said the seized drugs from the raids were unaware of the identities of the actual Act 1952,= he said. messages.
involved in lacing chewing gum with drugs include MDMA weighing 165 kilogrammes renters and the rental rates,= he explained He said that a Toyota Vios car, estimated <They will grow up with a screen in their
and seized various types of drugs worth (kg), ketamine (9 kg), ecstasy (7.5 kg), during a press conference at the Kuala to be worth RM25,000, was seized under hand. They will be inundated with so many
RM5.02 million in three separate raids 3 at erimin 5 pills (4.5 kg), chewing gum (3.5 Lumpur contingent police headquarters. the Dangerous Drugs (Forfeiture of Prop- messages 3 they need to be able to discern
a parking area and an apartment unit in kg), cocaine (1.6 kg) and syabu weighing He said that the vehicle used was regis- erty) Act 1988, bringing the total value of what is right and what is wrong.=
Cheras as well as a condominium unit in 0.485 kg. tered under the names of other individuals, the drug and property seizure to RM5.05 Anuar said TikTok9s community guide-
Seri Kembangan. <One suspect was responsible for storing and the seized drugs were intended for dis- million. lines emphasise universal and local values,
Bukit Aman Narcotics Criminal Investi- the drugs and earned a monthly salary of tribution in markets across the Klang Val- The NCID believes that many networks such as respecting elders and not being
gation Department (NCID) Director Datuk RM6,000, while the other worked as a ley, northern region, and southern region of this syndicate are still active, particularly rude. These help create a safe and respectful
Khaw Kok Chin said following the raids, courier and earned RM4,500 per month. of Peninsular Malaysia. suppliers, he added. space for discourse.
two local men, both 22, believed to be <The apartment and condominium <Both suspects were remanded for <Those with information about this syn- Earlier, during the panel discussion,
involved in storing and delivering the units were used as storage locations for the seven days until July 17 to assist in the dicate should alert the police by calling Anuar also explained that TikTok uses a
drugs for the past three months, were drugs, rented under the names of other investigation and the case is investigated NCID at 012-208 7222 to help with the inves- multi-pronged strategy to remove content
arrested. syndicate members. The arrested suspects under Section 39B of the Dangerous Drugs tigation,= he said. 3 Malay Mail that breaches community guidelines. 3 FMT
8 Local SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024

HEN it comes to accurately
Rats have an
diagnosing a disease, you
might think you need expen-
accurate sense
sive, high-tech machinery and equip-
of smell. (Pic:
ment capable of looking deep beneath
Rosa Jay/
the skin at what9s going on in the body.
But while these high-tech implements
certainly are incredible, they aren9t the
only instruments capable of detecting
disease. In fact, you may even share a
home with one of these powerful disease-
detecting agents.
There are numerous of instances of
unsuspecting pet owners learning they
had a health problem from their pet.
Examples include dogs licking, sniffing
Roger (seated left) together with Lee, Chaw and Tan in a group photo. and even trying to chew spots on their
owner9s skin 3 spots that were later diag-
nosed as malignant melanoma.
Rotary’s RM209,000 gift to school In fact, many species of animals 3 from
KOTA KINABALU: The Rotary Club of Kin-
abalu Sutera recently completed a spon-
Chaw Zie Der, whose aggressive liaison
efforts with SJKC Yuk Kong and the Lat-
the microscopic worm C elegans, to ants,
mice and dogs 3 have all successfully
demonstrated the ability to detect dis-
Three animals that can
sorship project at SJKC Yuk Kong in ter-Day Saints Charity Group were
Keningau in a move to enhance educa-
tional facilities in rural Sabah.
The initiative, carried out in collabo-
instrumental in securing substantial
The Rotary Club of Kinabalu Sutera
eases in people and from biological sam-
ples during experiments.
The diseases detected are diverse 3
detect disease in humans
from cancer and urinary tract infections mine explosives in Mozambique. These Many species (including dogs, rats
ration with the Latter-Day Saints Charity has long been dedicated to serving the to Covid-19 and the gastrointestinal rats are also proving to be valuable med- and bees) can detect very subtle changes
Group, aimed to improve the learning community through various initiatives infection, Clostridium difficile. ical detection partners, playing an in substances called volatile organic
environment and security at the school. aimed at promoting education, health, Many of these diseases are potentially important role in the detection of tuber- compounds (VOCs) that the body
The project, valued at RM 209,000, and overall well-being. serious, especially in vulnerable and culosis in sputum samples recovered releases in very low levels, even when
saw the installation of various essential This latest project at SJKC Yuk Kong is immunocompromised patients, so accu- from suspected cases. healthy. In fact, exhaled human breath
resources. These included laptops to expected to significantly impact the rate and early detection is essential. Rats have an incredibly accurate sense contains approximately 3,500 different
support digital learning, bookshelves to quality of education provided at the Here are just a few of the amazing ani- of smell. Rosa Jay/ Shutterstock VOCs. The composition and concentra-
expand the library9s capacity, tables and school, equipping students with better mals that are able to detect disease in The rats are fast, taking only 20 min- tion of VOCs the body releases changes
chairs to furnish classrooms and com- resources for learning in today9s digital humans: utes to review 100 patient samples. They based on a person9s health 3 and will be
mon areas, and a CCTV system to age. use their sniffing skills to detect the dis- different if they9re fighting an infection
enhance school security. As rural schools often face challenges Dogs tinctive chemical signature of tuberculo- or dealing with a health problem.
<This initiative reflects our commit- accessing modern educational tools, this Dogs are possibly the most well- sis in samples. The disease-detecting abilities of ani-
ment to fostering educational develop- initiative by the Rotary Club of Kinabalu known example of an animal that can Their payment for a job well done is mals aren9t just for human benefit, either.
ment and community well-being. We9re Sutera serves as a model for how commu- detect a range of diseases 3 including an avocado and banana treat. This makes The worm C elegans can not only detect
grateful for the generous support from nity organisations can make a tangible Parkinson9s disease, bladder cancer and these trained rats a valuable option cancer in human samples, their superior
the Latter-Day Saints Charity Group in difference in educational development. malaria. Epileptic seizures and low blood where time and money might be limited olfactory senses mean they can also detect
making this a reality,= said Club Presi- The club hopes that this project will sugar in diabetic patients can also be in diagnostic and screening facilities. cancer in samples from dogs and cats.
dent Roger Yapp. inspire similar efforts across Sabah and detected by specially-trained medical These rats have an incredible success rate The skills that different species have in
Yapp also highlighted the pivotal role beyond, furthering their mission of serv- alert dogs. 3 accurately detecting positive tuberculo- accurately sniffing out disease might just
played by immediate past President ice above self. It seems that a dog9s impressive olfac- sis cases 81% of the time. make trained detection animals an effec-
tory sense is key to their ability to detect tive, non-invasive, speedy and cost-effective

Fill up Sabah
specific odours, even at incredibly low Bees way to screen for particular health condi-
concentrations. Indeed, the dog9s sense of Even honeybees can detect the signs tions. It may even further enhance positive
smell is thought to be more than 10,000 of certain diseases in samples 3 including interactions between people and animals.
times better than our own. They can even lung cancer, tuberculosis and Covid-19. Notably, because of regulations, ani-
use their nostrils independently of each Honeybees are extremely sensitive to mals used for disease detection are cur-
other when investigating new scents. low concentration odours, making them rently only viewed as screening <tools= to

Deputy OCPD
Biodetection and medical alert dogs able to detect chemical changes in a sim- be used alongside medical diagnostic
are initially trained to associate specific ilar way to dogs and rats. techniques. But if regulatory frameworks
odours with a positive reward 3 such as a Researchers have been able to train permit, detection animals could one day
tasty treat or toy. They then become honeybees to respond to the presence of become a key diagnostic component.
primed to recognise odour changes or specific smells by rolling out their Indeed, detection dogs were faster
physical and behavioural changes in tongues for a sugar reward. With train- (and cheaper) at screening samples for

posts: Madius
their handler that predict a seizure (or ing, this response becomes consistent Covid-19 than routine PCR testing. By
other health event). and highly sensitive for smells linked understanding the detection abilities of
Biodetection dogs will typically freeze with disease states. animals, we might just help improve lab-
when they recognise a scent, awaiting This ability makes honeybees useful oratory diagnostic tests further by apply-
their reward. Medical alert dogs will for detecting disease in the same way as ing some of their amazing skills.
often interact with their handler 3 per- other animals. Their size could make While exploiting the sniffing skills of
KUALA LUMPUR: entire workload without a deputy,= he haps pawing or nudging them to indi- them an even more efficient and low-cost animals might be useful for us, it9s
Datuk Seri Wilfred said during the Debate Session on the cate that they need to take action for option for rapid sample screening. important to remember that the health
Madius Tangau Penal Code (Amendment) Bill 2024 at the their safety. and welfare of the animals involved must
(pic) (Upko-Tuaran) Parliamentary Sitting, here, on Wednes- Superior senses be prioritised too. The ethics of working
urged the Govern- day. Rats But how are animals able to identify animals must always be taken into
ment to fill the posi- Madius also requested clarification on Rats are also great at sniffing out spe- the presence of specific diseases? It has to account alongside considerations of the
tion of Deputy whether the Ministry of Home Affairs has cific smells. do with many animals9 ability to detect cost, safety and efficiency of any wide-
Police Chief in sev- plans to fill these vacant positions in the The African giant pouched rat has tiny changes in a person9s chemical scent spread disease screening programmes
eral District Police near future. been trained to detect the odour of land profile. that involves them. 3 The Conversation
Headquarters (IPD) <This is important to ensure that the
in Sabah. administration of the Royal Malaysia

Car sickness: How to help pets

According to him, there are IPDs that Police (PDRM) in maintaining and pre-
only have a District Police Chief but do not serving public safety and order, including
have a Deputy District Police Chief posi- in matters of cyber security, is more
tion. assured and can be implemented more Marlene Cimons
<Through my observations in several efficiently,= he said. for Washington Post Some pets can get
districts such as Tuaran, Kota Belud, Earlier, Madius said the effort to Raylan, my late shepherd mix, had a prob- sick traveling in a
Kudat, Papar, Beluran, Kota Marudu and amend the Bill was the right step taken by lem with car rides. He9d hop into the back vehicle. (Pic: iStock
Kinabatangan, all these IPDs have a Dis- the government. seat, excited for a new adventure, but via Washington Post)
trict Police Chief with the rank of Superin- <Tuaran supports and requests the gov- could last only about 15 minutes before
tendent but do not have a Deputy District ernment to prioritise budget allocation to standing up, drooling and retching.
Police Chief position. PDRM and other related agencies, espe- Within seconds, he would vomit. On long
<The absence of a Deputy District cially in the field of cybercrime security. trips, there could be as many as a half-
Police Chief in these IPDs may place an <This may include PDRM needing to dozen such episodes.
additional burden on the respective Dis- recruit new staff with the skills to handle I tried everything: a medication pre-
trict Police Chiefs, especially in the admin- these matters,= said the Upko Honorary scribed by my veterinarian specifically for
istrative field, as they have to bear the President. dogs with motion sickness, over-the-
counter antihistamines, a human nausea

Family held over Millah cult ties

drug usually given to patients undergoing
chemotherapy, homeopathy and Chinese
herbs. Nothing worked. I always arrived at
SEREMBAN: Negeri Sembilan Islamic Reli- Ahmad Zaki said their beliefs my destination with a queasy dog and a
gious Affairs Department (Jheains) included the existence of a new prophet, load of soggy, smelly towels.
detained three family members sus- a different <syahadah=, and attempts to During the holidays, many people are
pected of following the Millah Abraham merge three religions: Islam, Judaism, planning vacations in pet-friendly places
sect declared as deviant. and Christianity. They also believed that reachable by car. But for humans whose
Jheains Enforcement Division Opera- meat slaughtered by non-followers was dogs (or cats) get carsick, these excursions
tions Unit chief Ahmad Zaki Hamzah said forbidden. can become an unpleasant ordeal. toon, Saskatchewan. <He is focused on the used only as a guide for your conversations:
those detained were a married couple in <They operated discreetly, meeting in <It9s really sad, even traumatic, to see outside and how the world is moving in Maropitant citrate, brand name Cere-
their 40s and their 16-year-old son, who restaurants or cafes. We believe their your pet go through it, especially since relation to the car, and that helps. But a nia, is the gold standard for treating car-
does not attend school. members are not only in this state but they can9t vocalize what is happening,= dog9s visual field is limited to what the dog sickness in dogs. It9s a prescription tablet
The couple was apprehended at about across the country, including profession- said Matthew Lechner, an internal medi- sees sitting on the car seat. At the same for dogs with motion sickness, which
6pm at Felda Sungai Kelamah, Tampin als. They have a leader whom they refer cine specialist at Veterinary Referral Asso- time, his body is feeling motion. There9s a research has shown to be safe and effec-
and their son at Felda Sungai Kelamah, to,= he added. ciates in Gaithersburg, Md. <It can be dissonance that trips the trigger.= tive. It was approved by the Food and Drug
Tampin. The three individuals were detained visceral and emotional for both humans Yes. Cats also are anxious during car Administration in 2007, and a generic ver-
<The couple had been renting a house under Section 52 of the Negeri Sembilan and their pets.= rides. This, in addition to vomiting, can sion became available last year.
in Felda Sungai Kelamah for the past six Syariah Criminal Enactment 1992 for Motion sickness in dogs 3 as in humans result in urination, defecation and yowl- The writer9s dog Raylan, a shepherd
months, while their son resided at their dubious teachings. 3 results from a disturbance in the body9s ing. <Cats live 99 percent of their lives in a mix, would suffer from car sickness. (Mar-
original home in Felda Palong 3. The operation follows a 2019 raid on vestibular system, a complex set of struc- house, so a car ride 3 a visit to the vet, for lene Cimons)
Although no activities were being con- the Millah Abraham cult in Kampung Sri tures and neural pathways centrally example 3 is immensely stressful,= Lechner Injectable Cerenia is licensed for both
ducted at the time of arrest, investiga- Repah, with possible further arrests as located in the inner ear that regulate bal- said. <You are dragging them out of their dogs and cats and is often used for chronic
tions revealed they were followers of this investigations continue. ance and physical orientation. When there world.= vomiting or nausea from surgery or
cult. Ahmad Zaki advised Muslims seeking is a conflict between certain stimuli 3 what Cats, though, usually ride in carriers. chemotherapy. It also can be given in a
<Fifteen items, including notebooks, a religious knowledge to find teachers the eyes are seeing, for example, with what This contains the vomit and other sub- vet9s office before a trip.
laptop and mobile phones were seized. accredited by relevant authorities, includ- the body is feeling 3 equilibrium is dis- stances, which keeps the car seat from get- The tablets aren9t approved for cats,
The Negeri Sembilan Mufti Department ing the Negeri Sembilan Mufti Depart- rupted and the vestibular system sends a ting soiled. But you9ll still need to clean up although veterinarians prescribe them <off
issued a fatwa in 2019 declaring the ment, to avoid confusion. distress signal to the brain, including to its your cat and carrier, which can be nasty for label.= While Cerenia helps cats, other drugs
teaching as contradicting Islamic law,= he <With technology, it is easy for people vomiting centre. you and your cat. (Small dogs also can ride used in dogs usually don9t, Lechner said.
told reporters after the operation. to access religious information. If in <A driver almost never gets motion sick in crates.) Maropitant citrate works by blocking a
He said the family had been recruiting doubt, Muslims should refer to the Mufti because he is looking out the window,= Don9t give your pet anything without neurotransmitter 3 or chemical messenger
and spreading the teachings to close fam- Department or Jheains for verification. said Trisha Dowling, professor of veteri- consulting your veterinarian. Even over- 3 called substance P involved in nausea
ily members and local residents. Based on We appreciate the interest in learning nary clinical pharmacology at Western the-counter medications can cause side and vomiting, thus reducing their likeli-
intelligence and public information, they Islam, but if misguided, they may be led College of Veterinary Medicine in Saska- effects. These recommendations should be hood. 3 Washington Post
had likely been active for over a year. astray,= he said. 3 MM
dailyexpress SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024
Asean 9

P’pines to ‘stand Laos, S’pore strengthen edu and clean energy ties
VIENTIANE (Laotian Times): Laos and Sin-
gapore have agreed to enhance collabora-
tion on education and carbon credits, with
Meanwhile, the two sides also pledged
collaboration in renewable energy, rare-
earth minerals, agriculture, health, and

our ground’
two agreements signed this week during tourism. In regional affairs, the two prime
Lao Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone9s ministers affirmed their commitment to
official trip to the country. strengthen Asean community building
During his visit, Sonexay met with his and support Laos as this year9s Asean chair.
Singaporean counterpart, Lawrence The Lao PM expressed gratitude on
Wong, to discuss cooperation between behalf of Laos for Singapore9s assistance

in South China their governments. Their talks focused on

political, economic, trade, and investment
sectors, with particular emphasis on clean
energy and cross-border electricity trade
involving Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, and
and support over the past years, particu-
larly in human resource development and
capacity building. He also congratulated
PM Wong on his appointment and
expressed readiness to elevate Laos-Singa-

Sea dispute
Singapore. pore relations.
According to the Lao Ministry of For- This visit marks Sonexay9s first official
eign Affairs, two-way trade between Laos trip to Singapore since becoming prime
and Singapore has reached US$182.5 mil- minister in December 2022, coinciding
lion this year, with Lao exports exceed- with the 50th anniversary of diplomatic
MANILA: The Philippines will <stand our China deploys coast guard and other ing USD 96.3 million and imports over relations between the two nations.
ground= in a dispute with Beijing over the vessels to patrol waters around reefs USD 86.1 million. Additionally, Singa- During the visit, Sonexay also paid
South China Sea, a top security official said claimed by the Philippines.
Lao PM Sonexay Siphandone with his porean businesses have invested in 83 courtesy calls on President Tharman Shan-
Friday, eight years after an international That includes Second Thomas Shoal,
Singaporean counterpart PM Lawrence projects across Laos, totaling USD 362 mugaratnam and Senior Minister Lee
ruling against China in the territorial con- which lies about 200 kilometres (120
Wong (right) during the meeting. million. Hsien Loong. 3 Laotian Times
test. miles) from the western Philippine island
Indonesia govt Gorontalo landslide: Search
Tensions over the strategic waterway, a of Palawan and more than 1,000 kilome-
key passage for sea-borne trade, have tres from China9s nearest major landmass,
soared in the past 18 months following a Hainan island.
tightens cyber-
for 23 missing continues
series of escalating confrontations The Philippines deliberately grounded
between Philippine and Chinese ships. a navy ship on the reef in 1999 to assert
The most serious happened on June 17, Manila9s claims to the area. security after BONE BOLANGO (Gorontalo): The search Asrama pointed out that the extreme
when China Coast Guard personnel wield- A handful of Filipino troops stationed
ing knives, sticks and an axe surrounded on the rusty vessel rely on the regular ransomware attack for 23 people still missing following a mas-
sive landslide that levelled an unautho-
weather conditions have slowed not only
the search operation on the ground but
and boarded three Philippine Navy boats delivery of provisions for their survival.
during a resupply mission to Second Dozens of Filipino activists rallied in JAKARTA: The recent cyberattack in Indone- rised gold mining pit in Gorontalo on July also the deployment of additional rescuers
Thomas Shoal in the Spratly Islands. Manila on Friday to insist that the West sia, which massively disrupted its national 7 was continued on Friday morning fol- and distribution of logistics, as these could
While the countries agreed last week to Philippine Sea 3 the Philippines9 name for data system, has urged the country to lowing the end of extreme weather condi- not be carried out by helicopters.
<de-escalate tensions= over the disputed the South China Sea waters to its immedi- strengthen its cyber resilience and evaluate tions. The agency9s operational head stated
reefs and waters, Philippine National Secu- ate west 3 <is ours=. its digital technology policy, reported Xin- On Thursday, the search operation was that in bad weather, motorcycles are the
rity Adviser Eduardo Ano said Friday that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken hua. stopped after torrential rains continued to only vehicles that can deliver the logistics
Manila would not back down. said in a statement for the anniversary that Indonesian Coordinating Minister for batter the landslide-hit mining pit area in and transport the personnel to the land-
<We will continue to stand our ground Washington remained <deeply concerned= Political, Legal and Security Affairs, Hadi Tulabolo Timur Village, Suwawi Timur slide site.
and push back against coercion, interfer- about China9s claims <over vast areas that Tjahjanto, said on Friday that the govern- Sub-district, Bone Bolango District. As of Thursday, the number of people
ence, malign influence and other tactics are clearly within the maritime jurisdic- ment would carry out digital security On Friday, a joint team of rescuers affected by the massive landslide totalled
that seek to jeopardise our security and tion of Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, improvement and strengthen the system would also deliver logistics and deploy 190. Some 23 of those affected by the dis-
stability,= Ano said at an event celebrating and Brunei=. capabilities of its national data centre. more personnel to the landslide site, aster were confirmed dead, 144 were found
the anniversary of the ruling by The Blinken called on Beijing to <abide by <We are designing the data centre with Antara quoted Gorontalo Search and Res- alive, and 23 were still missing, Asrama
Hague-based Permanent Court of Arbitra- the 2016 arbitral ruling= and <cease its the ability to have multiple back-ups, lay- cue Agency9s operational head, Ida Bagus remarked.
tion. dangerous and destabilising conduct=. ered back-ups with strong security meas- Ngurah Asrama. Torrential rains lashed several areas of
The Philippines filed a case against The Philippines has deepened defence ures. We want it to be a system that cannot <Continued downpours in the mining Gorontalo Province on Saturday (July 6),
China in 2013. Three years later, the Perma- cooperation with the United States and be hacked. This will continue to be done to pit area have hampered the search opera- triggering flash floods and landslides.
nent Court of Arbitration ruled in Manila9s other countries in the face of China9s grow- support the government9s performance in tion,= the rescue agency official noted in a Several bridges connecting access roads
favour, declaring China9s expansive claims ing assertiveness. serving the public,= stated Tjahjanto. press statement published here on Thurs- to the gold mining pit, located far from
had no legal basis. On Monday, the Philippines signed a Indonesia9s Ministry of Communication day. residential areas, collapsed.
China refused to take part in the pro- key defence pact with Japan that will allow and Informatics is currently preparing to
ceedings and has ignored the judgement. the deployment of troops on each other9s execute what it calls as <tenant redeploy=,
Former president Rodrigo Duterte, who territory. aimed at enhancing the digital security in
took office in 2016, set aside the ruling in Ano said Friday the government would governance according to stricter standard
exchange for warmer ties with China. continue to <foster closer ties with like- operating procedures.
That changed when Philippine Presi- minded countries= and remained open to <We9ll execute it from August to Septem-
dent Ferdinand Marcos was elected in discussing <difficult issues=. ber 2024,= the ministry9s Director General of
2022, insisting he would not let China The Philippines was <always open to... Informatics Applications, Ismail, said on
trample on Manila9s maritime rights. frank discussion based on mutual respect Thursday. The ransomware attack that tar-
Since then, diplomatic relations and sincerity,= Ano told the gathering that geted Indonesia9s national data centre and
between Manila and Beijing have deterio- included ambassadors from the United created a massive data crisis started on June
rated as the Marcos administration pushes States, Australia, France and Japan. 17 and went on for almost one week. Ini-
back against Chinese actions. <If you call, we will answer.= tially, the hacker demanded a ransom of
US$8 million.
According to the Ministry of Communi-
P’pines marks 8th anniversary of cation and Informatics and the National
Cyber and Encryption Agency, at least 282 Nearly 200 nations agreed at the UN COP28 summit to launch a fund

arbitral ruling on West P’pine Sea

institutions were disrupted by the attack. for distributing aid for countries to rebuild after climate disasters.
This included the immigration services,
leading to long queues at the airports due
‘We cannot wait another year’:
MANILA: The Philippines marked on Fri- state and a seafaring people. Every effort to system bottlenecks at the immigration
day the eighth anniversary of the Perma- to secure our legitimate interests in our checkpoints.
nent Court of Arbitration9s 2016 ruling maritime domain is a testament to the
that the nation has exclusive sovereign determination and courage of the Filipino
The attack also disrupted educational Disaster-hit nations call for climate aid
institutions during the student enrolment
rights over the West Philippine Sea (in the people, while showcasing the Philippines9 period ahead of the new academic year. Fol-
South China Sea) and that China9s <nine- vision of peace and stability that inspires PARIS: Countries on the frontlines of climate lion dollars=.
lowing the incident, there were reports that change have warned they cannot wait <In five islands of the Grenadines... 90 per
dash line= is invalid. and resonates beyond the waters of the many citizens in Indonesia demanded the
<Over the years, the Philippines has South China Sea,= it added. another year for long-sought aid to recover cent of the housing is gone... Houses look
resignation of Communication and Infor- from disasters as floods and hurricanes like packs of cards and strips of wood, roofs
continued to demonstrate this commit- According to DFA, the Philippines9 matics Minister, citing his failure to protect
ment to peace even in the face of the stand has only been strengthened by <the wreak havoc across the globe. are gone, trees are gone, there is no food,
the public9s data. The appeal came during a meeting of the there is no water, there is no power,= she said.
unlawful actions which have caused seri- broadening affirmation of the legal value
ous incidents in the South China Sea, of the Award as a positive and legitimate <loss and damage= fund that will conclude <We cannot keep talking while people
Friday amid concerns it is unlikely to be able live and die in a crisis that they do not cause.=
without ever diminishing our resolve to
protect and promote our people9s inter-
source of international law.=
The support aired by other states,
Laos, Vietnam to approve climate aid until 2025. Thompson said the fund needed to
est and the full and responsible enjoy- including the G7 3 only confirms that the <We cannot wait until the end of 2025 for reflect <the urgency and the scale required
ment of our legally settled maritime arbitral tribunal9s 2016 ruling is final and
sign pact to the first funds to get out the door,= Adao to respond to... the risk, the damage and the
Soares Barbosa, a board member from East devastation faced by people across the world
entitlements and its accompanying binding, the DFA added.
rights and jurisdictions,= the DFA said in <With our national interest and sover- deepen ties Timor and a long-standing negotiator for
the world9s poorest nations, told AFP.
who need this fund=.
Wealthy nations have so far pledged
a statement. eign rights in mind, the Philippines will
VIENTIANE: The governments of Laos and <Loss and damage isn9t waiting for us.= around $661 million to the loss and damage
<The Award is a reaffirmation of the move forward to chart a course anchored
Vietnam signed seven pacts on various Nearly 200 nations agreed at the UN fund. South Korea contributed an additional
United Nations Convention on the Law of on peace, security and prosperity in our
areas of cooperation, aiming to deepen COP28 summit last November to launch a $7 million at the start of this week9s meeting.
the Sea and protects our rights as a coastal region,= DFA concluded. 3 Inquirer
and expand the 62-year solid relationship fund responsible for distributing aid to <That would hardly cover the likely losses
and collaboration between the two developing countries to rebuild in the wake from one major climate-related disaster,=
M’sian, Indonesian armies nations. of climate disasters.
That historic moment has given way to
Camilla More, of the International Institute
for Environment and Development, told
Lao President Thongloun Sisoulith and
President of Vietnam To Lam witnessed complex negotiations to finalise the fund9s AFP.
complete joint border patrols the signing of the agreements on Thursday design, which some countries worry will not Some estimates suggest developing
in Laos capital of Vientiane, Xinhua move at a pace or scale that matches the countries need over $400 billion annually to
quoted the Lao national TV report on Fri- tempo of extreme-weather disasters afflict- rebuild after climate-related disasters. One
JAKARTA: The Malaysian Army and the platform to realise the spirit of together-
day. ing their people. study put the global bill at between $290 bil-
Indonesian National Army conducted ness and mutual understanding between
To Lam, accompanied by a high-rank- <The urgency of needs of vulnerable lion and $580 billion a year by 2030, and ris-
joint patrols along the border of both the soldiers of both countries,= he said.
ing delegation, arrived in Vientiane on countries and communities cannot be left ing after that.
countries from June 29 to July 6. He also welcomed the presence of the
Thursday for a two-day state visit. until we have every hair in place for this In one example in 2022, unprecedented
The 1/2024 Patrol Series was carried out Commanding Officer of the 9th Battalion fund,= said Barbosa. flooding in Pakistan caused more than $30
in the North Kalimantan area, involving the of the Border Regiment, Lt Col Muham- The visit symbolises the Vietnamese
Party and State's consistent policy of Damage bills for climate disasters can billion in damages and economic losses,
9th Battalion of the Border Regiment and mad Samzie Gusang, and his delegation at run into the billions and there is barely according to a UN-backed assessment.
the Border Security Task Force of the event. attaching great importance to the great
friendship, special solidarity, and compre- enough cash set aside for loss and damage Developing nations had been pushing
Yonarhanud 12 Satria Bhuana Prakasa (SBP). At the 43rd General Border Committee at present to cover just one such event, for a specific fund to distribute aid to
The official closing ceremony was held Meeting (GBC Malindo) in Jakarta last hensive cooperation between Laos and
Vietnam, said the report. experts say. recover from climate impacts for 30 years,
in Desa Long Midang, Krayan Induk Dis- year, the defence ministers of both coun- This year has witnessed a string of catas- and the agreement struck in November was
trict, Nunukan Regency on July 6, accord- tries emphasised the importance of Cooperation in the fields of politics and
foreign affairs has strengthened signifi- trophes on multiple continents, from floods hailed a major diplomatic breakthrough.
ing to a statement by Yonarhanud 12 SBP. enhancing collaboration to tackle issues in and landslides to heatwaves and wildfires. <(But) we can9t have a fund without
Lt Col Arh Agus Prijambodo, Com- the border regions. cantly and remains unwavering, with the
two sides enjoying mutual trust, it added. Delegates met in South Korea for the sec- money,= said Brandon Wu from ActionAid.
mander of the Border Security Task Force, This includes implementing joint ond meeting of the loss and damage fund Technical discussions are taking place
commended the personnel involved for patrols through the <coordinated patrol= Both sides also noted the strong
this week as Hurricane Beryl left a trail of this year over the details of the loss and dam-
their dedication and hard work in carrying mechanism to combat cross-border progress made in carrying out coopera-
destruction across the Caribbean and North age fund, including with the World Bank
out the activities smoothly and safely. crimes that threaten security and stability tion projects and agreements over the past
America. which will house the fund on an interim
<This activity can serve as an effective in the border regions. years.
The <massive= destruction witnessed in basis.
recent weeks <puts immense pressure on us The Philippines was chosen this week to
Myanmar temple city pines for tourists amid conflict
to deliver on our work=, Richard Sherman, host the fund9s board.
the South African co-chair of the board Contentious discussions remain to
BAGAN (Myanmar): The domes and spires Myanmar became popular with trav- In the year following the coup around steering the negotiations, told the meeting. decide how the money is allocated and in
of Myanmar9s temple city of Bagan mark an ellers seeking a destination away from the 200,000 international visitors came to The fund said it wanted money approved what form it should be made available to
island of calm in the country9s raging civil well-trodden backpacker haunts of South- Myanmar, according to figures from the <as soon as possible, but realistically by mid- countries.
war, but with conflict keeping tourists away east Asia. junta9s tourism ministry. 2025=, according to an official document On Tuesday, more than 350 nongovern-
locals are struggling to make ends meet. But the tourism industry was battered by Five years earlier the figure was 3.4 mil- seen by AFP. mental organisations sent a letter to the
The Unesco world heritage site on the the coronavirus pandemic and then in Feb- lion. In an appeal for faster action, Elizabeth fund9s board demanding that a substantial
banks of the Ayeyarwady River became a ruary 2021 the military seized power again, Hundreds of centuries-old Buddhist Thompson, a board member from Barbados, share of the money be made directly avail-
travel showpiece after decades of military unleashing conflict across swathes of the pagodas rise from the dusty earth around said Hurricane Beryl alone had caused able as small grants to local communities
rule were relaxed in 2011. country. Bagan, once the capital of a regional empire. <apocalyptic= damage worth <multiple bil- and indigenous groups.

Biden digs in as gaffes highlight election doubts 12 Kenya’s Ruto dismisses Cabinet

‘Assassination plot on US arms in Germany signal

Cold War: Kremlin

German arms supplier’ MOSCOW: The United States9 plan to peri-

odically station long-range missiles in Ger-
many will lead to Cold War-style
confrontation between Russia and the
the direct confrontation are returning,= he
He added Washington9s decision gave
Russia <a reason to pull together= and <ful-
WASHINGTON: The spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. attacks on people on European territory,=
West, the Kremlin said. fil all the goals= of its military campaign in
United States foiled a CNN said the plot against Papperger the foreign minister said. <We have seen
The White House announced the deci- Ukraine.
Russian plot earlier this was the <most mature= and quoted a that there have been attacks on factories.
sion on Wednesday during a NATO sum- NATO countries spearheaded by the
year to assassinate the high-level German government official <And this emphasizes once again that mit in Washington, arguing the stationing United States have bolstered their defences
chief executive of a major as confirming that Germany was warned we as Europeans must protect ourselves of long-range weapons including Toma- in Europe in the wake of Russia9s 2022
German arms maker sup- about the plot by the United States. as best we can and not be naive.= hawk cruise missiles in Europe acts as a offensive against neighbouring Ukraine.
plying weaponry to Rheinmetall produces 155mm artillery A German interior ministry deterrent. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz hailed
Ukraine, CNN reported. shells and plans to begin manufacturing spokesman declined to comment <We are taking steady steps towards the the planned deployment of the US
The US cable television network, citing armored vehicles in Ukraine, according directly on the Rheinmetall report but Cold War,= Kremlin spokesman Dmitry weapons in his country, calling the move a
five unidentified US and Western offi- to CNN. said the <German government takes the Peskov told a state TV reporter. <necessary and important decision at the
cials, said the United States informed The CNN report comes as NATO lead- threats from the Russian regime very seri- <All the attributes of the Cold War with right time=. 3 AFP
Germany of the Russian government9s ers are holding meetings in Washington ously.
plan to kill Armin Papperger (pic), the to mark the 75th anniversary of the <Our security authorities are very vig-
head of Rheinmetall, and he was given defense bloc. ilant and act accordingly, in close coop-
Russian couple
protection by German security services. German Foreign Minister Annalena eration with our international partners,=
It said the assassination plot was one Baerbock said: <In view of the latest the spokesman said. <We cannot com-
of a series of Russian plans discovered by reports on Rheinmetall, this is what we ment on details, concrete protection charged in Australia
US intelligence to kill European defense have actually been communicating more measures and intelligence findings.=
industry executives supporting Ukraine9s and more clearly in recent months. Rheinmetall spokesman Oliver Hoff- with spying
war effort. <Russia is waging a hybrid war of mann said the company was <unable to
The Kremlin on Friday dismissed the aggression,= Baerbock said. <With sabo- comment on issues relating to corporate SYDNEY: Australian police have charged a
report. tage, with cyber attacks, with the paraly- security.= married Russian-born couple with spying
<It9s all presented in the style of sis of GPS so that Baltic aircraft can no <The necessary measures are always for Moscow, top officials said Friday, accus-
another fake story, therefore such reports longer land in neighbouring countries. taken in regular consultation with secu- Kira Korolev (left) and her ing them of accessing national security-
cannot be taken seriously,= Kremlin <We have seen that there have been rity authorities,= Hoffmann added. 3 AFP 62-year-old husband Igor. related material from the military.
The 40-year-old woman, Kira Korolev,

Biden: Time to end the war in Gaza

and her 62-year-old husband Igor4both
holders of Russian passports4had lived in
Australia for more than 10 years and
military drills WASHINGTON: President Joe Biden said obtained citizenship, the authorities said.
that US mediators were making progress in They were arrested at their home in Bris-
BEIJING: China said Friday it was conduct- reaching a Gaza ceasefire deal as he called bane on Thursday and charged with
ing joint military drills with Russia along for an end to the Israel-Hamas war. Families and
<preparing for an espionage offence=, fed-
its southern coast, after a US-led Western Biden, in a high-stakes, nearly hour-long supporters of
eral police commissioner Reece Kershaw
defence alliance met in Washington and news conference aimed at repudiating Israeli hostages
told a news conference.
Japan warned of a growing threat from Bei- doubters of his reelection bid, acknowl- march along the
The charge carries a maximum sentence
jing9s strong ties with Moscow. edged concerns about Israeli actions high way near
of 15 years9 imprisonment.
China9s defence ministry said the two despite his overall support for the US ally. Shoresh, toward
The accused woman was a private in the
militaries had begun the exercises, called <There9s a lot of things in retrospect I Australian defence force and had been
Jerusalem, in an
Joint Sea-2024, in <early July= and they working there for several years as an infor-
wish I had been able to convince the Israelis attempt to
would last until the middle of this month. mation systems technician, Kershaw said.
to do, but the bottom line is we have a pressure their
The drills in the waters and airspace She took <non-declared= travel to Russia
chance now. It9s time to end this war,= he government to
around Zhanjiang, a city in southern during long-term leave from the military, he
said after a NATO summit in Washington. negotiate a deal.
Guangdong province, are <to demonstrate said.
Biden acknowledged there remained
the resolve and capabilities of the two sides While in Russia, she allegedly told her
<difficult, complex issues= between Israel
in jointly addressing maritime security husband, a self-employed labourer, how to
and Hamas.
threats and preserving global and regional log into her official account at home.
<There are still gaps to close. We9re mak-
peace and stability=, the ministry said. <We allege her husband would access
ing progress,= Biden said.
It added that the exercises <will further requested material and would send to his
<The trend is positive, and I9m deter- century ago as a young senator with Israeli human tragedy and damage,= Biden said.
deepen China-Russia comprehensive wife in Russia,= Kershaw said.
mined to get this deal done and bring an prime minister Golda Meir4and acknowl- He again pressed Israel for a <day-after=
strategic partnership of coordination for <We allege they sought that information
end to this war, which should end now,= he edged that times have changed. plan for the war9s end and spoke of his
the new era=. with the intention of providing it to Russian
said. <We pushed it really hard, and Israel diplomacy to persuade Arab states to help authorities,= he added.
They were taking place in accordance Biden more than a month ago laid out a occasionally was less than cooperative,= with security.
with Beijing and Moscow9s annual plan for <Whether that information was handed
plan in which Israel would temporarily halt Biden said of Netanyahu9s government. <At the end of the day, there has to be no over remains a key focus of our investiga-
military engagement, according to the its offensive in Gaza and Palestinian mili- <This war cabinet is one of the most occupation by Israel in the Gaza Strip,=
ministry. 3 AFP tion.=
tants would release hostages, setting the conservative war cabinets in the history of Biden said. Kershaw said no <significant compro-
stage for talks for a permanent end to the Israel, and there9s no ultimate answer The militants seized 251 hostages, 116 of mise= had yet been identified, though police
F-35: Court rebuffs devastating nine-month war. other than a two-state solution here,= he whom remain in Gaza, including 42 the said the material was related to Australian
Hamas came back with counterpropos- said. military says are dead. national security interests.
als and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Biden also stood firm on his decision to At least 38,345 people were killed in
fining Netherlands Netanyahu has faced pushback from some hold up delivery of massive 2,000-pound Gaza, also mostly civilians, according to
Australia9s Five Eyes intelligence-sharing
partners4the United States, Britain, Canada
of his hard-right government allies. bombs, even as his administration moves data from the health ministry in Hamas- and New Zealand4can be <confident= in its
THE HAGUE: Dutch judges on Friday But diplomats have spoken of progress forward on other munitions. ruled Gaza.
slapped down an urgent request by a trio ability to disrupt foreign espionage, he said.
in the latest round of talks that closed <I9m not providing the 2,000-pound Israel also imposed a punishing siege on The police chief said the woman
of rights groups to penalise the Nether- Thursday in Qatar, the key mediator. bombs. They cannot be used in Gaza or any the territory of 2.4 million people, pushing
lands for not respecting a ban on supply- obtained citizenship in 2016 and her hus-
Biden, 81, recalled his meeting a half- populated area without causing great many to the brink of starvation. 3 AFP band did so in 2020.
ing F-35 fighter jet parts to Israel.
In a landmark verdict in February, an The couple appeared separately in Bris-
appeals court ordered the Netherlands to Zelensky: Drop all restrictions on striking Russia bane9s magistrates court on Friday for a
brief mention, a court official said.
stop delivering parts for fighter jets used
by Israel in its offensive in the Gaza Strip. WASHINGTON: Ukraine9s President conducting attacks against Ukraine is to Both were ordered to be held in custody
But the rights groups went back to Volodymyr Zelensky called on NATO lead- hit military targets on Russian territory, ahead of a court hearing on September 20.
court in June, saying that the ban has not ers to drop all restrictions on letting Kyiv because the frontline and the borderline The Russian embassy in Canberra was
prevented parts actually ending up in strike inside Russia with Western is more or less the same,= NATO chief Jens contacted by AFP for comment but did not
Israeli planes. weaponry as they wrapped up a three-day Stoltenberg said. immediately respond.
summit in Washington. NATO allies have put together a pack- Australia9s top spymaster Mike Burgess
Their lawyers accused the Dutch gov-
The 32-nation alliance has used the age of support for Ukraine including the said security vetting was not a guarantee
ernment for continuing <to deliver (parts)
pomp-filled 75th anniversary gala in the US pledge of more Patriot missile systems to against espionage because <it depends on
to other countries, including the United
capital to showcase its resolve against defend the skies over the war-torn coun- what you say=.
Moscow and backing for Kyiv. try. <If you meet the requirements to get a
The three groups asked The Hague Dis-
security clearance, you will get a security
trict Court in an urgent request to impose The Ukrainian leader joined his NATO Zelensky said he hoped to see the air
clearance. But that does not mean to say the
a 50,000 euro per day fine on the state for counterparts after receiving promises of defences4including one new Patriot sys-
British PM Keir Starmer (left) meets security journey stops at this point,= he told
not respecting the verdict. new air defences for Ukraine and as allies tem from the United States4delivered <as
Zelensky in Washington, DC. journalists.3 AFP
Their lawyers said F-35 parts exported began the transfer of long-promised F-16 soon as possible.=
by the Netherlands continued to reach jets. Key allies such as Washington and Ger- NATO9s leaders at the summit once
Israel via other routes including the so- But Zelensky called on Kyiv9s backers, many relaxed conditions on Ukraine hit- again risked disappointing Zelensky by Pro-Russian speaker,
called <Global Spares Pool=4a joint stock especially the United States, to go fur- ting inside Russia in May in response to refusing to issue Ukraine a clear invitation
12 others acquitted
of spare parts maintained by countries ther4including by giving his outgunned Moscow9s offensive toward the second city to join their alliance.
that operate the F-35. 3 AFP forces greater scope to strike inside Russia. Kharkiv, but they kept in place some limits <We are doing and will continue to do
<If we want to win, if we want to prevail, on how far and under which circum- everything to ensure that the day comes
if we want to save our country and to stances Kyiv could strike. when Ukraine is invited and becomes a over coup plot
Escape from defend it, we need to lift all the limita- <The only way to hit military targets, NATO member, and I am confident we will
tions,= Zelensky said. missile launchers or airfields which are achieve this,= Zelensky said. 3 AFP PODGORICA (Montenegro): A Montenegro
court on Friday acquitted the pro-Moscow
Niger prison speaker of parliament and 12 others who

NIAMEY (Niger): Several inmates have Taiwan ends honour guard were re-tried over an alleged Russian-backed
coup attempt.
escaped from a high-security prison near In 2019, a court sentenced two leaders of

at Chiang Kai-shek statue

Niger9s capital Niamey housing jihadists the pro-Russian Democratic Front (DF) group
and others, sparking a curfew. of parties, then in the opposition, to five-year
The jailbreak at the Koutoukale prison prison terms each.
occurred on Wednesday. TAIPEI: Taiwanese soldiers will stop per- ping authoritarianism is the current They are now part of Montenegro9s ruling
Niger9s interior ministry asked local forming elaborate changing of the goal for promoting transitional justice= coalition as part of the new For The Future of
security forces in a radio message to step guard ceremonies around a statue of late at the monument, Taiwan9s culture min- Montenegro coalition.
up security, without specifying the num- president Chiang Kai-shek to avoid <wor- istry said in a statement. The two4current parliamentary speaker
ber of fugitives who escaped. shipping authoritarianism=, the govern- <The military honour guards9 sentry Andrija Mandic and MP Milan Knezevic4
<We ask you upon reception of the pres- ment said on Friday. duty at the hall will be removed... but were accused of being part of a <criminal
The fate of the 6.3-metre (21-foot) bronze
ent message to alert all search units,= the The fate of the 6.3-metre (21-foot) their performances will be maintained, organisation= that planned to overthrow
statue has long been the subject of fierce
bronze statue has long been the subject with the venue moving to the Democracy Djukanovic and prevent Montenegro from
ministry said. and polarising debate in Taiwan.
of fierce and polarising debate in Tai- Boulevard.= joining NATO.
<Terrorist leaders= are amongst the
wan, which has transformed from an Chiang and his nationalist Kuom- ianism seen in mainland China, which <There was no evidence that the defen-
escapees, according to Nigerian news web-
autocracy under Chiang into one of intang (KMT) troops fled from mainland views Taiwan as its territory and has not dants were guilty of the acts they were
site charged with, so they are acquitted,= judge
The region of Tillaberi, located in the Asia9s most vibrant democracies. China to Taiwan in 1949 to set up a rival renounced the use of force to bring the
self-ruled island under its control. Zoran Radovic said on Friday.
vast and unstable border area of Niger, The changing of the guard there each government after losing a civil war to
Hundreds of other statues of Chiang Prosecutors can appeal.
Mali and Burkina Faso, is prone to attacks hour is a major tourist draw, but starting communist forces. After the verdict, Mandic posted a joint
by rebels linked to the Islamic State and Monday, the ceremony will be moved He is now seen by many as the have already been moved to a lakeside
photo with Knezevic on X with the message
Al-Qaeda groups. outdoors to Democracy Boulevard, which embodiment of a brutal military regime park close to his mausoleum in the
<Courage and freedom=.
The interior ministry also asked local leads to Chiang9s eponymous blue-and- that exiled, imprisoned and killed thou- northern city of Taoyuan. In 2019, all defendants were sentenced to
authorities to <collaborate with traditional white memorial hall4one of the island9s sands of opponents until his death in Families of the victims of a 1947 mas- a total of 70 years in prison. The heaviest sen-
and religious leaders= and to encourage most recognisable landmarks. 1975. sacre by his nationalist troops have long tences, 12 and 15 years, went to two alleged
<the population to report any suspicious <Eliminating worshipping a cult of For many Taiwanese youth, he is also demanded his statue in the Taipei hall Russian spies tried in absentia. A former Ser-
individual.=3 AFP personality and eliminating worship- synonymous with the kind of authoritar- likewise be removed. 3 AFP bian police general received eight years. 3 AFP
dailyexpress SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024
World 11

Biden digs in as Terrorist links:

UAE hands life

sentences to 43

gaffes highlight DUBAI: A court in the United Arab Emi-

rates has handed life sentences to 43
Emiratis for <terrorist= links, state media
said, after a mass trial heavily criticised

election doubts
by UN experts and rights groups.
Candidates loyal to Imran won the
Government critics and human
largest share of seats. They were kept
rights activists were among the 84
from power however by an alliance of
defendants brought before the Abu
military-backed parties.
Dhabi Federal Court of Appeal, most of
WASHINGTON: A defiant Joe Biden Democrats as a stronger candidate at the ‘I’m the most qualified whom have been in jail since a similar
insisted that he will run for another term top of the ticket. trial of 94 people in 2013, according to
person to run for President.
Pakistan Supreme
as US president and beat Donald Trump, as Amid reports that Biden9s campaign rights groups.
a string of verbal gaffes at a major summit was quietly testing Harris9s strength in a The Abu Dhabi court <sentenced 43
threw a harsh new spotlight on his fitness. theoretical match-up against Trump, the I beat Trump once,
defendants to life imprisonment for the
Court grants seats In a high stakes press conference at the president said he would not have picked crime of creating, establishing, and man-
end of the NATO summit in Washington, her if <she was not qualified to be presi- and I will beat him again.
aging a terrorist organisation= linked to
to Imran’s party the 81-year-old acknowledged the need to dent.=
It was not in my legacy the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood, the
<allay fears= among Democrats but said he He also denied reports that he needed official WAM news agency said.
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan9s Supreme Court on
was determined not to step aside. to go to bed by 8pm, a time at which he but to complete Ten others were jailed for 10-15 years,
His bid to portray himself as in com- was still holding his news conference on WAM said, with one defendant acquit-
Friday granted jailed former prime
mand was undermined by introducing Thursday. the job I started’ ted and 24 cases ruled inadmissible. It
minister Imran Khan9s party around 20
Ukraine9s President Volodymyr Zelensky as But after blaming his debate debacle on did not give details of the remaining
seats in parliament reserved for women
his Russian foe Vladimir Putin earlier in a mixture of jet lag and a cold he admitted 3 Biden, at 81, already the oldest
and minorities, months after national
the day, and then referring to Vice Presi- it would be <smarter for me to pace myself president in US history.
Defendants can still appeal the ver-
elections marred by allegations of pre-poll
dent Kamala Harris as <Vice President a little more.= dicts before the Federal Supreme Court.
Trump= at the news conference. He stressed too that neurological Great job, Joe!= Trump said on his Truth The trial, which kicked off in Decem-
In February polls, candidates loyal to
Biden9s candidacy has been in crisis exams showed he was in <good shape= and Social site. ber, has been condemned by rights
Imran Khan won the largest share of
since a disastrous debate performance said he would take another if his doctors The White House had dubbed it a <Big groups and United Nations experts who
seats4despite being forced by an election
against Trump two weeks ago renewed recommended one, but they hadn9t. Boy= press conference as it was Biden9s first accuse the oil-rich Gulf monarchy of
commission ruling to contest as
concerns around his age4and the rare Biden also fielded a series of foreign solo, unscripted appearance in eight cracking down on dissent.
solo press conference, lasting about an and domestic policy questions with months4amid accusations that his aging Most of the defendants have already
They were kept from power however by
hour, was designed to show he still has detailed if occasionally meandering has been shielded from the public. been in prison for more than a decade
an alliance of military-backed parties.
what it takes. answers and relatively few slip-ups, The concerns about Biden9s health were since the <UAE 94= trial 11 years ago,
<Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf was and is a
<I9m the most qualified person to run though he did mix up Europe and Asia. exacerbated by Biden9s error on Zelensky9s according to Human Rights Watch
political party which secured and won...
for president. I beat him once, and I will With questions swirling about his abil- name, which drew gasps from the room. (HRW) and Amnesty International.
general seats in the national and
beat him again,= Biden said of Trump. ity to hold his own against autocratic lead- Zelensky, Ukraine9s wartime leader against But UAE authorities say the latest
provincial assemblies in the general
Already the oldest president in US his- ers like Putin or China9s Xi Jinping, Biden Russia9s 2022 invasion, laughed it off. charges are <materially distinct= from
elections of 2024,= in the majority decision
tory, Biden said he was <not in this for my said he was <ready to deal with them now Fellow leaders at the summit have those brought in 2013, which did not
read by Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah.
legacy= but to <complete the job I started.= and three years from now.= fielded questions about Biden, and their include accusations of financing a <ter-
<It is declared that lack or denial of an
The president has faced a steady drum- Yet his relatively assured performance answers have largely been supportive. rorist organisation=.
election symbol doesn9t in any manner
beat of Democrats calling for him to aban- failed to stop the bleeding, with three <Slips of the tongue happen,= German The UAE has not named the 84 defen-
affect the constitutional or legal rights of
don his 2024 candidacy, fearing that more Democratic lawmakers calling for Chancellor Olaf Scholz said. dants but the Emirates Detainees Advo-
a political party to participate in an
Trump is in a position to beat him. him to quit the race, bringing the total to A poll released showed more than half cacy Center, a UK-based watchdog, has
More calls from House representatives 17. of Democrats say Biden should end his bid identified more than 70 people, most of
<The PTI shall be entitled to reserved
came Thursday night after the news con- Trump meanwhile mocked Biden over for a second term, and two-thirds of Amer- them already imprisoned.
seats for women and minorities in the
ference. his gaffes during the press conference icans believe he should quit the race. Defamation as well as verbal and
national assembly accordingly,= he
Biden made clear he supported Harris4 itself. Biden and Trump remain in a dead heat written insults, whether published or
who as vice president would take over <Crooked Joe begins his 8Big Boy9 Press at 46-47 percent support among voters, made privately, are crimes punishable
Unelected seats reserved for women
from him in the event of an emergency, Conference with, 8I wouldn9t have picked respectively, according to the Washington by fines and imprisonment. 3 AFP
and non-Muslims are handed out to
but is also seen by a growing number of Vice President Trump to be vice president... Post-ABC News-Ipsos survey. 3 AFP
parties in proportion to the number of
elected seats they secured.

Japan warns of China, N Korea threat

The ruling weakens the government of
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif. 3 AFP Iran demands

Four migrants US$6.8b TOKYO: China and Russia9s joint military

activities around Japan are of <grave con-
cern= and North Korea poses a greater
drown trying to for sanctions threat than ever, Tokyo9s defence ministry
said Friday. China9s military

cross Channel impact on patients In its annual white paper, the ministry ambitions are

outlined its stance on a range of issues, 8the greatest

TEHRAN: An Iranian court has ordered from tensions around Taiwan to the inten- strategic
LILLE (France): Four migrants drowned in sifying rivalry between China and the
the United States to pay almost $6.8 challenge9 to
the Channel overnight off France9s north- United States.
billion in damages for the effect of Japan and
ern coast while trying to cross to Britain, Repeated joint sorties by Chinese and
sanctions on patients with a rare skin the world,
French maritime police said Friday. Russian ships around Japan <are clearly
disease, the judiciary said. according to
A navy patrol boat went to the site off intended as a demonstration of force
The International Court in Tehran the annual
of Boulogne-sur-Mer after being alerted against Japan and are a grave concern from
ordered its foe the United States to pay white paper
that several migrants had fallen into the the perspective of national security,= it said.
$6.785 billion to patients with epider- report.
sea, maritime police told AFP. North Korea, meanwhile, which often
molysis bullosa, a disorder that causes
Four bodies were pulled from the conducts missile tests in Japan9s direction,
the skin to blister easily, the judiciary9s
water, but people were also rescued, the poses a <more grave and imminent threat
Mizan Online website said on Thurs-
police added. to Japan9s national security than ever
day. a new normal for the region, said the and influence.
The UK9s new interior minister Yvette before=.
Then-president Donald Trump in paper, which also listed heightened Chinese officials have accused the
Cooper described the deaths as <truly In previous years, the defence paper has
2018 unilaterally withdrew the US from defence risks associated with AI, cybersecu- United States of trying to create an Asia-
awful=. raised the need to counter regional threats
a nuclear accord between Iran and sev- rity and disinformation. Pacific version of NATO.
<Criminal gangs are making vast profit including growing Chinese military clout
eral global powers. He reimposed eco- <The international community is facing Beijing said Friday it was <strongly dis-
from putting lives at risk,= she wrote on X. and a nuclear-armed North Korea.
nomic sanctions that had been lifted its greatest trial since World War II and satisfied and resolutely opposed= to the
<We are accelerating action with inter- Japan plans to double its defence
under the agreement. competition among states, especially claims in the white paper.
national partners to pursue & bring spending to the NATO standard of two
Washington9s measures <deprived between the US and China, and it is set to <The latest version of Japan9s defence
down dangerous smuggler gangs,= she percent of GDP by 2027, although the
these patients of medicines and oint- intensify,= the white paper said. white paper seriously interferes in China9s
added. falling value of the yen may dent its pur-
ments=, leading to <the death of about Japan is forging closer defence ties with internal affairs, plays the same old tune,
The UK9s Labour government on Satur- chasing power.
20 people=, Mizan Online said. like-minded countries in the region hypes up the so-called Chinese threat, and
day confirmed it was scrapping a plan to This year9s paper noted that Beijing has
The trial began in November 2021, including Australia and South Korea, and exaggerates regional tensions,= foreign
deport migrants to Rwanda in an effort to regularly sent ships to areas near disputed
when 295 complainants, including on Monday signed a key defence pact with ministry spokesman Lin Jian said.
reduce the number of irregular migrants islands in the East China Sea4reiterating
patients, took 30 American officials to the Philippines to allow the deployment of Japan9s top government spokesman
arriving on the country9s shores. 3 AFP that China9s military ambitions are <the
court for <having participated in the troops on each other9s territory. declined to comment Thursday on a report
establishment of the sanctions,= Mizan greatest strategic challenge= to Japan and The Philippines and Japan are both by Kyodo News that a Japanese destroyer
63 missing in added. the world. long-time allies of the United States, which had made a rare entry into China9s territo-
They filed the case after independ- It seems China intends to make has been strengthening defence ties in Asia rial waters this month, prompting a com-
increased military activities around Taiwan to counter China9s growing military might plaint from Beijing. 3 AFP
Nepal landslide
ent United Nations experts in October
2021 cited the impact of the US meas-
ures on epidermolysis bullosa patients
KATHMANDU: At least 63 people were
missing in Nepal on Friday after a land-
as an example of <over-compliance Japan Admiral quits over security breaches
with sanctions=.
slide triggered by heavy monsoon rains TOKYO: The Japanese ager of specified secrets,= Sakai told destroyer captain had been punished after
Washington had exempted human-
swept two buses off a highway and into a Navy9s chief of staff quit reporters. an unvetted officer handled information
itarian goods, especially medicines
river, authorities said. on Friday after a raft of Chief government spokesman Yoshi- on the location of other countries9 ships.
and medical equipment, from its sanc-
Dozens of search and rescue personnel scandals including over masa Hayashi also said that <disciplinary Defence Minister Minoru Kihara said at
were combing the site for survivors of the people without ade- action= had also been taken against more the time that the material was not leaked
But international purchases of such
accident in the central district of Chitwan, quate security clear- than 200 people. to outsiders but that the government
supplies were obstructed by banks
district official Khimananda Bhusal told ances handling <The activities of the Self-Defense <takes these incidents extremely seri-
wary of conducting business with Iran.
AFP. classified defence mate- Forces are underpinned by the trust of the ously=.
UN experts cited the case of a
Bhusal said that the buses were carry- rials. public, and these incidents, which must It is just one of several controversies to
Swedish company that halted the sale
ing at least 66 people between them but <I will resign from the chief of maritime never be allowed to happen, are extremely rock Japan9s military, which with US
of special bandages to its Iranian
three passengers had been able to escape staff job on July 19 and retire,= said Admi- regrettable,= Hayashi told reporters. encouragement is being beefed up in
client. Such bandages provide vital
before they crashed into the Trishuli river ral Ryo Sakai (pic), the most senior uni- <From now on, under the leadership of response to China9s growing assertiveness.
relief to patients with epidermolysis
and were now being treated in hospital. formed officer in the Maritime the defence minister, I hope that the min- These include three Japanese soldiers
<We are not sure of the total number Self-Defense Force (MSDF). istry and the Self-Defense Forces will work sexually assaulting female colleague Rina
In March, Mizan reported that Iran9s
because the buses could have picked up <As chief of the maritime staff, I am together to ensure that measures are taken Gonoi in 2021, whose complaints were ini-
judiciary had ordered the seizure of
others on the road,= he said. responsible for the training of personnel to prevent a recurrence of such an incident tially brushed aside in an internal military
American oil worth more than $50 mil-
<The river has swollen and no one else and the organisational management of and that it never happens again,= he said. probe.
lion aboard a tanker seized in 2023. 3
has been found yet.= the force, and I9m rightly held accountable The defence ministry announced in The three men were convicted last year
The accident took place along the for failing to fulfil my duties as the man- April that five senior officers including a in a high-profile trial. 3 AFP
Narayanghat-Mugling highway, around
100 kilometres (60 miles) west of the cap-
ital Kathmandu early Friday at 3:30 am South Korea deploys drone-melting laser weapons
local time (2145 GMT Thursday).
One bus was heading from the capital SEOUL: South Korea will begin deploying The <Block-I= system, developed by Han- any of them down.
Kathmandu to Gaur in Rautahat district in drone-melting laser weapons designed to wha Aerospace, will be <put into opera- The South9s <ability to respond to North
southern Nepal and the other was en shoot down North Korean UAVs this year, tional deployment in the military this year=, Korea9s drone provocations will be signifi-
route to Kathmandu from southern Bir- the country9s arms procurement agency Lee Sang-yoon, a DAPA official, told AFP. cantly enhanced= by the laser weapons sys-
gunj. told AFP Friday. The two Koreas remain technically at tem, DAPA said in a statement Thursday.
Nearly 2,400 people lost their lives on The new laser weapons4dubbed the war because the 1950-53 conflict ended in It has successfully achieved a 100 per-
Nepal9s roads in the 12 months to April, <StarWars Project= by the South4are invis- an armistice, not a peace treaty. cent shoot-down rate in previous tests,
according to government figures. ible and noise-free, require no additional In December 2022, Seoul said five North and with future improvements, it could
Floods, landslides and lightning strikes ammunition, operate solely on electricity Korean drones crossed into the South, the become a <game-changing= weapons sys-
have killed 88 people across the country and cost only about 2,000 won ($1.45) per first such incident in five years, prompting tem capable of countering aircraft and
since the monsoon began in June, accord- shot, according to the Defense Acquisition its military to fire warning shots and ballistic missiles in the future, DAPA said.
ing to police figures. 3 AFP Program Administration (DAPA). deploy fighter jets, but they failed to shoot 3 AFP
12 World SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024

Kenya’s Ruto dismisses Cabinet

NAIROBI: Kenyan Presi- increase to pay for some services even as
dent William Ruto (pic) Kenya grapples with massive foreign debt
announced the dismissal equivalent to roughly 70 percent of GDP.
of almost his entire cabi- He said the fiscal deficit would rise
net and consultations to from 3.3 percent to 4.6 percent.
form a <broad-based gov- The crisis led US-based Moody9s to
ernment=, as he scram- downgrade Kenya9s debt rating further
bled to contain the fallout into junk territory, warning of a negative
Covid-19 health emergency ended in
of deadly protests against his administra- outlook, which will make borrowing even
May 2023, more than three years on
tion. more expensive for the cash-strapped gov-
from when the virus was first
The East African nation was left reeling ernment.
detected in Wuhan, in late 2019.
after peaceful rallies last month over steep The ratings agency said it was cutting
tax increases escalated into violence with the ratings for Kenyan government debt to
police firing at crowds who stormed par- Caa1 4 considered to have <very high WHO: Covid still
liament, leaving it partly ablaze. credit risk=4with the move reflecting
Organised online and led largely by Ruto9s <significantly diminished capacity=
young, Gen-Z Kenyans, the protests to raise taxes and reduce debt. kills 1,700 a week
plunged Ruto9s administration into the The businessman-turned-politician,
most serious crisis of his presidency, forc- who won elections in 2022 on the promise GENEVA: Covid-19 is still killing around
ing him to abandon the finance bill con- to lift the fortunes of the common man, 1,700 people a week around the world, the
taining the tax hikes. was caught off guard by the depth of pub- World Health Organization said, as it urged
at-risk populations to keep up with their
In the latest move to defuse tensions, lic anger over the proposed tax hikes,
vaccinations against the disease.
Ruto said his decision would extend <with which followed an earlier round of
WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom
immediate effect= to all ministers includ- increases last year.
A tear gas canister explodes as protesters try to help injured people Ghebreyesus sounded a warning on declin-
ing the attorney-general, but excluded Ruto said Thursday that he would ing vaccine coverage.
outside the Kenya Parliament during the nationwide strike to protest
prime cabinet secretary and foreign min- <immediately engage in extensive consul- Despite the continued death toll, <data
against tax hikes and the Finance Bill 2024 in downtown Nairobi, on June 25.
ister Musalia Mudavadi and Deputy Presi- tations across different sectors and politi- show that vaccine coverage has declined
dent Rigathi Gachagua. according to rights groups. the University of Warwick, told AFP. cal formations, with the aim of setting up among health workers and people over 60,
The president said he decided on the While large street protests have sub- Declan Galvin, managing director of a broad-based government=. which are two of the most at-risk groups,=
dismissals <upon reflection, listening sided, anger against the government has Exigent Risk Advisory, told AFP that <a This government would, he said, help the UN health agency9s chief told a press
keenly to what the people of Kenya have not, and hundreds of Kenyans attended a clean slate will be good for him... There is him to develop <radical programmes= to conference.
said and after a holistic appraisal of the memorial concert in Nairobi Sunday, no crisis without opportunity so maybe deal with the country9s huge debt burden, <WHO recommends that people in the
performance of my cabinet and its chanting <Ruto must go=. Ruto can get this right the second time.= increase job opportunities, eliminate gov- highest-risk groups receive a Covid-19 vac-
achievements and challenges=. Analysts said Ruto9s decision to sack Last week, the Kenyan leader ernment waste and <slay the dragon of cor- cine within 12 months of their last dose.=
Prominent Gen-Z protester Hanifa allies including former interior minister announced sharp cuts to government ruption=. More than seven million Covid deaths
Adan welcomed the announcement, writ- Kithure Kindiki offered the possibility of a spending, including travel and refurbish- Ruto has sought to engage with some of have been reported to the WHO, though the
ing on X: <THE PRESIDENT OF KENYA HAS fresh start, but warned of further risks. ment costs. the protesters, hosting an event on X with true toll of the pandemic is thought to be
DISSOLVED THE CABINET!!! THE POWER <The challenge that Ruto now faces is Ruto9s frequent high-profile trips young Kenyans last week. far higher.
LIES WITH THE PEOPLE ALWAYS!!!!!= forming a new cabinet that includes vari- abroad, as well as news that the deputy But this has failed to appease some Covid-19 also shredded economies and
The rallies have widened into a broader ous vested interests, whilst simultaneously president9s office spent over $70,000 on demonstrators, who are calling for him to crippled health systems.
campaign against Ruto and his govern- calming popular anger in the face of an curtains, have infuriated ordinary citizens step down, using the hashtag #Ruto- Tedros declared an end to Covid-19 as an
ment, with some demonstrations degen- explicitly leaderless movement,= Gabrielle burdened with a cost of living crisis. MustGo and staging smaller rallies across international public health emergency in
erating into violence that has left 39 dead, Lynch, professor of comparative politics at Ruto said borrowing would have to Kenyan cities. 3 AFP May 2023, more than three years on from
when the virus was first detected in Wuhan,
China, in late 2019.
I Coast, Benin The WHO has urged governments to
Spain extradites maintain virus surveillance and sequencing,
destabilising Caracas struck and to ensure access to affordable and reli-
top Venezuelan a major blow able tests, treatments and vaccines. 3 AFP
Burkina: Junta against Tren de

gang member Aragua after the

$48m worth of coke
ABIDJAN: Burkina Faso9s junta leader
CARACAS: Spain extradited to Caracas a retaking of the
seized in Senegal
lashed out at neighbouring Ivory Coast and
powerful member of the Tren de Aragua Tocoron prison
Benin on Thursday, accusing them of try- gang which has spread across Latin Amer- in September
ing to destabilise the country amid diplo- ica and the United States, said Venezuela9s last year, which DAKAR: Senegalese customs said in a state-
matic tensions in West Africa. attorney general. had served as its ment Thursday that they had intercepted
On Saturday, the military leaders ruling Venezuela9s top prosecutor Tarek headquarters. more than 360 kilogrammes of cocaine
Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger entered a new William Saab wrote on the X social net- worth $48.3 million in the southeast of the
<confederation=4severing ties with work that Madrid had <agreed to the country.
regional bloc ECOWAS, an organisation extradition of Gerso Guerrero,= brother of The authorities have made an increas-
they accused of being manipulated by the gang9s leader, Hector Rusthenford The United States recently offered a about the huge operation, which had ing number of cocaine seizures in recent
France, their former colonial ruler. Guerrero, who is at-large. reward of $5 million for information lead- been planned for a year. months from neighbouring countries4
In a speech lasting more than 90 min- He is due to arrive later Thursday and ing to his capture. Venezuelan authorities Colombian police earlier this month notably Guinea, Gambia, Guinea-Bissau
utes, Captain Ibrahim Traore outlined the <will be judged relentlessly= for crimes have offered a reward of $250,000. detained another of its leaders, Larry and Mali4which are reputed to be transit
major directions he wanted to take the such as extortion, money laundering, ille- Caracas struck a major blow against Amaury Alvarez, alias <Larry Changa=. zones for drugs produced in Latin America
country over the next five years. gal trafficking of weapons and ammuni- Tren de Aragua after the dramatic retak- Saab said that 44 members of the gang on their way to Europe.
On the diplomatic front, he attacked the tion, and terrorism, Saab said. ing of the Tocoron prison in September had been detained since 2019 in In a statement, customs police said they
<imperialists=, and accused them of want- Tren de Aragua was on Thursday sanc- last year, which had served as its head- Venezuela and another 102 were subject
seized 365.4 kilogrammes of cocaine in the
ing to plunder and destabilise Burkina tioned as a <transnational criminal organ- quarters. to arrest warrants.
town of Koupentoum from a lorry travel-
Faso, as well as some of his West African isation= by the United States, which More than 11,000 police and soldiers, Tren de Aragua emerged in Venezuela
ling from an unspecified <neighbouring=
neighbours. highlighted <the escalating threat it poses backed up by tanks and armoured vehi- a decade ago and has spread its tentacles
to American communities.= cles, stormed the prison, where they to Colombia, Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Chile country.
<We have nothing against the Ivorian
Spain9s police announced Gerso Guer- found bitcoin mining machines and and Bolivia. The drugs, worth 29.2 billion CFA francs
people, but we do have something with
rero9s arrest in Barcelona on March 14. heavy weapons such as rocket launchers It is involved in kidnappings, rob- ($48.3 million), were hidden under the bed
those who run Ivory Coast=, he said, claim-
His brother, known by the alias <Nino and grenades4as well as amenities like a beries, drug trafficking, prostitution, of the lorry.
ing that Abidjan was hosting <a centre of
Guerrero,= is among Venezuela9s 21 most- small zoo, disco and swimming pool. extortion and illegal gold mining. It is This cocaine seizure is the third of its
operations to destabilise= Burkina Faso.
wanted criminals, subject to an Interpol Nino Guerrero and other gang leaders also a major player in migrant smuggling. kind since January, customs said.
<We will show you physical evidence=,
Red Notice. fled after apparently being tipped off 3 AFP The town of Koupentoum is located on
he added. 3 AFP
a road leading to Mali and Gambia.
Several seizures of cocaine have been
Mafia boss’ sister jailed for 14 years announced by customs in recent months,
including a one-tonne haul in mid-April in
the east of the country, near the border
ROME: An Italian court sentenced the sis- major operational role in the merciless with Mali, and several others earlier this
ter of Sicilian crime boss Matteo Messina Cosa Nostra, particularly in the last few month.
Denaro to 14 years in prison for mafia years of her brother9s run. In November 2023, the army announced
association, Italian media reported. She was suspected of managing the the seizure of nearly three tonnes of
Rosalia Messina Denaro was arrested in clan9s finances and the so-called pizzini cocaine from a vessel seized in interna-
2023 on suspicions that she played a key network4messages scrawled on pieces of tional waters off the coast of Senegal. 3 AFP
role in the mob led by her brother. paper to secure communications between
$35.1b for
The 69-year-old, also the wife of jailed the mobster and his gang members.
mafioso Filippo Guttadauro, unintention- Rosalia is the mother of Lorenza Gut- Appeal over
ally helped police locate her fugitive tadauro, a lawyer who defended her mob
Indigenous brother, thanks to a scribbled note she boss uncle upon his arrest.
had hidden in the hollow rail of a chair at
Matteo (left) was one of the most
Matteo Messina Denaro was convicted anti-gay law
child welfare: her residence.
ruthless bosses in Cosa Nostra, the
of involvement in the murder of anti-
in Uganda
The note also revealed key details mafia judges Giovanni Falcone and Paolo
real-life Sicilian crime syndicate
about his health condition. Borsellino in 1992 and in deadly bomb-
Canada Matteo Messina Denaro was one of the
depicted in 8The Godfather9 movies.
ings in Rome, Florence and Milan in 1993.
most ruthless bosses in Cosa Nostra, the
Rosalia (right) was arrested in 2023.
One of his six life sentences was for the KAMPALA: A group including rights
MONTREAL: The Canadian government real-life Sicilian crime syndicate depicted in Palermo. kidnapping and subsequent murder of activists and a politician filed an appeal to
offered $35.1 billion (Can$47.8 billion) to in <The Godfather= movies. He was captured in January 2023 and the 12-year-old son of a witness in the Fal- Uganda9s Supreme Court, the latest step in
repair the <broken= Indigenous child wel- Investigators had been combing the died at the inmates9 ward of L9Aquila hos- cone case. an ongoing legal challenge to a ruling
fare system (pic). Sicilian countryside for the mafia boss for pital a few months later. He disappeared in the summer of 1993 upholding controversial anti-gay legisla-
After a ruling by the Canadian Human years, searching for hideouts and wiretap- Rosalia, Denaro9s confidente and and spent the next 30 years on the run as tion adopted last year, their lawyer said.
Rights Tribunal determined child welfare ping members of his family and his <alter-ego=, was the only family member the Italian state cracked down on the Sicil- In April, the Constitutional Court threw
services in First Nations communities were friends. to know about her brother9s cancer diag- ian mob. out a challenge to the Anti-Homosexuality
underfunded, the sum offered by the gov- It was his decision to seek treatment nosis, before he passed at L9Aquila prison9s He remained at the top of Italy9s most- Act, which is considered one of the harsh-
ernment4to be spent over the next for his cancer that led to his arrest in Jan- hospital aged 61. wanted list and increasingly became a fig- est such laws in the world.
decade4aims to improve support for uary 2023, when he visited a health clinic Investigators believed Rosalia played a ure of legend. 3 AFP It imposes penalties of up to life in
impacted families, according to the First prison for consensual same-sex relations
Nations representatives who helped nego- and contains provisions that make <aggra-
tiate the agreement. vated homosexuality= an offence punish-
Canadian guilty of killing Indigenous women
<We9re trying to change a really broken able by death.
system. It9s going to be hard,= said Cindy The legislation, and the April court rul-
Woodhouse Nepinak, national chief of the ing, have been widely condemned by
MONTREAL: Canadian Police believe their remains are to understand that the murders he com-
Assembly of First Nations (AFN), to the rights groups as well as by Western powers
man was found guilty of buried deep inside the Prairie Green mitted in March and May 2022 were rep- including the United States.
applause of other chiefs at a press confer- first-degree murder for landfill. rehensible crimes, the judge said.
ence in Montreal. The group had filed a formal notice of
killing four Indigenous The partial remains of another vic- As the verdict was announced, appeal against the court9s decision in mid-
<We encourage First Nations to take con-
women whose bodies he tim, Rebecca Contois, were found in two applause and cheers broke out in the April, contesting its determination that
trol back of our children, back to our
homes, back to our communities.=
dumped in landfill sites. places4a garbage bin in the city and in court, including from the victims9 fami- the law did not violate Uganda9s constitu-
According to the 2021 census, 53.8 per- The case is seen by a separate landfill. lies, some with tears in their eyes. tion.
cent of children in foster care under the age many as a symbol of the plight of Indige- The body of a fourth, unidentified, <I9m flooded with emotions. I9m <The Constitutional Appeal challeng-
of 14 are Indigenous, despite comprising nous women in a country where they woman in her 20s, is still missing. extremely happy and I feel like a weight ing the Ugandan Constitutional Court9s
only 7.7 percent of children in the country. face disproportionate violence that was Jeremy Skibicki, 37, (pic) was found has been lifted off my shoulders. Justice decision to uphold vast sections of the
The money follows a pledge of $16.9 bil- called <genocide= by a national public guilty of all four counts of first-degree was served today,= said Jorden Myran, a Anti-Homosexuality Act has been filed at
lion to benefit 300,000 First Nations chil- inquiry in 2019. murder, Justice Glenn Loyal said in his relative of Marcedes. the Supreme Court today,= lawyer Nicholas
dren and their families who were deemed Morgan Harris and Marcedes Myran judgement, adding that the accused was Skibicki targeted Indigenous women Opiyo said on X on Thursday.
victims of discrimination by the foster care were raped, killed, dismembered and criminally responsible despite mental he met in homeless shelters, prosecutors <We will wait for the Supreme Court9s
system that often uprooted them from their thrown out with the trash in Winnipeg, health issues. told his trial, which began in late April.3 directions and are optimistic for an expe-
communities. 3 AFP Manitoba. The accused had the mental capacity AFP dited hearing of the case.= 3 AFP
14 Estimated RM60.7b in investments for NETR

15 Germany bans Chinese telcos from 5G network


Manufacturing pushes IPI up 2.4pc

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia9s Industrial Pro- On a month-on-month (m-o-m) basis, decline.
duction Index (IPI) rose by 2.4 per cent he said export-oriented industries For the January to May 2024 period, the
year-on-year (y-o-y) in May 2024, driven by bounced back by nine per cent from -11.6 chief statistician said the IPI improved by
steady output growth in the manufactur- per cent in April 2024, while the growth of 3.6 per cent as compared to 1.9 per cent
ing sector, according to the Department of domestic-oriented industries output recorded in the same period of the previ-
Statistics Malaysia (DoSM). remained sound at 6.4 per cent after regis- ous year.
Chief statistician Datuk Seri Mohd Uzir tering 9.5 per cent in the preceding month. <During the period, all sectors posted
Mahidin said the IPI remained positive in On another note, Mohd Uzir said the an expansion, namely the mining index
May 2024 (April 2024: 6.1 per cent), with manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers (4.1 per cent), manufacturing index (3.1
the manufacturing sector growing by 4.6 and semi-trailers contributed a significant per cent), and electricity index (7.8 per
per cent (April 2024: 4.9 per cent) and a 4.2 increase of 10.3 per cent, followed by the cent),= Mohd Uzir concluded.
per cent expansion in electricity output manufacture of other non-metallic min- Separately, DoSM in its Monthly Man-
(April 2024: 7.8 per cent). eral products (9.8 per cent), and the man- ufacturing Statistics for May 2024
However, the mining sector output ufacture of fabricated metal products, shared that the sales value of the manu-
plummeted by 6.9 per cent, in contrast except machinery and equipment (6.5 per facturing sector amounted to RM154.9
with the double-digit growth of 10.0 per cent). billion in the month, an increase of 5.5
cent recorded in April 2024. Compared to Compared to the previous month, the per cent.
the previous month, the IPI rebounded to domestic-oriented industries expanded by On the cumulative performance up to
3.5 per cent from -7.6 per cent. 2.3 per cent (April 2024: -1.3 per cent) while May 2024, he said that the sales value of
<The steady output growth in the man- the generation of electricity grew by 4.2 the manufacturing sector reached
ufacturing sector was bolstered by the per cent y-o-y in May 2024 (April 2024: 7.8 RM765.5 billion, up 3.3 per cent as com-
acceleration in export-oriented industries, per cent). pared with the same period in 2023 (5.1 per
which grew by 3.7 per cent against 2.6 per On a m-o-m basis, the electricity index cent).
cent recorded in April 2024. rebounded to 5.6 per cent (April 2024: -4.0 <The number of employees went up by
<This marked the highest growth regis- per cent), he said. 0.9 per cent to a total of 2.38 million per-
tered since November 2022 (5.1 per cent), He also highlighted that the IPI showed sons, while salaries and wages grew by 1.2
amid a strong rebound in the manufac- an upward trend in several countries In per cent to RM41.1 billion,= he said.
ture of computer, electronics and optical and fats (April 2024: 2.7 per cent),= he said try9s manufactured goods export perform- May 2024, such as the United States, Singa- Subsequently, the sales value per
products to 8.4 per cent (April 2024: -1.4 in a statement. ance, which expanded by 13.5 per cent in pore, Japan, Vietnam, and Taiwan, how- employee stood at RM321,927, posting a
per cent), and a 4.8 per cent increase in the Mohd Uzir noted that the growth the month under review (April 2024: 11.9 ever, it slowed down in China and South growth of 2.3 per cent, Mohd Uzir added. 3
manufacture of vegetable and animal oils momentum was also reflected in the coun- per cent). Korea while Thailand experienced a Bernama

RHB upbeat on manufacturing Subsidy reform, higher tax unpopular but needed
KUALA LUMPUR: The bold actions under- <So I think that this present administra-
as investment appetite grows taken to revitalise Malaysia9s economy tion is making a bold move to ensure that
under the leadership of Prime Minister our fiscal position, especially in respect to
KUALA LUMPUR: RHB Investment Bank The research note also highlighted that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim may involve the deficit and debt level, will be reverted
Bhd reiterated its optimistic view on Malaysia9s manufacturing sector activities unpopular measures, but they are essen- to a level that is more sustainable,= he con-
Malaysia9s manufacturing sector, under- would be buoyed by resilience in export- tial for the country9s progress, said Bank tinued.
pinned by a rosier global and domestic oriented industries alongside a turn- Muamalat Malaysia Bhd chief economist Mohd Afzanizam reckons that the
economic landscape, a global technology around in trade performance. Mohd Afzanizam Abdul Rashid. current administration9s strategies
upcycle and improved investment <The electrical and electronic (E&E) He said the diesel subsidy reform and a would also appeal to foreign investors,
appetite. export momentum shows signs of sus- higher service tax rate would enable particularly because a stronger financial
The investment bank cited ongoing tained improvement in the first five Malaysia to withstand any potential future position would result in a higher credit
developments, including China9s positive months of the year, and we expect E&E economic challenges. <More importantly, score.
economic dynamics and strengthened exports to remain well-supported by it is to allow more fiscal space for the gov- <This fiscal deficit or government debt
global semiconductor sales, as reinforcing strong global demand,= it said. ernment to spend more on areas that can is closely associated with credit risk and
the positive outlook for Malaysia9s manu- The bank also noted that commodity- bring more productivity for the country, credit risk is always being assessed by the
facturing sector and trade. based sectors such as petroleum, petro- especially in areas relating to education, has been dealing with the issue of budget credit rating agencies such as S&P and
<Further out, we stay bullish on Asean leum-based products, and non-metal healthcare and infrastructure,= he told the deficit for decades and the deficit has been Fitch Ratings.
external environment in the third quarter mineral and metal products are Bernama World television programme. in existence irrespective of the economic <Rating agencies have been giving pos-
of 2024, assuming growth acceleration in expected to benefit from higher com- Mohd Afzanizam noted that these cycle. itive reviews on Malaysian markets and
both the United States and China during modity prices. reform measures have received a good <Ideally, the balanced budget should be this would become the selling point for
this period. Additionally, the industrial production response from various stakeholders, espe- achieved when the economy has fully our Malaysian markets, which ultimately
<As such, Malaysia9s growth will likely index momentum remains positive for cially from financial markets, which trans- recovered from any form of shocks, but I would drive more foreign funds to
stay underpinned by externally-facing May, supported by continued strength in lated into better performance of the think more than that, what we saw is that Malaysia and perhaps would contribute to
industries, specifically its manufacturing export-oriented industries and expansion ringgit and equity market. Elaborating the deficit has been ongoing and has the further appreciation of the ringgit,= he
and trade sectors,= it said in a note. in domestic-oriented industries. 3Bernama further, Mohd Afzanizam said Malaysia become structural. added. 3Bernama

BNPL credit exposure stands at RM1.42b PIVB maintains 3pc headline inflation forecast
KUALA LUMPUR: The credit exposure, or sight Board (CCOB) Task Force said in its
total outstanding balance, of the Buy Now report. KUALA LUMPUR: Public Investment Bank remained at RM3.35 per litre since the salaries by over 13 per cent, totalling
Pay Later (BNPL) industry stood at RM1.42 The report also revealed that a majority Bhd (PIVB) has maintained the headline diesel subsidy rationalisation programme approximately RM10 billion, would pose
billion as of the end of the first quarter of of 3.7 million BNPL account holders are inflation projection at 3.0 per cent year- commenced on June 10. challenges to fiscal targets and could
2024 (1Q 2024), an increase of 34 per cent working adults, aged between 21 and 45 on-year, with risks skewed towards the <Given diesel9s weight of just 0.2 per exacerbate inflationary pressures by ele-
from the end of 2023. years old. lower end of the official 2.0 per cent to cent in the overall headline consumer vating wage expectations in the private
BNPL accounted for 0.07 per cent of More than 700,000 merchants accept 3.5 per cent range, contingent on the tim- price index, we assess that the potential for sector.
the total household debt as of the end of BNPL, with a strong presence in three sec- ing of the RON 95 subsidy rationalisa- significant inflationary effects is minimal. Additionally, the rollout of the Employ-
2023. tors, namely food and restaurants, retail tion. <A straightforward calculation indi- ees Provident Fund Account 3, injecting
<3.8 per cent of active BNPL account and transportation. The bank said in light of renewed fiscal cates that a one per cent increase in diesel around RM30 billion into consumer
holders missed their payments and <Most merchants operate online but discipline, the potential introduction of prices would result in a mere 0.002 per spending, aims to counteract sluggish
recorded as overdue as of the end of 1Q the proportion of physical or in-store mer- targeted subsidies for RON 95 in the sec- cent rise in the overall inflation rate,= it global growth and rising living costs post-
2024 compared to 5.8 per cent at the end chants has increased, reaching 12 per cent ond half of 2024 remains under review and said in a note. subsidy rationalisation, though it may also
of 1Q 2023,= the Consumer Credit Over- in 1Q 2024,= it added. 3Bernama is still uncertain. Meanwhile, PIVB highlighted that the induce demand-pull inflationary pres-
It said the fuel price for diesel has substantial increase in civil servant sures. 3Bernama

City Coin Laundry eyes Vietnam

BANGKOK: City Coin Laundry Sdn Bhd, the told Bernama. Kenanga keeps 8pc sales growth forecast
largest launderette operator in Malaysia, is He explained that while expanding KUALA LUMPUR: Kenanga Investment in a note. <The continued increase in tourist
eyeing opportunities to expand into the overseas is a great opportunity, it is also Bank Bhd maintained its 2024 sales According to the Finance Ministry in a arrivals and the relaxation of require-
Vietnam market. important to find a good local partner and growth forecast at 8.0 per cent compared parliamentary written reply recently, EPF ments for Malaysia My Second Home are
Founder and group managing director understand the local laws and practices. with 7.7 per cent in 2023 in anticipation of members have withdrawn RM7.81 billion expected to fuel further growth in the
Paul Ang said outside Malaysia, the group Earlier, Minister of Entrepreneur Devel- sustained domestic demand. from Account 3 as of June 24 which retail trade segment, contributing to our
has operations in Thailand, Brunei and opment and Cooperatives Datuk Ewon Kenanga said that year-to-date, sales involves 3.16 million members since robust growth outlook.
Turkey. Benedick, who was on four-day Interna- growth grew by 6.0 per cent (January to Account 3 started on May 11, it said. <With that said, we have earlier revised
The group9s next target for expansion tional Franchise Trade Mission in Bangkok, April: 5.7 per cent), lower than the 10.2 per Notably, a total transfer of RM11.52 bil- the second quarter 2024 (2Q 20240 Gross
would be Vietnam due to its large popula- together with Malaysian Franchise Associ- cent recorded in the same period last year. lion to Account 3 was made by 3.61 million Domestic Product (GDP) growth to
tion although the local laws for setting up ation (MFA) chairman Datuk Dr Radzali <Nevertheless, we still expect growth to members, indicating that around 450,000 expand to 5.1 per cent from the previous
a business would be a concern, he added. Hassan and Perbadanan Nasional Bhd be sustained in the coming months, this is members have yet to withdraw RM3.71 bil- estimate of 4.3 per cent (1Q 2024: 4.2 per
<Currently, we have more than 750 chairman Datuk Hazimah Zainuddin vis- largely due to the positive impact of lion, while actual spending is expected to cent), with overall 2024 GDP growth pro-
branches in Southeast Asia with a gross ited City Coin9s LaundryBar booth. - Employees Provident Fund Account 3 have an impact on the real economy from jected to settle at 4.5 per cent to 5.0 per
turnover of RM75 million in Malaysia,= he Bernama withdrawals on domestic demand,= it said June onwards, it added. cent (2023: 3.6 per cent). 3Bernama

bursa closing report

KUALA LUMPUR: Bursa Malaysia ended

the week on a softer note as investors took
profit in selected technology and utilities
Bursa finishes the week on a softer note amid profit-taking
counters following the recent three-day dipped 1.19 per cent to 2,857.00, while Sin- 1,620 level, having only reached this point and Reneuco increased 1.5 sen each to 34.5 Warrants turnover dwindled to 897.40
modest market rally. gapore9s Straits Times Index climbed 0.73 during the early session on Friday. sen and 10 sen respectively. million units worth RM119.60 million
At 5 pm, the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI per cent to 3,500.33, and Shanghai SSE Investors seemed to be reconsidering On the index board, the FBM Emas compared with 1.15 billion units worth
(FBM KLCI) slipped 4.06 points, or 0.25 Composite Index rose 0.03 per cent to their positions on concerns that the Index shed 41.62 points to 12,540.70, the RM144.65 million Thursday.
per cent, to 1,619.06 from Thursday9s close 2,971.29. decline in the mega-cap tech sector in the FBMT 100 Index lost 44.68 points to The ACE Market volume fell to 934.89
of 1,623.12. Thong said the overnight US yields fell US was an indication of the corporate 12,110.62, the FBM Emas Shariah Index million shares valued at RM293.71 million
The benchmark index opened 0.39 of a to 4.2 per cent as traders built bets for the earnings reports, which was scheduled to trimmed 48.49 points to 12,915.20, and the against 1.23 billion shares valued at
point lower at 1,622.73 and moved US Federal Reserve to soon begin lowering commence Friday starting with the three FBM 70 Index slipped 121.13 points to RM413.44 million previously.
between 1,616.22 and 1,622.97 throughout its main interest rate. large US investment banks including JP 18,673.19. Consumer products and services coun-
the day. <In key Asia data, China9s trade surplus Morgan, he said. However, the FBM ACE Index gained ters accounted for 436.52 million shares
Losers led gainers by 639 to 532, with has soared to the highest since at least Mohd Sedek said this has prompted 39.22 points to 5,981.21. traded on the Main Market; industrial
513 counters unchanged, 783 untraded June 1990 as exports jumped more than investors to secure their profits. Sector-wise, the Financial Services products and services (591.20 million);
and 25 suspended. expected while imports unexpectedly On the local bourse, heavyweights Index rose 6.03 points to 17,800.11, the construction (366.93 million); technology
Turnover slid to 4.58 billion units weakened. Maybank fell two sen to RM10.04 and Energy Index added 0.19 of-a-point to (214.02 million); SPAC (nil); financial serv-
worth RM3.72 billion from 5.39 billion <As for the local bourse, we view the Tenaga Nasional shed 14 sen to RM14.46, 984.52, but the Industrial Products and ices (103.22 million); property (355.48 mil-
units worth RM4.41 billion Thursday. profit-taking as a healthy correction as it Public Bank and IHH Healthcare dropped Services Index decreased by 0.07 of-a- lion); plantation (52.34 million); REITs
Rakuten Trade Sdn Bhd equity research allows the market to digest the recent one sen each to RM4.11 and RM6.33 respec- point to 200.96, and the Plantation (12.34 million); closed/fund (12,000);
vice-president Thong Pak Leng said the rally and provide a stronger base for a tively, while CIMB gained four sen to Index shaved off 10.46 points to energy (276.68 million); healthcare (68.81
key regional indices finished mostly more sustainable uptrend,= he added. RM7.13. 6,943.71. million); telecommunications and media
higher due to growing confidence in the Meanwhile, UOB Kay Hian Wealth Among the active counters, Nova and The Main Market volume declined to (97.53 million); transportation and logis-
US interest rate cut. Advisors head of investment research G3 Global were flat at 20 sen and 3.5 sen 2.75 billion units valued at RM3.31 billion tics (97.29 million); utilities (78.11 mil-
Japan9s Nikkei 225 tumbled 2.45 per Mohd Sedek Jantan said the FBM KLCI respectively, while Ekovest bagged three from 3.0 billion units valued at RM3.85 lion); and business trusts (171,700).
cent to 41,190.68, South Korea9s Kospi appeared to struggle to maintain the sen to 50.5 sen, and Berjaya Corporation billion on Thursday. 3Bernama
14 Business SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024 dailyexpress

Estimated RM60.7b in Shin Yang diversifies on acquisitions

KUALA LUMPUR: Shin Yang Group Bhd
(SYGroup) has signed a conditional share
sale agreement with Shin Yang Holding
Sdn Bhd, KTE Motors Sdn Bhd, and Ling
The filing said the shipping industry
<remains challenging= with the slight hike
in crude oil price and other issues and the
group is taking initiatives to establish

investments for NETR

Chiong Sing to acquire 100 per cent businesses in the automotive industry.
equity interest in Boulevard Jaya Sdn Bhd. The move is expected to contribute
SYGroup also signed a conditional positively to the future earnings of the
share sale agreement with Dwi Bumijaya enlarged group and strengthen the
Sdn Bhd to acquire 60 per cent equity group9s future financial performance.
KUALA LUMPUR: The latest estimates on interest each in Boulevard Motor Sdn It will also expand and diversify the
the effectiveness of the National Energy Bhd, Boulevard Motor (Sabah) Sdn Bhd, group9s product offerings, reduce
Transition Roadmap9s (NETR) flagship and Boulevard Motor (Labuan) Sdn Bhd, dependency on current business, leverage
projects and initiatives show investments collectively Boulevard Motor Group. the targetted companies9 networks to
involved will be worth RM60.7 billion In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, cross-sell shipping services, and vertically
instead of the initial projection of RM25 SYGroup, which services the shipping integrate automotive maintenance serv-
billion when the roadmap was launched industry, said the acquisitions to total ices to achieve operational efficiencies.
on Aug 29, 2023. RM144.5 million, are related party trans- On completion of the proposed acqui-
The Economy Ministry said this was actions and will be satisfied via a combi- sition, the company will consolidate 100
based on the March 2024 progress report, nation of cash and treasury shares held by per cent of the earnings of Boulevard Jaya
which also shows that 84,544 job opportu- SYGroup. and 60 per cent of the earnings of Boule-
nities would be created (development and The purchase aims to diversify and vard Motor, Boulevard Motor (Sabah),
post-project) compared with the initial bolster SYGroup9s revenue and income and Boulevard Motor (Labuan). 3
forecast of 23,000 jobs. stream, the filing said. Bernama
Furthermore, the reduction in green-
house gas (GHG) emissions is npw esti-
mated at 24,264 gigagrams of carbon Unit price index of cement up
dioxide equivalent (Gg CO2eq) per year
compared with 10,000 Gg CO2eq per year
that was initially forecast, the ministry said by 0.1-2.1pc in June: DoSM
in a written reply posted on the Parliament
website this week. KUALA LUMPUR: The unit price index of cent),= he said.
This was in response to Datuk Seri Dr Anwar Ibrahim visits an exhibit at the launch of the second phase cement recorded an increase of 0.1 per The monthly comparison of steel and
Shahidan Kasim9s (PN-Arau) request for a of the NETRE at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. cent to 2.1 per cent in June 2024 for metal sections, he said, showed the unit
status report on the NETR and New Indus- almost all areas in Malaysia, according to price index remained unchanged for
trial Master Plan 2030 (NIMP 2030). Innes said beyond fiscal prudence and been noticed by foreign parties. the Statistics Department (DoSM). almost all areas in Malaysia in June 2024.
The ministry added that the govern- subsidies, the government9s significant <This would help build the credibility of Chief statistician Datuk Seri Dr Mohd However, there was a slight decrease
ment is committed to ensuring the energy move into the semiconductor space stands the present administration with respect to Uzir Mahidin said in a special release for in the price index of these materials in
transition management is based on the out. their selling pitch to the foreign investors Building and Structural Works for June Penang, Kedah and Perlis (-0.7 per cent),
whole-of-nation approach encompassing He said Malaysia, once known as the Sil- and businesses to invest in Malaysia. 2024 that the highest increase was in followed by Kuching (-0.6 per cent) and
the Federal Government, state govern- icon Valley of the East until Taiwan and <The country certainly has what it takes Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Melaka and Kota Kinabalu (-0.2 per cent).
ments, general public and international South Korea took the lead in the chip for them to invest and thrive as the govern- Negeri Sembilan (2.1 per cent), followed On another note, he shared that an
community for a unified policy planning industry, aims to reclaim its former glory. ment reprioritise spending to boost the by Pahang (1.6 per cent) and Kuching (0.1 annual comparison for June 2023 and
and implementation in balancing the <Establishing a new semiconductor task country9s productivity in the mid to long per cent). June 2024 showed that the unit price
energy trilemma of security, affordability, force underscores Malaysia9s commitment term,= he said. He noted that the unit price index of index of cement increased between 0.4
and sustainability. to elevating its industry from back-end Mohd Afzanizam further said reforms aggregates also registered an increase of per cent to 4.7 per cent for all areas in
<The effectiveness in the NETR imple- assembly to high-tech front-end manufac- are normally associated with unpopular between 0.4 per cent and 0.6 per cent for Malaysia, with the highest increase
mentation is expected to increase the con- turing. measures and the present government is almost all areas in June 2024 compared recorded in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur,
tribution to the national gross domestic <With a well-established semiconductor bold enough to take up the challenges to the previous month, with the highest Melaka and Negeri Sembilan (4.7 per
product, create job opportunities, enhance ecosystem already in place, Malaysia is while simultaneously ensuring that the increase recorded in Penang, Kedah and cent), followed by Tawau (2.2 per cent),
the people9s socioeconomic status, and well-positioned to attract significant reform agenda would be implemented at Perlis, as well as Kota Kinabalu (0.6 per Penang, Kedah and Perlis (2.0 per cent)
ensure energy security and environmental investments, especially in high-value sec- a measured pace. cent). and Pahang (1.6 per cent).
sustainability,= it added. tors such as semiconductor manufactur- <I believe that is what caught Forbes9 Mohd Uzir said the monthly compari- An annual comparison of the average
Meanwhile, the recent article published ing. attention given the abundance of potential son showed a slight increase in the unit price per unit of steel recorded a
by Forbes Magazine is compelling and <Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar of the Malaysian economy,= he added. price index of steel for several areas, with decrease of between 0.1 per cent to 5.3
deserves attention from the Malaysian and Ibrahim9s strategic move underscores In the article dated July 10, 2024, Laker the highest increase in Sibu (0.4 per per cent in June 2024 compared with the
international press. Malaysia9s potential to become a semicon- commended the measures taken by the cent), Kota Kinabalu (0.2 per cent), and same month last year for almost all areas
SPI Asset Management managing direc- ductor powerhouse in the region,= he prime minister in attracting investments in Penang, Kedah and Perlis (0.1 per cent). in Malaysia.
tor Stephen Innes told Bernama it is added. high-value sectors such as semiconductor <Meanwhile, the unit price index of Mohd Uzir elaborated that the aver-
refreshing to see a focus on Malaysia9s Meanwhile, Bank Muamalat Malaysia and digital technology, and the steps taken these materials recorded a decrease in age price of cement (Ordinary Portland)
political positives instead of political storm Bhd chief economist Dr Mohd Afzanizam to address inadequacies by introducing a Selangor, Kuala Lumpur, Melaka, and recorded a marginal increase (0.3 per
clouds written by the writer, Benjamin Abdul Rashid said the article suggested series of new taxes while optimising cost Negeri Sembilan (-0.8 per cent), followed cent) with an average price of RM23.10
Laker. that the government reforms agenda has amid persistent challenges. 3Bernama by Terengganu and Kelantan (-0.1 per per 50 kilogramme (kg) bag compared to
May 2024 (RM23.04 per 50 kg bag).
Meanwhile, the average price per unit
M’sia poised as key source amid HLIB expects positive sentiment of steel, consisting of mild steel round
bars and Mycon 60 high tensile
deformed bars, remained unchanged
US-China trade tensions: Miti for construction from JS-SEZ compared to May 2024 with an average
price of RM3,730.49 per tonne.
KUALA LUMPUR: The ongoing trade ten- Mohd Misbahul Munir Masduki (PN-Parit KUALA LUMPUR: Hong Leong Investment be strong. The month-on-month Building Cost
sion between the United States and China Buntar) regarding the risks and implica- Bank Bhd (HLIB) expects positive senti- <In the past year, the pipeline has been Index (BCI) with steel bars for all building
may position Malaysia as a key source for tions for Malaysia amid the US-China trade ment for the construction sector coming further bolstered by Johor9s emergence as categories in June 2024 increased between
importing raw materials, parts and compo- tensions. from the Johor-Singapore Special Eco- the fastest growing DC market in the 0.1 per cent and 2.0 per cent for almost all
nents, and new finished products for com- Simultaneously, Miti noted that nomic Zone (JS-SEZ) finalisation and Southeast Asia region. areas in Peninsular Malaysia with the
panies looking to reduce their reliance on Malaysia could seize the opportunity to Budget 2025. <Several noteworthy investments are highest increase in Selangor, Kuala
either of the two superpowers. attract investment from China, particularly In a research note, HLIB also antici- Chindata Group (Bridge Data Centres) Lumpur, Melaka, and Negeri Sembilan for
According to the Ministry of Investment, as the United States increases tariffs on Chi- pates the rollout of big ticket infrastruc- RM15 billion, Microsoft (RM10.5 billion), the timber piling category (two per cent).
Trade and Industry (Miti), the uncertainty nese goods. ture contracts and has retained the Google (RM9.4 billion), EdgeConneX However, he said there was a slight
in US-China trade relations will encourage <However, Malaysian companies are Overweight sector call for the second half (RM9.3 billion) and AWS (RM25.5 bil- decrease between -0.1 per cent and -0.3
multinational companies from other advised to conduct thorough due diligence of 2024 (2H 2024). lion),= it said. per cent for BCI with steel bars for several
nations to seek alternative production loca- to ensure that potential Chinese business <This should lead to acceleration of HLIB said 2H 2024 could finally see siz- building categories in Johor, Terengganu
tions in third countries, including Malaysia. partners do not intend to use Malaysia as a contract awards into the 2H 2024 possibly able public infrastructure projects com- and Kelantan as well as Sabah which also
<This could lead to increased foreign means to circumvent high US tariffs,= it said. leading to the second highest contract ing to the fore. Several projects to be showed a slight increase of 0.1 per cent
investment and employment opportunities Miti affirmed that Malaysia will con- awards tally of more than RM40 billion,= rolled out in the near term include the for almost all building categories in Kota
in Malaysia,= the ministry said in a written tinue its policy of neutrality, maintaining it said. Penang LRT (RM10 billon), Sabah-Sarawak Kinabalu and Tawau, but remained
response posted on Parliament9s website on good relations with all its trading partners, Further to this, HLIB expects sustaining Link Road Phase 2 (RM7.4 billion), North- unchanged in Sandakan.
Thursday. including the United States and China. 3 private sector flows to be led by data cen- ern Coastal Sarawak road, Sabah hydro The monthly comparison of BCI with
Miti was responding to a query from Bernama tres (DCs) where the pipeline continues to and water, Penang airport expansion and steel bars in Sarawak registered a slight
critical flood mitigation projects. decrease of between -0.1 per cent and -0.2
Meanwhile, potential developments on per cent in June 2024 for almost all cate-
Delta quarterly profits drop despite solid demand prospective projects like the KL-Singapore gories of buildings in Kuching.
high speed rail and the Johor Automated <Apart from that, there was a slight
NEW YORK: Delta reported lower quarterly lockdowns. ond half of 2024 as rival carriers focus on Rapid Transit could spur stronger sector increase of between 0.1 per cent and 0.2
profits this week despite still-strong travel <Travel remains a top purchase priority, profitability through higher fares sentiment. per cent for almost all categories of
demand as it moderated a plan to add capac- and Delta9s core customers are in a healthy Delta now expects third-quarter capacity The top picks for this sector are building in Sibu. However, BCI with steel
ity in the fall in light of industry overcapacity. position,= Chief Executive Ed Bastian said on growth of five to six percent, a bit below the Gamuda Bhd with targer price (TP) of bars for almost all other building cate-
The big US carrier, which saw jet fuel and a conference call with analysts. increase in the second quarter. RM9.08 and Sunway Construction Group gories in Miri remained unchanged,= he
salary costs increase in the second quarter, Profits for the quarter ending June 30 Bastian emphasised Delta9s efforts to win Bhd with a TP of RM5.60. 3Bernama added. 3Bernama
also projected lower than expected third- were $1.3 billion, down 29 percent. over premium consumers in a market in
US unveils $241.5m settlement with
quarter profits, hitting airline shares amid Revenues rose seven percent to $16.7 bil- which <value= has shifted from the lowest
investor concerns over weakening airline lion, a record for the June quarter. price to a <better quality experience= that
fares. The company confirmed its full-year pro- includes a focus on reliability.
Executives offered an upbeat outlook on jections, but its third-quarter profit forecast The company is investing in new cus- Marathon Oil for clean air violations
demand during a conference call, but the range was below median analyst estimates. tomer lounges in Boston, Los Angeles and
company also described growth as <normal- Bastian expressed confidence in a <more Seattle and in programs to improve in-flight NEW YORK: US authorities announced this and gas production facilities, leading to
ising= after a huge uptick following Covid-19 constructive industry backdrop= in the sec- Internet service. 3AFP week a $241.5 million settlement with unlawful emissions, according to a DOJ
Marathon Oil to resolve alleged clean air complaint filed in a US court in North
violations in North Dakota. Dakota.
UK economy returns to growth In a civil case, the Department of Justice Marathon also failed to obtain pre-con-
(DOJ) and Environmental Protection struction or operating permits at some 38
LONDON: Britain9s economic output grew eral election, ending 14 years of rule by the Agency accused the Texas company of facilities. To avoid permitting require-
better-than-expected in May, official data Conservatives. flouting environmental laws at dozens of ments, the company submitted <artifi-
showed this week, handing an early boost Reeves on Monday vowed to immedi- sites in the Fort Berthold Indian Reserva- cially low= emission estimates, based on
to the country9s newly-elected Labour gov- ately <fix the foundations= of Britain9s econ- tion. <erroneous and unreasonable assump-
ernment. omy, fuelled by onshore wind power and The company will pay a civil penalty of tions,= the complaint said.
Gross domestic product growth came in house building. $64.5 million and spend an additional $177 This settlement <will ensure cleaner air
at 0.4 percent in May, which compared with ONS director of economic statistics, Liz million to upgrade operations to address for the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation
flat GDP in April, the Office for National Sta- McKeown, said the UK economy grew pollution through flare monitoring, and other communities in North Dakota,
tistics (ONS) said in a statement. across all the main sectors in May. infrared camera inspections and storage while holding Marathon accountable for
Analysts9 consensus had been for eco- <Many retailers and wholesalers had a in the face of slowing inflation. tank redesign, the DOJ said. its illegal pollution,= said Attorney General
nomic expansion of 0.2 percent in May. good month, with both bouncing back <This snapshot of an economy growing The agency added that the civil penalty Merrick Garland in a statement.
<Delivering economic growth is our from a weak April= when rainy weather a bit faster than forecast could make Bank was the largest ever for violations of the Marathon, which said the alleged viola-
national mission, and we don9t have a kept shoppers away from physical stores, of England policymakers that bit more ret- Clean Air Act at stationary sources. tions took place between 2015 and 2019,
minute to waste,= Britain9s new finance noted McKeown. icent about voting for an interest rate cut= Marathon, which announced in May a did not admit fault.
minister Rachel Reeves said in response to She added that <construction grew at its at their next meeting on August 1, noted $22.5 billion deal in which it would be <Marathon does not admit liability
the data. fastest rate in almost a year after recent Susannah Streeter, head of money and mar- acquired by ConocoPhillips, already bud- regarding any of the allegations in the
<A decade of national renewal has weakness, with housebuilding and infra- kets at Hargreaves Lansdown. geted for more than 70 percent of the complaint associated with the consent
begun, and we are just getting started,= structure projects boosting the industry=. Prior to this week9s figures, markets had operational upgrades, the company said decree and elected to resolve the allega-
added Reeves, who became the country9s The services sector meanwhile remained bet on a rate reduction at the BoE9s next reg- in a securities filing. tions in a negotiated settlement rather
first female chancellor of the exchequer on a key driver of growth after Britain exited a ular policy meeting. It added that the remaining would be than litigation,= the company said in the
her appointment by new Prime Minister short-lived recession earlier this year. With analysts predicting a September spent by the end of 2025. securities filing.
Keir Starmer. Analysts said the GDP data could cause reduction as now more likely, the British US officials alleged that the oil com- DOJ said the agreement will result in
His centre-left Labour party last week the Bank of England to sit tight for a while pound on Thursday hit a four-month high pany failed to meet design, operation and deep cuts in emissions of methane, a
won a resounding victory in Britain9s gen- longer before starting to cut interest rates against the dollar. 3AFP maintenance requirements at some 66 oil major contributor to climate change. 3AFP
dailyexpress SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024 Business 15
China exports rise but imports slump in June
BEIJING: China9s exports rose sharply in better than the eight percent forecast in the second half of the year,= he added.
June while imports declined unexpect- a survey of analysts by Bloomberg. Economists at Goldman Sachs also Electric cars are

edly, official figures showed Friday, in Exports have historically served as an said that <with healthy ex-China stacked for
further evidence that the world9s sec- important economic engine in China, demand and Chinese products export at the
ond-largest economy is charting an having a direct impact on employment extremely competitive, exports are international
uneven recovery. for thousands of companies. likely to stay strong in coming months=. container
Officials in China are grappling with June9s reading marked a third consec- But they warned of <downside risks to
terminal of
a real estate debt crisis, weakening con- utive rise, after a year-on-year decline in exports in 2025 and 2026= if former US
Taicang Port in
sumption, an ageing population and March. president Donald Trump is re-elected in
Suzhou, China.
geopolitical tensions overseas. However, imports unexpectedly November and slaps <large tariffs on all
And the latest figures come ahead of dropped 2.3 percent, the data showed, imports of Chinese goods, as he has sug-
a key conclave of leaders in Beijing next reversing May9s 1.8 percent growth and gested in recent months=.
week, with all eyes on how they might much worse than the 2.5 percent Despite mounting geopolitical
kickstart lacklustre growth. expected. rivalry, Chinese exports to the United
That meeting will kick off the same <This reflects the economic condition States remained robust in June, rising
day that China is expected to release its in China, with weak domestic demand 6.6 percent, Friday9s data showed.
economic growth figures for the second and strong production capacity relying And those to the European Union Brussels accuses Beijing of having data.
quarter. on exports,= Zhiwei Zhang, President increased by the same amount, despite illegally favoured its manufacturers China-Russia trade has boomed since
On Friday, China9s customs depart- and Chief Economist at Pinpoint Asset mounting trade tensions after the bloc with subsidies. the Ukraine invasion4which Beijing has
ment said overseas sales of products and Management, said in a note. imposed up to 38 percent additional And trade between China and Russia never condemned4and hit $240 billion
services overseas surged 8.6 percent on- <The sustainability of strong exports customs duties on imports of Chinese rose by 3.4 percent year-on-year, accord- in 2023, according to Chinese customs
year, up from 7.6 percent in May and is a major risk for China9s economy in electric vehicles. ing to AFP calculations based on official figures. 3AFP

Germany bans Chinese US unveils $1.7b EV making boost

WASHINGTON: US President Joe Biden9s
administration said it is issuing $1.7 billion
in grants to help expand or revive auto
facilities for making electric vehicles and
It is also the latest Biden administration
effort to support US industries in the face
of competition from China.
US leaders in recent months have

telcos from 5G network

parts4including in election battle- warned that excess industrial capacity in
grounds Michigan and Georgia. the world9s second largest economy could
The funds will go towards converting 11 bring a flood of low priced goods to the
shuttered or at-risk facilities in eight market, potentially hurting budding clean
states, covering another battleground energy industries elsewhere.
BERLIN: Germany said Thursday it will China and Germany have long had Pennsylvania, and others like Ohio, Illinois Washington also announced sharp tar-
phase out the use of components from close ties, with Germany9s crucial manu- and Indiana. iff hikes on Chinese imports earlier this
Chinese telecom giants Huawei and ZTE in facturers4from auto companies to The aim is to help them retrofit to make year, including on EVs.
its 5G networks in the coming years due to machine-tool makers4exporting vast EVs and officials said the investment4 <There is nothing harder to a manufac-
national security concerns. quantities of products to the world9s num- paid for by the Inflation Reduction Act4 turing community than to lose jobs to for-
It was the latest move by Berlin to ber two economy. will save 15,000 jobs. eign competition and a changing
reduce economic reliance on Beijing that But Russia9s invasion of Ukraine and the <This investment will create thousands industry,= said Secretary of Energy Jennifer
some fear have left it vulnerable, and fol- subsequent energy crisis triggered soul- of good-paying, union manufacturing Granholm.
lows warnings from the EU that the firms searching in Europe9s top economy about jobs and retain even more4from Lansing, She noted that the grants will help to
pose a risk to the bloc. an over-reliance on authoritarian govern- Michigan to Fort Valley, Georgia4by help- <ensure that our automotive industry stays
Parts from Huawei and ZTE will no ments and led to Berlin seeking to <de- ing auto companies retool, reboot, and competitive,= saying that the sector needs
longer be used in <core= 5G mobile net- risk= by cutting its reliance on China. rehire in the same factories and commu- a federal partner when competing with
works by the end of 2026 at the latest, the It unveiled a strategy for managing ties nities,= said Biden in a statement. other countries who subsidise their auto
interior ministry in Berlin said. A woman browses her smartphone outside with Beijing last year, in which it sought to The announcement comes as Biden, 81, industries.
In 5G access and transmission infra- a Huawei retail shop in Beijing. (AP)
strike a balance between competing inter- battles calls to end his reelection bid after Beneficiaries include automakers like
structure, the systems of the telecom firms ests, with China described as a <partner, a disastrous debate performance against General Motors, Fiat-Chrysler and Volvo. 3
must be replaced by the end of 2029. been informed about the bans. competitor and systemic rival=. Republican Donald Trump last month. AFP
<We are protecting the central nerv- <For me, as interior minister, it is a mat- There have been growing signs of the
ous systems of Germany as a business ter of finding regulations for telecommu- government9s new tougher approach.
foreign closing report
location4and we are protecting the com- nications networks, for critical Last week, Berlin blocked the sale of a
munication of citizens, companies and infrastructure, and I have done that,= she gas turbine unit belonging to a subsidiary
the state,= said Interior Minister Nancy told a press conference. of the Volkswagen group to a Chinese Stocks up on US rate hopes, yen
Faeser. In response to the ban, Huawei insisted investor after media reports suggested it
<We must reduce security risks and, there was <no specific evidence= that the had close links to the Chinese armaments
unlike in the past, avoid one-sided firm9s <technology has cyber security industry. holds gains amid intervention talk
dependencies.= risks=. EU countries are becoming increasingly
The ministry said that 5G networks <Huawei has developed into a continu- wary of using tech from Huawei or other HONG KONG: Markets mostly rose Friday appears to be coming on the back of
form part of Germany9s <critical infrastruc- ously innovative, secure, and reliable tele- non-EU vendors that may not comply with after a largely negative day on Wall Street combined impact from US inflation and
ture= and are important for the function- com equipment supplier in the German EU data protection laws. despite growing confidence of a US inter- intervention by Japanese authorities,=
ing of sectors ranging from health to market,= a spokesperson said. The European Commission, the EU9s est rate cut, while the yen saw big swings Charu Chanana at Saxo Markets told AFP.
transport and energy. Beijing9s embassy in Berlin also said the executive arm, last year described Huawei as speculation swirled that Japan had <There seems to be a new playbook for
Telecoms networks must be protected move was driven by <groundless accusa- and ZTE as a risk to the bloc and called on stepped into forex markets to support Japanese interventions, coming in along
from cyberattacks, which could be an tions=. EU member states to exclude the compa- the currency. with supportive fundamentals, making
<existential threat=, it added. <There is no evidence indicating that nies9 equipment from their mobile net- A smaller-than-expected read on the the strength in yen somewhat more
Officials have reached agreements with these Chinese companies are a danger to works. June consumer price index ramped up durable.=
Germany9s 5G network operators, any country,= the embassy said, according After the UK in the summer of 2020, bets on the Federal Reserve lowering bor- And National Australia Bank9s Ray
Deutsche Telekom, Vodafone and Telefon- to state news agency Xinhua. Sweden became the second country in rowing costs in September, and possibly Attrill told Friday9s <NAB Morning Call=
ica, on banning Huawei and ZTE. <Whether Germany can handle this issue Europe and the first in the EU to explicitly again before January. podcast that the <outsized move= makes
Government sources had already indi- fairly and justly will be a touchstone for its ban Huawei from almost all of the net- The news came after the central it <fairly inconceivable that it hasn9t had
cated in September last year that Berlin own business environment,= it added. work infrastructure needed to run its 5G bank9s boss Jerome Powell said decision- a helping hand=.
was considering such a move, although Factors that authorities looked at when mobile network. makers would not wait until inflation The Bank of Japan has <been pretty
the dates announced are later than those deciding on the ban included whether the There has also been growing pressure had hit the bank9s two percent target smart here... pushing on an open door
originally envisaged to give companies manufacturer was directly or indirectly from the United States to take action before loosening monetary policy, warn- rather than the idea that they would just
time to adopt the new measures. controlled by the government, or whether against Huawei amid a technological ing that <if you waited that long, you9ve intervene and do anything other than
Faeser would not be drawn on whether they had been involved in activities that rivalry between Beijing and Washington probably waited too long=. just gift speculators the opportunity to
she feared retaliatory measures from had a detrimental impact on Germany or over US fears it could be used for Chinese On Thursday, San Francisco Fed chief resell the yen at better levels=.
China, although she said that Beijing had other EU states. espionage operations. 3AFP Mary Daly said: <I do think with the While speculation swirled about offi-
incoming information on inflation, cial involvement, Japan9s top currency
growth and the labour market, some diplomat Masato Kanda told reporters
Apple to open iPhone tap-to-pay to rivals policy adjustments are likely to be war-
late Thursday that authorities were <not
in a position to comment on whether
BRUSSELS: The EU has approved Apple9s enjoyed a dominant position by restrict- turnover. Apple9s total revenue in the year However, while the figures appeared they intervened in the market=, accord-
offer to allow rivals access to the iPhone9s ing access to <tap-as-you-go= chips or near- to September 2023 stood at $383 billion. to give the all-clear for a cut in two ing to public broadcaster NHK.
ability to tap-to-pay within the bloc, end- field communication (NFC), which allows <Apple Pay and Apple Wallet will con- months, the S&P 500 and Nasdaq tum- <Objectively speaking, there have
ing a lengthy probe and sparing it a heavy devices to interconnect within a very short tinue to be available in the EEA for users bled from record highs, with observers been quite rapid fluctuations, which has
fine. range, to favour its own system. and developers, and will continue to pro- blaming a shift from big-name tech affected people9s lives.=
The case dates back to 2022 when Now competitors will have access to the vide an easy, secure and private way to pay, titans such as Amazon and into smaller, There was little major reaction to data
Brussels first accused Apple of blocking standard technology behind contactless as well as present passes seamlessly from largely overlooked stocks. showing Chinese exports surged more
rivals from its popular iPhone tap pay- payments to offer alternative tap-to-pay Apple Wallet,= the company said in a state- But most of Asia extended Thursday9s than expected last month but imports
ment system in a breach of EU competi- tools to iPhone users in the European Eco- ment. rally. confounded estimates to increase and
tion law. nomic Area (EEA), which includes the EU The probe9s conclusion comes at a par- Hong Kong climbed more than two fell.
<Apple has committed to allow rivals to but also Iceland, Liechtenstein and Nor- ticularly difficult moment in relations percent, while there were also advances The figures came ahead of next week9s
access the 8tap and go9 technology of way. between the EU and Apple, especially over in Singapore, Sydney, Wellington, Mum- Third Plenum, a key meeting of leaders
iPhones. Today9s decision makes Apple9s Only customers with an Apple ID regis- the bloc9s new competition rules for big bai, Bangkok, Jakarta and Manila. Lon- in Beijing that traders hope will see
commitments binding,= EU competition tered in the EEA would be able to make use tech. don, Paris and Frankfurt were all slightly announcements aimed at kick-starting
chief Margrethe Vestager said in a state- of these outside apps, the European Com- The Digital Markets Act (DMA) seeks to higher. lacklustre economic growth.
ment. mission said in a statement. ensure tech titans do not privilege their However, Tokyo sank with Seoul and The gathering will kick off the same
<From now on, competitors will be able The changes must remain in force for 10 own services over rivals, but the iPhone Taipei. Shanghai was flat. day China is expected to release its gross
to effectively compete with Apple Pay for years and a <monitoring trustee= must be maker says it puts users9 privacy at risk. Analysts, meanwhile, said the softer domestic product figures for the second
mobile payments with the iPhone in chosen by Apple to report to the commis- One of the DMA9s main objectives is to US inflation print provided Japanese quarter.
shops. So consumers will have a wider sion during that period on their imple- give consumers more choice in the web authorities the perfect opportunity to <The success of the Third Plenum
range of safe and innovative mobile wal- mentation. browsers, app marketplaces, search step into forex markets to provide sup- hinges on lifting household spending,=
lets to choose from,= she said. Apple had risked a fine of up to 10 per- engines and other digital services they use. port to the yen, which surged against the said Harry Murphy Cruise and Sarah Tan
The EU previously found that Apple cent of its total worldwide annual 3AFP dollar Thursday. at Moody9s Analytics in a note.
The Japanese currency spiked from <And that means reforms targeting
around 161.50 per dollar to as strong as housing, labour markets and tax. To be
TCS profits Oil demand growth slowing: IEA 157.44, fuelling talk that officials had
intervened again, having done so in April
clear, policy changes are likely to be
modest because of budget constraints
PARIS: The International Energy Agency cates a broader weakness in manufactur-
grow 8.7pc
when the yen hit a 38-year low. and fears of reinflating a property bub-
trimmed its forecasts this week as it said ing=. <The pronounced move in the yen ble.= 3AFP
MUMBAI: Indian IT giant Tata Consultancy world oil demand growth continues to The world9s second-largest economy is
Services posted this week an 8.7 percent slow and consumption in China dipped. grappling with a real estate debt crisis,
on-year rise in net proût for the June quar- The Paris-based body that advises
industrial nations on energy policy said oil
weakening consumption, an ageing pop-
ulation and geopolitical tensions over-
Ericsson posts $1b quarterly loss
ter, matching analyst expectations and
reüecting higher levels of client spending. demand increased by just 710,000 barrels seas. STOCKHOLM: Swedish telecommunica- Ericsson chief executive Borje Ekholm
The Mumbai-headquartered firm is per day in the second quarter, the slowest The IEA trimmed its forecast for Chi- tions equipment manufacturer Ericsson defended the acquisition.
the second-biggest in India by market rate in over a year. nese oil demand this year by 0.2 million said Friday it had suffered a $1.0 billion <Vonage remains foundational to build
cap and earns more than 80 percent of its <Oil consumption in China, long the barrels per day (mbd) to 17 mbd. While quarterly loss after writing down the value out a global platform for network APIs,= he
revenue from Western markets. engine of global oil demand growth, con- that would be a gain of 0.5 mbd from of its purchase of US cloud-based commu- said, referring to the interfaces which
TCS had seen demand tamper after the tracted in both April and May= the IEA said 2023, it is far short of the 1.5 mbd gain last nications operator Vonage. allow for different software applications to
end of the coronavirus pandemic as cus- in its monthly report on the oil market. year. Ericsson acquired Vonage in 2022 for communicate.
tomers cut back on tech spending due to Chinese demand in the second quarter The IEA sees Chinese demand growth $6.2 billion to expand its presence in wire- <This is critical for the digitalisation of
higher inflation and an uncertain global was also marginally below the same slowing to 0.3 mbd in 2025, also a drop of less enterprise and broaden its global enterprises and society, and will drive future
economic outlook. period in 2023. 0.2 mbd from its previous forecast. offerings, but already last year it wrote growth in the telecoms industry,= he added.
But the company has forecast stronger While demand in that quarter bene- The return to pre-Covid normalcy and down its value by $2.9 billion as market Ericsson, along with its Nordic rival
performance in the year ahead with a fited from the reopening of the Chinese weak growth will also see China9s weight conditions shifted. Nokia and China9s Huawei, dominates the
global economic bounceback and will- economy after Covid lockdowns, the IEA in global oil demand growth decline, from Another write down of 11.4 billion market for 5G mobile network communi-
ingness by customers to spend on gener- said that the recent drop also <points to about 70 percent of gains last year to 40 Swedish kronor ($1.1 billion), mostly cations equipment, and the Vonage acqui-
ative artificial intelligence technologies. an intrinsic slowdown= and that <the percent this year and next, according to attributable to Vonage, was behind the 1.0 sition was aimed at diversifying into a
3AFP downswing in the industrial fuels indi- the IEA. -AFP billion kronor loss in the second quarter. growth market. 3AFP
16 Business SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024 dailyexpress
MELAKA: Banking
and financial insti-
tutions in the
always follow the
Banks reminded of SOPs SaHam amaNaH SaBaH

(maNaGer9S PrIceS For jUly 11)

over illegal withdrawals

list of standard
operating proce- BUyING: 0.3112

dures (SOPs) set in SellING: 0.3112

recognising com- NaV: 0.3112

plaints of cus-
tomers9 money being withdrawn n gold prices

illegally, said Deputy Finance Minister which was also attended by the Director hence the bank needs to be responsible. International Airport, Johor, Penang,
THe physical price of gold as at 5pm stood at
Lim Hui Ying (pic). General of Royal Malaysian Customs <Bank account holders are advised to Sabah and Sarawak from July 14 to 19.
rm349.57 per gramme, up rm2.24 from
Lim said the ministry had received Datuk Anis Rizana Mohd make it a habit to check their bank She said the main objective of this
rm347.33 at 5pm Thursday. 3Bernama
several complaints about bank officials Zainudin@Mohd Zainuddin. accounts and if this kind of thing still TRO 2.0 (Declaration Without Payment)
who did not take appropriate action on She said that at the same time the happens and they are not satisfied with is to increase revenue collection and the
complaints or investigate money with- implementation of the SOPs will also be the results of the bank9s investigation, level of registrant compliance with the n cloSING INDIceS

drawn without acknowledgement by tightened since all the steps are already the customer can complain to the Sales Tax Act 2018, the Service Tax Act
FBMEMAS 12,540.70 (-41.62)
bank account holders. in place and listed but there are still Ombudsman for Financial Services 2018 and the Tourism Tax Act 2017.
FBMKLCI 1,619.06 (-4.06)
<There are some cases being handled banks that refuse to follow them. (OFS) or directly to Bank Negara <It is to facilitate and even generate
by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) but <So we give a reminder because SOPs Malaysia,= she said. the impact of tax collection, and as of CONSUMER PRODUCTS 586.34 (-0.01)

they are only a low percentage and are and announcements like these are not Meanwhile, she said the TRO 2.0 (Dec- the beginning of this year, JKDM has INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS 200.96 (-0.07)

still under control. We will investigate new, where customer complaints about laration Without Payment) ceremony achieved more than RM30 billion collec- CONSTRUCTION 298.21 (+0.37)

specific cases on a case by case basis,= their money being withdrawn illegally, was symbolic of the implementation of tion from indirect taxes. FINANCIAL SERVICES 17,800.10 (+6.04)
she told reporters after officiating at the the bank needs to investigate accord- a special integrated operation that the <With the current collection trend,
ENERGY 984.52 (+0.19)
launch of the Trace and Recovery Oper- ingly. If it can be proven that it is not the Royal Malaysian Customs Department we believe JKDM can achieve the projec-
ation (TRO) 2.0 (Declaration Without customer9s negligence and that all steps (JKDM) will carry out in seven locations, tion set by MoF which is RM50 billion,=
Payment) Series 2/2024 here today, and procedures have been followed, namely Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, KL she said. 3 Bernama HEALTH CARE 2,185.54 (-9.09)

TRANSPORTATION 1,121.29 (+3.48)

Natural rubber production up 20.1pc in May

PROPERTY 1,126.39 (-2.77)

PLANTATION 6,943.71 (-10.46)

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia9s natural rub- Citing the Malaysia Rubber Board ported by China9s strong car sales and the FBMSHA 12,915.20 (-48.49)

ber (NR) production rose 20.1 per cent Digest published in May 2024, DoSM said latest stimulus measures announced to FBMACE 5,981.21 (+39.22)

month-on-month to 25,608 tonnes in the Kuala Lumpur rubber market started shore up the economy,= it said. TECHNOLOGY 79.05 (-0.76)
May 2024 from 21,325 tonnes in April with a bullish tone, with Standard In May 2024, the average monthly
2024, according to the Department of Malaysian Rubber (SMR) 20 surging to a price for concentrated latex improved 1.2
n INTerBaNK raTeS
Statistics Malaysia (DoSM). new high at 840.00 sen per kilogram per cent to 742.36 sen per kg from 733.58
Year-on-year, NR production (kg), the highest since April 2017 before sen per kg in April 2024, while scrap went KUala lUmPUr INTerBaNK
increased by 6.1 per cent from 24,126 fluctuating towards month end. up 2.7 per cent to 657.16 sen per kg versus oFFer raTeS: jUly 12
tonnes in May 2023. Generally, the market sentiment was 639.62 sen per kg in the previous month.
<NR production in May 2024 for boosted by firmer advice in regional rub- Prices for all SMR increased between tonnes in the previous month. 1m 2m 3m 6m 9m 12m
Malaysia was mainly contributed by the ber futures markets amid concerns over 1.2 per cent and 3.2 per cent in May 2024 <China remained as the main destina- 3.29 3.35 3.59 3.64 - 3.79
smallholders sector (88.2 per cent) as tight global raw materials supply in compared with the previous month. tion for NR exports which accounted for
compared to the estates sector (11.8 per major producing countries due to heavy Meanwhile, DoSM said total NR stock 39.2 per cent of total exports in May 2024, SIBor (S$) SIBor (US$) HIBor (HK$)
cent),= chief statistician Datuk Seri Dr rains. grew 16.9 per cent to 175,368 tonnes in followed by India (10.6 per cent), Ger-
1m 3 4.60000
Mohd Uzir Mahidin said in a statement. <The market sentiment was also sup- May 2024 versus 211,119 tonnes in April many (9.4 per cent), the United Arab
2m 3 4.65762
2024, with rubber processors factory con- Emirates (6.5 per cent) and the United
n 10 moST acTIVe STocKS
tributing 91.4 per cent of the stocks, fol- States (4.6 per cent),= it said. 3m 3 4.71423

TUrNoVer HIGH loW l/DoNe UP/DoWN

lowed by rubber consumers factory (8.5 It added that gloves were the main 6m 3 4.80000

coUNTer (UNITS) (SeN) (SeN) (SeN) (SeN)

per cent) and rubber estates (0.1 per exports of rubber-based products with a 12m 3 4.90071
cent). value of RM1.25 billion in May 2024, an
NoVamSc 1,878,000 21.0 17.0 20.0 0.0
It said NR exports rose 6.3 per cent to increase of 14.1 per cent as compared to
VeleSTo 1,154,100 26.0 25.0 25.0 -0.5
50,796 tonnes in May 2024 from 47,795 RM1.09 billion in April 2024. 3Bernama n rINGGIT WaTcH
aHB-Wc 9,871,800 8.0 7.0 8.0 0.0

THe ringgit continued to appreciate against the US

eKoVeST 8,193,000 50.0 46.0 50.0 +3.0

Rubber higher with crude oil gains

dollar Friday, backed by improved sentiments and
BjcorP 7,335,600 35.0 33.0 34.0 +1.5
demand for the local note, analysts said. at 6 pm, the
HSI-HWW 6,376,100 19.0 16.0 16.0 -4.5 ringgit traded firmer at 4.6700/6730 against the US dol-

HSI-HWI 6,235,100 17.0 13.0 13.0 -6.0 KUALA LUMPUR: The Standard Bernama. lar from Thursday's close of 4.6855/6895.

HSI-cxN 5,757,300 23.0 17.0 22.0 +5.5 Malaysian Rubber grade 20 (SMR 20) According to the dealer, the NR pro- During the trading day, the ringgit touched an

intraday high of rm4.6630 versus the greenback and

reNeUco 5,733,200 10.0 8.0 10.0 +1.5
closed higher on Friday, tracking gains duction grew by 20.1 per cent in May
retreated to rm4.6757 later in the afternoon. year-to-

HSI-cxV 5,521,400 13.0 10.0 13.0 +4.0

in benchmark crude oil prices, said a 2024 (25,608 tonnes) compared to April date, the ringgit stands out as the second best-per-
dealer. 2024 (21,325 tonnes). forming currency in the asian region, experiencing a

However, she said that further gains At the time of writing, the Brent crude modest depreciation of 1.56 per cent against the US

n BUrSa ScoreBoarD were capped by a stronger ringgit oil price increased by 0.82 per cent to dollar, following closely behind the Indian rupee which

eased by 0.37 per cent against the greenback.

against the US dollar and weaker senti- US$86.12 per barrel.
The Brunei dollar and Singapore dollar each saw
UP DoWN UNcHaNGeD TraDeD ment in regional rubber futures markets The Malaysian Rubber Board9s (MRB) a 1.70 per cent decline, while the Indonesian rupiah
coNSUmer ProD & SerV 53 64 62 179 as traders digested increased local natu- price for SMR 20 rose by 2.5 sen to 785 slipped by 4.57 per cent and the Philippine peso slid
IND-ProD & SerVIceS 72 100 82 254
ral rubber (NR) production and mixed sen per kilogram (kg), while latex-in- by 5.15 per cent versus the US dollar. Bank muamalat
coNSTrUcTIoN 23 19 14 56
Chinese economic data. bulk fell by 3.0 sen to 654 sen per kg. malaysia Bhd chief economist Dr mohd afzanizam

TecHNoloGy 14 28 16 58 abdul rashid said the lower-than-expected US con-

<Japanese rubber futures dropped As of 5 pm, the MRB reference price
SPac 0 0 0 0 sumer Price Index (cPI) which came in at 3.0 per cent

FINaNcIal SerVIceS 11 9 13 33
today after a three-day rally, weighed for physical SMR 20 stood at 777.5 sen per (against the consensus estimate of 3.1 per cent) sug-

ProPerTy 34 33 35 102
down by a stronger yen, although firmer kg while latex-in-bulk was at 650 sen per gested that the disinflationary trend is proceeding well.

PlaNTaTIoN 15 15 14 44 oil prices limited losses,= she told kg. 3Bernama <Plus, the United States (US) Federal reserve

(Fed) chair jerome Powell, in his testimony to the US

reIT 3 8 7 18
congress, suggested that the interest rate cut could

Jaks, CPECC Int’l partner for

cloSeD eND FUND 0 0 1 1
happen, and that the inflation rate doesn't need to go
eNerGy 12 8 16 36
lower than two per cent before they can commence
HealTH care 2 9 9 20
the monetary easing decision.
TelecommUNIcaTIoNS/meDIa 6 7 5 18

large scale solar project bid

<It seems that the September timeline would be
TraNSPorTaTIoN & loGISTIcS 9 12 7 28 the probable time for the Fed to start reversing its

UTIlITIeS 4 7 2 13 restrictive stance. This has certainly helped to improve

BUSINeSS TrUST 1 0 0 1 the value of ringgit,= mohd afzanizam told Bernama.

KUALA LUMPUR: JAKS Resources Bhd has <By leveraging our combined capabil-
STrcWarr 200 250 145 595 meanwhile, the ringgit was traded lower against

ace-mKT 65 68 83 216
partnered with China Power Engineer- ities and expertise, we are confident in other major currencies. It had weakened against the

BoND&loaN 1 0 2 3
ing Consulting Group International the success of our bid. This collaboration japanese yen to 2.9338/9359 from Thursday9s close of

eTF 6 1 1 8 Engineering Co Ltd (CPECC Int9l) to par- aligns with the group9s overall vision to 2.9003/9030, slid against the euro to 5.0838/0870 from

5.0819/0862 yesterday, and depreciated against the

leaP-mKT 0 1 0 1 ticipate in the bid of development and grow our power and energy segment as
British pound to 6.0481/0520 from 6.0335/0387 previ-
submission of solar photovoltaic (PV) well as further enhancing the commit- ously.
531 639 514 1,684 plants under the Energy Commission9s ment to expand our renewable energy However, it traded mostly firmer against aSeaN

fifth Large Scale Solar programme portfolio. currencies, edging up against the Singapore dollar to

(LSS5). <Given the strong track record of both 3.4768/4793 from 3.4774/4807 yesterday, rising against

the Philippines9 peso to 8.00/8.00 from 8.03/8.05 on

BUrSa malaySIa DerIVaTIVeS excHaNGe: jUly 12 The construction and power utilities parties, we are optimistic that this part-
Thursday and appreciated against the Thai baht to
THe crUDe Palm oIl FUTUreS cloSING (all PrcS are IN rm/mT) company said in a statement that nership will deliver significant value to 12.9023/9160 from 12.9184/9341 previously.
through the memorandum of under- the group,= said JAKS chief executive offi- The local unit had marginally declined against the
Del oPeN HIGH loW laST VolUme oPeN standing (MoU), JAKS and CPECC Int9l cer Andy Ang Lam Poah. Indonesian rupiah to 289.3/289.7 from 289.2/289.7

moNTH (rm) (rm) (rm) (rm) PoSIIToN would jointly bid, develop, finance, con- CPECC Int9l is a subsidiary of China Power Thursday. 3 Bernama

jUl-24 3988 4000 3980 3980 77 1,775

struct and operate the solar PV plants Engineering Consult-
with a maximum aggregate capacity of ing Group Co Ltd. It is
n excHaNGe raTeS
aUG-24 3990 4027 3942 3947 4,104 19,634 500 megawatt alternating current a leading power engi-
SeP-24 3939 3991 3909 3914 29,917 88,770
(MWac) via a consortium. neering integrative excHaNGe raTeS ISSUeD By malayaN BaNKING BHD: jUly 12
Under the terms of the MoU, JAKS service provider in
ocT-24 3917 3965 3886 3893 9,314 47,873
would hold 51 per cent stake while CPECC China and interna- SellING BUyING BUyING

NoV-24 3903 3958 3879 3885 6,501 27,273 Int9l would hold 49 per cent share. tionally. 3Bernama TT/oD TT oD

Dec-24 3910 3963 3885 3893 3,057 21,843 1 US Dollar 4.7340 4.6010 4.5910

jaN-25 3921 3980 3902 3908 2678 20,334 Astro shares fall after 1 australian Dollar 3.2210 3.0950 3.0790

1 Brunei Dollar 3.5260 3.4250 3.4170

FeB-25 3946 4000 3922 3927 2854 11,489

RM734.88m tax blow

1 canadian Dollar 3.4710 3.3800 3.3680

mar-25 3950 3993 3927 3930 1612 19,098

1 euro 5.1560 4.9910 4.9710

aPr-25 3958 3980 3917 3920 602 8,582 1 New Zealand Dollar 2.8950 2.7900 2.7740
KUALA LUMPUR: Astro Malaysia Holdings Bhd shares fell two
1 Papua N Guinea Kina N/a N/a N/a
ToTal oPeN PoSITIoN : 282,096 cTrS sen to 29 sen at the close on Friday after the pay TV operator
1 Singapore Dollar 3.5260 3.4250 3.4170
was slapped with an additional tax bill of RM734.88 million.
ToTal TUrN oVer : 62,285 loTS
At 5 pm, a total of 42.35 million shares were transacted. 1 Sterling Pound 6.1260 5.9360 5.9160

marKeT ToNe : loWer

The Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) is seeking additional 1 Swiss Franc 5.2720 5.1520 5.1370

taxes from the Astro group for the years of assessment 2019 to 100 Uae Dirham 130.4700 123.7800 123.5800
2023 totalling to RM734.88 million, including penalties.
mPoB Palm oIl PrIceS (rm/mT): jUly 12 NoTe : PrelImINary PrIceS UP To 100 Bangladesh Taka 4.1160 3.8330 3.6330
In a filing with Bursa Malaysia, Astro said additional assess-
4.30 P.m. NT 3 No TraNSacTIoN 100 chinese renminbi 65.7000 62.9600 N/a
jUl924 aUG924 SeP924
ment notices were served on the company9s wholly-owned sub-
local malaySIa cPo PrIce TraDeD FIrm
cPo (local DelIVereD) 4,015.50 NT NT sidiaries, Astro Shaw Sdn Bhd and Measat Broadcast Network 100 Danish Krone 70.8500 65.2200 65.0200
TracKING STroNGer SoyaBeaN oIl PrIceS oN THe
PK (ex-mIll) NT NT NT Systems Sdn Bhd, on July 9 amounting to RM22.01 million and 100 Hongkong Dollar 61.3100 58.2900 58.0900

cPKo (local DelIVereD) NT NT NT

U.S. cHIcaGo BoarD oF TraDe (cBoT). Palm oIl IS
RM712.87 million, respectively. 100 Indian rupee 5.7700 5.4100 5.2100

rBD P. oIl (FoB) NT NT NT

aFFecTeD By PrIce moVemeNTS IN rIVal oIlS aS
The content and entertainment company said its sub-
100 Indonesian rupiah 0.0303 0.0274 0.0224
THey comPeTe For a SHare IN THe GloBal VeGeTaBle
sidiaries have 30 days to appeal and will do so.
rBD P. oleIN (FoB) NT NT NT
100 japanese yen 2.9850 2.8910 2.8810
oIlS marKeT. cPo DelIVery PrIce TraDeD BeTWeeN
If required, they will initiate legal proceedings to challenge
rBD P. STearIN (FoB) NT NT NT rm3,970/ToNNe aND rm4,035/ToNNe. 3 BerNama
the basis and validity of the notices raised by LHDN, it added. 100 New Taiwan Dollar 15.6000 N/a N/a

According to Kenanga Investment Bank Bhd (Kenanga IB), 100 Norwegian Krone 45.3700 41.7500 41.5500

in the worst case, this additional tax liability will push Astro9s 100 Pakistan rupee 1.7300 1.6200 1.4200
DaIly FFB reFereNce PrIce SUmmary
net tangible assets by 14 sen deeper into negative territory to -
100 Philippine Peso 8.2600 7.7900 7.5900
By reGIoN (rm/ToNNe) jUly 12 27 sen from -13 sen as of April, 2024.
100 Qatar riyal 131.3700 124.7100 124.5100
<Assuming a full settlement, Astro9s net debt and gearing of
DaTe NorTH SoUTH ceNTral eaST coaST SaBaH* SaraWaK* RM3.1 billion as of end-April 2024 will rise to RM3.8 billion. 100 Saudi riyal 127.7200 121.2500 121.0500

GraDe GraDe GraDe GraDe GraDe GraDe (This is) assuming debt is raised to pay for the additional 100 South africa rand 27.2900 24.6500 24.4500

rm/ 1% oer 43.07 43.18 43.49 42.39 38.60 39.20

taxes,= it said in a note. 100 Sri lanka rupee 1.6100 1.4800 1.2800
Kenanga IB maintained its forecasts pending the outcome of
Note : oer - oil extraction rate (Kadar Perahan minyak) * Sandakan, lahad Datu and Tawau 100 Swedish Krona 46.5200 42.3800 42.1800

NT - No Trade ** miri and Bintulu.

the appeal as well as <underperform= call on Astro with a target
100 Thai Baht 13.7000 12.1600 11.7600
PH - Public Holiday
price of 25 sen. 3Bernama
18 In Cuba, world’s tiniest bird
SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024 17

Biden under
pressure from


Kim Kardashian, accompanied by her

sister Khloe Kardashian, went on a

wealthy donors
tuk-tuk ride in Mumbai ahead of the

main wedding ceremony. Disney heiress speaks up: Abigail E Disney withdrew her financial
(Pic: Instagram via BBC)
OS ANGELES (United States): What if raise more than $30 million in one evening,
support for the party due to Biden9s 8timidity9. (Pic: Getty Images)
Hollywood, a key Democratic finan- a record amount that showcased the indus-
cial pillar, cut off Joe Biden9s campaign try9s might in financing the American left. the American entertainment industry are In the 1980s, Republican president
Kardashians funding? That possibility now looms large <If all these big donors pull out, he9s essential to both parties, Hollywood9s Ronald Reagan, himself a former actor,
after actor George Clooney and other sunk,= said Steve Ross, professor of history hearts and wallets have predominantly enjoyed the support of stars like Frank
wealthy donors urged the US president to at the University of Southern California leaned left for decades. Both Bill and Sinatra and relied heavily on Hollywood9s
in India for withdraw from the White House race. who wrote a book on the influence of Hol- Hillary Clinton relied on Hollywood sup- coffers.
<I love Joe Biden. But we need a new lywood on American politics. port in their respective White House bids. <Hollywood actually started as a conser-
billionaire nominee,= Clooney wrote in a column in <Hollywood is still the one shop stop for In 2007, Obama famously benefited vative base for the Republican Party,= Ross
the New York Times on Wednesday, after candidates.= from the <Oprah Winfrey effect,= receiving told AFP.
Biden9s disastrous performance in a tele- Clooney is not the only one worried. In a boost to his profile after the star TV host <When Louis B. Mayer took over MGM
wedding gala vised presidential debate against Republi- recent days, Netflix co-founder Reed Hast- organized a dinner to promote the man Studios in the late 20s, he turned it into a
can rival Donald Trump rekindled fears ings, Walt Disney9s granddaughter Abigail who was then still only a senator. fundraising publicity wing for the GOP, and
MUMBAI: Socialite sisters Kim and Khloe around the 81-year-old9s fitness for office. and Hollywood mega agent Ari Emanuel, During the presidential race in 2020, he raised enormous amounts of money,=
Kardashian were among the global The statement dealt a serious blow to whose brother Rahm served as Barack the entertainment industry gave $104 mil- Ross said, referring to the Republican party.
celebrities spotted in India on Friday to Biden, coming just three weeks after Obama9s chief of staff 3 said they would not lion to Democrats compared to $13 million The four Warner brothers, on the other
attend a lavish three-day wedding cere- Clooney headlined a major fundraiser in be financing Biden citing concerns over his to Republicans, according to Open Secrets, hand, supported Democrat Franklin D.
mony staged by Asia9s richest man Los Angeles for his reelection campaign. age. a nonprofit that tracks campaign financ- Roosevelt in the 1930s with their studio
Mukesh Ambani. At the gala, the president was able to Even though the millions generated by ing. It wasn9t always that way. and their stars.
Ambani9s youngest son Anant and
fiancee Radhika Merchant, both 29, will
‘The Shining’ actor Shelley
It was Shelley Duvall’s role in the film
tie the knot over the weekend in the adaptation of Stephen King’s The Shining
financial capital Mumbai following that would become one of her highest
months of pre-marriage parties that have profile roles. (Pic: The Straits Times)
Duvall dies at age 75
set a new benchmark in matrimonial
Earlier celebrations included a Euro-
pean cruise for 1,200 guests, a purpose- NEW YORK: Shelley Duvall, the versatile In a 1977 interview Altman praised
built Hindu temple at the Ambani actor known for her role in <The Shin- Duvall for being able <to swing all sides
family9s ancestral home and private per- ing= and collaboration with director of the pendulum: charming, silly,
formances by R&B star Rihanna and Robert Altman, died aged 75. sophisticated, pathetic 3 even beautiful.=
Canada9s Justin Bieber. Citing her partner Dan Gilroy, The But it was her work on the 1980 film
The Kardashians are the latest in a Hollywood Reporter said Duvall died in adaptation of Stephen King9s <The Shin-
long line of famous foreign VIPs to make her sleep at her home in Blanco, Texas ing= that would become her highest
an appearance. following complications of diabetes. profile role, which she played opposite
Elder sister Kim shared an Instagram Born July 7, 1949 in Fort Worth, Texas, Jack Nicholson.
story showing her car mobbed by Indian Duvall was discovered by Altman 3 the Director Stanley Kubrick put her
photographers shortly after her arrival maverick filmmaker known for his rich through the ringer to perform the part
and both siblings receiving flower gar- characters, sharp social criticism and of Wendy Torrance in the horror classic
lands from staff at their luxury hotel. keen satire 3 who cast her in 19709s dark that sees a writer husband descend into
Fellow celebrity guests including comedy <Brewster McCloud.= homicidal madness and terrorize his
actor John Cena posed for cameras on the The saucer-eyed actor developed a wife and young son.
red carpet upon their arrival at the broad repertoire and captivated audi- Duvall has voiced admiration for <Popeye.= <I was a star; I had leading roles,= she
venue, a huge convention centre owned ences, breaking through with 19759s Kubrick but also has publicly discussed Later in the 1980s she made her way said in the rare interview. <People think
by the Ambani family9s conglomerate. <Nashville,= and going on to portray how arduous the role was, telling People into children9s programming. it9s just aging, but it9s not. It9s violence.=
Former British prime ministers Boris memorable and eccentric characters in 1981 the 13-month job was gruelling Her last film was 20239s <The Forest <How would you feel if people were
Johnson and Tony Blair were also spotted that earned her a smattering of awards and that Kubrick had her <crying 12 Hills,= an independent horror-thriller really nice, and then, suddenly, on a
by reporters arriving at Mumbai airport including at Cannes for her role in the hours a day for weeks on end.= she played in after a two-decade hiatus dime... they turn on you?=
ahead of the party beginning later on Fri- acclaimed 1977 drama <3 Women.= <I will never give that much again. If from professional acting. Duvall9s fade Gilroy 3 a musician who was part of
day. Her career was defined by her work you want to get into pain and call it art, from Hollywood prompted much spec- the Breakfast Club band and had dated
In June, the couple embarked on a with Altman, who she said she kept go ahead, but not with me.= ulation, over both her mental health Madonna 3 was Duvall9s longtime part-
four-day Mediterranean cruise, where coming back to because <he offers me In one famous scene Nicholson9s and her aged appearance. In a 2024 ner after the pair met on the 1990 Disney
singer Katy Perry performed at a mas- damn good roles.= character tortures Duvall9s with a base- interview with The New York Times both Channel Movie <Mother Goose Rock 8n9
querade ball at a French chateau in <None of them have been alike,= she ball bat, which reportedly took 127 takes she and Gilroy voiced exasperation at Rhyme.=
Cannes. told The New York Times in 1977. to satisfy Kubrick. such treatment. <My dear, sweet, wonderful life part-
The Backstreet Boys, US rapper Pitbull <He has a great confidence in me, and Duvall also made a cameo in 19779s She indicated she felt betrayed by the ner and friend left us. Too much suffer-
and Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli also pro- a trust and respect for me, and he <Annie Hall= by Woody Allen, and industry in which she excelled, even as ing lately, now she9s free. Fly away,
vided entertainment. doesn9t put any restrictions on me or played opposite Robin Williams in Alt- her body of work continues to earn her beautiful Shelley,= Gilroy said in a
Guests at earlier galas have included intimidate me, and I love him.= man9s 1980 live-action rendition of new fans. widely published statement.
Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and
former US president Donald Trump9s
daughter Ivanka, along with a who9s who
of India9s sporting and entertainment
Guns n’ ganja: Weapons flood
This week9s opulent celebrations are
set to raise the bar further, with even
Catalonia’s cannabis trade
more celebrities, politicians and global CONSTANTÍ (Spain): In the
business elites jetting into monsoon-hit dead of the night, wearing
Mumbai. bullet-proof vests, their faces
Several major roads around the venue masked, scores of armed
have been closed off to the public by Spanish police staged a
authorities for most of the weekend. stealthy pre-dawn raid on
It will see the main formal ceremony homes in a small Catalan
at the 16,000-person capacity venue, town this week.
with a separate <blessing ceremony= on Despite being armed to
Saturday and a grand reception on Sun- the teeth, this wasn9t an anti-
day. terror operation: they were
Anant9s father Mukesh is chairman of raiding marijuana planta-
Reliance Industries, a family-founded tions 3 which are increas- Armed to the back teeth, Catalonia9s Mossos d9Esquadra
conglomerate that has grown into India9s ingly run by gangs with police prepare to raid a marijuana plantation run
biggest company by market cap. serious weaponry. by criminal gangs that are increasingly armed
The patriarch is the world9s 11th rich- With its eight million res- and dangerous.
est person with a fortune of more than idents, this wealthy north-
$123 billion, according to Forbes, and is eastern region of Spain has in recent years explained Carlos Otamendi, head of crim-
no stranger to making a statement when morphed from being a transit route for inal investigations at the Mossos
it comes to family marriages. drugs to becoming a notorious European d9Esquadra regional police.
He held the most expensive wedding production hub, mainly of marijuana. On June 23, gun violence exploded into
in India to date for his daughter in 2018, And as a result, guns are becoming the public eye when a man pulled out a
which reportedly cost $100 million and increasingly visible and instances of weapon, allegedly a Kalashnikov, and shot Test your logic skills with the Su Do Ku puzzle. The rules are simple: each of the smaller grids
saw US singer Beyonce perform. armed violence are on the rise. dead two people during an argument on should contain the number 1 to 9, and in the large grid each row and column should contain the

Ambani is also a key ally of India9s In their pre-dawn raid in Constanti, the outskirts of the northern city of Girona. number 1 to 9. These puzzle vary in difficulty and this is an easy one.

right-wing Hindu nationalist leader, which lies 100 kilometres (60 miles) down Initial indications suggest the argu-
(Solution below)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi. the coast from Barcelona, police burst into ment was not drug-related but the alleged QUOTABLE QUOTES
He inherited a thriving industrial seven homes that had been taken over by perpetrator 3 who is still at large 3 solution
enterprise spanning oil, gas and petro- squatters. belonged to a gang involved in marijuana
chemicals and grew it into a commercial Inside, they found 2,000 marijuana trafficking.
behemoth. plants growing under powerful lights in In a separate incident around the same
Its lucrative interests include retail rooms equipped with large fans. time, police seized five weapons, two of { The traveller sees
partnerships with Armani and other lux- <We9re fighting to stop this whole area them military-grade, while breaking up a
ury brands, more than 40 percent of from turning into a mini narco-state,= said group that had smuggled hashish into the what he sees, the
India9s mobile phone market and an Tarragona police chief Inspector Ramon region by boat, an increasingly common
Indian Premier League cricket team. Franques, referring to police efforts across practice. tourist sees what he
His 27-floor family home Antilia is one the region. <Gang violence didn9t start now with
of Mumbai9s most prominent landmarks, Regional police say there has been a drug trafficking, nor with the establish- has come to see. |
reportedly costing more than $1 billion worrying rise in gun violence brought on ment of organised crime networks smug-
to build and with a permanent staff of by the growing presence of drug gangs. gling marijuana. But this use of
600 servants. <The trafficking and cultivation of mar- military-grade weapons is new,= said Ger- – Gilbert K. Chesterton

Merchant is the daughter of well- ijuana is worrying, but mostly because of ardo Cavero of the anti-trafficking arm of
known pharmaceutical moguls. the associated increase in violence,= the Barcelona prosecutor9s office.
18 People & Places SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024

Gregory, child

star of ‘Alf ’, In Cuba, world’s tiniest bird

dead at 46
ÁLPITE (Cuba): The wings of the to a shrub whose fruit is sought after by
world9s tiniest birds are a near-invis- birds.
NEW YORK: Benji Gregory, who gained ible blur as they whizz around He did not know that the shrub9s flow-
fame for his stint as a child star on the tourists visiting a private Cuban garden ers were a delicacy for bee hummingbirds,
1980s sitcom <Alf,= has died, likely of that has become a haven for the declining who quickly flocked to his garden, which
heatstroke. He was 46 years old. species. also boasts mango, guava and avocado
His sister, Rebecca Hertzberg-Pfaffin- The bee hummingbird, which measures trees.
ger, posted the news on Facebook this just five to six centimetres (two inches) <When I first saw a zunzuncito, I
week, saying her brother was found long, is only found in Cuba. Its losses have thought it was an insect,= he said.
dead in June in his car with his service been huge, with the International Union He decided to plant more of the shrubs
dog, Hans. for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) saying and his lush garden soon buzzed with
The official cause of death is pending it has disappeared from many areas due to hummingbirds, which nested in nearby
but his sister wrote she believes <he fell deforestation. woods.
asleep and died from vehicular heat- But in Palpite, in the southwest of the Another hummingbird, the Cuban
stroke.= country, Bernabe Hernandez, 75, has Emerald, which measures up to 10 cen-
Much of the continental United turned his garden into a paradise for the timetres, also frequents the garden, which
States has experienced intense heat in bitty bird. was opened to tourists in 2003 and is now
recent weeks. The country9s west has <We never get tired of it. We always dis- known as <The House of the Humming-
been particularly hard hit, with record cover something new!= he said as he birds.=
temperatures putting lives at risk. watched two of the hummingbirds (Mel- Visitors hold up bird feeders to lure the
Recurring heat waves are a marker of lisuga helenae) zip towards a hanging tiny birds closer.
climate change caused by humanity9s water bath. Guides from the Cienaga de Zapata
use of fossil fuels, according to scien- Cubans call them <zunzuncito,= a word National Park, known for its diversity of
tists. evoking the sound of the buzzing of their bird life, with over 175 species, aided Her-
Gregory was found dead in a suburb tiny wings, which can flap up to 100 times nandez and his wife Juana Matos with the
of Phoenix, Arizona in the southwest US. a minute. precise mixture of water and sugar con-
<Alf = ran from 1985 to 1990, with Gre- When Hurricane Michelle, one of the tained in the feeders.
gory playing a child who became best strongest to ever hit Cuba, devastated The two have become experts in the
friends with the titular Alien Life Form. crops and homes in the area in 2001, <the behaviour of the bird, pointing out the iri-
The actor was born May 26, 1978, in zunzuncito disappeared. There were no descent red head of a male bee humming-
Encino, California. more flowers, many died,= according to bird, who looks like he is wearing a glittery
His star turn as a child also earned local bird lover Orestes Martinez. mask 3 but only during the mating season.
him a number of roles in commercials as Hernandez moved to the village of Pal- For the amateur ornithologist Martinez,
well as appearances on shows including pite after the hurricane destroyed his the garden is an important sanctuary for
<The Twilight Zone.= home. The government gave him land to the minuscule hummingbird, classified as
He left the entertainment industry in rebuild on the edge of the Cienaga de Zap- <near-threatened= by the IUCN, which esti-
the early 2000s, joining the United ata, the largest wetland in the Caribbean. mates its numbers at between 22,000-
Bernabe Hernandez feeds one of the bee

States Navy. <I moved here, but there were no birds,= 60,000.
hummingbirds that frequent his garden in Cuba.
he told AFP. The garden helps <protect the bird. Dur-
<So I planted a 8ponasi9 to provide shade ing the breeding season, the female can
and attract some birds,= he said, referring more easily gather food for the chicks.=

Those left behind: Parents

who lose a child to suicide

MARSEILLE: <Why didn9t I pick up
on his pain?= asked Marie-Noelle
Cullieret, whose 24-year-old son
killed himself after he failed a
pilot9s exam.
Losing her only son was like
being hit by <a bomb=, she said, and
she is still struggling two years on.
<You can never prepare yourself
for the death of a child... But when
it happens like this, it9s the incom-
POPEYE prehension, the why= which is so
<Why did I not see?= asked the
flight navigator, who wants to lift
the silence on the suffering of those
left behind to pick up the pieces
after a suicide. We had a lovely rela- Marie-Noelle Cullieret with a picture of her son
tionship, we talked...= the 57-year-
Bastien, who killed himself at the age of 24.
old told AFP.
A photo of her son surrounded by can- <It9s an earthquake. You have to start
dles and flowers sits on a shelf in her home again from zero,= said Belgium-based Fab-
in the southern French city of Marseille. rice and Helene de Carne, whose daughter
Bastien dreamed of being an airline pilot. Lou, a political science student, killed herself
But just after failing an exam he killed him- in 2021.
self. <He was stressed,= she said. Often parents find themselves alone to
Neither his mother nor Bastien9s friends deal with the <gigantic weight of guilt... and
could have ever imagined that someone so the infernal question, 8Why?9= said psychia-
<joyful= would take his own life. trist Christophe Faure. They also run a
Every year more than 700,000 people kill higher risk of killing themselves than others
BLONDIE themselves globally, according to the World going through grief, he added.
Health Organization (WHO). <When a child dies in hospital it is terri-
For young people between 15 and 29, sui- ble, but there is a team of carers around
cide was the fourth most common cause of you,= Cullieret said.
death in 2019. The Covid lockdowns have <There was no one to help me when I had
since taken a toll on teenagers9 mental to go to the police station to get Bastien9s
health, the WHO warned. things and then go find a coffin,= she said.
<In France alone, some 1.6 million chil- To make it worse, <sometimes other par-
dren and teenagers suffer from psychologi- ents avoid you because of the fear suicide
cal disorders,= Adeline Hazan, the local head stirs up in them,= she added.
of Unicef, the UN9s children9s agency, esti- Suicide remains a major taboo. Indeed it
mated. <But only 750,000 to 850,000= are is still a crime in 20 countries and was only
getting appropriate treatment, she said. decriminalised in Ireland in 1993.
In the United States, South Africa, Finland Even countries where prevention plans
and Guyana 3 some of the countries most have been put in place, past stigmas 3 often
impacted by youth suicides 3 thousands of religious 3 have left their trace.
parents a year are floored by the death of In France, as in many other countries,
their child. <there are very few therapy options... and not
The WHO calls them suicide9s <survivors=. many voluntary groups trained to help sup-
port people through post-suicide grief,= said
Marie Tournigand, of the French charity
crossword Empreintes.
Across 27. Swamp plant 54. Asphalt After the death of their daughter Lou, the
1. Shopper’s paradise 29. Lackluster 57. Explosive inits. de Carnes sought help from psychologists at
5. Klutz’s cry 31. Biblical mountain 60. Threesome work. But being specialists in burnout, they
9. Recorded 35. Recipe units (abbr.) 62. Unpolished were unable to help.
14. Balm 39. Having many uses 64. ____ blue They were finally taken on by psychia-
15. Unadulterated 41. Ledger entry 66. Exaggerate trists at the Centre for Suicide Prevention in
16. Poet ____ Dickinson 42. Uncanny 68. Eve’s fruit the Belgian capital Brussels, who are trained
17. Bunched 43. Genesis garden 69. Swipe
to help devastated parents.
19. Syrup tree 44. Large sets of computer info 70. Keats poems
20. Hurry 46. Religious group 71. Rinds Unable to work after her son killed him-
21. Dog’s cry 47. Shoelace hole 72. Winter vehicle self, and close to going over the edge herself,
23. Lobe site 48. Quiz 73. Simple Cullieret finally found succour from other
24. First number 51. Sly glance Puzzle Grid parents who had gone through hell like her.
25. Formerly named 53. Lumberjack’s tool A support group called La Point Rose
(The Pink Dot) brings together parents from
Down 34. Portable shelter solution to today9s the south of France who have lost children.
1. Manly 35. Ocean current crossword Its founder Nathalie Paoli welcomed a
2. Poe’s middle name 36. Hang around group of them for a <family day= on the
3. Certain parasite 37. ____ Sampras of tennis sunny terrace of her home in Cabries, north
4. “____ we forget” 38. Little
5. Kitchen gadget 40. Gets up of Marseille.
6. Possessive pronoun 42. Diner Croissants and traditional orange flower
7. The hunted 45. Ladybugs, e.g. biscuits were laid out on tables with tea and
8. Hebrew feast 49. Holy coffee. A circle formed around Paoli, 55,
9. Type of paint 50. Deuces whose daughter Carla-Marie died from
10. Physicians’ gp. 52. Uprisings
11. Tobacco holder 54. Vocation leukaemia aged eight.
12. Jazz singer ____ Fitzger- 55. Fall flower <The first year you have to accept you can-
ald 56. Actress ____ Witherspoon not control anything,= she said. <Often the
13. Tinter 57. Ambush second year is even harder because people
18. Care for 58. Informal denial are less understanding, they think you
22. Rent contract 59. Category
26. Roof overhangs 61. Track shape should have the gumption to get yourself
28. Appointments 63. Molecule part back on our feet.=
30. French cap 65. Everything Tears flowed as parents shared their sto-
32. Go by taxi 67. Squeak by ries, but there was always a hand on a shoul-
33. Baldwin or Guinness der or a word of comfort.
dailyexpress SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024


Beaufort CL land 9.25ac Batu
60, Kg Mentonoir, 12km away
from the town. Selling
RM250,000 lump sum.
019-8228289 Mr. Soon
Pelagos 1098 sq.ft. RM630K. NOTIS
0168127767 Jenny
----------------------- Adalah dengan ini dimaklumkan bahawa GOH THIAN
RUMAH UNTUK DIJUAL TECK No. Kad Pengenalan 691014-12-5003 yang
Blok M70, Lot 0003 (Ground VACANCIES berniaga dengan BATARAS SUPERSTORE telah
Floor), Taman Mutiara Sg. membuat permohonan kepada Pengerusi Lembaga
Bedaun 87000 Labuan. Harga: 1. Billing Clerk - 1 post (Male or Female) Pelesenan Eksais Bahagian Pantai Barat Kota
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menjual minuman keras RUNCIT di LOT C1, C2, C3,
s 2. ACCOUNT ASSISTANT - 1 Post (Male or Female)
INDAH PERKASA JSJ - Diploma or Degree in Account / Finance
Jika ada sebarang bantahan secara bertulis, sila
CONTRACTOR - Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply maklumkan Pengerusi Lembaga Pelesenan Eksais
PLUMBING SERVICE Bahagian Pantai Barat di alamat tersebut di atas
Pakar mengubahsuai rumah, Location: Fortuna Commercial Centre, dalam tempoh 14 hari daripada tarikh notis ini
buat pagar, gate grill, manhole KM4, Jalan Penampang dikeluarkan. Bantahan selepas tempoh berakhir tidak
sumbat, pasang mozek, plaster Email: akan dilayan.
siling, pasang water pump, Tarikh Iklan:
water heater, paip air, 12.07.2024 & 13.07.2024
membaiki atap bocor, tandas
leaking, paip leaking dan lain- RESTAURANT ROYAL DREAM, SABAH, MALAYSIA


013-3788527 SHAH
We are looking for suitable candidates (Section 120)


for the following positions:-
Application having been made to the Collector at Pitas by TANG YEW HING

(IC. No. 830412-10-5187) for a certified copy of Title No. C.L. 235157221

CASHIER RM1,800 in the district of Pitas on the ground that TAN CHAI SING is the registered

owner thereof and that the issue document of title has been lost.

WAITER / WAITRESS RM2,000 In accordance with the provisions of section 120 of the Land Ordinance, notice

is hereby given that, unless within 1 month of the date of publication of this

notice good cause be shown to the Collector of Land Revenue for refusing

Interested please contact: this application, the certified copy applied for will, subject to the provisions of

the said section, be issued.

Shafiqa 014-2072023 Dated at PITAS this 29

May 2024.

An established newspaper seeking for: DI PEJABAT PENOLONG PEMUNGUT HASIL TANAH




(Transferring images from computer to aluminium plate) (Section 120)


• Possess at least SPM or higher

Application having been made to the Collector at Pitas by TANG YEW

• Able to work irregular hours and on certain public holidays HING (IC. No.830412-10-5187) for a certified copy of Title No. P.L.

236183752 in the district of Pitas on the ground that TAN CHAI SING is the
• Must be able to communicate and read English registered owner thereof and that the issue document of title has been lost.

(Chinese an advantage) In accordance with the provisions of Section 120 of the Land Ordinance, notice

• Fresh school leavers are welcome as training will be provided is hereby given that, unless within 1 month of the date of publication of this

notice good cause be shown to the Collector of Land Revenue for refusing this
• Teamwork spirit a must application, the certified copy applied for will, subject to the provisions of the

said section, be issued.

• Only those who are able to start at short notice need apply.
Dated at PITAS this 29
May 2024
• Priority for those with own transport.
• Friendly working environment.

Those interested please call 019-8819036

for arrangement of interview from 2pm onwards.

**Sabah and Federal Territory of Labuan Welcome Their Largest and Most Comprehensive MFORCE BEST SHOP Motorcycle 4S Dealership**


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We are honored to announce that the largest and most comprehensive MFORCE BEST MOTO, Motomorini, CYCLONE, VOGE, and more. Additionally, we also provide
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Our team, driven by customer-centric values, with a warm, friendly, and professional through regular maintenance. We provide comprehensive services to ensure you can easily
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We look forward to providing excellent service to the entire state of Sabah and the
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We offer a variety of motorcycles, especially high-performance, high-power, large- our products and meet our team.
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20 Sport SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024

Girmay wants ‘more black riders’ in Tour






NO. BKI-38-5/6-2022 (HC2)

[SUIT NO. VILLENEUVE-SUR-LOT (France): Biniam derful. After the last win I had nearly 600 traffic island and took down around a
BKI-22C-4/6-2018 (HC1)]
Girmay said he hoped to encourage more messages from home,= he said. dozen riders.
BETWEEN diversity in elite cycling after the Eritrean Girmay now has 328 points to Jasper Overnight leader Tadej Pogacar
won a third stage in this year9s Tour de Philipsen9s 217 with few real sprint stages remains 1min 06sec ahead of Remco

(COMPANY NO. 1188390-W)

France on Thursday to extend his lead in remaining, with the exception of Friday9s Evenepoel in second, with Jonas Vinge-
…JUDGEMENT CREDITOR the sprint points race. stage. gaard in third, another 8sec behind.
AND Girmay became the first black African Title pretender Primoz Roglic provided Pogacar9s thoughts were for his compa-
to win a stage on the Tour on the third day the shock of the day as he fell further triot Roglic.
(COMPANY NO. 174874-A) of this year9s edition in Turin and was first behind and seemingly out of contention <I heard the crash but didn9t look
again on stage eight. for the title. round. I was shocked by the bad news,= he

TING SIEW MING The 24-year-old then proved fastest in a He had been fourth overnight but said.
(NRIC NO. 610502-13-5035)
bunch sprint finish on stage 12, as he trailed home 2min 27sec behind Girmay <I9m really disappointed for him. It
topped the podium ahead of Wout van after a fall that left his shoulder bleeding. really sucks. I hope he can carry on. We

(NRIC NO. 580131-12-5385)

Aert and Pascal Ackermann. Roglic started the day 2min 15sec adrift know he9s a big fighter.=
Asked if he was comfortable as a role but looked haggard as he crossed the line When asked about his thoughts on
model, Girmay said: <Cycling is not a after struggling home over the final being beaten to the line Wednesday by
global sport yet, so for African cycling this 12.5km. Vingegaard, he said he was happy in his
(COMPANY NO. (his stage wins) is a good thing. The fall happened outside the zone yellow overall leader9s jersey.
196501000672 (6462-H) <Now maybe the European teams may where late crashes are overlooked for over- <I9m comfortable in the lead. It9s up to
take more Africans. For now I9m the only all times. him to attack if he wants the lead,= said the
one and I wish there were more black rid- An Astana rider failed to see a slender 2020 and 2021 champion. 3 AFP
IN PURSUANT of an Order of ers in the peloton,= he said.
Sale granted by High Court of

Kota Kinabalu at the instance of

the Judgement Creditor made on

<I9m in the best shape of my life. I get up
every morning and look in the mirror and
Roglic withdraws from Tour after crash
the 21
Girmay (front) cycles to the finish line to tell myself to live the day. AGEN (France): Leading contender Primoz Roglic has withdrawn from the Tour de
HEREBY GIVEN that the under-
win the 12th stage of the Tour de France. <To win three stages in one race is won- France before the start of stage 13, the day after being involved in a crash, his team said
mentioned property will be sold

by public auction on 23
on Friday.
2024 AT 9:30 A.M. at the Court Roglic dropped to sixth place in the overall standings after suffering a crash on Thurs-
House of Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.


day9s stage 12 and ending it with a grazed and bloodied shoulder.
The 34-year-old Slovenian from the Red Bull Bora Hansgrohe team is now likely to
AT KOTA KINABALU turn his focus to the Vuelta a Espana, which begins on August 17.
<Primoz Roglic underwent careful examination by our medical team after yesterday9s
Country Lease 015609953

Address: (HC3)
stage and again this morning,= the outfit said on social media.
Lot No. 111 (DBKK House No. 5, <The decision has been taken that he will not start today, to focus on upcoming goals.
Lorong Bunga Raja 10), Taman
IN THE ESTATE OF ANTHONY <We wish you a speedy recovery Primoz,= they added.
Bunga Raja Phase 3, Off Jalan

Lintas, 88450 Kota Kinabalu,

LAMB [United Kingdom of Three-time Vuelta winner and last year9s Giro d9Italia champion was among a quartet
Great Britain and Northern
Ireland Passport No.
of favourites for the Tour.
The Property:
124200088], DECEASED
A double storey intermediate

terraced house

Kota Kinabalu
All persons having any claims
against the estate of ANTHONY
Leasehold – 999 years
LAMB [United Kingdom of
Effective 12 June 1925 to
Great Britain and Northern
11 June 2924
Ireland Passport No.
Unexpired – 900 years,
124200088] who died testate
more or less

Land Area: at Hospital Queen Elizabeth 1,

Victoria Glory set to dominate Race 3 this Sunday
189.50m2 (2,040) ft2), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah on

more or less. 31.01.2024 are required to

Tambalang: Come Sunday, July 14, Victoria track. Despite the top weight, Victoria Glory’s
Registered Owner:
submit their claims in writing to Glory will be a focal point in Race 3, a 1000- team is confident in her ability to perform at her
Ting Siew Ming
the undersigned within three
meter sprint on sand track in Class D. Carrying best and secure a top spot.
(3) months from the date of
Charged to Public Bank Berhad
this notice publication, after
top weight in the field at 57.0kg, Victoria Glory Punters should keep a close eye on Victoria
Reserved Price:

which the estate will be is set to showcase her strength and racing Glory in Race 3. Her proven track record on
distributed among the persons prowess in this highly anticipated event. sand track plus the addition of a talented jockey
entitled thereto subject only to
the claims received within the
Victoria Glory has an impressive record on Clinton suggest she is well-positioned to make
Intended bidders are advised to:-
said period.
1000-meter sand tracks, making her a formida- a significant impact. With the right strategy and
(1) Inspect the said Property; ble contender in this race. Although her last win execution, Victoria Glory has the potential to out-
(2) Conduct an official search on This notice is published by

the Title Deed at the relevant

was 1100-meter sand track, her consistent per- pace her rivals and claim victory.
Messrs Roland Cheng &
Land Office and/or other
Co., Suite Nos. 10 & 11, 8
formances in shorter sprints highlight her capa- As race day approaches, excitement builds
relevant authority(ies).
Floor, Menara Jubilee, No. 53, bility and adaptability. This race will also mark for what promises to be an exciting and com-
(3) Make the necessary

enquiries with the relevant

Jalan Gaya, 88000 Kota the first-time jockey Clinton rides Victoria Glory. petitive event. Victoria Glory is set to demonstrate
Kinabalu, Sabah.
authority(ies) on the terms Known for his skill and strategic insights, Clin- her resilience and racing talent, and many will
and conditions of consent as

successful bidder is required

Dated this 13
July 2024 ton’s involvement brings fresh optimism to the be eager to see if she can continue her winning
to pay outstanding charges
team. ways in this 1000-meter sand track sprint.
due before the auction to the

relevant authority(ies) for

& CO. Her preparation has been meticulous, with Good luck and happy racing to all punters.
Advocates & Solicitors,
effecting the transfer of the training sessions focused on maintaining her
Suite Nos. 10 & 11,
said Property;
Floor, Menara Jubilee,
speed and endurance for the demanding sand
(4) Obtain a copy of the

Conditions of Sale and No. 53, Jalan Gaya, 88000

Memorandum of Contract Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.

from the Auctioneer or

Solicitors; (Advocates for the Executor,

(5) Ascertain all the relevant
outgoing and other payments
or charges to be paid before

an interest in the said

Property can be acquired;

(6) Seek independent legal
advice on the Conditions of

Sale and Memorandum of

Contract prior to the auction THE LAND ORDINANCE

sale. 1930 CAP.68

SECTION 111 (Rules 14 (16))

Prior to the commencement of

the auction sale, all bidder(s)

is/are required to register with
the Auctioneer appointed by the
Judgment Creditor. The bidder(s)

shall submit the following to the

Land Enquiry 125 of 2023


(7) An amount equivalent to OF CL. 025410717

twenty-five per cent (25%)

of the reserved price;

(8) Board of Directors’ Resolution

and written authorization
where the

company bidding through an

bidder is a
RAKYAT MALAYSIA We are an established Plantation Company seeking for suitable
authorized person;

applicants to apply for the post of :
(9) Written authorization where

the bidder is acting as a

proxy. AND
A deposit of twenty-five

cent (25%) of the successful bid

per ABDUL RAHIM BIN MUSTAPA Qualifications :
to be paid by cash or by
• Possess at least a Degree in Accounting, Finance or a related field
cashier’s order or by bank

draft payable to “AKAUNTAN

WHEREAS the land comprised
• Minimum 3 years’ working experience in financial accounting

immediately after the fall of the

in CL.025410717 was fixed for • Extensive knowledge and experience in handling full sets of accounts
Schedule J on the 17 day of
hammer and the balance of the

purchase price shall be paid April, 2024 at the office of the

• Experience in an audit firm will be an added advantage
within ninety (90) days from the Assistant Collector of the Land • Computer literate with proficient in Quarto Accounting System and
date of auction. Failure to pay the Revenue, Papar was under

balance as stipulated above will Rule 14(11), I hereby order the

MS Excel / Words
result in forfeiture of the deposit. land to be again put up for

auction on Thursday the 01

• Good working attitude, responsibility personnel, strong ability to
The Judgment Creditor at the

request of the purchaser and

day of August, 2024 at 11.30 work independently, disciplined and self-motivated
pm at the office of Assistant


to the


an Collector of Land Revenue

• Good communication and writing skills in Malay and English
extension of time immediately Papar. language
following the expiry of the

aforesaid ninety (90) days to The Reserve Price is fixed at

pay the balance of the purchase

price subject to the terms and

RM 530,000.00
conditions to be determined by

the Judgment Creditor.

I hereby appoint Messrs Qualifications :
Interior Auctioneers Bangunan

CNF Hypermarket, Po box

• Possess at least a Diploma in Administration & Human Resource
The auction and all bidders shall

be SUBJECT TO the Conditions

398, 88830 Beaufort Sabah to Management or related field
conduct the sale by auction.
of Sale and Memorandum

Contract, details of which may be

• Minimum 3 years’ working experience in an Administration &
obtained from:- The Proclamation of Sale shall Human Resource field (Experiences dealing with Government
be published for two issue

1. MESSRS. WONG & CO. namely fourteen (14) and

Advocates & Solicitors

Lot 72-2, Second Floor, Block I,

there (3) days before the date

of Auction Sale.
• Computer literate with proficient in MS Office and MS Excel / Words
Lorong Plaza 333-3A,

Plaza 333 Kobusak

• Ability to multitask and prioritize tasks effectively
Dated at Papar this
Commercial Centre,
June 2024
• Good working attitude, able to work under minimal supervision,
Jalan Pintas, 89500

Penampang, Sabah. willing to learn, self-motivated and strong team work personally
T: 017-249 7424/ 088-711 650

• Good communication and writing skills in Malay and English
& ASSOCIATES • An accounting knowledge will be an added advantage

Suite No. 6, 10
Cc. Messr. lnterior
Menara Jubilee

Jalan Gaya, 88000

Auctioneers Interested applicants are invited to email your personal resume,
P.O Box 398,
Kota Kinabalu.

T : 088-224 369
88830 Beaufort, Sabah.
certificates, recent non-returnable passport size photo to
H/P: 012- 833 8971/ Only shortlisted applicants will be notified
013- 869 9789 Tei: 019 8511198
dailyexpress SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024
Sport 21

IOC says has ‘full confidence in Wada’

LAUSANNE: The International Olympic ers. to get on with its job. formance, at a domestic competition in selected for the Paris Olympics which
Committee expressed its <full confi- Travis Tygart, head of the US Anti-Dop- <The IOC appeals to all stakeholders to late 2020 and early 2021. start this month.
dence= in the World Anti-Doping Agency ing Agency (Usada) and a long-time critic respect the supreme authority of Wada in It was determined by Chinese anti- The case caused a global uproar, with
(Wada) on Thursday after a report said it of Wada, has accused its president Witold the fight against doping,= read the IOC doping authorities they ingested the sub- US anti-doping authorities accusing
had not mishandled the case of Chinese Banka of orchestrating a cover-up in the statement. stance unwittingly from tainted food at Wada of a cover-up.
swimmers cleared to compete after test- case of the Chinese swimmers. <This respect forms the basis on which their hotel and no action against them As a result, Wada set up an independ-
ing positive for a banned drug. That claim was dismissed by Banka fol- Wada was founded by the governments was warranted. ent investigation overseen by retired
<Based on this report, the IOC reaf- lowing the release of the report on Tues- of the world and the Olympic Movement. Wada accepted the argument of the Swiss prosecutor Eric Cottier, whose
firms its full confidence in Wada and its day, telling AFP they were one of several This respect is essential for any fair inter- Chinese authorities and did not sanction interim findings were released on Tues-
leadership, who have implemented a <disgusting allegations= made about the national competition.= the swimmers. day.
number of initiatives that have strength- case and adding that external lawyers The crisis arose when in April, the New Some of them went on to compete in <There is nothing in the file4which is
ened the system in recent years,= read the were looking at the remarks. York Times and German broadcaster ARD the Tokyo Olympics in 2021. Zhang Yufei complete4to suggest that Wada showed
IOC statement. The IOC4who partly fund Wada4 reported the swimmers had tested posi- won two golds and Wang Shun was also favouritism or deference, or in any way
The IOC also said Wada should receive called for calm to be restored and the tive for trimetazidine (TMZ), a banned crowned Olympic champion. favoured the 23 swimmers who tested
unqualified support from its stakehold- global anti-doping body to be left alone heart medicine which can enhance per- Eleven of the swimmers have been positive for TMZ,= the report said. 3 AFP

Warholm targets hurdling consistency in Olympic defence

MONACO: Karsten Warholm insisted on in track and field=. starting points. And of course there were <We9ve opened up our seasons under the
Thursday he would not be using a magic But he warned consistency was his goal probably eight other guys that feel the previous world record, which is just insane
wand in his bid to defend his Olympic 400m in the run-in to Paris. same way. But you9ve got to believe in the and hadn9t been done for years and now we
hurdles title at the Paris Games that get <It9s a bad idea trying to do magic stuff in work you9ve done and that9s what I always were just cranking out 46sec like it9s just a
under way in three weeks. a big year because you know that can also do.= normal day.=
Warholm, 28, smashed the world record create some difficulties,= the Norwegian Warholm said he and both Benjamin Los Angeles-based Benjamin does not
to win gold in the Covid-delayed Tokyo said. and Dos Santos <feel competent otherwise often travel to Diamond League events in
Olympics, clocking a stunning 45.94 sec- <For me it9s been about building on the we wouldn9t be here=, but refused to be Europe, citing problems with jetlag, but he
onds to win ahead of American Rai Ben- foundation that I feel like we that we have drawn on a potential winning time in dubbed Friday9s race as the <dress rehearsal
jamin (46.17) and Brazil9s Alison Dos Santos done for many years,= he added. Monaco. before the big dance=.
(46.72). <I think also I found a coldness in what <The thrill of the race is going to be good <I mean, whatever happens here, it does-
Their performances in 2021 were a true I9m doing. I9ve ticked up a lot of the boxes. It no matter what the time is,= he said. n9t really matter!= the 26-year-old said.
stand-out of the Tokyo Games and the trio feels very good. I9m very confident about it. <It9s going to be a race, I can guarantee <It does matter in some sense, I guess. But
will come head-to-head at Friday9s Dia- <Every time I go into a championship, I that!= the main goal is the Olympics.=
mond League in Monaco as they fine-tune know that we9ve done everything that we Benjamin said he felt fans and the media Warholm, a three-time world champion
Warholm celebrates winning preparations for Paris. could. under-appreciated the trio. who last month won his second European
gold at the European Athletics Warholm brazenly claimed the men9s <You want to feel like you deserve this <We9ve gotten so used to seeing 46 sec- title, recalled the final in Tokyo as a <special
Championships in June. hurdles are at the <highest level of any event the most. If you do that you have very good onds,= the American said. moment=. 3 AFP

Manaudou, Robert-Michon chosen S Arabia to host first Esports Olympics in 2025

as France’s Olympic flagbearers
LAUSANNE: Saudi Arabia will host the cile Olympic tradition with attempts to with all its stakeholders,= Bach said in a
inaugural Esports Olympics in 2025 the attract a younger audience, held an initial statement.
International Olympic Committee said on <Olympic e-sport week= in Singapore in <The Olympic Esports Games will
PARIS: Host France9s flagbearers at the Paris of 10,500 competitors4will sail down the Friday. June 2023, consisting of <ten mixed-gender greatly benefit from this experience.
Games9 opening ceremony on the River river on 85 boats. <The International Olympic Committee category events=. <By partnering with the Saudi NOC
Seine will be former Olympic swimming The ceremony along six kilometres (3.7 (IOC) today announced that it has part- Last October, the IOC set up an <e-sport (National Olympic Committee) we have
champion Florent Manaudou and discus miles) of the Seine will feature some 3,000 nered with the National Olympic Commit- commission= chaired by Frenchman David also ensured that the Olympic values are
thrower Melina Robert-Michon, it was dancers, musicians, actors and circus per- tee (NOC) of Saudi Arabia to host the Lappartient, the president of the interna- respected.
reported on Thursday. formers performing along the banks and inaugural Olympic Esports Games 2025 in tional cycling union (UCI), to consider a <In particular, with regard to the game
Manaudou, four-time Olympic medal- bridges with an estimated 326,000 specta- the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,= the body dedicated competition. titles on the programme, the promotion of
list including gold in London 2012, and Rio tors. said. However, IOC president Thomas Bach gender equality and engagement with the
2016 silver medallist Robert-Michon were It is hoped more than a billion viewers <The proposal will be made to the IOC has said in the past he does not see e-sports young audience, which is embracing
chosen by a vote of their fellow athletes, a will follow the broadcast around the Session, which will be held on the eve of the as part of the traditional Olympics. esports.=
souce close to the Games9 organisers indi- world. Olympic Games Paris 2024. The duration of <With respect to esports, our values are Prince Abdulaziz bin Turki Al Faisal,
cated to newspaper Le Parisien. Manaudou was chosen as the first torch the partnership between the IOC and the and remain the red line that we will never Minister of Sport and President of the
The July 26 opening ceremony is due to bearer when the Olympic flame arrived on Saudi NOC will be 12 years, with Olympic cross,= he said. Nevertheless he expressed Saudi Arabian Olympic and Paralympic
break with Olympic tradition and be held board a 19th century ship from Greece to Esports Games held regularly.= his delight that the Esports Games had a Committee, said he was happy his country
away from the Games9 main stadium and Marseille on May 9 at the start of its 78-day Riyadh is already to host the Esports natural home in Saudi Arabia. was part of sporting history.
instead on the French capital9s River Seine. torch relay around France and its overseas World Cup in July and August, when 2,500 <We are very fortunate to be able to <Saudi Arabia is hugely excited by the
Manaudou and Robert-Michon will be territories including Guadeloupe, New gamers will battle for $60 million in prize work with the Saudi NOC on the Olympic prospect of partnering with the IOC and
at the forefront of the French delegation Caledonia and Reunion. 3 AFP money. Esports Games, because it has great4if not helping to welcome a completely new era
when thousands of athletes4out of a total The IOC, in its perpetual quest to recon- unique4expertise in the field of esports for international sport,= he said.

Sabah Clubs and Kota Kinabalu Lions Ambulance Service Society (LASS) Provides
24 Hour FREE Ambulance Service. Also providing First-Aid Training
088-280200. Mon-Fri, time: 9am-5pm
D-Dash Compact Car Club Welcomes all Perodua and compact
car owners to join in the club membership. For more info on club
Non-Governmental Organisations to the public and Mobile Health Service to the rural areas. Call: 088-
319699. weekly gathering and events contact martin 019-8036019 or d-
Malaysian Red Crescent Kota Kinabalu City Chapter is providing
Ambulance Services from 8pm to 6am (weekdays only), providing Sabah Government Pensioners’ Association Membership
AUGUST 4 (SUNDAY) recruitment exercise & pensioners’ problem 9.30am to 1pm (Mon
Patient Transfer Services (daily), providing Basic First Aid and CPR
Borneo Campers' Exchange Meet at La Salle School Field, Tanjung Courses (Certificate Courses) – every 2nd week of the month and – Fri, except public holidays) at Maksak Complex, Likas. Details:
Aru. Time: 9am - 6pm. This event is a perfect opportunity to swap, also providing Emergency First Aid Standby Services (any events). 211282 Lucy.
exchange, or sell your unused camping gear. We invite both Details: 232718 (O), 232718 (Fax) or email: Agriculture Institute of Sabah Alumni Association Membership
exhibitors and visitors to participate in this event. Details: Jason or drive. Information to obtain membership forms from various district
0143717176. Kinabalu Breast Cancer Support Association (Kinabalu Pink near you, contact Maidah 019-8414088 or Leong 019-8515893
Regular Events Ribbon) Offering emotional, social & material support to women or email
with breast cancer (before/during/after treatment) and their families. Kent Teachers College Alumni Association Membership drive.
Sabah Tai-Chi Association new classes. Monday, Wednesday and Tel: 088-430 727 Fax: 088-424 600 Membership forms are available at all district education offices in
Careline: 016-8038553. Office: 216237 or Fax: 253679. FB:
Friday: 7pm to 8pm. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday: 6.30pm to Sabah. Details: Tajuddin 787581, 019-537-1178 or Eddy 016-
7.30pm. Details: Lee at 0168044512. Please note that due to space constraints, 8223757.
Sabah AZ (Sabah Alzheimer’s Disease Support Association: Kota Kinabalu City Bird Sanctuary Resources Library is free for
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is an irreversible, progressive brain
Sabah Week will only feature the immediate Sabah Mental Health Association PKJS Day Care Centre is open
to suitable candidate and it carries out several activities on public to use. Details: 246955 or fax: 247955.
disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and, events due to take place for the next three days. Sandakan Toastmasters Club Platform to improve effective
weekdays. Details: 248197.
eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. Sabah AZ The usual brief on the NGOs, voluntary communication and leadership skills on every 2nd & 4th Thursdays
Alamesra Youth-PREP Centre Provides a place for youths to seek
conducts Talks & Seminars, support, comfort families / caregivers / organisations and their activities of every month. Venue: Incorporated Society of Planters office,
assistance and support on issues such as education, relationships,
AD sufferers. Bi-Monthly Memory Café sharing-session by Taman Utama, Zone 3, Jalan Utara. Details: Alex 013-8803622 or
will appear on Sunday. work, family and financial stability. Legal aid and counselling
caregivers/carers. Details:, Jerry 012-8616743.
services are free and are on appointment basis. Venue: Ground, FB:@Sabahalzheimer. Kent 019-8811030 Kota Kinabalu Advanced Toastmasters Club – Communication and
Floor, Lot 25, Block E, Phase 2, Alamesra, Jalan Sulaman. Opening
(10am-6pm). Family Clinic 8am-5pm (Mon-Sat) Facebook: Sabah Family leadership training meeting. Every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month
Hours: Weekdays 9am to 5pm. Tel: 395632 or fax: 485372.
Sabah State Administrative Centre Galleria Artisan PPNS is open Planning Association. Instagram: sabahfpa. Email: at 7.30pm. Venue: Meeting Room 1, 1st Floor, Wisma Wanita, Jalan
to public from Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm. Our gallery Tuaran. Those interested are welcome to attend. Details: Irene 019-
boasts an array of local handicrafts from all over Sabah as well as Gerak Kasih Recycling Collection waste paper – newspapers, 8211985 or Jess 0168302717.
The Sabah Australian Alumni Association (SAAA) invites
locally made Sabah Batik. All local entrepreneurs are welcome to cardboard, boxes, magazines, books, paper bags, soft toys, Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation KK Centre Open to all, accept
graduates from any Australian Institutions of higher learning to join
promote their products through this avenue. Come visit us: PPNS , clothing, plastic bottles, aluminium tins. Every Friday, Saturday and children with Downs Syndrome below the age of 7. Details: Raneh
as members of SAAA (2022). Detail: EDD 01116137889 or
Menara Tun Mustapha and Sabah Handicraft Centre, Keningau. Sunday. Time: 10am to 3pm. Venue: Rumah Titian Kasih, Lot 168, 219809, Fax: 219808.
Details: Facebook or Lot 17, Lorong Kerapu, Rumah Murah Kg Likas Phase 3, 89400 Consultancy Services & Training Centre For Consumerism,
The Kota Kinabalu AIDS Support Services Association (KASIH)
Afnansyah Agimin at 088-332186 ext: 1501. Likas. Details: Nooraisah 014-8586350 or Salina 012-8449139. Environmental & Human Rights Seminar / talks consumer issues-
help line & free voluntary HIV screening tests, except sun & public
Parkinson Association of West Coast Sabah (PAWS) Conducts Sabah Natives Land Owners Association (SANLODA) is dedicated your rights as consumer, how to complain and get effective results,
holidays. Office hours. Time: 9am to 5pm. Fri: 6pm to 9pm. Sat:
monthly outdoor activities, hold regular fellowship and meetings for to promoting optimum utilisation and preservation of native lands know about consumer laws, tribunal for consumer claims,
4pm to 7pm. provide confidential / free voluntary HIV screening test
people with Parkinson’s disease (PWP). Carers and volunteers are in Sabah. Membership Drive: Information for membership from environmental, human rights & civil society. Except Saturday,
(rapid test) during office hours, Mon to Fri. result available 10 to
welcomed to participate. The fellowship provides opportunity for various districts can be obtained from Datuk Stephen 0138658333, Sunday and Public Holiday. Tel/fax: 234616 Datuk Patrick Sindu
15 minutes. Details: 712914 or email: (JP) 019-811-7369, 016-8007369 or
PWP to network, share experiences / info and also enjoys the Datuk George 013-851500, Petrus 0198529299 or Datuk Yusof National Stroke Association of Malaysia Sabah Club Wisma
various complementary therapies such as body balancing, dancing, 012-8331950.
Pandu Puteri, Kompleks Badan-Badan Sukarela, km 4, Jalan United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation
voice and music therapy, physiotherapy. Details: PAWS: Malaysia Blood Donors Society Daily Blood Donation Drive. Tuaran, KK. Centre’s opening Hours: 9am to 5pm. Mon to Fri, closed
01110706633. Inviting all NGO to collaborate and also calling members of the (UPKO) Offer opportunities to the public to voice their complaints
on Sat, Sun & Public holidays. Details: 261568. on various issues and offer advice to the complainants on how to
Sabah Law Society a weekly Free legal consultation and advice public to join its membership. Details: 012-8222779, 016- Federation of Private Medical Practitioners Association of
session for the public on Saturdays from 9am to 12.30pm (except 3551987 or 014-7342886. go about their grouses. Monday to Friday. Call: 721722 & 721723
Malaysia (FPMPAM) the public can obtain medical opinions, or
the first Saturday of the month). Members of the public who are Sabah Cheshire Home & Asian Tourism International College referrals or treatment for crisis intervention, detoxification, prevention
interested are advised to contact the SLS Secretariat at 088-251008 Basic Pastry Skill Lesson for the physically disabled individuals Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting. Help available for those with
& counselling for drug abuse via alcohol related problems. Anonymity assured. Meetings in English
for an appointment or by email aged between 17 – 28. Details: 438202. Fax: 434570. Special Olympics Sabah Weekly jogging exercise (so west coast).
Blood Bank Unit of Sabah Women and Children’s Hospital, Likas Taska Mesra Cheshire Early Education for children with physical every Tuesday at 8pm. Bahasa Malaysia every Thursday at 7pm.
Details: 016-8807703 or 223221. Details: 012-8039883 (ENG) or 016-8386386 (BM).
(HWKKS) Blood Donation Drive “Bah, Mari Menderma” 1 pint of disabilities aged below four-years-old. Open Mon to Fri. Details: Kota Kinabalu Falun Gong Exercise sessions every Saturday &
blood can save 3 lives. Urging army, RELA, police, fire brigades, Sabah Cheshire Home 438202. Malaysian Ex-Police Association (Penampang Branch)
Sunday. Free of charge. All are welcome, Details: Kota Kinabalu Membership recruitment exercise and other related matters. Time:
uniform bodies, government agencies, healthy public people, School of Psychology and Social Work, UMS is offering 013-870-6558, Sandakan 089-229626, 089-229023 and Tawau
churches, mosques, corporate private companies with huge human 2pm to 5pm (Wednesday, Thursdays & Friday), except public
Counselling Service, Speech Therapy, Music Therapy, Sensory 019-8536333.
resources to donate generously to our SWACH. Details: 522600 Ext: holidays. Venue: PME, 1st floor, Lot 3, Block 15, Penampang Baru
Integration Therapy and Applied Behaviour Analysis Session. The SWEPA Toastmasters Club Regular Training Meeting to enhance (Protem office). Details: Joseph 016-8213013, 710557 (o) or
2314. services are on appointment basis. Time: 9am to 5pm. Details: your public speaking, communication and leadership skills. Time: 714557 (fax).
Heritage Toastmasters Club Learn to speak better and improve Nurul Fatiha 019-8114573, 320000 Ext: 8833 or 7.30pm (1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month). Venue: Swepa Palliative Care Association of Kota Kinabalu (Sabah) Day
leadership skills in a fun and supporting environment. Meetings are Secretariat, 2nd Floor, Wisma Wanita, Jalan Tuaran, KK. Details: Care Centre Every Thursday from 9am to 1pm at PWD 7396 &
held every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. Time: 7.30pm. Venue: EXTOL is a non-profit youth club focusing on developing youths President Dora 016-8300755 or VPPR 013-8603871. 7397, Taman Rose, Off Jalan Penampang for mobile patients
6th Floor, Wisma Bandaraya. All are welcome. Details: President in stewardship and leadership. Calling on all non-Muslim parents The Cancer Society Of Sabah Provide services on hospice, cancer who are registered under our Home Care Programme. We help
Sabrina 016-8287675 or VPPR Ooi 012-4150046. to encourage their children between the ages of 13 to pre- awareness / education, rural health project. Hotline / counselling you to care for your loved ones. Free Home Care Support
Sabah Chartered Volunteer Society invites affiliates to join as university / college to attend our meetings held every Friday. Time: pertaining to cancer & clinic by a lady consultant gynaecologist. service for your family members, relatives or friends who are
volunteers for its community development projects for the benefits 7.45pm to 9.30pm. Venue: Agape Methodist Church, Agape Hill, Details: 210377 or 222315. diagnosed with advanced cancers. Referrals may be from
of the local communities. Youths and college graduates are Jalan Shantung Baru, Penampang. Details: Patrick The Befrienders Kota Kinabalu offers confidential emotional support private / government hospital or self-referred. Details: Grace
encouraged to apply for Free Entrepreneurship and financial 0109317118. to those feeling depressed and in despair which may lead to loss of 231505 or 257507.
planning programs in order to be offered career prospects as Pusat Jagaan Seri Murni provides counselling and support services life. Call us if you need to talk. We are here if you feel confused or KK Mandarin Toastmasters Club Regular Training Meeting. Time:
marketing executives or, financial advisors with a well-established for women / girl in situation of crisis such as unplanned pregnancies upset and need someone to talk to. We care, we listen. Call: 088- 7.30pm. (2nd & 4th Thursday of each month). Venue: 3rd Floor,
financial institution through Sabah Chartered Volunteer Society. and sexual gender based violence. Details: Counselling or interview 255788, 088-335793 or 0168036945 every night, 7pm to Lot 14, Block B, Lintas Square, KK. Details: Yan 012-8023264,
Details: Prof. Dr. Benjamin 010-8887850. 019-5349044. 10pm. Chua 016-8100282 or Lim 016-8302552.
Sabah Society For The Blind has moved to the 1st floor, Lot 3, Sri The Committee of Communication For Behavioural Impact Sabah Society For The Deaf Registration for pre-school deaf Fama Pasar Tani Asia City variety of vegetables, fishes, sugar cane
Damai building, Jalan Kolam, Lorong Nibung, KK on Sept 1. (COMBI) Lok Kawi Town, Papar invites the residents of Taman children ages 2 – 6 & hearing sibling ages 2 – 4. Language juice, soya bean milk, pastries and many other food items will be
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. Saturday 9am to 12.30pm. Details: Pantai Lok Kawi to be a promoter / volunteer of COMBI committee. Development & Vocational Programme for deaf children & adults on sale. Every Wednesday & Saturday. Time: 6am to 5pm. all are
250388, 218130 or Fax: 316588. Email: All are welcome. Details: Zainal 016-8450717, Hj Mataris 010- ages 8 and above. Venue: SSD premise, Jalan Khidmat, Bukit welcome. Details: Wasri 013-5555451. Website: 9488846. Padang, KK. Details: KK – Wong 230894, Sandakan – Wong 089- Happy Family Homes Malaysia KK we welcome volunteers to join HANDPRINTS – Toy Library & Resource Centre is to educate, enable 219160, Keningau – Mahinah 087- 339716, Kudat – Chin us in our house builds on Saturdays. Those with masonry &
Sheltered Workshop. Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm. Tel/ Fax: and empower parents, so that they are able to help and guide their 622697, Lahad Datu – Asmah 089-887895. carpentry skills are most welcome. Details: 088-395989.
788543. Address: Jalan Stesen Pertanian, ARC, 89207, Tuaran, children with special needs. Thematic monthly play day on 2nd Sabah Society for the Deaf Registration for Sign Language Class. Bukit Harapan 424567. Sabata 255916.
Sabah. Saturday of each month. Operating hours: Tuesday, Thursday and Details: KK – Wong 230894, Sandakan – Wong 089-219160, Tun Haji Mohd Fuad Stephens Borneo Research Library Opening
Sabah Family Planning Association provides services & treatments Friday 2pm to 5pm. Wednesday: 7pm to 9pm. Saturday: 9.30am Keningau – Mahinah 087- 339716, Kudat – Chin 622697, Lahad Hours: Monday – Friday 8.30am to 5pm. Saturday / Sunday &
relating to sexual reproductive health, family planning and general to 2pm. Venue: Lorong Pokok Saka, Dah Yeh Villa, Off Mile 2 3/4, Datu – Asmah 089-887895. Public Holiday : Closed. Venue: Menara Tun Mustapha, Likas Bay.
health screening. Details: KK Branch 016-8899865 (Clinic Jalan Damai, Luyang. Tel: 016-4172298. Facebook: Sabah Women Action-Resource Group (SAWO) provides Helpline Details: 326300 Ext: 1152 or 1154. Fax: 326490.
Helpline), 088-222703; Tawau Branch 089-771172, Lahad Datu Email: services to support women and girls who face domestic violence, Email: or website: Open to
Branch 016-8309868; Kudat Branch 088-611088. Harrington rape, sexual harassment and other gender-based violence. Call: public.
22 Sport SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024 dailyexpress

Spain bring much-needed thrills to Euros

BERLIN: England tough watch. Yet Southgate was far from the only Blessed with one of the deepest squads group stage with a 1-0 win over Albania
and Spain face off in England topped Group C despite scor- coach who stood accused of failing to max- in the tournament, coach Roberto Mar- despite making 10 changes.
Sunday9s Euro 2024 ing just two goals in three games, form imise bountiful resources by deploying tinez9s refusal to drop Cristiano Ronaldo Even an early own goal to give Georgia
final after taking which drew such opprobrium from their overly-cautious tactics. backfired as his side crashed out on penal- a shock lead in the last 16 did not derail the
very different routes own fans that Southgate was pelted with France advanced to the semi-finals ties to France in the quarter-finals having Spanish charge as they stormed back to
to Berlin in a tourna- beer cups after a 0-0 draw against Slovenia. without one of their players scoring a sin- failed to score in any of their last three dish out a 4-1 thrashing.
ment that has at Should Southgate9s men go on to lift the gle goal from open play. games in Germany. Spain ended German dreams in
times lacked for trophy, Jude Bellingham9s 95th-minute Despite that, coach Didier Deschamps The 114 goals at the tournament so far, Stuttgart with their own piece of late
thrills. overhead kick to avoid a last-16 exit to Slo- was defiant when questioned by a Swedish at an average of 2.28 per match, is down on drama as Mikel Merino9s header edged the
Spain have been a vakia will go down as one of the most sig- journalist over the lack of entertainment the 2.78 at the previous Euros three years highest quality game of the tournament 2-
class apart despite a devilishly difficult nificant goals in English history. offered by his side. ago and the 2.69 at the 2022 World Cup. 1.
draw that has seen them beat 2022 World But it was also their first shot on target <If you are bored you can watch some- Bucking the trend has been Spain9s new Lamine Yamal9s stunning strike to
Cup semi-finalists Croatia, holders Italy, of the match. thing else. It9s ok. You are not obliged,= the generation, looking to follow in the steps become the youngest ever Euros goalscorer
hosts Germany and the pre-tournament Similarly, Bukayo Saka9s stunning strike French boss hit back when criticised over of the all-conquering side that won three lit up the 2-1 semi-final win over France.
favourites in France. to equalise against Switzerland on 80 min- his side9s lack of goals. consecutive major tournaments between <They9ve been the best team,= added
By contrast, England have stumbled utes in the quarter-final was the first time <We have the ability to share emotions, 2008 and 2012. Southgate, on the challenge of facing
their way into a first ever final on foreign England hit the target. to make lots of French people happy with Drawn into the toughest group, Luis de Spain. <We9ll have to get the ball off them
soil thanks to a series of late goals to paper <Our intention is always to play well the results we have had, especially in what la Fuente9s men shone from the start, scor- first.=
over the cracks despite the wealth of talent with the ball4in football you have an is a difficult time in our country...if Swedish ing three times in the opening half in a 3-0 England will need their best display to
available to manager Gareth Southgate. opponent that9s trying to stop you,= said people are bored that is not too important win over Croatia. stop the Spanish juggernaut but the tour-
They were among the continent9s pow- Southgate when quizzed on the lack of for me.= A 1-0 victory over Italy did little justice nament could also do with a classic final if
erhouses who were accused of turning entertainment in England games. <None of Portugal were another of the favourites for the scale of Spanish domination in it is to be remembered fondly by neutrals
European football9s showpiece into a this is easy.= who failed to fire. Gelsenkirchen, before they rounded off the in years to come. 3 AFP

How Spain Spain star Yamal’s hometown

have risen buzzing over teen’s Euros success

MATARÓ (Spain): Every time Lamine Yamal has kept up his ties to the neighbourhood
after dire scores, he holds up his fingers to sign the where his father is greeted as a local hero.
numbers 304 3 the postcode of Rocafonda, Just back from Germany, where he
the modest Catalan district where he grew watched Spain9s semi-final victory over
decade up, which is bursting with pride over the
16-year-old9s success in Euro 2024.
France semi-final match, his neighbours
are crowding around to congratulate him
BERLIN: After spending over a decade It9s not yet midday but there is a real over his son9s stunning goal, which he still
bogged down in disappointment, Spain buzz inside the local bar, El Cordobes, gets excited about.
waltzed their way back to football9s peak by which is still reeling with excitement after <I lived every moment in that stadium
reaching Sunday9s Euro 2024 final in Berlin. Yamal, who used to come in with his dad, just like any other Spanish fan, going
Winning two European Championships clutching a football, shot home the crazy,= says Mounir Nasraoui exuberantly
in 2008 and 2012, either side of their 2010 sublime goal against France that helped standing in the doorway of the bar.
World Cup triumph, La Roja were set to propel Spain to Sunday9s Euro 2024 final. And he will soon be going back, with
dominate football for years to come. For years, people here to the north of more to celebrate: his son turns 17 on
However, they fell from grace at aston- Barcelona knew he was different but Saturday and on Sunday, he9s hoping for
ishing speed. The players destined to nobody could have predicted the lad victory in the final against England.
replace their golden generation fell desper- would go on to become the youngest <As a father, I am proud, happy and
ately short. player to score in a European grateful,= he said, thanking his neighbours
Spain9s 2014 World Cup defence ended in Lamine Yamal (right) along with teammates take part in a Spain Championship. for their support.
early humiliation, battered 5-1 by the training session at the team’s base camp in Donaueschingen. <We knew he was going to play with <This neighbourhood is proud of being
Netherlands, crashing out in the group summer, pledging it was only the begin- la Fuente. Barcelona9s first team,= bar owner Juan the place where Lamine Yamal comes
stage. ning. Unlike final opponents England, whose Carlos Serrano says with a proud smile. from.=
The two-time defending champions And so it proved, with La Roja the stand- coach Gareth Southgate is sometimes reluc- <But we had no idea would have the Several streets away, the blazing sun is
were eliminated by Italy in the Euro 2016 out Euros team, dominating the toughest tant to replace struggling icons, or France kind of impact he9s having now.= not enough to stop the kids from playing
last-16, with newspaper Marca labelling it group featuring defending champions Italy, building around a sub-par Kylian Mbappe, On the wall behind him is a framed football on a local pitch where Yamal too
<The End= for Vicente del Bosque9s La Roja. before beating hosts Germany and France. Spain accept everyone is on an equal foot- Barcelona shirt signed by Yamal that his spent hours playing when he was small.
Spain fell at the same stage in the 2018 What they have achieved seems remark- ing. father gave Serrano as thanks for his Everyone wants to be like him in this
World Cup against Russia on penalties, able given their line-up boasts few recognis- <The big difference to all the (other) support during the years when the pair neighbourhood which is thrown into the
completing over 1,000 passes but failing to able stars beyond Manchester City countries is that we are a team and there is used to go to the bar before taking the limelight every time the young star player
hurt the limited hosts. midfielder Rodri. no one leader above the rest,= explained train into the city for him to train with signs its 304 postcode.
A better showing at Euro 2020 took a Barcelona winger Lamine Yamal, 16, will Barcelona9s Pedri before the tournament. the club9s youth team4until he signed <People get really excited about Lamine
young side to the semi-finals but the 2022 dazzle the football world for years to come De la Fuente, more pragmatic than his with their famed La Masia youth Yamal because nothing like this has ever
World Cup last-16 defeat by Morocco was and could earn that billing, but he is only predecessor, is profiting from his willing- academy. happened here before,= explains
another painful exit. just starting his career. ness to try different approaches. That was the last day Yamal came into Mamadou Sow, 32, who works in catering.
However, the Spanish football federation On the opposite flank Nico Williams has Spain still enjoy possession but also the bar, but not the last time he came back <That gives the kids even more desire to
believed the team was close to where they also burst into the limelight and may get a release the explosive Yamal and Williams, to this district of Mataro, a city of 130,000 do sports and other things ,= he told AFP,
needed to be. big move this summer from Athletic Bil- fire in crosses and let them take risks to beat people that lies 30 killometres (18 miles) saying he was overjoyed to <finally= see the
They replaced coach Luis Enrique with bao. their markers. up the coast from Barcelona where he neighbourhood, which has come in for
Luis de la Fuente, who had coached national Elsewhere the team features many 8mis- While other coaches might have opted spent some of his childhood and where some negative press in recent years, being
youth sides for years with success. fits9, including Marc Cucurella who has for one winger and a possession-friendly many locals proudly show off photos with mentioned on TV for positive reasons.
Despite early jitters, including a 2-0 struggled at Chelsea, Saudi Arabia-based midfielder on the other flank, the 63-year- him. <It9s exciting.=
defeat by Scotland last year, Spain stuck Aymeric Laporte, and others who are not old goes full throttle with both. After his parents separated, Yamal lived Life has not been simple in this district
with their little-known coach and are now standouts for their clubs. Luis Enrique9s Spain tried to pass teams between the nearby town of Granollers on the outskirts of Mataro whose postcode
reaping the rewards. However, their lack of superstars poses to death but at times in Euro 2024 La Roja and Mataro, but his constant visits to his is 08304 and which has a large immigrant
De la Fuente earned their first silverware no problems. <I have 26 great players and have had less than 50 percent possession. 3 grandmother, who arrived from Morocco population and a lower income than other
in 11 years by lifting the Nations League last I9m just lucky that they are Spanish,= said De AFP decades ago and still lives in Rocafonda, more affluent neighbourhoods. 3 AFP

England’s decade of devt rewarded with Euro final
IN LOVING MEMORY OF THE LATE BERLIN: England9s progression to a first
ever major tournament final on foreign
soil at Euro 2024 is the fruit of a decade of
work on a player development
programme that has turned perennial
underachievers into serial contenders.
Ending a 58-year wait to win a major England’s
trophy at senior men9s international level success comes
is the final hurdle left to clear for Gareth a decade after
Southgate9s men in Sunday9s final against a player
Spain after serial success at youth level development
and in the women9s game. programme
Just months after the Three Lions had was introduced.
MDM. MELISSA YONG VUN FUI crashed out of 2014 World Cup with one
game to spare of the group stage,
BORN: 20TH OCTOBER 1980 Southgate4then in his role as under-21
AGE: 43 YEARS OLD boss4appeared alongside the English
Football Association9s technical director alongside Marc Guehi and Conor possession of the ball against a side from
Dan Ashworth. Gallagher in winning the under-17 World the Netherlands. So it shows the more
Was called home to the Lord at 7:45 am on They presented a plan termed Cup. modern England way,= said a beaming
12 July 2024 (Friday) at Hospital Queen Elizabeth.
<England DNA= that had the goal of England9s women won their first major Southgate afterwards.
blending the passion English football was tournament on home soil at the Euros in The ultimate test lies ahead against a
Funeral service will be held at 9 am famous for with better technique and a 2022 and followed that up by reaching Spain side that have swept all before
on 15th July 2024 (Monday) at Fook Lu Siew Funeral Parlour stronger mentality to handle the the World Cup final last year. them, including Germany and France on
pressures of major tournament football. <As a football nation we have long the tougher side of the draw.
(1st Floor – Room 2B), Mile 2 Tuaran Road and thereafter will proceed to <One of the mantras we have is 8The been characterised by our passion, England have previously suffered a
Nirvana Memorial Park, Mile 17 Off Tuaran Road for burial. only thing that changes is the size of the fighting spirit and effort,= Ashworth said series of near misses under Southgate.
shirt9,= said Ashworth, who was recently at the time. They defied expectations to reach the
Sadly Missed Always Loved & Forever Remembered in Our Hearts:
appointed Manchester United9s sporting <Although there are aspects of these semi-finals at the 2018 World Cup before
Parents: Yong Yun Choi / Susie Patrick director after successful spells at Brighton characteristics we wish to retain, we do missing out on penalties to Italy in the
and Newcastle. not wish to be solely defined by them.= Euro 2020 final on home soil.
Parents-In-Law: Datuk John Choo / Datin Chung Lai Wan <So as they come through that player The blend of an old fashioned never- More heartbreak came in Qatar two
Husband: Edmond Choo Wu Fung pathway, from an under-15 boy or girl, all say-die attitude with players of a higher years ago when Harry Kane ballooned
Children: Jayden Choo Chen Hee, Hayden Hazel Choo Ya Ru the way through to the seniors, we have technical standard has carried England over a late penalty against France in a 2-1
some consistent messages around them. on a rollercoaster to the Euro 2024 final. quarter-final defeat.
Siblings / In-Law: Niece & Nephew: <If everyone is on the same page and Hyped before the tournament as one But that experience has put them in
everyone buys into and believes what you of the favourites, Southgate admitted the a better place than ever before to
Winnie Yong / Tharumaraj A/L Sivaperumal Jayshenaa Tharumaraj are trying to do it can become so much expectation weighed heavy as his side become champions of Europe for the
Nishal Tharumaraj more powerful.= stumbled through the group stage, first time.
Alvin Yong / Sophia Wong Siew Wui The results since speak for themselves scoring just two goals in three games. <We9re more calm going into the
at every level. They then needed late fightbacks and knockout games because the first time we
And all family members & friends who mourn her passing Many of Southgate9s squad in Germany individual moments of brilliance from did it in Russia, we hadn9t won a knockout
have already experienced winning Jude Bellingham and Bukayo Saka to keep game for 10 years,= added Southgate.
tournaments at youth level. them alive in sneaking past lower ranked <We hadn9t been through the
Anthony Gordon and Cole Palmer opposition in Slovakia and Switzerland to experience. Quarter-finals, semi-finals,
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: were part of the side that beat Spain in the make the last four. we9ve managed a lot of those games now.
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” Psalm 23:6
final to win England9s first under-21 Euros But in Dortmund against the Dutch, <The last final was the first European
for 39 years 12 months ago. England9s decade of planning had its Championship final I9ve ever managed. If
TEL: 010-881-9778 EDMOND CHOO, 011-1600-6138 Ezri Konsa won the Under-20 World reward in a famous 2-1 semi-final win. I didn9t get anything right, apologies for
(FOOK LU SIEW OFFICE) Cup in 2017, while the same year Phil <It will be I would imagine a long time, that. I9m going to try and do better this
Foden won player of the tournament if ever an English side had 60 percent week.= 3 AFP
dailyexpress SATURDAY, JULY 13, 2024
Sport 23

Krejcikova sets up final with Paolini

LONDON: Czech 31st seed Barbora Krej- In her first Wimbledon semi-final, Kre- Open last 16 in January, had not gone past
cikova will face Italy9s Jasmine Paolini in jcikova turned the tide in the second set, the second round in any Slam before this
the Wimbledon final after battling back landing a priceless break in the sixth year.
for a shock 3-6, 6-3, 6-4 win over former game. Without a win at the All England Club
champion Elena Rybakina on Thursday. She levelled the match on her sixth set heading into the tournament, Paolini now
Just hours after Paolini beat tearful point, making it the first time in 20 years has six victories under her belt and has
Croatian Donna Vekic 2-6, 6-4, 7-6 (10/8) in that both Wimbledon women9s semi- dropped just two sets in the process.
the longest women9s semi-final at the All finals had gone to the final set. <The last months have been crazy for
England Club, it was Krejcikova9s turn to The Czech held all the momentum me. It is a dream. I was watching finals
dig deep for victory against fourth seeded and she eventually wore down Rybakina, when I was a kid on this Wimbledon,= she
Rybakina in two hours and seven minutes who had committed over 35 unforced said.
on Centre Court. errors by the time she surrendered her <You know there is no place better than
Krejcikova faces seventh seed Paolini on serve in the decisive, seventh game of the here to fight for every ball and every point.
Saturday in what will be the second Grand final set. I will remember this forever.=
Slam final of the 28-year-old9s career after <Barbora played very well but I think it9s Vekic paid the price for 57 unforced
her French Open triumph in 2021. still a positive tournament for me,= said errors, with the semi-final fittingly ending
<I9m so proud about my game and my Rybakina. on another wild forehand from the
fighting spirit today,= said Krejcikova. Paolini had never won a main draw unseeded Croatian.
The Czech started 2024 with a run to the match at Wimbledon before this year, but Unable to contain her frustration at let-
quarter-finals of the Australian Open, but the world number seven tenaciously saw ting 3-1 and 4-3 leads slip in the last set,
a first round exit at the French Open was a off Vekic in two hours and 51 minutes to Vekic broke down in tears in the closing
major setback. secure a second successive Grand Slam stages of a rollercoaster clash.
She struggled with a back injury and ill- final appearance. <I was crying because I had so much
ness, winning just three singles matches in The 28-year-old, who lost the French pain. I didn9t know how I could keep play-
the five months before finally finding her Open final to Iga Swiatek last month, is the ing,= Vekic said.
form in remarkable style at Wimbledon. first Italian woman to reach the Wimble- <I thought I was going to die in the
Krejcikova shocked 11th seed Danielle don final. third set. I had so much pain in my arm, in
Krejcikova Paolini
Collins in the fourth round and former Paolini, who also made the Australia my leg.= 3 AFP
French Open champion Jelena Ostapenko
in the quarter-finals, before turning her
sights on Rybakina. I thought I was going to die, says Vekic
The two-time Wimbledon doubles
champion is now one win away from an
unexpected triumph in the singles. LONDON: Donna Vekic broke down in the tie-break. Vekic was also undone by a barrage
<Unbelievable. It is very tough to floods of tears on Centre Court as her However, her brittle emotions of mistakes, with 57 unforced errors
explain, but a lot of joy and a lot of emo- Wimbledon dream was crushed in the sparked tears as the match slipped outweighing her 42 winners.
tions,= Krejcikova said. semi-finals on Thursday with the Croa- away. She converted just four of 14 break
<When I broke her in the second set, I tian racked by such intense pain that <I thought I was going to die in the points as Paolini moved into her second
started to be in the zone and I didn9t want she thought she <was going to die=. third set. I had so much pain in my arm, successive Grand Slam final after finish-
to leave the zone.= The 28-year-old, playing in her first in my leg. It was not easy out there,= said ing runner-up to Iga Swiatek at the
Rybakina had been in formidable form, Grand Slam last-four clash at the 43rd the unseeded Vekic as she struggled to French Open last month.
dropping just one set as she extended her attempt and after 11 years on tour, compose herself at a news conference. <My team tells me that I can be proud
impressive All England Club record to 19 slumped to a 2-6, 6-4, 7-6 (10/8) loss to Five of Vekic9s six matches at Wim- of myself. It9s tough right now. It9s really
wins from 21 matches. Italy9s Jasmine Paolini in the longest bledon went to three sets. She spent just tough,= added Vekic.
The 25-year-old, who won Wimbledon women9s semi-final played at the All shy of 13 hours on court. <For sure I will need to take couple of
in 2022, made a fast start with two quick England Club. <I was more crying because I had so days to see everything. It9s tough to be
breaks for an early 4-0 lead in a one-sided Vekic reacts during her Vekic was 3-1 ahead in the decider much pain, I didn9t know how I could positive right now. It was so close. I had
first set against Krejcikova. match against Paolini. and then just two points from victory in keep playing,= she said. a lot of chances.= 3 AFP

Krejcikova hails late Novotna for Wimbledon final spot Thomas frustrated despite leading
LONDON: Barbora Krejcikova reached her TV interview on Centre Court as she want me to do.=
first Wimbledon final on Thursday, hail- remembered Novotna who died from can- Novotna was Wimbledon champion in Scottish Open with round of 62
ing her late coach and former champion cer in 2017 at the age of 49. 1998 but only after losing finals at the All
Jana Novotna for teaching her <to fight for <She was telling me a lot of stories about England Club in 1993 and 1997. NORTH BERWICK (United Kingdom): how that works out when you get ahead of
every ball=. her journey here and how she was trying to She famously wept on the shoulder of Two-time major champion Justin Thomas yourself.
Krejcikova, 28, stunned 2022 champion win Wimbledon,= said the Czech 31st seed. Britain9s Duchess of Kent after the 1993 was annoyed with himself after he missed <But it9s always good to get off to a good
Elena Rybakina 3-6, 6-3, 6-4 to set-up a title <I was so far away when we had this talk. final which she lost to Steffi Graf. the chance to make golf history on Thurs- start, and even better to get off to a great
showdown against Italy9s Jasmine Paolini Now I am here and I am in a final.= Novotna had led 4-1 in the third set and day even though he carded a superb one. I felt like I was in great control of
on Saturday. She added: <I remember thinking about was a point away from going 5-1 up only to bogey-free round of 62 to establish a one- everything.=
The Czech said she never imagined she her a lot. I have so many beautiful memo- serve a double fault. shot lead on the first day of the Scottish Thomas was not the only player to
would reach a Wimbledon singles final. ries and when I step on the court I fight for She lost the next five games and was Open. enjoy a low first round in a tournament
She then became emotional during her every single ball as that is what she would defeated 7-6 (8/6), 1-6, 6-4. 3 AFP The American was on course to shoot that also acts as a warm-up event for next
just the second 59 in the history of the DP week9s British Open4golf 9s oldest major
World (European) Tour when eight under championship4which this year takes
Three-way tie par through 13 holes at the Renaissance place at Troon, on Scotland9s west coast.
France ruggers to be charged Club coastal course, east of Edinburgh. South Korea9s Im Sung-jae was just one
for lead at But Thomas, twice a winner of the US shot behind, with Ludvig Aberg on six
PGA Championship, could only par the under and defending Scottish Open cham-
as rape accuser hospitalised last five holes. pion Rory McIlroy one of several players on
Evian C’ship <I thought the par was 71 and then I five under.
BUENOS AIRES: Two French international media that her symptoms, as described, looked up and I saw it was 70 and I was This was McIlroy9s first tournament
rugby players accused of raping and beat- could be indicative of post-traumatic EVIAN (France): Sweden9s Ingrid Lindblad, like, 8I just need a couple more9 (birdies) since his agonising finish at last month9s
ing an Argentine woman4who has since stress disorder. Thai Patty Tavatanakit and Gemma Dry- and I can shoot 59,= Thomas said. <And US Open, where the 35-year-old Northern
been hospitalised4will be charged in the The woman will receive treatment at a burgh of Scotland shared the lead after the then, shocking, I made five pars in a row... Irishman missed out on a fifth major title
case, a judicial source said on Thursday. health facility for 24 to 48 hours, Romano opening round of the Evian Champi- I definitely wanted a 59 and was even after a dramatic collapse on the closing
Hugo Auradou, 20, and Oscar Jegou, 21, said. onship on Thursday. thinking a couple lower, so we all know holes at Pinehurst, North Carolina. 3 AFP
were arrested Monday in Buenos Aires Auradou and Jegou will spend Thurs- The trio set the pace on the first day of
after the woman accused them of raping day night at a police detention unit and be the fourth of five women9s majors this sea-
her multiple times and savagely beating brought before prosecutor Cecilia Bignert son in Evian, France. Coody grabs Kentucky PGA lead
her in a hotel room in the city of Mendoza at 9:00 am local time (1200 GMT) on Fri- Dryburgh conjured up seven birdies to
after a match. day, said Martin Ahumada, a spokesman take joint custody of the top of the leader- WASHINGTON: US PGA Tour rookie Pierce- under par 59 in the first round of the John
They have denied the accusation, and for the Mendoza prosecutor9s office. board with a round of 64. son Coody fired a career-low 11-under par 61 Deere Classic last week, rattled in a 20-foot
say sexual relations with the woman were Upon being charged, the pair could be Her haul of birdies matched that of on Thursday to grab a three-shot lead in the birdie putt at 18 to join him on eight-
consensual. ordered held until a hearing 10 days later Tavatanakit and first-season professional fist round of the ISCO Championship in under4his ninth birdie of the day with just
The players were transferred Thursday to determine whether they will have to Lindblad. Nicholasville, Kentucky. one bogey.
by car from Interpol9s Buenos Aires head- await trial in custody. Tavatanakit said: <I came out and didn9t The 24-year-old American ranked 175th in Nine players shared fourth on seven-
quarters to Mendoza, where they are Within the 10 days, the pair could know what to expect. It was a really early the world needed just 20 putts, reeling off 11 under 65.
expected to be formally charged on Friday. bring an application to be released on morning tee time. birdies4including six in a row from the fifth <I9ve been putting really nice all season,=
Meanwhile, the 39-year-old woman9s probation or under house arrest, accord- <I just played golf and it was a really through the 10th4at Keen Trace Golf Club. said Coody, whose 61 was three strokes bet-
lawyer, Natacha Romano, said her client ing to Ahumada. good round. I hit the ball really solid.= He had a three-shot lead over Rico Hoey ter than his previous tour low, a 64 on Sun-
was hospitalised Thursday after feeling ill The sentence for sexual assault in Lindblad described her round as <simple=. of the Philippines and American Hayden day at the John Deere Classic.
emotionally and physically <because of Argentina ranges from six to 15 years, <There are no flat lies so you9re kind of Springer. <It9s kind of a core set, if you keep it in
everything that happened.= according to the penal code. The penalty always hitting into a green that9s sloping Hoey9s 64 included six birdies and an play, keep it in front of you, you have a lot of
Psychologist Nicolas Yungman, who can increase to 20 years in the case of two one way and the fairway is sloping the eagle from off the green at the par-five wedges, you end up with a lot of looks for
was not treating the woman, told local aggressors. 3 AFP same way, so you9ve just got to be careful eighth - his penultimate hole. birdie and it9s just one of those days that I
where you hit the ball,= she said. 3 AFP Springer, who shot a sensational 12- saw a ton of putts go in.= 3 AFP

Medical expert criticises lack of timely medical attention to Zhang

KUALA LUMPUR: There have been numerous team had to wait for referee9s permission to act fast to save a life. They don9t have to even tant user-friendly piece of equipment that a of an ambulance 3 a minimum requirement.
cases of social badminton players collapsing enter the court. The badminton world is off wait for the umpire or referee9s permission to layman can operate. It gives step by step The Chinese Badminton Association
on court and dying over the years. course at odds with this contention and run onto the court to treat a player...It is com- directions in vernacular languages when to through a statement on July 1 expressed pro-
But, the badminton world was shocked by rightly too. mon sense. BWF on-court medical officers shock or not to shock the person as well as found grief over the tragic passing of the out-
the recent passing of Chinese player Zhang Badminton World Federation (BWF) are well trained to cope and act to such an provides information on the quality of the standing athlete, while BWF said it is taking
Zhijie. Medical Commission chairman Datuk Dr emergency. CPR in real time. all necessary steps to thoroughly review the
On June 30, in what could be the first in- Gurcharan Singh, who is better known as Dr <For every minute that is wasted, the The competitiveness and the level of play emergency response protocols and guide-
competition casualty in badminton, 17-year- Guru, is one of those who feels strongly that chance of survival is reduced by 10 per cent. in badminton is continuously very high, lines if required. Following that, China9s Xin-
old Zhang collapsed on the court during the Zhang9s death was in vain, that the player Enroute to the hospital if no oxygen, CPR thus, players routinely face intense physical hua news agency reported that, Zhang9s
2024 Badminton Asian Junior Championship ranked world number eight among juniors, and/or AED administered, he might be in a and mental stress as well as the tight sched- sister demanded explanation for his death
in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. could have been saved if he had received vegetative state,= he told Bernama. ule of international and national competi- on Chinese social media platform Weibo on
The cause of death is believed to be a car- timely help. He said the fact that the medical team at tions that players need to participate last Wednesday.
diac arrest. He was pronounced dead on <I have looked at the video clip of Zhang9s the Asian Junior Championship, firstly provides little recovery time. The Chinese badminton team showed
arrival at the hospital. collapse on court several times. I feel there responded late to diagnose sudden cardiac This sad incident did not surprise Dr Guru resilience despite the sorrow of Zhang9s pass-
His death has now sparked a huge contro- was a serious lapse in respect of the profes- arrest and failure to initiate CPR as well as as he had forewarned all involved in World ing during the final group stage against
versy in the face of the long duration it took sional approach towards rendering emer- use of the AED, basically removed any Badminton at meetings that sudden cardiac Japan, to march on and defeat Taiwan and
to administer first aid by the medical team gency medical attention to the player. There chance of Zhang9s survival. <The CPR and arrest will happen during badminton com- Malaysia in the quarter-finals and semi-finals
on duty at the tournament. were multiple errors involved. AED should have been the first line of treat- petitions without warning and the need to as well as South Korea in final to claim the
As the match involving Zhang was tele- <In a sudden cardiac arrest situation, the ment before removing the player from the be prepared and respond professionally to team event crown.
vised live and the video of the incident widely medical officer must assess and perform CPR court. The medical team failed in that save the life of an elite young athlete. Dr Guru has served as a medical officer at
shared in social media platforms, the delay (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) within two aspect,= he added. He said doctors and supporting staff all the Fifa World Cup tournaments since the
also caused consternation among spectators minutes of the player collapsing on court. It Dr Guru highlighted that it was the trained to handle medical emergencies are 2002 Korea/Japan edition and six Olympics
who, like players and officials, are now includes the use of an AED (automated exter- responsibility of Badminton Asia and the the appropriate personnel to be appointed Games since the 2000 Sydney Games in bad-
demanding answers. nal defibrillator) to stabilise his or her con- local organising committee to ensure trained to such tournaments. minton and football (2004 Athens, 2008 Bei-
All-Indonesia Badminton Association dition and then be taken quickly to the medical doctors were appointed during Dr Guru opined that, no badminton event jing, 2012 London, 2016 Rio, and 2020 Tokyo)
(PBSI) has denied any delay in respect of nearest hospital. international events to address emergency should commence without the presence of competitions. He will be officiating for the
medical aid rendered to Zhang, as its <During a medical emergency like a sud- situations such as a cardiac arrest. emergency equipment, especially oxygen, seventh time at the Paris 2024 Games for bad-
spokesperson reportedly said the medical den cardiac arrest, the medical team needs to According to Dr Guru, AED is an impor- AED, spinal board stretcher and the presence minton. 3 Bernama
Spain bring I thought I
much-needed was going
thrills to die, 24
to Euros says Vekic


Rhinos missing key

duo for JDT clash
gl oh <However, we have players that are He also brushed aside the negative
KOTA KINABALU: Sabah FC will be with- ready to take over their positions and it comments on a number of issues involv-
out Saddil Ramdani and Darren Lok for is important that they can grab this ing Sabah FC that went viral on social
the match against Johor Darul Ta9zim FC opportunity as best as possible. media recently.
at the Likas Stadium tonight (Saturday). <Apart from showing commitment, <All the issues have been resolved. I
Their absence is likely to deal a fur- they must be prepared mentally and hope all the players will focus fully on
ther blow to the team following the physically to play against the top team the important match tomorrow and we
departure of Ramon Machado last week. in the country,= he said. are confident that these external issues
Head coach Datuk Ong Kim Swee He also hoped the players can will not disturb the players9 concentra-
said on Friday that the duo are still suf- bounce back from the disappointing tion and focus. Ong (left) giving instruction to the players
fering from injuries and are likely to be home defeat in the FA Cup to Tereng- <The players must know that they during training session on Thursday.
fit for the match, but confident their ganu FC last Saturday. <It is not an easy need to improve their performance
replacement will be able to carry out matter to play in the league especially after failing to win the last two matches. important role to boost the players9 have to continue and it is very impor-
the task. against JDT FC, but we must perform They should forget the defeat by focus- confidence and hopes they will come to tant for us to get continuous support
<Saddil and Darren are still suffering better to give them competition, espe- ing on tomorrow9s match so that they the stadium to give their support. especially from the supporters who will
from their injuries and it will be a big cially after losing to Terengganu FC in can return to their true form,= he said. <I know many people are disap- motivate the players more with their
challenge for the team without them. the FA Cup recently.= He added that the fans can play an pointed with the recent results, but we presence in the stadium.=

Kim Swee
Zii Jia gets easy draw, Pearly-Thinaah face tough battle
refutes claims
KUALA LUMPUR: If the Kedah-born world number Rahayu-Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti of director of coaching Rexy Mainaky is
National men9s sin- seven Zii Jia tops Group G, he is set to Indonesia in Group A. optimistic that the mixed doubles pair
of more players gles professional face his first tricky test in the round of There is better news for national will be able to get past the group stage
shuttler Lee Zii Jia 16 as he is likely to meet Indonesia9s mixed doubles pair Chen Tang Jie-Toh Ee and he also called on the women9s dou-
(pic) faces an easy world number nine Anthony Sinisuka Wei after they were drawn in Group D bles pair to have faith in themselves in
leaving mission to clear the Ginting, who has been drawn in Group with second seeds Feng Yan Zhe-Huang the quadrennial Games.
group stage after H. Dong Ping of China, Americans Vinson <The opportunity is there for them to
KOTA KINABALU: Sabah FC head coach receiving a National women9s singles profes- Chiu-Jennie Gai and Singapore9s Terry get past the group stage, that doesn9t
Datuk Ong Kim Swee has refuted claims favourable draw for sional shuttler Goh Jin Wei has been Hee Yong Kai-Jessica Tan Wei Han. The mean it9s an easy one, (but) there9s an
that more players are set to leave the team. the Paris Olympic given a tougher draw after being pitted top two pairs in the group will qualify opportunity. Tang Jie-Ee Wei must be
Kim Swee said instead it is more likely badminton competition. against 12th seed Kim Ga Eun of South for the quarter-finals. mentally well prepared and it is also
that new players would be recruited to In the draw held at the Badminton Korea and Johanita Scholtz of South Meanwhile, following a Court of important that they stay fit and healthy.
strengthen the Rhinos. World Federation (BWF) headquarters Africa in Group H. Arbitration for Sport (CAS) hearing, the <I hope Pearly-Thinaah can play like
<There is a lot of speculation and claims here Friday, the seventh-seeded 2021 All- Malaysian women9s doubles pair BWF announced that it will conduct the they have nothing to lose. They must
that more players will leave Sabah FC fol- England champion should have no Pearly Tan-M. Thinaah, the world num- men9s doubles draw on another date yet realise that if they want to win, they can-
lowing import striker Ramon Machado problems getting past Group G, where ber 13, could not have asked for a to be determined. not expect an easy time. They must pre-
after the FA Cup quarter-final match last he will have world number 63 Pablo tougher group assignment after being The Paris Olympic badminton com- pare well if they want to get past the
Saturday. Abian of Spain and world number 72 drawn with world number one and top petition will be held at the Porte de la group stage& and be confident,= he said
<But we need to know the reason why Viren Nettasinghe of Sri Lanka for com- seeds Chen Qing Chen-Jia Yi Fan of Chapelle Arena from July 27 to Aug 5. through an audio recording shared with
Ramon left Sabah FC which was due to a pany. China and world number nine Apriyani Akademi Badminton Malaysia (ABM) reporters on Friday. 3 Bernama
family matter,= he told reporters here on
He said now Sabah FC will continue to Crucial for Rhinos to maintain self-belief S’wak willing to ‘lend’
focus on the Super League which is still
early in the season. SABAH FC will be taking on give them a fight and show
Meanwhile, team manager Rafie Robert the mighty Johor Darul them we are capable of beating athletes to other states
said the previously viral issue stating that Ta9zim FC in the Super League the odds.
Sabah FC lost two matches against Tereng- match tonight at the Likas I am not sure who the play- KUCHING: Host Sarawak is prepared to 8lend9 its athletes to other
ganu FC in the FA Cup due to salary arrears stadium. ers Datuk Ong Kim Swee will states to overcome the problem of lack of participation in certain
is untrue. It is certainly a bad time to line up for the match tonight, events at the Malaysia Games (Sukma) 2024, scheduled to be held
<The players had already received their play against a team who but whoever goes down to the from Aug 17 to 24.
salaries before the first match against seemed to be unbeaten in the pitch must be ready to give his Sarawak State Sports Council (SSC) director Awang Putra Yusrie
Terengganu FC. I hope the supporters will local scene for the longest best. said that based on information received last week, 30 of the 488
not believe the rumours that are being time. It makes the task even We have to keep JDT at bay events to be featured at the games seem unlikely to get the mini-
spread. harder without the goalscor- right from the start. The mum participation of six states and thus risk being dropped.
<Actually, I don9t have the authority to ing prowess of Ramon Machado who left the team defence needs to be absolutely tight with lots of help Awang Putra, who is also Sarawak Sports Corporation chief exec-
explain the player9s salary issue...but as the on mutual understanding last week. coming from the midfield. I don9t expect we will utive officer, said dropping these events would have a negative
team manager, I want to explain that the I also came to understand that Saddil Ramdani have many scoring chances given the strength of our impact on the development of athletes.
players have been paid and that9s not the and Darren Lok who are also proven goalscorers may opponents in this match, so the players must be very <We (Sarawak) have backup athletes; previously, we had also
reason we lost two games in a row,= he not be in the team line-up as well. clinical in front of goal with any opportunities if we offered several divers to help other states and we had also offered
said. 3 Bernama This is certainly bad news. The odds may be up are to get it right tonight. our women9s futsal team. If other states need athletes in other
against us, but let9s not be overawed by our oppo- I also know that many fans are not happy at this sports, we are ready (to lend them).
<They (athletes on loan) can train with our athletes here using
nents9 presence tonight. We must have the belief moment after our terrible loss to Terengganu FC and
that nothing is a foregone conclusion until the final the departure of Ramon. our facilities. We have talent and it9s a pity if they can9t participate
whistle is blown especially in football. However, we need to move on as I had said earlier, in Sukma. It would be a loss ... the talent will be wasted. But if there9s
racing from JDT FC may be a tough team to beat or even get- it is only the fourth match of the season and there a request (to borrow), we will definitely help,= said Awang Putra,
ting a draw, but we must bank on the home ground are lots more games to go. adding that he wants all the 488 events to be contested.
advantage and at the same time put behind the two The fans must continue to support the team espe- He said this in a special interview with the Malaysian National
Down Under defeats in the FA Cup by Terengganu FC last week to cially at this moment in time to lift the players9 News Agency (Bernama) at the Pandelela Rinong Aquatic Complex
try to get the right result. morale. here.
KOTA KINABALU: Racing fans can look To be able to achieve the near impossible, the Let9s find that winning momentum again The Bernama delegation was headed by editor-in-chief Arul
forward to regular world-class racing players need to be fully focused and play hard. No tonight. All the best to the team and I am hoping for Rajoo Durar Raj and deputy executive editor Elmi Rizal Elias.
actions from Australia starting this week- one will doubt it will be a very tough match but let9s a nice surprise. Awang Putra felt that it would be unfair to states that have made
end. thorough preparations, including purchasing plane tickets and
Today9s (Saturday) line-up includes paying their athletes9 allowances, if the events are eventually
four cracking races from the fabled Rand- dropped.
wick racetrack. Paolini eyes Wimbledon Conmebol opens <I hope the SSC of other states are aligned with our purpose for
In particular, Race 7 is worth attention holding Sukma and sending athletes this time. The costs in Sarawak
probe into
with fast improving Bear On The Loose are quite high, but this is our opportunity to develop athletes in
and rising star Aramco taking on the title after ‘crazy’ run Malaysia,= he said.
establishment in Amberite, Redstone Well He said a decision on whether any events would be dropped due
LONDON: Italy9s Jasmine Paolini (pic) has set
violent clashes
and Caboche. to lack of participation would be finalised at the Sukma Sarawak
her sights on capping a <crazy= run to Satur-
In Singapore, Sabah Star is entered for 2024 Special Technical Committee meeting to be chaired by Youth
day9s Wimbledon final against Barbora Krej-
Race 7 over 1200m with tempered expec- and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh in Kuala Lumpur on July 18.
cikova by winning a maiden Grand Slam title. MIAMI: Copa America organisers Con-
tations. Sukma 2024 will feature 37 types of sports involving 488 events,
Paolini survived the longest women9s sin- mebol have opened a disciplinary
The talented Ravalli, former HK-trained comprising 236 men9s events, 217 women9s events and 35 mixed
gles semi-final in Wimbledon history to beat investigation into the <acts of violence=
galloper, Goldenfield and Pacific Hero are events. The competitions will be staged in nine divisions - Kuching,
Donna Vekic 2-6, 6-4, 7-6 (10/8) after two at the end of Wednesday9s semi-final
tipped to battle for top spot. Samarahan, Serian, Sri Aman, Betong, Sibu, Mukah, Bintulu and
hours and 51 minutes of Centre Court drama between Uruguay and Colombia in
Race 4 this Sunday at Tambalang fea- Miri.
on Thursday. Charlotte.
tures a talented field of 12 starters. Sukma was introduced in 1986 and Sarawak has hosted it twice
The 28-year-old is the first Italian woman Uruguay9s Liverpool striker Darwin
Top picks are Madani and Go Tommy before, in 1990 and 2016. 3 Bernama
to reach the final of the grass-court Grand Slam. Nunez was among the players who
She will face Czech 31st seed Krejcikova, who enjoyed a shock 3- waded into the stands at the Bank of
Kokorriko and well-prepared Ratu First
6, 6-3, 6-4 win over 2022 champion Elena Rybakina in the other America Stadium and exchanged
can challenge.
Ember, Lucky Lady II, Victoria Glory
semi-final. punches with fans during what Con- Bahasa Sub-Editor
It is an astonishing achievement for Paolini, who had not won a mebol called <unacceptable= scenes.
and Magic Net at Race 3 should be in the THE Daily Express, the leading newspaper in Sabah and
Tour-level match on grass until 15 days ago in Eastbourne, and lost Uruguay central defender Jose Maria
running with Lucky Lady II having an Labuan, has a vacancy for those suitably qualified to be
in the first round on her previous three visits to Wimbledon. Gimenez said players had leapt into the
edge. Lucky Lady II is honest and hard- Sub-Editor in the Bahasa Malaysia section.
She had also failed to go beyond the second round of a melee out of concern for the safety of
working type always ready for a good Only those who have achieved good grades, especially
Grand Slam until this year. But 2024 has been a breakthrough family members and loved ones watch-
fight. in Bahasa Malaysia and English at SPM level or equiva-
campaign for Paolini, who reached her maiden Grand Slam ing the game in that section of the
For this Saturday (Australia, Singapore lent, would be considered.
final at the French Open before losing to world number one Iga ground.
& Selangor) and Sunday (Tambalang, Experience would be an advantage but not compulsory
Swiatek. Uruguay are scheduled to face
Hong Kong and Perak meetings) race as training would be provided. Retired teachers are
Even Paolini can9t quite believe her remarkable rise. Canada, at the same stadium, in the
details and timings and locations of RSTC encouraged to apply.
<You are crazy, I would say, yes,= she said. <Yeah, I don9t have third place game on Saturday and it
<live= Off-Course telecast venues in Tan- Submit resume to:
words. Just, yeah, you are crazy,= said Paolini, who started her unex- remains to be seen if any of their play-
jung Aru and Keningau, please visit the Closing date: July. 15, 2024
pected rise by making the Australian Open last 16 in January. 3 AFP ers are suspended for that game. 3 AFP
Royal Sabah Turf Club (RSTC) website.

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sabtu, 13 julai, 2024 /7 MuHaraM, 1446H

Subuh Zohor Asar Maghrib Isyak

KK/Pantai Barat 4.55 12.24 3.48 6.35 7.50

Sandakan Timur 4.48 12.16 3.41 6.28 7.43

Sandakan Barat 4.52 12.20 3.45 6.31 7.46

Tawau Timur 4.46 12.14 3.39 6.25 7.40

Tawau Barat 4.51 12.17 3.42 6.27 7.42

Kudat 4.49 12.20 3.44 6.34 7.49

Pedalaman Atas 4.54 12.23 3.47 6.34 7.49

Penganggur ditahan, Dua lagi kriteria untuk ‘Air di dalam cawan Israel arah kosongkan
Pedalaman Bawah 4.57 12.25 3.50 6.36 7.51
seorang lagi diburu > 2 Sandakan jadi bandaraya > 3 bergoyang’ > 4 Gaza City > 5

l Pencapaian SDB sejak ada Lembaga baru l Laporan SPRM dibuat l Tiada lagi pinjaman dari luar Sabah

Sabah akan dapat balik RM5bil

KOTA KINABALU: tunai sebagai Simpanan Tetap dengan
Kerajaan sedia
Menteri Kewangan SDB. Kami juga meletakkan SDB seba-
Negeri Datuk Seri Masidi gai pemberi pinjaman/pengurus utama
Manjun (gambar) untuk menyediakan kandungan tem- bincang pinda
berkata Kerajaan Sabah patan dalam membiayai projek pelabu-
tegas dalam menyokong ran besar yang datang ke Sabah. Akta Antilompat
Bank Pembangunan <Satu lagi sokongan kewangan pent-
Sabah (SDB), sementara ing ialah penukaran Deposit Negeri Parti baiki
Pinjaman Tidak Berbayar (NPL) sebanyak RM660 juta kepada Saham
berjumlah RM5 bilion adalah selamat Keutamaan Boleh Tebus dalam tempoh kelompangan
dan boleh dipulihkan. beberapa tahun akan datang untuk
<Saya ingin menegaskan semula mengukuhkan permodalan bank,= kata PUTRAJAYA: Kerajaan
sokongan Kerajaan Negeri kepada Masidi. terbuka untuk men-
bank ini pada masa ia memerlukan, Sejak beberapa tahun lalu, isu gadakan perbincangan
khususnya berhubung komitmen kami warisan telah menjejaskan kedudukan bagi membaiki kelom-
pangan yang wujud
untuk memastikan bahawa obligasi kewangan SDB secara negatif.
dalam Akta Perlemba-
bon dan pembayaran balik dilak- Bagaimanapun, Masidi berkata pen-
gaan (Pindaan) (No. 3)
sanakan. capaian direkodkan sejak Lembaga dan 2022 (Akta A1663) atau
<Bank mencerminkan kedudukan Pengurusan baharu dilantik pada sep- Akta Antilompat Parti,
kewangan Negeri dan mempunyai per- aruh kedua 2023. Pendedahan pinja- kata Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar
anan penting dalam pembangunan man GLC dikurangkan daripada RM2.2 Ibrahim (gambar).
Negeri,= kata Masidi dalam satu keny- bilion pada Julai 2023 kepada RM0.7 Beliau berkata Pakatan Harapan pada
ataan, Jumaat, sebagai respons kepada bilion pada masa ini, dan obligasi bon 2022 pernah mengusulkan supaya pindaan SAIFUDDIN melawat kaunter di Pejabat Jabatan Imigresen KKIA.
liputan media berikutan pengumuman daripada RM5 bilion kepada RM3.9 bil- terhadap akta itu dibuat, namun ditolak
NPL bank itu dari 2003 hingga 2018. ion. kerajaan pada masa itu.
Ia menjelaskan bahawa NPL RM5 bil-
ion itu bukan kerugian dan boleh
Beliau berkata pasukan baharu itu
telah melaksanakan tadbir urus yang
<Dahulu, kita cadang supaya mana-
mana yang ditolak oleh parti, perlu ditolak
Pasport 10-tahun tidak lama lagi
diperoleh semula kerana ia teruta- ketat dan melaporkan salah laku (mengosongkan kerusi) tetapi tidak diper- Jonathan Nicholas lum balas, pelanggan gembira kerana
manya dijamin dengan aset berasaskan didakwa kepada Suruhanjaya Pencega- setujui kerajaan ketika itu. KOTA KINABALU: Kementerian Dalam mereka hanya mengambil masa sejam
tanah yang berada di bawah tindakan han Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM). Bank itu <Jadi, bagi saya kalau nak pinda boleh, Negeri bakal mengeluarkan pasport menunggu.
pemerolehan aktif. telah menerima pakai amalan industri kita bincang supaya sesiapa sahaja (tidak dengan tempoh sah laku 10 tahun <Malaysia Airlines Holdings Berhad
Masidi memberitahu Dewan Undan- dan garis panduan Bank Negara terkecuali jika lompat parti),= kata beliau selepas kajian kebolehlaksanaan men- memperuntukkan ruang, dan mempun-
gan Negeri pada Rabu bahawa SDB Malaysia (BNM) dan memulakan usaha kepada media. dapati ia sesuai untuk negara. yai pejabat di KKIA adalah strategik ker-
Anwar berkata pada masa itu, PH men- Bagaimanapun, Menterinya Datuk ana Kota Kinabalu menerima
akan mengumumkan kerugian yang mendapat balik NPL dengan sasaran
gusulkan supaya Ahli Parlimen yang dito- Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail enggan kemasukan penerbangan antarabangsa.
tidak pernah berlaku sebelum ini agresif RM1 bilion setahun untuk tiga lak parti masing-masing, secara automatik
untuk tahun kewangan 2023-2024, tahun akan datang. mendedahkan bila ia akan dilak- <Pejabat imigresen juga dibuka di
kehilangan kerusi mereka, namun Bersatu sanakan, berkata ia akan diumumkan pekarangan Lapangan Terbang Antara-
selaras dengan amalan terbaik dan Menurutnya, bank itu men- menolak keras usul berkenaan. bila tiba masanya. Buat masa ini, tem- bangsa Kuala Lumpur tetapi tidak betul-
piawaian perakaunan. jangkakan keluar dari pasaran Seme- <Sampai kita bertolak ansur dan jadi poh sah laku pasport maksimum ialah betul di dalam lapangan terbang.
Beliau berkata SDB sentiasa nanjung Malaysia menjelang masa itu. undang-undang sekarang. Jadi, kalau nak lima tahun. <KKIA tertumpu, jadi keputusan
memenuhi obligasi pembayaran balik Beliau berkata bank itu kini pinda kita boleh bincang,= kata Anwar. Beliau berkata negara jiran seperti untuk ditempatkan di sini adalah tepat
bonnya pada masa lalu dan bank itu berpandu teguh kepada mandat dari- Pada 20 Jun lepas, Bersatu menge- Thailand, Indonesia, Filipina dan Singa- dan mementingkan rakyat,= katanya.
mempunyai modal yang mencukupi pada Kerajaan Negeri untuk mukakan notis kepada Speaker Dewan pura telah pun melaksanakannya, Saifuddin berkata lapangan terbang
untuk memenuhi obligasi pembayaran meneruskan projek pembangunan Rakyat Tan Sri Johari Abdul meminta bersama Eropah dan Amerika Syarikat. antarabangsa kedua Sabah, Tawau, akan
balik bonnya yang akan datang. penting dari segi ekonomi dan sosial supaya enam kerusi Parlimen wakil rakyat- Saifuddin berkata demikian ketika menerima empat kaunter imigresen
<Saya difahamkan bahawa bank itu, serta bertanggungjawab terhadap nya yang sebelum ini menyokong Perdana melancarkan pejabat Imigresen lapan- masuk dan dua kaunter keluar baharu
selepas pengumuman tersebut, men- alam sekitar di Sabah dan Sabah sahaja. Menteri dikosongkan. gan terbang pertama negara di Lapan- sebagai respons kepada ketibaan luar
gadakan libat urus secara proaktif den- Permohonan pinjaman RM1.5 bilion Notis itu dikemukakan berdasarkan biasa di Pantai Timur negeri ini.
gan Terbang Antarabangsa Kota
gan pelabur utama, pendeposit dan yang tidak termasuk dalam mandat ini peruntukan Perkara 49A(1)(a)(ii) Perlem-
Kinabalu (KKIA), di sini, Jumaat. <Kredibiliti pasport Malaysia mem-
pemegang kepentingan lain. atau tidak memenuhi ujian kredit ketat bagaan, iaitu seseorang ahli Dewan Rakyat
Ia telah beroperasi selama dua bolehkan perjalanan tanpa visa ke 183
<Respons umum adalah terdapat baharu bank telah ditolak, tambahnya. hendaklah terhenti menjadi ahli Dewan
minggu (Isnin hingga Jumaat) dari 8 negara, menduduki tempat ke-12 paling
dan kerusinya menjadi kosong apabila
pemahaman dan sokongan penuh Sebaliknya, pinjaman berjumlah pagi hingga 5 petang, hanya memproses berkuasa di dunia dan kelima di Asia
tidak lagi menjadi anggota parti politik.
kepada bank untuk melaksanakan RM616 juta dalam bidang tumpuan air, Bagaimanapun, Johari pada Khamis pasport antarabangsa buat masa ini mengikut Indeks Pasport Henley yang
pembaharuan ini, dan mereka yakin kuasa dan infrastruktur telah dilu- menegaskan keputusan berhubung status dengan lebih banyak perkhidmatan mendapat datanya daripada Persatuan
dengan sokongan padu Kerajaan luskan. enam bekas Ahli Parlimen Bersatu yang bakal menyusul. Pengangkutan Udara Antarabangsa,=
Negeri terhadap pelan transformasi <Negeri sekali lagi menjelaskan mengisytiharkan sokongan kepada kera- Saifuddin berkata berdasarkan mak- katanya.
bank. bahawa ia menyokong penuh SDB dan jaan adalah kekal, menyebabkan pem-
<Sokongan padu Negeri bukan kepimpinan baharu, dan bahawa bank bangkang keluar Dewan beramai-ramai
sahaja dalam urusan pembayaran balik
pinjaman GLC, tetapi Kementerian saya
ini akan dipulihkan dan menjadi
sebuah bank pembangunan yang
kerana tidak berpuas hati.
Johari berkata pihaknya telah membuat
‘Tidak ditakrif sebagai lompat parti’
PUTRAJAYA: Pemecatan enam Ahli Parli- membantah pindaan Rang Undang-
juga telah mengeluarkan surat kepada boleh dibanggakan oleh Negeri dan kajian sebelum memutuskan perkara
terbabit dan membaca semua kenyataan men yang merupakan bekas ahli Bersatu Undang Akta Lompat Parti 2022 apabila
GLC lain untuk meletakkan lebihan rakyat,= katanya. tidak ditakrifkan sebagai lompat parti dicadang oleh Menteri di Jabatan Perdana
mengenai Perkara 49 Perlembagaan
Persekutuan. sehingga mereka perlu mengosongkan Menteri (Parlimen dan Undang-Undang)
Kerajaan masih teliti semula Enam Ahli Parlimen berkenaan ialah
Datuk Syed Abu Hussin Hafiz Syed Abdul
kerusi masing-masing ketika ini, kata
Menteri Komunikasi Fahmi Fadzil.
ketika itu, Tun Dr Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaa-
Beliau merujuk kepada tindakan enam <Dalam banyak-banyak parti, Bersatu
subsidi, bantuan termasuk RON95 Fasal (Bukit Gantang), Datuk Dr Suhaili
Abdul Rahman (Labuan), Zahari Kechik bekas ahli Bersatu yang telah mengisyti-
harkan sokongan kepada Perdana Menteri
paling tidak mahu menyaksikan sejumlah
pindaan yang telah dicadangkan oleh
KUALA LUMPUR: Kerajaan pada masa ini keperluan fungsian yang dijalankan (Jeli), Mohd Azizi Abu Naim (Gua Musang),
Datuk Iskandar Dzulkarnain Abdul Khalid Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. Menteri Undang-Undang waktu itu. Kalau
masih meneliti dan menilai semula sub- menggunakan sistem Pangkalan Data
(Kuala Kangsar) dan Datuk Dr Zulkafperi <Kita semua sedia maklum perkara 49A nak salahkan seseorang, salahkan Tan Sri
sidi dan bantuan yang diberikan kepada Utama (Padu).
Hanapi (Tanjong Karang). 3 Bernama (2) menyatakan dengan jelas bahawa Muhyiddin Yassin, Datuk Seri Hamzah
rakyat, termasuk petrol RON95, menurut <Selain itu, pengagihan bantuan sosial pemecatan tidak bererti kekosongan Zainudin dan Datuk Dr Mohd Radzi Md
Kementerian Ekonomi. juga sedang dikaji bagi memastikan kerusi, ia tidak bererti lompat parti. Jadi Jidin.
Kementerian itu menjelaskan pelak- rakyat, khususnya penerima bantuan Belanjawan 2025 kalau kita teliti apa yang telah berlaku ia <Merekalah antara yang paling tidak
sanaan subsidi bersasar RON95 akan tidak terlalu terbeban dengan jangkaan adalah ditafsirkan sebagai pemecatan ter- bersetuju dengan pindaan, yang sekiranya
diperincikan dari semua aspek supaya kenaikan harga barangan apabila kera-
inisiatif itu dapat berjalan dengan lancar jaan melaksanakan penyasaran semula
dibentang 18 Okt ancang,= katanya pada sidang media pasca
mesyuarat Jemaah Menteri di sini.
dilakukan akan menghalang daripada
kejadian yang kita saksikan sekarang.
dan meningkatkan keberkesanan pen- subsidi,= jelasnya. Enam Ahli Parlimen yang terkait den- (Sekarang) terpekik terlolong dalam
PUTRAJAYA: Belanjawan 2025, yang meru-
gagihan bantuan kepada rakyat. Kementerian Ekonomi menjawab per- pakan belanjawan ketiga di bawah Kera- gan isu itu ialah Datuk Syed Abu Hussin Dewan Rakyat, merekalah yang tidak
<Kerajaan juga sedang meneliti keper- tanyaan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Mohd Yassin jaan Perpaduan, akan dibentang pada 18 Hafiz Syed Abdul Fasal (Bukit Gantang), bersetuju. (Kini) Senjata makan tuan,=
luan pelaksanaan rasionalisasi subsidi ke (PN-Pagoh) mengenai mekanisme Okt ini di Dewan Rakyat, kata Menteri Datuk Dr Suhaili Abdul Rahman (Labuan), katanya.
atas petrol RON95. Walau bagaimanapun, rasionalisasi subsidi petrol dan diesel ter- Komunikasi Fahmi Fadzil. Zahari Kechik (Jeli), Mohd Azizi Abu Naim Rabu lepas, Muhyiddin mengesahkan
buat masa ini, tumpuan dan keutamaan masuk garis masa pelaksanaan, implikasi Fahmi, yang juga jurucakap Kerajaan (Gua Musang), Datuk Iskandar Dzulkar- Bersatu telah menerima surat daripada
akan diberikan kepada pelaksanaan sub- kewangan yang terlibat serta pen- Perpaduan, berkata sehubungan itu, Per- nain Abdul Khalid (Kuala Kangsar) dan Johari yang memaklumkan bahawa tidak
sidi diesel sehingga penyasaran subsidi dekatan. dana Menteri Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim Datuk Dr Zulkafperi Hanapi (Tanjong berlaku kekosongan kerusi Parlimen meli-
diesel menjadi stabil, sekali gus mencapai Kementerian itu menjelaskan telah mengarahkan semua menteri untuk Karang). batkan enam bekas ahlinya yang memberi
objektif yang ditetapkan,= menurut bagaimanapun, sebarang keputusan mengadakan sesi dialog Belanjawan Mengulas keputusan Speaker Dewan sokongan kepada Anwar.
kementerian itu dalam jawapan bertulis yang diambil oleh kerajaan akan disam- Madani 2025 bersama kementerian mas- Rakyat Tan Sri Johari Abdul bahawa Pada 20 Jun lepas, Ketua Whip Bersatu
disiarkan di laman sesawang Parlimen paikan dengan jelas kepada rakyat bagi ing-masing dan semua pemegang taruh keenam-enam Ahli Parlimen kekal sebagai yang juga Naib Presidennya Datuk Dr
pada Khamis. mengelakkan kekeliruan terhadap peran- dalam sektor yang terlibat. wakil rakyat, Fahmi berkata tindakan Ronald Kiandee telah mengemukakan
Sesi libat urus dengan pihak berke- cangan dasar yang dilaksanakan. <Hasrat Perdana Menteri adalah untuk diambil itu berlandaskan Perlembagaan notis kepada Yang Dipertua Dewan Rakyat
pentingan juga akan diadakan bagi <Kerajaan juga telah merancang mendapatkan maklum balas daripada Persekutuan dan tafsiran undang-undang. mengenai kekosongan kerusi enam Ahli
memastikan setiap aspek diambil kira, beberapa inisiatif bagi memastikan kuasa industri serta pemegang taruh mengenai <Ini adalah perkara asas dalam peratu- Dewan itu kerana keahlian mereka dalam
termasuk garis masa pelaksanaan serta beli rakyat dapat dikekalkan. Majlis Tin- sama ada dasar, insentif, program, pelak- ran urusan mesyuarat (Peraturan Majlis parti telah terhenti.
mekanisme yang bersesuaian bagi mem- dakan Sara Hidup Negara di bawah sanaan, kekangan dan cabaran. Mesyuarat Dewan Rakyat),= katanya sam- Keenam-enam Ahli Parlimen diberikan
bolehkan rakyat yang terkesan, menerima Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri <Ini akan dibawa semula untuk penelit- bil menambah sebarang kritikan terhadap notis gugur keahlian pada 12 Jun lepas
manfaat yang sewajarnya, tambahnya. dan Kos Sara Hidup akan mempergiatkan ian di peringkat Kementerian Kewangan keputusan Johari adalah tidak berasas. apabila mereka gagal menjawab surat ara-
Kementerian Ekonomi memaklumkan usaha untuk menangani kos sara hidup agar dapat disesuaikan dengan dokumen Beliau turut mengingatkan pem- han bertulis Majlis Pimpinan Tertinggi
pelbagai cadangan sedang dipertim- supaya kuasa beli dan kesejahteraan atau Belanjawan Madani 2025 nanti,= bangkang supaya tidak menjadi 8hero9 Bersatu untuk menzahirkan ikrar taat
bangkan oleh kerajaan berdasarkan rakyat tidak terjejas,= jelasnya. 3 Bernama katanya pada sidang media pada Jumaat. dalam isu itu kerana sebelum ini Bersatu setia kepada parti. 3 Bernama
2 Tempatan SUARA TEMPATAN ANDA I SABTU, 13 JULAI, 2024 harianekspres

SAMMY (kedua dari kanan) menunjukkan rampasan dan lakaran wajah suspek diburu.

Samun kedai serbaneka

Penganggur ditahan,
seorang lagi diburu
Nora Ahmad menerima maklumat mengenai salah seorang suspek
PENAMPANG: Seorang penganggur lelaki ditahan dan serbuan dibuat oleh sepasukan polis Bahagian
selepas disyaki terlibat dalam kes samun berkumpu- Siasatan Jenayah (IPD) Penampang bersama cawan-
lan menggunakan senjata di sebuah kedai serbaneka gan D9 Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah (JSJ) Ibu Pejabat Kon-
24 jam, di sini, baru-baru ini. tinjen (IPK) Sabah.
Suspek lelaki berusia 47 tahun itu ditahan di <Suspek seorang lelaki tempatan mempunyai dua
sebuah kampung di Papar kira-kira jam 8.30 malam rekod kesalahan lampau iaitu di bawah Seksyen
Selasa lalu bersama barang curi, tiga parang, dua 15(1)(a) Akta Dadah Berbahaya 1952 dan Seksyen 160
senapang dengan peluru, dan pisau. Kanun Keseksaan kerana terlibat dalam pergaduhan.
Ketua Polis Daerah Penampang, Superintenden <Hasil ujian air kencing juga mendapati suspek
Sammy Newton berkata, tangkapan itu dibuat susu- positif dadah jenis methamphetamine. Sebanyak 28
lan laporan diterima 16 Jun lalu berkaitan kes samun barang dirampas dan dibawa ke IPD Penampang
di sebuah pusat industri di Jalan Penampang. untuk siasatan lanjut.
Menurut pengadu, dua suspek lelaki masuk ke <Kita percaya terdapat empat lagi kes rompakan
dalam kedai serbaneka tersebut dengan menggu- yang dilakukan suspek iaitu di Penampang, dua di
nakan topi keledar dan memakai pelitup muka. Kota Kinabalu dan Keningau di mana suspek meng-
<Salah seorang suspek bertindak mengeluarkan gunakan modus operandi samun secara berkumpu-
parang dan meminta wang daripada pengadu. lan dengan menggunakan senjata,= katanya.
<Suspek mengambil wang sebanyak RM1,081.50 <Kami kini memburu seorang lagi suspek, dikenal
yang disimpan dalam peti wang dan telefon bimbit pasti sebagai 8Samsul9 dan setinggi kira-kira 180cm,=
milik pengadu yang dianggarkan bernilai RM2,000. katanya, sambil menunjukkan gambar lakaran wajah
<Mereka kemudian beredar dari lokasi kejadian (fotofit) suspek.
menggunakan sebuah motosikal berwarna gelap Sammy berkata suspek masih bebas itu adalah
dengan nombor plat sukar dikenal pasti,= katanya orang tempatan dan menggesa orang ramai dengan
dalam sidang akhbar di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah maklumat untuk menghubungi pegawai penyiasat
(IPD) Penampang, di sini pada Jumaat. Inspektor Norisyam Syed Putera Arsad pada 018-
Beliau berkata, susulan kejadian itu pihaknya 9618072.
Kes disiasat di bawah Seksyen 395/397 Kanun
Keseksaan kerana rompakan kumpulan bersenjata
dan Akta Senjata Api 1960 kerana memiliki senjata
api dan peluru tanpa lesen atau permit yang sah.

DBKK arah konsesi tingkat

kekerapan potong rumput

KOTA KINABALU: Syarikat konsesi terbabit diarah

meningkatkan kekerapan memotong rumput di bahu
jalan, jalan utama dan jalan protokol di seluruh Ban-
Dalam satu kenyataan pada Jumaat, Dewan Ban-
daraya Kota Kinabalu (DBKK) berkata penjagaan
kebersihan landskap Bandaraya adalah keutamaan
penting. Ia tidak menamakan mana satu antara tiga
syarikat konsesi yang dimaksudkan.
<Ini melibatkan pelaksanaan pelan komprehensif
untuk penyelenggaraan berkala, pemeriksaan,
pemangkasan pokok dan pemotongan rumput bagi
memastikan persekitaran yang memuaskan untuk
penduduk serta pengunjung.
<Usaha ini memastikan rumput di bahu jalan, jalan
utama dan jalan protokol kekal kemas dan terjaga,
sekali gus mengelakkan sebarang ketidakselesaan
kepada pengguna jalan raya,= katanya.
Baru-baru ini, pasukan Jabatan Landskap DBKK
menjalankan pemeriksaan dan memantau keadaan
rumput di sepanjang jalan utama dan jalan protokol
di Kota Kinabalu.

Buaya ditembak mati di LD

Azmie Lim
LAHAD DATU: Jabatan Hidupan Liar menembak mati
seekor buaya betina susulan operasi bersepadu yang
dijalankan di Kampung Sabah Baru, di sini, pada
SIMIUN (kedua, kiri) dan pegawainya
menunjukkan sebahagian kabel dirampas.
Pegawai Hidupan Liar Lahad Datu, Silvester Saimin
berkata, operasi bersepadu itu dilancarkan pada Khamis
Curi kabel, hisap dalam usaha memburu buaya, disertai Jabatan Hidupan
Liar, Polis dan Angkatan Pertahanan Awam.
Silvester berkata, operasi itu meliputi beberapa
dadah: 4 ditangkap kawasan termasuk Kluster Industri Minyak Sawit (POIC),
Kampung Dasar Baru, Kampung Desa Bajau, Kampung
Clarence Dol Sabah Baru, Kampung Tabanak dan Kampung Terusan.
RANAU: Empat lelaki disyaki terlibat dalam pencu- <Semasa operasi, pasukan mengesan seekor buaya
rian kabel dan salah guna dadah ditangkap di sini, berhampiran sebuah rumah di Kampung Sabah Baru.
<Tembakan dilepaskan ke arah buaya itu. Bangkai
pada Khamis.
kemudiannya dibawa ke Jabatan Hidupan Liar Lahad
Ketua Polis Daerah Ranau DSP Simiun Lomudin
Datu untuk tindakan lanjut,= katanya.
berkata lebih 100kg kabel milik Telekom Malaysia
Menurut Silvester, buaya itu sepanjang kira-kira 8.2
(TM) bernilai kira-kira RM6,000 turut dirampas.
Menurut beliau, kumpulan itu dipercayai
Tambahnya, operasi itu akan diteruskan dari semasa
melakukan aktiviti mencuri kabel di daerah ini sejak ke semasa.
tiga bulan lepas.
Katanya, suspek juga dianggap berbahaya kerana
dilengkapi senjata seperti lastik, yang mereka
gunakan apabila berdepan orang awam semasa
melakukan aktiviti mereka.
<Pada jam 3.30 petang 11 Julai, pasukan pen-
guatkuasaan kami memeriksa dua kereta Perodua
Bezza di sekatan jalan raya Op Utama di KM4, Jalan
<Dua kereta sewa itu didapati membawa pelbagai
jenis kabel seberat 126kg, pemotong kabel serta per-
alatan menghisap dadah jenis syabu, dan sebuah
beg mengandungi bahan dipercayai syabu seberat
6.12 gram,= katanya.
Simiun berkata, siasatan mendapati empat sus-
pek lelaki itu, berumur antara 25 dan 30 tahun,
dalam perjalanan ke Tambunan untuk menjual
kabel curi tersebut. PETUGAS Jabatan sedia menembak buaya itu.
harianekspres SUARA TEMPATAN ANDA I SABTU, 13 JULAI, 2024 Tempatan 3

Dua lagi kriteria untuk MIDE sasar RM50 juta nilai

potensi jualan usahawan Sabah

Sandakan jadi bandaraya Ricardo Unto

Perindustrian dan
tahun ini termasuk mesin dan peralatan
serta peningkatan kualiti pembungkusan.
<Usahawan yang berminat boleh mem-
ohon tahun ini melalui portal SME-Up di
laman web DIDR,= katanya.
Jonathan Nicholas
KOTA KINABALU: Dua daripada 11 kriteria Sabah (MIDE) Beliau berkata, Kementerian juga
perlu dipenuhi sebelum Sandakan boleh menyasarkan nilai melaksanakan Program Transformasi Usa-
dinaik taraf daripada sebuah majlis perban- potensi jualan RM50 hawan Sabah atau Trus-MIDE bagi mem-
daran kepada sebuah bandaraya penuh. juta untuk usa- bantu usahawan meningkatkan kualiti
Menteri Kerajaan Tempatan dan Peruma- hawan perusahaan pembungkusan untuk menembusi
han Datuk Dr Joachim Gunsalam (PBS-Kun- kecil dan sederhana pasaran pasar raya tempatan dan antara-
dasang) menjelaskan daerah itu perlu terlebih (PKS) Sabah tahun ini, berbanding bangsa.
dahulu mempunyai penduduk tidak kurang RM30.25 juta tahun lepas. Bantuan yang ditawarkan kepada pro-
daripada 500,000 dan pendapatan tahunan Pembantu Menteri Pembangunan duk usahawan termasuk reka bentuk pro-
RM100 juta ke atas. Perindustrian dan Keusahawanan Sabah duk baharu, maklumat pemakanan,
<Untuk mencapai matlamat itu, Majlis Per- Datuk Andi Muhammad Suryady Bandy percetakan kod bar dan maklumat tarikh
bandaran Sandakan (MPS) telah merangka berkata, jika sasaran ini dapat dicapai luput.
JOACHIM (kedua, kiri) bersama Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Hajiji Mohd Noor (kanan)
pelan strategik yang dijadualkan dilancarkan maka anggaran peratus pencapaian nilai <Kementerian juga komited untuk
dan dua lagi Timbalan Ketua Menteri, Datuk Seri Dr Jeffrey Kitingan (kedua, kanan)
tahun ini. potensi jualan Usahawan PKS Sabah dapat menganjurkan pelbagai kursus pemban-
dan Datuk Shahelmey Yahya pada sidang DUN, Khamis.
<MPS telah menetapkan matlamat untuk ditingkatkan sebanyak 40 peratus gunan keusahawanan bagi membantu
menaik taraf status Sandakan daripada per- usaha mengutip tunggakan berjumlah lebih positif,= katanya. berbanding pencapaian tahun lepas. usahawan meningkatkan kemahiran
bandaran kepada bandaraya sebelum atau RM40 juta. Beliau berkata antaranya ialah pencapaian Antara ekspo yang telah dan akan dis- mereka untuk mengembangkan potensi
menjelang 2030,= katanya kepada Dewan <Bagi kriteria kedua iaitu mempunyai jum- Piawaian Bandar Pelancong Bersih Asean ertai tahun ini iaitu Gulfood Expo di perniagaan.=
Undangan Negeri (DUN), pada Khamis. lah penduduk tidak kurang 500,000 orang, 2024-2026 pada April 2024 melalui Kementer- Dubai, Foodex di Tokyo, Thaifex Anuga Antara kursus yang dianjurkan oleh
Timbalan Ketua Menteri II itu menjawab MPS kini sedang mempergiatkan pelbagai ian Pelancongan, Seni dan Budaya Malaysia Asia di Bangkok, World9s Food Expo di Kementerian ialah kursus pensijilan
soalan Datuk Mokran Ingkat (Umno - Sungai usaha perancangan bagi memastikan San- serta Tinjauan Tempatan Sukarela MPS dan <Makanan Selamat Tanggungjawab Indus-
Manila, HKTDC Food Expo Pro di Hong
Manila) yang bertanya mengenai perkemban- dakan sentiasa menjadi destinasi pelaburan Pelan Hala Tuju SDG dengan kerjasama tri= (Mesti), kursus peningkatan kualiti
Kong dan MIHAS @Dubai, katanya.
gan transformasi itu. strategik bagi menambah peluang pekerjaan Urbanice Malaysia yang akan disiapkan dan produk melalui teknologi retort, kursus
<Hasil penyertaan enam ekspo yang
Joachim berkata, dalam mencapai sasaran dan mempelbagaikan potensi ekonomi. dibentangkan di New York, Amerika Syarikat pematuhan pensijilan halal, dan program
tahunan RM100 juta, MPS akan men-
telah berlangsung, usahawan PKS Sabah
<Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, salah satu semasa Forum Politik Peringkat Tinggi pada pemerkasaan usahawan Sabah (Push).
guatkuasakan undang-undang kecil untuk rancangan MPS adalah untuk merancakkan 2025.
berjaya menjana nilai jualan kaunter
sebanyak RM830,000 dan potensi jualan Di samping itu, DIDR bekerjasama den-
mengoptimumkan kutipan hasil. industri pelancongan melalui Pelan Tindakan <MPS optimis dengan kedudukan
<Ini sebagai tambahan kepada pelak- sebanyak RM30.3 juta. gan pasar raya tempatan seperti Bataras
Pelancongan Sandakan 2020-2030. ekonomi daerah yang kukuh serta pengikti-
sanaan kadar taksiran baharu yang akan <Nilai ini telah melepasi pencapaian Hypermarket dan Kedai Mesra Petronas
<MPS sedang berusaha mendapatkan pel- rafan daripada pelbagai peringkat, boleh
diwartakan sepenuhnya menjelang 2025, bagai pengiktirafan sama ada di peringkat meletakkannya sebagai salah satu bandar pada tahun lepas dan diharap sasaran untuk membantu usahawan tempatan
semakan kadar sewa hartanah berdasarkan kebangsaan atau antarabangsa bagi memas- yang setanding dengan piawaian boleh huni yang ditetapkan dapat dicapai,= katanya. memasarkan produk mereka.
nilai pasaran semasa dan memperkasakan tikan Sandakan sentiasa mendapat sorotan global,= tambahnya. Beliau menjawab soalan lisan Datuk <Melalui kerjasama ini, jualan produk
Suhaimi Nasir (Adun Dilantik) pada per- usahawan tempatan mencatatkan jumlah
sidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri di sini, yang memberangsangkan.
Kg Likas Lama perlu diberi Khamis. <Sebagai contoh, produk usahawan di
Beliau berkata kerajaan Sabah bersama Bataras Hypermarket mencatatkan jualan
Persatuan-persatuan badan bukan kera- RM3.64 juta pada 2023.
status sewajarnya: Azhar jaan (NGO) Komuniti Cina tempatan dan <Manakala, jualan di Petronas Kedai
Dewan-dewan Perniagaan Cina akan men- Mesra berjumlah RM2.46 juta,= katanya.
Hayati Dzulkifli <Setiap kali hujan lebat, banjir selalu ganjurkan Sabah-China Business Summit Beliau berkata MIDE juga mengan-
KOTA KINABALU: Kg berlaku di kawasan saya, Darau. 2024 (SCBS2024) di Pusat Konvensyen jurkan Karnival PMKS Sabah 3 satu pro-
Likas Lama, yang <Tetapi banjir baru-baru ini sangat luar RM400j naik taraf Antarabangsa Sabah (SICC) di sini, dari 22 gram untuk membantu usahawan
merupakan kam- biasa kerana menjejaskan 700 ketua isi hingga 24 November. meneroka peluang pasaran baharu,
hospital Sandakan
pung tertua di Likas, rumah (KIR) yang mengalami kerugian <SCBS 2024 ini dilaksanakan sempena meningkatkan jualan, menjalankan
perlu segera diberi dari segi kerosakan harta benda, kehilan- sambutan ulang tahun yang ke-50 pemadanan perniagaan dengan pasar
status sewajarnya, gan barang peribadi dan perbelanjaan MENTERI Pembangunan Masyarakat dan penubuhan hubungan diplomatik antara raya tempatan, dan mempromosikan pro-
bagi memastikan pembersihan selepas air banjir surut. Kesejahteraan Rakyat Datuk James Ratib Malaysia dan China, khususnya Sabah dan duk mereka.
penduduk beberapa <Atas sebab itu, saya ingin mengin- berkata Kementerian Kesihatan telah men- China.= <Tahun ini, dua Karnival PMKS Sabah
generasi di kam- gatkan Kerajaan Negeri supaya mengambil cadangkan pembesaran Hospital Duchess of Beliau berkata Kementeriannya telah telah diadakan di Luyang dan Tawau.
pung itu dapat tindakan luar biasa bagi menyelesaikan Kent (HDOK) Sandakan dengan peruntukan menggariskan beberapa program untuk <Dua lagi Karnival PMKS Sabah akan
meneruskan kehidupan tanpa bimbang masalah tersebut. Jika Kerajaan masih RM400 juta di bawah Rancangan Malaysia Ke- meningkatkan keupayaan PKS di Sabah. diadakan di Keningau dari 26 hingga 28
rumah mereka mungkin dirobohkan oleh mengambil sikap acuh tak acuh, maka 13 (RMK13). Antara inisiatif itu ialah program SME- Julai dan di Beaufort pada Oktober,=
pihak berkuasa. hasilnya tetap sama,= katanya. <Kerja-kerja awal sedang dijalankan, dan Up di bawah Jabatan Pembangunan katanya.
Membuat gesaan itu, Adun Darau Azhar Azhar berkata kerajaan perlu mengam- kita telah menerima peruntukan sebanyak Perindustrian dan Penyelidikan (DIDR). <Saya berharap Usahawan PKS, khusus-
Matussin (gambar) berkata Kg Likas Lama bil tindakan drastik bagi menangani RM2 juta,= katanya ketika menjawab soalan <Program ini dirangka untuk mem- nya di Sabah mampu memanfaatkan pelu-
yang telah didiami lebih 100 tahun sejak segera masalah yang timbul daripada sis- tambahan Adun Elopura Calvin Chong pada bantu usahawan meningkatkan kapasiti ang yang ada seperti program, kursus dan
1920-an, diwartakan sebagai rizab kumba- tem perparitan di kampung terbabit. sesi soal jawab persidangan Dewan Undangan pengeluaran dan kualiti produk yang bantuan disediakan di bawah kementer-
han. Kedua, katanya, pembinaan jambatan Negeri, Khamis. berpotensi untuk dikomersialkan di ian saya agar mampu bersaing diper-
Beliau berkata Kg Likas Lama adalah lebih besar di Jalan Sulaman, Kg Rampayan James seterusnya berkata beliau telah dalam dan luar Sabah. ingkat global dan seterusnya
kampung asal Kg Likas yang dikenali seba- perlu dilaksanakan segera dan ketiga, berbincang baru-baru ini dengan Menteri <Kategori bantuan yang ditawarkan meningkatkan ekonomi Sabah,= katanya.
gai 8Ta9dia9 bermaksud 8Bawah9 dalam beliau mencadangkan Sungai Rampayan Kesihatan Persekutuan untuk menaik taraf
bahasa Bajau Sama. dilebarkan dan didalamkan selepas jam- hospital Sandakan dan Tawau kepada hospital
<Kampung itu terletak kira-kira 50 batan Kg Rampayan. negeri yang mampu menampung lebih ramai
meter dari Masjid Jamek Kg Likas dan <Jika ketiga-tiga langkah cadangan ini pakar.
ironinya walaupun belum diwartakan tidak dilaksanakan segera, tebatan banjir Menjawab soalan lain oleh Adun Senallang
sebagai kampung, kemudahan seperti Sungai Rampayan yang kini dalam pembi- Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal, James berkata
bekalan air dan elektrik telah disediakan naan tidak akan mencapai objektif sebe- Kementerian Kesihatan bercadang menem-
kepada penduduk kampung secara sah nar,= katanya. patkan pakar atau subpakar di hospital-hos-
Azhar menggesa kerajaan memasukkan pital daerah.
sejak sekian lama.
700 KIR mangsa banjir di Darau dalam Kepada soalan asal Chong, James berkata
<Tetapi apa yang membimbangkan saya
senarai bantuan kewangan RM1,000 yang bilangan mesin dialisis sedia ada di HDOK
ialah Kg Likas Lama mungkin tersenarai
diumumkan kerajaan negeri untuk Sandakan adalah mencukupi untuk
sebagai salah satu daripada 285 koloni set- memenuhi keperluan pesakit.
inggan di Sabah, yang baru-baru ini dike- mangsa banjir Penampang pada 1 Julai lalu.
<HDOK mempunyai 30 water points dan 45
nal pasti oleh kerajaan melalui Dalam perkembangan lain, beliau men-
mesin dialisis.
gulangi gesaan agar kerajaan menjalankan
Pemergian pengasas bersama G25
Jawatankuasa Induk Menangani Setinggan. <Sebanyak 121 pesakit sedang menerima
<Sebab itu saya mohon kerajaan negeri kerja-kerja pengorekan untuk men- rawatan hemodialisis, dan 52 pesakit sedang
mengambil tindakan segera memberikan dalamkan kawasan cetek muara Sungai menerima rawatan dialisis peritoneal ambu-
Noor Farida suatu kerugian besar
status sewajarnya supaya rumah yang Likas bermula dari kawasan hadapan latori berterusan (CAPD) di hospital,= katanya.
banyak di kawasan kampung itu tidak ter- Jabatan Perikanan di Kg Likas sehingga ke 3 Ricardo Unto
masuk dalam senarai koloni setinggan kawasan berhampiran helipad di bangu- DATUK Noor Farida Ariffin, seorang akauntabiliti, tadbir urus baik, keseder-
yang akan dirobohkan,= katanya. nan Menara Kinabalu.
Azhar berkata demikian ketika memba- Beliau berkata ia amat penting bagi 63 peratus aktivis hak asasi manusia terkenal yang hanaan dan ketelusan ke arah membina
meninggal dunia selepas sakit pada 27 masyarakat majmuk yang harmoni dan
haskan pembentangan Rang Undang- memudahkan lebih 100 nelayan sepenuh Jun pada usia 76 tahun, adalah salah seo- sihat.
undang Perbekalan Tambahan 2024 pada masa dari Kg Bangka-Bangka, Kg Likas, Kg Sabah masih rang daripada segelintir peguam yang Sentiasa berpakaian rapi, sikapnya
persidangan Dewan Undangan Negeri, di Rampayan, Kg Kalansanan dan Kg Darau dilantik ke dalam perkhidmatan diplo- yang penuh belas kasihan dan pen-
diliputi hutan
sini baru-baru ini. untuk keluar menangkap ikan dengan matik Malaysia. dekatan kosmopolitan membuatkan dia
Menurutnya, beliau telah meminta melalui muara tersebut. Dia memasuki perkhidmatan itu disenangi semua rakan sekerja dan
pembatalan warta rizab kumbahan <Sejak beberapa tahun lalu, muara Sun- selepas lama berkhidmat dalam perkhid- sekutu.
PEMBANTU Menteri kepada Ketua Menteri,
melalui surat kepada Ketua Menteri pada gai Likas menjadi cetek sehingga paras tiga matan kehakiman dan undang-undang, Keupayaan beliau untuk mengatasi
Datuk Abidin Madingkir, berkata kira-kira 63
22 Jun 2020 dan juga kepada Pengarah kaki sehingga menyukarkan bot nelayan dan tiga tahun di Sekretariat Komanwel perbezaan etnik, agama dan status
peratus daripada 7.4 juta hektar kawasan
Jabatan Tanah dan Ukur, pada 23 Jun 2020 melaluinya. di London, di mana dia mengendalikan menyebabkan beliau amat disayangi dan
tanah negeri masih diliputi hutan simpan,
untuk tindakan sewajarnya. <Nelayan mendapati, antara punca sun- taman-taman Sabah, kawasan perlindungan isu wanita dan pembangunan. dihormati.
Mengenai kejadian banjir pada 30 Jun gai menjadi cetek adalah dasar sungai hidupan liar dan hutan tanah negeri, milik Perkhidmatan Luar Malaysia mem- Dia mahir dalam seni percakapan
baru-baru ini, beliau berkata ia kejadian dipenuhi sisa plastik, bahan buangan dan kerajaan. punyai beberapa rekrut awal dengan yang baik, mesra, layanan sempurna dan
terburuk dalam tempoh 30 tahun di Darau, lumpur lebih tebal. <Hutan simpan kekal di negeri ini telah latar belakang undang-undang 3 seperti sempadan kelakuan diplomatik yang
menjejaskan 700 keluarga di beberapa <Ketika air surut, nelayan tidak dapat meningkat sebanyak 566.57 hektar. Pada 2020, Tun M, Ghazali Shafie, Datuk Hussein betul.
kampung termasuk Kg Rampayan Laut, Kg pulang ke rumah kerana laluan cetek dan Sabah mempunyai 3,574,468.003 hektar. Mohd Osman, Datuk Zainal Abidin Dia boleh, dengan keikhlasan dan
Tobur Rampayan, Kg Seradan dan Kg terpaksa mengheret bot antara satu hingga <Ia meningkat kepada 3,575,035.573 hektar Ibrahim, dan Datuk Renji Sathiah 3 tetapi keberanian yang jelas, bercakap benar
Dambai. dua kilometer untuk ke jeti, malah ada sekarang, kira-kira 49 peratus daripada kelu- hampir tiada peguam pengamal. Noor kepada mereka yang berkuasa, sifat yang
Katanya, banjir itu bukan banjir yang yang terpaksa tidur di dalam bot yang asan tanah Sabah,= katanya ketika menjawab Farida dan rakan seangkatannya, Datuk jarang dilihat dalam sistem yang terkenal
biasa dilalui penduduk kampung sebelum boleh mengancam keselamatan mereka,= soalan Adun Moyog Datuk Darell Leiking Azzat Kamaluddin, adalah pengecualian dengan tingkah laku <bodek orang
ini. kata Azhar. pada Rabu. 3 Ricardo Unto yang jarang berlaku. atasan, tindas orang bawahan=.
Dua peguam pengamal terkemuka, Pengetua sekolahnya [King Edward VII
Lima RUU berkaitan perundangan Islam lulus Datuk Dr R. Ramani dan Tan Sri PG Lim,
telah dimasukkan ke dalam Perkhid-
Secondary School di Taiping, Perak], Long
Heng Hua yang terkenal 3 seorang pen-
PERSIDANGAN Dewan Undangan Negeri hasan RUU berkenaan sebelum ia diluluskan Bagi RUU Enakmen Zakat dan Fitrah (Pin- matan Luar pada 1960-an, dan Noor didik terbilang yang secara konsisten
(DUN) Sabah pada Khamis meluluskan lima dengan suara terbanyak oleh Speaker Datuk daan) 2024, Mohd Arifin berkata ia bertu- Farida mewakili kesinambungan tradisi menolak kenaikan pangkat ke jawatan
rang undang-undang (RUU) berkaitan hal Kadzim M Yahya. juan meminda takrif mahkamah, majlis dan yang hampir dilupakan itu. lebih tinggi 3 pasti berbangga dengan
ehwal perundangan Islam di Sabah. Mohd Arifin yang bertanggungjawab setiausaha supaya konsisten dengan takrif Tetapi tidak seperti dua peguam itu, pujian dan pencapaian yang diberikan
RUU yang dibentangkan oleh Menteri dalam hal ehwal Islam Sabah ketika mem- diperuntukkan dalam Enakmen Mahkamah dia pada dasarnya seorang penjawat kepada muridnya.
Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi Sabah Datuk bentangkan RUU Enakmen Tatacara Jenayah Syariah 2024. awam yang sedang berkhidmat. Dia juga Pemergian Noor Farida, memandan-
Mohd Arifin Mohd Arif itu antara lain bagi Syariah (Pindaan) 2024 berkata ia bertujuan Mohd Arifin berkata RUU Enakmen merupakan generasi terkemudian dan gkan aktivismenya pada peringkat pem-
memastikan pelaksanaan perundangan meminda takrif tertentu bagi istilah tertentu Wakaf (Negeri Sabah) (Pindaan) 2024 bertu- telah terdedah kepada pemikiran bangunan yang penting dalam sejarah
Islam di negeri itu lebih kemas dan teratur dalam subseksyen 2(1) enakmen itu supaya juan meminda Enakmen Wakaf (Negeri birokrasi yang tertanam dalam pegawai Malaysia, merupakan kehilangan besar
selaras dengan kuasa Mahkamah Syariah, selaras dengan istilah masa kini yang digu- Sabah) 2018 berkaitan takrifan mahkamah kerajaan yang berkembang pada 1980-an kepada negara.
Majlis Ugama Islam Negeri Sabah dan nakan dalam undang-undang berkaitan. selaras dengan pewujudan Mahkamah dan 1990-an. Dia meninggalkan warisan cinta, kese-
hukum syarak. Beliau berkata ia termasuk pindaan lain Utama Syariah dalam Enakmen Mahkamah Namun dia seorang patriot, setia, tiaan kepada negara, pemikiran tenang
RUU terlibat ialah RUU Enakmen Tatacara yang berkaitan dengan perubahan proses Syariah 2024. diplomat dan jiwa yang baik, sentiasa mengenai isu polemik dan dedikasi
Jenayah Syariah (Pindaan) 2024, RUU rayuan dengan wujudnya Mahkamah Utama RUU Enakmen Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah komited dan lantang bersuara tentang kepada kedaulatan undang-undang.
Enakmen Undang-Undang Keluarga Islam Syariah. (Pindaan) 2024 pula bertujuan meminda kesopanan, permainan adil, keadilan,
(Pindaan) 2024, RUU Enakmen Zakat dan Menurutnya, RUU Enakmen Undang- takrif tertentu bagi istilah tertentu dalam kelakuan baik, integriti dan ketelusan Datuk M.Santhananaban
Fitrah (Pindaan) 2024, RUU Enakmen Wakaf Undang Keluarga Islam (Pindaan) 2024 pula subseksyen 2(1) enakmen itu supaya selaras tertinggi. l Penulis adalah seorang diplomat
(Negeri Sabah) (Pindaan) 2024 dan RUU bertujuan meminda takrif tertentu bagi isti- dengan istilah masa kini yang digunakan Selepas bersara daripada perkhid- bersara dengan pengalaman lebih 45 tahun
Enakmen Kesalahan Jenayah Syariah (Pin- lah tertentu dalam subseksyen 2(1) Enakmen dalam undang-undang berkaitan. matan kerajaan, beliau mengasaskan dalam sektor awam; beliau kini timbalan
daan) 2024. tersebut supaya selaras dengan istilah masa Persidangan DUN Sabah kemudian kumpulan G25 dan mendedikasikan presiden Persatuan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu
Empat Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri kini yang digunakan dalam undang-undang ditangguhkan pada satu tarikh yang akan dirinya kepada misi mempromosikan Malaysia.
(Adun) mengambil bahagian dalam perba- berkaitan. dimaklumkan kemudian. 3 Bernama
4 Tempatan SUARA TEMPATAN ANDA I SABTU, 13 JULAI, 2024 harianekspres
Pemandu pelancong cabul Smart SBB Ala Sekinchan

diperluas ke Kota Belud

wanita dipenjara, disebat KOTA KINABALU: Program SMART Sawah
Berskala Besar (Smart SBB) Ala Sekinchan
kini diperluas ke Kg Kesapang Tengah,
Pertanian Pembangunan Bersepadu
(IADA) Kota Belud bermula di Kampung
Jawi-Jawi melibatkan 14 pesawah dan
Lagatah Toyos menjalani hukuman itu berkuatkuasa dari Kota Belud melibatkan 181 petani tem- kawasan tanah terbiar seluas 40 hektar.
TAWAU: Seorang pemandu pelancong tarikh tangkapan iaitu 4 Julai dan dirujuk patan. <Bernas bertindak sebagai pengurus
tanpa dokumen, dipenjara lapan tahun ke Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia untuk pen- Pengerusi Padiberas Nasional Berhad projek, penyedia perkhidmatan dan
dan dikenakan dua sebatan oleh gusiran keluar ke negara asal selepas sele- (Bernas), Datuk Seri Rohani Abdul Karim penyeliaan penggunaan baja serta racun
Mahkamah Sesyen di sini, pada Jumaat sai menjalani hukuman. berkata pelaksanaan program jelapang mengikut pertanian kontrak bersama
kerana melakukan amang seksual ter- Menurut fakta kes, mangsa bersama padi Sabah di kawasan seluas 187,000 hek- pesawah terlibat,= katanya ketika ditemui
hadap seorang pelancong remaja, 17, di keluarga yang berasal dari Klang, Selan- atannya. Kejadian itu turut terakam dalam tar itu mampu meningkatkan pengelu- media selepas mengadakan kunjungan
Semporna, minggu lepas. gor menggunakan khidmat ejen pelan- video kamera kalis air yang dibawa oleh aran sehingga 4.2 tan per hektar hormat kepada Yang di-Pertua Negeri
Bara Madasah, 18, mengaku bersalah di congan datang ke Semporna untuk mangsa semasa kejadian. berbanding kira-kira 2.6 tan pengeluaran Sabah, Tun Juhar Mahiruddin, Rabu lepas.
hadapan Hakim Rosli Ahmad bahawa dia bercuti dan melancong ke beberapa Mangsa kemudiannya memaklumkan padi sebelum ini. Beliau turut memaklumkan Smart SBB
melakukan perbuatan itu ke atas mangsa pulau dan pusat peranginan di daerah kejadian tersebut kepada ahli keluar- <Smart SBB Ala Sekinchan ialah Ala Sekinchan Bernas - IADA Kota Belud
ketika aktiviti menyelam di kawasan itu. ganya sebelum tampil membuat laporan model baharu dengan menerapkan akan dilancarkan oleh Menteri Pertanian
perairan Pulau Kapalai kira-kira 1.49 Bagaimanapun, semasa melakukan polis. amalan pertanian berhasil tinggi yang dan Keterjaminan Makanan, Datuk Seri
petang 3 Julai. aktiviti menyelam bersnorkel di Terdahulu, Pegawai Pendakwa, ASP Nur bermatlamat meningkatkan pendap- Muhamad Sabu hari ini (Sabtu) sempena
Tertuduh didakwa mengikut Seksyen perairan Pulau Kapalai, tertuduh Intan Jamrin memohon mahkamah men- atan pesawah dengan mengaplikasikan Program Gelombang Padi.
14(a) Akta Kesalahan Seksual Kanak-Kanak melakukan amang seksual terhadap jatuhkan hukuman berat terhadap ter- amalan penanaman padi terbaik dan Turut hadir Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif
2017 yang memperuntukkan hukuman mangsa dengan meraba payudara tuduh untuk memberi pengajaran mengeluarkan padi lebih bersasar Kumpulan Bernas, Zulkiflee Abdul Rah-
penjara maksimum selama 20 tahun dan mangsa beberapa kali. kepadanya, memandangkan kesalahan itu menerusi pembangunan kawasan secara man dan Ketua Bahagian Aktiviti Huluan
sebat, jika sabit kesalahan. Mangsa turut menegur tertuduh, adalah serius dan membabitkan kepentin- berkelompok. dan Konsesi Bernas, Abdul Rahman Mohd
Mahkamah memerintahkan tertuduh namun lelaki itu tetap melakukan perbu- gan awam. <Projek perintis Smart SBB - Kawasan Nasri.

Pekerja kilang serang
semakan Philip
penyelia dijel 10 bulan
Among ditolak
Jo Ann Mool menjalani hukuman itu dari tarikh dia
ditangkap dan dirujuk ke Jabatan Imigre-
Cynthia D Baga
KOTA KINABALU: Seorang pekerja kilang KOTA KINABALU:
warga Filipina dipenjara 10 bulan pada sen selepas itu.
Mahkamah Tinggi di sini
Jumaat kerana menyerang penyelianya, Dalam kes lain, seorang penjawat
menolak permohonan
minggu lalu. awam, yang didakwa mencabul seorang
seorang ahli politik,
Arjun Damli Julhasad, 38, mengaku wanita, dibebaskan daripada pertuduhan
untuk menyemak perin-
bersalah di hadapan Majistret Stephanie itu.
tah supaya dia membela
Sherron Abbie atas tuduhan menye- Majistret Lovely Natasha Charles
diri atas pertuduhan
babkan kecederaan terhadap Md Niezam melepas dan membebaskan Christopher
mencabul seorang
Firdaus Saidin, 22, pada 3 Julai lalu di Chiu, 51, tanpa memanggil pembelaannya,
wanita, yang juga
Cement Industries (Sabah) Sdn Bhd, di memutuskan bahawa pihak pendakwaan KAKITANGAN serta pengunjung Wisma Persekutuan
peserta Unduk Ngadau
Sepanggar. gagal membuktikan kes prima facie. berkumpul di luar bangunan ketika kejadian itu.
Kaamatan (UNK), tiga tahun lalu.
Fakta kes yang dikemukakan oleh Chiu, 51, didakwa meraba payudara
Hakim Datuk Zaleha Rose Pandin meno-
‘Air di dalam cawan bergoyang’
pihak pendakwaan menyatakan pada hari wanita itu pada 10.20 pagi 29 Mac tahun
lak permohonan Phillip Among selepas
tersebut, semasa pengadu sedang men- ini di Bahagian Kejuruteraan Automotif,
mendengar hujahan kedua-dua pihak.
jalankan tugas, Arjun yang merupakan Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan, Penampang. bergoyang.
Tertuduh pada 1 Dis 2023, meminta
Philip telah memohon untuk menye- Lagatah Toyos
pekerja kontrak kilang itu, dengan sen- mak semula keputusan Mahkamah TAWAU: Ratusan individu termasuk <Ini bukan pertama kali saya terasa
gaja memijak kakinya dan menjeling dibicarakan atas pertuduhan mengikut pegawai, kakitangan, pekerja awam, klien gegaran gempa bumi sejak bertugas di
Majistret yang memerintahnya membela
marah ke arahnya tanpa meminta maaf. Seksyen 354 Kanun Keseksaan. serta orang ramai yang berurusan di ban- sini tiga tahun lepas, tapi kali ini
diri atas pertuduhan tersebut.
Pengadu menegur tindakan Arjun, Enam saksi pendakwaan dipanggil gunan Wisma Persekutuan Tawau, diarah (gegaran) lebih kuat dan lama sehingga
Pada Oktober 2023, Mahkamah
tetapi Arjun tiba-tiba menumbuk muka untuk memberi keterangan di peringkat mengosongkan bangunan tujuh tingkat mencecah satu minit.
Majistret telah memerintahkan Philip
pengadu sehingga mencetuskan per- pendakwaan. itu susulan gegaran yang turut dirasai di <Semua kami lapan orang dalam peja-
membela diri selepas mahkamah memu-
gaduhan. Chiu diwakili peguam Yong Pei Yi, daerah ini akibat gempa bumi di Min- bat ketika itu menyedari gegaran bergegas
tuskan bahawa pihak pendakwaan telah
Semasa pergelutan itu, Arjun mengam- Dicky Lo dan Cornelius Chua. danao, Filipina, pada Khamis. turun ke bawah selepas mendengar
membuktikan kes prima facie terhadapnya.
bil sebatang besi berhampiran dan Sementara itu, seorang lelaki berusia 55 Pengerusi bangunan Wisma Perseku- pengumuman arahan mengosongkan
Phillip didakwa melakukan kesalahan
memukul kepala pengadu sebelum perge- tahun didenda RM25 atau penjara sehari tuan Tawau, Amir Kanje berkata, beliau bangunan,= katanya yang turut merasai
itu terhadap wanita itu pada jam 11 malam
lutan mereka dileraikan oleh pekerja lain kerana berkelakuan secara mengancam membuat pengumuman mengosongkan gempa bumi pada 2022 lalu.
17 April 2021 di ruang tamu Jesselton Cap-
yang hadir di lokasi. terhadap seorang lelaki. bangunan pada jam 10.30 pagi selepas Manakala, Ag Marzuki Ag Latif, 41, yang
sule Inn di Asia City.
Pengadu kemudian pergi berjumpa Hubert Charles mengaku di hadapan dimaklumkan berlaku gegaran agak kuat bertugas di Jabatan Penerangan Tawau
Pada 10 Jun 2021, Phillip meminta
majikannya sebelum dinasihatkan untuk Majistret Stephanie melakukan kesalahan pada jam 10.15 pagi. pula menyangkakan ada simulasi
dibicarakan atas pertuduhan mengikut kebakaran ketika hendak kembali ke peja-
mendapatkan rawatan, manakala Arjun itu terhadap Surezza Ng, 63, dengan niat <Gegaran berlangsung tiga kali, sekitar
Seksyen 354 Kanun Keseksaan yang mem- bat mereka di tingkat dua selepas menye-
sudah meninggalkan tempat kejadian. mengganggu ketenteraman pada 24 Jun, satu minit dan paling ketara di tingkat
peruntukkan hukuman penjara sehingga lesaikan tugasan di luar.
Pengadu tidak tahu sebab kenapa jam 6 petang, di Bukit Bantayan Residence. lima, enam dan tujuh,= katanya.
10 tahun, atau dengan denda atau dengan Menurutnya, pasukan bomba dan Menurutnya, dia tidak merasai gegaran
Arjun bertindak sedemikian, kerana Pertuduhan mengikut Seksyen 8(1)(e)
sebatan, atau dengan mana-mana dua penyelamat daerah yang tiba di lokasi kerana berada di luar, namun dimak-
mereka tidak pernah berselisih faham Ordinan Kesalahan Kecil itu memperun-
daripada hukuman itu, jika sabit kesala- selepas dihubungi, turut membuat lumkan rakannya ada yang berasa pening
sebelum ini. tukkan denda RM25, jika sabit kesalahan.
han. pemeriksaan di kesemua pejabat bangu- dan loya akibat gegaran tersebut, khusus-
Akibat kejadian itu, pengadu men- Fakta kes yang dikemukakan oleh
Selepas keputusan di Mahkamah Tinggi, nan itu memandangkan terdapat juga nya di tingkat lima dan ke atas.
galami kecederaan termasuk luka di pihak pendakwaan menyatakan bahawa
kes Philip disebut di Mahkamah Majistret individu yang enggan turun. Sementara itu, Ketua Balai Bomba dan
kepala, yang menyebabkan dia menerima pada hari tersebut, pengadu berada di
untuk menetapkan tarikh pembelaannya. Katanya, bangunan itu yang menem- Penyelamat Tawau, Jemishin Ujin berkata,
tiga jahitan, serta lebam dan calar di tempat letak kereta apabila Hubert meng-
Majistret Lovely Natasha Charles kemu- patkan 480 pegawai dan kakitangan, ter- pihaknya menerima satu panggilan sahaja
muka. hampirinya dengan kayu, mengugut dan
dian menetapkan 28-29 Ogos tahun ini masuk pekerja awam ditutup sementara berhubung gegaran akibat gempa bumi
Arjun kemudiannya ditahan berikutan mencabarnya untuk bergaduh, menuduh-
untuk pembelaan Philip. dan beroperasi semula pada jam 2 petang tersebut, iaitu di Wisma Persekutuan
laporan polis yang dibuat oleh pengadu. nya membaling telur busuk ke dalam
Pendakwaan dikendalikan Timbalan (Khamis). Tawau.
Dia didakwa mengikut Seksyen 323 rumahnya.
Pendakwa Raya Siti Hajar Mazlan manakala Sementara itu, pegawai farmasi Cawan- Untuk rekod, gempa bumi magnitud
Kanun Keseksaan yang membawa huku- Pertelingkahan mereka dileraikan oleh
Philip diwakili peguam Abdul Fikry Jaafar gan Penguatkuasaan Farmasi, Ooi Kah 6.6 di Mindanao, Filipina direkodkan
man penjara sehingga setahun atau denda pengawal keselamatan yang bertugas.
Abdullah. Geap, 36, yang berpejabat di tingkat tujuh berlaku jam 10.13 pagi dengan kedalaman
sehingga RM2,000, atau kedua-duanya Timbalan Pendakwa Raya (DPP) Ling
Philip, yang merupakan ketua teknikal berkata, gegaran dirasai agak kuat 632 kilometer turut dirasai di Sabah dan
sekali, jika sabit kesalahan. Guong Zhi dan Inspektor Suzie S.K. men-
pertandingan Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan sehingga air di dalam cawan turut Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan.
Mahkamah memerintahkan Arjun jalankan pendakwaan.
2021, juga diperintah membela diri atas

Dinding rumah bertambah retak

empat lagi pertuduhan mencabul seorang
Bapa Baby Syifaa didakwa
peserta Unduk Ngadau Negeri, tetapi kes-
kes itu juga sedang menunggu untuk
semakan terhadap keputusan itu. R. Gonzales
TUARAN: Lima sekeluarga berdepan detik
salah guna wang RM67,000
Tukang masak
cemas apabila gempa bumi kuat bermagni-
tud 6.6 skala Richter yang melanda Min-
KUALA LUMPUR: Bapa kepada Nour dengan seorang penjamin, manakala danao, Filipina, turut dirasai di kediaman
Rania Asyifaa atau lebih dikenali seba-
gai Baby Syifaa mengaku tidak bersalah
peguam T. Gaithri memohon jaminan
rendah atas alasan anak guamnya
didakwa rogol, rumah mereka di Jalan Tamparuli-Ranau,
Kampung Bongol, Tamparuli di sini, pagi
di Mahkamah Majistret di sini pada menanggung keluarga dan tidak mem- Khamis.
Jumaat atas pertuduhan menyalahgu- punyai pendapatan tetap. cabul wanita Dalam kejadian jam 10.20 pagi itu, struk-
nakan harta iaitu wang berjumlah Majistret Illi Marisqa Khalizan kemu- tur rumah didiami Rembini Suanti, 45, dan
RM67,000 milik seorang wanita, tahun dian membenarkan tertuduh diikat KOTA KINABALU: Seorang tukang masak keluarganya mengalami banyak kesan kere-
lepas. jamin RM6,000 dengan seorang pen- berusia 35 tahun didakwa merogol seo- takan namun dia dan ahli keluarganya
Yuseri Yusoff, 41, didakwa jamin dan menetapkan 26 Ogos ini rang wanita dan memasukkan jarinya ke bersyukur tidak mengalami sebarang
menyalahgunakan harta kepunyaan untuk sebutan semula kes bagi serahan dalam kemaluan wanita itu. kecederaan akibat kejadian itu.
Nurul Ain Awatiff di sebuah premis di dokumen. Arronny Janius mengaku tidak Katanya, ketika kejadian dia sedang
Wangsa Maju di sini pada 20 Julai Pada 10 Julai lepas, Bernama mela- bersalah di hadapan Hakim Mahkamah berkebun bersama seorang anaknya dan
hingga 12 Okt 2023. porkan lelaki itu ditahan polis bagi Sesyen Elsie Primus, atas dua pertuduhan bergegas memasuki rumah untuk melihat
Pertuduhan dikemukakan mengikut membantu siasatan berkaitan kes terhadapnya. keadaan tiga lagi ahli keluarganya.
Seksyen 403 Kanun Keseksaan yang penipuan dalam urusan yuran guaman Bagi pertuduhan pertama, Arrony <Angin terlalu kuat sehingga menye-
memperuntukkan hukuman penjara dan kutipan dana sejak tahun lepas didakwa merogol wanita berusia 18 tahun babkan atap zink rumah yang bergoyang
maksimum lima tahun dan dengan melibatkan kerugian RM140,000, susu- dan empat bulan itu, antara 2 pagi dan 6 turut berbunyi sehingga kami agak sukar KESAN retak pada dinding
sebat dan denda, jika sabit kesalahan. lan laporan polis oleh beberapa indi- pagi pada 12 Mei tahun ini, di dalam memastikan ia adalah gempa bumi atau rumah Rembini.
Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Hamizah vidu yang mendakwa menjadi mangsa sebuah kereta yang diletakkan berhampi- sebaliknya.
Hisan menawarkan jaminan RM15,000 penipuan tertuduh. 3 Bernama ran TT Bar di Kepayan Point, Penampang. <Sebaik angin mulai reda, barulah ing rumah,= katanya.
Kesalahan mengikut Seksyen 376(1) gegaran itu dirasai dan perlahan-lahan Menurutnya, kedudukan rumah mereka
menghilang sebelum kami sekeluarga yang terletak di kawasan tebing bukit,
Bekas CEO salah guna kuasa
Kanun Keseksaan itu membawa hukuman
penjara sehingga 20 tahun, dan sebat, jika menarik nafas lega. sudah menjadi kebiasaan dengan kejadian
sabit kesalahan. <Susulan itu saya keluar semula melihat gempa bumi itu.

lantik anak dalam syarikat

Bagi pertuduhan kedua, dia didakwa keretakan dinding rumah yang sebelum ini <Namun, rumah yang semakin bertam-
melakukan persetubuhan terhadap hanya mengalami keretakan kecil akibat bah retak ini sangat membimbangkan kese-
wanita sama dengan memasukkan dua gempa bumi pada 2018, kini bertambah lamatan keluarga saya apatah lagi masih
MELAKA: Seorang bekas ketua pegawai tik ke jawatan Pegawai Kewangan W41 di jarinya ke dalam kemaluan mangsa pada besar dan banyak kesan retak baharu dind- ada cucu yang masih kecil,= tambahnya.
eksekutif sebuah anak syarikat berkai- Syarikat Melaka Halal Hub Sdn Bhd. hari sama di dalam kenderaan sama, yang

Paras laut normal di Kunak

tan kerajaaan Melaka didenda Dia dituduh melakukan kesalahan itu diletakkan di Taman Awam Teluk Likas, di
RM15,000 oleh Mahkamah Sesyen Ayer di Syarikat Melaka Halal Hub Sdn Bhd, Lot sini.
Keroh di sini pada Jumaat selepas men- 125, Bangunan Anchor, Kawasan Perindus- Kesalahan mengikut Seksyen 377CA
gaku bersalah melantik anak perem- trian Melaka Halal Hub Serkam, Jasin pada Kanun Keseksaan itu memperuntukkan Ibrahim Tabir tersebut dalam tinjauan Daily Express sek-
puannya ke dalam syarikat terbabit 1 April 2021. hukuman penjara antara lima dan 30 KUNAK: Paras laut naik sedikit di kawasan itar jam 12 tengah hari di sini.
pada 2021. Amir didakwa di bawah Seksyen 23 tahun, dan sebatan, jika sabit kesalahan. perairan dekat jeti pendaratan ikan di Sementara itu, kawasan daerah ini
Hakim Elesabet Paya Wan men- Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Mahkamah menetapkan 7 Ogos ini Pangkalan Kunak pada tengah hari tidak merasai gegaran berikutan kejadian
jatuhkan hukuman itu selepas Amir Ali, Malaysia 2009 dan melakukan kesalahan untuk sebutan dan tiada jaminan Khamis, namun itu normal kerana situasi gempa bumi di Filipina itu.
58, membuat pengakuan itu terhadap per- di bawah Seksyen 26 akta sama serta boleh ditawarkan kepada Arrony sementara ini biasa berlaku. Dalam perkembangan sama, Ketua
tuduhan pilihan iaitu bagi pihak dirinya dihukum di bawah akta berkenaan yang menunggu kesnya selesai. Operasi harian penduduk berjalan Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat JBPM
sendiri, telah membuat urusan membawa hukuman denda tidak Pendakwaan dikendalikan Timbalan seperti biasa di Pasar Ikan Basah dan Kunak, Mohamad Omarbatha ketika
berhubung suatu harta iaitu bayaran gaji melebihi RM50,000 atau penjara maksi- Pendakwa Raya Siti Hajar Mazlan man- pekan serta sekitarnya. dihubungi berkata, pihaknya tidak mener-
keseluruhan berjumlah RM13,750 yang mum tujuh tahun atau kedua-duanya akala Arrony tidak diwakili peguam.3 Didapati bot-bot nelayan dilihat ima sebarang laporan mengenai gegaran
diterima anak perempuannya yang dilan- sekali. 3 Bernama CDB berlabuh tidak jauh dari kawasan jeti atau kesan kejadian itu.
harianekspres SUARA TEMPATAN ANDA I SABTU, 13 JULAI, 2024 Dunia 5
WHO beri amaran mpox kekal ancaman kesihatan global 12 terbunuh,

GENEVA: Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia ini melaporkan 20 kes, termasuk tiga kema- sangat prihatin dengan keadaan itu. pekerja seks. 65 hilang
(WHO) pada Khamis memberi amaran tian, kes pertama di negara itu sejak 2022. <Terdapat risiko rentas sempadan dan Ujian mendedahkan ia adalah varian
mpox atau dulunya dikenali sebagai cacar
monyet kekal sebagai ancaman kesihatan
Tiada satu pun daripada kes itu mem-
punyai sejarah perjalanan antarabangsa,
virus terus bergerak,= katanya.
Mpox pertama kali ditemui pada manu-
bermutasi Clade I, dipanggil Clade Ib.
Wabak mpox global dua tahun lalu
dalam tanah
global. katanya. sia pada 1970 di DRC, dengan penyebaran menyebabkan WHO mengisytiharkan
Organisasi Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Kebimbangan khusus ialah situasi di subjenis Clade I. kecemasan kesihatan awam yang membim- runtuh
Bersatu (PBB) itu yang menerima laporan DRC di mana satu jenis virus baharu mere- Pada Mei 2022, jangkitan mpox melon- bangkan antarabangsa pada Julai 2022.
di Nepal
kes dari 26 negara bulan lalu menyuarakan bak sejak September lalu. jak di seluruh dunia, kebanyakannya mem- Ia menamatkan amaran pada Mei tahun
kebimbangan terhadap wabak mpox yang Wabak itu tidak menunjukkan tanda babitkan lelaki gay dan biseksual dan ia lalu, tetapi terus menasihati penduduk
lebih membunuh, menular di Republik perlahan, kata Tedros, sambil menun- adalah subjenis Clade II. untuk terus berwaspada.
Demokratik Congo (DRC). jukkan 11,000 kes telah dilaporkan tahun Sejak September lalu, strain Clade I <Mpox tidak akan hilang. Kita hidup KATHMANDU: Dua belas orang terbunuh
Dalam taklimat media, Ketua WHO, ini, termasuk 445 kematian, dengan kanak- yang baharu dan lebih mematikan mere- dalam dunia yang saling berkaitan, jadi manakala 65 lagi hilang dalam kejadian
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Mpox, kanak paling terjejas. bak di DRC, yang menular secara seksual penyebaran virus ini boleh terus berlaku,= tanah runtuh berasingan di Nepal pada
berkata mpox kekal sebagai ancaman kesi- Rosamund Lewis, ketua teknikal WHO juga di kalangan heteroseksual dengan kata Maria Van Kerkhove, ketua kesiapsia- Khamis malam dan pagi Jumaat, lapor
hatan global dan Afrika Selatan baru-baru untuk mpox, berkata agensi kesihatan PBB wabak itu bermula dalam kalangan gaan pandemik WHO. 3 AFP Xinhua yang memetik kenyataan polis
Jurucakap polis daerah Kaski, Basant
Saya calon

paling layak
Israel arah kosongkan Gaza City Kumar Sharma, berkata tujuh dipercayai
sekeluarga dan tiga yang lain maut dalam
tanah runtuh di Pokhara pada Khamis
malam manakala seorang lagi mangsa
BAITULMAQDIS: Tentera Israel men- terkorban di perbandaran Madi di daerah
bertanding garahkan rakyat Palestin men- itu.
gosongkan Gaza City dan menuju ke RAKYAT Palestin
<Kami telah menemukan 11 mayat di
jawatan presiden:
selatan ketika rejim itu meningkatkan meninggalkan
tiga tempat di daerah itu,= kata Sharma
serangan merentasi wilayah utara, sela- kawasan kejiranan
kepada Xinhua.
tan dan tengah Semenanjung Gaza. Shujaiya
Sementara itu, 65 penumpang hilang
Joe Biden Israel memaklumkan kepada pen- (Shijaiyah), timur
selepas dua bas dihanyutkan ke sungai
duduk Gaza mengenai perintah Gaza City selepas
oleh tanah runtuh di daerah Chitwan di
WASHINGTON: Presiden Amerika Syarikat pemindahan dengan menggugurkan kawasan itu
lebuh raya Mugling-Narayanghat yang
(AS) Joe Biden pada Khamis berkata beliau risalah menggesa <semua mereka di dimusnahkan dalam
menghubungkan Kathmandu dengan
layak bertanding jawatan presiden dalam Gaza City= untuk mengambil dua operasi dua minggu
seluruh negara.
pilihan raya November ini, meskipun ter- <laluan selamat= ke selatan ke kawasan tentera Israel. 3
Sebuah bas dengan 24 penumpang
dapat desakan agar beliau menarik balik sekitar bandar tengah Deir al-Balah. Foto AFP
dalam perjalanan ke Kathmandu dari Bir-
pencalonannya, lapor Agensi Anadolu. Gaza City yang dulunya sebuah ban- gunj manakala sebuah lagi membawa 41
<Saya fikir saya paling layak untuk dar paling ramai penduduk katanya, penumpang menuju ke Gaur di daerah
bertanding jawatan presiden. Saya pernah akan <kekal sebagai zon tempur berba- Rautahat dari Kathmandu.
kalahkan beliau (Donald Trump) dan saya haya.= <laluan selamat= ke selatan ke kawasan giatkan itu berlaku ketika pengantara <Kedua-dua bas disyaki terjatuh di Sun-
akan menewaskannya sekali lagi,= kata Tentera Israel mengusir rakyat sekitar bandar tengah Deir al-Balah. Amerika Syarikat, Mesir dan Qatar gai Trishuli. Pasukan penyelamat yang ter-
Biden semasa sidang media pada akhir Palestin dari Gaza City denganmen- Gaza City, katanya, akan <kekal seba- bertemu dengan pegawai Israel di ibu masuk penyelam telah dikerah untuk
sidang kemuncak Pertubuhan Perjanjian garahkan mereka ke selatan ketika rejim gai zon tempur berbahaya.= negara Qatar, Doha, untuk menyam- mengesan mereka,= kata Bhesh Raj Rijal,
Atlantik Utara (Nato). itu meningkatkan serangannya Awal minggu ini tentera telah men- bung semula rundingan gencatan sen- jurucakap polis daerah, kepada Xinhua.
Pada 2020, Biden menewaskan calon merentasi wilayah utara, selatan dan gusir rakyat Palestin dari bahagian jata dengan Hamas sebagai pertukaran Dalam kejadian lain, seorang pemandu
Republikan Donald Trump yang ketika ini tengah Semenanjung Gaza. timur dan tengah bandar itu tetapi untuk pembebasan puluhan tebusan bas terbunuh selepas ditimpa batu di Chit-
sudah pun mengumumkan hasratnya Israel memaklumkan kepada pen- ramai yang tinggal di situ selepas mem- Israel yang ditahannya. wan di laluan lebuh raya yang sama.
untuk kembali menerajui Rumah Putih. duduk Gaza mengenai perintah buat kesimpulan tiada tempat lain Israel mendakwa ia menggempur Perdana Menteri Nepal, Pushpa Kamal
<Saya tidak bertanding untuk pemindahan dengan menggugurkan untuk mencari perlindungan di Seme- pejuang Hamas yang berkumpul semula Daha telah mengarahkan pasukan kesela-
meneruskan legasi. Saya bertanding untuk risalah menggesa <semua mereka di nanjung Gaza. di pelbagai bahagian di Gaza sembilan matan menyegerakan usaha menyelamat
menyelesaikan tugas yang saya mulakan. Gaza City= untuk mengambil dua Tindakan ketenteraan yang diper- bulan selepas perang.3 Agensi mangsa. 3 Bernama-Xinhua
<Kita telah membuat begitu banyak
kemajuan. Fikirkanlah. Saya optimis men-
genai arah tuju perkara ini,= katanya. India kekal negara paling ramai penduduk abad ini – Laporan PBB
Biden membuat kenyataan itu sebagai
respons terhadap desakan yang semakin NEW DELHI: India dijangka kekal sebagai sebanyak 12 peratus selepas mencapai Populasi China pada 2100 diunjurkan duduk mereka.
meningkat, menggesa beliau menarik diri negara paling ramai penduduk di dunia kemuncaknya sekitar awal 2060-an dengan sekitar 633 juta. <Kerosakan alam sekitar selalunya tim-
daripada pilihan raya Presiden 2024. dan berdepan tekanan ekonomi dan alam kira-kira 1.7 bilion penduduk. Bangladesh, Indonesia, Maghribi, Peru bul hasil daripada aktiviti ekonomi yang
Pemimpin itu juga menyebut bahawa sekitar, menurut laporan World Population Populasi India pada 2024 dianggarkan dan Filipina adalah antara negara yang membawa kepada taraf hidup yang lebih
sekutu AS di sidang kemuncak Nato Prospects 2024 yang diterbitkan Pertubuhan mencecah 1.45 bilion berbanding 1.41 bilion dijangka mengalami penurunan populasi tinggi.
menggalakkan beliau untuk bertanding Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) pada Khamis. di China. pada separuh kedua abad ke-21. <Peningkatan populasi pula memberi
semula jawatan presiden. India memintas China sebagai negara Menurut unjuran PBB, menjelang 2054, Cabaran utama bagi negara-negara yang tekanan terhadap alam sekitar susulan pen-
Biden ketika ini merupakan presiden paling ramai penduduk pada tahun lalu. India akan menjadi tempat tinggal bagi menyaksikan pertumbuhan penduduk ingkatan permintaan ekonomi secara
paling tua dalam sejarah dan akan berusia Menurut laporan itu, populasi di India kira-kira 1.69 bilion orang manakala popu- yang pesat adalah bagaimana mengu- keseluruhan,= menurut laporan Jabatan Hal
86 tahun apabila penggal keduanya dijangka kekal sebagai terbesar di dunia lasi China akan menyusut kepada 1.21 bil- rangkan impak alam sekitar pada masa Ehwal Ekonomi dan Sosial PBB (Desa) pada
tamat. 3 Bernama-Anadolu sepanjang abad ini dan dijangka menurun ion. hadapan sambil memenuhi keperluan pen- Hari Populasi Sedunia.3 Bernama

IKN rangsang Serangan perisian tebusan Tanah runtuh:



Indonesia perkukuh Pencarian 23

individu hilang

JAKARTA: Pembinaan Ibu Kota Nusantara
(IKN) merupakan antara langkah strategik
yang diambil kerajaan untuk merangsang
ekonomi yang seimbang dan pembangu-
nan merata di seluruh Indonesia, kata
keselamatan siber
JAKARTA: Serangan siber di Indonesia <Kami akan melaksanakannya dari Industri kewangan di Indonesia, yang
BONE BOLANGO (Gorontalo): Usaha
mencari 23 individu yang masih hilang
susulan kejadian tanah runtuh di sebuah
lombong emas di Bone Bolango wilayah
Gorontalo, Sulawesi, Indonesia pada 7
Menteri Perusahaan Milik Negara Erick Tho- baru-baru ini yang mengganggu sistem Ogos hingga September 2024,= kata Ketua dianggap paling terdedah kepada peng- Julai lalu diteruskan pagi Jumaat.
hir. data nasional telah mendorong negara Pengarah Aplikasi Informasi kementerian godam, terus meningkatkan keselamatan
<Mengapa kerajaan membangunkan Operasi mencari terpaksa dihentikan
itu untuk memperkukuh keselamatan itu, Ismail pada Khamis. sibernya untuk mengantisipasi ancaman pada Khamis selepas hujan lebat terus
IKN? Objektif kita hanyalah untuk sibernya dan menilai semula dasar Serangan perisian tebusan yang serangan siber.
mengekalkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan melanda kawasan lombong berkenaan.
teknologi digital, lapor Xinhua. menyasarkan pusat data nasional Penguasa Perkhidmatan Kewangan
mencapai pembangunan yang lebih seim- Pada Jumaat, pasukan penyelamat
Menteri Penyelaras Politik, Undang- Indonesia mewujudkan krisis data besar- Indonesia, sebuah agensi kerajaan yang
bang,= jelasnya semasa pertemuan dengan menghantar logistik dan mengerah lebih
undang dan Hal Ehwal Keselamatan besaran bermula pada 17 Jun dan berteru- mengawal selia dan menyelia sektor
Suruhanjaya VI Dewan Rakyat (DPR) di ramai anggota ke lokasi kejadian, lapor
Indonesia, Hadi Tjahjanto berkata pada san selama hampir satu minggu. Pada perkhidmatan kewangan melancarkan
Jakarta pada Rabu. Antara memetik Ketua Operasi Agensi
Jumaat bahawa kerajaan akan melak- mulanya, penggodam menuntut tebusan garis panduan keselamatan siber pada
Thohir menggariskan bahawa kerajaan Mencari dan Menyelamat Gorontalo, Ida
sanakan penambahbaikan keselamatan sebanyak US$8 juta. Selasa yang memenuhi keperluan semua
membayangkan Nusantara sebagai pusat digital dan mengukuhkan keupayaan sis- Menurut Kementerian Komunikasi penyelenggara inovasi teknologi dalam Bagus Ngurah Asrama.
pentadbiran baharu yang dijangka dapat tem pusat data nasionalnya. dan Informasi serta National Cyber and sektor kewangan di negara itu. <Hujan yang berterusan di kawasan
menangani jurang pembangunan antara <Kami sedang mereka bentuk pusat Encryption Agency, sekurang-kurangnya Garis panduan itu merangkumi per- lombong telah membantutkan operasi
wilayah dan mengukuhkan infrastruktur data dengan keupayaan pelbagai san- 282 institusi terganggu akibat serangan lindungan data, pengurusan risiko, tin- mencari,= kata pegawai agensi penyela-
negara, yang seterusnya dijangka daran (back-ups) dan langkah kesela- itu termasuk perkhidmatan imigresen dak balas insiden, 8maturity assessment9, mat itu dalam satu kenyataan media
merangsang pertumbuhan ekonomi. matan yang kukuh. yang menyebabkan orang ramai terpaksa latihan dan kesedaran, dengan menguta- pada Khamis.
Beliau berkata kerusi kerajaan Indonesia <Kami berhasrat menjadikan ia sistem beratur panjang di lapangan terbang aki- makan prinsip kerjasama dan pertukaran Beliau menegaskan bahawa keadaan
pada masa depan tidak hanya akan berdiri yang tidak boleh digodam. Usaha ini bat masalah sistem. maklumat. cuaca yang buruk telah melambatkan
sebagai ikon pemodenan infrastruktur, ker- akan berterusan bagi menyokong kera- Serangan itu juga mengganggu insti- Sementara itu, Persatuan Penyedia bukan sahaja operasi mencari tetapi juga
ana ia juga akan menjadi instrumen untuk jaan dalam berkhidmat kepada tusi pendidikan untuk pendaftaran pela- Perkhidmatan Internet Indonesia (APJII) penempatan penyelamat dan
menghentikan hujah bahawa pembangu- masyarakat,= kata Tjahjanto. jar menjelang sesi akademik baharu. memaklumkan bahawa mereka sedang pengedaran logistik.
nan di negara itu terlalu tertumpu di Pulau Kementerian Komunikasi dan Infor- Susulan kejadian itu, terdapat laporan membentuk pasukan khas yang akan Setakat Khamis, jumlah orang yang
Jawa. masi Indonesia kini bersedia untuk bahawa ramai rakyat Indonesia menun- memberi tumpuan kepada keselamatan terjejas akibat kejadian tanah runtuh
Thohir menegaskan bahawa kerajaan melaksanakan < tenant redeploy= bertu- tut peletakan jawatan Menteri Komu- siber, khususnya untuk mengelakkan besar berjumlah 190. Seramai 23 orang
komited untuk membawa kemajuan ke juan meningkatkan keselamatan digital nikasi dan Informasi, dengan alasan kesan negatif daripada inovasi teknologi disahkan meninggal dunia, 144 ditemui
semua wilayah di Indonesia.3 Bernama- dalam tadbir urus berdasarkan prosedur kegagalannya melindungi data orang yang berkembang pesat. 3 Bernama-Xin- masih hidup dan 23 lagi masih hilang,
Antara operasi standard yang lebih ketat. ramai. hua kata Asrama.3 Bernama-Antara

Istana Negara IKN dijangka siap hujung bulan ini BKSDA Cirebon siasat kehadiran
JAKARTA: Istana Negara di Ibu Kota Nusan-
harimau bintang di Jawa Barat
tara (IKN), yang ketika ini dalam pembi- PEMBINAAN Istana

naan, akan digunakan pada hujung bulan Negara di IKN,

CIREBON, Jawa Barat: Balai Konservasi Sum- visual, sememangnya ada jejak harimau
ini, menurut Kementerian Kerja Raya dan Kalimantan Timur. 3
ber Daya Alam (BKSDA) Cirebon bertindak bintang itu dan mengesahkan ia dilihat di
Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR), seperti dila- Foto Fail Antara
pantas setelah menerima laporan menge- kampung tersebut,= katanya.
porkan portal Antara. nai seekor harimau bintang yang dilihat di Untuk memastikan keselamatan sama
Imam Santoso Ernawi, ketua pasukan Desa Gunungmanik, Kecamatan Kuningan, ada harimau bintang itu atau penduduk,
petugas khas untuk perancangan pemban- Jawa Barat, untuk mencegah konflik antara BKSDA mengambil beberapa langkah
gunan infrastruktur Nusantara kementer- penduduk dan haiwan liar tersebut. pencegahan.
ian, berkata sebahagian besar ruangan di <Pada Selasa malam (9 Julai), kami Ia bekerjasama dengan ketua kampung
istana, termasuk suite utama, akan siap menerima laporan tentang kehadiran Desa Gunungmanik dan polis setempat
untuk digunakan. seekor harimau bintang di Desa Gunung- untuk menasihati penduduk kampung
Bercakap pada sidang media dalam tal- manik,= kata Selamet Priambodo, ketua supaya mengurangkan aktiviti di luar
ian di sini pada Khamis, katanya, kerja- BKSDA Cirebon, portal Antara melaporkan. rumah pada waktu malam.
kerja-kerja pembinaan ruangan acara, yang BKSDA segera melakukan siasatan dan <Kami bersiap siaga bersama polis, TNI
akan menjadi tuan rumah sambutan ulang memeriksa kesan tapak kaki serta rakaman (Tentera Nasional Indonesia), dan Badan
tahun Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia ke-79 tempat sambutan ulang tahun Hari Pembinaan Istana Negara dan ruangan video haiwan tersebut. Bukti menunjukkan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah (BPBD).
pada 17 Ogos ini, sudah pun siap. Kemerdekaan,= katanya, dan menambah acara sudah siap lebih 83 peratus, manakala haiwan itu berkeliaran berdekatan desa Kami dilengkapi dengan mercun untuk
<Ruangan acara dan podiumnya sudah ruangan acara itu dapat menampung kerja-kerja pembinaan di Pejabat Presiden berkenaan. menakut-nakutkan harimau itu jika ia
100 peratus siap untuk digunakan sebagai sehingga 8,000 orang. mencecah lebih 88 peratus.3 Agensi <Berdasarkan maklumat dan bukti muncul kembali,= ujar Priambodo.3 Agensi
6 Hiburan SUARA TEMPATAN ANDA I SABTU, 13 JULAI, 2024 harianekspres
Single, janda tapi
Salah Mamat sendiri – Ajai
maaf tak ‘available’: PEMAIN keyboard Exists dan komposer,
Ajai, 49, berpendapat masalah pengambi-
Nonny Nadirah lan dadah yang dialami penyanyinya,
Mamat adalah kesilapannya sendiri.
MASIH solo selepas Ajai berkata, hati Mamat sendiri tidak
bergelar janda, kuat hingga dia terjebak dalam perbu-
pelakon Nonny atan itu.
Nadirah (gambar) <Apa yang jadi bukan salah orang lain,
mengakui sedang tetapi berlaku sebab hati Mamat sendiri.
menunggu jejaka Hati dia sendiri yang tak kuat dan 8on off9
baik kurniaan Tuhan benda itu,99 katanya.
yang sesuai dengan- Ajai berkata, Mamat sepatutnya perlu
nya. ada semangat kental dalam dirinya untuk
Percaya dengan menolak pengambilan barang terlarang
kuasa doa, Nonny atau nama sebenarnya itu meskipun jika ada orang lain cuba
Nonny Nadirah Zainuddin, 34, juga mene- memberikan kepadanya.
tapkan kriteria tertentu yang diinginkan <Sebenarnya, ambil atau tak ambil
daripada seorang lelaki yang bakal men- benda itu terletak pada hati Mamat. Kalau
Once Mekel Elica Paujin
jadi imamnya. ada orang cuba atau nak bagi dia
<Status saya sekarang, single, janda. sekalipun dan hati kamu tak nak, tidak
Tapi maaf, tak 8available9. jadi juga. Oleh itu, pucuk pangkalnya hati

Once, Elica
<Saya sedang menunggu putera saya Mamat sendiri.
daripada Allah. Nak yang tinggi cecah <Saya juga percaya setiap kesilapan
AJAI berpendapat masalah
julang ke langit! yang dilakukan itu datangnya daripada
pengambilan dadah yang dialami
<Saya percaya dengan doa, tak dapat diri kita sendiri dan bukan kerana dipen-
Mamat adalah kesilapannya
dekat dunia Allah pasti bagi dekat akhi- garuhi oleh mana-mana individu lain.
sendiri. 3 Foto Harian Metro
rat,= katanya menerusi Instagram Story. Kita ada hati dan boleh fikir sendiri,=

gegar KDCA
Sering dipersalahkan dalam perhubun- katanya ketika ditemui pada program Baru-baru ini, Mamat yang berdepan
gan, pelakon drama Luka Di Hati Diya itu realiti Gimme The Mic di Publika, Khamis. dua pertuduhan mengambil dadah pada
menzahirkan rasa kesal selain menasi- Selain itu, mengulas kenyataan 2019, berjaya dalam rayuannya, namun
hatkan kaum Adam supaya tidak bersikap pemain bass Exists, Musa Radhi yang dijatuhi hukuman denda RM4,000 serta
berat sebelah pihak. menyifatkan kehidupan di kampung dua tahun pengawasan di Agensi Anti-
<Dulu saya selalu terkena, asyik saya merosakkan Mamat, Ajai berkata, dia dadah Kebangsaan (AADK) Bentong,

31 Ogos ini
sahaja yang dianggap nakal. faham rasa kecewa seorang sahabat apa- Pahang untuk rawatan dan pemulihan.
<Sekarang lelaki, hmm& saya simpan bila melihat sahabatnya terus dibelenggu Mamat yang tampil bersama Exists
komen saya. Jangan asyik cari 8point9 isteri kesilapan berulang. pada 1991 popular dengan lagu-lagu
sahaja yang salah. Tolonglah,= ujarnya. <Saya rasa apa yang diluahkan Musa seperti Untukmu Ibu, Rahsia Pohon Cemara,
Terdahulu, Nonny pernah bercinta den- pada kenyataan dikeluarkannya itu tidak Langkah Seiringan dan banyak lagi.
gan aktor Niezam Zaidi namun hubungan bermaksud pun menyalahkan orang lain Bagaimanapun, Mamat meninggalkan
Kazalinah Kamaludin mereka tidak kesampaian apabila perkah- sepenuhnya. Cuma, dia dalam keadaan Exists pada 1994 dan memilih bergerak winan yang dirancang dibatalkan. sedih dan hampa melihat nasib dihadapi sebagai penyanyi solo dan popular den-

ENYANYI popular Sebelum itu, Nonny pernah Mamat. gan lagu Salju Di Danau Rindu, Hanya
Indonesia, yang juga mendirikan rumah tangga dengan Mus- <Sebagai sahabat Mamat dalam Exists, Engkau Kekasih dan Inspirasi Kamar Hati.
bekas anggota kumpu- tain Adnan pada 2018 tetapi jodoh kami semua sayang dan sentiasa ambil Mamat mendirikan rumah tangga
lan Dewa 19, Once Mekel bakal mereka hanya bertahan selama setahun. berat mengenai dia. Kami juga selalu dengan Marshila Mustapha Kamal pada
menggegarkan Dewan KDCA Lama menghilang, Nonny baru-baru menasihatinya dan jaga dia dengan baik. 2001, tetapi mereka yang dikurniakan
di Penampang sempena Kina- ini mencetuskan kontroversi dengan Boleh dikatakan, Mamat nampak 8fresh9 tiga anak bercerai pada 2009.
balu Music Fest - Art & Culi- memuat naik video menari sambil dan tiada masalah sekiranya dia ada Kini, Mamat juga mempunyai seorang
nary 2024 pada 31 Ogos ini. berkemban. 3 Kosmo! Online bersama dengan kami,= katanya. cucu. 3 Harian Metro
Selain itu, festival selama
tiga hari dari 30 Ogos 3 1 Sep-
tember ini juga bakal Peguam sahkan kes cerai Harith, Dr Jezamine ditunda
menampilkan barisan artis
dan kumpulan terkenal PERBICARAAN kes cerai antara pelawak
antaranya, Masdo Band, Bunk- Harith Iskander dan isterinya, Dr Jezamine
face Band, Elica Paujin and Lim yang sepatutnya berlangsung di
Atmosfera Band. Mahkamah Rendah Syariah Wilayah
Penganjur, Fazura Azima Ag Persekutuan, Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur
Sha, yang juga Pengarah Acara Kugiran Masdo pada 15 Julai ini akan ditunda ke satu tarikh
Fazbuzz Events & Media lain.
berlaku untuk menyaksikan seorang leg-
berkata mereka gembira untuk mem- Perkara itu disahkan oleh peguam
enda muzik beraksi, dan ia bakal men-
bawakan barisan artis yang pelbagai dan mewakili Dr Jezamine, Datuk Akberdin
jadi tumpuan utama festival ini,=
berbakat untuk festival itu tahun ini. Abdul Kader, selain menjelaskan, kedua-
<Kehadiran Once Mekel, bekas vokalis dua pihak memberikan kerjasama baik
Kinabalu Music Fest - Art & Culinary
Dewa 19, menjadi tumpuan utama untuk sepanjang perbincangan.
yang menggabungkan muzik, seni dan
malam konsert yang diadakan pada 31 <Memang sekarang sudah jelas kes itu
kulinari mensasarkan untuk mempro-
Ogos, bertepatan dengan sambutan Hari memang wujud. Tarikh sudah ada, tapi
mosikan Kota Kinabalu sebagai destinasi
Kemerdekaan. ditunda kerana mahkamah ada urusan
budaya utama di Malaysia.
<Dengan vokal dan persembahan pen- lain. Kami akan maklumkan tarikh
Selain konsert pada malam 31 Ogos,
tas hebat, kehadirannya pasti akan baharu selepas ini.
festival itu turut menampilkan beberapa DR Jezamine mengesahkan memfailkan

memukau penonton yang hadir dan <Kedua-duanya memberi kerjasama

aktiviti lain seperti, pameran seni, permohonan cerai terhadap Harith, bulan lalu.

mencipta pengalaman konsert yang yang baik. Jadi, tunggu tarikh baharu
bengkel interaktif, gerai 8pop-up9 kulinari Harith memohon untuk diberikan masa lama lagi dan anda pasti menjadi orang
belum pernah dirasakan. yang akan dimaklumkan,= katanya dite-
yang menawarkan pelbagai masakan sebelum memberikan penjelasan. pertama mengetahuinya. Terima kasih
<Kami yakin persembahan Once tidak mui di Mahkamah Majistret Kuala Kubu
serta hidangan tempatan dan antara- <Terima kasih atas panggilan atau banyak atas kesabaran anda,= katanya.
hanya akan memukau tetapi juga Bharu, pada Jumaat selepas perbicaraan
bangsa, dan banyak lagi. mesej. Saya mohon maaf atas lambat Pada 9 Julai lalu, BH Online melaporkan
meninggalkan kesan yang mendalam kes pelakon Hafidz Roshdi dan bekas
Maklumat lanjut, layari Facebook di menjawab. Dr Jezamine dipercayai memfailkan cerai
kepada semua yang hadir. isteri, Nurul Shuhada Mat Shukri.
KinabaluMusicFest2024 and TikTok <Kami akan membuat kenyataan tidak terhadap suaminya. 3 BH Online
<Ini adalah peluang yang jarang Terdahulu, BH Online melaporkan,

Shuhada HAFIDZ (kiri) ditemani

isteri baharunya Athira Yuhada

tarik balik hadir di Mahkamah Majistret

Kuala Kubu Bharu pada

laporan polis
Jumaat. 3 fotoBERNAMA



MAHKAMAH Majistret di Kuala Kubu
Bharu pada Jumaat dimaklumkan bahawa
bekas isteri pelakon Hafidz Roshdi iaitu
Nurul Shuhada Mat Shukri telah menarik
balik laporan polis yang dibuat terhadap
pelakon itu berhubung pertuduhan Shuhada tak hadir
mencederakan wanita tersebut.
Peguam Datuk Akberdin Abdul Kader,
yang mewakili Hafidz atau nama sebe- sebab tak sihat
narnya Muhammad Hafidz Roshdi, 30,
ketika dihubungi berkata Nurul Shuhada BEKAS isteri pelakon Hafidz Roshdi iaitu
telah menarik balik laporan polis itu Nurul Shuhada Mat Shukri (gambar)
pada 6 Julai lepas. tidak hadir ke Mahkamah Majistret Kuala
Susulan itu, beliau memaklumkan Kubu Bharu pada Jumaat kerana tidak
Hakim Siti Fatimah Talib yang bertindak Tiada provokasi, Hafidz dan bekas isteri dah berdamai sihat.
sebagai Majistret menetapkan tarikh Perkara itu dimaklumkan peguam
baharu bagi sebutan semula pada 2 Ogos PEGUAM yang mewakili pelakon, Hafidz lalu itu juga akan diteliti sebelum dimak- apa-apa bentuk ugutan atau apa. yang mewakili Hafidz, Datuk Akberdin
ini untuk pendakwaan menentukan Roshdi iaitu Datuk Akberdin Abdul lumkan semula oleh Timbalan Pendakwa <Selepas itu, apabila mereka sudah Abdul Kader.
sama ada kes akan diteruskan atau seba- Kader menjelaskan tidak ada sebarang Raya (DPP) kepada mahkamah pada 2 berpuas hati, jadi dia akan tarik baliklah. <Sebenarnya subpoena tak dikelu-
liknya. provokasi mahupun ugutan yang men- Ogos ini. Tarikh akan datang adalah 2 Ogos dan arkan sebab hari ini sebutan. Saya dengar
Pada 13 Mac 2023, Hafidz mengaku jadi faktor mengapa pengadu yang juga <Seperti yang dimaklumkan DPP pendakwaan akan maklumkan kepada dia pun tak berapa sihat hari ini.
tidak bersalah atas pertuduhan dengan bekas isteri Hafidz, Nurul Shuhada Mat kepada Hakim, pengadu, Shuhada sudah mahkamah hasil penelitian,= katanya. <Tapi, kalau dia datang pun, pendak-
sengaja menyebabkan kecederaan ter- Shukri menarik balik kes dakwaan ter- buat laporan polis menarik balik pada 6 Ditanya mengenai pengakhiran kes waan kena buat pengesahan secara bebas
hadap Nurul Shuhada dengan menum- hadap anak guamnya Julai. Jadi, pihak polis dah terima dan ini, Akberdin berkata, berdasarkan pen- dan ada prosedurnya,= katanya.
buk pipi kiri wanita itu sebanyak tiga kali Akberdin berkata, laporan polis kami pun dah terima daripada peguam galamannya, semuanya dapat disele- Mahkamah pada Jumaat memberi
sehingga luka, lebam dan bengkak. penarikan balik kes Hafidz yang didakwa Shuhada. saikan secara damai apabila semua pihak tarikh baharu, 2 Ogos untuk Timbalan
Pelakon drama itu didakwa menumbuk wanita itu pada tahun lalu <Jadi, oleh kerana prosedur pendak- meneruskan kehidupan. Pendakwa Raya (DPP) memaklumkan
melakukan perbuatan itu berhampiran itu dibuat secara suka rela. waan adalah untuk memastikan kandun- <Ini ekoran masalah rumah tangga maklumat terperinci kepada mahkamah
susur keluar Tol Sungai Buaya di sini <Sebenarnya, pihak-pihak sudah sele- gan laporan itu, maka, mereka akan dan kebanyakan kes begini boleh disele- selepas Nurul Shuhada menarik balik kes
pada 3.22 pagi 2 Mac tahun lepas saikan perkara ini secara baik. Tiada ambil kenyataan tambahan daripada saikan. Memanglah tegang, tapi selepas menumbuk pipi kiri yang didakwa
mengikut Seksyen 323 Kanun Keseksaan sebarang provokasi atau ugutan. Mereka pengadu. Jadi, mereka perlukan sedikit seketika, selepas semua pihak berfikir dilakukan Hafidz pada 13 Mac lalu
yang membawa hukuman maksimum dah selesaikan semua isu berkenaan waktu dan sebab itulah Hakim setuju masak-masak, sebab ada anak dan seba- sebanyak tiga kali di susur keluar Plaza
penjara setahun atau denda RM2,000 rumah tangga secara baik. dan beri dua minggu. gainya, boleh diselesaikan. Tol Sungai Buaya, di Kuala Kubu Bharu.
atau kedua-duanya dan dibaca bersama <Seperti mana yang saya cakap, lapo- <Ini peringkat daerah, jadi akan diru- <Sebelum ini saya pernah buat kes Sementara itu, cubaan Harian Metro
Seksyen 326A kanun sama yang mem- ran yang dibuat adalah tanpa paksaan juk kepada 8bos9 (Pengarah Pendakwaan seperti ini. Kalau dah ada penyelesaian menghubungi Shuhada bagi mendap-
bawa hukuman penjara dua kali ganda dan dengan suka rela,= katanya. Negeri). Jadi, mereka akan teliti laporan dan terma dah jelas, teruskan kehidupan, atkan komennya tidak berjaya apabila
tempoh maksimum bagi sabitan di Menurut Akberdin, laporan penarikan dan arahkan Pegawai Penyiasat untuk jadi kawan untuk anak-anak. Jadi kawan dia tidak menjawab panggilan telefon
bawah Seksyen 323. 3 Bernama balik yang dibuat Shuhada pada 6 Julai ambil percakapan tambahan, adakah baiklah. dan membalas mesej. 3 Harian Metro
harianekspres SUARA TEMPATAN ANDA I TADAUKOONOM, 13 VUHAN KOTUU, 2024 Hivang Kadazan 7

Humazag Doid Anau


Pinakalaja haid doid

Malaysia Airlines do 37

toun. Mininggiat monuat

di toun 2009. Nokoponuat
OTOODO nopo di Soimon i kalaja9 mon. Minimpulagiu i Soimon. Tuminungag Di mamaso zioho9 poinhamas hobi 200 suzanibo maza
daamin pinonuuan di mosital disido isido om unduk no minooi doiho9 id poindikau di hisiu hinapak poing do9 radio om 7 novel Kadazan.
om potutubo9 no dau i buuk toobong dioho9. Kopongintuntug nopo makan sumoom tadau, nokokihap o pitu- Vookon nopo novel sinuat
ponunuatan. Nokokutub i buuk Onggilis isido di vaig toobong om sisikapo9 no vongon om susuutono9 no do tinggoud. disido nga’ Pangkis Pangazou, Sumidang
babasaon. Mantad no dii buuk o pino- disido do minongisu9 di tinan dau. Noguzu9 i hamin. Nokongook o asam Mai Tadau, Tavan om Tana, Butiza doid
gonuan di mosital di kalaja9 todoon Nokoolog i tinan disido. Minonongkuihib nokootung doid taap hamin. Ahasau i hin- Tana’ om Vaig Babagon. Minoguhud KSS
daamin. Induvo disido piguguhiai minam- isido di tuala9 dau om sagou no do sombo- sou di asam. Miaga ko ogolongou i9 ii taap Sinuat di Kadazan Dictionary 2011 om Kalindol
basa9 di susuzan doid buuk teks. Nolotian lidi9 di vaig toobong. Nakahasu9 o tinan loun umbizo doid tingguzusan di hamin. Kadazan. Nokotoimo Anugerah Penggiat
disido om nosimba disido. disido songian nokoikot doid sosoiba9 Nokoikot i tongus topuod. Pinosuang di Blasius Binjua
Bahasa Etnik 2021.
<Mundoong podii,= ka di Soimon om hamin. Nouzat tuminakad di tisan nuhu mamai Jiim i sumbu tumau tana9 doid gan-
sondiu no di tobon hamin. Tinindu9 disido i vinaahon di mohoing disido. tang mooi do au9 nodii opisok. Pinahantop teks di paajalon doid sikul do tadau dii. Pisosohiduk no i mamai Jiim di tisan
poingumbangan do vavaan hamin. Doiho9 Koiib nopo disido i vaig doid tipang om di inai Ginis i toongobon di jinjila9. Kahan- Nopiumanan disido do aiso kobohingkan- koumbizaan om kagakom no di mato
no i toibutan tongus mantad danau. Minu- tutuludu9 no disido kuminaa doid hintuun top i kozo dosido om pigugusa9 nodii i gan dau do mamalati9 di songinsuat id disido. Nokito disido do mamaso no
zoop mato disido. hamin. Minanambasaan isido di unifoom tinggoon. Moit-boit po i piumaat do suang buuk teks id boos Onggilis. popobundus i Jiim di gakit disido mantad
<Ongoi podu9 Mon!= ka di ina9 disido. sikul. Kupiho9 disido i buuk Onggilis i tumahib. Au9 kougad isido sikul. Zi ina9 om zi ama9 koumbizaan pakaazan doid anau di noko-
Aiso do gua9 di tinan disido. pinovihiu haid dau di ontok kopongo Dadi9kovizau nopo izioho9 do disido nga9 id daamin. Au9 osoboong i anau tohop. Nohizudan. Poingkakat i Jiim doid
<Guzuoon o tanak dino, Ginis,= ka di minonoodo homework. Kosuang doid kan- kohipupuun dii om ongoi no pomohiung pobuvatan tu9 aahom o vaig om au9 di tampak di gakit do kumba. Kivaa do
ama9 di Soimon. tung om songgito9 no. Doiho9 nodii isido id pahad i Soimon doiho9 id pomougan. koongoi pangavit puun gata. Suminigugul pinatadan do poing miaga no hunggazan
<Au9 avasi modop do tumonob tadau. pantaan poingumba mindau9 di tukad. Minongimumug isido om tounda9 no do izioho9 minikau doid hintuun hamin di do tanak. I no ponukod disido minggogoki-
Mosik om mongoi no podu9,= ka di inai <Monguo ko Imon?= ka di inai Ginis. miniikau doiho9 id tikam vinatu mantad potoguvang di vavazaan kumaa doid pan- tonhumintanga9 di anau.
Ginis minonginsasamod di tanak kusai <Au9 tagal makan ina9. Akasip zou mugad sakot bundusan. Aiso nodii tososoou disido taan. Kakaal do maasam-asam nga9 au9 no <Nombo dati9 pakaazan nu dino Imon?
dau. sikul,= ka di Saimon. do onu mangan. Notoodo o homework. kaaga sinapou di asam di tosodopon Kada9 kama ongoi doiho9 id bavang.
<Biio9 gia i kantung diaha9 nung notoodo <Jiim! Biio9 po iho9 tanak nu. Mogompu- Nga9 au9 tuminahup doid tutok disido i koniab. Ohosog vaig doiho9!= ka di mamai Jiim.
no ngavi9 dau o homework,= ka di ama9 di vang!= ka di inai Ginis. kinaantakan do mugad sikul isido ontok Minitotongkuovo di hintuun hamin zi <Sumoboong zou duhia tisan anau!
Soimon. Nakatangkus i mamai Jiim. Zinadaan tumonob tadau. Soimon. Notikid disido minonohiduk i Doiho9 i tambahut ku poingidad! Minha-
<Odoi kupo diau Jiim. Onu noihaan ku disido mamahaas di suduvon i pinosusut <Otuvong po do tosuvab om mosik zou pisuk hamin. hazagon zikoi. Wuhuuu!= ka di Soimon.
dino homework. Migit po pinsil nga9 au9 haid dau doid puzut. Tumonob kozo i no. Akasip mai9 do mugad sikul,= ka di <Onu kozo o katangkangau diau dino <Bah! Piimpa9-impa9 ku iziau mantad
koiho,= ka di inai Ginis. tadau om otiungan di konuhuan ponong sinoou di Soimon. Kaandak isido do aanan- Imon?= ka di inai Ginis. Novunduk ngaavi9 doiho9 daamin. Kada9 kahaid kama,= ka di
Au9 nadadi i mamai Jiim minonguot di kotonobon. gan disido i mongingia9 dau om kopipa- di Soimon i tapi9 di ina9 disido di songin- ama9 di Soimon.
buuk doid kantung di Soimon. Kivaa buuk <Monguo ko Imon tu9 poinsanggit ko do paas doid panaasan sikul. dambai doid hintuun. Au9 miho posidan- <Ohosog vaig doiti9 ama9. Mimpodouhon
poimbihiu doid hisiu id doos di Soimon. kantung?= ka di mamai Jiim. Nokopituka9 <Kada9 nopo do kivaa tambahut koiho gan doiho9 id dahabus tu9 maasam-asam. po zikoi. Umasak iho9 vaig!=
Pointampak i pinsil om pupuhas di buuk. izioho9 do doiho9 id puun tukad. do minogompuvang zou mugad sikul <Nombo i pinakai nu di ama9?= ka di Soi- Koguhi9 nopo i mamai Jiim doid sosoiba9
Vahado9 no di mamai Jiim i buuk Aiso simba di Soimon. Bagahon i disido tumonob tadau,= ka di suang ginavo di Soi- mon. hamin om tuminindooi isido doiho9 id
ponunuatan. Nium disido i lambal nongo- mintong di lahan undukon doid anau. mon om kopuhizangai no minodop. <Ponguo nu? Pinasavit ku haid di sangau puzut. Mongimato do nombo pakaazan di
suatan. Kokito no disido i lambal touvi no Doiho9 no vavazaan disido songian mugad Sumaang nogi9 o tudan om koposik no i tambang duhia9 lopuan,= ka di mamai Jiim. Soimon miampai di gakit dau. Potuintog o
di nosuatan. Poinsuat o tadau vuhan sikul. Gokomo9 no di mamai Jiim di pahad Soimon. Huminabus isido mantad lopuan <Monoodo zou do gakit. Ombuingoton songuhun dazanak kusai doiho9 id tisan
kinosuatan do tadau dii. dau i pingas di Soimon miampaping. poingginding do bolidi9. Uminagab isido zou aiso totoinaon doiti daamin.= babaton. Kasakai nopo i tambahut di Soi-
<Mogot ko iziau Jiim tu9 kotutun do ABC. Puzazo9 no disido i voos di Soimon. do mininduuk mantad hamin kuminaa di <Kada9 panagad do poing. Oubat. Mooi mon di gakit disido om noikot no o baut
Onu ngavi9 o nabasa9 nu?= ka di inai Ginis. <Mosik Imon! Mogompuvang ko diti,= ka toobong. paganu di kumba duhia9 tisan dioho9 oondos om ounsikou. Minsaazo om
<Notoodo no di Imon o homework dau,= di mamai Jiim. Tohu apat haang nogi9 napanau disido koumbizaan,= ka di mamai Jiim. mimbugus no izioho9. Somoonu9 do
ka di mamai Jiim. Nokougad isido sikul do Minimang vahad i mato di Soimon. mantad lopuan om koimpa9 no disido <Koiho zou,= ka di Soimon om katagak songuhun tumuun mantad gakit om
duvo no toun. Tuminood isido tu9 au9 ohi- Nosusuvazan. Nokopisoomo9 i hinsou mato doiho9 id siibo9 di nuhu vinaahon di hamin no miampai di pinakai di ama9 disido. mintotohopon. Nidu9 dioho9 i gaung.
das o tinan. Gongoson isido. Opusakan do disido om di ama9 dau. Nokoonsom i dioho9. Aiso do anau. Natagak i vinatang. I Ahahaid nodii kinotongkizadon di Soi- Noohu9 po o souva tonibo9 takod.
momuobo om au9 kaanu mumpazat minto- pomooson disido. Kivaza9 do nasasangi9. tisan papas nga9 aino9. I kabang di toobong mon mantad suang hamin. Biio9 nopo di <Himbata9!= ka di Soimon noongou di
tongkuson miampai di tampon ngaavi9 Nokosupan do mamanau moginipi. Osikap nga9 aino9. Nokohizud i kinoizonon di Soi- mamai Jiim i jaam poinggini doid tobon mamai Jiim.
dau. Nokohogos i toluo disido. Pinaakan isido minogkovihi. Aiso poingintong mon. hamin om osomok no jaam ko-12 tan- <Nombo?!= ka di tambahut disido.
isido di mohoing dau do tinumbu9 gavi do disido. Zi ama9 no disido i nokoiho do Au9 duminadi isido do minunduk om gaadau. <Dunia takod nu! Kada9 gua9!= ka di Soi-
insan tadau. Nopiuman di mamai Jiim do kinaantakan doiho9 id puun tukad. Toodo9 i guhi9 no doid sosoiba9 di hamin. Pinasagou <Au9 ko koosi do kivaa nununu di Imon? mon maso minsomok di koluang dau. Miad
nahangga9 i luak todung disido. Aiso do disido om indakod no pinakaazan doiho9 id disido i gazung doid di dolom pinonohu- Ngozo kama biio9 dunia id disan umbizo,= toongou di mamai Jiim.
hangou kuminodou do kaavang mobuobo. himput toodopon di mohoing disido. Nidu9 dan vaig asam om pintuntug no. Induvo ka di inai Ginis. Nakagaum miniad nokoongou di Soi-
Kivaa do impipio isido paakano9 do tin- disido i unifoom sikul om dahin no do intohu om au9 nodii kasabak isido di Tinupi9 di mamai Jiim i tupi; gugunoon mon om poboos no, <Ogumu9 zaa9 takod
imbu9 gavi om ponginut nodii do tumina- basaan gogoungon id daamin. sinogit di vaig asam do kosuvabon dii. disido do momutung gata om indauu9 no nu!=
gak i gongos disido. <Kanou makan Imon,= ka di inai Ginis. Kopogintuu9 po isido om inum no di tinu- pointangau di binungkus dau kakaal miik- <Iduon nopo ino himbata9 Imon! Kada9
Nokotonduhi9 i kohidasan disido. Nga9 Ohinuud zosido. Nga9 nokokidum daa. mon pinotounda9 di ina9 disido. Vagas ilou. Doiho9 no id sosoiba9 hamin gisom undoosizo9 o tambahut!= ka di mamai Jiim.
noduanan nodii isido di tampon disido Osikap zosido minomisok di kidum dau ginoui om tunguai no vaig di mohok- disido. Nokoongou isido do kivaa mopok- Tumininda i tambahut di Soimon om
doid sikul. Notihombusan disido do au9 koosi do atantaman do magagasab di tanak gohok po. Iibai no disido i sangkil disido hopok. takad no di nuhu pinouhian doid hamin
minugad sikul. kusai dau. om tiim no. Oongid miaga do vagas mata9 Minomohongguk i mamai Jiim, <Iziau dau. Kakaal miad-iad.
<Kosikul po kozo zi Jiim diti nga9 aiso <Kada9 tokou booso9 do mogompuvang di hahabakan do vaig piasau. Nga9 aanau tu9 ino Imon?!= Kouhi9 nopo i Soimon do tangaadau dii
guno nung au9 no ohidas tinan,= ka di ama mamanau zi Imon. Asabi9 mai9 ziaha9 do aiso do gula9. Nokotood i mopok-hopok doiho9 id om nakaagang o mato dau tokito di mamai
di mamai Jiim. moniou. Okubong o tipus tuhun diti,= ka di Nanamot disido do tumiim di kupi9 tisan di koumbizaan, <Doiti9 zou id duuk! Jiim. Nouzan minhahazagon doid anau di
Uzogo9 no di mamai Jiim i tinan di Soi- mamai Jiim doid di inai Ginis. Opiian. tinoodo vagas ginoui, nukab disido i buuk Notoodo kuno gakit!= nokotohop nohizudan.
SUKAN harianekspres

Sabah FC ‘tempang’ lawan JDT

GL Oh baik untuk memberikan persaingan
KOTA KINABALU: Sabah FC akan bermain kepada mereka, terutamanya selepas
tanpa Saddil Ramdani dan Darren Lok tewas kepada Terengganu FC dalam Piala
untuk perlawanan menentang Johor FA baru-baru ini.=
Darul Ta9zim FC di Stadium Likas malam Beliau juga menepis komen negatif
ini (Jumaat). mengenai beberapa isu melibatkan Sabah
Ketiadaan mereka mungkin mem- FC yang tular di media sosial baru-baru
berikan tamparan besar kepada pasukan ini.
selepas pemergian Ramon Machado <Semua isu telah diselesaikan. Saya
minggu lalu. berharap semua pemain akan mem-
Datuk Ong Kim Swee pada Jumaat berikan tumpuan sepenuhnya kepada per-
berkata kedua-dua pemain tersebut masih lawanan penting esok dan kami yakin
mengalami kecederaan dan mungkin isu-isu luaran ini tidak akan mengganggu
tidak cergas untuk perlawanan, tetapi tumpuan dan fokus pemain.=
yakin bahawa pengganti mereka akan <Pemain mesti tahu mereka perlu
dapat menjalankan tugas tersebut. meningkatkan prestasi mereka selepas
<Saddil dan Darren masih mengalami gagal memenangi dua perlawanan ter-
kecederaan dan tanpa mereka ini akan akhir. Mereka harus melupakan kekalahan
menjadi cabaran besar buat pasukan. dengan menumpukan perhatian pada per-
<Namun, kami mempunyai pemain lawanan esok supaya mereka dapat kem-
yang bersedia mengambil alih posisi bali ke prestasi sebenar mereka,= katanya.
mereka dan penting untuk mereka dapat Beliau menambah peminat boleh
merebut peluang ini sebaik mungkin. memainkan peranan penting untuk
<Selain menunjukkan komitmen, meningkatkan keyakinan pemain dan
mereka mesti bersedia secara mental dan berharap mereka akan datang ke stadium
fizikal untuk bermain menentang untuk memberikan sokongan.
pasukan teratas di negara ini,= katanya. <Saya tahu ramai yang kecewa dengan
Beliau juga berharap pemain dapat keputusan baru-baru ini, tetapi kita harus
bangkit daripada kekalahan di tempat teruskan dan sangat penting untuk kami
sendiri dalam Piala FA kepada Terengganu mendapatkan sokongan berterusan
FC pada Sabtu lalu. terutamanya daripada penyokong yang ONG memberi arahan
<Bukan mudah untuk bermain dalam akan memberikan motivasi lebih kepada kepada pemain semasa
liga terutamanya menentang JDT FC, pemain dengan kehadiran mereka di sta- sesi latihan pada Khamis.
tetapi kita mesti bermain dengan lebih dium.=

Paris 2024: Jin Wei, Sukma 2024:

Conmebol siasat insiden gaduh pada separuh akhir Copa
jurulatih berhubung MIAMI, Amerika Syarikat: Penganjur Sarawak
Copa America yang juga badan induk
melalui telefon bola sepak Amerika Selatan (Conmebol) sedia
membuka siasatan disiplin susulan 8tin-
GEORGE TOWN: Perseorangan profesional dakan keganasan9 selepas aksi separuh
wanita negara Goh Jin Wei akan menerima akhir antara Uruguay dan Colombia di
panduan, bimbingan dan sokongan Charlotte.
berterusan daripada jurulatihnya Nova Penyerang Uruguay dan Liverpool, atlet
Armada menerusi panggilan telefon Darwin Nunez antara pemain yang
apabila beraksi di Sukan Olimpik Paris meluru ke tempat duduk penonton di KUCHING: Tuan rumah Sukan Malaysia
2024, hujung bulan ini. Stadium Bank of America selain (Sukma) 2024, Sarawak, sedia 8memin-
Ia berikutan permintaannya untuk melepaskan beberapa tumbukan ter- jamkan9 atletnya kepada negeri lain bagi
membawa jurulatih dari Indonesia itu hadap penyokong yang disifatkan Con- mengatasi masalah kekurangan penyer-
kepada Majlis Olimpik Malaysia (MOM) mebol sebagai 8situasi yang tidak boleh taan di temasya itu yang dijadual berlang-
tidak berjaya susulan kuota kad akreditasi diterima.9 sung pada 17 hingga 24 Ogos depan.
yang terhad dikeluarkan Jawatankuasa Pertahanan Uruguay, Jose Maria Pengarah Majlis Sukan Negeri Sarawak
Olimpik Antarabangsa (IOC). Gimenez berkata pemain terpaksa Awang Putra Yusrie berkata berdasarkan
Pemain berusia 24 tahun itu berkata berbuat sedmikian kerana bimbang maklumat diterima minggu lepas,
walaupun tanpa jurulatihnya, namun akan keselamatan ahli keluarga mereka sebanyak 30 daripada keseluruhan 488
Persatuan Badminton (BAM) telah yang hadir menyaksikan pertembungan PEMAIN Uruguay melihat ke arah bangku penonton di tempat acara yang dipertandingkan seakan sukar
menyediakan jurulatih dan beliau telah itu. duduk keluarga mereka ketika penyokong Colombia dan Uruguay mencapai jumlah penyertaan minimum
menyesuaikan diri dengan jurulatih <Susulan tindakan keganasan yang bergaduh pada separuh akhir Copa America di Stadium Bank of enam negeri sekali gus berdepan risiko
berkenaan. berlaku di hujung perlawanan antara America di Charlotte, North Carolina, Rabu lalu. – Foto AFP digugurkan.
<Jurulatih (Nova Armada) akan terus Uruguay dan Colombia, unit disiplin amaran kami tidak akan bertolak-ansur dungi ahli keluarga mereka memandan- Beliau yang juga Ketua Pegawai Ekseku-
beri sokongan, bimbingan dan panduan Conmebol membuat keputusan untuk dengan apa sahaja tindakan yang mence- gkan polis tidak kelihatan di stadium itu. tif Perbadanan Sukan Sarawak berpandan-
menerusi panggilan telefon sepanjang saya memulakan siasatan bagi menjelaskan markan Copa America, membabitkan <Ahli keluarga kami dalam bahaya. gan jika pengguguran acara berlaku, ia
di Sukan Olimpik. Walaupun kecewa beliau insiden itu dan tanggungjawab oleh pasukan atau penyokong yang hadir Kami terpaksa pergi ke tempat duduk akan memberi kesan negatif terhadap
tidak dapat bersama saya di sana (Paris) pihak yang terbabit,= menurut Con- untuk aksi final yang akan disaksikan penonton untuk menyelamatkan aspek kemajuan atlet.
namun terima kasih kepada BAM yang mebol dalam satu kenyataan. ratusan juta penonton di seluruh dunia. mereka, dengan ada juga bayi yang baru <Kita (Sarawak) ada atlet pelapis, kita
telah sediakan jurulatih. Conmebol menegaskan mereka tidak <Ini situasi yang tidak dapat diterima lahir,= kata pemain Atletico Madrid itu. memang (ada) tawarkan. Sebelum ini pun
<Secara keseluruhanya iaitu mental dan mahu kejadian sama berulang apabila apabila insiden ini mengubah semangat <Tidak ada seorang pun anggota kita dah tawarkan beberapa atlet terjun
fizikal saya sekarang ini adalah baik. Ada penyokong kedua-dua pasukan bola sepak kepada keganasan. Justeru, polis... saya harap penganjur dapat lebih kepada negeri lain untuk bantu mereka
tempoh dalam dua minggu lagi...walaupun bergaduh pada aksi final antara tiada tolak ansur ke atas sebarang tin- berhati-hati dengan keluarga kami.= dan pernah tawarkan pasukan futsal
ini saya akan cuba yang terbaik untuk Argentina menentang Colombia di Sta- dakan yang mencemari semangat bola Pergaduhan juga tercetus di tengah wanita dulu. Untuk sukan-sukan lain seki-
semua terutama negara Malaysia,= katanya dium Hard Rock, Miami. sepak yang menjadi milik setiap orang.= padang selepas wisel penamat ditiup ranya negeri lain perlukan atlet memang
kepada pemberita di pejabat Persatuan <Menjelang aksi final Copa America, Gimenez berkata pemain terpaksa membabitkan pemain dan pegawai kita bersedia (pinjamkan).
Badminton Pulau Pinang (PBA), di Bukit kami ingin menegaskan dan memberi terbabit dengan insiden itu untuk melin- kedua-dua pasukan. 3 AFP <Mereka (atlet yang dipinjamkan)
Dumbar di sini, Jumaat. boleh berlatih menggunakan kemudahan
Beliau ditemui selepas menerima dan berlatih bersama atlet kita di sini.
Sepanyol bawa ‘hiburan’ diperlukan ke dalam Euro
sumbangan daripada PBA sebanyak Sayang kita ada bakat tapi kalau tak dapat
RM20,000 yang disampaikan oleh atau terlepas beraksi di Sukma itu satu
Presidennya Datuk Kah Kau Kiak. BERLIN: England pengurus Gareth Southgate memiliki menghasilkan jaringan menerusi per- kerugian...bakat akan hilang, tapi kalau
Pada majlis itu, Jin Wei turut menerima dan Sepanyol akan ramai pemain berbakat. mainan terbuka. ada permintaan (pinjam) kita memang
sumbangan RM5,000 daripada Kerajaan berentap pada final England dilabel sebagai antara pasukan Namun, Didier Deschamps tetap berk- akan membantu,= kata Awang Putra.
Negeri Pulau Pinang yang disampaikan Euro 2024 awal pagi membosankan pada Euro 2024 apabila eras apabila ditanyakan oleh wartawan Beliau yang mengharapkan keselu-
oleh Pengerusi Belia, Sukan dan Kesihatan Isnin selepas meng- mengungguli Kumpulan C walaupun dari Sweden selepas pasukannya gagal ruhan 488 acara dapat dikekalkan berkata
Daniel Gooi. harungi laluan hanya meledak dua gol dalam tiga per- mempamerkan persembahan yang demikian pada sesi temu bual khas
Menurut Jin Wei, beliau akan berlepas berbeza ke Berlin lawanan. menghiburkan. bersama Pertubuhan Berita Nasional
ke Paris pada 23 Julai ini, dan badminton dalam kejohanan Mereka hanya mendapat percubaan <Kalau anda bosan, anda boleh menon- Malaysia (Bernama) di Kompleks Akuatik
akan membuka gelanggang pada 27 Julai yang disifatkan tepat pertama pada minit ke-95 menerusi ton perkara lain. Anda tidak perlu tengok Pandelela Rinong di sini.
manakala undian pemain dijalankan hari kurang mengujakan. Jude Bellingham yang menjadi gol keme- pun. Delegasi Bernama diketuai Ketua Pen-
ini. Sepanyol berada dalam kelas tersendiri nangan ketika menentang Slovakia pada <Kami sentiasa berkongsi emosi untuk garang Arul Rajoo Durar Raj dan Timbalan
<Saya pernah bermain di gelanggang yang menyaksikan mereka menum- pusingan 16 terbaik. menggembirakan rakyat Perancis khusus- Editor Eksekutif Elmi Rizal Elias.
sama pada Terbuka Perancis baru-baru ini. bangkan semifinalis Piala Dunia 2022, Begitu juga dengan jaringan penya- nya dengan situasi sukar dalam negara Pada masa sama, Awang Putra turut
Saya harap kali ini di Olimpik akan berikan Croatia, juara bertahan Itali, tuan rumah maan Bukayo Saka pada minit ke-80 ketika kami. Kalau rakyat Sweden kebosanan, itu menyifatkan adalah tidak adil bagi negeri-
peluang lebih cerah dan bertuah kepada Jerman dan pasukan pilihan Perancis. menentang Switzerland pada aksi suku tidak penting buat saya.= negeri yang sudah membuat persiapan
saya,= katanya yang turut menyampaikan Lain ceritanya dengan England yang akhir yang menjadi percubaan tepat per- Portugal juga salah satu pasukan pili- rapi lebih awal termasuk membeli tiket
penghargaan kepada PBA dan kerajaan memerlukan beberapa gol lewat per- tama mereka pada perlawanan itu. han yang gagal untuk melangkah jauh kapal terbang dan membayar elaun atlet
negeri atas sumbangan diberikan mainan untuk membawa mereka ke final Perancis pula mara ke separuh akhir meskipun memiliki skuad yang boleh masing-masing jika akhirnya penggugu-
kepadanya pada Jumaat. 3 Bernama buat kali pertama di negara luar meskipun tanpa ada seorang pun pemain mereka dikatakan mantap bagi Euro 2024. 3 AFP ran acara berlaku.
<Saya harap MSN negeri lain seiring
dengan tujuan kita kenapa Sukma
Kes perenang China positif TMZ: IOC nyata sokongan penuh ke atas Wada diadakan dan hantar atlet kali ini,
memang kos agak tinggi di Sarawak tapi
LAUSANNE: Jawatankuasa Olimpik nya, Witold Banka, mengatur penutupan penting untuk pertandingan antara- bertanding dalam Olimpik Tokyo pada itulah peluang kita untuk bangunkan
Antarabangsa (IOC) menyatakan <keyak- dalam kes perenang China itu. bangsa yang adil.= 2021. Zhang Yufei memenangi dua pin- atlet di Malaysia,= katanya.
inan penuh= terhadap Agensi Anti-Dop- Dakwaan itu ditolak oleh Banka Krisis berlaku apabila pada April, gat emas dan Wang Shun juga dino- Sementara itu, beliau berkata keputu-
ing Dunia (Wada) selepas laporan selepas laporan tersebut dikeluarkan New York Times dan penyiar Jerman ARD batkan sebagai juara Olimpik. san sama ada 488 acara kekal atau
mengatakan bahawa ia tidak salah men- pada Selasa, dengan memberitahu AFP melaporkan bahawa perenang tersebut Sebelas perenang telah dipilih untuk digugurkan kerana kurang penyertaan
gendalikan kes perenang China yang bahawa ia salah satu daripada beberapa didapati positif trimetazidine (TMZ), Olimpik Paris yang bermula bulan ini. akan dimuktamadkan pada mesyuarat
dibenarkan bersaing selepas diuji positif <tuduhan menjijikkan= yang dibuat ubat jantung yang diharamkan yang Kes ini menyebabkan kemarahan Jawatankuasa Khas Teknikal Sukma
menggunakan dadah terlarang. mengenai kes itu dan menambah, boleh meningkatkan prestasi, dalam global, dengan pihak berkuasa anti-dop- Sarawak 2024 yang dipengerusikan
<Berdasarkan laporan ini, IOC menge- peguam luar sedang meneliti kenyataan satu pertandingan domestik pada ing Amerika Syarikat menuduh Wada Menteri Belia dan Sukan Hannah Yeoh di
sahkan semula keyakinan penuhnya itu. hujung 2020 dan awal 2021. menutup kes berkenaan. Kuala Lumpur pada 18 Julai ini.
kepada Wada dan kepimpinannya, yang IOC 4 antara yang membiayai Wada Pihak berkuasa anti-doping China Susulan itu, Wada menubuhkan Sukma 2024 menyaksikan 37 jenis
telah melaksanakan sejumlah inisiatif 4 menyeru agar keadaan kembali ten- mendapati bahawa mereka tidak sen- siasatan bebas yang dipantau oleh pen- sukan dipertandingkan membabitkan 488
bagi memperkukuhkan sistem beberapa ang dan membiarkan badan anti-doping gaja mengambil bahan tersebut dari- dakwa raya bersara dari Switzerland, acara terdiri daripada 236 acara lelaki, 217
tahun kebelakangan ini,= demikian global itu menjalankan tugasnya. pada makanan yang tercemar di hotel Eric Cottier, yang mana hasil interim acara wanita dan 35 lagi acara campuran
kenyataan IOC. <IOC menyeru semua pihak berke- mereka dan tindakan terhadap mereka siasatan itu dikeluarkan pada Selasa. lelaki dan wanita, selain melibatkan sem-
IOC juga berkata Wada harus mener- pentingan untuk menghormati kuasa tidak diperlukan. <Tidak ada apa-apa dalam fail4yang bilan bahagian iaitu di Kuching, Samara-
ima sokongan sepenuhnya daripada mutlak Wada dalam memerangi dop- Wada menerima alasan pihak mana adalah lengkap4yang mencadan- han, Serian, Sri Aman, Betong, Sibu,
pemegang taruh. ing,= demikian kenyataan IOC. berkuasa China itu dan tidak menge- gkan Wada menunjukkan pilih kasih Mukah, Bintulu dan Miri.
Travis Tygart, ketua Agensi Anti-Dop- <Penghormatan ini menjadi asas nakan hukuman ke atas perenang-pere- atau tunduk, atau dalam mana-mana Sukma yang diperkenalkan pada 1986
ing Amerika Syarikat (Usada) dan penubuhan Wada oleh kerajaan dunia nang tersebut. cara menyebelahi 23 perenang yang diuji telah dianjurkan di Sarawak sebanyak dua
pengkritik Wada, menuduh Presiden- dan Gerakan Olimpik. Penghormatan ini Beberapa perenang ini kemudian positif TMZ,= kata laporan itu. 3 AFP kali iaitu pada 1990 dan 2016. 3 Bernama

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