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Lesson Seed: Classifying Animals Based on the Presence of a Backbone


 Students will be able to classify animals based on the presence of a backbone by

the end of the lesson, demonstrating understanding at the application level of
Bloom's Taxonomy.

Prior Knowledge:

 Students should have a basic understanding of vertebrates and invertebrates.

Cue Sets:

1. Show pictures of different animals and ask students to identify whether they have
backbones or not.
2. Discuss the differences between vertebrates and invertebrates.
3. Introduce the concept of classification and its importance in biology.

Direct Instruction Strategies:

1. Lecture on the characteristics of vertebrates and invertebrates, emphasizing the

presence or absence of a backbone.
2. Use visual aids such as diagrams and videos to illustrate examples of vertebrates
and invertebrates.
3. Engage students in a guided discussion about the significance of classifying
animals based on the presence of a backbone.

Practice Assignments:

1. Distribute worksheets with pictures of various animals and ask students to

categorize them as vertebrates or invertebrates based on the presence of a
2. Conduct a group activity where students create a collage of animals, categorizing
them into vertebrates and invertebrates.
3. Provide an online interactive quiz for students to independently practice
classifying animals.

Team-Based Activities:
1. Divide students into groups and provide them with flashcards depicting different
animals. Ask them to sort the animals into two categories: vertebrates and
2. Organize a role-playing activity where each group represents a different animal
classification and presents their understanding of the topic to the class.
3. Conduct a scavenger hunt in the school compound, asking students to identify
and classify animals they encounter based on the presence of a backbone.

Formative Assessment Measures:

1. Observing students' participation in the group activities and discussions.

2. Reviewing the completed worksheets to gauge individual understanding.
3. Asking impromptu questions during the class to assess students' grasp of the

Deep Questions:

1. "Why is it important to classify animals based on the presence of a backbone?"

2. "How does understanding the classification of animals help us in studying
different species?"
3. "What are the implications of misclassifying an animal as a vertebrate or

By following this lesson seed, students in grades 6-8 will engage in a comprehensive
and interactive learning experience on the topic of classifying animals based on the
presence of a backbone.

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