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Psychic FMT (MikkyBtc)

For this Job begin with a properly edited account, you can clone a sharp one, it should
be an matured woman or man but woman goes better. An older account with tons of
posts and success stories. Not too much but simple with lots of boosted likes and
comments etc….Avatar you’re using should be be sharp ensuring not much guys are
using it with lots of pics and videos for neat vidcalls, proofs etc….. you can bomb this on
reddit, linkedin, X, iG, FB, Quora, TikTok, snapchat or YouTube… use relevant
hashtags and captions in your profile


Hello I read your name/saw profile/comment/reel…etc and felt a strong connection and
think you might need a reading.

Can you tell me a little about your self.

Okay dear.

You don’t have to be nervous okay.

(Introduce yourself and testimonies)

I hope you can feel free to tell my your life problems and wishes?

Okay go ahead, I’m all ears sweetheart.

Oh that’s so touching, really

(Relate and try to empathy. Get to know your client a bit)

Okay dear here is my WhatsApp number (6437853477) chat me first thing tomorrow
okay dear.

I have to get some things done okay. It was great meeting you.

Don’t forget okay, I have quite a lot to discuss with you

(Next day or few more)

Hey how are you feeling today?

Okay everything will be fine okay sweetie.

How’s your mental health?

How are you coping?

Alright dear. Oh good to hear.

Okay can I have some of your time today?

Sure? You good?


What's your Zodiac sign love?

Okay and you are 100% sure about that?

Okay i will love you to understand Zodiac signs are quite important love, I need you to
be certain okay dear so we can proceed proper okay?

I see dear, I understand and feel your pains my dear.

Please may i see a photo of your right palm?

Alright take a photo and send it to me real quick.

Oh my goodness, i have quite good news and some facts about you that will leave you
bewildered and at the same time bring you a great deal of relief my dear

I’m more than happy to assist you with whatever you need to know concerning
everything about you.

What kind of reading do you want to begin with dear?

Okay dear I do charge a bit for my readings my dear, because I have an important
message about you

And your future dear. Also concerning elationships (use a topic your clients always talks
about) this message would be quite very important in your life and your overall well
being dear.

Yeah dear once you accept to pay a bit for my service I will show you tarot cards to pick
then we will proceed.

okay dear?

I would begin with the use of the universe Tarot reader

Yeah dear

I do charge $500 dear, hope you’re good with?

I made this low so you get to know everything the universe has to present to you dear.
But if this is quite a lot for you we could work something out okay.

I have just seen positive signs too😃

Yeah I’m real dear

Are you ready to make payments now?

Okay, i take my payment through PayPal or Cashapp dear (ensure the details on your
payment methods match your profile)

Which would you prefer?

Okay dear. Do take a screenshot so I would be able to confirm it on my end.

(If they ask to meet in person “you’re not currently in the country etc. but you felt a
strong connection and nature found you both)

I’ve confirmed sweetie

Here is what i saw;

You really have a good future and a good goal but you are passing through hard time I
saw you wandering in a lone place and decide to be in solitude as you are feeling a bit
confused. I see you nervous or scared, unsure what to do about how to move on, you've
been debating something, a move? Go forward in your decision. You need to be
independent, on your own. change is hard, even scary but you need to have the
strength and confidence in yourself and you will be fine.

I feel like you're having problems with family, or someone close you have known for a
long time, that make you feel unhappy constantly, with what you are seeing around you
and you are having some disappointments from those you trusted most in your life
which made you fed up.

Let me know once you done reading this so we can proceed

Okay dear?

Also your place of birth and and some relations of your past generations are a linked
cause which make you feel negativity sometimes and makes you feel down if you can
notice ... I can also see you wondering about how your future gonna be and concerning
about if someone you are seeing or you love is your soulmate.

Do you know means of Happy spiritual limitations?

Huh no

Spiritual limitations is to be restricted, resisted and restrained.

The Spirit of limitation delays destinies from getting to their ordained heights and
expected places. The spirit of limitation is a force that must be broken, if you are to fulfill
your destiny in a grand style.

There are some spiritual limitations on you that you need to get rid of so that you can
get all your delayed blessings, love, fulfillment and to prevent you from untimely death

Yeah. I do understand that dear.

There are some spiritual perfumes you need to start using about twice a day and they
will cost you about $200 for me to get them for you and start your healing immediately.

Also some good Spiritual candles, gamstones, and some spiritual materials.

This are the materials that I needed to buy and I will surely show you those materials
once I reach the store love and this spell materials costs $400 and I will also teach you
how to use them and how to take a spiritual bath when am breaking the spell sweetie

Are you ready to pay?

So i get these materials and get them setup for you

Yeah Same paypal sweetie

Okay let me have a screenshot dear

Okay dear. Let me have your address i will get them packaged and shipped to you.

Otilor sweetie

(Try to chat as professional as possible Gee)

For more FMTs we are here

More wins Gee💣💣💣

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