2021 grade 10 chem t2 final rev sheet

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Material : Chapters 5 & 6

Grade 10 Chemistry Term II Revision Sheet
Chapters 5 & 6

Student Name: _________________________

Grade/Section: _______

1. 10.0 dm3 of a gas are kept at 27 °C inside a cylinder fitted with a piston. Without changing
the temperature, the piston is slowly moved until the pressure is halved. Find the new
volume of the gas.

2. 0.48g of magnesium were added to excess hydrochloric acid at 27 °C and 1 atm.

A reaction occurred and hydrogen gas was produced according to the following equation:

Mg(s) + 2HCl (aq) ® MgCl2 (aq) + H2 (g)

[Atomic masses: Mg = 24; Cl = 35.5; R = 0.080 atm.dm3 /mol.K]

a) Calculate the number of moles of magnesium involved in the reaction.

b) Calculate the number of moles of hydrogen gas that were produced.

c) Calculate the volume occupied by the hydrogen produced under the given conditions.

3. What mass of C4H10 will exert a pressure of 1520 mmHg when filled in a 2400cm3vessel at
600K? [H = 1; C =12.]
4. 8.0 g of helium gas, He, were placed in a 10–dm3 cylinder at 27 °C. Calculate the pressure
exerted by the gas in mm Hg. [He = 4.0; R= 0.08 atm.dm3.K-1.mol-1]

5. How many oxygen molecules are there in 10 dm3 at 127°C, under a pressure of 912 mmHg?
[R= 0.08 atm.dm3.K-1.mol-1 ; N of Avogadro= 6.1023]

6. When 1.0 kg of He gas is filled into an empty balloon at 27ºC the pressure
in the balloon becomes 760 mm Hg.
Find the volume of the inflated balloon
7. Calculate the molar volume of an ideal gas at 27°C temperature and 1.0 atm.
[use R = 0.082 dm3.atm.K-1mol-1 ]

8. A gas Z travels √2 times as fast as oxygen gas under the same conditions of temperature and
pressure. Given that Z has the formula CHx , find x.
[C=12; H=1; O=16]

9. Draw a diagram of an open-end and another for a closed-end manometer. In each

manometer, there is a gas that exerts a pressure of 720 mm mercury at an
atmospheric pressure of 760 mm mercury.
10. When solutions of calcium chloride, CaCl2, and potassium carbonate, K2CO3, are mixed,
the following reaction occurs:

2K+ (aq) + CO3 2-(aq) + Ca2+ (aq) + 2Cl-(aq) ® CaCO3(s) + 2K+ (aq) + 2Cl- (aq)

a) Rewrite the equation showing predominant reacting species only.

b) 0.50 liter of 0.400 MCaCl2 is mixed with 1.00 liter of 0.200 MK2CO3. CaCO3 has
negligible solubility.
Calculate the concentrations of all ions present when precipitation stops.

11. Consider the following reaction:

2H2O2 (l) ® 2H2O (l)+ O2 (g)

If 170g of H2O2 decomposed completely, what volume of oxygen gas would be collected
at 27°C, under a fixed pressure of 1140mmHg?

[H=1; O=16; R= 0.08 atm.dm3.k-1.mol-1]

12. What will be the shape of the following graph: V vs. t (°C), for a fixed mass of gas X kept
under constant pressure.

13. Gas X has the molecular formula C3Hx. A mass of 2.0g of X occupies a volume of
1.12dm3 at 1 atm and 0 °C. Find the value of x.
[H = 1; C = 12.]

14. A 10dm3 vessel was filled with some carbon dioxide gas, CO2 , and with 2.5moles of
nitrogen dioxide gas, NO2 at 27°C. The total pressure in the vessel was 9.0atm. Calculate
the number of moles of CO2 that were present in the vessel.
R = 0.080 atm.dm3mol –1.K –1
15. Enough water is added to 100ml, 0.30 M AlCl3 solution to make the final volume of the
solution 500 ml.
AlCl3(aq) → Al3+(aq) + 3Cl-(aq)

a) What is the concentration of aluminium ions in this solution?

b) What is the concentration of chloride ions in this solution?

16. You are asked to prepare 0.250 dm3 of 0.200M solution of sodium chromate, Na2CrO4.
Outline the steps you will follow to do this in the lab. Include in your account any
necessary calculations. [Na = 23, Cr = 52, O = 16]
17. A) Draw a battery connected to two electrodes dipped in a beaker containing a solution
containing positive Na+ (aq) ions and negative Cl–(aq) ions.

a. Put a ‘+’ sign near the electrode connected to the positive terminal of the battery.

b. Put a ‘–’ sign near the electrode connected to the negative terminal of the battery.

c. Draw an arrow showing the direction in which the current flows in the wires
outside thebattery.

d. Draw an arrow showing the direction in which the current flows inside the

e. Draw an arrow showing the direction in which positive Na+(aq) ions flow inside
the beaker.

f. Draw an arrow showing the direction in which negative Cl–(aq) ions flow inside
the beaker.

B) Can a current flow anywhere in the circuit if an electrode is taken out of the solution?

C) Can a current flow anywhere in the circuit if a wire outside the solution is cut?
18. a. Label the diagram below with: Thermometer, water out, water in, condenser,

b. Explain the entry and exit of water into the condenser.

19. What is the technique(s) used to separate each of the following mixtures:

a) The components of chlorophyll (the colored pigment mixture in green plants):


b) Oil and vinegar _________________________________________

c) Water from sea water ________________________________________

d) Ammonium chloride and sodium chloride

20. Why does the pressure build up in a tire on a hot day? Give two reasons basing your
answer on the Kinetic theory of gases

21. Compare the following for 1 dm3 samples of SO2 and O2 at STP.

a) Average Kinetic Energy of the molecules


b) Average speed of the molecules


c) Number of collisions with the walls of the container


d) Number of molecules in each container.


22. To separate a mixture of sand, iron filings and salt, three steps are needed. Very briefly
state what should be done in each step.
23. A mixture of gases containing 1.2 mol CH4, 3.0 mol C2H6 and 0.8 mol C4H10 was
placed in a 5.0 dm3 container, and found to exert a total pressure of 20 atm.

a) Find the mole fraction of the CH4 gas in the mixture.

b) Find the partial pressure of the C2H6 gas in the mixture.

c) Find the volume occupied by the C4H10 gas.

24. On hot days, potato chip bags seem to “inflate”, even though they have not been opened. If
a 250 mL bag at a temperature of 19 ºC is left in a car which has a temperature of 60º C,
what will the new volume of the bag be?

25. The thermal decomposition of Fe2O3 produces oxygen gas according to the following:
2 Fe2O3 (s) → 4 Fe(s) + 3 O2 (g)

If 32g of Fe2O3 decomposed completely, find the volume of oxygen gas collected at
127°C under a pressure of 1140 mmHg.
[Fe=56, O=16; R = 0.08 atm.dm3.K-1.mol-1]

26.180 kJ of energy are required to vaporize 1.0 mole of KBr.

Write an equation, with state symbols, to represent the reaction, and calculate the amount
of energy required for the vaporization of 6.0g of KBr. [KBr = 120]

27. Two oppositely charged spheres have a distance of 10cm between their centers. How
would the force of attraction on either sphere change if the distance between their
centers was tripled? Explain your answer.
28.200 cm3 of 0.5M BaCl2 were added to 200 cm3 of 1.0M Na2SO4. A white precipitate of
BaSO4 formed. (Ba = 137, Na=23, Cl= 35.5, O=16, S=32)

a. Express the reaction that happens by 3 different representations (overall nonionic,

overall ionic and net ionic). Show all state symbols

b. Find the concentration of all ions at the end of the reaction.

c. Find the maximum mass of BaSO4 that will form.

29. Samples of the two gases SO2 and He
were placed separately in two identical containers at the same temperature and
(SO2 = 64; He = 4.)

The ratio of the average molecular kinetic energy of helium to the average
molecular kinetic energy of sulfur dioxide is equal to:

[-A-] 4
[-B-] 16
[-C-] 1
[-D-] 1
[-E-] 1

30. Which of the following assumptions is part of the kinetic theory of matter?

1. The molecules of a gas possess kinetic energy.

2. The molecules of a gas move in straight lines until they collide with other molecules

3. The kinetic energy of the molecules is only pressure dependent

[-A-] 1 only
[-B-] 1 and 2 only
[-C-] 2 only
[-D-] 3 only
[-E-] 1, 2 and 3
31. 120 cm3 of carbon monoxide were collected over water at 27 °C and at an atmospheric
pressure of 755 mmHg. The vapor pressure of water at 27 °C is 25 mmHg.

Calculate the number of moles of the gas collected.

[-A-] 25
0.12 ´
300 ´ 0.08
[-B-] 25
1.2 ´
300 ´ 0.08
[-C-] 730
0.12 ´
300 ´ 0.08
[-D-] 730
1.2 ´
300 ´ 0.08
[-E-] 780
0.12 ´
300 ´ 0.08

32. Choose the correct statement.

When sugar is dissolved in water, it will:

[-A-] decrease the vapor pressure of water

[-B-] decrease the boiling point of water
[-C-] increase the freezing point of water
[-D-] decrease the density of water
[-E-] keep the vapor pressure of water constant

33. If n moles of a solute are dissolved in enough water to make V dm3 of solution, what is
C, the molar concentration of this solution?

[-A-] n2 × V
[-B-] n2
[-C-] n ×V
[-D-] n
[-E-] None of the above

34. Complete the following statements:

a) At the boiling point, heat given to the system is used to ……………………….. rather than

b) At 1000C , water vapor causes a more severe burn than liquid water because

c) The molar heat of vaporization of water is 42 kJ/mol, then the maximum amount of heat
needed to vaporize 100 g of water is …………………(Molar mass in g.mol-1: H=1,

d) Evaporation from a wet surface on a dry day causes cooling of the surface because

e) Evaporation from a wet surface on a humid day does not cause cooling of the surface
because ………………………………..

35. The molecules of HF gas travel on the average 2.236 times as fast as the
molecules of a certain unknown gas of formula CnH2n+ 2 . Determine the
molecular formula of the unknown gas. [ F = 19.]



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