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Monitoring vertical track irregularity

from in-service railway vehicles
P F Weston1, C S Ling1‡, C Roberts1, C J Goodman1 , P Li2§, and R M Goodall2
Department of Electronic, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, UK
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, UK

The manuscript was received on 24 February 2006 and was accepted after revision for publication on 27 June 2006.

DOI: 10.1243/0954409JRRT65

Abstract: Condition monitoring of track geometry from sensors mounted on an in-service

vehicle offers continual monitoring of track geometry that can aid track maintenance strategies.
Mounting and maintaining a full track geometry recording system on an in-service vehicle is an
expensive proposition as the commonly used optical sensors are difficult to keep working in the
dirty railway environment. A simpler and more cost-effective alternative is to estimate track geo-
metry using a small number of robust sensors such as accelerometers and rate gyroscopes, from
which a worthwhile proportion of geometric quality measures and specific irregularities can be
identified. This paper describes the theory and practical results of using a bogie-mounted pitch-
rate gyro to obtain mean vertical alignment, conditional on the secondary vertical damper
geometry. Left and right axlebox-mounted accelerometers can be added to provide short wave-
length irregularity, if required. Results from trials on Tyne and Wear Metro vehicles and on a
Class 175 mainline vehicle demonstrate effective vertical irregularity monitoring, in particular
the ability to monitor vertical irregularity over a wide range of vehicle speeds down to about
1 m s21, where vertically sensing accelerometers combined with displacement transducers
are unable to function correctly.

Keywords: railway, track geometry, condition monitoring

1 INTRODUCTION irregularities associated with dipped joints, wetspots,

wheel burn, corrugation, and so on. Monitoring track
Track design geometry is described in terms of verti- geometry is important for maintaining safe train
cal and horizontal curvature, superelevation (cant), operation by identifying geometric irregularities
and gauge as functions of distance along the track that need to be corrected.
[1, 2]. The design geometry should be achieved Dedicated track recording vehicles (TRVs) accu-
within tight tolerances during track construction rately measure track geometry and provide the
[3]. The track geometry tends to drift away from the magnitude and locations of exceedences according
design geometry with the passage of vehicles. to the local line speed to inform track maintenance
Defects in the geometry are caused by general differ- [4– 6]. TRVs provide accurate geometry measure-
ential track support settlement and local spot ments but are expensive to run, both in terms of
operators and keeping the measurement system
working correctly.

Corresponding author: Department of Electronic, Electrical and Observing track geometry from an in-service
Computer Engineering, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, vehicle allows for continual track monitoring so
Birmingham B15 2TT, UK. email: that both sudden and longer-term changes in track

Now at: Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of geometry can be detected. This provides the possi-
Bristol, University Walk, Bristol BS8 1TR, UK. bility of timely maintenance intervention, avoiding
Now at: Control and Instrumentation Group, Department of the need for more extensive maintenance at a later
Engineering, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester date, and allows degradation to be tracked so
LE1 7RH, UK. future track maintenance can be planned more

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effectively. Any in-service vehicle can be adapted to a control centre [11, 12]. However, these systems
become a full-track recording vehicle by adding an do not explicitly relate observed accelerations to
inertial platform from which optical sensors measure track geometry. The authors of reference [13]
the positions of the rails, thus allowing track geome- attempt to estimate track geometry (vertical, lateral,
try irregularities to be detected [7]. These systems are crosslevel, and gauge) from only three accelerations
expensive and keeping optical sensors working in the measured within the body of a vehicle, arguing that
dirty railway environment is challenging. A simpler, placing sensors elsewhere is too troublesome, and in
more robust, and cost effective system for use on reference [14] three accelerations and three turning
in-service vehicles is desirable. rates are measured inside a vehicle body to look for
Vertical track geometry can be measured from an changes in the track. Given the low pass filtering
in-service vehicle using AEAT’s TrackMon system effect between the wheelsets and bogie, and bogie
that uses vertically sensing accelerometers on the to body, obtaining information about shorter
bogie plus vertically sensing displacement transdu- wavelength irregularity from the motion of the
cers to measure down from the bogie to the left vehicle body seems unlikely to function adequately,
and right axleboxes [8]. However, displacement although the long wavelength irregularity may be
transducers are vulnerable and impede normal well correlated with the body motion.
vehicle maintenance operations. Axlebox-mounted The main purpose of this paper is to propose the
accelerometers have been used experimentally and use of a bogie-mounted pitch-rate gyro for detecting
are beginning to appear on in-service vehicles [9]. mean vertical track irregularity over a wide range of
Japanese railways have been experimenting with vehicle speeds. Using this sensor alone provides a
observing track from in-service vehicles for some large amount of useful information such as the stan-
time, for example using vertically sensing axlebox dard deviation (SD) estimates of the mean vertical
accelerometers to observe corrugation, loose slee- alignment, down to a wavelength of around 5 m.
pers, and welds [10]. Techniques for identifying This is illustrated using data collected from trials
specific faults, such as dipped or raised joints and on several Metro vehicles and one mainline vehicle.
welds, crossings, and short rail head defects from Axlebox-mounted accelerometers can be added to
axlebox accelerations to rail head faults are starting provide left and right rail vertical irregularity above
to appear, with detection of rail corrugation using a minimum vehicle speed, avoiding the need for
Fourier analysis well-established. While axlebox- primary suspension displacement transducers. The
mounted accelerometers are useful to monitor next section describes the theory behind the
short wavelength left and right rail geometry, they choice of observing bogie pitch-rate to observe
return reliable information over longer wavelengths mean vertical irregularity, describing the transfer
only when operated at moderate to high vehicle from speed-dependent pitch-rate into spatial
speeds, typically higher than 15 m s21. samples of the vertical curvature of a trajectory
Another, less direct, approach to detecting vertical that can be turned into speed-independent mean
track irregularity from an in-service vehicle is to use vertical geometry. Section 3 describes the way in
observations of acceleration at various places on a which spatial estimates of curvature are obtained
vehicle to infer something about the track geometry, from sensors and how these estimates are further
without necessarily intending to reconstruct the processed to remove long wavelength drift errors,
geometry. At its simplest, the intuitive notion that and how one can obtain versine estimates directly
ride quality (as observed from body-mounted accel- from curvature estimates. Section 4 describes results
erometers) is related to track condition can be used from trials carried out on Tyne and Wear Metro
to infer track irregularity. On the Tyne and Wear vehicles, as part of a larger experiment, and the
Metro system, for example, a portable ride quality results from one trial on a Class 175 vehicle are dis-
monitor placed in the body of a Metro vehicle cussed in section 5. Concluding remarks are pro-
records where the ride quality is poor, from which vided in section 6.
poor track geometry is inferred. Comparisons
between runs with the same vehicle are made
under the assumption that roughly the same vehicle
speed profile is repeated for each data collection 2 SENSORS AND PROCESSING
run. A system applied to London Underground’s
Central Line vehicles monitors accelerations at The relationships between vertical track geometry
various places on the vehicle to detect anomalous and accelerations and turning rate of locations on a
behaviour [9]. Another more comprehensive railway vehicle determine what a sensor can observe.
system developed by FRA/Ensco monitors vehicle This section describes the factors that affect the
body, bogie, and axlebox accelerations to identify observability of track geometry from potential
unusual motions and report these automatically to vehicle-mounted sensors.

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2.1 Axlebox-mounted accelerometers the bogie cannot see the track because of the
geometric filtering. A bogie pitch mode around
The use of axlebox-mounted accelerometers to
12 Hz will also be sensed if the accelerometer is
measure longitudinal railhead profile is discussed
located away from the centre of gravity. Hence, the pri-
in reference [15], both in relation to short wavelength
mary suspension resonance is not of great concern
irregularity such as corrugation and long wavelength
when compared with the geometric filtering effect.
irregularity. Acceleration is typically turned into dis-
The secondary suspension gives a body resonance
placement information by double integration of the
typically around 1 Hz, part of which appears across
signal with respect to time. The double integration
the primary suspension. This is a wavelength of 45 m
results in the well known effect of not just drift, but at a vehicle speed of 45 m s21, which is significant.
integrated drift, that has to be filtered out by filtering
While axlebox accelerometers can provide information
out long wavelength results. One problem associated
down to about 1 Hz, they require a relatively high
with axlebox accelerometers is that they experience
vehicle speed to be usable at 45 m wavelengths and
accelerations as high as 100 g, so the sensor range
longer. It is for this reason that bogie-mounted accel-
has to be high. However, the long wavelength irregu-
erometers are best placed directly above axleboxes
larity presents accelerations that are a fraction of 1 g,
with a pair of primary displacement transducers
so the sensor has to have a low limit on lower band-
used to measure the relative movements between
width, high linearity, and very low noise to provide axleboxes and accelerometers. With this arrangement,
usable long wavelength results. The results are
the bogie bouncing and pitching motions are can-
speed dependent, because the acceleration gener-
celled out by the directly measured primary suspen-
ated from the track geometry is proportional to the
sion displacements. The accelerometer on the bogie
square of the vehicle speed, resulting in too low a
is isolated from the high accelerations at the axlebox,
signal-to-noise ratio at low vehicle speeds.
so it can have a smaller range and provide longer
Axlebox-mounted accelerometer measurements
wavelength information with less demands on sensor
inevitably rely on the wheels maintaining contact
linearity and noise, although these still limit the final
with the rails and assume the rolling radius is con- accuracy at lower vehicle speeds.
stant. Any deviation from these conditions will
cause loss of accuracy.

2.3 Bogie-mounted pitch-rate gyro

2.2 Bogie-mounted accelerometers
The motion of the pitch of the bogie with respect to
Vertically sensing, bogie-mounted accelerometers the ‘pitch’ (angle from horizontal) of the track
provide information on the vertical motion of the depends on the bogie wheelbase and on the primary
bogie. This is related to the vertical track geometry and secondary vertical suspension systems.
by the bogie wheelbase, the primary suspension, Assuming that the leading and trailing wheelsets
and the secondary vertical suspension. follow the vertical track geometry and that the pri-
Ignoring the primary and secondary suspension mary suspension is infinitely stiff, the bogie pitch is
systems, the bogie moves vertically according to determined by the vertical positions of the leading
the average of the leading and trailing wheelset and trailing wheelsets divided by the bogie wheel-
vertical motions. A transfer function between track base. The relationship between bogie pitch and
vertical geometry and bogie vertical motion can be track vertical geometry is given by a geometric filter
obtained. This shows that the vertical bogie motion (spatial filtering) in which the bogie pitch is blind
is close to the track vertical geometry at wavelengths (has zero gain) to irregularities at wavelengths equal
well above the bogie wheelbase, the gain falling by to the bogie wheelbase (and one third of the bogie
3 dB at a wavelength equal to approximately 10 m wheelbase, one fifth, etc.). For wavelengths longer
(typically) and then falling rapidly to zero at a wave- than 8 m, the bogie pitch follows the mean track
length equal to twice the bogie wheelbase, or about slope fairly accurately (unit gain), the gain falling to
5 m. Therefore, the vertical motion of the bogie is 23 dB around 4 m (for a bogie wheelbase of 2.5 m),
not a very good indicator of the vertical track geome- and then rapidly falling to zero gain at 2.5 m wave-
try at wavelengths much less than 10 m. This is called lengths. Compared to a bogie-mounted accelerometer,
geometric filtering because it is caused by the geo- a bogie-mounted pitch-rate gyro is able to observe irre-
metry of the bogie. gularity wavelengths of half the length. The suspension
The primary suspension bogie bounce resonance system allows the bogie pitch to have additional move-
is typically around 10 Hz, so at 45 m s21 the wave- ment relative to the instantaneous track slope between
length is 4.5 m. At 10 m s21, the wavelength is 1 m. the wheelsets on the bogie.
Therefore, the wavelength corresponding to the pri- The primary vertical suspension and bogie pitch
mary suspension resonance is below that at which inertia combine to allow a bogie pitch resonance,

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typically at a frequency of around 12 Hz. This geometry from the bogie-mounted pitch-rate gyro.
corresponds to a wavelength of close to 4 m at This allows mutual alignment to within about 1 m,
45 m s21 (100 mile/h), which is about the same wave- which is sufficient for comparisons of mean vertical
length as that where the bogie pitch is becoming blind alignment. Axlebox accelerometer data, if available,
to the track geometry. At lower vehicle speeds, the can provide even closer mutual alignment for com-
wavelength corresponding to the pitch resonance is parison of spot features such as dipped joints.
less than 4 m and the geometric filtering is Global positioning satellites (GPS) can be combined
more important. Note that a pitch-rate gyro does not with tacho and possibly longitudinal acceleration to
see the vertical bounce of the bogie, so it can be provide positional information, but for the Tyne
located at any convenient (but rigid) location on the and Wear Metro the loss of signal in tunnels and in
bogie frame. Any loss of contact between a wheel cuttings and the presence of unique curvature pat-
and rail does not significantly affect the track geometry terns renders GPS unnecessary.
reconstructed from a bogie-mounted rate gyro as
such events are of short duration compared to the
irregularity wavelengths that can be observed from 2.5 Sensor choice
the bogie. A combination of a pair of vertically sensing acceler-
The secondary suspension configuration deter- ometers mounted directly above the axleboxes with
mines the effect of the secondary suspension on the two primary suspension displacement transducers
bogie pitch motion. If the secondary vertical suspen- provides a useful sensor combination for vertical
sion components are longitudinally symmetric geometry measurement, as used by AEAT’s TrackMon
about the centre-line of the bogie, body bounce system [8]. However, for use over a wider range of
above the bogie does not generate significant bogie speeds, subject to secondary suspension damping
pitch motion. The coupling of body pitch into the arrangements, a lone bogie-mounted pitch-rate gyro
bogie pitch through typical airbags has been found offers the possibility of monitoring mean vertical geo-
to be insignificant using a vehicle simulation package. metry down to wavelengths of 5 m at speeds down to
The secondary suspension is important when second- 1 ms21, which should be enough for daily geometry
ary vertical dampers are located off the bogie longi- monitoring from an in-service vehicle. Axlebox-
tudinal centre-line, the bogie pitch is most affected mounted accelerometers can be added to provide
when the dampers are longitudinally asymmetric, for left and right vertical geometry measurement at
for example where there is one off-centre damper. wavelengths less than about 8 m. The next section
This effect has been identified by simulation to be describes the processing used on the data collected
mostly owing to coupling from body bounce into from trials on Tyne and Wear Metro vehicles.
bogie pitch. Further investigation is needed in this
case to determine if the effect can be estimated and
removed by measuring the body vertical motion 3 PROCESSING
above the instrumented bogie. Both vehicles used in
trials (sections 4 and 5 below) show insignificant Conversion from speed-dependent accelerations
coupling from body motion into bogie pitch. and turning rate into speed-independent track geo-
metry information generally involves integration
with respect to time followed by re-sampling into
2.4 Position estimation the spatial domain. In this paper, however, spatial
domain samples of curvature are obtained from
Comparison of vertical track geometry estimates acceleration or rotation rate, the remaining proces-
from different vehicles running over the same track sing all being carried out in the spatial domain.
requires knowledge of the absolute position of the This section describes these processes.
vehicle. The relative position along the track can be
provided by a tacho signal, with some uncertainty
in the long-term position caused by uncertainty in 3.1 Curvature route to vertical alignment
the effective wheel radius and inevitable drift pro-
An accelerometer mounted on a bogie or axlebox
blems from integrating speed to obtain position. In
senses acceleration roughly perpendicular to the tra-
the Tyne and Wear Metro examples presented
jectory of the sensor through space, see Fig 1. The
below, the position along the track was found by
sensed acceleration arising from following the
comparing the horizontal curvature information
instantaneous curvature of the trajectory is given by
from a bogie-mounted rate gyro to obtain mutual
data alignment within about 10 m, similar to the
method described by Saab [16, 17], with mutual vx2 a
a¼ ¼ vx2 K , K ¼ 2 (1)
alignment improved by comparing the vertical R vx

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Monitoring vertical track irregularity 79

on the class of the track) [4, 18]. This filters out the
long wavelength drift error that arises from twice
integrating curvature to obtain vertical displace-
ment, but requires accurate curvature estimates
right up to 70 m. The 70 m vertical alignment (irregu-
larity) can be obtained from samples of curvature by
applying a fourth-order high-pass Butterworth filter.
The phase shift introduced by such a filter distorts
the reconstructed vertical alignment and should
be removed [6]. Rather than filtering the result of
the double integrated curvature estimates, the
double integration and high-pass filtering (with
Fig. 1 Trajectory coordinate system (side view)
zero phase shift) can be combined into a single
filter. Real-time, but delayed, filtered vertical align-
where a is the (instantaneous) acceleration, R the ment information can be obtained by computing a
radius of curvature, and K the curvature. More moving convolution with the impulse response of
detailed equations are given in Appendix 2. In a this combined filter.
similar way, assuming that the pitch of the bogie is If curvature estimates are available from left and
essentially the same as the angle from horizontal of right axlebox accelerometers, these can be fused
the track under the middle of the bogie, one can with the curvature estimates from the bogie-
obtain an approximate relationship between mounted pitch-rate gyro and used to compute the
trajectory curvature and pitch-rate mean vertical alignment. Fusion can be achieved
by taking 8 m and longer wavelengths from the
vx ḟ
ḟ ¼ ¼ vx K , K ¼ (2) pitch-rate gyro-derived vertical alignment and 8 m
R vx
and shorter wavelengths from the left and right
axlebox accelerometer-derived vertical alignment
The estimate of vertical displacement associated with
using a complimentary filter. At vehicle speeds
the curvature is given by double integrating the curva-
below about 8 m s21 where the axlebox acceler-
ture with respect to displacement along the track
ometer data become noisy for wavelengths of 8 m,
ðð the results from the pitch-rate gyro alone can be
z^ ¼ K ds ds (3) used, with some loss of information at wavelengths
below 8 m. In the trials described later, the 35 and
70 m filtered mean vertical irregularity and the sec-
In practice, spatial samples of curvature Kk where k
tional standard deviations (SDs) are dominated by
is the sample index, are obtained as described in
irregularity longer than 8 m, thus using the pitch-
Appendix 2, from either acceleration or pitch-rate. In
rate gyro alone provides useful vertical alignment
this paper, these samples of curvature are generated
information. The mean vertical irregularity at 70/
at the rate of 16 per metre (Ds ¼ 62:5 mm). The curva-
35 m can be examined for isolated irregularities
ture samples are nominally independent of vehicle
such as voids or cyclic top and also mutually
speed but because of the division by vx (pitch-rate),
or vx2 (acceleration), the mean vehicle speed associated
with each curvature sample contains information
about the uncertainty in that sample that could be
used in subsequent processing to estimate the uncer-
tainty in the processed result. Also, any offset error in 3.3 RMS quality
the pitch-rate gyro (accelerometer) signal is divided
Track geometry quality is often given simply by
by the vehicle speed (squared), injecting a speed pro-
computing SDs over 400 m (200 m) sections of
file dependent error into the curvature samples, par-
the 70 m (35 m) filtered mean vertical alignment.
ticularly into the acceleration-derived curvature at
Tables of sectional SD values and their distribution
low vehicle speeds, that propagate through to the
for various line speeds are given in reference [4].
derived quantities.
As varying the locations of the section divisions
can result in considerable variation of SDs, the
results in sections 4 and 5 have been computed using
3.2 High-pass filtered 70 m and 35 m
moving sections. This highlights both the best
vertical alignment
and worst SDs more clearly and avoids the
The vertical irregularity is obtained by filtering out requirement to align the data before computing
wavelengths longer than 70 m (or 35 m, depending the SDs.

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3.4 Versines
A versine (mid-chord offset) is the distance

z(s1 ) þ z(s3 ) s1 þ s3
 z(s2 ), s2 ¼ , s1 , s3 (4)
2 2

The impulse response from curvature at distance

along the track s ¼ t results in a versine over chord
length L of
> L
> 0 s 4t
> 2
> L st L
<  t ,s4t
VL (s) ¼ 4 2 2 (5)
> L ts L
>  t,s ,tþ
> 4 2 2
> Fig. 2 Tyne and Wear Metro equipment (part)
: L
0 tþ 4s
provide data for a study of observing lateral track
This impulse response from curvature to versine is a geometry irregularity [19] and for examining suspen-
triangle with base equal to the chord length L and sion and wheel profile fault detection [20– 22].
symmetric about t. The impulse response from dis-
cretized curvature estimates Kk to a versine estimate
has the same triangular shape but at a set of discrete 4.1 Trials
points. Computing a versine over any length requires
Five trials were carried out on three vehicles over a 12
one fewer curvature sample than fall within the
month period, see Table 1. For each trial, two sets of
chord length, always with a triangular impulse
data were collected over 60 km of track. Although the
response. For example, a 1 m versine can be obtained
test vehicle was not in service and did not stop at all
from 15 samples of axlebox acceleration-derived cur-
stations, it was frequently held up at red signals since
vature samples. A sequence of curvature estimates
it was running between in-service vehicles. There-
against displacement along the track can be con-
fore, the running speed is reasonably representative
verted into a moving versine estimate over a given
of that found in an in-service vehicle. Tyne and
chord length by convolving the curvature samples
Wear Metro vehicles have a maximum speed of
with the relevant triangular impulse response. This
about 22 m s21 (50 mile/h, 80 km/h) so the appropri-
can potentially be used to identify dips in the track,
ate upper wavelength of interest for vertical align-
such as voids or wet spots using 8 or 16 m versines,
ment is 35 m.
and, from axlebox accelerometers if present, 1 m
versines to detect dipped joints.
The next section illustrates various results of 4.2 Mean vertical alignment
obtaining mean vertical alignment obtained from a
bogie-mounted pitch-rate gyro that formed part of Figure 3 shows the 35 m filtered mean vertical
the instrumentation mounted on a number of Tyne moving 200 m SDs computed from a pitch-rate
and Wear Metro vehicles. gyro, from the (mean of the) vertically sensing accel-
erometers plus displacement transducers, and also


Table 1 Tyne and Wear Metro trials
The mean vertical track profile can be obtained from Trial number Date Comments
a bogie-mounted pitch-rate gyro. To test this
1 July 2003 Vehicle 1, basic data
hypothesis, sensors (Appendix 3) were mounted on collection test
the bogie, axleboxes, and within the body of several 2 17 October, 2003 Vehicle 2 with
Tyne and Wear Metro vehicles. Figure 2 shows equip- worn dampers
3 28 November, 2003 Vehicle 2 with
ment mounted on one axlebox and on the bogie new dampers
frame above. Accelerometers on the bogie and dis- 4 27 May, 2004 Vehicle 3 with
placement transducers across the primary suspen- worn wheels
5 9 June, 2004 Vehicle 3 with newly
sion, and other sensors, were fitted to confirm that turned wheels
the collected data were mutually consistent and to

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Monitoring vertical track irregularity 81

Fig. 4 35 m mean vertical profile from pitch-rate

Fig. 3 35 m mean vertical profile SDs (200 m): gyro and accelerometer plus displacement
accelerometer-based; gyro-based (2 trials); transducers: speed drops to zero
speed profile
The effect of the vehicle speed dropping to zero on
the accelerometer derived compared to the pitch-
the vehicle speed profile, using the data collected rate-derived irregularity is shown in Fig 4. The accel-
during trial 2. Also shown is the pitch-rate gyro erometer-derived result is significantly different
derived result from trial 3. The first observation is around the point the vehicle comes to a stop. This
that the bogie-pitch-rate-derived SDs from trials 2 is caused by the accelerometer noise and small
and 3 are almost indistinguishable, in fact on close offset, when divided by the square of the vehicle
inspection the difference is never more than speed, generating a significant error in the vertical
0.3 mm and is mostly significantly less. Although reconstruction. The pitch-rate gyro is divided by
trials 2 and 3 have similar speed profiles (not the vehicle speed and also gives an error, but this
shown for trial 3), there are places where the speeds error is much smaller than that from the acceler-
are significantly different but the mean vertical irre- ometer. The figure also shows that the pitch-rate
gularity remains similar. The second observation is gyro derived result is smoother than the acceler-
that the accelerometer/displacement transducer- ometer/displacement transducer result, and there
derived vertical irregularity is very similar to the are differences in the high frequency content. This
pitch-rate gyro-derived irregularity, except at places is correct as the pitch-rate gyro smoothes out the
where the speed drops to zero (4050 m, 5560 m, shorter wavelength irregularity and does not see the
7100 m) and sometimes when the speed drops to shorter wavelength irregularity correctly, although
4 m s21 (over a level crossing at 950 m). Closer this does not affect the SDs significantly. Figure 5
inspection shows that the pitch-rate gyro recon- shows similar behaviour when the vehicle speed
structed vertical alignment very slightly under- drops to 4 m s21 as it crosses a level crossing (speed
estimates the SD compared to that obtained from limit 15 km/h). The accelerometer-derived vertical
an accelerometer-displacement transducer combi- irregularity is embedded in noise in the accelerometer
nation. This is attributed to the geometric filter processing chain caused by the low vehicle speed. The
that contains sharp zeros at wavelengths equal to pitch-rate gyro continues to provide mean vertical
integer fractions of the bogie wheelbase (2.1 m, irregularity down to a speed of 1 m s21.
1.05 m, 0.525 m, etc.) preventing some energy from Figure 6 shows the pitch-rate gyro derived vertical
reaching the bogie pitch, causing a reduction in the alignment (35 m) for four vehicle conditions. The
computed SD. A practical manifestation of this results show some differences. The largest difference
effect is that the pitch of the bogie takes a slight is in the case of the heavily worn wheels (in the form
short cut towards the bottom of a short dip, resulting of wheel flats rather than a change in wheel profile)
in a slight reduction in observed dip depth. Axlebox in trial 4, where there is evidence of increased bogie
accelerometers, if present, can fill in the missing pitch oscillation. The exact reason for this is
detail. In principle, bogie pitch oscillation could unknown, the wavelength of the pitching is too
increase the calculated SD values but, in practice, it long to be associated with the bogie pitch resonance.
does not contribute significantly in the Tyne and It cannot be because of changes in the track vertical
Wear Metro trials. alignment as trial 5 reverts back to a consistent

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2 weeks passed). The mean vertical SDs (35 m, com-

puted over 200 m moving sections) are much the
same for trials 4 and 5, so Fig 7 shows the SDs only
for trials 2 and 5, carried out 8 months apart. The
traces are similar in general, with differences gener-
ally less than 0.5 mm except in a few places, two of
which are indicated as features 1 and 2. Figure 8
shows the 35 m mean vertical reconstruction (from
the bogie pitch-rate gyro) over the region where sig-
nificant changes were found in the SDs. The same
features 1 and 2 are indicated. The video taken at
the same time as the data were collected reveals
that these two features are regions of switch and
crossing work where it appears from the 35 m
mean vertical alignment that some work has been
Fig. 5 35 m mean vertical profile from pitch-rate carried out to improve the vertical alignment.
gyro and accelerometer plus displacement There are other minor changes in vertical align-
transducers; speed remains above 4 m/s ment, suggesting in one region that some tamping
may have taken place, although this is not known.
In any case, by comparing the results from the
pattern. There is some evidence of a change in the pitch-rate gyro and the accelerometer and displace-
track at about 945 m – a higher peak is reached in ment transducer combinations, it is known that the
trials 4 and 5 than in trials 2 and 3. This may be a changes in vertical alignment are credible. Therefore,
genuine change in the track geometry. changes in the mean vertical profile over time have
been detected. In this example, the changes are pre-
sent both in the computed SDs and in the recon-
structed mean vertical profile. Direct comparison of
4.3 Changes in mean vertical standard
the mean vertical profile, or of 8 and 16 m versines
deviation over time
should be more sensitive to spot changes in vertical
The results from trials 2 and 3 are very similar, which alignment as might be found around a developing
is not surprising as the only change is replacement of wet (slurry) spot where the effect on the SD is quite
dampers associated with the lateral movement, and subtle.
the track did not change significantly during the The Tyne and Wear Metro vehicle has very stiff
month between the trials. Trials 4 and 5 were carried primary suspension so using the bogie pitch-rate to
out on a different vehicle from trials 2 and 3, and compute mean vertical alignment may not be appli-
some 7 to 8 months later. The change between cable to more conventional suspension designs
trials 4 and 5 was that the wheels were turned (and found on mainline vehicles.

Fig. 6 35 m mean vertical profile from pitch-rate gyro Fig. 7 35 m mean vertical SDs (200 m), Tyne and Wear
during four trials trials 2 and 5

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Fig. 8 35 m mean vertical profile: trials 2 and 5 Fig. 9 70 m mean vertical profile SDs (400 m) SD: class
175 trial; TRV-derived (16 months earlier); from

One trial was carried out on a Class 175 mainline from the pitch-rate gyro used in the trial, from the
vehicle to try to demonstrate that the pitch-rate gyro track recording vehicle results, and also from a vir-
gives useful results for a more conventional suspen- tual pitch-rate gyro mounted on a vehicle in simu-
sion system than that found on the Tyne and Wear lation. The TRV measured track geometry was used
Metro vehicle, and also to check operation at higher to drive the model (which is an accurate model of a
vehicle speeds. Some information about the trial is Class 175 vehicle provided by AEAT/Alstom). The
given, followed by comparisons of 70 and 35 m SDs pitch-rate gyro in simulation predicts almost exactly
obtained from the test vehicle, from a TRV (but 16 the correct 70 m SDs for the given track input. This
months earlier), and from a Vampire simulation gives some confidence that the differences observed
using the TRV track data as input to a validated in the 70 m SDs between the TRV results and the trial
model of a Class 175 vehicle. Finally, the 70 m mean results are because of changing track geometry
vertical alignment reconstruction from the pitch-rate rather than any failure of the pitch-rate gyro to pick
gyro on the test vehicle and from the TRV track data up the correct results. The trial result is not in as
are directly compared in one region where the SDs good agreement as for the 35 m SDs (below), but
are similar, and in another where they are different. there may be a difference in the 70 m filtering oper-
ation that had already been applied to the TRV verti-
cal alignment data and the 70 m filtering applied to
5.1 Trial
the trial data. A small difference in the filtering oper-
The one trial carried out on a Class 175 vehicle took ation, for example using a different order for the
place over some 140 km of track. The sensors from filter, results in a change in the exact 70 m SDs.
which data were collected are listed in Appendix
3. Note that axlebox-mounted accelerometers and 5.3 Comparison of 35 m SDs
displacement transducers were not fitted – most
sensors were located within a box clamped (and The filtering for the 35 m SD comparison is under
strapped for additional safety) to a beam within better control as the TRV vertical alignment for
the bogie frame. Additional sensors were located 35 m was obtained by filtering the 70 m result using
in the vehicle body above the instrumented bogie. the same filter as was used to generate the pitch-
The only sensor used in the following results is the rate gyro-derived result, and as was applied to the
pitch-rate gyro. Data are available from a track simulation result. Figure 10 shows the 35 m moving
recording vehicle that passed over the same track, 200 m SDs computed from a TRV (16 months earlier);
but 16 months before the trial. This is not ideal for from the trial; and from a Vampire simulated virtual
comparing results, but it is all that was available. pitch-rate gyro. The simulation predicts that the
pitch-rate gyro can correctly identify the 35 m SDs,
showing a slight increase in SD for the higher SD
5.2 Comparison of 70 m SDs
values. The comparison of the trial results show
The 70 m SDs, computed using a 400 m moving regions of good agreement, for example from 6 to
section, are shown in Fig 9. The SDs were computed 8.5 km and from 9.5 km to 14 km, among others.

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84 P F Weston, C S Ling, C Roberts, C J Goodman, P Li, and R M Goodall

Fig. 10 35 m mean vertical profile SDs (200 m): class Fig. 11 Pitch-rate gyro-derived mean 70 m vertical
175 trial; TRV-derived (16 months earlier); profile and TRV result from 16 months
from simulation earlier: large differences

There are also regions of considerable change, for 6 CONCLUSIONS

example from 14.5 km to 20 km. These regions are
similar to the regions for the 70 m results, as one Mean vertical track irregularity has been shown to be
would expect. It seems most likely that these changes estimated using a pitch-rate gyro mounted on an
are caused by tamping operations. in-service vehicle. The use of a pitch-rate gyro to esti-
mate the mean vertical track alignment at wave-
lengths above those where geometric filtering from
5.4 Direct comparison of TRV and trial 70 m the bogie wheelbase and dynamic filtering from the
vertical reconstructed irregularity primary suspension system affect the results has
been demonstrated, resulting in good estimates for
Figure 11 shows a 1000 m section of reconstructed
wavelengths longer than 6 m at vehicle speeds of
70 m mean vertical alignment derived from a pitch-
above a few metres per second. Neither mechanical
rate gyro compared to the same information from
nor optical displacement transducers are required,
the TRV (taken 16 months earlier). The 70 m SDs
resulting in reduced system cost and maintenance.
show a considerable reduction between the TRV
Trials conducted on Tyne and Wear Metro vehicles
results and the trial result. A close comparison of
have shown that the results are both credible and
the results shows that the trial result has many of
the features of the TRV result, but the features are
fitted into a narrower vertical space. In particular,
the middle third of the 1 km section is much
improved, suggesting that the track has been
tamped between the time of the TRV passing and
trial 1. Unfortunately, maintenance records are not
accessible for this section.
Figure 12 shows the TRV and pitch rate gyro
derived 70 m vertical irregularity over a 1 km stretch
of track in which the 70 m (and 30 m) SDs agree
reasonably well. The figure shows very good agree-
ment between the TRV result and the trial result. It
seems likely that this 1 km of track is either
unchanged since the TRV passed, or if the track
was tamped then the irregularity has returned.
Despite the relatively large differences in much
of the 70 and 35 m SDs, the direct comparison
between the TRV results and the trial results gives Fig. 12 Pitch-rate gyro-derived mean 70 m vertical
confidence that the pitch-rate gyro is picking up gen- profile and TRV result from 16 months
uine vertical irregularity. earlier: small differences

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Monitoring vertical track irregularity 85

consistent despite different suspension component 9 McAnaw, H. E. The system that measures the system.
conditions and wheel wear. Comparison between NDT&E, 2003, 36, 169 – 179.
real measured track geometry and mean vertical 10 Sunaga, Y., Sano, I., and Ide, T. A method to control the
alignment computed from a pitch-rate gyro short wave track irregularities utilizing axlebox accel-
eration. Railway Technical Research Institute, Quarterly
mounted on a Class 175 vehicle showed that the
Reports, 38(4), 176– 181
system gives credible results and shows regions
11 Federal Railroad Administration. Developed wheel
where there have been significant changes over an and axle assembly monitoring system to improve pas-
18 month interval as well as places where the mean senger train safety. USA RR00_02, Federal Railroad
vertical alignment is practically unchanged. Administration, 2000.
While accelerometers and displacement transdu- 12 Ackroyd, P., Angelo, S., Nejikovsky, B., and Stevens, J.
cers can provide more accurate results, the pitch- Remote ride quality monitoring of Acela train set
rate gyro method provides results over a wider speed performance. ASME/IEEE Joint Railroad Conference,
range and is a simpler and more robust arrangement. Washington, DC, USA, 23– 25 April 2002, pp. 171 – 178.
Irregularities at wavelengths below 6 m could be 13 Kawasaki, J. and Youcef-Toumi, K. Estimation of rail
identified by augmenting the pitch-rate gyro with irregularities. AACC (American Automatic Control
Council) American Control Conference, Anchorage,
left and right axlebox-mounted accelerometers.
Alaska, 8 – 10 May 2002.
Capturing data from an in-service vehicle provide
14 Feldmann, U., Kreuzer, E., Pinto, F., and Schlegel, V.
the possibility of providing daily measures of mean Monitoring the dynamics of railway tracks by means of
vertical track geometry measures and detection of the Karhunen-Loève-transformation. In System dynamics
changes in the alignment. This information can be and long-term behaviour of raiway vehicles, track and sub-
used by permanent way engineers to facilitate track grade (Eds K. Popp and W. Schiehlen), 2003 (Springer,
maintenance scheduling. Berlin, London).
15 Grassie, S. L. Measurement of railhead longitudinal
profiles: a comparison of different techniques. Wear,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 1996, 191, 245 – 251.
16 Saab, S. S. A map matching approach for train position-
ing part I: development and analysis. IEEE Trans. Veh.
This research was carried out under a DfT (Depart- Technol., 2000, 49(2), 467 –475.
ment for Transport, UK) funded project FIT096 17 Saab, S. S. A map matching approach for train position-
(Future of Integrated Transport) in partnership with ing part II: application and experimentation. IEEE
AEA Technology Rail; Alstom Traincare; Carillion Trans. Veh. Technol., 2000, 49(2), 476– 484.
Rail; Nexus (Tyne and Wear Metro); and London 18 Draft EN 13848-5 (Draft 05/30134794 DC). Railway
Underground. Particular thanks are due to Nexus applications – track – track geometry quality part 5:
and Alstom for provision of trial facilities. geometric quality assessment. 2005 (British Standards
Institution, London).
19 Weston, P. F., Ling, C. S., Goodman, C. J., Roberts, C.,
Li, P., and Goodall, R. M. Monitoring lateral track irre-
REFERENCES gularity from in-service railway vehicles. Proc. IMechE,
J. Rail and Rapid Transit, 2007, 221(F1), 89– 100.
1 Network Rail. Track design handbook, 2004, Issue 8, 20 Weston, P. F., Li, P., Ling, C. S., Goodman, C. J.,
London, UK, RT/CE/S/049. Goodall, R. M., and Roberts, C. Track and vehicle con-
2 BS EN 13848-1. Railway applications/track. Track dition monitoring during normal operation using
geometry quality. Characterisation of track geometry, reduced sensor sets. Trans. Hong Kong Institution of
2003 (British Standards Institution, London). Engineers, 2006, 13(1), 47 – 54.
3 Network Rail. Track construction standards, 2002, Issue 21 Li, P., Goodall, R., and Kadirkamanathan, V. Esti-
5, London, UK, RT/CE/S/102. mation of parameters in a linear state space model
4 Network Rail. Inspection and maintenance of perma- using a Rao-Blackwellised particle filter. IEE Proc., Con-
nent way, 2005, Issue 1, London, UK, NR/SP/TRK/001. trol Theory Appl., 2004, 151(6), 727 – 738.
5 Network Rail. Track geometry recording, 1995, Issue 1, 22 Li, P., Goodall, R., Weston, P., Ling, C. S., Goodman, C.,
London, UK, RT/CE/S/042. and Roberts, C. Estimation of railway vehicle suspen-
6 Draft EN 13848-2 (03/317169 DC). Railway appli- sion parameters for condition monitoring. Control
cations /track. Track geometry quality. Part 2: measuring Eng. Pract., 2007, 15(1), 43–55.
devices – track recording vehicles, 2003 (British Stan-
dards Institution, London).
7 Zywiel, J. and Oberlechner, G. Innovative measuring APPENDIX 1
system unveiled. Int. Railw. J., 2001 (Simmons-Boardman
Publishing Corporation, New York, USA). Notation
8 Gilbert, D. and Wesley, P. D. Track monitoring equip-
ment. EU Pat. EP1180175, 2002 (European Patent a acceleration (ms22)
Office, Munich, Germany). dx half wheelset longitudinal spacing (m)

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86 P F Weston, C S Ling, C Roberts, C J Goodman, P Li, and R M Goodall

K curvature (rad m21) The acceleration tangential (t) and normal (n) to the
R radius of curvature (m) trajectory are
s displacement along the track (m)
SD standard deviation
at ¼ x€ cos (f)  z€ sin (f) ¼ v_ (11)
t time (s)
z vertical position, e.g. of bogie (centre of an ¼ z€ cos (f) þ x€ sin (f) ¼ vḟ ¼ v2 f0 (12)
gravity) (m)
z_ differentiation of z with respect to t, similar
for other quantities For small pitch angles (with zero pitch indicating
z 0
differentiation of z with respect to s, similar horizontal) the approximations
for other quantities
z^ pitch-rate gyro-derived vertical position sin (f)  f (13a)
estimate (m)
cos (f)  1 (13b)
Ds spatial sampling interval (m)
u roll (rad), e.g. ubogie is bogie roll (rad) are generally used.
vx vehicle speed along track m s21
f pitch (angle) (rad)
Accelerometer equations
APPENDIX 2 Let the orientation of an accelerometer be given by
fa relative to vertical. The sensed acceleration, ignor-
Formulae for side-view (vertical) trajectory ing the acceleration of gravity which is calibrated out
to terms of first order, is
This appendix contains derivations of the relation-
ships between ‘vertical’ or ‘normal’ acceleration,
pitch-rate, and the vertical displacement of a trajec- a ¼ z€ cos (fa ) þ x€ sin (fa ) (14)
tory. In addition, spatially discretized samples of ver-
tical curvature are derived. The coordinate system for a ¼ ðv cos (f)ḟ  v_ sin (f)) cos (fa )
the side view trajectory is shown in Fig 1. þ ðv sin (f)ḟ  v_ cos (f)) sin (fa )
Useful relationships are given below. The limits of
integration, dummy variables, and constants of inte- ¼  cos (f  fa )vḟ  sin (f  fa )v_ (15)
gration are omitted for simplicity
ð assuming fa  f, cos (f  fa )  1 and sin (f  fa ) 
x ¼ cos (f)ds (6a) f  fa , then

x0 ¼ cos (f) (6b)

00 0 a  vḟ  fv_ þ fa v_ (16)
x ¼  sin (f)f (6c)
z ¼  sin (f)ds (7a) One route to estimate z is to double integrate the
observed acceleration with respect to time
z0 ¼  sin (f) (7b)
z00 ¼  cos (f)f0 (7c) ðð ðð
z^ z ¼ adt dt ¼  _
(vḟ þ fv)dt dt
vertical curvature is defined by ðð
þ _ dt
fa vdt
K ¼ ¼ f0 (8) ð ðð ð
¼  vfdt þ _ dt ¼  fds
fa vdt
For an object moving along the trajectory at speed ðð
v ¼ s_ , the following relationships hold þ _ dt
fa vdt
x_ ¼ v cos (f) (9a) _ dt
zþ fa vdt (17)
x€ ¼ v sin (f)ḟ þ v_ cos (f) (9b)
z_ ¼ v sin (f) (10a)
The latter term is an error term that depends on the
z€ ¼ v cos (f)ḟ  v_ sin (f) (10b) orientation of the sensor and the acceleration of the

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Monitoring vertical track irregularity 87

vehicle. A second route to estimate z is These curvature estimates can be used to estimate
vertical position
ðð ðð
a ḟ
z^ n ¼ ds ds ¼  ds ds
v2 v ðð
ðð z^ ¼ K^ ds ds (23)
þ (fa  f) 2 ds ds
ð ðð
¼  fds þ (fa  f) 2 ds ds or used directly to identify certain faults such as
ðð voiding.
v_ Discrete-time curvature estimates are defined with
zþ (fa  f) 2 ds ds (18)
v a sampling interval of Ds. From an accelerometer, the
discrete-time curvature estimates for each interval is
In this estimate, the error term depends on the given by the spatial average
difference between the sensor orientation and the
local track slope rather than on the absolute sensor
ð sk þðDs=2Þ
orientation. The implications are discussed in the a
main text. K^ ka ¼ 1=Ds 2
ds (24)
sk ðDs=2Þ v

Pitch-rate gyro equations The spatial samples of curvature from a pitch-rate

gyro are given by
Let a pitch-rate gyro be oriented an angle ff ,
for example the bogie pitch angle. If the pitch
ð sk þðDs=2Þ
angle of the rate gyro is approximately equal to ḟ
the pitch angle of the track, then an estimate K^ kf ¼ 1=Ds ds (25)
sk ðDs=2Þ v
for the corresponding vertical displacement is
given by
ð ð ð Spatial curvature estimate samples are assumed to
z^ f ¼  ff ds ¼  v ḟ f dt dt be related to the vertical position by

ḟ f
z^ f ¼  ds ds (19) zk1  2zk þ zkþ1
v Kk  (26)
These estimates are discussed in the main text.

Curvature Table 2 Sensors used for Tyne and Wear Metro trials

The geometry and sensor observations can be Designation Description Range

defined in terms of curvature. The curvature of the z€ L, axlebox Vertically sensing accelerometer +100 g
trajectory is given by on left trailing axlebox
z€ R,axlebox Vertically sensing accelerometer +100 g
on right leading axlebox
1 z€ L,bogie +10 g
K ¼ ¼ f0 (20) Vertically sensing acccelerometer
R above left trailing axlebox
z€ R, bogie Vertically sensing acccelerometer +10 g
above right leading axlebox
The estimate of curvature from a perpendicularly DzL Displacement (6a) to 8 +38 mm
sensing accelerometer is given by DzR Displacement (7a) to 8 +38 mm
ḟ bogie Bogie-mounted pitch-rate gyro +508 s21
a u̇ bogie Bogie-mounted roll rate gyro +508 s21
K^ a ¼ 2 (21) ċ bogie Bogie-mounted yaw rate gyro +508 s21
v y€ bogie Bogie-mounted, laterally sensing +10 g
The estimate of curvature from a pitch-rate gyro is z€ body Body-mounted, vertically sensing +4 g
accelerometer over
given by instrumented bogie
v Voltage proportional to 0 to 10 V
ḟ vehicle speed
K^ f ¼ (22) 0 to 23 m s21

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88 P F Weston, C S Ling, C Roberts, C J Goodman, P Li, and R M Goodall

This relationship is used to provide the link between Table 3 Sensors used for Class 175 trials
samples of curvature and discrete samples of vertical
Designation Description Range
z€ bogie Bogie-mounted, vertically +10 g
sensing acccelerometer
APPENDIX 3 (somewhat offset laterally)
y€ bogie Bogie-mounted, laterally- +10 g
sensing acccelerometer
Sensors used in trials ḟ bogie Bogie-mounted pitch-rate gyro +508 s21
u̇ bogie Bogie-mounted roll rate gyro +508 s21
This appendix lists the sensors used for the Tyne and ċ bogie Bogie-mounted yaw rate gyro +508 s21
Wear Metro vehicle trials and the Class 175 vehicle z€ body Body-mounted, vertically- +4 g
sensing accelerometer over
trial. Some of the sensors are used for cross-checking instrumented bogie
observed quantities. v Voltage proportional to 0 to 10 V
vehicle speed (0 to 45 m s21)
Tyne and Wear Metro trials

The sensors available in the Tyne and Wear Metro

trials (the ones used in this paper) are listed in
Table 2. The instrumentation was based around the Class 175 trials
centre (non-motored) articulation bogie. All chan-
nels were logged to disk at a common sampling The sensors available in the Class 175 trials (the ones
rate of 4 kHz for simplicity. used in this paper) are listed in Table 3. A non-mo-
The large number of sensors used in the trials were tored bogie was instrumented: the leading bogie of
used to provide independent estimates of certain the whole vehicle rake in one direction, the trailing
quantities and to provide information for lateral bogie on the return journey. No axlebox acceler-
movements. ometers were fitted.

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