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Rail Vehicles' Riding Quality and Comfort

Related toTheoretical and Experimental Optimization

Application to High Speed Trains



With the significant increase in SNCF's running speeds, the passengers' response empha-
sized the need for more consideration of comfort levels and particularly that of vibratory
comfort. Optimization can only be achieved in carrying out both theoretical and experi-
mental studies; the various phases of these studies are mentioned in Fig. 1.
We do not intend to describe each phase, but we shall insist upon the new studies and
their outcome.
1.1 Car body modelling
The method of modal synthesis explicited later on, requires the knowledge of the dynamic
behaviour for each substructure of a railway vehicle (or trainset), and the car body in

Two distinct but complementary methods can be used.
- -- - - - - - - .-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I R a i l w a y v e h ~ c l e in a e r v i c c
a t the

O " "ge 1 \\

- -
element method
- - ..- .... - - - - - - - - -
I Car body experimental
modal enalysis
-.-------------------- 1

I C a l c u l s t l o n of t h e
e l a e n frequencies a n d
modal nhapes
D e t e r m i n a t i o n of t h e
e l a e n f r e q u e n c i e s of
modal ahapea snd dampings
..................... 1


; F'red~ctior, of
...................... I
L - - - ----
comfort on-line

MeaBurement of c o m f o r t 1
------------ on- line
...................... 1
Fig. I . Comfort optimization of a railway vehicle.
Ingtnieurs at the SNCF.

1.1.1 Calculating method using finite elements

This well known and controlled method, only enables to evaluate the possible characteris-
tics of the structure (mass, position of the gravity center, inertia products and moments) the
eigen frequencies and modal shapes. It is advantageously applicable to vehicles under
study (Fig. 2 - TGV car body).



Fig. 2. TGV car body, finite elements model. '

1.1.2 Measuring method using modal analysis

Through measurement, this method gives access to all the modal parameters, and modal
damping in particular. However, it has the disadvantage of being only applicable to a
vehicle already constructed.
We shall remind the basic principles of the experimental modal analysis.
It is considered that the dynamic response of a structure, and in particular the transfer
functions between excitation and response points, can be broken down into a sum of
rational fractions, each one being specific to the dynamic behaviour of a one degree of
freedom system consisting of a mass, a spring and a damper (Fig. 3 A, B: transfer modal
1.1.3 Model adjustment
When the car body modelling is based on the finite element method, it has to be recalibrated
as a function of experimental data to take into account:
the inaccuracy due to modelling (in particular that of interior lining and the car body
suspended elements underframe),

Fig. 3a. Transfer functions for vertical excitations

Fig. 3b. Modal analysis of TGV car body (14.66 HZ).

the absence of modal damping.

This recalibration is often derived from a modification to the physical parameters of the
structure (young's modulus, density).
1.2 Modal synthesis o
The basic principle of modal synthesis methods consists in considering a structure (here the
TGV trainset) as an assembly of substructures (car bodies, bogies, axles ...) and studying the
dynamic behaviour of such structure as the synthesis of the various dynamic behaviour
corresponding to its components.
The separate components are described on the basis of their eigen modes. The different
modal synthesis methods only differ in the specific options considered: methods with fixed,
free or loaded interfaces...
The method developed by SNCF uses the free interfaces, i.e. the components are
analysed separately, in the configuration they have when being disconnected from the
general set in which they are integrated.
The substructures are then connected by means of link units of the spring or damper type.
The equations representing the motion equation of the connected structure, enable to
1) the frequencies, damping and modal shapes of the structure;
2) the response to an excitation of the forced type or of the track irregularities spectrum

1.3 Results obtained

One of the modellings of the TGV Paris - Southeast trainset is represented in Fig. 4. In this
case, there are 21 substructures and 102 degrees of freedom.

Number of sub- structures

Bodies 3 Bodies 3 x ( 6 dof + 1 elas) = 21

H a l f bodies 2 H a l f bodies 3 x 3 dof 9
Boggies 4 Boggies 4 x 6 dof 24
Interconnection frames 4 lnterconnectlon frames 4 x 6 dof 24
Axles 8
- Axles 8 x 3 dof 24
21 102

Fig. 4a. Modal synthesis of TGV-PSE model.


The figure shows the response spectrum to a vertical excitation of the track spectrum
type. It corresponds to the power spectral density of the floor vertical acceleration. A good
correlation is noted between the results achieved by modal synthesis and those obtained
from measurements.
Because of this good correlation, it is then possible to study the different parameters for
optimizing the trainset.


The proper lateral dynamic behaviour of railway vehicles is one of the major problems
posed by high speed running. Actually, bogies must be stable to minimize as much as
possible track and vehicles' forces inputs.
As for the comfort problem, that of stability was solved by SNCF in tackling concur-
rently theoretical studies and bench and on-line tests. See organization chart in Fig. 5.

...................... ---------------
Tracks irregularities Equations
- c a s e historia.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -
- power denstiy Automatic Wheel profiles
spectra calculations
...................... ----------------- Characteristics o f
Critical mpeedm mumpsnsionm
----------------- ......................

Run simulation. Eipsn frequencies
----------------- ......................
_b --------- I I
C A L C U L A T E D AND .---------------------
EXPERIUENTAL Measurement o n board
RESULTS a vehicle of disp1a-
cement., rotation.
accelerations and c r i
tical s p e e d s
1 1
/ I ,
1 I


------L---------d------ I
Modification t o . - --- -)- - - -J
the prototype

----- -----------------

Fig. 5. Optimazation of riding quality.


2.1 Theoretical sfudies

The theoretical studies deal with two distinct fields: the linear and non-linear.
2.1.1 Linear models
The basic simplifying assumptions, the laws governing the physics of the wheevrail
contact and the linear-railway dynamics, since Roccard's, Levi's, Kalker's, De Pater's,
Wicken's works, and some others works are now well known.
The development of the corresponding mathematical models, was led in France as early
as the origins of the TGV project, in the seventies. The results of these studies have enabled
to outline some simple principles, governing the influence of several design parameters on
These principles which have been thoroughly proven experimentally will be reminded.
They led gradually to the final solution retained for the TGV - Paris Southeast track and
Y 2 3 0 N 231 bogies, running daily at 270 k m h . Some of these bogies have now run
trouble-free about one million kilometers.
2.1.2 Non linear models
However, linear models do not suffice to explain clearly the influence of some parameters,
such as the precise shape of rail and wheel profiles and their wear, the interaction
axle/track, the real characteristics of springs' and dampers' links, the amplitude and form
of track irregularities.
This is indeed a very general railway problem affecting all rolling stock units and
operating speeds. SNCF also tackle it in defining the most typical models for their
vehicles' behaviour and using simulations (calculations and/or tests).
Some typical examples will be shown to illustrate the progress of present investigations in
the non-linear field.
2.2 Options taken for the TGV - Paris Southeast
2.2.1 Rolling stock
The links axle-boxedframes of TGV bogies, have been subject to a specific investigation,
and the tests conducted on the Z 7001 multiple-unit set were very useful in this respect.
The primary suspension consisted of steel springs associated to rubber guide springs, and
with a simple rotational movement of studs, it was possible to alter the stiffness Kx and Ky.
The tests have shown that for conicities higher than-0.10, the best results were achieved with
the following Kx, Ky couple:
Kx = 4.1 lo7 N/m
Ky = 4.6 lo6 N/m
With these values, a theoretical Vc critical speed is obtained and calculated without
taking into account the anti-hunting device - it amounts to about 450 km/h for yc = 0.05
and it is higher than 300 km/h for y, = 0.20.
The bogies' wheelbase is equal to 3 m.
In order to reduce unsprung masses, traction motors of TGV trainsets are mounted
underframe, the bogie weight being thus reduced by 50%.
The wheels have the GV 1/40 profile with a 32.5 mm flange. As a matter of fact, it is the
profile which gives the best results, because of its low conicity, even for large lateral
displacements of the axle. It is not a wear profile as such, but as confirmed by practical
experience, the wear remains moderate, provided it does not load too highly the running

tread during braking and in so far as a hard enough steel grade is used after 500000 km, the
wheels of TGV - Paris Southeast trainsets show an equivalent conicity of about 0.1.
With such provisions, wheels are stable up to 300 km/h, at least. To increase further the
safety margin, the bogies are equipped with 2 anti-hunting dampers (c = 2900 mdaN)
secured between the bogie frame and the car body, which significantly increases the critical
speed (Vc >> 500 k m h ) . Their location, rating and the stiffness of their anchors have been
defined with the utmost care, to prevent any parasite coupling between car body and bogie
on the one hand, and to achieve an optimum performance on the other hand.
2.2.2 Track
The UIC rail 60, called U 80 is laid at 1/20. The average design gauge is 1 436 f 2 mm.
Actually, on the high-speed new line, the average gauge is 1438, with a standard deviation
of about 2 mm; the minimum curve radii are 3200 m.
2.3 Tests
It is difficult to summarize the results of the many tests that have been carried out for more
than ten years, with the purpose of evaluating the TGV bogies' stability. However, the
results of some test runs will be examined, confirming that the high-speed running of TGV
trainsets can be performed quite safely and also checking the validity of mathematical
a) In February 1981, at the record speed of 380 km/h, bogies showed an excellent
behaviour on-line: no significant hunting movement was observed.
b) with axles having run about 300000 km, the speed of 300 km/h was achieved, without
anti-hunting dampers. Again, no sign of instability was observed.
To improve the existing knowledge, a testing campaign was launched in 1983, to
investigate the stability of bogies without anti-hunting damper, the following parameters
being subject to variations:
- speed
- profile of wheels
- the thickness of flanges
- rail inclination
- track gauge

Some Investigations on Computer Aided Steering


Recent developments and investigations on additional rear-wheel steering of passenger cars

in Japan and Germany show the possibilities of steering behavior improvements. They
further indicate, that a computer can and will help the driver to handle the car of the future
while automatically controlling and adjusting the driving safety. Moreover the designer will
have the possibility to improve and simplify the lay out of wheel suspensions.

* T.U.Vienna.

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