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Learning Outcomes

-What is whiskey?
-Manufacturing Process
-Classification of Whiskey
-Service of Whiskey
-Whiskey Based Cocktails

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What is Whiskey?
Whiskey is an alcoholic beverage which is obtained by the fermentation %
distillation of crushed malted grains(i.e Barley,
maize, rye, corn)
Spelling of Whisky
• By long standing tradition, Scottish distillers spell the name of the spirit as
• Irish distillers spell their spirit as “WHISKEY”.
• The Canadians follow the Scottish spelling and the American follow the Irish

• The use of grain as a source of alcohol originates among the Celts (the people
of Ireland) between the 10th and 15th century.
• Distillate spelt as “UISGE BEATHA” or “UISCE BEATHA” or “USQUEBAUGH”
• Pronounced as wee-ski-bah meant “WATER OF LIFE”. Both Scotland and
Ireland have long been claiming to be the original source of whiskey.
• But neutral heads say that the soldiers of Henry II had taken a lot of uisce
beatha to England after they invaded Ireland in the 12th century.
• This precedes the older known references to the Scotch, an entry in the
Scottish exchequer rolls in 1484.
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Manufacturing Process
• Harvesting
Grains are harvested like rye, corn, barley, maize.
• Cleaning
The grains are firstly selected to contain 60%starch.It is then washed to separate it
from the husk and finally dried.
• Malting
Soaked in water to germinate for 8-12 days.
• Drying & grinding
Germination stopped and subjected to heat over fire of smokeless coal and peat.
This peat gives smoke which flavors the malt during process. When this is grinded
called GRIST.
• Mashing
Mixed with warm water in mash tun or vat. The grist spawns sprout which creates a
enzyme diatase converting starch into maltose.

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Manufacturing Process
• Fermentation
Yeast is added to convert the maltose into glucose which produce crude beer,
known as WASH with alcoholic strength of 10-14%
• Distillation
It is done with two process, Pot Still, Patent Still.
• Maturation
It is matured in Oak wood cask which gives color and to make it finer.
• Diluting & Blending
The spirit is mixed with spring water to dilute the alcoholic strength and is blended
with other grain whiskies for blended whiskey.
• Filtering & Bottling

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Classification of Whisky
It is classified in 3 categories:
• Origin Based:-
Scotch Whiskey, American Whiskey, Canadian Whiskey, Irish Whiskey, Asian
• Malting:-
Single Malt, Blended malt.
• Maturing:-
Premium/Super deluxe, Deluxe, regular.

Scotch Whiskey
Scotch whiskies are made and bottled in Scotland. It can be single malt or blended
but essentially obtained from barley produced by pot still method.
Some Brand names
Glenmorrangie, Glenfiddich, Macallan, laohroig,glenlivet, Bowmore, Talisker,
Lagavouline etc.

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American Whisky
Whiskey made and bottled in America
• Bourbon Whiskey
It means ‘sweet & fire’ whiskey originated from bourbon country in Kentucky state.
It is produce by patent still method. 51% corn,49% mix of barley/Rye.
• Corn Whiskey
80% corn & 20% Rest
• Rye Whiskey
51% rye 49% rest
Some Brand names
Jack daniels, Old Grand dad,Old crow,Jim Bim, Woodford,Makers Mark

Canadian Whisky
It is made and bottled in Canada. It is made by patent still method. The principle
grain used in Canadian whiskey is rye and mix with maize, wheat corn, barley malt.
It is lighter body and rye contributes largely flavor. Matured in charred oak cask
maximum 6 months.
Some Brand Names
Canadian club, Seagrams Crown royal, Windros, G&W Special

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Irish Whisky
It is originated in Ireland and made by pot still method. It is distilled 3 time in pot
still hence light bodied. It is matured 5 yrs. in cask. Any grains can use.
Some Brand Names
Old bush Mill
Tullamore dew
Paddy Irish

Service of Whisky
• It may be consumed straight or on the rocks in Rock glass.
• It may be served with water and ice
• It can be served with soda and ice.
Whiskey Based Cocktails
• Manhattan
• Old fashion
• Whiskey sour
• Rob Roy
• Rusty Nail

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