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Grammar » A1 Grammar lessons and exercises » A/an,
the, no article – the use of articles in English » Page 2

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Exercises: 1 2 3

A/an, the, no
article – the use of
articles in English

Exercise 2

Choose a/an, the or no article to complete

the sentences below.

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Correct answers: 6/10.

Your score is 60%.

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1 'Where is Jennifer?' 'She's in _____


a. a

b. the

c. –

➪ We use the to talk about specific

things or people; when it’s clear which
things or people we are talking about.
➪ In this sentence, it's clear what
kitchen we are talking about.

2 Do you want to have _____ lunch

with me?

a. a
b. the

c. –

➪ We do not use an article before

of meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
3 What are you going to do _____ next

a. a

b. the

c. –

➪ We do not use an
article before next and last + time
expression (when they mean before or
after now).

4 I want to learn how to play _____


a. a

b. the

c. –

➪ We use the before names of

musical instruments.

5 We want to buy _____ new car.

a. a

b. the
c. –
c. –

➪ We use a/an when we mention

something for the first time.

6 My favourite subject is _____ history.

a. a

b. the

c. –

➪ We don't use an
article before names of
languages and school subjects.

7 _____ students in my class are great.

a. A

b. The

c. –

➪ We use the to talk about specific

things or people; when it’s clear which
things or people we are talking about.

8 Medicine will be completely

di"erent in _____ 2050.

a. the

b. a
c. –

➪ We do not use an article before

names of years, months and days of
the week.

9 He is very interested in _____


a. a

b. the

c. –

➪ We do not use
an article before plural or
uncountable nouns to talk about
something in general.
➪ In this sentence we are talking about
computers in general.

10 A thief got into our o#ce and stole

_____ computers.

a. a
b. the

c. –

➪ We use the to talk about specific

things or people; when it’s clear which
things or people we are talking about.
➪ In this sentence, we are talking
about the computers in our o#ce (NOT
computers in general).

Exercises: 1 2 3

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A, some, any – countable

and uncountable nouns
A(n), the, no article

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