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7 JULY 2024 I Vol.

3 I No 24

Ramkalawan must exit

the Presidency (p5) Fearless in Dignity 1964-2024

A disgraceful LDS
refuses to help our
senior citizens
r Patrick Herminie, on behalf ing the people's support for the ensuring the democratic process
D of the United Seychelles party,
firmly supports the Opposition
Opposition. The United Seychelles
party stood unwaveringly behind
is upheld, and we stand by him in
this fight for democracy.
Leader's decision to walk out of the Opposition Leader and his Honourable Sebastien Pillay's PNQ
the National Assembly Tuesday, team of MNAs, who protested the asking for a raise in social secu-
underlining the pivotal role of the Deputy Speaker's dictatorial deci- rity benefits for older people or
Opposition in a democracy. sion to change his Private Notice senior citizens was obstructed by
'There's no democracy without Question (PNQ) twice. The Oppo- the Deputy Speaker, who wanted
the Opposition,' he asserted, echo- sition Leader's role is crucial in (Continued on page 2)

Minot dan Is there an

urgent pneu-
nou lanmen, monia concern
sifon dan that demands
nou labous our immediate
n ler wa krwar ki zot in
E sitan fer nou dormi, ki zot
krwar ki nou ankor sonmey. attention?
Nou’n reveye e nou war zot
embers of the public are inquiring whether we have a pneu-
byen. Lamannman dan lalwa,
Kod Penal, kont ‘hate speech’, M monia concern, either community—or hospital-based.
There are allegations that people are catching an infection, with
parol ki provoke ouswa anmenn
laenn, pa okenn pour karakte- symptoms such as high fever and sharp stomach pains.
ristik proteze. Zot a pe kasyet Therefore, we urgently call on the ministry to inform the public
deryer diskriminasyon pour about the situation and the steps being taken to address it. This
maske politisyen dan prosen will allow them to take precautions, especially since pneumonia
is contagious. Even if not alarming, apprising the population is
(Continued on page 3)
also a preventive measure.
to amend the question, which was noted that upon reaching 65, sen-
unacceptable. Pillay, however, ior citizens are getting R5750, and
agreed on the first instance. Still, even if workers in the public sec-
everything went south when Ger- tor got a 10% raise, they have yet
vais Henrie, the Deputy Speaker, to get any raise. The Deputy
wished to amend the PNQ again. Speaker argued that the Opposi-
This not only disrupted the flow tion Leader's opinion was that the
of the National Assembly but also cost of living in Seychelles had in-
undermined the democratic pro- creased.
cess. Tuesday, the Honorable Pillay We all know that the cost of living
expressed his regrets that the is high in Seychelles, except for
Deputy Speaker had to amend his the Deputy Speaker and the cabi-
question, and in protest, he led his net- they do not know and feel it
team to walk out. That left Henrie because they are getting above
without a quorum to work since, R80000 monthly and several al-
on the LDS side, many of their lowances. They do not feel the
members were absent. In retalia- suffering as the people do. If the
tion and acting illegally, the clue- Deputy Speaker feels the cost of ond time that LDS has attempted members can be absent at any
less and f labbergasted Henrie living is not increasing, let the to alter the Opposition's PNQs, a time due to overseas missions,
announced that the salaries of the minister come to the National As- clear violation of democratic prin- sickness, etc. They sent 13 of their
US MNAs who were supposed to sembly to explain and let there be ciples. It is not the role of the Dep- Members overseas on a mission
be in the house would be slashed a debate. Who is he to stop this uty Speaker to stifle a debate but paid for by taxpayers, then com-
as punishment. These actions by debate?” to foster it. This is why the Oppo- plained that there was no quorum
the Deputy Speaker highlight the "His other problem was that the sition chose to protest and leave and blamed United Seychelles. It
urgent need for change in our po- Opposition Leader, Sebastian Pil- the National Assembly. They can- shows they are not a serious ma-
litical system. lay, had asked for a substantial not continue to tolerate the dicta- jority and depend on United Sey-
It must be noted that senior cit- amount but had yet to specify the torial mindset of LDS. Our chelles for a quorum.
izens are getting social security amount. It is the responsibility of commitment to democracy is un- When the US member raised the
benefits at 65 after LDS decided to the government to decide. If they wavering, and we will continue to issue of the lack of quorum to the
push the age limits to two more can increase the pensioners' social fight for its preservation. Deputy Speaker, the Deputy
years; with United Seychelles, security to reach R10000 as they Speaker should have adjourned.
Instead, he allowed the LDS
these benefits were paid at 63.
Giving his two cents, supporting
promised in their campaign, it's
ok. Even if it is less than that, it
No quorum, the members to debate on the issue of
the Opposition Leader and his would be considered something. National Assembly not having a quorum. The Deputy
Speaker also had no right to cut
caucus, the Party President, Dr Come to the National Assembly,
Herminie, condemned the LDS and let's discuss this matter and adjourns. the salaries of the United Sey-
dictatorial behaviour, particularly not disqualify this question claim- chelles MNAs. When he said there
their leadership in the National ing that it is the opinion of the "I have been a Speaker of the Na- was no quorum, this decision to
Assembly, the Speaker and Dep- Opposition Leader that the cost of tional Assembly for 10 years, and cut their salaries became null and
uty Speaker. "They want to for- living keeps rising, and that sub- never has the National Assembly void. It was an illegal decision. It
mulate questions for the stantial means a lot." under my speakership not had a shows they do not know the reg-
Opposition, and we must ask ques- Dr Herminie underscored the Op- quorum to function," remarked ulations, and again, they display
tions that affect the population. position's unwavering commit- Dr Herminie. Further adding, dictatorial behaviours. Our de-
The PNQ by the Opposition ment to uphold democracy, a "LDS gave the impression that mocracy is regressing; there
Leader was simple: the cost of liv- stance that should reassure the there was no quorum on Tuesday must be an election to remove
ing continues to rise, and it is time people about the party's political because the US MNAs left. LDS them from office so our country
to increase the social security values and dedication to the cause. has 25 members, and they need a can prosper."
benefits of older people. It must be He pointed out that it is the sec- quorum of 17, meaning 8 LDS

n Opposition Leader, Hon Sebastien Pillay leads a walkout

7 JULY 2024 I Vol. 3 I No 24 PAGE 2

Kod Penal Dear Jeanne,
I remember when a standard local
one of them why he wanted to avoid
attending the National Day parade
letter cost just R2 to post. But under and its cultural activities. He said

Minot dan
the current LDS government, I paid entel is afraid of the people.
a whopping R25 this week for a sim- The poor guy sees his counterpart,
ilar service. Inside the envelope was Ruto, in a dire situation with the
just an A4 paper with three para- Kenyan Gen Zs and fears the same
graphs and my signature. I paid R25 thing can happen to him. Fear not,

nou lanmen,
to post it. This drastic increase in Mr Politician, Seychellois are still
the cost of an essential service is not feeling a little woozy- it must be the
just frustrating; it's unfair. What COVID-19 shots or the 2020 elec-
other services are following in line tions still making us feel hazy. The
for such a steep rise in price? I can 2020 elections were a time of con-

sifon dan almost picture Ramka chairing the

cabinet and giving a tall order to his
ministers to collect money. 'Please
find a way to increase your services;
fusion. The LDS politicians are not
worthy of that power they sought
because they are the elite in a coun-
try of impoverished people. This is
we need money,' he would say. Ev- a stark difference from how it was

nou labous erything, even land, is being priced

beyond our reach. Land that used to
sell for R60 thousand is now going
for R1.2 million. Do these politicians
before 2020. Fear not; we do not
have the energy to protest. We
would rather sit at home. You would
see an empty town if it were not to
think we are paid in gold? Every earn that measly salary. We would
commodity and service is becoming be at home watching television. The
unaffordable in this country. little energy we have, we use it spir-
Meanwhile, in power, in one man- itually to pray. We do not speak well
date, Entel has travelled around the of politicians in government when
world in first-class and even by pri- we pray. We cannot lie in prayers;
vate plane. He has been everywhere we must talk about the truth. We
but has broken a record visiting the pray for courage, but also for mi-
UAE. How often has he travelled on racles. It's time for a change, Jeanne,
Air Seychelles in the last four years? and we must believe in it.
My Mauritian friend told me that I watch the National Assembly on
politicians from the former opposi- Tuesday. The deputy speaker got ex-
kanpanny eleksyon. Zot a pe fer tou pour sey reste opouvwar tion, now either in the executive cited when Andre started to raise
pour met sa pei lo son zenou, akoz zot pou kontinyen pran tou sa branch of government or in the his voice, arguing that he had come
ki pour zot, e nou pou zis get zot. legislature, used to send boats to to work, which was expected of the
Wikenn pase kot parad, nou ti war apepre sa kalite mantalite anba- Mauritius to sell the red snapper people who elected them. Ironic for
rasan; sa fason asize, ti kler ki envite ti parey en ‘human shield’ and some other stuff. Boatload a guy who also has to go to court,
pour maske en prezidan ki ranpli ek paranoya. I per akoz i would come, he said. Nowadays, red as he is also a lawyer. Henrie cannot
konnen i pe mal fer. I per son lonbraz. I per menm si napa nan- snappers have become as rare as resist peer pressure, especially from
ryen me moman lazwa- Seselwa ti pe selebre lendepandans. hen's teeth, as rare as the sooty the State House. Now, he is ridiculed
Me eski i pa pe fer pli pa gou, pli pa akseptab, letan i deside servi terns' eggs. Imagine one politician for making an illegal ruling against
son pouvwar absoli, pour li anpes nou eksprim nou libreman- nou from the United Seychelles fishing the US MNAs. You had better not
drwa garanti dan Konstitisyon nou pei? red snappers and selling them in cut the salaries of these MNAs;
Wi, tou Seselwa pou anfaver anpese annan diskriminasyon ek laenn Mauritius. He'll be called a thief and otherwise, we will meet in court.
kont en dimoun avek dezabilite, si son oriyantasyon seksyel i dif- corrupt, probably reminded of it These MNAs are the defenders of
eran, en madanm ansent, en kalite kondisyon medikal, en maladi until he breathes his last breath on the people against a tyrannical ad-
tel ki SIDA. Me tou Seselwa pa anfaver politisyen servi sa lalwa Earth. The impact of their actions ministration, while your peers are
pour maske zot, e pli move servi sa lalwa pour li met bar dan lar- on the people is immense, and it's the rubber stamp. Your bosses say
out lopozisyon, pour li reste ek pouvwar. I en fe, ki Wavel Ramkala- high time they realise it. jump, and you reply, how high.
wan i per Dr Herminie. Jeanne, people are just talking about I would love to see the South African
Fotespere, zot pa pe anmenn sa lamannman swivi par lamannman everything and anything nowadays. Government's reaction when they
dan lalwa eleksyon pour kit li la pour 7an, ouswa pour pas baton I overheard four people debating the learned that Seychelles is returning
pour LDS reste pour maske koripsyon zot gouvernman. Se sa zot parade, a significant event in our the junk they sent here. The Sey-
pli gro lafreyer perdi pouvwar. Laverite pou sorti. country, and they agreed to support chelles Government wants its
Me sa ki sa bann politisyen merit met an tet, dan lavi, tay kot oule, the parade participants; our money back. LDS does not spend on
laverite i toultan venker. E tou aksyon ki mal, i annan son konse- brothers and sisters in the forces what Seychellois need; these pol-
kans. Karma i la, e pa en dyok. and youths, they said. But they had iticians spend on what they think
Sa zour ki LDS i anpes nou koze, Seselwa, montre lekel ki annan different opinions when talking they need, including a riot vehicle. I
pouvwar- politisyen ouswa lepep. Vox Populi Vox Dei- lavwa lepep about the politicians crammed into reiterate that we do not have that
se lavwa Bondye. Pa per pour koze e eksprim zot si zot pa anfaver that tiny place as spectators as if kind of energy; we must speak
sa lamannman, Ramkalawan pa kapab met en pep dan kaso. Rol protecting entel, whom they said, al- about the truth.
politisyen se serviter en pep, pa lepep dormi e politisyen mars lo li. most changed his mind about at- My friend, stay blessed,
tending the parade. Later, I asked Marcel

7 JULY 2024 I Vol. 3 I No 24 PAGE 3

a en pti sekre!
Latet fermal bann sef dan LDS ozordi, se Dr
Patrick Herminie.
Zot in realize ki sa boug i annan en kapasite po-
litik feros.
Zot in osi realize ki sa boug pe diriz en bato de-
borde avek siporter US e Seselwa, an zeneral.
Zot in realize ki sa boug i annan sa laganm poli-
Zot in realize ki zenn i kontan sa boug.
Zenn i pli krwar dan politik sa boug ki dan po-
litik sal LDS.
Zot in realize ki sa boug pou SOUK zot en bon
BEZE dan eleksyon 2025.

Alor aprezan ki zot fer? Me zot pa kapab! Kimanyer pou anpes sa boug ganny eleksyon?
Tou zot politik i baze lo Dr Herminie. Akoz i pe fer en move travay.
Herminie, Herminie, Herminie! Me menm zot, politisyen dan LDS, zot bezwen
Be ki Dr Herminie? Alor, aprezan zot in pran en lot pozisyon. konn en keksoz.
Pa zot annan en pei pour zot dirize? Zot pa ni enterese ek nanryen ki konsern pei. Zot kapab fer nenport kwa.
Dirize, fourtou! Ni dan son devlopman. ME ZOT PA KAPAB ANPES DELO MONTANNY
Fer zot travay e li osi ya fer sa ki pour li. Ni dan soufrans son pep. ARIV DAN LANMER!
Ni dan fristrasyon son pep. NENPORT KI FASON, I POUR ARIVE.
Si Ramkalawan ti pe fer en bon travay, zot ti Ni dan lefe ki zot pe ganny vole aletranze. Desten Dr Herminie, e pli move desten sa pep,
merit pe sant son laglwar. Ni dan lefe ki Sesel pe ANBOUFTE li dan det en- pa dan lanmen ni Ramkalawan, ni LDS.
Zot ti merit pe kriy: Wavel, Wavel, Wavel. ternasyonal. Zot in fors desten en fwa, me zot pa pou kapab
Zis parey an 2020. Zot sel preokipasyon se DRHERMINIE. fors desten de fwa.

etan en dimoun i vreman vernman. SA I EN FE! Akoz se pa sa politisyen ki i pa vre-
L malad, i rod Dokter ek lanmes
En MOVE gouvernman avek bann
MOVE polisi.
Alor, an 2025, Seselwa i bezwen re-
tourn son pei lo semen prosperite.
man kontan, me se sa parti limenm.
Pa les li vin anbet ou!
E i pa dan en pozisyon pour swazir Bann polisi ki fer Seselwa mizer. Lo semen progre.
lekel. Ki fer Seselwa soufer. Remet konfyans dan sa parti politik TOU DIMOUN KI GRAVMAN
Si en dimoun i oule swazir lekel ki Ki trenn Seselwa an aryer. ki’n deza prouv son lekor. MALAD I VWAR EN DOKTER KON-
pou rezourd son problenm, savedir Sa osi zot koze partou kote. E sa se United Seychelles. MAN SON SOVER!
i pa vreman malad. E I BEZWEN EN DOKTER LA KON-
I pe zis donn son prosen en lenfir- LDS i kontan koz mal lo 43 Sesel napa letan pour bann novis ki MELA!
mite. SPPF/PARTI LEPEP/US. pe vin aprann. (AS WE WRITE)
Sa i en laverite. Me son gouvernman, dan zis 4an, in I napa letan pour gaspiye. SI I KAPAB TIR LI DAN SA PRO-
E tou Seselwa i konn sa tre byen. retourn Seselwa 100 an an retar. En VRE siporter pa kapab pa vot BLENM, SE SA KI KONTE!
100an dan fernwanr. pour en parti politik akoz en di- PLITAR YA DESIDE SI I POUR AL
ANNOU MET SA DAN KONTEKS E laplipar ditan, se son bann ansyen moun. MORIS, LENN OUBYEN DUBAI!
POLITIK AKTYEL SESEL. siporter ki dir ou sa. Si i fer sa, i pa en VRE siporter sa ME LA AN SE MOMAN, I BEZ-
Tou Seselwa i konnen ki Wavel Lazenes Seselwa osi, zot dir ou parti. WEN ENN LOKAL E IRZAN!
Ramkalawan i en MOVE Prezidan. menm zafer. Si i dir ou sa, i pe fer propagann ZIS PAREY SESEL OZORDI, I BEZ-
Zot koze partou kote. Zot in fini vwar sa. pour en lot parti politik anba lapo WEN DR HERMINIE!
Zot osi dir ki LDS i en MOVE gou- “RHINO”.

7 JULY 2024 I Vol. 3 I No 24 PAGE 4

Ramkalawan must
exit the Presidency
amkalawan, the time for change is not just
R approaching; it is here. Your leadership
has reached its limit, and the nation cannot af-
ford to wait any longer for a new direction.
The urgency of this situation is pressing, and
immediate action is necessary.
That's right. Wavel Ramkalawan, the President
of Seychelles, must wake up to smell the cof-
fee; he has to step down because he has
messed up this country with his incompe-
tence. He cannot stay in power and enjoy the
privileges of the title when the majority of the
population struggles due to his government's
ineffectiveness in having a thriving economy,
which leads to booming social sectors. The
nation is angry at him; he is not accountable
for his lies, failures and disappointments at the
helm of the country's leadership, and he
should call for a fresh election. He spent 30
years in the former opposition, a significant
part of it in the National Assembly, and his
supporters thought he had learned a few
ropes of leadership since he was so adamant
about becoming President. It shows that he
was not meant for the job, but his ego was in- n Voting station
f lated when he looked behind him and saw
people cheering him on. The Presidency is not countable and transparent government and
a popularity contest, though a politician needs
a certain amount of popularity to get elected;
Let the polls ensured every Seychellois had an excellent liv-
ing standard. What has Ramkalawan achieved
first and foremost, he needs leadership qual-
decide if you
ities, including vision, intelligence, and experi-
with his dictatorship mentality? Nothing ex-
cept that he has allowed many people to
ence. His political party must have the correct suffer under scrutiny and victimisation.
should be
principles that put people first, and politicians
are seen as serving the people and the coun-
Seychelles has a president living in the mo-
ment, enjoying and amassing as much as pos-
Ramkalawan, since he assumed power, has reelected or sible. He is preparing for his future and his
family, which does not include the population.
been acting like a boss, ordering people We would recognise his efforts if he had been
around in his government, including the
media, micromanaging every ministry and
replaced with seen developing this country.
The President has become an expired com-
government entity, and displaying traits of a
controlling freak. He uses state resources such someone modity. In his fourth year, he has yet to decide
what to do between now and the next election
as the military and the police to boss citizens scheduled for September 2025. So, instead of
around, which he thinks is an excellent way to
keep us in line under the guise that he is com-
intelligent wasting our time and allowing the country to
stagnate, call for a fresh election. It would be
bating drugs when, with him, drugs have be-
come an epidemic. They alleged that society and wise. the most outstanding public service Ramkala-
wan can perform. Let the polls decide if you
would have no law and order unless a Pres- should be reelected or replaced with someone
ident became dictatorial. There were laws and intelligent and wise, with a clear plan and vi-
discipline with his predecessor, and people en- sion to restore progress and build Seychelles,
joyed their rights and privileges. President and who would share the benefits of this pro-
Faure believed in the country's professionals, gress among the whole population and not
and he was a people person who ran an ac- only among friends.

7 JULY 2024 I Vol. 3 I No 24 PAGE 5

Gouvernman LDS i
fouti, si UAE i larg li
ski pep Seselwa pe asize pour re- zot, zot pre pour met dimoun reste
E flesir, ki degre dan mal nou dan
mal anba en lidership enkonpetan?
dan kabann poul.
Si sa gouvernman bankal e konfize,
Ni pou pran B pour met ek A pour pa anpandan lo travay Gouvernman Fer sir UAE i get
fer BA zot pa’n fer akoz zot pa US, i anpandan lo zepol Gouvernman
kapab fer. UAE. mwan ziska 2025
Si Gouvernman US ti parey zot, e pa San UAE, zot fouti. La zot konpran
ti’n travay pour devlop sa pei, ozordi akoz Prezidan i bezwen taye ale
ek sa katastrof ki nou koman en pep menm si pou zis al dir mersi, ouswa
e Sesel koman nou pei, i ladan, nou ‘mon senpati.’
demande si nou pa ti pou egal a Haiti Ramkalawan ek son ladministrasyon
ouswa pli mal. se solda dan lakok son kanmarad- wi,
Depi in pran pouvwar lafen Oktob se pourkwa ki olye al delavan, i mars
2020 ziska ozordi, zot ankor pe an- deryer.
pandan lo travay sa gouvernman ki Wavel Ramkalawan ti tro koze. An-
zot pa ti oule, ki zot ti boykot e kri- nefe, tou koze ti pou li koman an-
tik tou sa ki i ti fer, menm si zot ti syen Lider Lopozisyon. Nou tya
benefisye. Legzanp, ozordi Ramka- krwar ki omwen i ti kapab fer kek-
lawan napa okenn laont pour fer son soz, me zero. Konmdir manrmay, i
gouvernman fer Seselwa ki pe rod ouver labous, i koz …
en morso later, pey R1.2 milyon, kan I ti zis en barik vid, kriye, koz for, fer
li sa gouvernman ki i ti boykot ti fer tapaz ek parol, ek larogans, me zero
li pey R35 mil pour en morso later aksyon ler in ler pour li fer. En
plat pa lwen ek lans. ledrwa son bann predeseser i pa
Son bann dimoun, e tou dernyen- kapab tyonbo- lekar zot lentelizans koudeta, vyolasyon drwa imen dan syon, koripsyon, leksplozyon, man-
man nou’n war sa MNA laba Perse- e konpetans tro lwen ek li. Sel keksoz letan Parti Inik, e lezot problenm sonz, e tou sa ki en fanmir Seselwa
verance, pe montre proze lakaz ki ki in reisi fer atraver son bann kan- okour sa 43 an ki zot in opouvwar, in perdi dan zot lavi ki swa en
gouvernman avan in planifye e kon- panny politik se sali zot limaz ek re- me zot in omwen delivre pour la- lanplwa, en pros, en biznes, de biznes,
manse. Zot zis vol laglwar. Proze pitasyon, anbet en pep, e fer zot vansman pei. Nou tou nou fer fot, lakaz, en loportinite pour en loan, en
lakaz ki Gouvernman US ti plan krwar sa bann dimoun ti sitan move. nwa reponn ek Senyer. Me eski transpor, eksetera- tousala se son
pour tou distrik, e zot ti ridikiliz li Napa perfeksyon dan okenn imen, Wavel Ramkalawan pou kapab deb- ladministrasyon e gouvernman ki
dan Lasanble. Zot ti donn lenpresyon me si nou pou konpar abilite sa 3 out devan Bondye? responsab.
ki sa plan ti en rev ki pa ti pou zan- prezidan ki sorti dan US ek Ramka- I’n atoupri anvi vin prezidan, get Napa prizon zis lo later, me osi apre
men realize. Ozordi san imilite e lawan- napa konparezon. Malgre tou Sesel ek Seselwa ozordi. Lamizer, nou lanmor.
laont, zot pe koup riban. Tandis ki sa ki nou tande, ki swa sa ki ti mal ek vyolasyon drwa imen, viktimiza-


Seselwa, Seselwaz!
Eski zot rapel?
Ozordi i Prezidan.
I kapab fer tousala arive.
Se sa zot prensip.
En prensip malad.
Lekel ki ti dir ki dimoun aze Sesel i ganny tro Me i swazir pou pa fer li. Vreman malad!
pti gin larzan? I’n fini ganny pouvwar, i pa bezwen personn.
Lekel ki ti dir ki Msye Rene pa kapab vini Apre, Gervais Henrie, i vin sant tou kalite litera-
toule lannen a lokazyon son lanniverser e LDS, son prop parti politik, pa kontan letan tir “Standing Orders”.
azout zis 50 roupi lo larzan vyeyar? United Seychelles pe dir zot fer li. Zis pou fer ou krwar lizour pour aswar.
Lekel ki ti dir ki dimoun aze i bezwen en bon Dirizan Lopozisyon dan Lasanble Nasyonal, Se- Nou bann GRANMOUN pa bezwen literatir
logmantasyon ennfwa pour tou? bastien Pillay, i pas dan kantite problenm akoz i “Standing Orders”.
Lekel ki ti dir aret zwe politik avek dimoun pe dir zot fer li. Zot bezwen PLIS LARZAN.
aze e donn zot ase larzan pour viv dan dig- Sa zafer larzan, LDS pa oule tande sa. Zis parey Onorab Sebastien Pillay ti pe DE-
nite? Tou Seselwa ozordi i konnen. MANDE.
LEKEL KI TI DIR TOU SA BANN ZOLI Lidership LDS i voras! Eski sa i difisil pour konpran?
PAROL? Zot beze voras!
Sete pa lot ki Wavel Ramkalawan! Sa bann letan i “ZOT A PRAN TOU SA KI POUR ZOT.
tya pe rod pouvwar. ZOT A MENM PRAN TOU SA KI POUR OU OSI.”
JULY 2024 I Vol. 3 I No 24
20 PAGE 6
This is not
nder the pressure for accounta- wasting taxpayers' money on this cant because it marks the end of un- government which has not made
U bility and transparency, Ramka-
lawan's government has resorted to
RG12 riot vehicle when the police
know that since 25th October 2020,
rest or demonstrations by LDS,
making purchasing a riot vehicle
any tangible progress to improve
the lives of the people in the past
using the National Assembly com- there has been no need for this ve-unnecessary. We, however, know of a four years. This lack of concern for
mittees to oversee the projects or hicle. This date is sig- paranoid little man sinking the ship the people's suffering is a cause for
work that have been criticised. Ho- nifi- called Seychelles. This deception is a empathy among the citizens.
wever, with the LDS' absolute power cause for feeling deceived among the Another example of how they can
over both the executive and legis- citizens. use the National Assembly to con-
lature, they need to be more A president is only paranoid or ceal corruption is how they rejected
truthful and accountable for afraid of the people when he the opposition's motion to set up an
the crises they keep cre- knows he has been a failure oversight committee for Assump-
ating. This misuse of power because he cannot do the tion and Cosmoledo islands. Still,
is a cause for outrage job. He is paranoid when after that, it says that the Islands'
among the citizens. he knows his decisions Committee of the National Assembly
For example, the rusted affect the people. But, be- will oversee—the same parliament
second-hand armoured Round cause he is greedy and where they hold over a two-thirds
vehicle they bought from the world selfish, blinded by privi- majority—figuratively showing
South Africa. It may not leges and the perks of how they are two separate groups.
be a crisis, but a waste of in 14 days the title, he will not relin- Still, in reality, they are one and the
taxpayers' money. To divert quish power back to the same.
the allegation that State voters but prefers to It's as if instead of sending the police
House wanted this vehicle, see them continue to to a crime scene, friends or collabo-
now the onus of this blunder suffer in poverty and rators of the perpetrators are sent.
falls on the police. This means the desperation, grappling with the See how LDS take the people of Sey-
police will take all responsibility for high cost of living, and a stagnant chelles for fools!

Mr President, Seychellois can

hold a "legitimate protest"
avel Ramkalawan knows that state of affairs: that their parents done nothing but travel the world. Seychellois youth to register to vote
W Seychellois can hold legitimate
protests based on the failures of his
and grandparents cannot afford The opposition also encourages the in the next election if they qualify.
three meals a day due to the high
government. However, Seychellois cost of living, that politicians prefer
also know of the consequences of foreigners over their own people and
such demonstrations on the image country; that politicians compro-
and reputation of their country and mise the safety of the country; that
choose stability and peace. There- politicians do nothing to earn fat sal-
fore, the opposition prefers and en- aries and allowances; that politicians
courages them to participate in cannot run the government and to
peaceful activities such as rallies, avoid bankruptcy they take lots of
where they can voice their concerns loans from foreign institutions; that
and show their disagreements. These their decisions cripple the economic
rallies serve as a platform for every- and social aspects of the Seychellois
one, especially, the youth to express families; and last but not least, that
their frustration with the current in 4 years in office, the president has

JULY 2024 I Vol. 3 I No 24
20 PAGE 7
AND READY" will lead to LDS' defeat
Arrogance of being in power

uring this week's National As- the Assembly's operations. "Standing Orders" say about it? What is evident is:
D sembly proceedings, Deputy
Speaker Gervais Henrie made a sig-
Or the other way around:
He may be "ready" today but not
It must be borne in mind that the
'Standing Orders' are the pieces of
The political landscape gets darker
as the light of impending elections
nificant statement. He declared that "willing" until next year. literature that guide all proceedings shines brighter.
he would rule on' Matters of Privi- Does this mean that the entire Na- in the National Assembly, ensuring One wonders if Henrie's statement is
lege" raised by two US members, tional Assembly and the Seychellois order and fairness. And all members original. Or whether he has plagia-
Hon Sebastien Pillay and Hon Johan people will be at the mercy of Ger- must abide by them. That also in- rized one warbled by a foreign pol-
Loze, when he was 'willing' and vais Henrie's schedule? Are we to cludes the Speaker and Deputy itician somewhere. Something he is
'ready'. wait until he is both 'willing' and Speaker. good at.
What arrogance! 'ready' to hear a ruling on essential A statement like "When I am Willing Desperate men not only take des-
How does that sort of statement fit matters in the National Assembly? and Ready" goes too far. perate actions but also say desperate
in a modern democracy? It raises se- Should one individual have such su- It is sheer arrogance. things.
rious questions about the function- preme liberty? Does he have that su- It is the stamp of dictatorship.
ing of our democratic institutions, preme liberty? What does the
especially since he had previously
made an illegal pronouncement to
cut the salaries of the US members
after he had said that there was no
quorum to continue Tuesday's sit-
Henrie invokes the "Standing Or-
ders" whenever he makes decisions.
But what does it say on rulings in
Matters of Privilege? Indeed, there
must be a time frame within which
the Speaker or Deputy Speaker
must pronounce themselves. They
cannot do so when they are 'willing"
and "ready".
If the 'Standing Orders' do not
specify a timeframe, it implies that
Gervais Henrie could be 'willing' to
give his ruling today, but not 'ready'
to do so until next year. This poten-
tial delay could significantly impact

vre ki zizman tenerer zanmen Lavi i SER Sesel. later, e se zot ki ki’n travay pour OUBLIY SON NESANS)
I pou fini lo sa later.
Zizman tenerer i rann lavi inosan
E i pe vin pli SER de zour an zour
anba gouvernman LDS.
donn koudmen batir fondasyon nou
sosyete. Me, i annan en tan pour TOU.
malere. Alor ki i annan mal si Dirizan Lo- Kwa ki mal si United Seychelles pe En tan pour TOU lo sa later.
Zizman tenerer pe met bokou Se- pozisyon, Sebastien Pillay, pe dir rod plis larzan pour zot? 2025 pou dir si li Gervais Henrie ti
selwa dan problenm. zot FER MONTE larzan Sekirite pe byen fer.
Sosyal? Me, Gervais Henrie, ki li osi in ne Me i kler.
Me, Gervais Henrie, Depite Spiker I pe senpleman rod dwa NOU DI- dan en fanmir mizer, in deside pa 2025 pou prouve ki sete Onorab Se-
Lasanble Nasyonal, i kontan ZIZ- MOUN AZE. aksepte sa kestyon. bastien Pillay ki ti annan rezon.
MAN TENERER. NOU BANN VYE GRANMOUN. I’n deside pa les SON PROP GRAN- En manm Lasanble Nasyonal i la
I pe aplik li “full blast”. Eski pa sanmenm sa ki nou tou MOUN e GRANMOUN NOU TOU pour vin rod tou sa ki byen pour
Li, apiye par son tim LDS. nou sipoze pe rode? ganny plis larzan. LEPEP.
Anplis, in deside pini Onorab Sebas- I pa la pour vin rod tou sa ki byen
Wi! Sa bann dimoun zot bezwen plis tien Pillay ek son tim United Sey- pour son sef.
Dimoun aze Sesel i bezwen plis lar- larzan pou fini zot lavi dan tou dig- chelles akoz zot in oze demann sa Pour en DIKTATER.
zan konman zot benefis Sekirite nite. kestyon.
Sosyal. Apretou, se zot k’n met nou lo (ZONM DAN LOPILANS, SOUVAN I

7 JULY 2024 I Vol. 3 I No 24 PAGE 8


here is a strong likelihood that

that defend, uphold, and promote the able. litical damage through their ques-
T the present National Assembly
in Seychelles might not reach the
rights of the Seychellois people,
especially the less fortunate ones in
LDS would like to be able to rule as
it pleases in the absence of a credible
tions and motions. It has to calm
down that wind of defeat.
end of its mandate, which is sup- our society. This is the party's political opponent. This is how HOW ARE THEY DOING IT?
posed to end sometime in Sep- founding principle. matters stand. They prevent US MNAs from ex-
tember 2025. An early dissolution of
One example is their call for the sen- Now, the elections are just around pressing themselves.
the National Assembly by the LDS ior citizens to receive a substantial the corner. They disallow Private Notice Ques-
themselves could significantly alter
increase in their monthly Social Se- The US is definitely winning over tions (PNQ) and motions.
the political landscape in Seychelles,
curity Benefits. the electorate. Its MNAs present They peruse through the (Standing
potentially leading to fresh elections.
In fact, that was the very question solid arguments which show how Orders) all night to find out where
All indications point to such a sce-
asked this week, which caused an up- the government of Wavel Ramkala- there is the slightest loophole to dis-
nario. Suppose they keep up with roar and subsequent walk-out by the wan has failed them and the country. qualify a (PNQ) submitted by the
their oppressive mentality towards opposition from the National As- The policies and motions they pres- Leader of the Opposition. Even a
their fearless opponents. In that case,
sembly. ent, such as those aimed at increas- misplaced punctuation mark will do.
the public will add their voices with
On the other hand, LDS, the majority ing Social Security Benefits for The intention is obvious.
a call for change. How long would party and the party in government, people aged 65 onwards, are sound Frustrate the MNAs from the mi-
LDS withstand the pressure? As we needs more. and reflect the people's will. nority party.
have said, it is not a democracy with-
It only wants to implement its So, the wind is blowing hard. It is so Frustrate them so hard that they
out the opposition in parliament. agenda. An agenda to promote the hard that the sail of LDS is about to must walk out of the house.
There is a fierce and unyielding po-
interest of its leaders. An agenda to tear. But the party cannot allow that Their questions, then, will not be
litical tussle between the two oppos-
eliminate United Seychelles, its most to happen. No! Not so close to an heard by the Seychellois audience.
ing parties in the house. dreaded political opponent. An election. The overall impression will be that
Both of them stand firm, refusing to
agenda to force liberal policies, such It has as party leader, the Speaker of those people want to avoid working.
retreat. as those related to economic re- the National Assembly. It also has as But this strategy will backfire big
Both of them stand their ground, re-
forms or social issues, down the Secretary General the Deputy time. Those orchestrating this
fusing to surrender. throats of the Seychellois people. Speaker of the National Assembly. strategy may soon find themselves
Policies which the Seychellois people, So, LDS is now using those two tools needing a job.
United Seychelles, the minority particularly the less fortunate ones, to try and stop MNAs from United With fresh elections, they must fight
party, wants to bring in questions often find challenging or disagree- Seychelles from inflicting more po- hard to return to their positions.

7 JULY 2024 I Vol. 3 I No 24 PAGE 9

eselwa pa merit zanmen vot pour en MNA

E dan okenn distrik.

bann PO FLER.
Me omwen zot ti bann BON PO FLER.
Bann PO FLER pour dibyen Seselwa.
Akoz? Bann PO FLER ki ti pran ek gouvernman e donn
Tan ki i annan en gouvernman LDS opouvwar, ou OU KI TI VOT POUR ZOT.
pa kapab vot pour en MNA ki osi LDS.
Si ou vot pour en MNA LDS, i vedir ki ou pe gat Ozordi sa bann MNA LDS se bann vre PO FLER.
ou letan. Zot osi bann “YES MEN”.
Ou pe les ou vot desann dan en rigol delo. Me anplis, zot zis bann LISER.
MNA LDS pa pou travay pour ou. Zot pe siport zis gouvernman.
Akoz i pa pou zanmen KAPAB travay pour ou. Zis Wavel
Si i esey travay POUR OU, i vedir ki i pou bezwen Me, eski pa i menm zafer si gouvernman i US e Pa personn ankor.
travay KONT Wavel Ramkalawan. nou vot pour en MNA US? Zot menm siport gouvernman dan keksoz ki fer
E nou tou nou’n vwar pandan sa dernyen 4 an. NON! ou DIMAL.
WAVEL. Diferans se ki: Se la kot diferans i ete!
MENM SI I DAN MAL, ZOT DIR I BYEN. United Seychelles i fer DIBYEN pour Seselwa.
I travay pour anmenn prosperite pour tou Se- Zot siport gouvernman dan:
Nenport kwa ki sa boug i dir fer, zot tou zot fer. selwa. Keksoz ki fer ou vin pli MIZER.
Nenport kwa ki i demann zot pour siporte, zot Ozordi Seselwa i konn laverite. Keksoz ki SER OU ZIGO.
tou zot siporte. Avan eleksyon 2016 ti koumsa. Keksoz ki rann lavi ou zanfan MALERE.
Menm si sa keksoz i kont OU LENTERE. Gouvernman ti PARTI LEPEP, preski tou MNA Konmsi an 2020 ou ti’n donn ou vot lisyen pour
OU KI TI VOT POUR ZOT. ti osi sorti dan PARTI LEPEP. manze.
Me ti annan progre dan pei. Se sa rezon akoz Sesel i koumsa ozordi.
Serten dimoun pou demande: Ti napa lamizer nwanr dan pei. Ou pa devret fer sa fot ankor.
I annan ki osi dir ki sa bann MNA sa letan ti zis

Poking His
the bear
avel Ramkalawan is a
president who seems to
violating our expression rights.
But be mindful, Ramkalawan,
mand an election and remove
him if he treats them as his R
ecently, we have seen his rebuke with a
smile that is anything but genuine, a smile
have forgotten the people who Seychellois will not take every playthings. Seychellois will not that conveys no joy- a smile that he must find
put him in office. This is ev- decision you make lying down. resort to unrest, but they can horrifying when he looks in the mirror, which
ident in how his party turns We will continue to voice our peacefully and legitimately de- we are sure he often does. He advised the youth
against the activists/supporters concerns until they are heard. mand his departure if he re- to look in the mirror and smile back at them-
when they criticise his bad Wavel Ramkalawan may hold fuses to respect them. This selves when under pressure. He should be fa-
decisions. He turns a blind eye the title of president. Still, he amendment to the penal code miliar with the insincere, forced smile we are
to the blunders of his admin- has no right to trample on our should be put on hold or lim- discussing.
istration in government. His rights and privileges. His mis- ited to protect those genuinely Having said that, we also bear in mind that
preference to stay away from use of power, like a god ma- discriminated against, not pol- most people who greet and meet him also bear
Seychelles, even if it means nipulating laws to suit his iticians and their lust for a phoney smile because the whole nation de-
using the country's limited re- whims, is not just disappoint- power. We have the power to tests how, under his leadership, LDS is ruining
sources to fund his lavish ing; it's outrageous. His advi- demand change and must not our country with their incompetence, such as
travels, further demonstrates sors and cabinet should remind hesitate to use it. If LDS con- in health, education, and economic sectors, and
his detachment. He is introduc- him that he is a servant of the tinues to refuse to take heed of arrogance when he retaliates against criticism
ing amendments to the penal people. the people's concerns. in interviews and press conferences, and his
code, such as hate speech, to The people of Seychelles hold ministers do the same in the legislature when
punish his opponents, thereby the power and privilege to de- questioned by the opposition.

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Published by UNITED SEYCHELLES, Produced by the Information Services of UNITED SEYCHELLES,
Tel: 4225859 Tlx 2226 Fax: 4225070 email:
5 MAY 2024 I Vol. 3 I No 16 Website: Editor: Sheila LAFORTUNE. PAGE 9

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