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Time 2:30Hrs Year 2023


1. This paper consist of section A,B and C with a total of 10 questions

2. Answer all questions in the space provided
3. All writing must be in black or blue ink.
4. All communication devices are not allowed in examination room
5. Write your name at the top of every page
SECTION A (15 Marks)
Answer all question from this section

1. For each of the items (i) – (x), choose the correct answer from among the given alternatives and write
its letter beside the item number in the answer booklet provided.

(i) Mr. Kengele is a history teacher at Buyuni secondary school. During his lesson, he told the
student that according to Charles Darwin in his theory of evolution of man from primates to
homo-sapiens was associated with technological discovery of fire. Assume that you are the
student in that class tell him at which age did that discovery take place.
A. New stone age
B. Early stone age
C. Late stone age
D. Middle stone age
E. Bronze age
(ii) The students of history should understand the fact that
A. Africa had no development at all before the coming of the missionaries
B. The coming of traders in east Africa by the 19th century was a blessing to Africans handcraft
C. Africa had its own economic and technological achievement before the 15 th century
D. Changes in Africa societies were independent of the contact with asia and Europe by the 20 th
E. The present development problems are result of colonialism only
(iii) Mzee Msaki used his free time to sit under the tree and telling her grandson and daughter stories
about people and events. What kind of historical information was he using? ……
A. Historical site
B. Written records
C. Stony telling
D. Oral tradition
E. Archives
(iv) This pre-colonial economic activity in Africa depended on the availability of clay soil and special
A. Handcraft
B. Basketry
C. Pottery
D. House constructions
E. Iron smelting
(v) The east African societies that developed clan organization based on matrilineal system were:
A. Makonde, Makua, Kamba, Kikuyu and Yao
B. Sandawe, Makua, Tindiga, Hadzabe and Iraqw
C. Chagga, Gogo, Sukuma, Sandawe and Yao
D. Yao, Makonde, Hehe, Sambaa and Luo
(vi) Local trade among Africans societies became possible when:
(a) One society became more powerful than others
(b) Iron tolls had increased
(c) People produced less than their needs
(d) People could produce more than their needs.
(vii) The ability of the early man to walk by using two limbs is known as:
A. Adoption
B. Bi-pedalism
C. Evolution
D. Revolution
(viii) The interlacustrine region is a good example of an area which practiced:
A. Mixed farming
B. Pastoralism
C. Permanent agriculture
D. Shifting agriculture
(ix) Audaghost was a trading topwn in the ………………. Route oof trans-saharan trade:
A. Central
B. Eastern
C. Southern
D. Western
(x) During pre-colonial period, Imbagala and Vimbundu of Angola were:
A. Professional trader
B. Abolitionists of slave trade
C. Pastoral societies
D. Early hunters and gatherers

2. Match the uses of the mineral in LIST A with the correct name of the mineral in LIST B
by writing the letter of the correct response beside the item number in the answer booklet
A. Olduvai gorge

B. Nsongezi

C. Kondoa Irangi

D. Mikindani

E. Bigo

F. Nsongezi

G. Engaruka

H. Isimila
SECTION B (70 Marks)
Answer all questions from this section

3. (a) Reveal two types of sources of history which involve the passing of information with a
word of mouth.

(b) How man obtained food during early Stone Age? (Give two points)

4. (a) If your class teacher tells you to explain in front of the class the physical features of
Homo erectus, how will you explain it to him and to your fellow students?

(b) In centralized states there were usually four units of authority, namely:
i) ii) iii) iv)

5. (a) Name the tools used during the Early Stone Age with;
(i) Australopithecus
(ii) Homo erectus
(iii) Homo sapiens

(b) Write the title given to the kings of the following empires?

( i) The Benin Empire

(ii) The Oyo empire
(iii) The Asante Empire

6. (a) Give the differences between the anthropology and ethnographic records.
(b) Agriculture begun more than 10,000 years ago, but there are reason that motivated the
beginning of agriculture. (Three points)

7. (a) A historian teacher entered the classroom and asked his student to explain the
methods used by Africans before colonialism to ensure the continued productivity land
under permanent cultivation. (Give six points)
(b) (i) Place where metal ore are smelted is called …………………
(ii) The process of preserve the dead body of a person by treating it with special
substances was applied in ……………………….

8. (a) Explain how Africans used to build houses in the pre-colonial era. (Three points)
(b) Mention two commodities involved in Trans - Saharan trade from Western Africa and
two commodities from North Africa. (Each two point)

9. (a) Why age-set organization was popular among the pastoralists? (Three points)
(b) Explain two important routes of the Trans Saharan trade.
SECTION C (15 Marks)
Answer question number ten.

10. During pre-colonial era some African societies were engaged into trade activity which
involves a larger geographical areas and wider variety of goods. As a form one student your
requires to elaborate how this trade affect some Africans societies.(Six points)

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