Mastering the King's Indian Defense

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Robert Bellin & Pietro Ponzetto 4 7 ¢ @: - —_ a | an a 7 ~ RR Hore White can play exfS obliging Black to recapture on 15 with a Piece (since after... px5 there isa favourable discovered attack by ‘xe8) although after. Oxf he must not fall into the trap of playing a pseudo-fork:ifga? O64) ‘and Black’s postion is better in case of either xd exd4 or gxhS Bed, wre? bgt (38) because Black regains the piece with a very lear advantage, 3. Illustrative games Game 1 Miles Sax London 1980 Mar det Plats Variation 1 ap af 2 e 3 oes gr ao An inversion of moves designed to avoid the Griinfeld defence. 4 a rs) 6 te 7 0 ‘This is the point where White declares his intentions regarding the king and also permits the development... b8-6. The principal alternatives are 7 dS (Petrosian System; see Ch.2)and 7 ‘e3 (Gligori System), The later, when it doce not revert (0 this type of centre, brings about those considered in Chapters 2,5, or 6 1 26 a 27 9 bel ‘The most commonly used con tinvation, with which White aims to support the c§ advance by a typical transfer of the Keght to 3. The alternatives are given in the notes to both White’s and Black's ninth moves in the second ‘game. . oa? ‘As well as fesing the path of the fpawn and controling the square 5, this move is also Useful {for maintaining control of eS. This becomes clear should Black, in place of the usual manoeuvre 216-47, ... 7-15 and ... 47 16-€8, try to save two tempi by playing 9 ... eB, in which case White would instantly change plans and challenge the e§ point with the thrust 2-f6, eg, 10243, 15 11 exis 12 Oxf with some advantage bearing in mind the possibility ef occupying the 6 square bo 6 4a Note that White waits for the ‘opponent's Knight to return to 1 before playing 1-13 so as to facilitate the advance o4-<5. The old continuation 11 exf5 has fallen nto disuse because the recaptore 11... Oxf helps Black to make use of the sensitive dd square a 6 The Mar del Plats Centre Black must aot continue with 11... £4 before having forced 1 as this would allow White to rid himseif of his bad bishop by play- ing 12 g4. Moreover, in order to be able to open up lines of attack on the kingsde Black needs to create a breakthrough point in ‘White's pawn structure: rom this derives the need to force £3 in ‘order ta be able to make progress fon the flank aftr ..{5-f4 with the thrust... g&-g5-a4. An alter- native is found in the simplifying ‘move 11... f5xe4 with the idea of exploiting the weakness ofthe o8 square with a subsequent SeT-f5-d4 manoeuvre. But in this case White gains two vital tempi (Ad? and ‘ixed) in com parison with the old line noted above 11 ex"5 x5) which ensure him a small but enduring advan- tage, eg 11. fred 12 Oxed 5 13 Be} Of 14 4B Ohd 15 Sub WxfG 16 ed £65 17 Wer Axes 18 Wred (ee the commentary to Diagram 15) 2 8.69) At this point Black must choose plan. There are thee basic posi- bilities: (1) to continue the counterattack on thekingside with 15-14, as we will see in this ‘game; the clastic and most popular continuation; (2) to take prophy- lactic steps on the queenside by 0 playing ... €7-e5 either immedi- ately or after... 98-8, eg. 12 ©5 13 bt f4 14 ba be, or 12 ‘GhS 13 el 5, as will be seen in game 2; (3) to attack the cefedS pawn chain (after... 8 18) without closing the centre by 15-14, eg. 12... SHR 13 Eel €6 14 bd bS (ee the commentary to Diagrams 18 and 19) n “ BOS 8 “This is Black's tast chance to ‘opt out of the race to got there first’ by trying to open up a path to d4 with 13... oh eg. 14 cxd6 Wrd6 15. dxes 406 16 Obs WeT 17 |d4 with complicated play 4 ze In the present game this pos: ition was reached by a transpos- ition of moves: 10 442 15 11 Hel Of 12 BH 13 O63 95 14 8. Such transpositions are quite 18 frequent in tis variation, but the move order given isthe most log ‘clan most usual in practice. The text move is White's most direct, method of commencing his the: matic pressure on the celle. An alternative, although somewhat ‘more tortuous pian, isto bring the KR to cl: 14 cxdé cxd6 15 OD Ito prevent... 25-94 followed by Wale and Zff-cl, “4 66 Occasionally, when this pos ition has been reached with the Additional interpolation of the moves ... dp¥-h8 and b2-bi, Back can use this knight via ho) coupled with the advance BT-RS to support the breakthrough .. g5-p4. The text move is equally useful for teeing the seventh rank forthe defensi- vejolensive manoeuvre ... 28 1... p78 and... EOT-87, and sending the knight to hé from where, together with the 37, it will exert pressure on 15 end So far, the sacrifice 15 GbS «6 16 cxd6 axbS 17 exc? wd? 18 1W3 has only been mentioned in analysis oe exds 16 Obs Threatening 7 6 an 7 ¥a White supports the knight on ‘S by renewing the threat of eT, asotherwiveit could bechased out ‘of the game by Black's queenside pawns, eg. 17 OP a6 18 a3 'bS. Note that withthe text move White does not yet threaten ‘@bsxa7 on account of .. WaB- bo 7. a8 Black ca also consider permit- ting the penetration of the knight ito 7 and 06, eg. 17... g4 18, Qc) gxf3 19 ged ANB 20 Geb, but the solid text move is the most popular nowadays oat Necessary in order to prevent ‘a7-aG and .. b7-bS. With the double sim of control: The Mar del Plats Centre ling g4 and covering the diagonal thus activating the threat of Baa. ‘This classic position has been ‘much analyzed. There are bas: ically three waysfor Black to meet the “hreat” of ©xa7: (1) to let White play @xa7, having confi ence inthe simplification following the counter ,.. EeT, eg. 19 AIR 20 Qxa? Ee? 21 aS Ered 22 xd8 Exe? 23 Oxck xed 24 O03 4 with a position curently considered balanced; 2) to sacrifice the pawn in order to fain time for the kingside attack, as we shall se inthe present game; (8) to prevent the capture of the eh-dT side by ...2T-a6 and ... B7-bS, eg 19... 2a7 20 Wb3 4mm 21 Zed a6 22 a3 Bg7 23 h3 Oh 24 Biel bE 25 Hot gd 26 ined 'bS with an extzemely complicated position, 9 rt ‘Now itis White who stands at the crossroads: to take on a7 oF mon mer ‘These two thematic moves merely postpone White's decision. 21 exaT Quite apart from the counter » oT, there is the danger associ ‘ated with this continuation tha it will cost ime to bring the knight bck into play. 21 5 and 21 3, have also been experimented with Mae ar Deciding against the simp! ification with 21... ZeT. The interpolation of h3 on the twenti- eth move provides the as yet unteied possibilty 21... xia" 22 gxh3 Ba, a a) 23 wb White prepares to defend along the third rank. 2 ens Given that sooner or later Black will need to bring the 2e8 into play on 16 in order to support the ‘4 thrust, this sidestep is useful in cutting out potential dangers along the a2-y8 diagonal which ould follow from the Koight fvasion Ob5-

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