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 The graph shows the percentage of CO2 emissions per person in the UK,

Sweden, Italy and Portugal between 1967 and 2007.

The line graph illustrates how much CO2 emissions were released per individual in four different
countries from 1967 to 2007.

The line graph illustrates the proportion of CO2 emitted per individual in four different nations (namely,
including ) from 1967 to 2007

 The graph shows the proportion of visitors to London, New York, and
Paris cities between 2000 and 2005.
the line graph indicates the percentage of tourists to three different cities from 2000 to 2005.

The line graph gives information about how many visitors went/came to three different cities from 2000
to 2005.

 The graph shows the spending on housing, food and healthcare in

France from 1998 to 2005. Units were measured in dollars.
The line graph compares the payments for three different categories in France between 1998 and 2005.

The line graph illustrates how much money was spent on three different categories including housing,
food, and healthcare in France between 1998 and 2005.

 The graph shows the consumption of beef and pork by people in the UK
between 1960 and 2000. Units were measured in pounds.
The line graph illustrates the amount of beef and pork consumed/eaten/ used by people in the UK from
1960 to 2000.

The line graph gives information about how much beef and pork were eaten by people in the UK from
1960 to 2000.

 The graph shows the number of people who commuted to work by train,
bus and car from 1990 to 2010.
The line graph compares the quantity of people commuting to work by three different means of
transport between 1990 and 2010
The line graph illustrates how many people traveled to work by three different means of transport
between 1990 and 2010

 The graph shows oil production in the US, UK and Iran between 1990
and 2006. Units are measured in million tons.
The line graph compares the amount of oil produced in three different countries from 1990 to 2006.

The line graph illustrates how much oil was produced/ generated in three different countries from 1990
to 2006.
2 câu overview

Bước 1: Nhìn điểm đầu và điểm cuối của biểu đồ, xác định dây nào tăng lên
dây nào giảm xuống.

Bước 2: Viết 1 câu thể hiện sự tăng giảm của các dây.

Bước 3: Nhìn vào dây cao nhất và dây thấp nhất, hoặc các điểm nhấn của biểu đồ
để tìm ra điểm nổi bật thứ 2.

Bước 4: Viết 1 câu thể hiện điểm đặc biệt ở bước 3, chú ý dùng từ nối. (In addition/

Cấu trúc tổng quan cho câu Overview và body

• Overview: there was an increase in… (with…witnessing the most dramatic
rise,/consistently had the highest figures throughout the period while (if there is
another trend). In addition,.. The highest figures…
• Body: the number/proportion/amount of …started at…, after which it experienced
a rise/ growth/ decline to… in, before ending the period
Overall, There was a decrease in the amount of CO2 emissions released per
individual in the United Kingdom and Sweden, while an increase can be seen in the
figures for Italy and Portugal over the period. In addition, the United Kingdom had
the highest figures in all given years, whereas the opposite was true for Portugal.
The production of CO2 emissions in the UK started at just under 11 metric tonnes,
after which it experienced a gradual decline, before ending the period at around 8
metric tonnes.
The CO2 emissions released by Sweden start at roughly 8 metric tonnes, after which
it underwent a rise to peak at just over 10 metric tonnes, before ending the period at..
before falling sharly to nearly 5 metric tonnes.
The amount of CO2 emissions emmited by Italy started at about 4 metric tonnes,
after which it witnessed a dramatic rise to nearly 8 metric tonnes in 1997, before
staying unchanged in last 10 years.
The amount of CO2 generated from Portugal started at 1 metric tonnes, after which
it underwent a significant rise to 5 metric tonnes in 1997, before remaining constant
at this figure over the last 10 years.
The graph shows waste production, measured in millions of tonnes from three different
sources between 1990 and 2005.

Overall, there was a decrease in the amount of waste produced by industry and households, while an
increase can be seen in the figure for transport over the period, leading to a decline in the total waste. In
addition, households produced the least amount of waste during the entire period.
BTVN 11.07.2024

Viết introduction và overview cho đề sau, mô tả 4 đường trong hình theo mẫu câu đã học

1. The graph shows the amount of money spent on books in Germany, France, Italy and Austria
between 1995 and 2005.

(the number/proportion/amount of …started at…, after which it experienced a rise/ growth/ decline to…
in, before ending the period at …)

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