RDA-Car-Ijarah-Form (1)

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Meezan House, C-25,
Estate Avenue, SITE,
Karachi, Pakistan

Dear Sirs,

I have requested/am requesting Meezan Bank Ltd (the “Bank”) for extending banking facilities, financial
accommodation and finances as defined in the Financial Institutions (Recovery of Finances) Ordinance, 2001 (the
“FIO”) and/or in terms of applicable laws (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Facilities”), I do hereby
irrevocably record, confirm agree and undertake as follows:

1. I shall pass instruction and communication to the Bank and execute all requests, applications, undertakings,
agreement(s) and other banking documents/security documents (collectively the “Financing & Security
Documents”), in favor of the Bank from time to time, by electronic means (the “Electronic Execution”) in
compliance with Electronic Transactions Ordinance, 2002 (“ETO”).

2. I do hereby request and unconditionally authorize the Bank to act and rely on any Electronic Execution of
Financing & Security Documents including the instructions / communications pertaining to the operation of
all my accounts, being maintained with the Bank and/or in respect of Facilities which may from time to
time be given through my authenticated login at Bank’s official website/portal.

3. I understand and acknowledge that there are inherent risks involved in Electronic Execution (which may
include any fraudulent activity by any person, whosoever); hence I hereby unconditionally agree,
acknowledge, undertake and confirm that all risks, losses, damages and costs, arising out of and in relation
to the Electronic Execution of Financing & Security Documents shall be fully borne by me, without any
exception and assume entire liability for the same, and except willful misconduct, gross negligence or
fraudulent acts of the Bank, the Bank shall not be liable for any losses, costs, claims or damages including
but not limited to legal fees on any matter, arising out of and in relation to Electronic Execution, as
stipulated herein.

4. That the Bank shall be entitled to act or refuse to act on Electronic Execution, as the Bank deems fit,
without incurring any liability whatsoever to me or to any other person.

5. The Bank may allow the Electronic Execution of Financing & Security Documents in its discretion,
considering the nature of particular transaction. I hereby agree that security procedure (the “Security
Procedure”), which the Bank observes for Electronic Execution, is secure and reliable to my entire
satisfaction for consummation of the electronic transactions in accordance with applicable provisions of
ETO. I shall never bring any claim against Bank whatsoever in respect of the Security Procedure for
consummation of the electronic transactions.

6. The electronic communication and Electronic Execution of Financing & Security Documents shall be
unconditionally and legally binding on me for all intents and purposes without making any denial/dispute,
whatsoever inter alia in relation to the electronic signatures, Security Procedure and/or all connected and
ancillary matters.

7. That the Electronic Execution of Financing & Security Documents shall be conclusively presumed for the
Bank’s benefit to be duly authorized by and legally binding on me, and I shall be fully liable for the same.
The Bank shall not be liable to ensure the authenticity, validity or source of any Electronic Execution and
shall not be liable if any Electronic Execution turned out to be unauthorized, erroneous or fraudulent, in any
manner, whatsoever.
8. I shall not make any claim against or hold Bank liable, by reason of or on account of Bank, having acted or
refused to act on any Electronic Execution by me, or the Bank having acted wrongly or mistakenly, or
Bank’s failure to act wholly or in part in accordance with the Electronic Execution except willful
misconduct, gross negligence or fraudulent acts of the Bank,. This undertaking cum indemnity is subject to
SBP’s regulations and/or Bank’s operational guidelines/policies.

9. Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the Bank may, under circumstances determined by Bank in its
absolute discretion, require from me confirmation of any of my instruction and/or Electronic Execution of
Financing and Security Documents in such form as the Bank may specify before acting on the same; and I
shall submit such confirmation to Bank immediately upon receipt of request. Pursuant to receipt of
confirmation, the Bank shall have the right but not the obligation to act upon such instructions. If required
by the Bank, I shall execute the physical documents before and/or after the Electronic Execution have been
acted upon by the Bank. I will always be willing to comply with Bank’s all instructions before
consummation of Electronic Execution of Financing and Security Documents.

10. The Bank shall not be liable to me and/or any other person action on my behalf and I jointly and severally
with my such representative shall indemnify and keep the Bank indemnified from and against all claims
either against me/us or any other, actions, demands, liabilities, costs, charges, damages, losses, expenses
and consequences of whatever nature (including legal fees on a full indemnity basis) and howsoever
arising, which may be brought or preferred against Bank or that Bank may suffer, incur or sustain by reason
of or on account of having so acted whether wrongly or mistakenly or not, or of failing to act wholly or in
part in accordance with the Electronic Execution and the terms of this letter of indemnity except willful
misconduct, gross negligence or fraudulent acts of the Bank,.

11. I confirm that the Electronic Execution shall comply with the requirements of ETO and shall not be
contrary to any law for time being in force in Pakistan as well as the country where Electronic Execution is
performed. I further confirm to have the capacity and authority to accept this document and that this
document constitutes my valid, legal, effective and enforceable obligation.

12. This undertaking cum indemnity is without prejudice to Bank’s all rights, interests and remedies, available
to the Bank particularly under Financing and Security Documents, FIO, ETO and generally under
prevailing laws of Pakistan.

13. This undertaking cum indemnity document shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of

 I confirm having read and understood the contents of above document and convey my acceptance to the
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Application Form

Current Employment Details

Residential Phone No. Cell No.

If rental, rent per month

Residing at current address since Previous Employment Details

Residential Address (current)

Phone No. Cell No.

Phone No.

Residential Address (current)

Phone No. Cell No.


Phone No.

I came to know about Meezan Bank Car Ijarah from

Branch Name
Sales Person Name Code

Direct Sales Person Name Code

Dealer Name
Vehicle will be used for Personal Commercial
Dear Customer, I hereby declare that all the information
This section is designed to provide you with stated herein and otherwise provided by me
relevant information about the Car Ijarah to the Bank from time to time is true and
program and to enable you to understand the correct in all respects. I confirm that in case
my signature(s) herein below differ
case approval process and applicable
materially from the signature on my
charges; Computerized National Identity Card,
1. The customer shall be responsible for Meezan Bank is authorized and instructed to
selecting the vehicle. rely on the Agreement(s) and other
2. The customer will provide the Security documents, which I may enter into with
Deposit before disbursement of Ijarah Meezan Bank in relation to my Car Ijarah I
facility. In case of used (already registered) also authorize Meezan Bank to verify any
vehicles, the customer shall get the vehicle information as per their policy. The
transferred in the Bank’s name prior to verification may be carried out as deemed
appropriate by Meezan Bank, either through
signing of the Lease Agreement. its own staff or other sources as deemed
3. You will be required to pay processing appropriate.
charges (Non-refundable) at the time of I undertake to issue Post-dated Cheques
login the case along with the documents against Car Ijarah monthly rentals payable
as mentioned in point 8. during the tenure of the Ijarah. I certify that I
4. Please do not give cash to any employee or have clearly read the paras (1) to (8) of the
representative of Meezan Bank for any section above containing relevant
charges, or services or for any other information about Meezan Bank Car Ijarah
scheme and have clearly understood the
same and agree to abide by the same.
5. Meezan Bank reserves the right to reject any I understand and undertake the Processing
application without assigning any reason. Charges are non-refundable. I also
6. In case the applicant’s cheque for understand that this facility is only offered to
Application Processing & Documentation Pakistani nationals and do hereby declare
charges or Security Deposit is dishonored, that I am a Pakistani national.
Meezan Bank reserves the right to reject All payments should be made through
the application. Pay-order or Cross-cheque in favour of
7. In case your application is approved, you “Meezan Bank” only. Meezan Bank will not
be responsible or liable for payments made
will be required to pay the amount for the through cash or bearer cheques.
Security Deposit before disbursement of
the facility. Undertaking Option for Financing to a
8. The processing of your application will be Related Party
commenced after receipt of complete : I hereby undertake that I do not have
documents as listed below: any family member(s) employed with
a) Application form duly filled and signed Meezan Bank Limited.
by the applicant I hereby undertake that I have family
member(s) employed with Meezan
b) Copy of CNIC
Bank Limited. (Particulars of the same
c) One recent passport size photograph are attached on a separate sheet)
d) Salary slip or certificate (for salaried
individuals) Tick any one option
e) Original or certified copy of last six Option 1
months bank statement of salary “I am aware that Meezan Bank’s regular
account (for salaried individuals) - practice is to spread recovery or
(Online Statements are not acceptable) Registration/Transfer & Transportation
f) Original or certified copy of last six Charges over the total lease rentals. I
request that my lease be structured in
months bank statement, business or the way.”
personal (for business and self Option 2
employed individuals) - (Online “I am aware that Meezan Bank’s regular
Statements are not acceptable) practice is to spread recovery of
g) Specimen signature card duly signed and Registration/Transfer & Transportation
stamped by the bank / employer Charges over the total lease rentals. I
h. Business proofs / Evidence of other request that instead, my first rent be
income (for Businessmen/Self increased to recover these charges.”
Employed professionals).
Signature of Applicant Date




Dear Sirs,

I / We ___________________________ have availed Car Ijarah facility. I hereby declare that Mr.
____________________having CNIC # ________________________will take delivery and use the vehicle on
my behalf.

My nominee shall abide by the terms and conditions agreed by me with bank regarding use of vehicle. The bank
shall also be authorized to take all actions and exercise all its rights against my said nominee for recovery of
possession of vehicle on any default of my commitments with the bank.

Nominee Name: ______________________________

Nominee CNIC #: ______________________________

Nominee Relationship: ____________________________

Nominee Residential Address: ____________________________

 I confirm having read and understood the contents of above document.

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