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Aldehyde, Ketone & Carboxylic Acid DPP-01

Q.1 The best method for the conversion of ethanol to Q.5 When CH3MgI reacts with CH3CN and the
ethanal is- product is hydrolysed, we get-
(A) By passing ethanol vapours over Cu at 578 (A) Propanal (B) Acetone
K (C) Formaldehyde (D) Acetaldehyde
(B) By oxidation with acidic potassium
dichromate Q.6 Ethylidene chloride (CH3CHCl2) on hydrolysis
(C) By oxidation with mangenese dioxide at with NaOH gives -
300ºC (A) CH3CHO (B) CH3COCH3
(D) By oxidation with acidic KMnO4
(C) CH3CH(OH)2 (D) C2H5OH

Q.2 By treating toluene with chromyl chloride in

Q.7 (HCOO)2Ca + (CH3COO)2Ca on dry
 "A" -
CCl4 and decomposing the complex with water,
Product A is–
the reaction is named as – (A) Propanone (B) Methanal
(A) Etard reaction (C) Ethanal (D) One of the above
(B) Sandmeyer’s reaction
(C) Schotten Baumann reaction Q.8 When calcium acetate is heated with calcium
(D) Stephen’s reaction formate then, we get-
(A) Methanol (B) Acetic acid
(C) Acetaldehyde (D) Acetone
Q.3 The product formed by the reaction of propyne
with dil. H2SO4 in the presence of Hg2+ can not
Q.9 A Pd
/   –CHO 

BaSO 4
  B
SnCl 2 / HCl
H2 (ii ) H 2 O
be prepared by the following reaction-
(A) Dry distillation of calcium ethanoate A and B respectively are –
(B) By passing vapours of ethanoic acid over (A) Benzoyl chloride, benzonitrile
MnO at 300ºC (B) Benzyl chloride, benzylnitrile
(C) By ozonolysis of 2- Butene (C) Benzal chloride, benzonitrile
(D) By alkaline hydrolysis of isopropylidene (D) Benzotrichloride, benzonitrile
Q.10 The reaction -
CH3COCl + H2 Xylene
  CH3CHO + HCl is
Q.4 Benzaldehyde will be formed in the reaction – Pd / BaSO 4

(A) Hydrolysis of C6H5CHCl2 (A) Stephen's reaction

(B) Ozonolysis of C6H5CH = CH2 (B) Rosenmund reaction
(C) Hoffmann reaction
(C) Both the above (D) Cannizzaro's reaction
(D) None of the above
Q.11 Acetone will be obtained by the ozonolysis of -
(A) 1-Butene (B) 2-Butene
(C) Isobutene (D) 2-Butyne

Q.12 What is the function of BaSO4 in Rosenmund

reactionn -
(A) To stop further oxidation of aldehyde
(B) To stop further reduction of aldehyde
(C) Act as a poisonous catalyst
(D) It checks the reactivity of pd.

Q.13 The slow partial oxidation of ethyl alcohol is

likely to form-
(A) CO2+H2O (B) Acetic acid
(C) CH + H2O (D) Acetaldehyde

Q.14 Reaction of ethyl formate with excess of

CH3MgI followed by hydrolysis gives:
(A) n-Propyl alcohol
(B) Ethanal
(C) Propanal
(D) Isopropyl alcohol

1. (A)
2. (A)
3. (C)
4. (C)
5. (B)
6. (A)
7.` (D)
8. (C)
9. (A)
10. (B)
11. (C)
12. (D)
13. (D)
14. (D)

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