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Story Telling Script - The Princess Who Never Smile

on July 14, 2019

Assalammualaikum and very good morning to the honourable judges,

teachers, parents and my fellow friends. Today, I would like to
present a story entitled the princess who never smiled.

This story took place in Russia a long, long time ago.

During that time, there was a beautiful princess living in a big castle
and her name was Tanya.
But there was something wrong with Princess Tanya, that is, she
never smiled. She never smiled since she was small and this causes
her father, the king, worried.
He always thinks of how to make her princess smile.
One day, the king thought to himself,
“I must find a way to make my daughter happy. I want to see her
And he had an idea. He believes a magician could make her daughter
He paid a magician to amaze his daughter. The magician did a magic
trick that makes everyone happy, including the king. “Ha, ha, ha. Isn’t
that funny? The king asked his daughter.

“Yes, father. The tricks are great, but they do not make me smile”
The following week, the king paid a clown to make her smile. The
clown did a joke that makes everyone laugh out loud, “ Ha, ha, ha.
Isn’t that funny?” The king asked the princess.
“ Yes, Father. The clown is funny, but he does not make me smile”

He even tried to make her laugh with a mime. But the king still fails
to make his daughter smile.

Finally, the king decided to tell all the people in the country that the
one who makes her laugh would marry the princess. Then, People
from all over Russia went to the castle to try to make the princess
…but none of them could do it.

Very far from the castle, there lived a poor boy named Ivan, who
worked for a farmer.

When he heard about the king's promise, he thought that he could

make her laugh. Then, he told his employer that he wants to try his
luck making the princess laugh. So, Ivan employer gave him 3 coins
for the journey.

On his journey, suddenly, he found a lake. There was a fish. And the
fish called him.
-“Oh, Sir, please, Can you help me?
“ How can I help you, fish?
“ I have lived in this lake for a long time. Now the water is so dirty. I
don't want to live here anymore, but I am poor”. So, Ivan gave the
fish a coin that he has.

“You are very kind. How can I thank you? “

“ Don’t worry; I am happy to help you, I hope you find a nice, new

He continued walking when he found a field. There was a mouse.

And the mouse called him.
“Hello, young man. Can you help me? “
“How can I help you, Mouse?”
“ I have lived in this field for a long time. Now there is no food. I
don’t want to live here anymore, but I am poor,”. So, Ivan gave the
mouse a coin that he has.

“You are very kind, How can I thank you?”

“Don’t worry; I am happy to help you, I hope you find a nice, new
Ivan continued travelling when he found a forest. There was cricket.
And cricket called him.

“Hello! Can you help me?”

“How can I help you, Cricket?”
“I have lived in this forest for a long time. Now it is getting very hot. I
don’t want to live here anymore, but I am poor, “. So, Ivan gave the
cricket a coin that he has.

“How can I thank you?”

- Don’t worry; I am happy to help you. I hope you find a nice, new

Ivan walked and walked. He was poor, hungry and very tired. He was
arriving at the castle when he saw the princess in her window. She
was looking at him. He was so nervous that he fell into a hole. Ivan

“Help! Someone, help me!”

Suddenly, the fish, the mouse, and the cricket appeared.

“Don’t worry! We will save you!”

The three of them pulled the boy from the hole

Princess Tanya, who had seen everything, started to laugh. It was the
funniest thing she had ever seen. She laughed and laughed.
The king was very happy.
He did what he had promised, so Ivan married the princess.
Then, the boy asked the King if his new friends could live with them.
From that day on, the castle was full of smiles and friends. They all
lived happily ever after.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The lesson that we all can learn from this story is that do not worry to
offer help, as the help will come back to us in ways that we could not
imagine. That’s all from me, Bye.

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