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Date Topics to be Covered Methodology

Difference between Leadership & Management Input sharing

Hours) Understanding Various Leadership Styles Group Discussion

Effective Communication Strategies Role Play

Avoiding Common Communication Mistakes

Coaching and Mentoring Input sharing

Day2(2 Being Empathic Group Discussion

Listening Skills Role Play
Leaders as Storyteller
Performance Management Input sharing

Day3(2 Art of giving Feedback Group Discussion

Stake holder Management Role Play
Conflict Management
My Story

I am Jack, I was a senior Faculty before now I am a project

manager in one NIC project , I and team is working in client
university, I have 3 team members and 4 Inida Faculty. I
have no any idea about how and where to start the
mamagement only when I get the task from HO or Client,
please help me on this, how can i find my management

I am Tom, Team leader, There is a member in my team, he

is hard to communication, he is not listenting to me too
much , now I am going to assign a extra session(English
Coner) to him which is at Saturday, how can I talk with him
and make him accept the task.

As a teacher transitioned to leadership in 2016, I faced many challenges and opportunities in my new position. I have several t
work content has changed a lot compared to before. Now, my main responsibility is to manage the team according to the task
headquarters (HO) along with taking delivery sessions, I still adhere to the educational philosophy, through communication an
members, to ensure that every task can be completed efficiently.
In the beginning, I was not used to this role. However, my experience as a teacher makes me good at communicating with peo
strengths and weaknesses of team members in time, so as to carry out effective division of labor and guidance. In one project,
that involved the collaborative work of several departments. With an accurate understanding of the task and effective manag
successfully completed the task and was affirmed by the superiors. Through these experiences, I deeply understand that the c
about command and decision-making, but also about understanding and supporting team members to achieve goals together

I am one of the Pm's in HNU NIC and I have recently encountered some challenging issues. Our employees seem to disregard m
how clearly I instruct, they always act in their own way. This attitude has severely affected the overall efficiency of the team.
What's even more frustrating is that the employees are indifferent to the deductions in their PDA performance scores. Despite
evaluations are directly linked to their bonuses and career development, they show a nonchalant attitude. Even after multiple
being fired, they haven't made any changes.
This is not only a challenge to my management skills but also a blow to the morale of the entire team. I need to find an effectiv
employees value the regulations, understand everyone's duties and responsibilities, and ensure that we can achieve the comp

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