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Feeding pattern of the African big barb

Labeobarbus intermedius (Rüppel, 1836) (Pisces:
Cyprinidae) in Ribb Reservoir, Lake Tana Sub-
basin, Ethiopia

Agumassie Tesfahun & Sale Alebachew

To cite this article: Agumassie Tesfahun & Sale Alebachew (2024) Feeding pattern of
the African big barb Labeobarbus intermedius (Rüppel, 1836) (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in Ribb
Reservoir, Lake Tana Sub-basin, Ethiopia, Cogent Food & Agriculture, 10:1, 2298528, DOI:

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Cogent Food & Agriculture
2024, VOL. 10, NO. 1, 2298528

Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science  | RESEARCH ARTICLE

Feeding pattern of the African big barb Labeobarbus intermedius
(Rüppel, 1836) (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in Ribb Reservoir, Lake Tana
Sub-basin, Ethiopia
Agumassie Tesfahuna and Sale Alebachewb
Department of Biology, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Debre Tabor University, Debre Tabor, Ethiopia; bDeparment
of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Debre Tabor University, Debre Tabor, Ethiopia


The purpose of this study was to investigate the feeding patten of Labeobarbus intermedius Received 28 June 2023
at Ribb Reservoir (Lake Tana Sub-basin, Ethiopia). A total of 498 specimens were collected Revised 18 December
using gillnets. Of these, 302 (60.6%) fish had different foods, while 196 (39.4%) were empty. 2023
Accepted 19 December
The fish were dissected, their stomachs were removed, and stomach contents were preserved 2023
in a 5% formalin solution. Frequency of occurrence, volumetric method, index of preponderance,
and geometric importance index were used to study the feeding pattern. Detritus was the KEYWORDS
primary food, accounting for 61.6% of the guts by volume. Mud, zooplankton, and Feeding pattern;
phytoplankton were the second most important food items comprising 24.4%, 3.9%, and frequency occurrence;
2.8% by volume respectively. Feeding pattern differed with the size classes of fish. The smallest Labeobarbus intermedius;
Lake Tana sub-basin;
fish (<16.5 cm Fork length) consumed detritus, mud, and insects comprised 64.2%, 18.7%, and volumetric method
7.3% by volume, respectively. The adult fish (>17.0 cm FL) majorly consumed detritus followed
by mud. The importance of mud increases when the fish grows more except (>31.5 cm FL) REVIEWING EDITOR
size class. The proportions of food items of L. intermedius significantly varied with respect to Pedro González-Redondo,
the dry and wet seasons. Detritus and mud were mostly consumed in the dry season, Associate Professor,
contributing to 47.8% and 32.4% by volume, respectively. Detritus was the most preferred University of Seville,
Seville, Spain
food item during the wet season, contributing 97.2% of the total guts and 75.6% by volume.
Generally, L. intermedius feeding pattern depending on size classes and seasonal variations SUBJECTS
this may be linked to food availability in the reservoir. Agriculture &
Environmental Sciences;
Lake Tana supports nine migratory spawner large cyprinid fishes. Of these, Labeobarbus Aquatic Science
intermedius migrates up to 60 km distance to reproduce. Ribb River is one of the breeding
sites of this fish species. The African big barb Labeobarbus intermedius (family Cyprinidae) is
the most commercially important fish species. Knowledge of their food and feeding profile is
important to the establishment of aquaculture and for continuing fisheries management. The
Ribb Reservoir is the basin with very important habitats of the endemic cyprinids fish fauna
of the country. Knowledge of the diets and feeding habits of those fish species of the reservoir
has not been systematically studied and explored. The necessity of conducting this study was
to fill gaps in such biologically essential scientific information for the management and
conservation of this dominant fish species in the reservoir.

Introduction country (Tesfaye & Wolff, 2014). Ethiopia has a high

fish production potential estimated at about 94,500
Ethiopia is said to be the water tower in East Africa tons per year from lentic and lotic water bodies
with many lakes (natural and manmade), rivers, and (Tesfaye & Wolff, 2014). The Ribb Reservoir is newly
a chain of wetlands collectively provide the potential established and capture fishery is expected the live-
to capture fisheries (Awoke, 2015). The coverage of lihood of the community. Anteneh et al. (2023) doc-
lakes, human-made waters, and flood plains are umented that the actual fish production from the
13,637 km2 while rivers cover about 8,065 km of the reservoirs of Ethiopia is estimated as 8,059 tons per

CONTACT Agumassie Tesfahun Department of Biology, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Debre Tabor
University, Debre Tabor, Ethiopia
© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unre-
stricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The terms on which this article has been published allow the
posting of the Accepted Manuscript in a repository by the author(s) or with their consent.

year which is very low. L. intermedius (Pisces: freshwater fish species is a subject of continuous
Cyprinidae) (Ruppell, 1836) is a commonly found fish research (Tesfahun & Temesgen, 2018).
species in Kenya (Northern) part and the utmost Because it is important for the continuous of an
parts of Ethiopian waters (Gebremedhin et al., 2019; effective management program on capture fishery
Shewit et al., 2017; Awoke, 2015). This fish species is and fish culture (Shalloof & Khalifa, 2009). In addition
most commonly found in the Ethiopian Rift Valley to this, studies on food and feeding habits of fish
system, Abay Basin, and Baro-Akobo Basin and is empower the credentials of the trophic relations
majorly found in the Lake Tana Basin (Awoke, 2015; found in the aquatic ecology, understanding diet
Vijverberg et al., 2012; Sibbing & Nagelkerke, 2000). composition, structure, and stability of food webs in
Labeobarbus intermedius is one of Ethiopian cap- the ecosystem (Otieno et al., 2014). Furthermore,
ture fisheries’ most commercially important fish spe- information on food and feeding habits of fish are
cies (Anteneh et al., 2012; Dejen et al., 2017). It is also important for fisheries management and aqua-
also edible fish from the Ribb Reservoir. Labeobarbus culture establishment (Adeyemi et al., 2009). Therefore,
intermedius has a versatile feeding pattern and also understanding its food and feeding habit is import-
characterized by a generalist as well as opportunistic ant for effective fish culture in a controlled condition.
omnivorous feeding behavior (Dadebo et al., 2013). In the Ribb Reservoir, a few studies such as the effect
Labeobarbus intermedius feeds on a variety of food of the dam on fish migration, zooplankton assess-
items such as detritus, macrophytes, zooplankton, ment, fish diversity assessment, and food and feeding
insects, molluscs, fish eggs, fish prey, benthic macro- habits of the Oreochromis niloticus (Alebachew et al.,
invertebrates, nematodes, sand grain, mud, fish scale 2022; Tesfahun & Alebachew, 2023; Mequanent et al.,
gastropods, plant seeds, and phytoplankton (Teshome 2021, 2022) have been studied, there has so far been
et al., 2023; Bekele, 2020; Tesfahun & Temesgen, no study on the feeding pattern of L. intermedius,
2018; Nagelkerke et al., 2015; Engdaw, 2014; Dadebo despite its importance to the commercial fishery of
et al., 2013; Deribe et al., 2011; Desta et al., 2006; De the area. Such area-specific information on the feed-
Graaf, 2003). Food is one of the most important bio- ing pattern of this commercially and ecologically
logical factors that affect the lives of all organisms important species is important for management to
(Teshome et al., 2023). The diet composition of the sustain fish resources. Therefore, the current study
fish varies considerably within a wide range of tem- was conducted to study the feeding pattern of the
poral, spatial conditions, and environmental factors African large cyprinid L. intermedius (Rüppel, 1836)
(Teshome et al., 2023; Nagelkerke et al., 2015). The from Ribb Reservoir, South Gondar, Ethiopia.
major factors that influence the diet composition of
L. intermedius are fish size, maturity, environmental
condition, season (water level), depth, latitude and Materials and methods
habitat types (Dadebo et al., 2013; Anteneh et al.,
Study area descriptions
2012). In aquatic systems, where the water level in
lakes and reservoirs have been known to fluctuate, Ribb Dam was built in the middle of two districts,
the quality and abundance of the food items vary Farta and Ebinat, the purpose for irrigation practices
significantly over a time (Tesfahun & Temesgen, (Mequanent et al., 2022; Bezabih, 2021) (Figure 1).
2018). A particular characteristic of L. intermedius is The Ribb reservoir is located in the northeast of Lake
that the increase in size during their ontogeny is cor- Tana Basin. The dam is formed when the damming
related with changes in food quality and quantity in of Ribb River in the South Gondar Zone Lake Tana
aquatic systems and growth varies according to the sub-basin The Ribb River is about 130 km long and
food availability in the environment (Wakjira, 2013). has an average drainage area of 1790 km2, with an
The ontogenetic dietary shift of fish is due to the average annual drainage area of 14.6331 m3s−1. The
productivity of the water and habitat differences reservoir is situated at 11°59'0" N to 12°2'0"N Latitude
(Tesfahun & Temesgen, 2018; Teshome et al., 2023). and 38°0'0"E to 38°2'59"E Longitude (Figure 1). The
The seasonal variation in the diet of the fish is due Ribb Basin is experiencing a higher rate of irrigation,
to the opportunistic habits of the fish which has the particularly in the Ribb Reservoir, which increases at
ability to shift from one food item to another food an alarming rate from time to time (Mekuanent
item. Besides, the seasonal variation of the food and et al., 2021). The climate condition of the reservoir is
feeding habits of fish is also due to the seasonal pro- categorized from May to July as the rainy season.
duction difference of the prey in the water bodies The monthly rainfall varies from 65 mm in May to
(Engdaw, 2014). The study of feeding pattern of 411 mm in July. At the Ribb Reservoir, the mean and
Cogent Food & Agriculture 3

Figure 1. Study area map shows sampling sites at the Ribb Reservoir, Ethiopia.

the minimum precipitation are about 1,400 mm and (TL), fork length (FL), and standard length (SL) were
1,200 mm annum-1 respectively. The weather condi- measured by means of a measuring board of the
tion of Ribb Reservoir is also categorized as Woina nearest 0.1 cm. The weight of the fish (TW) was also
Dega (Ezezew, 2019). The annual temperature ranges measured via a sensitive balance with a sensitivity
from 22.5 °C- 26.2 °C (Mequanent et al., 2022). of 0.1 g.
Blue-green algae like Microcystis are dominant on
the littoral side of the reservoir (Tesfahun &
Extraction of gut contents
Alebachew, 2023). Oreochromis niloticus, Clarias
gariepinus, and Labeobarbus species were found in After morphometric measurements, the fish were lon-
the reservoir (Mequanent et al., 2022). Fourteen spe- gitudinally (at the ventral side) dissected with a dis-
cies of zooplankton were inhabited in the reservoir. secting kit. Then, the whole gut contents of L.
intermedius were removed via applied pressure to
extract the contents of the guts. The gut contents
Fish sampling, and morphometric measurements
were kept in a 5% formalin solution for further analy-
The data collection was performed once per month. sis. Lastly, all gut samples were labeled as (date of
Four hundred ninety-eight fish samples were collected sampling, measurement of length and weight, habi-
during the dry and the wet seasons from February to tats of sampling, fish species, etc.) and transported to
April 2021 and June to July 2021, respectively. Single the Debre Tabor University for the gut content analysis.
filament gillnets were applied with a mesh size of 4,
5, 6, 8, 10, and 12 cm and 25 m in length. Gillnets
Gut content analysis
were set in the evening time (7:00 p.m.) and collected
the catch of the following day (7:30 a.m.). Hereafter, During the laboratory study, the volume of the food
the morphometric measurements such as total length items were measured using a measuring cylinder.

Following this, the preserved foods were placed on ml) were used to determine the index of food pre-
the Petridish and identified (Hyslop, 1980). So, the ponderance (PIi) and geometric importance of
microscopic prey types were examined via the index (GIIi).
XSZ-70DN dissection microscope model and the To measure the relative importance of each food
ST-30-2L stereo microscope (100–400 magnification), item the index of preponderance (IoPi) was calcu-
and the largest prey was determined without the aid lated as (Tomojiri et al., 2019).
of the microscope. The identified food types were
grouped to the lowest taxonomic level by using IoPi = ( %Vi )( %Oi )(3)
descriptions, keys, and literature (Vuuren et al., 2008;
Carling et al., 2004). The food items were determined where Qi is the frequency of occurrence of species i
by relative measures of prey quantities (RMPQ) and %Vi is the percent composition by volume of
(Hyslop, 1980). The relative importance of each prey species i. To understand comparisons among species,
type in the total food content of the gut was studied IoPi was converted into percent IoPi (%IoPi). Besides,
based on percentage frequency (%Q) and percent- to evaluate the relative importance of food items
age contribution (%V) (Assis, 1996). and species-level dietary changes, the Geometric
Index of Importance (GIIi) (Assis, 1996) was mea-
sured as:
Frequency of occurrence ( ∑ RMPQi)
GIIi = (4)
The number of gut specimens contain one or more √n
food types is stated in percentages of all where RMPQi = percentage of volume and frequency
food-contained guts. The role of each food item cat- of occurrence (as a percentage of total occurrences)
egory in the total stomach contents was analyzed by and n = total number of RMPQ. The index of GIIi value
the percentage frequency of occurrence (%Q) ranges from 0 to 1 (1–100%), with values close to 0
(Bowen, 1983; Hyslop, 1980). indicating feeding specialization and values close to
The frequency of occurrence was estimated as: 1.0 representing generalization (Hurlbert, 1978).
%Oi = x100(1)
n Data analysis
where %Oi = frequency of occurrence of the i food Gut content analysis and feeding profiles in relation
item in the sample; ni = number of guts in which the to season and size class of L. intermedius in the Ribb
i item is found; n = total number of food contained Reservoir were studied using the percentage of volu-
guts in the sample (Bowen, 1983). metric contribution, frequency occurrence, prepon-
derance importance index (IoP), and geometric
Volumetric analysis importance of index (GIIi) of the five size classes
(<16.5, 17.0–21.5, 22.0–26.0, 26.2–31.0 and >31.5 cm
Food types identified in the gut contents were cate- FL), and seasons (the dry and the wet) of the year
gorized into different taxonomic classes. Then, water (Matunguru et al., 2023; Tomojiri et al., 2019).
displaced in each category of foods is measured in Frequency of occurrence (%O), volumetric contribu-
partially filled graduated cylinders and represents a tions (%V), and other descriptive statistics were ana-
percentage of total stomach volume (Bowen, 1983). lyzed by Microsoft Excel 2016. SPSS version 20 was
The volumetric analysis method (%Vi) was esti- used to investigate the diet composition and feeding
mated as: habits variations within the seasons and the size
Volume of particular food item present in all samples classes of the L. intermedius via a Chi-square test (χ2)
% Vi = x 100(2)
Volume of all food items in all samples at a 95% confidence level.

where %Vi is the percentage of volume.

The frequency of occurrence (%Qi) reflects evi- Results
dence of the proportion of fish guts that includes
Feeding pattern of Labeobarbus intermedius
specific prey (Hyslop, 1980). The mean volume of
each food type is measured visually compared to all A total of 498 samples of L. intermedius were col-
the food types existing in the guts. lected in this study. From these samples, 302 (60.6%)
Gut content analysis parameters such as frequency guts had different foods, while 196 (39.4%) were
of occurrence (%Qi) and volumetric percentage (%Vi, empty guts. The gut content of L. intermedius
Cogent Food & Agriculture 5

consisted of diversified prey types such as mud, Feeding pattern with respect to the size class
detritus, zooplankton, phytoplankton, insects, ostra-
In this study, similar food types were studied in the
cods, sand particles, and macrophytes (Table 1).
guts of all size classes. However, the proportions of
Detritus (%O = 98.7 and %V = 61.6) was the most
different food items were significantly varied in rela-
ingested food type followed by mud (%O = 79.8 and
tion to the size classes (χ2, p < 0.05). Detritus was the
%V = 24.4), zooplankton, and phytoplankton in the
principal significant food type followed by mud and
gut contents of L. intermedius. However, insects, sand
insects for the size class below 16.5 cm (FL) (Figure 3).
particles, ostracods, and macrophytes were occasion-
Their equivalent volumetric contributions were 64.2%,
ally consumed in the fish diet. The percentage of the
18.7%, and 7.3% of the total volume in the gut com-
geometric importance index (%GIIi) showed that
positions of this size class respectively. However, food
detritus was the major prey type ingested by the fish
items such as phytoplankton (%V = 4.6) and zooplank-
(Figure 2 and Table 1). In the same way, based on ton (%V = 4.9) had a minor contribution to the diet of
this index, mud, zooplankton, and phytoplankton, the fish of this size class.
were the second most significant prey types in L. Detritus was the most frequently consumed food
intermedius diet, while sand grains, macrophytes, type for the size class of 17.0–21.5 cm (FL). It consti-
ostracods, and insects were irregularly consumed. tuted 68.7% of the total volume of the guts. In addi-
Zooplankton (Rotifers, Copepods, and Cladocera) tion, mud (%V = 17.9) was the next preferred food
jointly occurred in 100% of the total food consumed item in this size class. While, remaining food items
and comprised 3.9% of the total volume in the total such as zooplankton (%V = 5.2), phytoplankton
guts. Phytoplankton (blue-green algae, green algae, (%V = 3.1), and insects (%V = 1.0) had minor volumet-
and euglenoids) collectively contributed 98.3% of the ric importance in the diet of the fish.
total guts and accounted for 2.8% of the total vol- Detritus was the most important food item for the
ume. The preponderance index (%IoP) of prey types size class ranging between 22.0 and 26.0 cm (FL). It
such as detritus, mud, zooplankton, and phytoplank- accounted for 47.1% of the total volume in the diet
ton were 69.5, 22.3, 4.5, and 3.2 respectively. Detritus of this size class. Mud was the second significant
(%GIIi = 60.5%) was the main preferred food type in food item in this size class and its volumetric contri-
the gut of the fish. Mud (%GIIi = 39.3%), phytoplank- butions belong to 39.1% of the total volume.
ton (%GIIi = 38.2%), and zooplankton (%GIIi = 39.2%) However, food items including phytoplankton
showed the second preferred food types in the diet. (%V = 2.6) and zooplankton (%V = 4.3) had less impor-
In contrast, the other food items such as insects (%PI tance to the diet of the fish this size class.
= 0.3%; %GIIi = 7.2%), ostracods (%PI = 0.03%; %GIIi Detritus was the most important food item for the
= 1.6%), sand particles (%PI = 0.3%; %GIIi = 8.3%), size class of 26.2–31.0 cm (FL). It constituted 55.8% of
and macrophytes (%PI = 0.02%; %GIIi = 1.9%) con- the total volume of the diet. Mud was the next con-
tributed less in the diet of L. intermedius (Table 1 and sumed food item in this size class and its volumetric
Figure 2). contribution was 33.0%. However, other food items

Table 1. Proportions of different food items in the diet of L.

intermedius (n = 302) in Ribb Reservoir, Ethiopia.
Food items %Oi %Vi %IoP %GIIi
Zooplankton 100 3.9 4.5 39.2
Cladocera 64.2 2.7 2.0 25.3
Copepod 19.2 1.2 0.3 7.7
Rotifer 2.0 0.06 0.01 0.8
Phytoplankton 98.3 2.8 3.2 38.2
Blue-green algae 67.9 1.3 1.0 26.1
Green algae 52.9 0.4 0.3 20.1
Euglenoids 57.9 1.1 0.7 22.3
Detritus 98.7 61.6 69.5 60.5
Insects 17.5 1.5 0.3 7.2
Ostracods 3.3 1.0 0.03 1.6 Figure 2. The mean relative geometric index importance
Sand particles 20.9 1.2 0.3 8.3
(%GIIi) in the diet of L. intermedius (n = 302) from Ribb
Macrophytes 4.7 0.3 0.02 1.9
Mud 79.8 24.4 22.3 39.3 Reservoir (DT- detritus; MD-mud, PT–Phytoplankton; ZP–
Percentage frequency of occurrence (%Qi), percentage of volumetric Zooplankton; DT– detritus; SAG-sand grain; and OC-ostracod.
contribution (%Vi), percentage index of preponderance (%IoP) and Dotted vertical lines separate the different grades of favorite
Geometric Index of Importance (GIIi). food items).

Figure 3. The size class variation in the diet of L. intermedius in Ribb Reservoir, Ethiopia.

such as zooplankton (%V = 3.1) and phytoplankton Table 2. The mean relative importance of food items in the
(%V = 3.2) contributed less importance to the diet of diet of L. intermedius (n = 229) during the dry season in
the fish this size class. Ribb Reservoir, Ethiopia.
Detritus was by far the most ingested food type Food items %Oi %Vi %IoP %GIIi

for the size class of >31.5 cm (FL). It comprised Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet Dry Wet
Detritus 98.3 97.2 47.8 75.6 51.8 92.9 52.2 72.0
71.9% of the total volume of diets. Mud (%V = 9.6) Zooplankton 87.3 13.7 4.7 1.8 4.5 0.3 32.9 6.5
was a moderately ingested food item in this size Cladocera 83.9 – 3.6 – 3.3 – 31.3 –
class. However, other food items such as zooplank- Copepod 20.4 13.1 1.4 1.8 0.3 0.3 7.8 6.2
Rotifer 1.7 – 0.08 – 0.00 – 0.6 –
ton (%V = 3.0), phytoplankton (%V = 3.1), and insects Phytoplankton 75.2 24.6 1.2 1.3 1.0 0.4 27.3 10.8
(%V = 2.4) were consumed in the smallest amount in Blue-green 34.8 6.8 0.6 0.2 0.25 0.01 12.6 2.9
the diet of the fish in this size class. In this study, Green algae 30.4 – 0.3 – 0.1 – 11.0 –
detritus was the most preferred food type followed Euglenoids 10 17.8 0.3 1.1 0.03 0.2 3.7 7.9
Mud 97.8 13.7 32.4 1.1 34.9 0.2 46.5 6.2
by mud in the guts of L. intermedius in all size Insect 73.9 41.4 7.9 11.4 6.4 6.0 29.2 22.0
classes. However, their relative proportion is signifi- Ostracods 17 – 0.5 – 0.1 – 6.3 –
Sand particles 30.4 – 2.3 – 0.8 – 11.7 –
cantly varied among the size classes (χ2, p < 0.05) Macrophytes 21.7 5.4 1.7 3.7 0.4 0.3 8.4 3.8
(Figure 3). Percentage frequency of occurrence (%Qi), percentage of volumetric
contribution (%Vi), percentage index of preponderance (%IoP) and
Geometric Index of Importance (GIIi).

Seasonal variations in the feeding pattern of

Labeobarbus intermedius
0.4 and %GIIi = 8.4) had less contribution to the diet
The seasonal variations in the guts of L. intermedius of the fish.
were shown in (Table 2) from Ribb Reservoir. From During the wet season, detritus was by far the
the present study, the results showed that notable most significant food category in the guts of L. inter-
seasonal differences in the diet of the fish were medius. It occurred for 97.2% of the total guts and its
noted (χ2, p < 0.05). During the dry season, detritus corresponding volumetric contribution was 75.6% of
(%IoP = 51.8 and %GIIi = 52.2) was the most signifi- the total volume. Insects (%O = 41.4 and %V = 11.4)
cant food item contributing to 98.3% of the total were also the second important prey type in the diet
guts, and accounting for 47.8% of the total volume. of the fish. Moreover, the %IoP and %GIIi indices also
Mud (%IoP = 34.9 and %GIIi = 46.5), insects (%IoP = revealed that detritus (%IoP = 92.9 and %GIIi = 72.0)
6.4 and %GIIi = 29.2), and zooplankton (%IoP = 4.5 was by far the most preferred food item in the diet
and GIIi%=32.9) were secondary food items in the during the wet season. Insects (%IoP = 6.0 and %GIIi
diet of the fish. They occurred in 97.8%, 73.9% and = 22.0) were the second most important food items
87.3% of the total guts respectively and their volu- in the diet of the fish. However, zooplankton (%IoP =
metric contributions were 32.4%, 7.9%, and 4.7% by 0.3 and %GIIi = 6.5), phytoplankton (%IoP = 0.4 and
volume respectively (Table 2). However, food types %GIIi = 10.4), macrophyte (%IoP = 0.3 and %GIIi =
such as phytoplankton (%V = 1.2) (%IoP = 1.0 and 3.8), and mud (%IoP = 0.2 and %GIIi = 6.2) and their
%GIIi = 27.3), sand particles (%V = 2.3) (%IoP = 0.8 respective volumetric contributions were 1.8%, 1.3%,
and %GIIi = 11.8), ostracod (%V = 0.5) (%IoP = 0.1 3.7%, and 1.1% respectivelyhave less contribution to
and %GIIi = 6.3), and macrophyte (%V = 1.7) (%IoP = the diet of the fish during the wet season (Table 2).
Cogent Food & Agriculture 7

Discussion enlarges and their digestive system develops (Wakil

et al., 2014). From this study, L. intermedius did not
Gut contents and feeding profiles of show considerable ontogenetic dietary shift, where
Labeobarbus intermedius small and sized fish consumed similar food types. This
In this study, L. intermedius was consumed several food may be due to lack of small sized fish (fingerlings) in
types such as mud, detritus, zooplankton, phytoplank- the specimen during data collection. However, the
ton, insects, ostracods, sand particles, and macro- proportions of different food items were significantly
phytes. Of these aforementioned food types, detritus varied in relation to the size classes (χ2, p < 0.05).
(%O = 98.7 and %V = 61.6) was the most ingested food Detritus was the most important food type followed
type followed by mud (%O = 79.8 and %V = 24.4), zoo- by mud and insects for the size class < 16.5 cm (FL).
plankton, and phytoplankton in the gut contents of L. In agreement to this study, detritus and insects were
intermedius. But, insects, sand particles, ostracods, and the most important food items for the smallest fish in
macrophytes were rarely investigated in the diet of the Lake Koka (Dadebo et al., 2013). In contrast to this
fish. Mud was mainly fed by Labeobarbus forskalii from study, the smallest fish mainly fed on phytoplankton
the upper Blue Nile River (Teshome et al., 2023). It was followed by detritus in the upper Blue Nile River
also reported that detritus is the main food source of (Teshome et al., 2023). Furthermore, L. intermedius did
L. intermedius in Ethiopian Lakes in Tana (Engdaw, not show ontogenetic dietary shifts from Lakes
2014; De Graaf, 2003), Koka (Dadebo et al., 2013), in Hawassa (Bekele, 2020) and Tana (Engdaw, 2014).
the upper Blue Nile River (Teshome et al., 2023), Tekeze Similar preferability of this fish shows can be due to
Reservoir (Gebru, 2020) and in Ethiopian water bodies the development of similar morphological and physi-
(Tesfahun & Temesgen, 2018). The ingestion of detritus ological features and the feeding of similar foods. Fish
as the main food item in the diet of fish is an indicator change their feeding behavior from one food item to
of the reduction of high-quality foods. Because detri- other with the high-energy demands as they grow
tus has low nutritional quality (Bowen, 1979). From (Dadebo, 2009). The growing energy demand of the
this study, the contribution of insects was low. fish cannot be met by feeding only on a particular
However, insects were primarily ingested by food item. This enables them to shift their feeding
Labeobarbus nedgia in the upper Blue Nile River behavior from consuming a particular food item to
(Teshome et al., 2023). This might be due to a lack of generalist behavior (Bekele, 2020). The ontogenetic
aquatic macrophytes because they serve as surface diet shift of the fish also correlate with the differences
film assemblage of benthic macroinvertebrates. In con- in morphology and physiological conditions, the type
trast to the present study, insects, gastropods, fish of water, and the habitat of the fish (Engdaw, 2014).
prey, and fish scales were as primarily consumed in For instance, the smallest fishes inhabiting in the litto-
the diet of L. intermedius in Lake Hawassa (Bekele, ral region and feeds invertebrates and zooplankton
2020; Desta et al., 2006). Mud (%GIIi = 39.3%), was the (Dadebo, 2009). As their size increases, they swim in
second important food type in the diet of the fish. This open water and feed large food items once their mor-
may be due to human impacts such as high sediment phological and physiological features developed.
loads, high irrigation activities, and uncontrolled use of Detritus was by far the most important food type
land around the Ribb reservoir buffer area (Tesfahun & for the larger size class of >31.5 cm (FL). It comprised
Alebachew, 2023). Additionally, the reason may be 71.9% of the total volume of diet. A comparable
variations in physicochemical water quality parameters, study was conducted from Lake Koka that detritus
water levels fluctuate when water resources are needed was the main food source for larger-sized fish
for irrigation and water extraction purposes (Tesfahun (Dadebo et al., 2013). However, in the upper Blue
& Temesgen, 2018). The food and feeding habits of L. Nile River the larger fish species mainly fed on phy-
intermedius rely on seasonal differences, prey availabil- toplankton (Teshome et al., 2023). The ontogenetic
ity, habitat variation, and fish size classes (Teshome dietary shift may be due to the productivity of the
et al., 2023; Tesfahun & Temesgen, 2018; Desta et al., water and habitat differences of the fish.
2006; Admassu & Dadebo, 1997).
Seasonal variations in the feeding pattern of
Feeding pattern with respect to the size class Labeobarbus intermedius
Fish prefer the type of prey that fits into their mouths From the present study, the results showed that
and the type of prey that their stomach can digest notable seasonal differences in the proportion of
(Otieno et al., 2014). As fish grow, the stomach food items the fish were noted (χ2, p < 0.05).

Throughout the dry season, detritus (%IoP = 51.8 proportions were different. Smaller fish and larger
and %GIIi = 52.2) was the most significant food fish were fed similar food types. Prey species such
item contributing to 98.3% of the total guts, and as detritus and zooplankton and phytoplankton
accounted for 47.8% of the total volume. In the were the most preferred foods in the dry season.
same way, Lake Koka (Dadebo et al., 2013) docu- While insects and detritus were the most important
mented that detritus followed by insects were the food in L. intermedius’ diet during the wet season. L.
main food item in the diet of the fish during the intermedius revealed omnivorous feeding pattern in
dry season. However, phytoplankton was reported their diet from the Ribb Reservoir. Generally, feed-
as the main food item during the dry season from ing pattern of fish are affected by habitat differ-
the upper Blue Nile River (Teshome et al., 2023). ences, seasons, and the size class of fish in the
This seasonal difference in the diet of L. intermedius reservoir.
may be caused by the variation in the physico-
chemical parameters of the reservoir. Additionally,
this may be due to the high turbidity of the reser- Acknowledgments
voir may be due to the water abstraction and water The authors highly acknowledged the research directorate
release for irrigation purposes (personal observa- and research vice president’s office of Debre Tabor University
tion). The seasonal variation in the diet of the fish for their financial support. We are also very thankful to the
Guna Tana Integrated Field Research Development Centre
may be due to the opportunistic habits of the fish
Debre Tabor University for helping with the financial provi-
which has the ability of shifting from one food item sion and vehicle support.
to another food item. Besides, the seasonal varia-
tion of the food and feeding habits of L. intermedius
also may be due to the seasonal production differ- Author’s contribution
ence of the preys in the reservoir. Furthermore, the
Agumassie Tesfahun: Conceptualization, Methodology,
feeding habits of fish correlates with the availability
Software: Agumassie Tesfahun. Data curation, writing-
of preys in the reservoir.
original draft preparation. Agumassie Tesfahun
During the wet season, detritus was by far the
Visualization and Investigation. Sale Alebachew,
most important food item in the guts of L. interme-
Supervision.: Agumassie Tesfahun Software, Validation.:
dius. It occurred in97.2% of the total guts and its cor-
Sale Alebachew and Agumassie Tesfahun: Writing-
responding volumetric contribution was 75.6%.
Reviewing and Editing.
Insects (%O = 41.4 and %V = 11.4) were also the sec-
ond important prey type in the diet of the fish. The
importance of detritus and insects as major foods Disclosure statement
were also reported in Gilgel Gibe Reservoir (Wakjira,
2013), Lake Koka (Dadebo et al., 2013), and upper No potential conflict of interest was reported by the
Blue Nile River (Teshome et al., 2023). Similarly, L.
nedgia primarily fed insects in the upper Blue Nile
River (Teshome et al., 2023). In contrast to this study, Availability of data
L. forskalii mainly consumed phytoplankton followed
by mud from the upper Blue Nile River (Teshome All the data sets used in this manuscript are accessible to
the corresponding author via a reasonable request.
et al., 2023). During the wet season, detritus was far
the most important food item, the source of detritus
could be probably floods that introduced fragments Notes on contributors
of plant materials in the lake. Overall, the current
results showed that seasonality affects L. intermedius’ Agumassie Tesfahun pursued his MSc
Degree in Fisheries, Limnology, and
proportion of food and prey types in the Ribb Aquatic-eco-toxicology from Hawassa
reservoir. University, Ethiopia. Now, he is the
Assistant Professor at the Department of
Biology, Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia.
Conclusions In addition, he has been working in
community service and research on fish-
This result indicated a preference for detritus as the
eries biology of the most commercially important fish spe-
main food, followed by mud, phytoplankton, and cies from Ribb Reservoir Tana basin, Ethiopia, and
zooplankton. Detritus followed by mud was the aquaculture establishment (earthen pond system) from
most important food item of all sizes, but its Fogera District, South Gondar, Ethiopia.
Cogent Food & Agriculture 9

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