Ricson reflection in chemistry topics

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Reflection Paper

I learned about the concept of “matter” by reading a report that explained its different
forms, from tiny atoms to the vastness of space. The report emphasized that matter is
everywhere and plays an important role in everything we do. The report also showed how
matter can change, like when water becomes ice. A chemical substance is composed of one
type of atom or molecule. Mixture also categorizes heterogeneous and homogeneous.
Heterogeneous mixtures have visually distinguishable components, while homogeneous
mixtures appear uniform throughout. The most common type of homogenous mixture is a
solution, which can be a solid, liquid, or gas. The distinction between heterogeneous and
homogeneous matter is crucial in understanding the physical properties and behaviors of
different substances. It explained that energy is closely connected to matter and helps living
things survive. The report also talked about how we use matter in everyday life, like in our
phones and how it affects the environment. Different people contributed to the report, sharing
their thoughts on how matter affects our world. The report gave me a better understanding of
matter and how it impacts our live.


In listening to my classmate the diverse perspectives presented by my classmates during
the group reporting sessions on atomic structure, I find myself enriched with a deeper
understanding of this fundamental concept in chemistry. The various insights shared by my
classmate have illuminated the intricacies of atomic composition and its implications in this
topic. this topic it stated that atoms is the smallest unit of matter. Structure of the atom, atom
have three components the proton that have positive charge, the electron that have negative
charge, and the neutron that is neutral or no charge. And if proton is added with neutron the
result is mass number. The person that this covered the atomic structure is Democritus, he
stated that matter is comprised with a smallest particle that he called atoms that letter on called
atoms. Also Aristotle consist that atom is in elements like fire, water, earth, and wind. So many
theories about atom but all of them consist only one theory.


The exploration of Group 3 in the periodic table has been an enlightening journey into
the properties and characteristics of this distinct group of elements. This group, situated in the
transition metals section, showcases a behaviors and applications that have significant
implications in chemistry and beyond.

The topic of the report of group 3 has expanded my understanding of how the periodic table
serves as a roadmap, guiding us through the relationships and variances in elemental behavior.
The periodic table was developed through a combination of scientific observations,
experiments, and theoretical frameworks. Metals are known for their unique malleability,
ductility and reflectivity properties that make them suitable for construction, manufacturing and
medical applications. Nonmetals are those natural elements used in pure form and in the form
of compounds when combined with other elements and based on the reporter there are 17
nonmetals which is categorized based on column group 1, the oxygen family and the noble
gases, and on the other hand metalloids are the middle in between the metals and nonmetals.
Also the group 2 mentioned about the ionization.

In conclusion, delving into the periodic table report of Group 3 has been an enriching
experience. It has not only deepened my understanding of the properties and behaviors of
these elements but has also highlighted their practical applications in various industries. This
exploration underscores the interconnectedness of chemistry with real-world advancements,
making the periodic table a dynamic and indispensable tool in scientific inquiry.


So in this topic learn that another term for naming is the word nomenclature, is a
process of naming inorganic compounds so that they can easily identified as a separate
chemicals, this describes an approach that is used to name simple ionic and molecular
compounds, it has also similarities to the reporters of group 3 because as what I have observe
they also have the ionization energy has been mentioned. The simplest of these are binary
compounds, those containing only two elements, but we will also consider how to name ionic
compounds containing polyatomic ions, and one specific, very important class of compounds
known as acids. Metal plus nonmetal is considered as an ionic compound which is we put a
suffix ide while nonmetal plus nonmetal is considered as a covalent compound which we should
put suffix ide and a prefix. The nomenclature reflects not only the chemical composition but
also the structural arrangement of atoms within the compound. Like the Cations (+) and Anion
(-) then then Covalent compounds nonmetals + nonmetals and the Ionic compounds metals +
nonmetals. In naming there’s a prefix that can be used which is the MONO, DRI, TRI, TETRA,
PENTA, HEXA, HEPTA, OCTA, NONA, DECA. In this topic you must comprehend and analyze what
prefix and suffix you must put or to place and write it properly. In this lesson if you must just
focus and understand each step it could be easy for you have know the right placing of it in each

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