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ECE101L A22 2T 2023-2024

F2F #2: Diode Activity #2

Group 3

Amil, John Louis B.

Mojica, Jonathan L.

Narciso, Dean Danielz

Tayamora, Jerome Fredrich M.

Yapsangco, Julius Vincent S.

Instructor: Jonathan Oracion


In this experiment, the goal is to understand more about half-wave rectifiers. Diode test

circuit was employed based on Figure 1. Also, a multimeter was used to observe diode conditions

based on probe placements. A half-wave rectifier converts AC signal to DC signal through passing

either a positive or negative half-cycle and blocking the other. This rectifier can be easily

constructed using only one diode.

Based on the observations and results, the direction of a diode connected in the circuit

determines the output polarity of the pulsating DC voltage. By looking at the waveforms, the

amplitude of output DC pulsations was smaller than the input AC waveform. Also, both calculated

and measured rms voltage shows slight difference due to equipment instability. We were also

asked to switch CM switch 7, which shows that the 1k-ohm resistor is connected in parallel with

Diode 2, and both input and output waveforms are identical. Also, reverse recovery time influences

the efficiency of the diodes, which is crucial for handling different line frequencies. If the reverse

recovery time is too long, the diode might not handle larger frequencies, leading to a distorted



A half-wave rectifier converts AC signal to DC signal through passing either a positive or

negative half-cycle and blocking the other. This rectifier can be easily constructed using only one

diode. The circuit for this rectifier consists of a diode, resistive load, and input voltage source,

which uses a function generator for this matter.

In this experiment, we will be able to resolve how a diode is used in a half wave rectifier

circuit using a multimeter and an oscilloscope. Using an oscilloscope and a multimeter, we should
be able to generate the signal observed at the output of the circuit and observe the Voltage peak

value and Voltage rms value across the diode. The voltage values obtained will show how the

diode in the half wave rectifier circuit behaves.

Experimental Method

The following statements will be the basis of discussion for “Results and Discussion”. The

circuit diagram used in this experiment is the following figure.

Fig. 1

Equivalent Circuit Diagram

To have insights about Half-wave Rectification, an oscilloscope and a multimeter will be

able to observe the Voltage peak value (with a sine wave) and voltage rms in a resistor that is

connected to a diode. Unlike the previous experiment, a function generator will be used as a power

source that produces sine waves with a certain frequency (changing value). Since we are now using

an alternating current (AC), the output depends on the biases of diodes in a one cycle (see fig

Fig. 2

Sample Circuit with AC input.

On the first half of 1 cycle (0 to T/2), the diode acts as a short circuit since it is in a forward-

biased state. Vo=Vm will be read since it's just an ideal diode and there’s only one resistor to

distribute the voltage. On the other hand at 2nd half cycle (T/2), the diode will act as an open

circuit since it is in a reverse-biased state. Therefore, current will get cut off and no pulsation will

be read on the oscilloscope. In short, the diode’s conduction region is at 0 to T/2 and non-

conduction region at T/2 to 0.

Fig. 3

Output sine waves in a cycle.

Of course, the output will change depending on the placement and polarity of the diode

(and diode’s characteristics) and the number of resistors used in the circuit. (See sample below).

Fig. 4

Sample negative half-wave rectifier circuit.

As for the purpose of a multimeter, it is to compare the Voltage read by it (V rms) to

Voltage (pk to pk) reading of an oscilloscope. Using the formula below, it will be used to see if

the output read by multimeter is the same. With this, we will be able to relate peak to peak voltage

to rms voltage.
𝑉𝑝𝑘−𝑝𝑘 𝑟𝑚𝑠 = 2√2

Lastly, reverse recovery time refers to the duration needed for conduction to transition into

the reverse bias state. The reverse recovery time behaves like a discharging capacitor, decreasing

the conducted current until it approaches zero. The behavior is most apparent in a diode forward
bias current-time graph. The current briefly changes from positive to negative after the polarity

switch due to the diode's continuous conduction, then gradually decreases to zero. Technically, the

current must decrease forever to zero. Time will eventually reduce it to the point where it cannot

be recognized from natural changes.

Fig. 5

Visualization of Reverse Recovery Time

Results and Discussion

After adjusting the amplitude of the Function generator with 1000 Hz output, we were able

to read in oscilloscope a sine wave with 2.08 Vpk-pk output. After that, we used the multimeter to

read the equivalent rms voltage of the voltage provided by the function generator.
Fig. 6

V rms read by the multimeter

Using the formula before, we were able to calculate the rms Voltage equivalent of the

voltage peak to peak value.

2.08 𝑉
𝑉𝑝𝑘−𝑝𝑘 𝑟𝑚𝑠 = = 0.735 𝑉

Comparing it to the output read by multimeter, we can say that it is accurate and almost the

same. The small difference between the 2 might be because of equipment and probes’ instability

(this is also observed in the following images).

We first hide the readings of channel 1 so we can observe channel 2 readings more clearly.

Connecting channel 2 of the oscilloscope across R2 showed us the amplitude of positive pulsation

which is Vmax = 528 mV.

Fig. 7

Vmax reading in oscilloscope

Fig. 8

Probe placement of Channel 2 connection in R2.

After that, we unhide channel 1 to be able to compare the sine waves of both channels. We

were able to see that both have the same input frequency of 1k Hz (estimated). We are also tasked

in knowing the ripple frequency, which we identified as the pulsations in sine waves, in short peak

voltage values. Comparing the peak voltages of both channels, Ch 1 produces 0.99 V (but should

have been 1.04 V due to equipment’s slight flaw) and Ch 2 produces 250 mV based on the image
below. Channel 2’s V peak is not the same as Channel 1, the difference is caused by the voltage

drop in the diode to bypass the Diode barrier voltage.

Fig. 9

Channel 1 (Yellow) and 2 (R2, Blue) V-pk comparison.

Using the image below for discussion, the diode is conducting from point A to point B due

to pulsation observed, meaning it is in a forward-biased state at this period (positive alternation).

On the other hand, the diode is non-conducting from point B to A because no pulsation is observed

in this period (negative alternation), meaning it is in a reverse-biased state (open circuit).

Fig. 10

Point A and B for observation.

The peak amplitudes of input and output waveforms are not equal because of the voltage

drop on the diode. Based on the appearance of the oscilloscope waveform, we can say that this is

a positive half-wave rectifier circuit.

After that we switch from R2 to R1 for channel 2 output waveform. As observed in the

screen, this circuit is a negative half-wave rectifier because only in the negative alternation part

(T/2 to T) of one cycle is the diode in forward-biased state where R1 is connected. In addition,

comparing the relationships of input/output of this rectifier from before, there is no difference

because the same current will flow in both alternations and the only change that happens is the

Fig. 11

Channel 1 (Yellow ) and Channel 2 (R1, Blue) output waveform.

We are then instructed to place CM switch 7 in ON position, the output waveform changed.

Fig. 12

Channel 1 (Yellow) and Channel 2 (R1, Blue) output waveform with CM switch 7 on.

As observed in the image, the output waveform is whole like the input waveform, meaning

channel 2 is reading pulsation at both cycles/alternations. We concluded that the figure below is

the equivalent circuit diagram after turning on CM switch 7.

Fig. 13

Circuit Equivalent after CM switch 7 on.

After observing the output waveforms on R1, we can conclude that the CR1 (D2 on the

circuit above) diode became defective because current flowed in R1 for both cycles which goes

against the purpose of diodes, to be a one-way switch for current. Having the RL destroys the

effectiveness of CR1 (D2).

We then turned off the CM Switch 7 but increased the Voltage peak to peak value to 4 V.

We then used the multimeter to get the dc output voltage R1 which read -0.403V. After that, we

calculated the average dc output using the new peak output voltage (Vmin).

𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑑𝑐 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 = 0.318 × (−1.48 𝑉) = −0.471 𝑉

The reason why dc output voltage is higher is because it is commonly quantified as the

peak amplitude of the rectified waveform. The average or direct current (DC) component of the

rectified waveform is lower than the peak value of the alternating current (AC) waveform

(Electrotopic, 2024).
Fig. 14

Channel 1 (Yellow) and Channel 2 (R1, Blue) output waveform with CM switch 7 on.

Fig. 15

Multimeter dc output voltage across R1.

Lastly, we increased the frequency output of the generator to 10k Hz. We noticed that small

positive peaks can be found at the start of the first part of 1 cycle (positive alternation). After that

we also further increased the frequency to 100k Hz. The same observation has been found as well
but with higher positive peaks that get smaller over time till 0 V before they reach the negative


Fig. 16

Channel 2 (R1) output waveform with 10k Hz frequency.

Fig. 17

Channel 1 (Yellow) and Channel 2 (R1) output waveform with 100k Hz frequency.

The reason for this is because for every type of diode, each has their own level/range of

line frequencies. For example, a rectifier diode like 1N4001 is made for frequencies 50 to 400Hz.

Higher frequency means shorter time for each cycle, so the diode needs to switch faster. If the

reverse recovery time is too long, the diode will not be able to handle high frequencies efficiently
and may cause power loss or distortion just like in fig. 16 and 17. In short, the diode used in this

experiment is not efficient enough for 10k Hz and 100k Hz.


As a result of the experiment, the positive and negative half-wave rectifiers were observed

with the use of the oscilloscope. Results show that the direction of a diode connected in the circuit

determines the output polarity of the pulsating DC voltage. Additionally, the amplitude of the

output pulsations was smaller than the input AC peaks due to the diode forward voltage drop.

Moreover, the calculated and measured rms voltage was compared and showed a small difference

due to equipment instability. After switching CM switch 7, a 1k resistor connected in parallel with

Diode 2. As observed in Figure 12, the output waveform is identical to the input waveform. We

can conclude that a resistor connected across a rectifier allowed a significant current to flow in the

reverse direction, as would a defective rectifier diode. The efficiency of diodes is influenced by

their reverse recovery time, which is crucial for handling different line frequencies. For instance,

rectifier diodes like the 1N4001 are designed for frequencies ranging from 50 to 400Hz. Higher

frequencies require faster diode switching, and if the reverse recovery time is too long, efficiency

is compromised, leading to potential power loss or distortion. In the specific experiment

mentioned, the diode used is not suitable for frequencies of 10k Hz and 100k Hz, as depicted in

Figures 16 and 17.


Definition of Half-Wave Rectifier | Analog Devices. (n.d.).


Electrotopic, & Electrotopic. (2024b, January 12). Why DC output voltage is greater than AC

input voltage in rectifier?




What is Diode Reverse Recovery Time? (2023b, April 13).

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