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TIME: 3 Hours 20 MAY, 2024

1. This paper consists of section A, B, and C with thirteen (13) questions
2. Follow instructions from every sections
3. All writings must be in black or blue ink
4. All communication devices, Bibles and any unauthorized materials are
not allowed in the assessment room


Answer all questions from these questions
1. For each of the following items (i-xx) choose the most correct answer
from among the given alternatives and write its letter beside item number in
the answer booklet provided
(i) He was known as the eldest Son of Amram and Jochebed. A daughter
of Levi (Exodus 6:20). Some explain the meaning of his name as
Mountaineer, others mountain of strength and he was born in Egypt this
man is best known as;
A. AaronB. Moses C. Isaac D. Moses E. Jethro
(ii) Bible is the collection of many books inspired by God himself, these
books in bible reflect a lot in our daily life and all sphere of human life;
example, most of the laws are delivered from the PENTATEUCH, below are
the list of books found in the Holy bible that reflect History.
A. Joshua, Judge and Ruth B. Genesis, Judges and Joshua
C. 1st and 2nd Samuel, Ezra and Genesis D. Judge, Leviticus and
Deuteronomy E. Number, Leviticus and Exodus
(iii) “Rivers are blessed with minerals,” this statement can be provided in
the book of Genesis (Gen 2:10-14) as the river flowed out of Eden to water
the garden and then it divided into four (4), One of it is rich in minerals
name the river.
A. Pishon B. Tigris C. Nile River D. Horeb E. Gihon
(iv) Cain said to Abel his brother, “Let us go to the field” and when they
were in the field can rose up against his brother Abel and kill him (Gen 4:8-
9). What was the cause of this murder?
A. Jealous of Cain to his brother
B. Cain offering has no regard before God.
C. Abel offering has regard before God
D. Cain had angry Over his brother
E. Cain wanted to inherit his brother property
(v) In Exodus 15:22-27, the Israelites complained to Moses, what was the
reason behind this complain?
A. The war with Amalek at Rephidim
B. Lack of food and water
C. Moses had delayed to come back from Mount Sinai
D. The Israelites found bitter water
E. Because they lack shelter and food
(vi) And the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, “Take handfuls of ashes from
the kiln and let Moses throw them toward heaven in the sight of pharaoh
and it shall become the fine dust over all the land of Egypt and become boils
breaking out in the sorer of man and beast ……. (Exodus 9:8-9).
A. The first plague B. The third plague. C. The sixth Plague
D. The second plague E. The Eight plague
(vii) “Take a census of all congregations of people of Israel by families by
father according to the numbers of their names? (Num 1:47-50). But the
tribe of Levites were not numbered this is because;
A. They were few in numbers
B. They were inferior of all the tribes
C. Levites were appointed over the tabernacle of the testimony
D. They were not belong to Israel
E. Not induced in the God’s plain.
(viii) “And if you be Unwilling to serve the LORD, choose this day that you
will serve whether the goods of your father beyond the river of the goods of
Amorites, but as for me and my house will serve the “LORD” said Joshua
24:15. Give the response of the addressee:
A. We also will serve God, for he is our god
B. We also will serve the LORD for he is your Savior
C. We also will serve the LORD for he is your choice
D. We also will serve the LORD for he is your God
E. We also will serve the LORD for he is our God
(ix) The chief baker said to Joseph, “I also had a dream: there were three
cake baskets on my head and in the upper most basket there were all sorts
of baked food for Pharaoh but the birds we are eating it out of the baskets
on my head (“Gen 40:16-17). What was Joseph Interpretation of the dream;
A. Within three days Pharaoh will fit up your head from you and restore
your back
B. Within three days Pharaoh will lift up your head from your and
slaughter you one
C. Within three days Pharaoh will lift up your head from you and
promote you again
D. Within three days Pharaoh will lift up your head from you and hang
you up on a tree
E. Within three days Pharaoh will lift up your head from you and let you
(x) “This day shall be for you a Memorial Day you shall keep it as a feast
of the LORD (Exodus 12:14) which feast is referred here
A. Passover B. Journey to Canaan C. Christians D. Baptism
E. Ester
(xi) What would happen if the sons of Jacob did not sell to Ishmaelite test
A. Potiphar wife would not be raped
B. Jacobs family would suffer to hunger
C. Pharaoh dream would be interpreted
D. Jacob and his children would not go to Egypt
E. It was God’s plain to salvation
(xii) Mr. Tupatupa was a thief who robes banks and supermarket in his
own town. He decided to distribute the stolen money to the poor and help all
those who are in need. Due to this all people in the home town honour and
praise him.
A. Provided that he solved the people’s problems, stealing was basically
good and unacceptable.
B. Provided that his intention was good, stealing was basically good and
C. Provided that his intention was good, stealing was not good and
D. Provided that his intention was good, basically stealing was acceptable
to the society
E. Provided that he was honoured and praised, stealing was basically
good and acceptable.

(xiii) After creation of Adam and Eve in the image of God. What were they
expected to do by their creator?
A. To known love and serve God D. To share God’s words
B. To raise children in God’s way E. To eat the fruits in Garden
C. To cultivate and take care of it
(xiv) What is the name of the mid wife in who was orderly by Pharaoh to
kill all the Son of Hebrew at the time of deliverance
A. Shiphrah B. Zipporah C. Peniel D. Sarai E. Abigael
(xv) “If this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what sort
of woman this is touching him, for she is a sinner.” (Luke 7:39). Identify the
speaker and the person spoken to;
A. Pharisees to themselves
B. Jesus to his disciples
C. Pharisee to himself
D. Simon Peter to Jesus
E. Prophets to the Multitude

(xvi) Seth become father of Enosh at the age of ……….

A. Hundred and forty years D. Hundred and five years
B. Hundred and Sixty years E. Hundred and fifty five years.
C. Hundred and Seventy years

(xvii) All the day of Noah were;

A. Nine hundred and fifty years D. Nine hundred and forty years
B. Nine hundred and Sixty years E. Nine hundred and twenty years
C. Nine hundred and seventy years

(xviii) “Woe to you that are full now, for you shall hunger now.” (Luke 6:25).
This was one of the ............... of Jesus when he was teaching the
A. Miracle
B. Woe
C. Beatitudes
D. Parable
E. Teaching
(xix) “Bless are you that weep now, for you shall laugh” (Luke 6:21). This
was the .............of Jesus when he was teaching the multitudes
A. Teaching
B. Parable
C. Beatitudes
D. Woe
E. Miracle
(xx) Mwalimu Julius Kambarage Nyerere once Said, “It is better to be poor
but free rather than to be rich but slave” This was contrary to the book of
(Number 11:1) which remind us that sons of Israel preferred; A. Freedom to
plenty of food B. Freedom to slavery C. Manna and meat D. Plenty of food to
slavery E. Slavery to bread and meant.

2. Match items in LIST A with the corresponding responses form LIST B

by writing the letter of the correct answer in the space provided. (01@ 05



(i) Avoid contaminating themselves by passing A. Believe in the future for

through Samaritan territory. the dead

(ii) They rejected the idea of spiritual. B. Church

(iii) They believe in the immortality of soul C. Jews

(iv)Their business was to study and interpreting D. Pharisees

the laws E. Sadducees

(v) Pharisees faith and teachings F. Scribes

G. Significance of Temple
Answer five (5) questions from this section, question number three (3) and
four (4) are compulsory and choose any other three (3) questions
3. Genesis chapter three (3) presents the story of the fall of man, that
man disobeyed God for he ate the fruits of the tree which he was
commanded not to eat.
(a) Explain three motives which caused Eve to eat the forbidden fruit
(b) Describe the immediate effects which man experienced just after he
had eaten the fruit of the forbidden tree (03 marks)
(c) What three lessons do you learn from the story of the fall of man
4. In his preparation to start his mission; Jesus was to fast forty days;
and be tempted by the Devil in the desert; as the Bible student identify;
(a) Three temptations of Jesus from the devil (03 marks)
(b) Three responses of Jesus from the temptation of devil (03 marks)
(c) Three significances of Jesus’s temptation to Christian’s life today (03
5. Jesus started his Early Mission in Nazareth where he has been brought up;
(a) Explain the three importance of the Holy Spirit in the Mission of Jesus
(03 Marks)
(b) Comment of the three rejections of Jesus by the people of Nazareth (03
(c) Interpret the incident of rejection of Jesus by the people of Nazareth in
today’s context by giving three Points ( 03 Marks )

6. (a) Define the word “Apostle” (1 Mark)

(b) Identify twelve Apostles of Jesus (0.5 @ 6 Marks)
(c) Give three relationships that exist between the twelve Apostles of
Jesus and the twelve sons of Jacob (03 Marks)
7. In the mission of Jesus, women played a big part in the provision of
his services. Explain in details the services of the following women to Jesus;
a) Elizabeth (03 Marks)
b) Marry Jesus ‘Mother (03 Marks)
c) Martha and Mary (03 Marks)
8.(a) What do you understand by the term parable? (3 marks)
(b) What do the following represent in Luke 8:4-8; the seed fell along the
path, the seeds fell on the rock, the seeds that fell among the thorns, the
seeds fell on good soil (3 marks)
(c) Give three situations in life where your answer in 6 (b) applies
9. (a) Analyses the three message of John the Baptist (03 marks)
(b) Identify the three roles of John the Baptist in Jesus’ Mission
(c) Identify the three importance of the message of John the Baptist to
Christian life today (03 marks)
10. One among the reason which made people to shift from one church
faith dominion into another is Miracle, people are looking for the miracle as
a solution to overcome over their social and economic problems, though
sometimes miracle and magic look similar;
(a) How do miracle and Magic differ? (03 marks)
(b) What is the importance of miracle as in Christian faith (03 marks)
(c) Choose any Miracle and narrate in short (03 marks)

SECTION C (30 Marks)

Answer two (2) questions in this section.
11. “Lie with me” But he refused and said to his master’s wife “Lo having me
my master has no concern about anything in the house (Gen 39:6-19).
(a) Name the speaker and to whom the word was spoken
(b) Explain short on the two main character above
(c) The world is now experiencing immoral behaviour contrary to the
quotation above their age in relationship to the story above (Gen 39:6-19).
Why boys cannot refuse to lie with those women? (15 marks)
12. Explain how Joshua was prepared for leadership position in both books
Exodus and the book of Number (provide five points)
13. The widow’s son of Nain was regarded as one of the people of the great
faith in the gospel of Luke as it shows in Luke 7:11 -17. As biblical scholar,
explain in detail the story of the widow’s son of Nain and three lessons we
get from this story (15 marks).

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