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Azure Active Directory

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is Microsoft’s multi-tenant, cloud-based directory,
and identity management service that combines core directory services, application access
management, and identity protection into a single solution.

Azure AD also offers a rich, standards-based platform that enables developers to deliver
access control to their applications, based on centralized policy and rules.

 For IT admins. Azure AD provides a more secure solution for your organization through
the use of stronger identity management and single sign-on (SSO) access to thousands of
cloud-based SaaS apps and on-premises apps. Through these apps, you'll also get
cloudbaseda pp security, seamless access, enhanced collaboration, and automation of the
identity lifecycle for your employees, helping to increase both security and compliance.

Additionally, with just four clicks, you can integrate Azure AD with an existing
Windows Server Active Directory, letting your organization use your existing onpremises
identity investments to manage cloud-based SaaS app access.

 For app developers. Azure AD lets you focus on building your apps by letting you integrate
with an identity management solution that's used by millions of organizations around the

 For Office 365, Azure, or Dynamics CRM Online customers. You're already using Azure
AD. Each Office 365, Azure, and Dynamics CRM Online tenant is actually an Azure AD
tenant, letting you immediately start to manage your employee-access to your integrated
cloud apps.

How reliable is Azure AD?

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 The multi-tenant, geo-distributed, high availability design of Azure AD means that you can
rely on it for your most critical business needs.
 Running out of 28 data centers around the world with automated failover, you’ll have the
comfort of knowing that Azure AD is highly reliable and that even if a data center goes
down, copies of your directory data are live in at least two more regionally dispersed data
centers and available for instant access.

Installing and configuring Azure AD Connect.

Before you start the installation/configuration, make sure you have an Azure AD Global
Administrator account for the Azure AD tenant you wish to integrate with.

1. Now that we have verified the account, we can execute the Azure AD Connect we have
already downloaded. (see link above). Once we get to the Welcome page we can agree to the
terms and continue.

2. We will for this post the express settings. The express settings are appropriate if you have a
single forest (1) and you wish to configure the password synchronization (2). We start the
process by clicking Use Express Settings (3)

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3. In the next step we will connect the tool to the cloud by entering our Global Administrator
credentials we validated earlier. and click Next.

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4. The Global Administrator credentials are used to create a service account that will take care
of the synchronization and nothing else.
5. In the next page we will enter our enterprise administrator credentials which again are only
used to create a service account and grant proper permissions.

After clicking Next, we will get to the “Ready to configure” page where you will be able to
verify that the settings are the ones you intended before we click the checkbox to start the sync
process after the configuration is complete.

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As part of the configuration the Installer\Configuration tools will install a local instance of SQL
Express to support the sync process and the Sync service.

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