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 Contents:

 What is e-commerce?
 Technologies used to secure EC communication and
Ec network components:
1. Encryption
2. Authentication
3. Hash digital signature
4. Fire wall
5. Intrusion detection

 What is EC security?
E-commerce security is a set of guidelines that ensure secure
transactions over the Internet. It includes protocols that protect
people who buy and sell goods and services online. Such basic
principles are:

 Privacy
 Integrity
 Authentication
 Non- Repudiation

1. Privacy:
Privacy includes preventing any activity that results in the sharing of
customer data with unauthorized third parties. No one other than
the customer’s chosen online merchant should have access to their
personal information or account details.

2. Integrity:
Integrity is another key concept in e-commerce security. This means
ensuring that the information customers share online has not been
altered. Internet business is based on the principle of using customer
information as it is. By changing any part of the data, the buyer loses
confidence in the security and integrity of the online company.

3. Authentication:
The principle of authentication in e-commerce security requires that
both the seller and the buyer are genuine. They must be what they
claim to be. Businesses must prove that they are genuine, offer
genuine goods and services, and deliver what they promise.

4. Non-repudiation:
Denial means denial. Non-repudiation is therefore a legal principle
that instructs players not to deny their actions.

 Technologies used to secure EC communication:

The technologies used to handle these issues mainly come from
cryptography, and they include such technologies as
o Encryption
o Authentication
o Digital signature
o Firewall
o Intrusion detection
1. Encryption:
Encryption secures digital data using one or more mathematical techniques
known as cryptography. Input information is rendered unreadable by
encryption as an algorithm converts the original text, known as plaintext,
into an alternative form known as ciphertext.

o How encryption works?

The encryption strength depends on the length of the encryption security
key. In the late 20th century, web developers used either 40-bit encryption,
which is a key with 240 possible permutations, or 56-bit encryption.

o Encryption types:
1.Asymmetric encryption
Asymmetric cryptography is used when higher security is prioritized over
speed and when identity verification is required. This type of encryption is
used for digital signatures when signing an online document and in the
blockchain to authorize transactions for cryptocurrency.
2.Symmetric encryption
Symmetric encryption is used when speed is prioritized over increased
security and uses a single secret symmetric key to encrypt both plaintext
and decrypt ciphertext. This encryption is commonly used in credit card

2. Authentication :
What is user Authentication?
Authentication is the process of identifying users who request access to a
system, network, or device. Access control often determines a user’s identity by
credentials such as username and password.
Why is user Authentication important?
User authentication is a method that prevents unauthorized users from accessing
sensitive information. For example, User A can only access relevant information
and cannot see User B’s sensitive information.

o Types of Authentication:
The list below shows some common authentication methods used to secure
modern systems.
1. Password-based authentication
2. Multi-factor authentication
3. Certificate-based authentication
4. Biometric Verification
5. Token-based authentication

3.Digital signature:
Digital signatures help minimize the risk of fraud and help secure online
transactions. Every digitally signed digital document is authenticated by a verified
digital identity. The process also typically involves biometric technology such as
facial recognition to strengthen authentication.

Advantages of using digital signatures for online transactions

o Minimize the risk of payment fraud

There are still cases of fraud in online transactions. An example is a customer who
steals someone else’s identity to buy a product from a seller and then just runs
away before paying. Using digital signatures can help prevent this.
o Simplify contract performance
Online transactions do not only take place between sellers and customers, but
can also take place with other parties. One example is an e-Commerce contract
that management must execute with sales partners or suppliers. If both parties
live in different cities, signing the contract by hand will certainly take time and
money, as you have to send documents back and forth to be signed.

o Share data more securely

The way digital signatures work involves a number of methods to ensure their
security. As we have seen, these include hash functions, public key infrastructure,
encryption and cryptography. The combination of these methods creates a strong
security system for digital signatures.


A firewall can be simply explained as a barrier built between the users’ network
and the outside environment, which creates a common security policy between
the connected users and the outside world, which consists of possible intruders.
Firewalls help in building trust in a network between multiple users and with the
advent of the Internet in all major spheres of life in recent years, the popularity
and importance of firewalls has increased manifold.

Before that, it’s important to know two broad categories of firewalls:

1. Software firewall: These firewalls are built into the

operating system and can differentiate between
programs in the computer system. These programs
thus allow users to use specific data and divert data
that is not necessary. They require regular updating
and management.

2. Hardware Firewall: A hardware firewall is one that

intervenes between two independent interconnected
networks. Simply put, it protects the system from
external agents.

5. detection :
An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is a monitoring system that detects suspicious
activities and generates alerts when they are detected. Based upon these alerts, a
security operations center (SOC) analyst or incident responder can investigate the
issue and take the appropriate actions to remediate the threat.

Classification of Intrusion Detection Systems

 Host-Based IDS (HIDS): A host-based IDS is deployed on a
particular endpoint and designed to protect it against internal and
external threats.
 Network-Based IDS (NIDS): A network-based IDS solution is
designed to monitor an entire protected network. It has visibility
into all traffic flowing through the network and makes
determinations based upon packet metadata and contents. This
wider viewpoint provides more context and the ability to detect
widespread threats; however, these systems lack visibility into the
internals of the endpoints that they protect.

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