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So I'm going to go ahead and get started. Hello? Hello? Hello? Hi!

I'm sorry I'm

late. It's okay. It's okay. Take it easy. I want to thank you so much, because
she's already excited for the two interviews. It's a bit late, I'm sorry for the
interview. It's okay, I'm not that busy. I'm a technical person too. Yes. Before
that, I'm Erin Armaida, a representative of HMD, the Division of Alumni
Activities Unit, or UCAL. So here I'm running the Medallica program. which is
where we publish articles for alumni or students with degrees in biology. I got
the opportunity to interview Nadia. So, I will start with the first question. Go
ahead. What is your rank? I am a 2023 student. Oh, 2023. Okay. 2023 Oh 2023,
okay Okay You are now in the writing maybe for 4 years If I may know can
you tell us a little bit about how you took the biology course at FNIPA UI Okay
The reason I took the biology course Okay. The reason I chose the F&E course
is because I have a strong interest in the environment and microorganisms.
Like studying bacteria, viruses, and so on. I also care about the environment
because I was in the first place. But when I was in biology, I was still learning
about DNA and DNA. I still had the same thoughts about what I wanted. I like
the environment and I like our micro-organization. Okay, thank you, Kanadia.
I've been following you on Instagram, and I see that you do a lot of activities
outside of campus. I mean, activities that are not related to campus. What
inspired you to join activities outside of campus? Maybe for students, it's like,
ah, I'm tired, I want to join activities outside of campus, I want to do it at
campus. What inspired you to join activities outside of campus? Okay, first, it
motivated me to join activities outside of campus because I'm late to join
organizations. But the first organization I joined was HND. Then I felt like a
community, my friends joined BEM. It was so exciting. I felt like, why did I
regret not joining BEM and other organizations. Because I was afraid I
couldn't change the time. So I decided to try it. I was in a rush at that time. I
was scrolling Instagram. Suddenly, I saw some activities. First, I was a model.
If you look at me, I was a model in social media, PR, and marketing. Usually,
when I'm in an organization or in a scholarship, I'm in charge of the publishing
department. And because I have the background in the publishing
department, I joined an internship or an outside activity related to the
publishing department. until finally there is... maybe that's the next question,
right? okay okay, earlier, Kanadia was confused if she was afraid to divide the
time between activities if I may know, activities outside of Ngada Diang
campus, I see there is a Mangrove ambassador and now Kanadia is joining a
language ambassador, Betawi. Maybe, if from her own experience, during her
activities outside of campus, because of her fear of sharing time between
campus and outside activities, now that she's become someone who's very
inspiring, how do you share time between your activities outside and your
academic activities? and the academic. Okay, okay. Thank you, I've been
waiting for this for a long time. I'm happy to hear this. Actually, if I keep my
current activities, my current activities, like writing, I do it with the language
department, and also the language department, managing activities in the
Indonesian Language Department. If I change the time, usually in the spring, I
give a plan of what I should do next. For example, there are job desks that I
have to finish. I always make a target for each day. So, the target has to be
completed. Or at least there is progress. Because, if the script is targeted for
today, I would have made less progress. Because it's boring and hard to find a
reference. And I have to think about the words too. But at least I made
progress. And I have a tip for that. I like to block the time. I can focus on
writing the script from 7 to 9. I was given 30 minutes to eat, and then I was
given another hour to do other activities. For example, I was given 2 hours to
sleep, and then I started to study again. I think I will follow her tips. Because I
sometimes get tired of my job because there are so many activities. What are
you doing now? I'm in my second semester, so I'm still in the packing phase.
So you're still in the animal is based on the growth? Yes. I see. I'm not sure if I
can answer that. I think it's easier to answer that. Because there's no
colloquial language. So, it's easier to answer that. I think it's easier to answer
that. I think it's easier to answer that. Okay. I have a question. I have a
question. I want to ask you, Kanadia is now a Mangeruf's agent, how did
Kanadia become a Mangeruf's agent? and what made Kanadia to take on that
role? Okay, back to the topic I mentioned earlier, I've always been a media
activist, I was thinking, why are my friends and family a bit biased? Because I
don't want to waste the knowledge I've gained in geology. I was thinking, what
if I do a competition related to the environment. I saw on Instagram about the
registration of the Indonesian Mangrove Duta. At that time, there was a
Mangrove Duta and Puteri Bumi. At that time, I was still with all the
knowledge and my profit was not mature yet. I felt like I was going to die
when I was going to get my license in the US, so I thought I'd give it a try. But it
turned out that it wasn't as easy as I thought. It turned out that my friends
were also really bad. I met some really smart friends there. I was like, wow,
their thoughts are like, I mean, it's like, it's a thought that I can get a new
insight from them. Then, after that, I opened the application, then about
Bangrum, I registered, I was asked to participate in activities, so, I didn't
expect to be a mangroves' ambassador I was happy because it's a good
environment I was chosen to be a mangroves' ambassador Okay So there are
two choices, a mangroves' ambassador and a mangroves' ambassador As a
mangroves' ambassador, you have a big role, so they have to make a good
branding for the employer. What do you think is the biggest challenge for him
as a manager? And if there are challenges, I mean challenges when personal
branding or in general? In general, as a Mangrove leader. Okay, maybe the
first challenge, because I like the environment, but my environment is not
specific to Mangrove. I have to learn more about mangroves. I just found out
that mangroves and mangroves are different. You just found out, right? Yes.
Mangroves are an ecosystem. While mangroves are a species of mangrove,
there are bakau, there are other species. I just found out about it when I was
in the jungle. In the end, mangrove and bakau are the same. Yes, and maybe
that's the first challenge. So I have to learn more about mangrove, and its
species. And why is mangrove can multiply and how it absorbs carbon dioxide
and how I learned more about it and it was fun because I got to meet a lot of
new fun facts about this climate I forgot the second question Wait a minute
What inspired you to become a mangrove farmer? and you took the lead role.
The most inspiring thing? Well, actually, I really like to go to cities like Jakarta.
I like to see the density of transportation and public transport. and sometimes
I saw people there throwing trash I saw him throwing trash on the side of the
road I felt like, why? Why did he just pick up the trash and throw it in the
trash can? Maybe it's because of that concern, because of that thing, that made
me want to have more responsibility, and want to be trusted to be able to
voice my opinion about the environment. And maybe it can end up in
conservation. Because from the trash, for example, you throw trash anywhere,
In the river, in the lake, it will flow to the shore, and eventually to the
ecosystem of the monkeys. So, it will be stuck in the roots of the monkeys and
will be affected by the growth of the monkeys. So, it will be a hindrance to the
border, or seeing the pollution levels in Jakarta. I suggest you to work from
home again so that the pollution level can decrease. So that's it. That's all.
Thank you. Cool, right? Cool, right? I like it.

I saw the city lights of Jakarta. I saw the density of transportation and public
transport. Sometimes I saw people there making trash. I saw him making
trash on the side. I felt like, why? Why do they just take the trash and wait for
the road to find a place to throw it? Maybe it's because of that concern.
Because of that, it made me want to have more responsibility, and want to be
trusted to be able to voice about the environment and maybe it can lead to
conservation of the sea. Because from the trash, for example, you talk about
trash, in the river or in the lake, it will flow to the shore, the trash will flow to
the shore and end up in the ecosystem of the curse. So it was a hindrance to
the growth. I was so sad when I saw people who were brought to the
crossroads or seeing the level of pollution in Jakarta, which was also very high,
and people suggested to work from home again, so that the pollution levels in
the air can be reduced. So that's it. That's the inspiration. Cool, right? I want to
ask you more specifically about Duta Mangerseh Ambassador. I saw that you
joined the Mangerseh Ambassador in Indonesia, but you also joined the
Mangerseh Ambassador in Jakarta. So, are those two different activities? Okay.
So, actually, in Jakarta, the central offices, so the representative, so the central
office of this organization is in Jakarta. But indeed, if for example, the
Indonesian Manger Agency, overall, so there is no Jakarta, Banten, that's it. But
maybe next, it will be made in the province, because there will be thought to
collaborate with I'm thinking about collaborating with the university's
students That's so exciting! I'm also a bit curious to see you It's so exciting!
Like, there's someone who's going to be the Mangrove's ambassador And I'm
also... You'll know later Is there a specific reason to be the Mangrove's
ambassador? Or maybe you're just a member? If I become a Mangrove
Ambassador, I will be 18-25 years old, as long as I'm not married yet. Actually,
if I become a member, I suggest that you become a Mangrove Ambassador but
you are not active as a member of the Indie team. I don't think so. Oh, okay. I
want to ask, in the Mangruf project that you run, what projects do you do as a
Mangruf ambassador? Okay, the projects that I do. Okay, the first one, this is
probably an event that I handled too, after I was chosen as a Mangrove Virgin,
I was the one who conceptualized it, like a project officer, national director of
the Mangrove Virgin Election in Indonesia. Yes, I helped organize that event.
The first one is the Expo held by the Ministry of Economic, Creative and
Tourism. It's for exhibitions. We will have seminars and fashion shows there.
designer clothes, where the paint comes from the skin of a mangrove tree. We
also do sanitation work in coastal areas. One of the reasons is that the
cleanliness and bathrooms are still dirty. So we help to raise funds and then
we start the sanitation activities in Mora Bimbing. We also have the
empowerment of the products made by the capacity builders. Maybe it can be
done by the members of Mangervinda itself. I saw on the web that there is an
open donation, so we can open donations for the preservation of Mangervinda
itself. So we can't help you directly Yes, that's right It's so cute One of the
program is I'm happy that you're so selfish We have a campaign called One
Man One Mangrove on For those who can't directly contribute in
the mangrove planting activity or mangrove conservation you can donate
That's how it is. Okay. While you were doing your activities as a Mangrove
Duta, did you see any impact from your activities towards the conservation of
Mangrove? Did you see any impact for the surrounding people What are the
impacts on the people around you? Okay, there are a lot of impacts. The first
one is from the environment. I have been in the office for more than 50 years.
I'm currently in Karawang. And we plan to have a plantation in Bali and in
Ilau, outside of Jawa Island. In addition, actually this is not my plan, the plants
will be counted by the carbon stock by the research and development team
from other mangrove areas. But this is not my plan, so I don't know the carbon
stock, but there is a calculation of carbon stock, and maybe for your
information, when we plant the mangrove seeds, we don't just plant them, but
we monitor them, we count them, we monitor their development until they
can grow, until they can help absorb carbon emissions. So we don't plant them
single, but we still monitor them. In addition to the number of conservation
areas we plant mangroves and the number of mangrove seeds we plant, it also
affects the places where animals live in the forest. So they get more areas, it
also affects the lives of the animals that live in the reserve. I remember there
was information about animals that were released because there was a
shortage of their habitat. So they were sent to the houses of the residents. This
is not only from the environmental side, but also from the economic side. This
is related to the empowerment of the people. In the economic side, as I said
earlier, we help the people on the coast to distribute their products to the city,
to the city of Jakarta. But not specifically, I mean to Jakarta, to the area of
Jakarta. There, we helped the market, and we helped to expand their market
too. But, it was really difficult. I was told by the co-founder of Daya Yasa
Manggut Indonesia Lestari that they could only produce, but they have a hard
time to promote or sell the product. Because they have a limit to access.
Accessing outside. Finally, we were helped. And I think until this year, we have
helped sell products. Every year, at least 1000 products. You can imagine how
many families and communities are affected by the pandemic. I'm sorry. I was
a bit... I'm a bit... Okay. Are you okay? Maybe in the economy, it helps empower
the people on the other side, and the last one, it has an impact on education.
Because, as we believe, Indonesia and the organizers and the foundation, We
also provide education on conservation of mangrove. Not only to the people of
the coast, but we also provide education to every client who works with us.
We always provide knowledge on what mangrove is, what are the benefits,
what are the impacts, and what are the threats of mangrove. We also provide
education to schools. Because our foundation also has an activity called
Mamruf Goes to School. We teach about education about Mamruf and growth
to elementary schools. We also worked with Muara Gembung, and with The
Body Shop, We also have a body shop that helps with the cost of school. So we
teach the kids who are not able to go to school there. About environmental
education. That's it. That's it. I'm a bit touched. There are so many things. I
thought that the impact is only on the environment. Like, to make the
environment better. It can help the economy of the people. The people will
know that there is a way for the product to be sold. Besides that, it can also
help education. Next, do you have any message for the people about the
importance of the maintenance of the coral? Because the people who are in
the beginning, they might think, Maybe we should do it for the mangrove, it
grows on the beach. Do you have any message for the people to understand
the importance of mangrove conservation? Okay, the importance of mangrove
conservation, I can give one of the facts about mangrove. Mangrove has a
capacity to absorb carbon emissions three to five times bigger than other
forest areas. forest, terrestrial, compared to other green plants. So, WCET is
really good to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and air pollution. With that,
maybe you have a concern for the environment, or if mangrove can help to
keep it clean or not, keep it in a safe place too. help with the 6th or the
duration. And if you don't have time, you can also start with small steps, like
not throwing trash, reducing plastic usage, changing plastic bottles to
tumblers, so you can start making tumblers. Reduce plastic usage. That's it
from me. I think it's about reducing the use of plastic. From Kanadia, from the
Mangerv Foundation, have you ever visited the UI or the biology seminar? I
think, from me, I'm also very interested. Maybe if there's a seminar, people
will be more interested in the Mangerv Foundation. Indonesia's Duta Paham,
have you ever planned to hold a seminar? I have never. I used to plan to hold a
seminar and socialize the Duta Paham election to the UGI. and socialize the
Duta Paham election to the UGI. But it's a bit complicated to manage the
administration in the UGI. That's it from me. Okay. From Kanadia, from the
Mangerf Foundation, have you ever visited a seminar at UI or especially
biology? I think, maybe, from me, I'm also very interested. Maybe if there's a
seminar, people will be more interested with the Mangerf Foundation itself.
Have you ever planned or have you ever been to a seminar? Oh, okay. Actually,
I have never been to a seminar. I used to plan to hold seminars and socialize
the decision of the Board of Trustees to the UI. But in UI, it's a bit complicated
to manage the administration. at the university level, or at the faculty level, or
at the faculty level, or at the faculty level. But later, I will try. So if you want to
work with me, I can just contact HMD, or what? If there is a seminar, usually, if
there is a seminar, usually, from the faculty, there will be a seminar from the
alumni, especially because you will be an alumni soon. I'm a little bit of a
woman. Yeah, yeah Yeah, I have a seminar and I'm Papa put that in a video I
put a little bit of a man Okay So John and again, you know, I mean I'm not a
conservation video. Yeah, I am an article Yeah, yes we're hosting the webinar,
right? Yes, I think so. Because, as far as I know, if there's no seminar, it's a bit
difficult. You have to go to the DKN first. DKN, Kebano, there's a lot. Yes. I
planned to know if there was an event for the Duka Manggrove Girls to
Campus, and I'll hold it at FMI Paui. I saw the documents and I had to go
through them. I asked through BEM, then I went to the student affairs
manager, and so on. Meanwhile, our event is starting in a month. So, I think if I
have to go through the documents in a month, I feel like it's not enough.
Moreover, there are still many people. And finally, the election of the new
mayor of the campus was postponed, and it was just a fun thing. I also knew
the new mayor because of her. I knew that there was a new mayor, and I was
like, wow, it's so fun, it's the same as biology, and it's also conservation. It's
easy Just follow me, I'm really happy to know If it's not in Jakarta, is it
possible? Yes, it's possible It's okay Because I saw your Instagram It's like
you're already in Jakarta I thought you were already in Jakarta And then I
searched It's the one that became depo, right? It turns out there's no In West
Java? Yes, there is one in West Java. I think there is one in the beginning.
Because in the new year, last year, there was a winner. Top 6. She is from the
Geography class. She is my relative. She also joined. She likes to be involved in
the planting and farming activities I'll try it later Of course Okay, next question
Ms. Narya's face has been spread on social media Fmifa, HMD About winning
the Alliance The Alliance Study Venture Forum competition in Korea And
when I saw it, it was from Juta Mangrove too, right? Yes Can you tell us about
your experience because you joined the competition and won the runner-up? I
was initiated by one of the members of the Indonesian National Team, my
friend. He invited me to join a team, because my background is in biology and
I have a point, I think it's his word, not mine, I have a plus point that can help
the team to have power. Okay, so I joined the contribution. We looked for
information about the competition, like what are the points of evaluation that
are proposed in this competition, for example, how many percent, how much
percent, how is the evaluation, from there we analyzed together what we have
to convey to maximize our values. So we prepared it, if I'm not mistaken, there
were a few countries. So before we were sent to Korea, we had a selection in
Indonesia. A special package. If I'm not mistaken, there were 6 or 10
Indonesian profiles that were registered. Finally, 3-4 teams passed through to
Korea in Indonesia. Even though it was supposed to be just two teams. But in
Indonesia, it was supposed to be four teams. And we were so happy because
we were going to be in Korea. And our life in Korea was fully funded. So the
government didn't cover us. In Brunei and Korea, we have two training
sessions per week. One is online and the other is offline. We have training
sessions and discuss about our presentation and our competition. The
competition is about international sustainable business plan. We bring
Mangrove products. the products are growing we put all the points like the
people's empowerment, education and about the companies that already care
about contributing in the purchase of the product oh yeah, actually the
product that we help sell is 100% we help donate to the people around us If
you want to know what the product is, there is a syrup, a script, and a bottle.
Actually, there are a lot of products. There are soaps, there are soaps, there
are also eggs. But when we were competing, our focus was on the third and
last batch. That's the most delicious product. I'll continue. During the week,
we had two training sessions. We had an online discussion. We had a team of
six people. It was hard to bring all six people together. Sorry. Everyone had
their own ideas. So, we discussed and discussed, and we found the best option
for our competition. We agreed to do the training, and we decided on our own
job desks. We discussed what we wanted for our job desks. I was in the
Olympics, and when I left for Korea, I had to train. And Alhamdulillah, I didn't
expect to win. I won, and I beat 18 countries so in total, I have 100 posters I
didn't expect that That's so cool and this is just a fun fact when the poster was
published in FMI4 and HMD my friends were sent a screenshot to the group
chat and said, look at our decathing, it's so cool. It's so cool. I said, I want it too.
I said, because he's also a bankruptcy agent. I said, I also like his Instagram, it's
so cool. I said, I'll interview him tomorrow. He's so inspiring. It's so cool. Oh
my God, I'm so happy. I said, oh my god, Kanadia is so cool. Because it's only
seen in the published version, right? Especially there's the biological label, and
also a foreigner, and also a ambassador. At that time, it was really inspiring.
Until my friends were like, oh, it's really cool, I want to be like Kanadia. I also
interviewed PdW and Kanadia, it was really cool. It's so cool when you say
that. I'm so inspired. It's so cool. I swear it's so cool. I'm so excited for you guys
who want to consult me. You want to ask for my advice. What should I do?
And there are some of my biological friends who asked me on Instagram. They
were like, how can you... I saw you on social media. How can you do that? I'm
really open to your questions. I can help you. Don't be shy. I'm always shy, I'm
so happy when people ask me that I'll tell my friends later, because she's like
She's so happy when people ask her about her character I'm happy Yeah, okay
Because she's now a character that inspires me to Maybe to cut from I mean
I'm alone But maybe because she has an inspiration Until she can be as cool as
she is now If you know, what is the inspiration from her? Actually, inspiration,
I have two Besides the first one Actually, there are many inspirations But the
one that I really want to be is my mom. My mom is a workaholic. She has a
goal every year when she's working. She has a goal every year. Whatever she
wants to achieve. I was so confused. When you're in school, you just focus on
your education. You don't have to think about anything else. You focus on
your education and achieve as much as you can. And from that time, there was
a time when our focus changed, aside from education. And second, I was very
proud of Mrs. Sri Muliani, Minister of Finance. I was very impressed because I
really like to see her leading. I have also been a minister of finance. I like to
see, even though we haven't met in person, but I like to see her when she's in a
meeting, online or on her social media posts. I think, wow, that's so cool. A
woman can also be a leader, and I want to be like him, to be able to inspire me.
Actually, there's one more, can I say it? Sure, go ahead. In the public figure
division, I'm also very inspired by Kody Ayunda. I really want to see him. He's
a sophomore, and he's like, I really want to see him like this. Can I? Can I?
That's it. That's my inspiration. Cool. Maybe now we're getting into the last
questions, right? I know that you are in your last semester, so you might be
having a hard time with your transcriptions. What are your plans for the
future after you graduate from biology? Do you want to continue in the field of
conservation or do you want to go to another field? I'm sorry, I'm not sure if I
can translate this. My goal after I graduate from biology is to work in
conservation. I want to contribute to continue my career in the stadium.
Because the stadium is helping me to get where I am now. That's it. And
maybe... What is it? I have a plan. Not a plan. I have progressed. I want to
create a platform with my friends. A platform that provides support or
motivation for friends who want to participate in the competition. A platform
that provides support or motivation for friends who want to participate in the
competition. We give suggestions and input to those who want to join the

Maybe this is the last question, Nadia. Nadia, you are in your last semester,
and you are still in the process of signing up for a job. What is your future plan
after you graduate from Biology? Do you want to continue in the field of
conservation or do you want to go to another field? Okay, my goal is... Sorry,
I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. Okay, so my goal is, after I graduate from
biology, I really want to work in the environmental field, conservation. And I
plan to register for the CNS to enter the LHK, so I'll be a member of the LHK.
That's it. That's it, I want to register. And I also want to contribute to my
career in this organization. Because this organization helps me until now. I
also have a plan, not a plan, it's a progress. It's like I want to make a platform
with my friends. A platform that gives support or motivation for friends who
are about to take part in the competition. So we give suggestions, input, and
discuss about friends who want to take part in the competition. Whether it's a
competition or a full-time job. But it's still a progress. So you have a plan to
continue contributing after graduating in biology, especially in the field of
environmental conservation? Yes, that's right. What is the most memorable
moment while you were doing various activities outside the campus? Because
there are a lot of activities, is there any that are most memorable for you? I I
was so proud of him because he brought the name of biology to Indonesia.
Because there are many Russian countries that are doing this. I didn't expect
that he could win the competition. It was so impressive. I was like, I'm so
proud of my sister because she's like a biologist, even though she's the one
who's competing. But I can still say, hi, my cutting is really cool. Thank you so
much. I was also like, posted on Facebook. I was also told by my sister, Tarisa,
Tarisa and Eca. I posted it on Facebook and everyone liked it. It was cool.
Okay, maybe the last question, Nika. Do you have any advice for other
students who want to follow in your footsteps in contributing to
environmental activities and still achieve many achievements? Do you have
any suggestions? Okay, the first question is we have to be active I mean, we
have our own plans We have to set our own plans and those plans are not just
written or imagined but we also have to actively look for information That's
why I'm pushing back to the relationship. If possible, you should find a wide
range of relationships. Don't be afraid to start something. Because it's better
to regret joining than to regret not joining at all. And, basically, plan how you
want to do it every year or every month. Make the goals. and how can I get
more information about my goals? How can I reach my goals? I need to find
out more information on social media. And the third and last thing, I think it's
very important, I suggest that we should be able to do personal branding on
social media. That's my advice. Because you can't deny it again. People will see
your first impression from social media. From Instagram, LinkedIn. So you can
build a good personal branding on social media. Don't be afraid to be called
arrogant. Just be confident. Because the only one who feels Just think about it,
because the positive benefits are for you. Okay. Thank you so much, Nadia, for
being interviewed by me. I also got a lot of information that I didn't know
about. Especially about the fact that the herb is not a tree. I just found out
about it. It's an ecosystem. I just found out about it. I thought all the trees on
the edge of the park were mangroves. I thought it was an ecosystem. Okay,
thank you, Erin, for messaging me. Thank you so much. I'm your fan, okay?
Thank you for your support. I'll tell them later. They'll be happy. Hi, hi. Sure,
just a moment. I'll just take a screenshot. 1, 2, 3. Okay, done. Thank you so
much for the interview. I'm sorry if I said something wrong. I'm sorry for
being late. I was so sad when you sent me the zoom. It's okay. It's just a
practice. Thank you so much. I want to ask for a photo of Kanadia to be put on
the cover article. You can send it via DM, it's okay. Okay. The photo? Free?
Free. Free. Free. Oh, free. The best photo is just because of her. Okay. Okay.
You can send it. Thank you so much for her. Thank you. Have a nice day. Yes,
thank you too, Erin. I'll let you know. Yes. Okay. Okay. Alhamdulillah. Oh my
God. Oh I'm going to put it on the side. I'm going to put it on the side. Thank

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