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The Misanthropic Vampire

November 1, 2021November 2, 2021

The Paradigms & Feeding

Before we begin I’d like to brief you on what exactly Vampyrism is;
then I’ll introduce you to the 4 paradigmns as they are utilized
within the Viprimae tradition.

First and foremost, what you need to accept and also deeply
understand, is that Vampyrism is not only primal, but predatory. It
requires you to feed upon the essence of willing subjects to sustain
your demonic need.

The entire ritual requires your donor to submit to your will as a

show of consent. You the devil, are tempting the human to
surrender their soul to you.

There will be times when the Vampyre will have to offer

themselves up to be vampyrized as a willing sacrifice to the Strigoi
Morte (The Vampyre Ancesters, and the Ascended Masters of the
Predatory path of spirituality.)

This tradition has many layers of emanation as the realms we
traverse are Abysmal and Astral, our home is a timeless place, in
the womb of the great dragon our dark mother of chaos.


1. DAYSIDE: All matters relating to the physical realm, Dayside

practices rely on physical exchanges such as Sanguine feeding and
Sex feeding. Sanguinarians and Succubi/Incubbi in terms of the
Vampyre tradition are to be considered Dayside vampyre

2. TWILIGHT: Bestial identity. Twilight is the transitional stage

between Human and Vampyre. Twilight offers the forked path,
where the traveler can deside to stay on the bestial path and
become a Therian awakening the Animal Indentity, as a Shaman
and spiritual shapeshifter… Or they can push past the Bestial path
and merge the Human and the Beast to become a Demon.

3. NIGHTSIDE: It is within the Nightside that one becomes a

Vampyre. The Vampyre is a Demonic entity, you no longer identify
solely as human nor animal. You gaze up your reflection in the
sacred mirror of your altar and stand in awe of your Demonic
Divinity. It is within the Nightside that you separate yourself from
all earthly things and shed your body on command to enter the
astral plane, which is your true home. You enter the dreams of
your friends and pass on messages. or you can enter the dreams of
your enemies and become their nightmare. You shapeshift within
the Astral Plane and can project that image into the mind-sight of
your enemies. and the same method is used within Glamour to
enchant all those who gaze upon you. all of this, and so much

4. DAWN: Eos was the Dawn in Greek mythology, She was the
mother of Eosphoros and Hesperos The morning and Evening Star,
Eosphoros was Romanized by the name of “Lucifer”. It was
believed by the Greeks and Romans that the Planet Venus as seen
in the morning and evening were two separate stars, but over time
they accepted the Babylonian’s wisdom that the morning and
evening stars were one and the same; thus they would adopt
Innana into their Pantheon as Aphrodite in Greece and Venus in
Rome. Luciferianism is the path of illumination. Where we purify
our demonic aspects in the Nightside, and become GODS!!!

For as long as Vampyrism has been within popular consciousness,

it has been long discussed and debated as to the fate of Vampyre
existence. The question always being, “is there an escape from
vampyrism?” Then out emerges along side Vampyrism, the
Luciferian spiritual and philosophical movement, which is in
many ways almost identical to Vampyrism only its purified.

It is as if Vampyrism was Hesperos the Evening-Star of the

Nightside, and Luciferianism is Eosphoros the Morning-Star of the

Thus completing the Cycle of the 4 Paradigmns of Vampyre

alchemical Transmutation of the Soul.
The Human Discovers its Animal origin, then they merge and
become demonic, the demon is purified and becomes a God.


feeding is a deep and intimate process. It requires you and your

subject to both surrender to the process of the energy exchange.
Your spirits must meld into each other, so that the Spiritual waters
mix, and the two become as ONE.
You the Vampyre, must weave the essence or energy, creating
cords of energetic bondage which link your spirits together.
Whisper these words to your subject as you weave your web.
Guide your subject into the process, teach them how to surrender
to you.

-Your breath is my breath (inhale their exhale through your nose)

-Your heat is my heat (wave your energetic hand over their eyes,
face, neck, chest, and arms.)
-May the beat of your heart sync with my heartbeat. (hover your
energetic hand over the heart and then press in gently)
-Your soul is my soul (wrap your energetic hand over their throat,
and inhale their exhale with your mouth.)
-Dissolve into me, so that we may be as ONE. (seductively press the
side of your face to theirs, embrace them tightly as if you want to
absorb their body into yours.)
-Your Thoughts be my thoughts, (Gaze into their eyes, while
holding their face closely.)
-Your fears be mine. (gently caress their cheek with the nails of
your dominant hand, then pass it over the ear and to the throat.)
-Your pleasure is my pleasure (Raise their hand and turn them
around as you position yourself behind them.)
-Give yourself unto me!!! (embrace them tightly from behind them.
binding their wrists together over the heart, or over the gut.)
-do you surrender? (If they say “I surrender myself to you O’Lord,
my Master.” then you can release the tension by biting them
sensually on the neck not piercing the skin or hurting them. Or
you can reward them with a deep, sensual kiss.)

The feeding was occurring from the very beginning, But you allow
your subject to give you more, by taking part in the seduction, and
giving themselves over to you. You persuade them to drop their
defenses, and let go of their inhibitions. So that they can fall and
dissolve into your embrace. Speak in the voice you use when you
talk dirty. Seduction is a dance its the exchanges that two people
have with each other before concluding the dance with the
physical act of sex. “Seduction” is centered in the Anticipation of
sex, it is not the act of sex itself. Seduction is the thing that leads
into consummation.

It is a practice like this that will lead you to discover what kind of
Vampyre you are. You might be a Sex-Vampyre needing the
Physical exchange of Sex to feed from your subject this will make
you an Incubus or Succubus Vampyre respectively. But if its only
the sexual tension that you need, then you just might be a Tantric
Vampyre, feeding solely on the Sexual energy. Pranic Vampyres
feed intimately on the BREATH of their subject. A Vampyres kiss is
one of two acts, a seductive bite. and also the act of inhaling the
subjects exhaled breath.


There are many modes or methods of feeding, it would help if you

understood how energy flows, and moves around and how it is
transferred. It is also useful to have at least a basic, elementary,
fundamental understanding of Chakras, Meridians and Energy
points in the body. It is also useful to have a basic understanding
of thermal dynamics just to start with. There will be other things
to study when getting into more advanced practices of energy
work, like the study of magnetism as well as conducive and
conductive electricity.
The smarter you are, the more effective you will be, so long as you
are also perceptive and creative with your intelligence.


Ambient Feeding is the most common form of feeding among

Vampyres as it is the most abundantly accessible, and it requires
no consent from a donor. Ambient energy is all around you. You
and everything else that is living radiates ambient energy, some
believe that certain inanimate objects also have energies of their
own like rocks and crystals, and I think to a certain degree that is
true. But I think its more likely that we can store energy into
objects, just like how quartz crystals are programed to power your
mobile device and well… pretty much any other digital device.

Ambient energy is found in two forms generally… The first form is

Vaporous, the body radiates excess energy and its cast off as heat
the closer it is to the body, and it becomes more vaporous the
further away from the body. When you are in a room full of people
who are in high spirits like in a night club or a sporting event;
large bodies of people generate a massive amount of energy that
you can inhale and drink it in. Or you can stand where the energy
will condense, form clouds, get heavy and drop, and you can
absorb the energy into your body through the skin as it washes
over you.

The second form of ambient energy is Conductive ambient energy.

Every time you touch something, energy is transferred from your
hand or your body onto surrounding objects, this is called
“conductive transfer.” Door knobs, Coffee Mugs, Cellular Mobile
devices, benches and chairs, every object found in the grocery
store. You can absorb the energy of anything that someone has
touched, and in advanced practice you can develop the Psychic
ability of “Psychometry.”

Psychometry, is the ability to pick up psychic information about a

person or place by touching an object they’ve touched. Psychics
will often touch the walls of a room, to learn about events that
have occurred in those places. This goes back to what I said earlier
about storing energy into objects and also that objects can be
programed this way.

In advanced forms of Vampyrism we can imprint suggestions,

messages or intentions into objects, places and people by mere
touch. This can be used for healing, as well as to harm.

Another fun fact, in regards to “Sacred Relics” within Catholicism

and the Orthodox church. They classify relics in 3 categories. and
the same system is also applied to Curios in magick like Animal
Bones, and Grave Yard dirt etc.
First-class relic is a body part or other physical remains of a Saint
or Holy person.
Second-Class Relics: are items that the Saint owned or frequently
used, for example, a crucifix, rosary, book, etc. …
Third-Class Relics: any object that has been in contact with a first-
or second-class relic.

Any relic can be used for Psychometry. In necromancy its a great

way to communicate with the dead, or channel the spirit of the
being that is connected to those items or remains. You can use this
for Channeling the spirit of a great mind during automatic writing.


The Body radiates energy emitting heat. This heat creates an aura
in various layers around your body. “Surface-feeding” is the act of
touching the outer layers of the aura to be affected by it, and
absorb the energy that way without being invasive. Many
vampyre will use Surface-Feeding as a way to communicate with
each other psychically, or to read someones essence.

The heat of your body meets the heat from their body, and if you
have developed a sensitivity to these subtle forces, you’d feel the
energies of your auras brushing up against each other. It feels allot
like when you bring two magnets together and they repel each
other. Your Aura is like a body outside of your body surrounding
you like a balloon. The sensation of these bodies pressing together
or your hand hovering over their aura, will feel similar to the
resistance felt when you press two balloons together, and they
stop your hands from coming together.

Your Aura is supposed to protect you from harmful external

energies. But you will discover that there are energetic parasites
that latch onto your aura, and feed off of you. Parasites cause you
to feel energetically drained, mentally and emotionally exhausted
and fatigued. and Vampyres often can see these parasites and
pluck them off of your aura, devour them or cast them out. So
Vampyres will often skim your aura to see if there are any Holes
that need to be cured, or if there are any Parasites that need to be
plucked out. Its kind of like how Monkey’s groom each other, but
with energy.

Your Aura is also very similar to the Earths Magnetic-Field, which

protects the Earth from the Suns deadly rays. A strong Aura, can
protect you from psychic and energetic attacks.


Contact feeding is the act of touching someone directly. Contact

feeding is one step away from deep feeding, you can get a much
better dose of a persons energy and gain access to Chakras and
Meridian Points. When you hold someones hand, you are
connecting directly with the hidden chakras located in the palm of
the hand. The Hand chakras are directly connected to the Heart
Chakra. There are several other hidden chakras located in and
around the body. Its good to study charts of Meridian points, and
chakra points so that you can devise a strategy for accessing key
areas covertly. But if you have a Willing donor or a romantic
partner, then you’ll have access to their whole body, and you can
have a feast on there entire energetic system.

Contact feeding is a great way to heal people of energetic

afflictions. You can use your hands like psychic eyes, to see what is
going on inside of a persons inner world. The inner world is the
emotional body. Energy can sometimes behave like dust, the more
movement that is occurring in a place the more energized the
energy becomes and its kicked up into a cloud above you. But
when there is no movement, when things settle down, the energy
falls down and settles like dust on furniture. Within the body,
emotional energy can be surging through the body, but then the
energy can settle in condensed forms in different areas of the
Your subject will not notice the heaviness and pressure of that
condensed settled energy, until you point it out and offer to pluck
it out.

Anger settles in the brow bone area. But sometimes it settles in the
shoulders or chest. Sadness in the lower part of the heart and in
the Solar plexus chakra. Heartache is never mistaken because its
always in the heart chakra.

You can locate these different areas by evaluating how you feel,
when you are touched in certain areas of the body. especially by
strangers. Energy flows where attention goes. and often you wont
notice these pressurized forces until someone draws your
attention to it. In advanced Vampyrism, you can weaponize
contact feeding as well as utilize it for healing.


Deep feeding is when you can press your chakras into your
subjects chakras. Heart to heart and pelvis to pelvis (ROOT), Solar
plexus to solar plexus, etc. Deep feeding creates the deepest bonds
between the Vampyre and the subject. Which is why its not always
advisable to utilize this method of feeding haphazardly, and with
just anyone and everyone. Generally you only do this with
someone you share a deep emotional connection with.

Deep Feeding cause such deep links to your subject that you can
begin to sense their thoughts and empathically feel their emotions.
You also gain direct access to their dreams and can visit them
there frequently through the Astral plane. You can visit them in
their daydreams too. But really all of that is super advanced


Vampyres have the ability to trap and devour spirits who enter
their bodies, and also have the ability to forcibly absorb a spirit,
and then devour them that way. Some vampyres have tendrils,
while others have Vortexes, or something else. You’re like a Venus
flytrap, or a vacuum cleaner sucking up a spider and its web.
Souleater Vampyres are very skilled in exorcism. Its this very
ability that makes spirits flee, or become cautious and obedient in
the presence of a Vampyre. Most people don’t know that demons
are not immortal, they can die. Most spirits can be dissolved. But
with the right ingredients, they can also be re-manifested, via the
art of “Spirit cooking.”

Published by

The Misanthropic Vampire

My name is Vipra M. Lykos, I am a long-time solitary practitioner

of Shamanic Vampirism; first initiated in the year 2002 into the
Draconian Tradition of Primal Spirituality. I am a representative of
the Luciferian Order of the Domina degree. And am currently the
head of the Luciferian Orders Vampirism sect known as "The
Order of the Viprimae." The Misanthropic Vampire blog is a place
where I provide some educational content about the Esoteric
Practice of Vampirism which is referred to as the "Nightside"
within the Greater Vampire Community. (GVC)
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