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A Mini project Report


Submitted in the partial fulfilment of the requirements of

the degree of Bachelor of Technology by
P.BALU (o190501)
T.SIVANANDA (o190542)

Under the guidance of

Mr. G V Rajasekhar, Assistant Professor
Head of the Department – EEE
Electrical and Electronics Engineering


This report entitled “FINGERPRINT DOOR UNLOCK USING ARDUINO” by P.Bhagya
Suvarna (o190130), Ch.Lakshmi Pravalika (o190739), T.Bala Priyanka (o190618), K.Sisindri
Reddy (o191127), P.Balu (o190501), T.Sivananda (o190542) approved for the degree of
Bachelor of Technology in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.


Date: …………………...
Place: …………………..
We hereby declare that the results embodied in this dissertation entitled “FINGERPRINT
DOOR UNLOCK USING ARDUINO” is carried out by us during the year 2023-2024 for the
partial fulfilment of the award of Bachelor of Technology in Electrical and Electronics
Engineering from Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Ongole . I have not
submitted the same to any other University or Organization for the award of any other Degree.

P.Bhagya Suvarna
Ch.Lakshmi Pravalika
T.Bala Priyanka
K.Sisindri Reddy
Electrical and Electronics Engineering

This is to certify that the report entitled “Boost converter” submitted by “FINGERPRINT
DOOR UNLOCK USING ARDUINO” by P.Bhagya Suvarna, Ch.Lakshmi Pravalika, T.Bala
Priyanka, K.Sisindri Reddy, P.Balu, T.Sivananda bearing ID numbers o190130, o190739,
o190618, o191127, o190501 and o190542 respectively in partial fulfilment of the requirements
for the award of Bachelor of Technology in Electrical and Electronics Engineering is a bona
field work carried by them under my supervision and guidance

Project Internal Guide: Head of the Department:

Assistant Professor Assistant Professor
Mr. G. V. Rajasekhar Mr. G. V. Rajasekhar
We make a move to communicate our earnest because of every one of the people who have
looked to coordinating our endeavors towards the effective finish of the little undertaking. We
wish to enroll my most profound feeling of appreciation and regard to my task guide Mr. G V
Rajasekhar for his consistent help and direction all through the term of the undertaking. The
basic examination and ideal idea have supportive idea have helped us in emerging with this
productive outcome. We wish to say thanks to Top of the Branch of EEE Mr. G V Rajasekhar
for his help and consolation. One of the main considerations in clearing my direction through
every one of the hardships has been his help and inspiration. At the start, we might want to
thank our Dignitary of Scholastics, Overseer of RGUKT Ongole, AP for giving all fundamental
assets to the effective fulfillment of my course work. Finally, yet not the least we thank our
partners and different understudies for their physical and moral help. We wish to enroll my
inclination towards my relatives who have been considerably more uplifting and

With sincere Regards

P.Bhagya Suvarna (o190130)

Ch.Lakshmi Pravalika (o190739)
T.Bala Priyanka (o190618)
K.Sisindri Reddy (o191127)
P.Balu (o190501)
T.Sivananda (o190542)
This simple fingerprint door unlock project using Arduino can be very useful for door security,
forensics, crime investigations, personal idntification, attendance system and much more. In
the future, there could be many more applications likefingerprint based driving licences, bank
accounts operation and so on. The whole system works under a simple algorithm called
matchinga algorithm, which is used to compare previously – stored temoplates of fingerprints
against users fingerprints for authentication purposes. A key is normally used for traditional
door opening, but it provides very poor security. In this fingerprint door unlock project, only
when an authorized person places a finger on the sensor, the door unlocks and the lcd displays
a welcome message along with that person’s name. The fingerprint sensor will take the
fingerprint of the user and forward it to the microcontroller to match with its records. If the
print matches with one of the fingerprints of the microcontroller’s memory, the microcontroller
will lock or unlock the latch, based on its current state. If the fingerprint do not match then
nothing happen. The door lock is unlocked and the user have to retried. The system will be
reset once a known print will be entered. Here we will use fingerprint for biometric verification
as it is one such thing which is unique to every individual and the use of fingerprint as the key
to door locks can overcome the security problem of unauthorized people trespassing to our
homes, shops, offices, etc. to a great extent as duplicate in such key is not possible. Also, this
system will not lead to problems like losing keys because we do not require carrying keys if
this system is used instead of traditional locks. So, using Arduino we will try to implement the
system with features which will increase the security level. The system uses a fingerprint sensor
module to authenticate users and control an electronic door lock for secure access. The
hardware components used in this system include Arduino Uno, fingerprint sensor module, a
relay module, solenoid door lock and an adapter. The software components include a program
for interfacing the fingerprint sensor with Arduino. The system was tested for functionality,
security, and usability. The result shows that the system is capable of accurately identifying
authorized users and granting them access while preventing unauthorized access.









Lock systems have been around for centuries, and traditional lock systems are still being
used today. However, these systems are no longer considered secure and convenient as they
are prone to various vulnerabilities. The rise of technology has led to the development of
advanced door lock systems that are more secure and convenient than traditional lock systems.
Biometric door lock systems are one such technology that uses a person’s unique physical traits
for authentication purposes. Fingerprint door lock systems are becoming increasingly popular
due to their security and convenience. This thesis presents the design and implementation of a
fingerprint door lock system using Arduino Uno microcontroller.
The use of biometric authentication systems for access control has become increasingly popular
in recent years due to their high security and convenience. One of the most widely used
biometric technologies is fingerprint recognition, which is based on the unique pattern of ridges
and valleys on an individual's fingertip. Several studies have been conducted on fingerprint
recognition systems, and various techniques have been developed to improve their accuracy
and reliability. One study by (Jain, Chen, & Demirkus, 30 November 2006) analyzed the
performance of different fingerprint recognition algorithms and found that the minutiae based
approach, which extracts and matches minutiae points on the fingerprint, is the most reliable
and accurate technique. The use of Arduino boards in various projects, including biometric
authentication systems, has also gained popularity due to their ease of use and affordability.
Another study which achieved high accuracy and reliability was by (Martin, 2018). In addition,
several studies have investigated the security of fingerprint recognition systems and potential
vulnerabilities, such as spoofing attacks. A study by proposed a new approach to detect and
prevent spoofing attacks in fingerprint recognition systems using machine learning techniques.
Overall, the literature suggests that fingerprint recognition systems are a reliable and secure
method of access control, and the use of Arduino boards and machine learning techniques can
improve their accuracy and security.


These days office/corporate environment security is a major threat faced by every individual
when away from home or at the home. When it comes to security systems, it is one of the
primary concerns in this busy competitive world, where human cannot find ways to provide
security to his/her confidential belongings manually. Instead, he/she finds an alternative
solution which provides better, reliable and atomized security. This is an era where everything
is connected through network, where anyone can get hold of information from anywhere
around the world. Thus chances of one’s info being hacked are a serious issue. Due to these
risks it’s very important to have some kind of personal identification system to access one’s
own information. Now a day, personal identification is becoming an important issue all around.
Among mainstream personal identification methods, we mostly see password and
identification cards techniques. But it is easy to hack password now and identification cards
may get lost, thus making these methods quite unreliable.
There are certain situations which are very annoying like when a person locks himself out of
his house or office or he leaves his key inside or sometimes when a thief just breaks the lock
and steals everything. These kinds of situations always trouble people who use manual door
lock with keys. Although in some places people use smart cards, there might arise a situation
when someone loses the card or keeps the card inside. Then in other scenarios there are
caretakers for locking houses or offices and keeping the keys safe. But then again there are
times when a person in charge of the keys might not be available or has gone to some
emergency routine, which can cause unwanted delay for people who need the key straightaway.
These are some of the hassles that people might face when using keys or smart cards. That is
when our system, fingerprint door lock system comes into play. Our design is implemented to
provide better securities as users don’t need to remember passwords and don’t need any sort of
keys or cards that often get lost. If someone’s fingerprint is authorized in the systems he/she
would not face any sort of delays to enter a room. Fingerprint recognition is one of the most
secure systems because a fingerprint of one person never matches 7 with others. Therefore,
unauthorized access can be restricted by designing a lock that stores the fingerprints of one or
more authorized users and unlock the system when a match is found. Bio metrics
authorization proves to be one of the best traits because the skin on our palms and soles exhibits
a flow like pattern of ridges on each fingertip which is unique and immutable. This makes
fingerprint a unique identification for everyone. The popularity and reliability on fingerprint
scanner can be easily guessed from its use in recent hand-held devices like mobile phones and
The goal of this project is to research and analyze a suitable collection of components for
developing a smart door lock using Arduino that provides excellent security and quick access.
The following are the specific project goals:
• Familiarity with a smart door locking system based on a microcontroller.
• Using Arduino to create a simple and smart door locking system.


The fingerprint sensor module uses an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi to operate. In the proposed
system, there is three-level security. Any two levels of security users have to face to unlock the
system. This is the ideal option for avoiding the hassles of a stolen or lost key or illegal access.
The authorized user must register his or her fingerprint in the system. The registered person's
mobile number is then added to GSM, and a permanent image password is assigned to this
user. As a first step, the unauthorized individual must choose unauthorized as the user type.
The admin receives a random picture. The person must properly choose the random image.
Otherwise, the system will go back to the first page. This system, which consists of Arduino,
GSM Module, Servo Motor, and other components, employs a ‘Secret Knocking Pattern' that
is only known by the owner of the safe, luggage, or other property or item on which the device
is mounted. For the lock to open, the knocking pattern must be used only at a certain location,
which is only known by the owner. The secret pattern can only be changed after the secret
knock has been unlocked. Because there is no key to be copied, this approach fully eliminates
the worry of duplication.
A magnetic door lock is administered through an RFID reader in the suggested system, which
begins the authentication and validation of the user or regulates access in short. In addition, the
systems keep track of each user's access and exit records in the form of a log report for each
access. To avoid unforeseen circumstances, the administrator of the central subsystem can
terminate the validity of any user at any moment.
In “An Advanced Door Lock Security System using Palmtop Recognition System”, Kawser
Wazed Nafi, Lecturer of Stamford University talks about the classification of a security system
11 interface. According to him, the security system using fingerprint interface can be divided
into the following Modules:
- Fingerprint analysis software module that accepts fingerprints images;
- Hardware interface module and the locking system module.


This chapter will cover the details explanation of methodology that is being used to make this
project complete and working well. Many methodologies or findings from this field mainly
generated into journal for others to take advantages and improve as upcoming research on
projects. The methodology refers to the overall approach that our project requires. We need to
explain our project briefly, demonstrating that we comprehend the meaning of our approaches.
The methods are the tools of data collection, the procedure of our project. The procedures or
strategies used to find, select, process, and analyze information about a topic are referred to as
methodology. In this project, we implemented a Fingerprint-Based Security System Using
Arduino & Fingerprint Sensor. As thefts are increasing day by day security is becoming a major
concern nowadays. So a digital fingerprint lock can secure our home or locker easily. It will
open your door only when the right fingerprint is entered. Only authorized people are allowed
access to the restricted sections due to a fingerprint-based door lock mechanism. The Arduino
is responsible for the entire project's operation. A particular procedure or set of procedures
demonstrating the issue is massive revision of teaching methodology. In a report or article, the
methodology section allows the reader to critically evaluate a study's overall validity and
reliability. So, this methodology chapter explains what we did and how we did it.

3.2 Circuit and Working Principle

The circuit shown in Fig. 1 operates using a 12V power supply. An Arduino microcontroller
(MCU) requires only 5V but the solenoid electric lock requires 12V. As Arduino Uno has an
inbuilt 5V voltage regulator, a common 12V supply can be used for the whole system.

Fig: circuit diagram of the fingerprint door unlock system

The brain of the circuit is Arduino Uno MCU board (BOARD1). It is based on Arduino UNO
R3 V1.0 and has 14 digital input/output (I/O) pins, six analogue inputs, Fingerprint sensor , a
USB connection, power jack, Battery, Charger among others. It can be programmed using
Arduino IDE software. Fingerprint sensor module R305 (connected across CON2) has UART
interface with direct connections to the MCU or to the PC through max232/USB serial adaptor.
The user can store fingerprint data in the module and con it in 1:1 or 1: N mode for
identification. Pins TX and 17 RX of R305 sensor are connected to Arduino digital pins 2 and
3, which are used for serial communication.
Process of Work:
The purpose of this experiment is to implement a door-locking mechanism that opens or closes
the lock on the door automatically with a key code. There are two work processes for this
experiment which are:
Case 1: The lock will open:

In this system, user will enter fingerprint in the fingerprint scanner which is connected to the
door latch through the microcontroller. After scanning the print, the system runs its database
and looks for a match. If any match is found, the latch opens and thus the door gets unlocked.
Same thing happens when user wants to lock the door. Correct fingerprint makes the latch to
close, locking the door behind the user.
Case 2: The lock will not open:
If fingerprint is wrong, the lock will not open allowing the door to remain locked and user have
to retried until the door is opened. Scanning the wrong fingerprint will automatically instruct
the user to start again from the beginning.



First of all, we use Proteus software to complete the simulation. in this simulation, we've used
some important components to build the whole door locked system, which are Arduino UNO
R3 V1.0, LEDGREEN, LM044L 16x2 Alphanumeric Display, Fingerprint, Door Lock, 12volt
Adapter, Speaker, Transistor IRFZ44N and TIP122.
The Arduino UNO is the best board to get started with electronics and coding. In the beginning
with the platform, this UNO is the most robust board that can be started playing with. The UNO
is the most used and documented board of the whole Arduino family.
The Arduino UNO is the best board to get started with electronics and coding. If this is your
first experience tinkering
with the platform, the UNO
is the most robust board you
can start playing with. The
UNO is the most used and
documented board of the
whole Arduino family.

Figure-2: Arduino Uno

Arduino UNO is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P. It has 14 digital
input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic
resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header and a reset button. It contains
everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB
cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. You can tinker with your
UNO without worrying too much about doing something wrong, worst case scenario you can
replace the chip for a few dollars and start over again.


SEN0188 fingerprint sensor was used in this thesis project. It can be easily integrated into
various biometric projects. It is compatible with Arduino development boards and can be used
to implement secure access control systems, attendance management systems, and other
biometric applications. The sensor module is equipped with a high-resolution optical scanner
that can capture fingerprints with high accuracy and speed. The SEN0188 fingerprint sensor
module has a compact design and is easy to install. It communicates with Arduino boards via
a serial interface and can store up to 1000 fingerprint templates in its internal memory. The
module also features a 13 built-in LED indicator and buzzer that provide real-time feedback
during finger print scanning. Overall, SEN0188 is a versatile and reliable fingerprint sensor
module that can be used in a variety of biometric projects. Its ease of use and compatibility
with Arduino boards make it an ideal choice for hobbyists and professionals alike.
Nothing is completely secure. Locks can be picked, safes can be broken into, and online
passwords can be guessed sooner or later. One way is to use biometrics—fingerprints, iris
scans, retinal scans, face scans, and other personal information that is more difficult to forge.
Not so long ago, if you'd had your fingerprints taken, chances are you were being accused of a
crime; now, it's innocent people who are turning to fingerprints to protect themselves. And you
can find fingerprint scanners on everything from high-security buildings to ATM machines and
even laptop computers.

Figure-3: Fingerprint

Fingerprint scanning is the most popular biometric technology (used in over half of all
biometric security systems)—and it's easy to see why. We store more and more information on
our computers and share it, online, in ever much risky ways. Much of the time, our bank
information and personal details are protected by just the few hastily thought-out numbers in
our passwords. Anyone can use your credit or debit card to get money from an ATM
(automated teller machine or "cashpoint") if they know just four numbers! In future, it will be
much more common to have to confirm your identity with biometric information: either your
fingerprint, a scan of the iris or retina in your eye, or a scan of your face. Some laptop computers
and most smartphones now use fingerprint scanning to make them more secure. Large banks,
such as Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase, have introduced fingerprint authentication as
part of the sign in process for their smartphone apps. Soon we could be seeing fingerprint
scanners on ATMs, in airport security scanners, on checkouts in grocery stores, in electronic
voting systems, and perhaps even replacing the keys in our (self-driving) automobiles! Some
people don't like the sound of a "Big Brother" society where you have to do everything with
your fingerprints—and it's true that there are important issues of privacy. But humans have
always used biometrics for personal identification: we tell one another apart chiefly by
recognizing one another's faces and voices. Worry about the drawbacks, by all means, but don't
forget the advantages too: your information should be much more secure from criminals—and
you'll never again have the problem of losing your keys or forgetting your password.

12V Solenoid lock are basically electromagnets: they are made of a big coil of copper wire
with an armature (a slug of metal) in the middle. When the coil is energized, the slug is pulled
into the center of the coil. This makes the solenoid able to pull from one end. This solenoid
lock in particular is nice and strong, and has a slug with a slanted cut and a good mounting
bracket. It’s basically an electronic lock, designed for a basic cabinet or safe or door. Normally
the lock is active so you can’t open the door because the solenoid slug is in the way. It does not
use any power in this state. When 9-12VDC is applied, the slug pulls in so it doesn’t stick out
anymore and the door can be opened. The solenoid lock come with the slanted slug as shown
above, but you can open it with the two Phillips-head screws and turn it around so its rotated
90, 180 or 270 degrees so that it matches the door you want to use it with. To drive a solenoid
lock with an Arduino you will need a relay module fairly good power supply, as a lot of current
will rush into the solenoid to charge up the electro-magnet, about 500mA, so don’t try to power
it with a 9V battery.

Figure-3: Solenoid Electric Door Lock


Professional 12 Volt DC 1 Amp power supply is suitable for powering a wide range of
applications including CCTV cameras and wireless routers. Features: 100% Brand New
Excellent Quality Short Circuit, Over Voltage & Over Current Protection. Meet CEC Energy
Efficiency Level IV. Incredibly Low Fault Rates No Minimum Load. This power supply is a
regulated Center Positive power supply and has a 2.1mm x 5.5mm Jack It's plug design is for
Indian power socket. So, no plug converter is required. Compact size & light weight. High
Reliability. Regulated Stable Voltage. Good quality SMPS Based Adapter Power LED Monitor
(LED Glow when in Use) 30 Stabilized Output, low ripple & low interference Single Output
Voltage High Efficiency & low energy consumption Input - 100-240 VAC 50/60hZ Category
- Switch Mode Power Adaptor (SMPS) Output Type - DC Output - 12Volts 1Amp PLEASE
ABOVE Applications: Powerful 12v 12w 1A max Current Draw. Replaces lower amped
adapters 12v 0.5A 1A. 1.5A etc. Smart Replacement Gadget Power Supply for LED, SMD,
LED Strip, RGB LED Strip Ideal for Routers / Modems / Mobile Phones / Mp3 players / POS
Machines etc. Best for Routers, Wi-Fi Routers security/spy camera receiver and some
advanced cameras CCTV, Gadgets, Portable Players, Set Top Boxes, best for Toys etc.,
Charging or any gadgets as per the rating of the device, please study and then buy as this a very
technical item only works as per its precise current outputs This power supply is an ideal
replacement for a wireless network router such as the Net-gear DG834, DG834GT, DG934 etc.
plus a range of many other wireless routers. You will need to check the DC socket size & power
rating with the supplier of the router you are using as we can’t confirm it will work.

Figure-4: 12 Volt Adapter

The MP007780 adapter is an AC-DC adapter that provides a 12V output with a maximum
current of 2A. It is designed to convert AC power from a wall outlet into DC power that can
be used to power electronic devices. The adapter has a compact and lightweight design, making
it easy to carry and store. It has an input voltage of 100-240V AC, making it compatible with
different power systems worldwide. The output connector is a standard 5.5mm x 2.1mm barrel
plug, which is widely used in many electronic devices. The adapter is ideal for powering
low power electronic devices such as Arduino boards, LED strips, CCTV cameras, and other
similar devices. It has over-current and short-circuit protection, which helps to ensure the safety
of the connected devices.

• Excellent Quality.

• Short Circuit, Over Voltage & Over Current Protection.

• Meet CEC Energy Efficiency Level IV.

• Incredibly Low Fault Rates .

• Smart Replacement Gadget .

• Power Supply for LED, SMD, LED Strip, RGB LED Strip.

• Ideal for Routers / Modems / Mobile Phones / Mp3 players / POS Machines etc.

• No Minimum Load.

• This power supply is a regulated Center Positive power supply and has a 2.1mm x 5.5mm Jack.

• It's plug design is for Indian power socket so, no plug converter is required.

• Compact size & light weight.

• High Reliability.

• Regulated Stable Voltage 31 .

• Good quality SMPS Based Adapter.

• Power LED Monitor (LED Glow when in Use) .

• Stabilized Output, low ripple & low interference.

• Single Output Voltage.

• High Efficiency & low energy consumption.


The module is used to control the electronic door lock. It is activated by the Arduino Uno if
the fingerprint data matches one in the database. The 103020010 latching relay module is an
electronic module that uses a latching relay to control the switching of an electrical circuit. The
module is compact and easy to use, making it a popular choice for various applications that
require remote control of electrical circuits. The module typically consists of a latching relay,
a control circuit, and an interface for connecting to an external control device, such as a
microcontroller or a switch. It operates on a low input voltage and provides a high output
voltage, making it ideal for use in battery-operated devices. This module is based on 2-Coil
Latching Relay. In contrast to the ordinary relay, this latching relay does not need continuous
power to keep the state, only a rising/falling pulse is needed to change the work state. Even the
power can be removed when the work state does not need to change, making this module
especially suitable for low power projects.

Figure-5: Relay module


Powering Our Daily Lives Household batteries serve as the lifeblood of modern conveniences.
They come in various shapes, sizes, and chemistries, but one that stands out for its efficiency
and ubiquity is the lithium-ion battery. This compact yet powerful energy storage unit has
revolutionized the way we interact with technology, enabling the portability and longevity of
our gadgets. Understanding Lithium-Ion Batteries Lithium-ion batteries, revered for their high
energy density and rechargeable nature, have become the go-to choice for countless devices.
Their design relies on lithium ions moving between electrodes during charging and
discharging, a process that allows for the flow of electricity, thus powering our devices.
Applications and Impact The widespread adoption of lithium-ion batteries has transformed
various industries. From smartphones to laptops, electric vehicles, and renewable energy
storage systems, these batteries have facilitated the shift towards a more mobile and sustainable
future. The ability to store significant amounts of energy in a small space has fueled
innovations, making portable electronics smaller, lighter, and more efficient.

Figure-6: HW BATTERY


The fingerprint sensor interface program is used to interface the fingerprint sensor with
Arduino Uno. It captures the fingerprint data and sends it to the Arduino Uno for processing.
The user interface program provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for managing the system.
It allows users to add, delete, and modify fingerprints in the database, view system status, and
control the electronic door lock.


#include <Adafruit Fingerprint.h> // Include the Adafruit Fingerprint library SoftwareSerial

mySerial(2, 3); // Create a SoftwareSerial object for communication with the fingerprint sensor

Adafruit Fingerprint finger = Adafruit Fingerprint(&mySerial); // Create an instance of the

Adafruit Fingerprint class

#define RELAY_PIN 4 // Define the pin number for the relay module

#define ACCESS DELAY 5000 // Define the delay time for granting access

void setup()
// Set up the serial communication with the fingerprint sensor

finger begin(57600);


// Verify the password of the fingerprint sensor

if (finger, verifyPassword())


{ while (1) { delay(1); } // If the password verification fails, enter an infinite loop

// Set the RELAY_PIN as an output and turn off the relay initially RinMode(RELAY_PIN,
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH);

void loop()

// Check if a fingerprint is detected and matches with the stored fingerprints

if (getFingerPrint() != -1)

// If a match is found, activate the relay to grant access

digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH);

delay(50); // Add some delay before the next fingerprint scan


// Function to capture and verify a fingerprint

// Returns -1 if failed, otherwise returns the ID of the matched fingerprint

int getFingerPrint()

int p = finger.getimage();

if (p = FINGERPRINT_OK) return -1;

p = finger.image2Tz();

if (p = FINGERPRINT_OK) return -1;

p = finger fingerFastSearch();
if (p = FINGERPRINT_OK) return -1;

// A match is found, return the ID of the matched fingerprint

return finger.fingerID:

The code begins by including the necessary libraries and creating a Software Serial object to
establish communication with the fingerprint sensor. An instance of the Adafruit_ Fingerprint
class is created using the Adafruit _Fingerprint(&my Serial) constructor. The RELAY_PIN
and ACCESS_DELAY constants are defined. RELAY_PIN represents the pin number
connected to the relay module, and ACCESS_DELAY is the duration for which the relay
remains activated when a fingerprint match is found. In the setup() function, the code initializes
the serial communication with the finger print sensor by calling finger. begin(57600). It then
verifies the password of the fingerprint sensor using finger. verify Password(). If the
verification fails, the code enters an infinite loop to prevent further execution. The loop()
function is where the main logic of the code resides. It continuously checks for a fingerprint
match by calling the get Finger Print() function. Inside the get Finger Print() function, the code
captures an image of the fingerprint using finger. get Image(). If the image capture is successful
(FINGERPRINT_OK), it converts the image to a template using finger.image2Tz(). Next, it
performs a fast search for a matching fingerprint in the stored templates using finger. Finger
Fast search(). If a match is found (FINGERPRINT_OK), the function returns the ID of the
matched fingerprint using finger. Finger ID. If no match is found, it returns -1. Back in the
loop() function, if get Finger Print() returns a valid fingerprint ID (not - 1), it means a match
was found. The code activates the relay by setting the RELAY_PIN to LOW to grant access.
It then waits for the specified ACCESS_DELAY duration before deactivating the relay by
setting RELAY_PIN to HIGH.
Finally, there is a delay of 50 milliseconds before the code starts another iteration of the loop.
In summary, the code initializes the fingerprint sensor and verifies its password. It then
continuously checks for a fingerprint match and, if found, activates the relay to grant access
for the specified duration. The get Finger Print() function captures and verifies the fingerprint,
returning the ID of the matched fingerprint or -1 if no match is found.



Before connecting the components, information about all the components was studied carefully
from the datasheets. Before the connection of the components, the fingerprints were saved and
up loaded to the Arduino board. To do so, the Arduino board was connected to the PC with a
USB cable. Then the Adafruit fingerprint sensor library was installed. Then the enroll program
was uploaded and the serial monitor was opened. After that COM8 was selected. Then my 3
fingers were placed respectively. Those fingers needed to be placed twice for the confirmation.
Then the program was up loaded to the Arduino board. Then in the main program, a program
was written to control the electronic lock. Necessary functions which are needed to perform
the whole system were put in the program. Then the program was uploaded again. Finally, the
Arduino was disconnected from the computer. For the convenience of the connection work,
the whole working procedures were divided into 5 steps. First, the sensor was connected with
the Arduino board. But before the datasheets of both the components were studied carefully.
The VCC pin of the fingerprint sensor was connected to the 5V pin of the Arduino board. Then
the GND pin of the fingerprint sensor was connected to the GND pin of the Arduino board.
Next, the TX pin of the sensor was connected to pin number 2 of the Arduino board. After that
the RX pin of the sensor was connected to the pin number 3 of the Arduino board.

Figure -7: First step connection of my system

So here the first step connection was done.

Second, now the relay is needed to be connected with the Arduino board. The VCC pin of the
relay needed to be connected with another 5V pin. Here the breadboard helped for this point.
Then the ground pin of the relay was connected to another ground pin of the Arduino board.
After that the signal pin of the relay was connected to the digital output pin of the Arduino
Figure-8: Second part connection of my system.

Third, this is the part for the connection of solenoid lock. One wire of the solenoid lock was
connected to the common (COM) pin of the relay. Then the other wire from the solenoid lock
was connected to the normally open (NO) pin of the relay. Fourth part is the connection of 12V
adapter. The positive wire of the adapter was connected to the closed pin (NC) of the relay by
me. Then the negative wire of the adapter was connected to the GND pin of the Arduino board.

Figure-9: Final connection of the system

Fifth, now it is the time to power up my system. For doing so, the 12V adapter was connected
to the testing station of the University lab. As the code was already uploaded from the computer
to the Arduino board.

After completing all the connections, the system was powered up using the testing station of
the university laboratory. 12V electricity was fed to the system. Then the fingerprint scanner
started to illuminate its green light. The lock was in a closed position. So, to test the
functionality, the finger was placed on the scanner, the fingerprint of which was already saved
in the system. As the fingerprint matched, the lock opened. Then another finger was placed on
the scanner which fingerprint was not saved before, then the lock remained lock. This way the
functionality of the system was tested.




Fingerprint door lock systems provide a high level of security compared to traditional lock
systems. Each person has a unique fingerprint, making it extremely difficult for
unauthorized individuals to gain access. It eliminates the risks associated with lost or stolen
keys and the potential for unauthorized key duplication. With a fingerprint door lock
system, there is no need to carry keys or remember complex passwords or PINs. Your
fingerprint is always with you, making it a convenient and quick method of access. It
eliminates the troubles of searching for keys or fumbling with locks. Fingerprint
recognition technology has significantly advanced over the years, leading to highly
accurate and reliable identification. Modern fingerprint sensors can capture even small
details of a fingerprint, ensuring accurate recognition and minimizing false acceptance or
rejection rates. Many fingerprint door lock systems offer an audit trail feature that keeps a
record of access attempts and successful entries. This feature can be valuable for security
purposes, allowing to track who accessed the door and at what time. It provides a log of
activity, which can be helpful for monitoring and investigation purposes. Fingerprint door
lock systems often have user management capabilities, allowing easy addition or removal
of authorized users. It simplifies the process of granting or revoking access permissions,
making it suitable for residential, commercial, and institutional settings where access needs
may change frequently. Fingerprint door lock systems are typically built to withstand daily
use and harsh environments. They are designed with durable materials and components,
ensuring longevity and reliability even with constant usage. Fingerprint door lock systems
can often be integrated with other security systems, such as alarms or surveillance systems,
for enhanced security and control. They may also be compatible with smart home
automation platforms, allowing integration with other devices and remote access control.
These advantages make fingerprint door lock systems an attractive choice for those seeking
a secure, convenient, and technologically advanced method of access control.

While fingerprint recognition technology has improved significantly, there is still a

possibility of false rejection. Factors such as dirt, moisture, or changes in finger
condition (cuts, scars) can impact the accuracy of fingerprint recognition, leading to
occasional instances of legitimate users being denied access. Fingerprint door lock
systems can be more expensive compared to traditional lock systems. The technology
involved, including the fingerprint sensor and associated hardware, adds to the overall
cost of installation and maintenance. This cost may be a deterrent for those on a tight
budget. Installing a fingerprint door lock system may require professional assistance,
especially if it involves integration with existing security systems or complex door
configurations. The complexity of installation may increase the overall cost and time
required to set up the system. Fingerprint door lock systems typically require a power
source to operate. They may rely on batteries or require a constant connection to an
electrical outlet. In case of a power outage or battery failure, alternative means of access
or backup power sources may be needed to ensure continuous operation. Some
individuals may have concerns about the collection and storage of their biometric data.
Fingerprint door lock systems require the storage of fingerprint templates for
recognition purposes. While reputable systems employ encryption and secure storage
methods, privacy concerns regarding the misuse or hacking of bio metric data remain
a potential drawback for some users.
Fingerprint door lock systems typically have a limited user capacity, especially in
lower-end models. This limitation may become an issue in scenarios where access
needs to be granted to many individuals, such as in commercial or institutional 32
settings. Higher-end systems can accommodate more users but may come at a higher
cost. Like any electronic device, fingerprint door lock systems require regular
maintenance and occasional troubleshooting. The sensors may need cleaning to
maintain accurate readings, and software updates may be necessary to address security
vulnerabilities or compatibility issues. Users should be prepared for occasional
maintenance and ensure they have access to technical support if needed. Fingerprint
door lock systems may be susceptible to environmental factors such as extreme
temperatures, humidity, or exposure to dust and dirt. It is important to choose a system
that is designed to withstand the specific environmental conditions of its installation
location to ensure optimal performance and longevity. While the disadvantages exist,
advancements in technology continue to address many of these concerns. It's essential
to consider these factors and weigh them against the benefits when deciding whether a
fingerprint door lock system is the right choice for specific needs and circumstances.


Electrical safety guidelines were adhered to when working with components such as
the Arduino board, fingerprint sensor, solenoid lock, and adapter. It was important to
ensure proper grounding, avoid exposed wiring, and use appropriate insulation to
prevent electrical shocks or short circuits. High-quality components were chosen from
reputable manufacturers to ensure reliability and safety. It was also verified that the
components meet relevant safety standards and certifications. Attention was paid to
proper wiring and connections to prevent loose connections or exposed wires that could
pose safety hazards. Appropriate connectors, terminals, and insulation were used to
secure and protect the wiring. In the testing station, a suitable power supply was
selected, such as the 12V adapter, that meets the system's requirements and safety
standards of the system. Proper voltage and current ratings were ensured. The system
components were enclosed, including the Arduino board and fingerprint sensor, in a
suitable enclosure or housing to protect them from environmental factors and prevent
accidental contact. The system was securely mounted to ensure stability and prevent
dislodging or damage.
The future users will need to be educated in the safe and proper use of the system. Clear
instructions will be needed on how to operate the system, avoid tampering, and address
any potential risks associated with the solenoid lock or other moving parts. A schedule
needs to be established for maintenance to inspect, clean, and test the system
periodically. The system's design, components, wiring diagrams, and safety
considerations have been documented in detail. This information will be valuable for
troubleshooting, future upgrades, and ensuring the safety of maintenance personnel. By
following these safety measures, a fingerprint door lock system was built that prioritizes
the safety of users, meets regulatory standards, and operates reliably and securely.


In future, alarm will be introduced. When intruder tries to break the door, the vibration
is sensed by sensor which makes an alarm. This will inform the neighbors about
intruders and this will help to take further action to prevent intruder from entering.


•Very high accuracy.

• Is the most economical biometric PC user authentication technique.

• Easy to use.

• Small storage space required for the biometric template, reducing the size of the
database memory required
•It is standardized.



In future, the project can be expanded to incorporate advanced security features such as
multi-factor authentication, combining fingerprint recognition with other biometric
modalities such as facial recognition or iris scanning. This would further enhance the
security of the system and make it more difficult to bypass. The fingerprint door lock
system can be integrated into broader smart home systems, allowing users to control
access and monitor their doors remotely using mobile apps or voice assistants.
Integration with other smart devices such as surveil lance cameras or alarm systems
can create a comprehensive home security eco system. By connecting the fingerprint
door lock system to the cloud, users can remotely manage access permissions, monitor
activity logs, and receive real-time notifications. Cloud integration also enables
convenient remote unlocking and the ability to grant temporary access to guests or
service providers. The project can be extended to integrate with other Internet of Things
(IoT) devices, such as motion sensors, smart lighting, or environmental sensors. This
integration allows for automated actions, such as turning on lights when the door is
unlocked or adjusting the thermostat based on occupancy.
The fingerprint door lock system can be adapted for use in commercial settings such as
offices, hotels, or high-security facilities. The fingerprint sensor technology used in the
project can be applied beyond door locks. It can be integrated into various applications
such as secure storage lockers, personal safes, vehicle access systems, or even mobile
devices for biometric authentication. As fingerprint recognition technology continues
to advance, future iterations of the project can incorporate improved algorithms and
sensors to enhance accuracy, speed, and reliability. This would result in faster and more
accurate finger print recognition, reducing false accept and reject rates. 36 Future
developments can focus on improving the user interface, making it more intuitive and
user-friendly. Additionally, allowing customization options for user preferences, such
as adjustable sensitivity or personalized settings, can enhance the overall user
experience AI can also help detect anomalies or potential security threats, adding an
extra layer of intelligence to the system. Collaboration with security systems providers
can open opportunities for partnerships, allowing for the integration of the fingerprint
door lock system int. o existing security infrastructure or providing it as a bundled
solution with other security products. These future potentialities highlight the versatility
and scalability of the fingerprint door lock system project, with opportunities to expand
its functionality, enhance security features, and integrate it into broader technological
ecosystems. In conclusion, this thesis project has successfully designed and
implemented a fingerprint door lock system using the Arduino Uno microcontroller.
The system utilizes a fingerprint sensor module for user authentication and controls an
electronic door lock for secure access. Through extensive testing and evaluation, the
system has demonstrated its capability to accurately identify authorized users and
prevent unauthorized access. The project has highlighted the advantages of using a
fingerprint-based authentication system, including increased security, convenience, and
user friendliness. Furthermore, the integration of the Arduino Uno microcontroller
and other hardware components has allowed for a cost-effective and efficient solution.
Throughout the project, various technical aspects have been addressed, including the
hardware setup, software programming, and system integration. The successful
implementation of these components has resulted in a fully functional fingerprint door
lock system.
The design and implementation of fingerprint-based door lock system is customizable
and flexible. This door locking mechanism is comparatively cost-effective than the
available lock systems in the traditional market. Our fingerprint-based lock system has
high accuracy rate and is also quick to recognize fingerprints which enable seamless
integration with the users and provides tighter security. In our country, private and
government organizations are very much concerned about security. A system to save
prints without the use of a computer could have been made, but it will require more
parts than the ones we used. In order to maintain security properly, the whole
mechanism should be placed inside the door panel or on the other side of the door. A
system for batteries could also be made or even solar powered. One of the main
advantages of this system is its flexibility. Several other systems can be implemented
with this system. The system is very secure. Fingerprints are unique and the sensor is
able to identify all of the prints during testing. It provides greater control for access to
restricted places. There are some drawbacks of this system such as this system is
complicated and difficult to make any change in the hardware as it is a closed system.

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