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PART -A CHAPTER -1 Communication Skills-Il | A:Multipe Choice Questions 1. An example of non-verbal communication is? (i) Saying Hello (ii) E-mail (iii) Film Poster (iv) Patting on the back Q2. Telephones are examples of which communication? (i) Non-verbal communication (ii) Written communication (ili) Oral Communication (iv) Visual Communication 3. Magazines use which type of communication? | (i) Visual communication (ii) Written communication | (ili) Non-verbal communication (iv) (i) and (ii) Q.4. Which gesture symbolizes appreciation? (i) Applause (ii) Nodding (iii) Straight back (iv) Frowning QS. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is famous for which type of communication? (ii) Visual Communication {iv) Oral Communication (i) Written Communication (iii) Non-verbal Communication 6. Advertisements are what type of communication? (i) Verbal Communication (ii) Non-Verbal Communication (iii) Visual Communication {iv) (i) and (iii) Scanned with CamScanner 2 Q7. Which of the following is a! portant part of the communi (i) Feedback (ii), Medium (iii) Message (iv) All of the above Q.8. How is feedback useful? (i) It ensures effective communication (ii) Communication is impossible without it (iv) Both (i) and (i 0,9. Why is non-specific feedback less efficient? (ii) It does not mention the problem ar, (iv) Both (ii) and iii. (i) It seeks correction if any requir (i) Itis not concise (iii) It is indirect Q.10. Which of the following is constructive feedback? (i) Evaluative Feedback (ii) Descriptive Feedback (iii) Non-Specific Feedback (iv) All of the above could act as a barrier to effective communication. (ii) Biases {iv) All of the above Qit. (i) Anger (iii) Over-Confidence Q.12. The main barrier to written communication is ii, Iliteracy (i) Language (iv) All of the above (iii) Visual Disability is a personality barrier to communication. Q.13. (i) literacy (ii) Ethnicity Pride (iv) Humility Q.14. Which of the following can help overcome cultural barriers to communication? (i) Movies (ii) Books (ili) Talking to people {iv) All of the above Q.15. Match the following Colum | __Colur BANDS ii 1. Language .. Trying to read a book when somebody else is watch’t TV in the same room. 2. Emotional B. In some cultures, wearing shoes and walking Inside kitchen is considered rude and disrespectful. 3. Environmental C. Talking in Hindi when others know only Tamil. 4. Cultural D. Parent is not talking to the child. (a) 1->D;2->A;3->G4>B (b) 1->C;2->D;3->A;4->B (c) 1->C;2->D;3>B;4->A (d) 1->C;2->A;3->D;4->B ecall¥ Q.16. Some American and Israeli managers were on a conference call. The topic of th ft dle o transitioning from an on-premise product to a cloud-native product. In the mid Scanned with CamScanner~ communication Skills-t—Class-X Q.17. 3 discussion, one Israeli manager said that the R&D staff in Israel ‘don’t care’ about some of the changes. An American manager, although usually polite, couldn’t restrain himself when he heard that statement. “What’s that supposed to mean, they DON’T CARE?” he thundered. This is an example of: (a) Organisational Barrier (b) Interpersonal Barrier (c)_ Linguistic Barrier (d) Cultural Barrier Identify the object, verb and subject in the sentence, ‘The car crashed into a tree! a tree; Verb: crashed; Subject: the car he car; Verb: crashed; Subject: a tree : crashed; Verb: the tree; Subject: the car (d) Object: crashed; Verb: the car; Subject: the tree Q.18. Which of the following is NOT an element of communication within the communication Q.19. Q.20. Q21. Q.22. Q.23, Q24, process cycle? (a) Channel (b) Receiver (c) Sender (4) Time You need to apply for leave at work? Which method of communication will you use? (a) e-mail (b) Poster (c) Newsletter (4) Blog Which of the following is an example of oral communication? (a) Newspapers (b) Letters (c) Phone call (d) ‘E-mail Which of these are examples of negative feedback? (a) [hate to tell you this but your drawing skill is poor. (b) You can surely improve your drawing (c) These are good drawings but you can do better. (d) None of the above What are the types of words we should use for verbal communication? (a) Acronyms (b) Simple (c) Technical (d) Jargons Which of the following is an effective components of good feedback? (a) Detailed and time consuming (b) Indirect (c) Specific (d) Opinion-based Which of these are examples of positive feedback? {a) Excellent, your work has improved (b) I noticed your dedication towards the project. (c)_ You are always doing it the wrong way. (d) All of the above Scanned with CamScanner Q.25. Q.26. Q.27. & Q.2i & Q.2! Ss a3 Q31. Q.32. Q.33. Q.34, Q.35. 0.36. Q.37. Entrepreneurship Skil ne nt is true about communication? is non-verbal ing body movements, face, arms, ete tone, pauses, etc. which of the following stateme! (a) 50% of our communication ion is done ust (b) 20% communicati : : (c) 5% communication is done using voice, (d)_7% communication is done using words jate non-verbal communication at work? Which of these is NOT an appropriate nor (a) Keeping hands in pockets while talking (b) Talking at moderate speed (c) Sitting straight (d) Tilting head a bit t Which of these is a posi (a) Frowning while concentrating (b) Maintaining eye contact (c) Smiling continuously 0 listen itive (good) facial expression? (d) Rolling up your eyes Which of the following is not required for effective communication? (i) Brevity (ii) Cogency (iv) Good Looks (iii) Good Voice Which of the following is not a principle of communication? (i) Being succinct (ii) Being polite (iii) Being vague (iv) Being considerate Which of the following Cs is fundamental to verbal communication? (ii) Courtesy (i) Consideration (iv) Completeness (iii) Correctness Which of the following is an example of being considerate? (i) Empathy (ii) Sympathy (iii) Apathy (iv) None of the Above Which of the following is / are not seven C’s of effective communication? (a) Clarity of expression (b) Conciseness of message (c) Courtesy towards recipient (d) Co-ordination in work There are C's of effective communication. ei (b) seven (c) three {d) ten ich of the following is not an important (i) Conclusion i t Stamens of 2 Beragpar (iii) Jargons ; mmar Heis honest person. (iv) Topical Sentence (i) an i) “a “ ; Whi a (iii) the iv) none of the # (a) eee ‘run 'S NOT classified as nonverbal eae 5 The means by which ) Eye Contact — (c) Body language (d) Gestures Hae ich the message is sent is called inne (b) Recei . eceiver (c) Messenger (d) Sender Scanned with CamScanner ~ samurieation Skills‘ Class-X 5 Cot G8. feedback is specific information, inthe form of written comments or verbal conversations that help the learner understand what she or he needs to do in order to improve. (a) Descriptive — (b) Specific (c)_ General (d) sign communication is the use of body | i 9. 7 r y language, gestures and facial expressions 0.39. convey information to others. ees me (a) Verbal (b) Written (c) Non-Verbal (d) Visual 40. Which of these sentences use uppercase letters correctly? (a) 1am Hungry. (b) Divya and Sunil are reading. (c) The bucket is full of water. (d) She lives in Delhi. 441. Which of the following factors does not improve active listening? (a) Eye contact (b) Being preoccupied (c) Gestures (d) Giving feedback Q.42. ‘MINTS’ is a set of simple rules that helps in words correctly. (a) Capitalize (b) Punctuation (c) Conjunction (d)_Interjection 0.43. Identify the indirect object in the sentence, ‘The band played music for the audience. (a) The band (b) played (c)_ music (d) audience Q.44, Which of these is an imperative sentence? (a) Switch off the fan. (b) Sheila has gone to the market. (c) Where are my pen colours? (d) Oh no! | missed my flight. Which of these sentences is in active voice? (a) A movie is being watched by them. (b) The car was repaired by Raju. (c)_He is reading a book. (d) The thief was being chased by a policeman. Q.46, In which of the following, the underlined word is an adjecti (a) Radha has a red dress. (b) I can speak French. (c)_ The Girl on the Train is a best-seller. (d) Abdul can swim fast. 2.47. Which of these sentences is capitalised correctly? (a) Ravi and i are going to the movies. (b) Salim is visiting India in july. (c) The Tiger is a strong animal. (d) She is arriving on Monday. Q.45, : Scanned with CamScanner 48. Q.50. Qs1. Q.52. Q54. Q.55. Entrepreneurship Stil lg Which of these sentences are punctuated correctly? When is the party. a e and a Banana for breakfast. (b) Ihad bread omelett (c)_ 1am so excited about (d) This is Abdul's notebook. you find an adverb? it my first foreign trip! 1. In which of these sentences can (a) Divya drinks milk every day. (b) Sanjay gifted me a new pen. (c) l opened the door lock. (d) Sita is 5-feet tall. Which of these is NOT a common communication barrier? (a) Linguistic barrier (b) Interpersonal barrier (d) Organisational barrier (c) Financial barrier Which of these are ways to overcome communication barriers? (a) Respecting each other’s differences (b) Using a translator (c)_ Not communicating at all (d)_ Using your own language for comfort Which of these are examples of positive feedback? (a) Excellent, your work has improved. (b) I noticed your dedication towards the project. (c) You are always doing it the wrong way. (d) All of the above . Which of these are examples of negative feedback? (a) I hate to tell you this but your drawing skills are poor. (b) You can surely improve your drawing. (c) This is a good drawing but you can do better. (d) None of the above Which of the following are effective components of a good feedback? (a) Detailed and time consuming (b) Direct and honest (c) Specific (d) Opinion-based Which of these is a positive (good) facial expression? (a) Frowning while concentrating (b) Maintaining eye contact (c)_ Smiling continuously (d) Rolling up your eyes Scanned with CamScanner ~ communication Skills —Class-X 7 56. What does an upright (straight) body posture convey or show? (a) Pride (b) Professionalism (c) Confidence (d) Humility 57. Which of these is NOT an appropriate non-verbal communication at work? (a) Keeping hands in pockets while talking (b) Talking at moderate speed (c) Sitting straight (d) Tilting head a bit to listen 0.58. Why do we use e-mails? (a) To communicate with many people at the same time. (b) To share documents and files. (c) To talk to each other in real-time, (d) To keep a record of communication. Ans.: 1. (iv) 2. (iii) 3.(iv) 4.(i) 5. (iv) 6. (iil) 7. (iv) 8. (iv) 9. (ii) 10. (ii) 11(iv) 12. (iv) 13. (i) 14.(d). 15.(b) 16(c) 17(a) 18. (d) 19. (a) 20. (c) 21a) 22. (b) 23.(c) 24.(d) 25. (d) 26.(a) 27.(b) 28. (iv) 29.(c) 30. (i) 31. (ii) 32. (d) 33. (b) 34.(c) 35.(a) 36.(a) 37.(a) 38. (a) 39.(c) 40.(d) 41.(b) 42.(a) 43.(d) 44.(d) 45.(c) 46.(a) & (c) 47. (c) & (d) 48. (c &d) 49.(a) 50.(c) 51. (a&b) 52( a& b) 53. (a) 54. (b &c) 55. (c) 56.(c) 57.(a) 58. (a), (b) & (d) B: Fill in the Blanks : . Not stating instructions clearly is an example of, . Not understanding the customs or traditions of a speaker could mean there isa 3. When you are overcome by your own feelings and unable to communicate well it means there is an Using slang or words that are used within your own social group is an example ofa_ You may like to have your own private cabin to work in but if you are not willing to meet Your team face to face it is an indication of a . You have an, if you think you are more qualified than others and are superior in knowledge. If you have a totally different viewpoint from your team mates on the way a training Programme is to be planned you have a He shot a bullet in air. * bag was lying unattended on road. . Rahul was taken to the hospital____ came down with high fever. > ~ 2 9 1 5 Scanned with CamScanner Entrepreneurship, Ski 11. She tried failed. 12. The police caught over-speeding driver. 413, We all appreciate honest baat Jare in lot of trouble. 14, You 15. | haven't seen her feng - ane leads to misinterpretatio 16. Use of abbreviations in a communication Fae Pl N Of message, exampleof__—— are a group of words that work together to communicate an elen, a year now. 17. speech. Ans.: 1. language barrier 2. cultural barrier 3. emotional bari, 4, cultural barrier 5. physical barrier 6. attitudinal barrie 7. conceptual barrier 8. the 9. The 10. He 11. But 12. An 13, An 14. and,a 15, For 16. Language 17. Phrases | c: Short Answer Questions: Q.1. What is communication? Ans.: Communication is the exchange or sharing of messages or information between t, more individuals Q.2. What are the three type of communication ? Ans.: There are three broad methods of communication: 1. Verbal Communication 2. Non-Verbal Communication 3. Visual Communication Q.3, What is verbal communication ? Ans.; Verbal communication is carried out using words, through writing or speech. 4” every communication that uses words falls under this category. Q.4. What is non- verbal communication ? ‘Ans.: Communication using gestures, expressions and body language instead of words, non - verbal communication Q.4. What are the types of non-verbal communication? Ans.: The two types of verbal communication are: ‘A. Written Communication B. Oral Communication -5. What are the advantage of verbal communication ? Ot eeeae ‘an express our thoughts easily and quickly and it is an &°" (b) Quick Feedback — We can get a quick response from the listener. Scanned with CamScanner

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