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Received: 14 February 2017 | Revised: 4 August 2017 | Accepted: 19 September 2017

DOI: 10.1111/jfd.12747


Study of the hooking behaviour of Lepeophtheirus salmonis

(Krøyer, 1837) copepodids on Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.,
using a novel in vivo test system

C Delfosse1,2  le
| C Lafont-Lecuelle1 | H Barthe my1 | C Chabaud1 | E Teruel1 |
C Bienboire-Frosini1 | P Pageat1,2

Research Institute in Semiochemistry and
Applied Ethology (IRSEA) Route du Che ^ne, Abstract
Quartier Salignan, Apt, France The screening of putative semiochemicals involved in the interaction between
Research Institute in Semiochemistry and
Lepeophtheirus salmonis copepodid and the Atlantic salmon could be used to develop
Applied Ethology – Aquaculture Research
Centre (IRSEA-ARC), Vikebukt, Norway methods to prevent infestation. A bioassay was designed to evaluate the attractive-
ness of Atlantic salmon for L. salmonis copepodids by counting the number of
C Delfosse, Research Institute in hooked parasites. A salmon was bathed in a tank with 60 copepodids during
Semiochemistry and Applied Ethology
^ne, Quartier Salignan,
45 min. The salmon was humanely killed and its body was scrubbed above a plastic
(IRSEA) Route du Che
Apt, France. bag. The content of the bag was filtered to count the number of hooked parasites.
Email: c.delfosse@group-irsea.com
This procedure was tested at different water temperatures and for different body
mass. The temperature significantly influenced the number of hooked copepodids
(p < .05). Smolts presented significantly more hooked copepodids at a higher water
temperature (24.6 at 13.8°C) compared to smolts at a lower temperature (18.6 at
6.1°C; p = .011). No correlation was found between the body mass and the number
of hooked parasites (p = .65). This bioassay was used to successfully measure the
attractiveness of Atlantic salmon for L. salmonis copepodids, making it an interesting
tool to screen putative semiochemicals designed to prevent the infestation.

Atlantic salmon, attractiveness, copepodid, hooking behaviour, Lepeophtheirus salmonis

1 | INTRODUCTION 1999). Copepodids are able to detect vibrations in the water created
by the fish swimming (Heuch & Karlsen, 1997). Upon detection of
Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1837) is a crustacean ectoparasite these signals, the copepodid propels to the fish, hooks on it and
that feeds on many salmonids and more specifically on Atlantic sal- analyses the mucus to determine whether the fish is a suitable host
mon, Salmo salar L. (Boxaspen, 2006; Pike & Wadsworth, 1999; Tully (Pike & Wadsworth, 1999). Some authors suggest that this hooking
& Nolan, 2002). In salmon production, this parasite is responsible for behaviour is also triggered by the detection of semiochemicals from
significant impairments in both productivity and welfare of infected the fish (Mordue Luntz & Birkett, 2009). Two days after the hooking
fish (Costello, 2009; Johnson, Treasurer, Bravo, & Nagasawa, 2004; on a suitable host, the copepodid starts to produce a frontal filament
Liu & Bjelland, 2014). The life cycle of L. salmonis is composed of allowing the settlement (i.e., attachment) on the fish (Gonzalez-Ala-
eight stages: two free-swimming stages (nauplius I & II), one infesta- nis, 2000).
tion stage (copepodid) and five parasitic stages (chalimus I & II, pre- Among the novel methods developed to fight against the para-
adult I & II and adult; Hamre et al., 2013). Regarding the life cycle, site, the use of semiochemicals to repel or to attract copepodids into
the most critical stage is the copepodid, where the parasite has to  ttir et al.,
a trap appears to be a promising approach (Ingvarsdo
settle on a host to continue its development (Pike & Wadsworth, 2002). This is why it was important to develop a bioassay to

J Fish Dis. 2017;1–4. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/jfd © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd | 1

evaluate the attractiveness of Atlantic salmon for copepodids. Such allows to exclude any copepodid showing poor fitness or any mor-
a test could be used to screen different putative semiochemicals phological abnormality.
designed to prevent the hooking behaviour of the copepodid and so The fish was manually transferred into a 3.5-L flat beaker sup-
the infestation. plied with oxygenated sea water. Ten minutes later, the 60 copepo-
The aim of this study was to develop a novel in vivo test system dids were injected into the flat beaker. Then, 45 min after the
in order to assess the attractiveness of Atlantic salmon for introduction of the copepodids, the fish was humanely killed by
L. salmonis by counting the number of copepodids hooking on the injecting 2 ml of anaesthetic (Benzoakâ) into the flat beaker. The
fish. Body mass of the tested fish and water temperature were entire body of the fish, from the front of the head down to the tail,
included as factors in this bioassay. was scrubbed with a spoon, and rinsed above a plastic bag. To har-
vest all of the hooked copepodids, the procedure was carried out
three times on each fish (front of the fish + pectoral and dorsal
fins/rinse/back of the fish + pelvic, adipose, caudal and anal fins/
rinse/entire body + all fins/rinse). The content of the plastic bag was
2.1 | Experimental animals
then filtered, and the number of previously hooked copepodids was
This study was conducted under the approval of the Ethical Commit- counted using a magnifying glass.
tee of IRSEA (no 125), and in accordance with the European Direc-
tive 2010/63/UE for the protection of laboratory animals. Salmon
2.3 | Experiment
smolts (SALMARâ, Vikebukt, Norway), obtained 3 weeks before the
beginning of the experimentation, were kept in 180-L holding tanks A total of 82 Atlantic salmon smolts (60–153 g,
(maximal density = 20 kg/m3) continuously supplied with filtered sea Mean  SD = 101  18) were individually tested using the previ-
water (5 L/min) pumped from Tresfjorden (62°320 25.5″N 7°080 18.1″ ously described bioassay. The influence of the water temperature in
E, Vikebukt, Norway). Salmon were fed daily ad libitum with com- the flat beaker on the number of hooked copepodids was investi-
mercial dry pellets (Skretting AS©, Norway). gated at 6.1, 9.2, 10.3, 12.3 and 13.8°C. Then, the influence of the
Lepeophtheirus salmonis copepodids (Ilab©, Norway) were body mass of the fish on the number of hooked copepodids was
obtained 2 days after the nauplius II/copepodid transformation and examined by studying the correlation between the two parameters.
used for the experiments in the next 2 days. The parasites were held
in a net-bucket system continuously supplied with filtered and oxy-
2.4 | Statistical analysis
genated sea water (0.1 L/min).
Data were analysed using SAS 9.4 software (2002–2012 by SAS
Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). The significance threshold was con-
2.2 | Design of the bioassay
ventionally set at 5%.
First, copepodids were counted by splitting up the water containing To assess the effect of water temperature on copepodid hook-
them in the wells of a clean ELISA plate thanks to a Pasteur pipette, ing, the assumption of homogeneity of variances between groups of
and under a stereoscopic microscope (Figure 1). Thus, 60 copepodids water temperature was verified using the Levene test. Comparisons
were caught one by one and introduced in a beaker. This method were carried out using a one-way ANOVA model. Normality of
residuals was checked by observing residual diagnostic plots and
Shapiro–Wilk test. Post hoc multiple means comparisons were car-
ried out with the help of the Tukey test.
As the data for the number of copepodids hooked did not follow
a normal model, the Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient was
computed and tested to explore the correlation between the body
mass and the number of hooked copepodids.


This bioassay highlighted significant differences in the number of

hooked copepodids according to water temperature (One-way
ANOVA, F-value = 6.68, df = 81, p < .001; Figure 2). Smolts pre-
sented significantly more hooked copepodids at a higher water tem-

F I G U R E 1 Picture showing the accurate counting of parasites. perature (13.8°C, mean  SEM = 24.6  1.3) compared to smolts at
Lepeophtheirus salmonis copepodids were counted one by one under a lower temperature (6.1°C, mean  SEM = 18.6  0.7; Tukey test,
stereoscopic microscope using a clean ELISA plate p = .011). The correlation between body mass and the number of

has a direct effect on the metabolic rate of copepodids and thus

affects the activity of the parasite (Tucker et al., 2000).
Salmon body mass does not seem to influence the number of
copepodids able to hook to it. Other studies describe a positive cor-
relation between body weight and lice burden (Gjerde, Ødeg
ard, &
Thorland, 2011; Glover, Nilsen, & Skaala, 2004). On the contrary,
the study of Kolstad, Heuch, Gjerde, Gjedrem, and Salte (2005)
describes no high correlation between the body weight of salmons
and lice burden.
This bioassay can be used to successfully evaluate the hooking
behaviour of L. salmonis copepodids on Atlantic salmon, making it an
interesting and easy tool to screen several putative semiochemicals
F I G U R E 2 Mean  SEM of the number of hooked copepodids
contributing to the communication between the parasite and the
for the water temperatures 6.1°C (n = 8), 9.2°C (n = 8), 10.3°C
host. In this case, solutions and controls would need to be tested at
(n = 8), 12.3°C (n = 12) and 13.8°C (n = 46). Different lowercase
letters (a, b, c and d) indicate statistical significant differences (Tukey the same water temperature to avoid any bias in the bioassay. By
test, p < .05) between water temperature groups scrubbing the fish to collect hooked copepodids, we make them
more visible and easier to count than directly on the fish, and spe-
cially on dark body parts (dorsal area and fins). Apart from testing
candidate semiochemicals, this bioassay can also be used to investi-
gate the influence of the physiological state of the host on copepo-
did hooking behaviour. This bioassay might be applicable to other
species of sea lice (Caligus elongatus, Caligus rogercresseyi, Argulus
japonicus) as well as other species of fish (Oncorhynchus mykiss,
Scophthalmus maximus).
In conclusion, this bioassay provides an efficient and simple test
for investigating the attractiveness of Atlantic salmon for L. salmonis
copepodids, and for subsequently screening candidate semiochemi-
cals involved in the host–parasite interaction, or any treatment aim-
ing to prevent the infestation.
F I G U R E 3 Scatter plot (n = 82) representing the number of
hooked copepodids according to the body mass of Atlantic salmon

We would like to thank B-V. Løvik and E-M. Sætre for their techni-
hooked copepodids was not significant (Spearman coefficient corre- cal help in maintaining the fish and sea lice. We would like to thank
lation, q = .051, p = .65; Figure 3). E. Landen, a professional translator, Dr. M. Mengoli and Dr. P. Asproni
for reviewing the manuscript. We are also grateful to IRSEA’s Ethical
Committee for their comments and the approval of the protocol.

This new bioassay developed for the experiment shows promise as a ORCID

tool for evaluating attractiveness of Atlantic salmon for L. salmonis C Delfosse http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1725-1450
copepodids. The in vivo test allows copepodids to hook to salmon.
However, it should be noted that some factors in the bioassay may
influence the test quality. REFERENCES
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