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I’m By the end of this lesson,

you will be able to:

Incredibly Use adverbs to express personal feelings.

Practice adverb and adjective order in English.

Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1 How do they feel?

2 Why do they feel this way?

Look at the pictures. Why do you think they feel that way?

disappointed relaxed pleased

She feels disappointed because
she got a bad grade.

2 + 2 = 4

Image Size

annoyed guilty confident

Let’s learn about adverbs that modify adjectives!
Adverbs can modify adjectives and other adverbs. They usually add intensity to an -ly adverbs have a
root word.
adjective. We use: Adverb + Adjective
Example For example:
He was clearly annoyed at his sister for eating his candy. odd→ oddly

NOW YOU TRY! Choose the most appropriate adverb to complete the sentence.

1 I was strangely/incredibly pleased with my grade. I got 100%!

2 We were extremely/hardly excited for the party. We couldn’t wait.
3 I was clearly/unexpectedly relaxed from vacation. You could see it in my face.
4 They were outrageously/physically exhausted from the game. They all wanted to rest.
5 She was obviously/oddly guilty of taking the cookies. The evidence was all over her face.
6 She was oddly/generally disappointed when class was canceled. I thought she would have been happy.
Put the sentences in order. Then, identify the adjective. Remember
took a nap / tired. / She / but was still/ oddly
She took a nap but was still oddly tired.

1 to watch the new movie. / excited / We are / obviously

2 clearly / from their trip. /The family was / exhausted

3 happy / I am / since it’s Friday. / generally

4 relieved / very / He was / to finish his homework.

5 incredibly / My sister / when she failed her exam. / was / disappointed

Put it all
Read the dialogue with your classmates. Then, answer the questions.

Mark: What did you do last night?

Tim: I stayed home since I was incredibly tired.
Mark: Why were you so tired?.
Tim: I swam at the beach all day.

Annie: That’s fun! I was a little bored doing homework yesterday.

1. How did Tim feel last night? Mark: Me too! I was also generally annoyed since we have a lot of
homework this weekend.
2. Why were Mark and Annie
unhappy? Annie: I know! I’m obviously displeased!

3. How would you have felt?

Look at the pictures and describe how the person feels. Describe why they feel this way.
Use an adverb in your description.

The boy was

extremely happy
on his tablet. He
was playing a
game instead of
doing homework.
Role Play
Amusement Park Choose one of these situations and act it
Role 1: You went to the amusement park out with a classmate. Try to use an
with friends yesterday. Talk about how you adverb with an adjective when describing
felt before and after going. feelings.
Role 2: You were sick yesterday and didn’t
get to go with your friends. Tell your friend
how this made you feel.

School Exam
Role 1: You stayed up late studying for a
school exam. You just finished taking the
exam. Tell your friend how you feel.
Role 2: You didn’t study last night, and you
thought the exam was difficult. Talk to your
friend about how you felt.

Summer Plans
Role 1: You are going on a trip with the
family. How do you feel about your plans?

Role 2: You are going on a trip with friends.

Tell your friend about how you feel.
Putting it all together
Let’s review what we have
learned today.
1 What adverbs did you learn today?
• Use adverbs to express
personal feelings.

• Practice adverb and 2 How do you feel when you go on vacation?

adjective order in English.

3 How do you feel when you lose a game?

4 How do you feel when you watch a scary movie?

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