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Consider the marks obtained by 10 students in a mathematics test

as given below: Find the range.
55 36 95 73 60 42 25 78 75 62
2. Consider a small unit of a factory where there are 5 employees: a
supervisor and four laborers. The laborers draw a salary of ` 5,000
per month each while the supervisor gets ` 15,000 per month.
Calculate the mean, median, and mode of the salaries of this unit of
the factory.
3. The mean of 6 variates is 8. Five of them are 8, 15, 0, 6, 11. Find
the sixth variate.
4. The mean length of ropes in 40 coils is 14 m. A new coil is added
in which the length of the rope is 18 m. What is the mean length of
the ropes now?
5. The mean height of the 10 girls of a class is 1.4 m and the mean
height of the 30 boys of the class is 1.45 m. Find the mean height
of the 40 students of the class.
6. The mean age of 10 boys is calculated to be 16 years. Later it was
detected that one boy's age was taken 12 years more than the actual
and another boy's age was taken 7 years less than the actual. Find
the correct mean of the ages of the boys.
7. If the mean of first n natural number is 15, then n = ------ (2020)
8. The mean weight of 150 students in a certain class is 60 kilograms.
The mean weight of boys in the class is 70 kilograms and that of
the girls is 55 kilograms, then the number of boys and girls are? —
9. The marks obtained by 30 students of Class X of a certain school
in a Mathematics paper consisting of 100 marks are presented in
the table below. Find the mean of the marks obtained by the
students. Which data do 30 students represent?



13. The table below gives the percentage distribution of female

teachers in the primary schools of rural areas of various states and
union territories (U.T.) of India. Find the mean percentage of
female teachers by all the three methods discussed in this section
14. A survey was conducted by a group of students as a part of
their environment awareness program, in which they collected the
following data regarding the number of plants in 20 houses in a
locality. Which method did you use for finding the mean, and

15. Consider the following distribution of daily wages of 50

workers of a factory. Which method did you use for finding the
mean, and why?

16. In a retail market, fruit vendors were selling mangoes kept in

packing boxes. These boxes contained a varying number of
mangoes. The following was the distribution of mangoes according
to 5to the number of boxes. Find the mean number of mangoes
kept in a packing box. Which method of finding the mean did you
17. In the formula

for finding the mean of grouped data Di’s are deviations from an of
(A) lower limits of the classes
(B) upper limits of the classes
(C) midpoints of the classes
(D) frequencies of the class mark

18. While computing the mean of grouped data, we assume that

the frequencies are
(A) evenly distributed over all the classes
(B) centered at the class marks of the classes
(C) centered at the upper limits of the classes
(D) centered at the lower limits of the classes
19. If xi are the midpoints of the class intervals of grouped data,
f i’s are the corresponding frequencies and is the mean, then
∑fi(xi−¯x) is equal to ____.

(A) 0 (B) –1 (C) 1 (D) 2

21. The mean of ungrouped data and the mean calculated when
the same data is grouped are always the same. Do you agree with
this statement? Give a reason for your answer
22. In calculating the mean of grouped data, grouped in classes
of equal width, we may use the formula

where a is the assumed mean. a must be one of the mid-points of

the classes. Is the last statement, correct? Justify your answer
23. Is it true to say that the mean, mode, and median of grouped
data will always be different? Justify your answer.
24. The following is the cumulative frequency distribution (of
less than type) of 1000 persons each of age 20 years and above.
Determine the mean age.

25. Find the missing frequency f1 and f2 in the table given

below, it is given that the mean of the given frequency distribution
is 50.
26. If the mean of 25 observations is 27 and each observation is
decreased by 7, what will be new mean?

28th question above


30. The mean of a set of 20 observations is 19.3. The mean is

reduced by 0.5 when a new observation is added to the set. What is
the new observation that has been added?

32. The mean of n observations is x (bar). If each observation is

multiplied by k, then find the mean of new observations.

34. If the mean of 1, 2, 3, .........., n is 6n/11, then n is

5 ans) the missing value of X is 25.

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