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5: Selling Your Information As A Service (Coaching)

Hello and welcome back to the course! In the last training we covered how to create an online course
which can act as the flagship product for your business – a digital asset you create once and sell
through your free YouTube content.

So, you’re giving them some free value in your YouTube videos but in a more entertaining way, and
then saying you have your premium course for those who want the full experience or a more
advanced, detailed system and methodology to follow.

But, even though online courses are a great way to help people at scale, and can absolutely achieve
great results for your customers, there is one way you can help them even more, and command even
higher prices in the process… Coaching and consulting!

In other words, selling your information as a service, and giving personalised one-to-one help and
mentorship. Where rather than giving everyone the same support like with a course, you can tailor
your help to each persons needs, as different people may need help with different aspects of your
niche. Plus, coaching gives people accountability, so it’s a great service to offer, and because your
channel has positioned you as an expert and authority in your niche, you can once again charge high-
ticket prices. Because of course if you’ve been providing free value to people and they know, like and
trust you from your YouTube content, they’re going to be much more inclined to pay higher prices for
the opportunity to work with you directly. And just like with a course, your coaching program will sell
best if it takes people to a specific outcome, where there’s a measurable result and transformation

Now, I know some people going through this course are already coaches, and are primarily using
YouTube to drive more traffic to their coaching business. But regardless of whether you’ve been
coaching for a while or whether you’ve never coached before, in this training we’re going to go
through some best practices to make more money from coaching, and simultaneously get better
results for your clients.

So, getting started is actually very simple here: on your YouTube channel, you can tell people you’re
offering private coaching for those who are really serious about improving more with whatever your
niche is. You can mention this in your videos, as well as in your video descriptions.

And the beauty with this is that very little setup is required. You can literally just have an email address
for people to contact you, and discuss coaching from there. For something a little more professional,
I recommend having a link in your video descriptions to an ‘application form’ with some questions to
answer to help gauge if they’re a good fit. This will also ensure you only get serious applicants who
are willing to actually put in the work.

For those that apply, you can use a free service like Calendly to arrange a time for an initial call together
(Calendly is very useful as it will show them your availability so they can book a slot, as opposed to
frequent back and forth emails to find a good day/time for you both).

In that initial call you setup, you can find out what this person needs or is trying to achieve, and what
their current struggles are with your niche. Because then when you are explaining to them how your
coaching works, you can specifically explain why and how your coaching can help them with their
current pain points. You can make it all personalised to them and their situation.

However, you should not need to ‘hard sell’ them on the call, this is the wrong frame to view things.
Remember: they are coming to you, the expert on this topic, because they need your help. They have
applied to work with you because you’ve already shown you can help them and that you’re an
authority on this subject thanks to all your free YouTube content. So, if you both agree it’s a good fit,
you’d both like to work together, and they have the funds to afford one of your coaching packages,
you can close the deal.

As explained in training 4.3, in most niches you should be charging high-ticket prices for your coaching,
because when people pay they pay attention. But also, coaching requires your time, and your time is
very valuable, it’s your most precious asset – so don’t fall into the trap of drastically lowering your
prices just to make a sale. Besides, it’s better to have a small number of coaching clients paying higher
prices, than slashing your prices just so you can have more clients all paying lower prices. You’re
creating all that extra work for yourself but for very little extra reward. If pricing is ever an issue on a
call but everything else seems like a good fit, the best option is to offer a generous payment plan so
they can spread the cost out over a longer period of time. Stripe, one of the most popular online
payment processors, allows you to do this easily by creating recurring subscription payments.

As for the actual coaching itself, that can then be done for free over a service like Zoom or Skype.

So, as you can see, the process is relatively simple. We’re telling our YouTube audience we’re offering
coaching/consulting/mentorship (whichever you want to call it), we’re directing them to a place to
contact us about it (either via email or an application form), and then we’re getting on a call with them
to see if it’s a good fit for both parties and hopefully sign them up as a regular coaching client. Your
free YouTube content should have done a lot of the selling work for you already, that’s why coaching
and YouTube go so well together.

However, now we’re going to talk about 5 ways you can maximise your earnings from coaching whilst
simultaneously getting BETTER results for your clients!

1) Niche down – narrow the focus of your coaching or the type of person you coach. This is
similar to when you were picking your YouTube niche all the way back in module 1. People
want the specialist, and you then attract the right people who can see you’re the perfect fit
for what they need. From your point of you it also cuts the competition down, and helps
position you as the authority on that subject.

2) The magic question – what if you could spend less time coaching each person (so you can
increase your coaching capacity) AND get your clients better results in the process? There’s a
concept called the ‘magic question’ to ask which helps do this, and that is: ‘what do you need
most right now?’ – asking your clients this allows you to cut right to the most important things.
Whereas, most coaches will set an arbitrary time for the call (say 60 minutes) and half of it
will end up being ‘filler’ that’s not a good use of either your or your clients time. With the right
clients, you can agree to be more efficient and practical, which is actually better for both you
and your client. Focus on the one or two big priorities they have right now per call, rather than
padding a call out to fill a certain time limit.

3) Group coaching – another way to expand your coaching capacity is by helping more people at
once, so you’re helping more people and making more money. Plus, it’s also often much more
enjoyable for clients to go through group coaching with others in a similar position. This can
definitely be worth testing out for your business as I know many coaches having great results
with this.

4) Combine courses and coaching – at this point you might be wondering whether to focus on a
course or coaching? Personally, I think you may as well do both so your audience have the
option. After all, coaching takes very little ‘setup’ initially, and courses take very little
maintenance once setup, so they compliment each other well. However, rather than having a
coaching option and a separate course option, you could also consider combining them
together into an all-in-one programme or mastermind. You teach the core principals in the
course, but then also have coaching sessions to help your clients apply those principals and to
answer any questions. By offering both together, you can also then charge higher prices, and
typically you’ll also get more success stories from students as they’re getting the best of both
worlds and so are in the best possible position to succeed.

5) Upsells and cross-sells – once someone has been through your main coaching programme, if
you really helped them, they’d probably be very interested in working with you more, so
offering a follow-up programme that’s more advanced, or offer them help with any other
areas they want coaching on (within your expertise). Because, just as someone’s been through
a coaching programme, doesn’t mean they know absolutely everything and don’t need any
further help and accountability. And I’m sure they’d rather continue working with a coach
they already know, like and trust than have to find a totally new coach. So… rather than just
constantly trying to find new clients, focus on what else your existing coaching clients may
need, as its significantly easier to sell more to existing clients than always finding new clients.

So there we have it, 5 ways you can make more money from coaching whilst getting better results for
your clients in the process. Coaching can be a great experience for both you and your clients, and
directly seeing the impact you’re having on someone can be very rewarding.

However, to get these coaching clients, it all comes back to posting more free content. And don’t just
give generic info in your free videos - literally give your best stuff away for free! Because, people would
rather work with the coach whose already given them loads of free value and proven themselves.

Of course, as your followings grow on other social media platforms too (thanks to our social media
strategy from module 3) you can advertise your coaching services on those other platforms as well,
but YouTube in particular is perfect for attracting potential clients, just make sure you remind people
of the services you offer and how they can get in touch.

Whilst that wraps up this training on coaching, in the next training, we’re going to be bringing all of
these revenue streams together as we discuss funnels, email lists and more. I’ll see you there.

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