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ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 1 Form

Organization: InteLearn
1. Based on the case study and your 2. For each digital disruption factor, 5. Feedback notes (optional)
assumptions, identify three digital describe how it might affect the company
disruption factors affecting your company
- Loss of Data
- Hijacking and blackmail
- Unauthorized log in
1. Site and Cloud Security
- Malware and viruses
- Company reputation, which will affect growth and market
- Artificial Intelligence and virtual reality VR are increasing
rapidly and attract more customers currently Many
2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) learners now use AI as aide for tasks and assignments
which affect evaluation.

3. Cloud Bandwidth / Capacity - Ensure the validity space of the full capacity of users. Cloud Capacity/bandwidth
- Cost of the capacity for multinational users

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ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 1 Form

3. Propose a strategic position of the 4. Identify the relevant guiding principles that should C
company towards use of digital technology be followed
1- Embrace online learning platforms: 1- Embrace online learning platforms.
1-1 Online platform that offers a variety of interactive and
engaging learning experiences. This platform can host
multimedia content, assessments, discussion forums,
and provide real-time feedback to learners.
1-2 Accessibility: online learning platforms provide access
to education regardless of geographical location.
Students can join courses or access materials from
anywhere in the world, eliminating the need for
physical presence in a traditional classroom. This
accessibility is particularly beneficial for individuals with
disabilities or those who live in remote areas.
1-3 Flexibility: online learning platforms offer flexibility in
terms of scheduling.
1-4 Students can learn at their own pace, allowing them to
balance their education with other commitments, such
as work or family responsibilities. This flexibility is
especially advantageous for adult learners or
individuals pursuing higher education while working.
1-5 Variety of Courses: online learning platforms offer a
wide range of courses covering diverse subjects.
Students have the opportunity to explore their
interests, gain new skills, or specialize in a specific field.

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AXELOS®, the AXELOS logo®, the AXELOS swirl logo® and ITIL® are all registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited.
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ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 1 Form

The variety of courses available caters to different

learning styles and preferences.
1-6 Cost-effective: Online learning platforms provide
affordable or even free courses, making education
more accessible and cost-effective. Students can save
money on commuting, accommodation, and course
materials. Additionally, online courses can be more
affordable for educational institutions to offer
compared to traditional in person classes.

2- Recognize the growing trend of mobile devices and

2- Develop mobile learning solutions. create learning solutions that are accessible across
various mobile platforms. This could include mobile
apps, responsive web design, or even microlearning
modules that can be consumed in bite-sized formats.

3- Implement adaptive learning 3- Adaptive learning technologies can analyze learner

technologies data, identify knowledge gaps, and provide targeted
content and recommendations to address specific
4- Integrate virtual reality 4- Explore the use of virtual reality technologies to create
immersive learning experiences. Virtual simulations,
360-degree videos, and augmented reality applications
can enhance hands-on training, virtual field trips, and
skill development.

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AXELOS®, the AXELOS logo®, the AXELOS swirl logo® and ITIL® are all registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited.
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ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 1 Form

5- Incorporate social learning features into digital platforms

5- Support social learning and to encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing
collaboration: among learners. Discussion boards, group projects, and
peer-to-peer interaction can facilitate a sense of
community and engagement.
6- Collect and analyze data on learner behavior,
6- Data analytics for improvement performance, and engagement to gain valuable insights.
This data can be used to refine learning content, identify
areas of improvement, and make data-driven decisions
for continuous enhancement.

7- prioritize the security of learner data and ensure robust

7- Invest in cybersecurity: cybersecurity measures are in place. This will help
protect sensitive information, build trust with learners,
and give the company good reputation help in market
8- Applying digital technology to provide ongoing learning
8- Offer continuous learning opportunities: opportunities beyond traditional courses or programs.
Offer microlearning modules, webinars, podcasts, or
other forms of on-demand content that allow learners to
access knowledge at their convenience.

9- Encourage experimentation and innovation within the

9- Encourage a culture of innovation: organization to stay ahead of emerging technologies and
trends. Stay updated with the latest advancements in
digital technology and explore how they can be applied
to enhance the learning experience.

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AXELOS®, the AXELOS logo®, the AXELOS swirl logo® and ITIL® are all registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited.
All rights reserved.
ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 1 Form

10- The trainers’ reputations and 10- Specific accreditation for the trainers according to Through outsource committee
qualifications specific score card.

Copyright © AXELOS Limited 2020.

AXELOS®, the AXELOS logo®, the AXELOS swirl logo® and ITIL® are all registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited.
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