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Group Members
Ahmed Moussa
Hesham Motawea
Mohamed Gamal
Mohamed Eissa
Mohamed Wafa

Under Supervision of Dr. Ahmad Yasser Alshareef

ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 1 Form


1. Based on the case study and your 2. For each digital disruption factor, 5. Feedback notes (optional)
assumptions, identify three digital describe how it might affect the company
disruption factors affecting your company
1. Loss of Data
2. Hijacking and blackmail
3. Unauthorized log in
1. Site and Cloud Security
4. Malware and viruses
5. Company reputation, which will affect growth and
market share.
1. Artificial Intelligence and virtual reality VR are
increasing rapidly and attract more customers
currently Many learners now use AI as aide for tasks
2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
and assignments which affect evaluation. Externally
and internally

2. Cloud Bandwidth / Capacity

1. Ensure the validity space of the full capacity of users.

2. Cost of the capacity for multinational users.
Cloud Capacity/bandwidth
3. Ensure the 94% of customer satisfaction from
capacity point of view.

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ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 1 Form

3. Propose a strategic position of the 4. Identify the relevant guiding principles that should C
company towards use of digital technology be followed
1- Embrace online learning platforms: 1- Embrace online learning platform
1-1 Online platform that offers a variety of interactive and
engaging learning experiences. This platform can host
multimedia content, assessments, discussion forums,
and provide real-time feedback to learners.
1-2 Accessibility: online learning platforms provide access
to education regardless of geographical location.
Students can join courses or access materials from
anywhere in the world, eliminating the need for
physical presence in a traditional classroom. This
accessibility is particularly beneficial for individuals with
disabilities or those who live in remote areas.
1-3 Flexibility: online learning platforms offer flexibility in
terms of scheduling.
1-4 Students can learn at their own pace, allowing them to
balance their education with other commitments, such
as work or family responsibilities. This flexibility is
especially advantageous for adult learners or
individuals pursuing higher education while working.
1-5 Variety of Courses: online learning platforms offer a
wide range of courses covering diverse subjects.
Students have the opportunity to explore their
interests, gain new skills, or specialize in a specific field.
The variety of courses available caters to different
learning styles and preferences.
1-6 Cost-effective: Online learning platforms provide
affordable or even free courses, making education
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ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 1 Form

more accessible and cost-effective. Students can save

money on commuting, accommodation, and course
materials. Additionally, online courses can be more
affordable for educational institutions to offer
compared to traditional in person classes.

Recognize the growing trend of mobile devices and create

2- Develop mobile learning solutions. learning solutions that are accessible across various mobile
platforms. This could include mobile apps, responsive web
design, or even microlearning modules that can be consumed
in bite-sized formats.

3- Implement adaptive learning Adaptive learning technologies can analyze learner data,
technologies identify knowledge gaps, and provide targeted content and
recommendations to address specific needs.
4- Integrate virtual reality Explore the use of virtual reality technologies to create
immersive learning experiences. Virtual simulations, 360-
degree videos, and augmented reality applications can
enhance hands-on training, virtual field trips, and skill

Incorporate social learning features into digital platforms to

5- Support social learning and encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing among
collaboration: learners. Discussion boards, group projects, and peer-to-peer
interaction can facilitate a sense of community and

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ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 1 Form

Collect and analyze data on learner behavior, performance,

6- Data analytics for improvement and engagement to gain valuable insights. This data can be
used to refine learning content, identify areas of
improvement, and make data-driven decisions for continuous

prioritize the security of learner data and ensure robust

7- Invest in cybersecurity: cybersecurity measures are in place. This will help protect
sensitive information, build trust with learners, and give the
company good reputation help in market penetration
Applying digital technology to provide ongoing learning
8- Offer continuous learning opportunities: opportunities beyond traditional courses or programs. Offer
microlearning modules, webinars, podcasts, or other forms of
on-demand content that allow learners to access knowledge
at their convenience.

Encourage experimentation and innovation within the

9- Encourage a culture of innovation: organization to stay ahead of emerging technologies and
trends. Stay updated with the latest advancements in digital
technology and explore how they can be applied to enhance
the learning experience.

10- The trainers’ reputations and Specific accreditation for the trainers according to specific
qualifications score card.

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AXELOS®, the AXELOS logo®, the AXELOS swirl logo® and ITIL® are all registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited.
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Group Members
1. Mohamed Gamal
2. Karim Bakhet
3. Hesham Motawea
4. Mohamed Eissa
5. Ahmed Moussa
6. Mohamed Wafa

Under Supervision of Dr. Ahmad Yasser Alshareef
ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 2 Form

Organization: InteLearn

1. Based on the case study and your assumptions, propose a strategic focus for the company: 4. Feedback notes (optional)

• customer/market relevance
• operational excellence
• transformation / evolution
• social responsibility and sustainability

1.Customer/market relevance

InteLearn organization has 2 products InteLongue collaborative tool& InteLearn platform.

• InteLearn platform using trend monitoring & Online market survey & Focus group (teachers &
students), InteLearn will enhance the customer engagement with our 2 products.
• Intelongue collaborative tool R&D continuous improvement for the tool against disruptive
change and competitive market.
• user friendly interface for both InteLearn and InteLongue to enhance customer experience.
2.Operational Excellence
• Develop standard KPIs to be followed including (customer satisfaction tool, smooth
performance, reduce cost, eliminate waste, using 6 sigma and Lean 6 Sigma)
• Attract top talent in the industry including software developers and proficient outsource
customer support.

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AXELOS®, the AXELOS logo®, the AXELOS swirl logo® and ITIL® are all registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited.
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ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 2 Form

• Regularly assess and invest in scalable system database and analytics tools to handle the
increasing volume of users.

3. Transformation / Evolution

As Intelearn is in managed level where processes are monitored and controlled our objective is to be
transformed to optimizing level where the processes are continuously improved throw monitoring the
feedback from the processes and introducing innovative processes and functionality.

2. For the selected strategic focus, propose five 3. Identify the relevant guiding principles
improvement recommendations to implement that should be followed

• Positioning model for Customer/Market 1. Focus on value.

relevance, InteLearn will focus on the code of conduct
• Approach name is : OMNICHANNEL DELIVERY related to the organization internally and
AND SUPPORT. externally for overall stakeholders.
• Need to improve the direct channel with sales 2. Collaborate and promote visibility.
and marketing team to be 24/7 customer Transparency of terms and policies regarding
support. the customer support complains.
• This could be done by Offer a comprehensive 3. Keep it simple and practical.
and easily accessible customer support system To be user friendly and with simple interface
to assist users across different time zones and and adaptable for all operating systems and
regions. Provide multiple support channels,
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AXELOS®, the AXELOS logo®, the AXELOS swirl logo® and ITIL® are all registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited.
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ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 2 Form

including email, live chat, and a dedicated different devices (mobile phones, TABs,
support hotline, to cater to users' preferences Laptop…)
and urgent inquiries.
• Customer support, data analytics, finance and
developers will be affected.

• Positioning model is operation excellence 1. Optimize and automate.

• Approach name: AUTOMATION 2. Keep it simple and practical.
• Need to improve automation and operation in 3. Start where you are.
InteLearn due to the overall employees are 35
around the 3 branches.
• This could be done by using CHATBOT and AI.
• Departments that will be impacted are finance,
HR, Developers, and analytics.
• Positioning model is Evolution/Transformation 1. Progress iteratively with feedback
• Approach name is: AGILITY AND RESILIENCE 2. Think and work holistically.
• Need to improve user testing and feedback
• This could be done by development process to
ensure the service meet user expectations.
• Departments will be affected are developers,
customer service, marketing, sales, finance.
• Positioning model is customer /market 1. Progress iteratively with feedback
relevance 2. Think and work holistically.
• Approach name is: CUSTOMER ANALYTICS 3. Start where you are.

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AXELOS®, the AXELOS logo®, the AXELOS swirl logo® and ITIL® are all registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited.
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ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 2 Form

• Need to improve customer analytics with our

products InteLearn / InteLongue from the past
and to be continuously monitored
• This could be done by using new methodology
of analytics and AGILE model
• Departments will be affected are developers,
customer service, marketing, sales, finance.
• Positioniung model is : Operation Excellence 1. Optimize and automate.
• Approach name is : CONTINUAL 2. Progress iteratively with feedback
IMPROVEMENT AS A BASIS FOR STRATEGY 3. Collaborate and promote visibility.
• Need to improve competitive advantage of 4. Focus on value.
InteLearn’s product.
• This could be done by enhance the R&D
segment and increase the expenditures of
• This will impact on R&D, Finance, data analytics,
sales and marketing.

Table 3.1 Assignment 2 group form

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AXELOS®, the AXELOS logo®, the AXELOS swirl logo® and ITIL® are all registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited.
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Under Supervision of Dr. Ahmed Yasser Alshareef

1. Mohamed Gamal
2. Karim Bakhet
3. Hesham Motawea
4. Mohamed Eissa
5. Ahmed Moussa
6. Mohamed Wafa
ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 3 Form

Organization: InteLearn
1. Create the organization’s purpose statement and vision. Feedback notes (optional)

Purpose Statement: Work together with our partners to deliver simple and innovative solutions
for online learning and connection across the globe.
Vision : To become the number one brand for online learning and collaboration globally .

2. Define 2 key objectives of the organization’s digital strategy

1. Gain 20% market share in the collaborative tool InteLongue globally by end of Q4 2024. Indicator
2. Select undergraduate market segment for InteLearn Platform, due the large number of 1. Organization outcome based.
undergraduates population in addition to wide range of the offered courses. Revenue / Customer 2. Organization market share.
satisfaction feedback (rating: *****). Metrices:
1. Revenue.
2. Revenue / Customer satisfaction
feedback (rating: *****).

Table 3.1 Assignment 3 form 1

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AXELOS®, the AXELOS logo®, the AXELOS swirl logo® and ITIL® are all registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited.
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ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 3 Form

Organization: InteLearn

3. Select a digital strategy implementation approach

Large-scale transformation / incremental transformation / mergers and acquisitions / individual changes...

Incremental transformation
Incremental innovation is the practice of upgrading existing services or products through a series of smaller improvements.

3.1. Provide three arguments justifying the selection of the approach Feedback notes (optional)

A. Automation:
1. Continuously monitor and refine changes to ensure efficiency and accuracy.

B. Agility:
1. Foster a culture of agility within the organization by encouraging cross-functional
collaboration, iterative development, and frequent feedback loops.
2. Embrace continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) practices to
enable faster and more reliable software releases.
C. Resilience:
1. Regularly test and simulate various failure scenarios to validate the effectiveness of
the releases versions in place.
3.2. Identify three risks associated with the selected approach Feedback notes (optional)
1. Testing tools could damage cost plan. Internal risk & CIO responsibility.
2. Needs very clear definition before starting the division of whole system. Internal risk
3. It requires more stakeholder involvement. External risk
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ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 3 Form

4. Lack of skills will lead to gain losses. Proper coordination and management can
also help ensure that incremental innovation
5. uncertain demand for innovative goods or services External risk

Table 3.2 Assignment 3 form 2

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AXELOS®, the AXELOS logo®, the AXELOS swirl logo® and ITIL® are all registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited.
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Under Supervision of Dr. Ahmed yasser Alshreef

1. Mohamed Gamal
2. Karim Bakhet
3. Hesham Motawea
4. Mohamed Eissa
5. Ahmed Moussa
6. Mohamed Wafa
ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 4 Form


1. Identify and explain 4 VUCA factors 2. Propose an approach for addressing 3. Identify the relevant guiding 4. Feedback notes (optional)
affecting the selected company the identified factors in the context of principles that should be followed
the digital strategy defined earlier

Addressing volatility: 1. Focus on value.

1. V – Volatility: • Selection processes for funding Everything we do, should be
a) manmade e.g. war or suddenly projects, programmers, somehow valuable to any of
change for any environment of knowledge-sharing, InteLearn stakeholders. If it
the business as example Huwai communication, succession is not, it can technically be
and Google agreements due to planning, and decision-making seen as waste and we
political disagreement. in addition to RISK committee should put an end those
and contingency reserve activities. Actually we shall
management. use LEAN principle to
• Having agile team for solving eliminate all kinds of waste.
cloud service issues and cope 2. Think and work holistically.
with instant solutions case by Eliminate silo thinking and
case including using own cloud try to comprehend the
service or alternative intelligent
bigger picture of the
solutions keeping resources
InteLearn system is
and agile team to investigate
interacting in, as no
and find solutions on the spot
component, product,
providing resources for
service or organization ever
emergency situations and
follow up rapid changes in
stands alone.
cloud service technologies.
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AXELOS®, the AXELOS logo®, the AXELOS swirl logo® and ITIL® are all registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited.
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ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 4 Form

• Avoid making extensive cuts in

areas that will help the
organization recover and
rebuild, such as market
research that will provide
critical consumer feedback and
engagement; or areas that
address organizational
development and process,
practice, or service
1. Agility, resilience & Absorptive 1. Focus on value.
2. U- Uncertainty: capacity (Effective knowledge Everything we do, should be
a) Customer preferences and new management combines somehow valuable to any of
technologies. explicit and tacit knowledge). InteLearn stakeholders. If it
b) The online learning and is not, it can technically be
collaboration market is highly 2. Agile and proactive approach seen as waste and we
competitive, with new entries to market analysis, continuous should put an end those
emerging and existing monitoring of industry trends, activities. Actually we shall
competitors innovating new and strategic planning to use LEAN principle to
solutions and technologies e.g mitigate potential risks. eliminate all kinds of waste.
AI and VR solutions. 3. Analyzing and find innovative 2. Keep it simple and practical.
solutions keeping resources
Always we try to reach our
for market, legal and
goals with the least
competitors’ analysis e.g.,
possible steps and effort.
allying with AI service provider
Prevent overdoing and
and innovation on VR
technologies, keeping eye on
overcomplicating things.
social, technological and 3. Optimize and automate.
political changes and trends.
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AXELOS®, the AXELOS logo®, the AXELOS swirl logo® and ITIL® are all registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited.
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ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 4 Form

We should try to maximize

the value of human work
by automating everything
that can be automated in
an economical manner for
both our 2 products
(inteLearn Platform and
4. Start where you are.
We shall understand our
current situation before we
jump into anything new
and try to reuse any
resources before throwing
them away.

3. C – Complexity • Having an agile team and 1. Focus on value.

a) Addressing laws, norms and steering committee with good Everything we do, should be
regulations in different knowledge of the social, somehow valuable to any of
countries and cultures (USA, political, and regulatory of InteLearn stakeholders. If it
Netherland, and Singapore). every society and keeping eye is not, it can technically be
on changes by follow up on seen as waste and we
regular basis for any change, should put an end those
agility is the key word for follow activities. Actually we shall
up of any change. use LEAN principle to
eliminate all kinds of waste.

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AXELOS®, the AXELOS logo®, the AXELOS swirl logo® and ITIL® are all registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. Reproduction of this material requires the permission of AXELOS Limited.
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ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 4 Form

2. Progress iteratively with

Whatever our goal may be,
take small steps and
incorporate the feedback
we get along the right way
and we will achieve the
organization goals.

4. A - Ambiguity: • Embrace experimentation and 1. Focus on value.

a) Cyber security threats, promote it across the Everything we do, should be
choosing the right solutions to organization. somehow valuable to any of
protect the company from InteLearn stakeholders. If it
cyber-attack, every day hackers is not, it can technically be
develop and use advanced seen as waste and we
technologies and attack should put an end those
patterns. activities. Actually we shall
use LEAN principle to
eliminate all kinds of waste.

2. Collaborate and promote

we should involve the right
people with the right roles
at the right time to make the
best decisions based on
better quality information.
Generally speaking,

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ITIL 4 Strategic Leader Assignment 4 Form

inclusion is better than

3. Optimize and automate.
We should try to maximize
the value of human work
by automating everything
that can be automated in
an economical manner for
both our 2 products
(inteLearn Platform and

Table 3.1 Assignment 4 form 1

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