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AUTHOR Kamoga, Frederick K.

TITLE Luganda Continuation..Book 2.
INSTITUTION Peace Corps, Washington, D.C.
NOTE 30p.; Best copy available

EDRS PRICE MF-$0.83 HC-$2.06 Plus Postage.

DESCRIPTORS Adjectives; African languages; Bantu Languages;
*Ganda; Grammar;-Instructional Materials; *Language
Instruction; Language PatternsC*Langpge Skills;
Language Styles; Language Usage; Nominals; Reading
Materials; Reading *Second Language Learning;
*Textbooks; Verbs; Vocabulary

This Luganda textbook for Peace Corps Luganda
students follows the first book (1968). The fifteen lessons alternate
between conversations on various sutjects, to enable students to
improve their speaking ability, and notes on grammar, to enable
students to gain more confidence in their use of the language. A few
lines extracted from the local newspapers about going to the moon
were used to form some of the lessons in this book so that students
would be able to see and learn styles of language used in newspapers.
Lesson 14 consists of a 'long story and vocabulary, followed by
questions to check comprehension. (AuthorfCLK)


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35 3



Frederick K. Kamoga
Language Tutor
Extra Mural Department
Makerere University College
Kampala, Uganda



LESSON 1 Luganda Class/Conversations,

LESSON 2 Okugenda ku mwezi (Going To The Moon) 2

LESSON 3 Talking about Shopping/conversations 4

LESSON 4 Abamerika era baakikoze

(The Americans have at last done it) 5

LESSON 5 Gding Shopping/Conversations 7


LESSON 6 The Passive Perms 8

° LESSON 7 Money Problems/Conversations 9

LESSON 8 Particles of Time 10

LESSON, 9 G:tting Help in Stores/Oonversations

LESSON 10 Comparison of Adjectives 12

LESSON 11 Onuntu yakoze ebyafaayo

(Man made History) 14

LESSON 12 Evening Activities/Conversations 16

LESSON 13 Noun Clauses iris Questions 17

LESSON 14 Olugero lwa Mpoobe

The story of Mpoobe) 18

LESSON 15 Auxiliary Verbs 23



This is the Luganda Continuation Wok II,,following

the first book of 19682 for Peace Corps Luganda students:

:It.cont&ins conversations on various subjects to

enable the students to improve their-knowledge of speaking
.the language,

it contains a few notes of grammar for students to

be able to gain nore confidence in their use of the language,'

A few extracted lines iron the local newspapers about

"GOING TO THE MOON" were used to fora sone of the lessons in
this book for students to be able to see and learn styles of
'language used in newspapers.

There is a long story in this book plus vocabulary and

this is followed by questions for one check onefd sense of



Conversation I

Si. Oluganda lwe lulimi olusingira Luganda is the hardest language

ddala obuzibu mu nsi yonna. in the world.'

S2. Lwaki oyogera otyo? Why do you say that?

Si. Siyinza kulutegeera oba I 'can't understand it orspedk

kulwogera. it.

S2. Naye waakatandika okulUyiga. But you have just started learn
ing it.

Conversation II

qi. Ekintu kino nukiyita nutya ,What do you (pl.) ,call this
nu Luganda? . thing in Luganda?

S2. Kiyitibwa "nmyondo". It is called "a harmer ".

Si. Ebintu by'okubisa ennyondo What's the word for the things-
biyitibwa bitya? you hit with a htoner?

S2. "Misumaali". Okuba emisumaali "Nails". You pound nails into

nu niti. wood with a hammer.

Conversation III

Si. Oyinza okutegeera bulungi nnyo Can you understand spcken Luganda
Oluganda olwogere? very well?

S2. Nnyinzti okuktiteaeeral nayeabantu I can understand you, but most

abasinga obungi boogeramangu nnyo. people speak too fast.

Si. Ng'okwogera? Oyinza okunyunya? How about speaking? Can you

Carry on a conversation?

S2. Mu mazima soogera mangu. Itn really not very fluent.

Conversation IV

Sl. Osaba otya obilyambi n'eggonjebwa? How do you ask for help politely?

S2. Ogamba "Wattu oyinza okuanyamba?" You say"Could you help me.please"?

Si x Rye kyokka kyloteekwa okwogera? Is that all you have to say?

S2. Yee, kye kyokka. Yes, that is all.

) c
.- -

0 OKUGENDA KU MWEZI Going to the Moon)'

..yasinzidde nu kitebe ekikulu --(he) from the Government Head

ekya Gavumenti ytensi ye. quarters of his country.

nvagamba nti akkirizza uti omwaka and said that he believed that by
gwa '2000 we gunaatuukird, the year 2000,

abantU btoku nsi eno,Thajja kub people of this world, will have
nga beeyongedde okukyalira ensi "visrtec' other new worlds,


eziri nu bbanga, eyinza okubeera which are in the apace, on which

smbeera ylobulamu endala. there can be a form of another life.

OmUkulembeze wa America ono This President of America said, as

yategeesezzapnga bwtalina essuubi he hoped that next tine,
ku mulundi omulala.

lwe wanaabaawo okugezaako when there is another trial of

okunoonyereza ebytomu bwengula research in the space, The Ameri
bwtebbanga, America bagenda cans will be joined by representa
kwegattibwako ababaka btensi andel% tives from other-countriesi

bakoiere wamu. They may. work together.

Text . Read and Translate: Taifa 24 July,,1969

,'President Richard Nixon yasinzidde ku kitebe ekikulu ekya Gavumenti

yiensi ye . White House ntagamba nti akkirizza nti onwaka ogwa 2000 we
gupaatukira abantu btoku nsi ono bajja kuba nga beeyongedde okukyalira
ensi enda].a eziri nu bbanga eyihza okubeeia embeera ylobulamu endala.
Onukulembeze wa Aderica ono yategeezezza nga bwtalina essuubi nti ku
mulundi omulala lwe wanaabaawo okugezaako okunoonyereza ebytomu bwengula
bwiebbanga. America bagenda kwegattibwako ababaka btensi endala, bakolere


1. Erinnya lytomukulembeze wa Anerica ytani?---
2. Ekitebe ekikulu ekya Gavunenti kiri nu kibuga ki?
3. Ennyunba Omukulembeze wa America mwtasula eyitibwa etya?
4. -Onwaka ogwa 2000 we'gunaatuukira7abantu baliba beeyongedde kukola ki?

5. Ku mulundi omulala ogNbkunooyereza, Omukulenbeza wa America aganba

4 tbantu btomu nsi endala bekole ki?

Read the followinz, filling the blanks:

President Richard Nixon ya nzidde ku tebe ekiku kya Gavumenti-

ytensi e (White House) &again nti onu ka ogwa 2000 we naatuukira
aba btoku_si eno jja,kuba nga beeyonge okukya. ensi dala
ezi nu bba eyinza beers embeera y'obula. endala.
'0 lembeze a America ono _ategeezezza nga bwIali ess bi nti ku
lundi onula lwe wanaaba okugezaa' . okunoonyere . ebytomu bwengula
bvitebba Abanerica gender kwegattibwako ababa btenSi endala
kolere mu.

sinziira (silzidde) - start from, spring from, use as starting point
ensi (N) - country, countries, the world 45
kkiriza .(kkirizza) - believe, accept
kyala (kyadde) - go to pay call, visit
kyalira (kyalidde) - visit the (or someone)
embeera (N) - condition, being ;

Onukulembeze (MU-BA) - leader, president

essuubi - hope, promise
noonyereza (nbonyerezza) - carry out research
, ,

Onubaka (MU-BA) - representative



Conversation 1

Sr. Ogula wa ebintu byo? Where do you do your shopping?

S2. Bulijjo ntandikira nu dduuka, Ifupually start at the Mkubirate
ya Mukubira... -store.

Sl, 0lowooza otya ku bintu bye What do you think about their
baling? selection?
S2. Balina ebintu birungi era. They have a good selection, and
-ntemiwendo.gyabwe gya wansi, their prices are low, too., -

.Conversation II

Si. Batunda layisi munene mu They arehhaving a big sale at

dduuka ya Mukasa. Mukhsats store.
S2. Bintu ki bye batunda layisi? What sort of things are on sale?
-Si. Baalanze endoye ntebintu They advertised linens aad house
ebytomu nju. furnishings.
S2., Ndowooza eneebaayo abantu I suppose there will be crowds of
bangi nu dduuka.' people in the store.

Conversation III

Si. Mbadde ngula ngoye olwegg4lo I spOnt the afternoon shopping

lwonna. for clothes,
S Og pro ki? What did you buy there?
Si. Nsanzeyo ekkooti eytenkuba I found an excellent raincoat,
ennungi, era nguzeyo niengatto. and I bought some shoes.
S2. Ekyo kinzijukiZza, nteekwa This reminds me thgt I have to
ilenda ngule ebintu,mangu, go shopping soon.

Conversation IV

Sl. Ekkooti eyo wagigula wa? Where did you buy that coat?
S2. Nagigula ku luguudo lwte I bought it at Bonbo street, but
Bombo, naye dda nnyo. a long tine ago.
Sl, Yagula nga ssente maeka? About how nuch did it,cost?
S2. Kaakati neerabidde ensinti At the mement, I haveforgotten
ze yagula, how much it cost.


ARAMERI&ERA BAKIKOZE. The Americans Have M Last Done It

Abamirika era bakilcoze. , The'Amcricans have at last ene fit.

Abaaajja bombi abaatonnye ku kwozif Both men who-landed on tic; noon,
nu kiro ekyakeesezza.olwa Honday During_ the night before Monday
lasitudde bulungi mu kazungiglzi They have taken off well in their.
kaabwe okuva kU magi, ,luna Modula' from the moon.
.ne batandika olugendo lwabwe olvi and started their journey to re.
okwegatta ku kizungirizi ekinene, unite the,big roCket.._
ekyabalindiridde waggulU waagwo, which wasawaiting then above the
noon. )

Kino lye kiseera ekibadde.ekisingira This has been the most difficult
ddala obuzibu. ) ,tine.
Ababwiii ne bakagezi munnye babadde The lunar pioneer and the scion
tists were worried,
nti singa akazungirizi akatono that if the email rocket failed to ,

kalemoddwa okusitula okuva ku mwozi- take of from the moon

eyo ye yandibadde enkomeroro ya this tiould be the end of Armslrong'
Armstrong ne Aldrin,
bandifiriddeyo they would die there

Text Read and Translate into English: .20.ifa: 22.7,69 s-

Abasajja bombi Neil Armstrong ne Edwin Aldrin abaatOnnye ku nwezi mu\

kiro ekyakeesezza olwa Monday basituddc bulungf mu kizungirizi kaabwe.
. .

EAGLE okuva ku mwezi,no batandika olugendo lwlokwegatta.ku kizungirizi

ekinene Apollo II -,kyabaddo kibalir)Airidde waggulu waagwo..
Kino kye kiseera ekibadde'kisingira ddala obuzibuf ababuusi bano wanu
ne bakagezi bunnye kye babaddc basingira ddala okweralikirira. KiboAde
kimanyiddwa bulungi nti sings' alca:zun6irizi akatono kalemeddwa okusitula
okuva ku nwezi eyo ye yandibadde enkomerero-y9Ormstrong ne Aidrin

: 10
Read the following - filling in the blanks:

Abanerida e4,11 bWri4$01=ze. Ababa bon. Neil Armstrong -e Aidrin

a tonnye u nwe nu ki' ekyakeese olwalionday basi ddc bu ngi

mu kazu rizi kaab EAGLE .oku u nceti batandi.:o_gendo

lwtokwega lol kizu -.rizi eki no' Apollo II ekYa dde

waggu waagwo. ti

Kino _ye kis ra ekibadde ki ingira ddala-buzi ababuusi b no,

warn: ne bakagezi au .o icye baba basigi okweraliki ra

Ki dde kinanyidd bu ngi ti singa akazungiriziakata kalgneddwa

okusi la oku ku nwe eyo ye yandi dde enkonerero yes Armstrong ne

Alarin tandifiridde -


lQ Aunnnya gtabasajja ababiri abatonnya Cu nwezi be taani?.

2. Baagendera mu ki okutuukira ddala.ka hivezi?

3, Singes atazungirimi akatono kaagana-Oldtaitula okuva ku

nvezi, abantu abo bandibadde ki?

4. Akazun4girizi akatono bwe Xaava ku nwezi kaagenAa wa?

5. Akazungirizi akatono erinnya.lyako ko kaani?

60 Bkiz-ungirizi ekinene'brinnya lyakyo 14e kyani?




Conversation I

Sl. Wagenda uu ddilUka ki jjo? What store did you go to yesterday?

S2, Nagenda nu dduuka'ya Drapers. I wont to Draporst Store.
-SI. Balina ebintu bingi ebirungi? Do .they have a good variety of
S2. Balina'e6intu bingil Hoye They have lots (to cheese from)
byonnabyanuwondo nunqne. but .it's all very expensive.

Conversation II

Sl. kiagenda kugua I want to go shopping.

S2? Ommmyi bintu ki bytogenda Do you know what you are going
okugula? (' to buy?
_innamanyal nayo nsutibiril Not yet: but I hope to while
nnaananya nga ngula.
82. Nakyawa oktgenda okugula I hated to go shopping.
obintu. '4

Conversation III

81. Wabaddo okola ki ku dduuka What were yoll doing. at that store?
se es
S2. Npmdde ngula sutikesi ;Inpya? I was shopping for a new suitcase.
1 Sl. MUkwano gwviabaddu.akolayo What was your 2risnd doing there?
82. Yaliadde agezaako kunounya Silo was .trying to find a coat.

Conversation TV

Edduuka ziggalwawo eaaaawa That tine do the stores close?

Ezisinga obungt ziggalwawo post of then close at' six o'clock;
easaawa kkuni na bbiii.
Tukyalina ekisoora.oiug6naa Do we'still have tine to go shop .
okugula ebintu? ping?
Yeerkaakati eaaaawa zikyali Yes, it's only four fifteen now.
lama he ddakika kkuni na ttaano.



(a) The normal rule is to change the final a of the verb stem` to ibwap
or ebwa with a modified form in iddwa or eddwa (occasionally
ibb777 e.g.

Kola gives kolebwa = be done Modified form koleddwa or kolebbwa.

Bala gives Balibwa = be counted Modified baliddwa or balibbwa.

(b) (i) Verbs ending in ira or'era (mainly prepositional form)

change the final a to way e.g.

Buulira becomes buulirwa modified form buuliddwa

Kolera becomes kolerwa modified form koleddwa

(ii) Verbs ending in may bat pa and some ending in la or ra form

their passive in a similar manner, expect that the may ba, and pa
stems must revert to the full form in the modified formation, e.g.

Lubala (Warn), gives labulwa mod*fied form labudrlwa

Tama (disgust, sicken)-gives tarawa (be tired of) . modifi
form tamiddwa labwa labibwa modified form labiddwa

(e) Verbs ending in Nya, Mya, or Pya change the final a into izibwa
or ezebwa, e.g.
Saasanya (scatter) gives saasanyizibwa modified form saasanyizibbwo.

Noonya gives noonyezebwa modified. form noonyezeddwa.

After the passive, the agent is expressed by the si*e noun, but
the instrument has usually na before it. e.g.

Omuyizzi'yattibwa embogo.
The hunter was killed by a buffalo.

Onusota gwattibwa nlomuggo.

The snakeivas killed with a stick.



Conversation I

Si. Oyinza okagenda naffe enkya? Can you come along with us
S2. *Ndowooza nyinza pkwewola I think I can borrow money to go.
ensinbi ;lend°.
Si. ipu,,ilag.Wagenda ku Lwckutaano Why didn't you go last Friday?

S2. Kubanga saalina nzimbi zimala. Because I didn't have enough money.

.Conversation II

Sic Olina sente mmeka? How such money do you have?

.S2. Ssi nnyingi nnyo. Not very much.
Si. Olina amabanja nangi? Do you have .a lot of debts?
$2. Ssi nangi, ekyomukisa m/ulungi. Not very many, luckily.

'.Conversation III

Sl. Olabika nealiko ekikweraii- You look upset about something?

S2. Ndowooza nsudde ensinbi zange. I think I have lost my noney.
Sl. Ohtekyo kye kikweralikiriza. Ohl'that's what's bothering you.
S2. KituuAirokweralikirira, ssi Its right to,be upset, isn't it?
bwe kiri?

Conversation IV

Si. Okakasa ng'osudde ssento zo? Are you sure you lost your money?
S2. Nkakasa, nazisudde. I'm sure I did.
Sl. Oyinza okweyongera okunoonyd? Would you look again?
S2. Yee, nnaanonya, naye nkakasa Yes, I will, but I'm sure it's
nga teZtiri wano,. not here.



i) LWE (when, with reference to particular day) built on LU and parti

cle E. "LWE" is the Object Relative agreeing with "Olunaku" (day)
either stated or understood. Its literal meaning, therefore, is
"The day on which", e.g.
1. Olunaku lwe yagenda enkuba yatonnya nnyo.
The day on which he went there was much rain.
2. Lwe yajja lwe twalima wano.
The day he came we cultivated here.
3. Kabaka lwe yafa ensi yajjula ekiwuubaalo.
When the King died, the country was full of sorrow.

ii) BWE (when) built on BU and particle E. "BWE" is the Object Rela
tive agreeing with "Obudde" (tine of day) either stated or understood.
Literally, therefore, it means PTho time of day on which". But it is
less specific than "LWE", e.g.
1. Emmere bwteggya ombulira.
Tell me when the food is ready.
2. Kintulwe yava e Buddo n1 agenda e Magonga.
When Kintti left Buddo he went to Magonga,

iii) OKUTUUSA IRE, (until or till) built on LU and particle E.

"Okutuusa lwe" in the Present tense and Imperative is followed by
the Future Tense, e.g.
1. Linda okutuusa lwe nnajja.
- Wait till I come.
20 Yakola okutuusa lwe yakoowa. (past tense)
H4 worked till he was tired.

iv) BUII LWE, (whenever) built on LU and particle E. e.g.

Buli lwe tugenda e Kampala enkuba etonnya.
Whenever we go to Kampala it rains.
2. Bull lwe tusobya tubonerezebwa.
Whenever we make mistakes we are Punished.

v) The subjunctive of MALA (while) e.g.

1. Linda tumald okulya.
Wait while we finish eating.
2. Leka Omwami aaale okudda.
Wait while the chief comes back.




Sl. Oyagala obuyanbi? Do you wish some assistance?

52. Yee, ekkalaanu emyufu eyo Yes, how ouch is that red pen?
egula etya?
Sl. Eno oba eri? This one or that one?

Eyo eddiridde enzirugavu. That one next to the black one.

Conversation II

51. NkuyanUe? May I help .you?

52, Yee, Nandyagadde okulaba ku Yes, I would like to look at books.

51. Kale, bitabo ki? Ebiwaandiki Certainly, which books? Writing
bwanU oba ebytengero? books or story books?

52. Nnoonya ebilabo ebirungi I an looking for good story books.


Conversation III

51. Wattu oyinza okunyamba? Could you help me please?

52. Nkukolere ki? What can I do for you?

Sl. Nyinza okukebera ku ssaawa Could I have a look at that wrist

eytoku uukono eyo? watch?
Wattu lindako katono, nfune Just one moment, while I get the
ekisumuluzo, key.

Conversation IV

Si. Waliwo onuntu akuyamba? Is someone helping you?

Wangi? I beg your pardon;

51. Olina kyloyagala nkuweereze? Could I help you with anything?

52. Nada waliwo anpeereza. Not someone is already waiting on


:I 6


There are no words in Luganda parallel to the English "better--

than" yet there is no lack of words expressing comparison. Comparison
is expressed:

(i) By the words Kwenkana (to be equal) followed,, by either an abstract

noun formed on an adjective or by an infinitive, e.g.
1. OmWana ono yenkana ntoyo ohukulu.
e This child is the same age as that one.
2. Essanduuko eno yenkana nteyiyo okuzitowa.
This box is as heavy as yours.

(ii) By the verb Okusina ( to surpass) followed by either an abstract

noun formed on an adjectift or byan infinitive, e,g,
1. Yokana asinga Paula obuwanvu.
John is taller than Paul (lit. John surpasses Paul in height,)
2, Namusoke adinea Namukasa okuwanCiika.
NamusokB writes better than Namukada.

"KUSINGA" may be preceded by the Emphatic pronoun for greater

emphasis, e.g.
1. Mukasa ytasinga Kapere okuvuga eggaali.
Mukasa is a better cyclist than Kapere.
2. Ekitabo kino.kye kisinga ekyo ekunyuma.
This book is more interesting that that one.

(iii) By the Root -MU (one in the dinular, and sone in the plural, but
which means 'same°, c.g
1. Entebe eno ytenu nteyo:
.This chair is the sane as that (one),
2. Daum° guno ewe guru na guli,"
This stick is the same as that.

There is a further use of -MU, cog,

1. Ku niti gin.° eginu nirungi egimu mibi.
Sone of those trees are good, dome are bad.
2. Abalensi bano_abanu-bayonjo, abarntsi -bayonjo;
Sone of these boys'are clean, done.are not.


The Superative

The superative is expressed by the use of the verb tkusingat

(to surpass) followed by the i.601 .-NNA (ail) and the abstract noun
or the infinitive, e.g.
1. Omulenzi ono asinga bonny okuwandiika.
Thisboy'is the best of all in writing.
2. Ennyunba eno ylesinga zonna obulungi.
This house is the most beautiful of all.

Sometimes the Prepositional form of Kusinga, i.e., tkusingirat

and the intensive word Iddala, are used, 0,g.
1. MusOke ylasingira ddala ekisa.
Musoke is the kindest of then all (there is no question
about it).
2. Amagi ylemmere esingira ddala obulungi.
Egg are .the best food.

Note The New Words:

fuubirwa (fumbiddwa) - to be married (woman to man)

wakanakwakanye) dispute
koowa (kooye) - get tired
koleeza(koleezezza) - put-on (light)
zikiza (zikizza) - put out (light)
saaga (saaze) - jest
segulira (segulidde) - give way
eesigama (eesigamye) - lean against
meggana (megganye) - wrestle
zza omusanga (zzizza omusango) - commit a crime or offence

vuga (vuze) - paddle, go off-(gun) ring-(bell) drive-(car)
zifowa (zitoye) - be heavy
nyuma (nyumye)-be interesting, be pleasant
wandiika (wandiise) - write wanvu tall, long
.kulu nature, adult, great, importaq


Ddala onuntu yakoze ebyafaayo Trully a person did a land mark

olunaku lwleggulo in human history yesterday after-
--bwe yatonnye ku nwezi --when he landed on'the-moon
--nga guno gwe nulundi ogusooka,_ --this being the first tine, for
omuntu okukyalira ensi endala a person to visit another world
N.-kasookedde onuntu atondebwa --since the person was created
Eagle, ekizungirizi ekitono ekyava Eagle, a small rocket which went
mu kizungirizi ekinene away from the big one .

--kyatwala Armstrong ne Aldrin ku --it took Armstrong and Aldrin to

nwezi the noon
Apollo II, ekimngirizi ekinene Apollo III a big rocket mtich is
ekibalindiridde okubakonyawo ku awaiting then to return them to
nsi .
the earth
--kisigaddemu nunnaabwe cwtokusatu --in it there remained their third
Collins. friend, Collins.

Text - Read and Translate into English: Taifa 21.7.69

Ddala omuntu yakoze ebyafaayo olunaku lwteggulo bwe yatonnye ku

nwezif nga guno gwe nulundi ogusooka omuntu okukyalira ensi eridala
kasookedde omuntu atondebwa. Ekyo okizungirizi ekitono "Eagle" ekyaggye
Armstrong ne nunne Aldrin mu kizungirize ekinene "Apollo" ekibalindiridde
okubakonyawo ku nsi era kye kisigaddenu nunnaabwe owtokusatu Collins.

1. Okugonda ku nwezi kyafaayo kikulu?
2. Baani abakola ekyataayo ekyo?
3. Guno gwali nulundi gwa kumeka okugenda ku nwezi?
4. Akazungirizi akatuukira ddala ku nwezi kayitibwa katya?
5. 'Ekizungirizi ekinene kye baagenderanu'kiyitibwa kitya?
6. Ani eyasigala nu kizungirizi ekinene?
7. Bonny abagendera nu kizungirizi ekinene baali bameka?
8. Amanita gaabwe be baani?

Dda o ntu ako 1.110 ebya___yo oluna
lwieggu brie yatonnye u

mwq__J nga uno gwe lundi ogusoo omuntu okukyali ensi c alo

kasooke o ntu atondebwa. E_yo ekizungiri cki .10160 "Eagle" ekyaggye

Armstrong _p nne Aldrin _u zungiri e none "Apollo" ckibalin ridde

okubakomya _u nsi era nga. c kisigoddemumunnaa owlokusa Collins.


kizungirizi (KI-BI) - rocket

byafaayo (KI-BI) - history .

tonnya (tonnyc)- drop like rain, land

kasookedde - since
lindirira (lindiridde)
komyawo (kome'zzawo) - return (transitive)
sigalamu (sigaddeau).- remain in there C.


a. Omutomiivu tabaaga nbwa.

The drunken man does not skin his dog.

b. Omusangq tegumanFInnymba mbi.

The case does not know the lowly house.

c. Akunoonya amecwola takunoonya masasula.

The (man) who seeks for you for a loan, does not look for to pay.

d. Bakubanja n'tobba.
Better get into debts than steal.

e.- Bugubugu ssi muliro.

Mere crackling is not fire.



Conversation I

.S1, Tugendeko mussineena leero Letts go to the movies tonight,

S2, Kirungil Sirina kirala kya Fine. I don't have anything else
kukola. to do.
Wandyagadde kulaba kifanaanyi What film would you like to see?
S2. Lwaki tetukeberako nu lupapula., Why don't we look in the movies
ly,lauawulire ku muko gwa section of the newspaper?

Conversation II

Ogenda wa leero akawungeezi? Where are you going tonight?

S2, lienda nu lukunaana lwtebyobufuoi. I an going to the political rally.
Si. Kiwulikisabulungil Tugende Sounds interesting. Can we go
ffena? 0 with you.
Kirungi, Munsange wano essaawa Certainly. Meet me here at eight
bbiri Ateddakiika kkumi na fifteen.

Conversation III

S1,, Wandyagadde tugende ffenna ku Would you like to go to the con

nizannyo gya konsati leero cert with me _tonight?
.S2, Yee, weebale nnyo weebalire Yes, thank you very much.
Si. Wandyagadde okugenda ku ssawa Would you like to go at about
ngTebbiri? eight o'clock?
82. Ekyo kinadba kirungi. That will be fine.

CoPidrsation IV

Si. Ogenda k ola ki leero, What are you going to do tonight?

Sinnamanyird da I haven't decided yet.
tl, Wandyagadde.okugen a mu Would you like to go to the
apinoema? moviea?
S2, Nnaakukubira easing ne I'will telephone you and tell
nkutegeezacauvannyuma. 21 you later. -'


Sl. Agenda kubeera wa? Where is she/he going to stay?
. S2. Topanyi? Don't you know?
S3. Tomanyi gylagenda kubeera? Don't you know where she/he is
going to stay?

Bateekateeka kugenda ddi? When do they plan to go?

S2. Wattu tubuulire ffena. Please tell a 1 of us.
S3. Wattu tubuulire ffena ddi Please tell all of us when they
lwe bateekateeka.okugenda. plan to go.

Si, Lwaki tayogedde-naffe? Why hasntt she spoken to us?

kg. Ka tunubuuze. Let us ask her.'
S3. Ka tunubuuze kytavudde 'Let us ask her why she,h44n't
tayogera naffe, spoken to us.

Si, Baakitwola wa?, Where did they take it (book)?

S2. Bull ozau yeewudnya. Everyone wonders.
S3. Buli ortuyeewuunya:wa gye Everyone wonders where they took
baakitwela. it.

Si. Lwaki tebaagala kugenda? Why don't they want to 'go?

S2. Wababuuzizza? Did you (sing) ask then'
S3. Wcibabuuziz7a kye bava Did you ask them why they don:t
bataagala kugenda? wont to to?

Si. Ewald Oluganda luzibu bwe why is Luganda so difficult?

S2. Ffenna twewuunya. . We all wonder.
S3. ,Ffenna twelvuuaya Oluganda kye We all wonder why Luganda is so
luva lubeera oluzibulawe lutyo. difficult.
. 2

LESSON 14. .

OLUGERO IATA MPOOBE .(The Story of Mpoobe)

Awe olwatuuka ne wabaawo onusajja erinnya lye Mpoobef n'abeera

nuyizzi nnyo wa busolo. Olunaku iwali lunu bwe yali neatudde nu nnyumba
ye, ne wajja onusajja onuzizi, ntanuganba nti "Jjangu tugende.tpyigge
enisu". Mpoobe ne yeesiba obujunbi2 ntayinba eubwa ye (kwe kugisibanu
'otugwa) ne bagenda ku nsiko. Bwe baatuuka ku kizigol onuzizi ntaganba
Mpoobe nti "Beers wano tugende tutege entuula". Ne bagenda batega. Bwe
banala okutega onuzizi ntaganba Mpoobe nti "Yaidra enbwa". Mpoobe
ntaleega ebyuna (kwe kusiba ebyuna nu nbwa) ntagita; ntagyasira nti "Ai
lya. tkwatat (1). /-

Enbwa teyalwisa ntebuusa onusu ne gudduka ne guyita ku bbali

wtentuula (2) awataali bantu ne gugenda. two Mpoobe ntaganba abaali nu
ngoye nti obanga onusu waise2 mule's° nguweerere enbwa encegukwata. Awo
ntaguweerera enbwat era naye n'agenda ng'agoberera; banne bonna ne
banulekaYo nu nsiko ne baddayo eka. Mpoobe ntagenda ngtayiggal obudde ne
buziba. Mpoobe n'aganba nti "Onusu ogwo nnaaba sinnagutta siddeyo kal
wabula nnaanala kudutta ne nzirayo". Awo n'agenda ngtagoba onusu; onusu
ne guyingira nu bunnya nu ttaka; ntenbwa n'eyingira mu bunnya; ne Mpoobe
ntayingira nu bunnya, ntawulira ebyuna bytembwa nga bigenda bivuga.
Onusu ne gutuuka wansi ku bantu; ne Mpoobe n'atuuka wansi ntalaba ekyalo
ntabantu bangi. Mpoobe ntababuuza nti "Mundabidde.wpno onusu ntenbwa
yuLge?" Abantu ne banuganba nti "Onusu guserengese waananga awo2 era
ntenbwa eserengese".

Awo gpoOlie n'agenda nga bwtatya2 ntasanga onusu ntenbwa nga bituge
awbli onuntu onukulu erinnya lye Walunbe (3)2 ne Mpoobe ntafukanira wansi.
Awo Wislunbe ntaaubuuza'nt± "Ovudde wa?" Mpoobe ntaddanu "Mukana wange2
nvudde waggulu (4); nbadde njigga MUBU gwange ne guyingira obunnya era
ne 24ija nga nnoonya eubwa yange ntonusu,

Walunbe ntabuuza Mpoobe nti "Eno onanyiyo?" Mpoobe ntaddanu nti

"Nedda eno sinanyiyo; wabula onusu guno gwe guntuusizza eno ".


Oba ozze onoonya embwa yo ntomusu: biibyo nkubiwadde bitwale ", ne neeyanza.
Era mtambuuza nti HErinnyalyo ggwtani?" Ne nmuddanu nti 'flErinnya lyange
nze Mpoobe ". INtaigamba nti 'Kale genda ewammwel naye bytolabye eno' bw'
otuukanga wwammwe tobibuulirangako bantu bonna, newakubadde Kitaawo ne
Nnyoko ne baganda bo'. Nkubuuliddeko katono nnyabol nkwegayiridde
tobuulirangako murituu. Awo Mpoobe bwe yanala okubuulira nnyina, nnyina
n'addayo ewuwe. Obudde bwe bwaziba Mpoobe ne.ydebaka.

Yali yeebasel nglawulira omantu anuyita nti uMpoobet Mpoobeu. Mpoobe

'ntayJtaba ntiHEyou (6). Walunbe nianuganbanti uNakugamba n'ta?" .Mpoobe
ntaddanu Ati Na##amba nti bytolq14e enosbwtotuukanga ewannwe tobyogerangp
Walunbe n'aganba nti "Nkulabye ngtobuulirako onuntun.. Mpoobe ntagamba nti
uMukona wange, mbuuliddeko nnange yekkau. Walunbe ritagnmba MpoObe nti
ilLya ebibyo byonna; bw'olinala ne ndyoka nkuttau. Mpoobe bwe yalyulira
ebyo ntasirikal kubanga yawulira kwogeral eyamugamba teyamulaba.

Ate ntaddanu onulundi ogw'okubiri, Mpoobe ntalyoka ategeerat ntagamba

nti "Ka ntd Ade ebyange neeGulirenu ente,ndyen. ,tatunda
N omwana we
ntamuggyonu entel n'agitta ntafunbako katono ngtalya; ntanala enyaka mingi.

.two Walunbe n'ayita Mpoobe nti "Eblbyo obinazeewo okubirya?" Mpoobe

ntaddanu nti llSinnabimala, wou,

Argo oluvannyuna ntasala mnitgezi ogtohwekWeka nu kibira nti npozzi

Walunbe taanulabe. Yo1i ali awo uga Walunbe anuyita nti "Mpoobet weekwese
nu kibira skkulaba?" Mpoobe ne yeekweka ku mIati nga Walunbe anulaba.
Mpoobe ntabuna ebifo bingi ngtanoonya awtokwekweka ne wabulal Mpoobe
ntagamba nti "Ka ntuule nu nnyunba yange Walunbe ajje anzite, kubanga buli
we neekweka ng'andab&tt. Mpoobe ntatuula nu nnyumba ye. Walunbe ntajja
ntanubuupa nti "Ebibyo oLinazeewo?" Mpoobe ntagamba nti "Mbinazeewo".
Awo Walunbe ng'aloka okutta Mpoobe. Abantu kwc baggye olugera nti
HOtpagana olwatta Mpoobe ".


Walumbe ntamuganba.nti "Kale ddayd'ewannwel naye bwtetuukanga ewannwe

bytolabye eno tobyogeranga, era tobulirangako bantu newakubadde kitaawo re
bnyokot ne baganda be, era ne uukazi wo, tobabuulirangako ku byfolabye

kubanga bwtolibabuulira ndikutta". Mpoobe ntaddanu nti oldukana wange,

sigehda-kwogera bye hdabye eno".

Waluube ntaganba nti "Kale ddayo ewaranweT. era ntanuwa:ntomusu gwe

yajja ayigga nteubwa ye; Mpoobe ne yeeyanzanyo.

Awo ntakonawo ewabwe ntayingira nu nnyunba ye. MUkazi we ntauukoza.

yoza, ntagendadunba camera, nteggya ne bagirya. .:wo bwe 'baanala okulya,
onukuzi ntabuizza bbaawe Mpoobc nti "Baze wange, onnaku zino zonna ngtoli
nu nsiko?" Mpoobe nstaddanu nti "Nga ndi nu nsiko, nali nicyayigga nusu

guno", ritcisi:rikd obudde ne bukya. kitaawe ntdauliuuz4 nti "MWana Wanges

ennaku zip° Minna ngtoli nu nsiko?" Mpoobe ntaraugamba ndi nu
nsiko, nga njigga".

Atene wayitawo ennaku nnyingi, nnyina n'ajja gytali okumuldba

'ntanusanga mu nriyumba ye ngtali awo bwonu, hlanubuuza nti "Uwana wange, nu
, nsiko wali okolauu ki era ngtolya ki?" Mpoobe ntaaanba nti "Nnyabo, sijja
kdkubuulira, kubanga bwe nnadkubuulira, naawe bl onoolaba
obabuUlirako". Nnyina ntanugambe nti "MWana wangn, pfpoobe, nbuulira katonii
nkwegayiridde". Upoobe ntagamba nti itNnyabo, ka nkubuulireko, naye
tobuulitangako muntu mulala". Nnyina ntaddamu nti "Nga mbuulira ani, mwana
wange?" Awo Mpoobe ntamubuulira nti "Byte nagenda nga njigga, embwa
ntegende ngtegoba,omusU. Omusu ne guyingira obunnya ntembwa n'ebuyingira,
nange bwe najja ne mbuyingira, ne genda ne ntuuka wala nnyo wansi eyo
emagombe, ne ndaba abantu bang, ente ntenkoko, embumi, entliga n'ebirala
bingi nnyo kitalo. Kale bwe nalabr. ne ntya nnyo, awo ne mbuuza
naggukirako nti "Bannange, mundabidde embwa yange ezze eno ngtegoba omusu?"
ge bagamba nti Taabwa yo yiiyo eserenget6. waamanga awe, nange ne nsere

ngeta, ne nsanga enbwa ng'etudde awali omuntu onukulu erinnya lye Walunbe'
era ntonusu nga guli wamu ntembwa yange. Awo Walunbe ntambuuza nti
"Omusajja ono, ovudde wa?" Ne nauddemu nti "Mukana wange, nvudde,waggulu,
Jazize nga njigga 01211.811. Onusu ne guyingira obunnya nange rie nbuyingira nga
nnoonya ambwa y'ange, ne ntuuka wane ne rikulaba". Walunbe ntagamba nti

Onwizzi - hunter O

Onuzizi - trucker (in hunting)

Onusu edihc:rat-
'Akajunbi.- kilted bark-cloth (worn by hunters)
Bkizigo - circle where beast is rounded up
Olutuula - net for catching small animals
Ebbali side
Wannanga - below there; over there
Waggulu - above
Endiga --sheep
Engeyo'- nets
Okubuusa (-buusizza) - to nake fly or jump
Okuweerera (-T:eereddc) - to incite, e.g. a dog to follow a beast
Okuserengeta (-serongesu) - to cone or go down
Okuyozayoza (-yozayozezza) - to congratulate
Okusirika (-sirise)- to be silent
Okwuguy±rira (-egayiridde) - to beseech, beg ty

Okuggukira (-gukidde) - to cone right through to

Okwekweka (-eekwese) --to hide
Okaaagana (-taagesye) - to lament ceaselessly .

Okuyigao (-yizze).- to hunt

Okuyinba, (-,yinbye) - to tic ap with noose (dug)
. Okutega-(-teze) - to trap,
Bkitinba or Olutuula - stake out the .net
Okwasira (-yasidde) - to urge on dog in hunting
Okulacga (-leeze) OkIlleega4kyuna to fasten a bell in the neck
of a dog; ready for hunting
e' 'f
Jkulvasa - to cause to linger$,delay
Okugoberera (-goberedde) - to follow, fetch

Ai lyal kwata (lit. "oh? eat! catch!) this is an expression used by
hunters to spur on the dogs.
'2. Ku bbfkli wlentitula - at the side of the nets. The nets were set in
such a way that people covered then at the sides and in the middle,
but they were in hiding; when the aninal entered the net$ they cane
rushing from their places of hidifig to stop it. But sonetines the
animals instead of Amning into it, .ran 'by the side of the net where
the..e Were nopeople'and in that case it could escape.
3. Walunbe - Mr.-Death

4. WaRgulu,- Above. This is a relative tern. From down below, the

surface of the earth is 'above'. From the surface of the earth,
the heavens are 'above'. 1

5. Eno - In this direction, i.e., in this case, there below'.

6. Edo - In that direction. This form is often-used-in answering a

call, very much as when one answers a call by saying ,!'Ye-e-e".


1. Mpoobe yali muYizzi?

2.. Mpoobe yali ayigga ki?
3. Onuzizi eyaddukira Mpoobe yanugamba atya?
4. Mpoobe yatwala ki ng'agenda okuyigga?
5. Onuzizi yi6mba atya Mpoobe nga batuuse ki kizigo?
6., Mpoobe yakola ki neabantu:banaze okutega?
7. Omusu lwaki gwaddUka?
8. Mpoobe banne bamuleka wa nga bazzeeyo eka?

9. Onusu gwayingira wa?

10. Mpoobe yakola ki ngtonusu guyingidde nu bunnya?
11. Mpoobe yalaba ki neatuuseyansi?
Embwa ntomusu byatuula kunpi n' and. eyo wansi?
13. Mpoobe yakola ki neatuuseewa Walunbe?
14. Mpoobe yaddanu atya Walunbe bwe yanubuuza obanga ananyiyo gye yage7da?
.15. Mpoobe Walumbeyanukuutira butakola ki?
16. Abantu baneka ababuuza Mpoobe gye yali agenze?
17. Mpoobe yabuulirako ani?
18. Mpoobe Walunbe yanuganba atya ngfanaze okubuulirako nnyina?
19. Mpoobe yeekweka wa olw'okutya okufa?

20. Mpoobe yakola ki ku nkonerero nga abuliddwa gyan'eekweka?

1 Ci


I can go. I will go.

The words can and will are duxiliary 'verbs, because they help the
other verbs "go" and."come" to_form their tenses. .In-huganda we have
several-sUch verbs as °KUM and -LI (to be), OKULEKA (to leave off)
OKULEHA (to fail),, OKUJJA (to cone), OKUTERA and OKWAGALA (on the point of
etc.), OKUVA.(just been), °KUMLA (denoting completed action), OKULYOKA
(and then etc.), OKUSOOKA (to do first), OKUGIRA (to act).

OKUTA and .LI (to be) c,g.

(i) Sinple auxiliary

Tubadde tukola - We have been working.
Babadde baganba ki? - What did they want (lit. What were they sayin6
Nali nyiuba - I was singing.
Mwali mugenze wa? - Where had you gone?

(ii) Identity.
Kikopo ki kye nba ndeeta? - Which cup an I to bring?
U#enda Mbale, bassi ki mre Elankwata? - I au going-to Hbale, which
bus plist I take (catch)?

(iii) Condition
Oba onojja okeerako - If you are coming, tome early.
Bwe nuba mugenze e Kampala, uungulirayo ennere. - If you go to
Kampala, buy me food (from there).

OKULEKA or KA (to leave off)

This_-LEKA s a short form in KA. It nay be followed by an infini-

tive or by a subjunCtive.

(i) When followed by the infinitive it makes a native coumd, e.g.

Leka kukola bwtotyo - Do not do that (lit. Leave to do thus.)
Wajjaayu leka kuzannyira Lbuga Wajjaayu stop playing at the
masterts place.
Muleke kuleekaana - Stop making noise (lit. stop to make noise)

(ii) When followed by the subjunctive it has the meaning of tlett e.g.
Ka Mende - Let me go (lit. leave that I may go.)
Ka ndabe - Let me see.
Muleke akole emmere - Let her prepare the food (lit. Let her make
the food.)


.0KULEMA (to fail)

(i) LE r, as the second of two col:Lands has the ueaning of 'so that _ --not'
and is in the subjunctive, e.g.
Mugaube alone akujja.' Tell him that he need not to come.
Muyite alene okugenda Call him and tell him not to go. ('lit. Call
him so that he does not go.)

(ii) When its modified form is'usedli± has tile meaning of'ought to have-1
Vialeuye kujja ku ssaawa bbiri You ought to have cone at 8:00.
Twaleuye kusooka Kampala Vie ought to have Gone to Kaapala first.

OKUJJA (to come)

JJ1 implies an action in the future, and it is followed by the

infinitive, e.g.
Ajja kugenda nkya He will Co tomorrow.
Ajja kukola ki? What will he do?
Mukasa ajla kugenda e Bulaya mu June Ilukasa will go to Europe in

OKUTERA, OXWAGALA (on the point of, etc., just)

TIM is used in the future and is followed by infinitive with the

I.V AGAL is the Present and is followed by the infinitive
without the I,V., e.g.
Nnaatera okugenda I au about to go,
Enkuba eneetura okutonnya The rain season is about to begin. ,--

Njagala kugenda kuwummula I an about to go and rest, or, I an about

to go on leave.

OKUVX (just been)
VA has the moaning of 'just been, therefore, why, reason why, or

(i) just been: Here it is followed by the infinitive, e.g.

Nvakusoua I have (just) been reading.
Tuva kudduka We have (just) been running.

(ii) Therefore:' When tVii' has the meaning of 'therefore? it can be in

any tense to suit the co ext, but the verb following must always be
in the present tense, e.
Kye nva nkola Therefore I work or That is why I work.
Kye baava irsgaane Therefore they refused or That is why they refused.
Kye tuliva tugenda Therefore we shall go or That is why we will go.


(iii) Ely?: With thei''words tnsonga kit it implies twhy ?', e.g.
Nsonga ki kye baava batajja? - Why didn't they come?
Nsonga ki kye muva mutasasula? Why dontt you (pl.) pay?

(iv) Because: In answer to the question 'why ?', e.g.

thsonga"kye baava batajja, tebaalina mmotoka - The reason why they
did not cone was that they had no car, or
They did not come because they had no car.
Kye muva mutasasula kubanga tenulina sente - You do not pay because
you.have no money.

°KUMLA (denoting completed action)

(i) When -MALA is followed by the infinitive it denotes completed action,


Onwani amaze okulya?-- Has the master finished eating?

Omwana bwe yamala okulya ne yeebaka - When the child finished eating,
he went to sleep.

(ii) When the Modified Form or the Past Tense or the, Future Tense: of -MALA
is followed by the Narrative Tense, it denotes a changed intention,
Mmaze ne sigenda I intended to go, but changed my mind not to go,
or, I ended by not going.
Anaze n'agenda - His intention was not to go, but he has changed his
mind and in the end he went.
Twamala ne tukkirizinganya - In the end we agreed.
Omufunbiro anaanala n'afunba - The cook, in the end, may be induced
to cook.

(iii) When 'ga-t is prefixed to the verb,.the Imperative or Sutjunctive of

-MALA imply Ino alternative', e.g.
Llala galya Bat it (although you do not like it).
Minnie gagenda - Never mind, go.
Bamale gajja - Let them cone (whether we/they like it or not).

OKULYOKA (and then, eta.)

-LYOKA has the meaning of 'and then', tin order thatt and it is
gocd that', e.g.
I. Amaze kulfma ntalyoka afuuba - He first did somedigging and th,n
some cooking, -

Yabasasula sente no balyoka bakola - He had to pay them noney before


they worked. (lit. he paid them money and

then they worked.)
Enkuba eryosc n'etonnya - It is good that it has rained.

3 0-

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