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BL 695-698,675, Hu 20/6/97 1:15 pm Page 695

Biotechnology Letters, Vol 19, No 7, July 1997, pp. 695–698

Synthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-
3-hydroxyvalerate) from activated sludge
7 W.F. Hu1, H. Chua2* and P.H.F. Yu3
8 1
Food Science Department, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China; 2Department of Civil and
9 Structural Engineering, 3Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic
10111 University, Hung Hom, Hong Kong
2 Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) and poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) was produced using a co-
3 culture of activated sludge. When butyric acid was used as sole carbon source, PHB was produced. When valeric
4 acid was added to the medium, PHBV was produced. The 3-hydroxyvalerate (3HV) mole fraction in the PHBV reached
5 a maximum of 54% when valeric acid was used as sole carbon source. When the 3HV units in the co-polymer
6 increased from 0.0 to 54.0 mol%, the melting temperature (Tm) decreased from 178 to 99°C. The composition, and
7 hence the mechanical properties, of the co-polymer produced by activated sludge can be controlled by adjusting the
8 medium composition.
3 Introduction In an effort to produce co-polymers with improved
4 A number of bacteria, including Alcaligenes spp., mechanical properties, Doi et al. (1988) and Ishihara et
5 Pseudomonas spp., recombinant Escherichia coli and al. (1996) demonstrated the accumulation of a variety
6 a number of filamentous genera, accumulate poly- of PHA co-polymers in a pure culture of Alcaligenes
7 hydroxyalkanoates (PHA) and their co-polymers as an eutrophus with different compositions of butyric and
8 intracellular carbon reserve when unfavourable environ- valeric acids in the culture medium. The co-polymeric
9 mental conditions are encountered. These extracted and synthesis pathway had also been traced. However, infor-
30111 processed polymers have a number of properties that are mation on the production of co-polymers from activated
1 comparable to commonly used plastics, namely ther- sludge are not available.
2 moplastic processability and 100% water resistance.
3 However, widespread application of PHA is hampered This paper describes a novel technique that induced the
4 by high costs of production, limited knowledge activated sludge bacteria in a conventional food-
5 on controlled co-polymerization and their physical processing wastewater treatment process to produce
6 properties. PHA co-polymers. The thermal property of the co-
7 polymers was also studied.
8 Much effort has been spent in optimizing the PHA
9 production process and reducing costs. Lee et al. (1994)
40111 investigated various recombinant E. coli using different Methods and materials
1 complex culture media. E. coli strain XL1-blue in LB Operation of sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
2 plus 20 g glucose/L could accumulate up to 0.369 g and biomass harvesting
3 PHA/g glucose, or equivalent to 7 g PHA/L. Shirai et A laboratory scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
4 al. (1994) used a photosynthetic bacterium Rhodobacter with 12-L effective volume and 1.5 day hydraulic reten-
5 spheroides in a fed batch culture with glucose as the tion time (HRT) was used to culture activated sludge.
6 sole carbon to achieve a PHA production of 6 g/L. The reactor was fed with a synthetic food-processing
7 Shimizu et al. (1992) used a cell growth phase followed wastewater containing reconstituted milk at 1.92 g/L.
8 by a separately optimized nutrient-deficient PHA- equivalent to 1200 mg/L in terms of total organic
9 accumulation phase to improve the specific production carbon (TOC), and aeration time was 2 h. Through
50111 yield to as high as 0.70 g PHA/g cell mass. Chua et al. each batch culture, 7–8 g activated sludge were
1 (1997a, 1997b) had substantially reduced the produc- harvested, washed with distilled water to remove any
2 tion costs by inducing activated sludge bacteria to residual nitroeneous matters and inoculated into a jar
3111 produce PHA. fermenter.

© 1997 Chapman & Hall Biotechnology Letters · Vol 19 · No 7 · 1997 695

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W.F. Hu et al.

11111 Fermentation conditions and culture media The melting temperature of the extracted co-polymers
2 An automatic jar fermenter of 3-L working volume were determined in accordance with that described by
3 (Bioengineering Model ALF, Ruti/Switzerland) was Doi et al. (1990) and Bluhm et al. (1988).
4 operated at 300 rpm and 30°C for 48 h. The pH was
5 automatically maintained at 7.0 by the addition of a Results and discussion
6 sterilized 2 M NaOH solution. The SBR system was operated for a period of 60 days
7 and the steady state performance reached a 98.0% TOC
8 The nitrogen-free medium contained butyric acid (C4) removal. There was no polymer (poly-3-hydroxybu-
9 and valeric acid (C5) as carbon sources, and supple- tyrate, PHB or poly-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxy-
10111 mentary trace minerals and a growth factor with formu- valerate, PHBV) accumulating in the activated sludge
1 lations as described by Chua et al. (1997a). In separate during this stage when the nutrient-rich synthetic
2 batch cultures, the C4 to C5 weight ratios in the medium wastewater was being fed. This polymer-free activated
3 were respectively adjusted to 100:0, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60 sludge was then transferred from the SBR into the jar
4 20:80 and 0:100 (g/g), or equivalent to mole ratios of fermenter with nitrogen-free medium to promote
5 34:0, 27:5, 20:11, 13:17, 6:23 and 0:29, respectively. polymer accumulation.
6 The initial total concentration of fatty acids was
7 adjusted to 1 g/L to avoid possible growth inhibition Polymer production under various fatty
8 as reported by Kim et al. (1992). The fermenter was acid ratios
9 operated in a fed batch mode by adding a total of 3 g Table 1 lists the biomass, TOC removal efficiency,
20111 of fatty acids into the fermenter once every 16 h. polymer content, product yields, final 3-hydroxyvalerate
1 (3HV) fraction and thermal property of the polymer
2 Sampling and analytical techniques after 48-h fermentation under six different carbon
3 The culture broth was periodically sampled and analyzed sources ratios. The initial cell mass concentration in the
4 for dry cell mass. The residual carbon concentration fermenter was about 2.5 g/L, final cell mass was main-
5 was measured as TOC using an ASTRO 2001 SYSTEM tained within the range from 2.30 to 3.01 g/L during
6 2 automatic TOC analyzer. The TOC analytical tech- the 48 h culture process. Generally, there was no change
7 nique was in accordance with the Standard Methods in biomass observed.
8 (APHA, 1995).
9 Total TOC removal efficiency decreased from 98.0 to
30111 The activated sludge from the SBR or fermenter was 65.0% when valeric acid in the medium was increased,
1 centrifuged at 3000 rpm (1000 g) for 15 minutes while the PHA content in dried biomass decreased from
2 and the intracellularly accumulated co-polymers were 40% to 18%. When valeric acid was used as sole carbon
3 extracted by chloroform in accordance with the proce- source, the TOC removal efficiency decreased to a
4 dure described by Lowell et al. (1972) and modified by minimum value of 65.0%. These results were in agree-
5 Chua et al. (1997a). The weight of the extracted co- ment with that reported by Ishihara et al. (1996) for a
6 polymers was measured to determine the productivity. pure culture of A. eutrophus with butyric and valeric
7 acids as the carbon sources. Ishihara et al. (1996)
8 Ten ml culture broth was sampled and centrifuged at observed that when butyric acid concentration in their
9 3000 rpm (1000 g) for 15 minutes. The settled cells medium was maintained at a constant value while
40111 were washed with buffer solution and centrifuged again. valeric acid concentration was increased, cell growth and
1 The centrifuged sludge was re-suspended in a mixture fatty acids consumption were substantially affected.
2 containing 2 ml of methanol with 3% of concentrated
3 H2SO4 and 2 ml of chloroform with 2 mg/ml of benzoic An increase in valeric acid content in the medium from
4 acid as the internal standard. The sample was placed in 0 to 100 wt % resulted in a decline in polymer produc-
5 a closed test tube and heated at 100°C for 3 hr to tion yield, YP/S, from 0.69 to 0.32 g-polymer/g-TOC
6 convert the constituents to their methyl esters. Addition consumed. The polymer content in the cells also
7 of 1 ml distilled water to the reaction mixture induced decreased from 40 to 18 wt %, which indicated that
8 phase separation. The resulting organic phase was the production of polymer was inhibited by valeric acid.
9 then used for gas chromatographic analysis of co- These observations were in contrast to that reported by
50111 polymeric composition with a Varian Model 3700 gas Ishihara et al. (1996) and Yamane (1993) that the yield
1 chromatograph equipped with a Carbowax 20 M and polymer content remained unchanged despite
2 column (1 meter) and a Shimadzu C-R5A Chromatopac the variation in valeric acid concentration in the
3111 flame-ionization detector. medium. The range of YP/S in the activated sludge,

696 Biotechnology Letters · Vol 19 · No 7 · 1997

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Synthesis of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) from activated sludge

11111 Table 1 Production of PHB and PHBV by activated sludge with different carbon sources ratios of butyric and
2 valeric acids
C4 to C5 C4 and C5 (g/L)
4 (g/g) (mol/mol) Biomass w. TOC Polymer YP/S a 3HV fraction Tm
5 C4 C5 (g/L) removal content (g/g) (mol%) (°C)
6 (%) (wt%)
7 100:0 34:0 3.0 0.0 3.01 98.0 37.0 0.69 0 178
8 80:20 27:5 2.4 0.6 2.45 96.0 40.0 0.61 12 144
9 60:40 20:11 1.8 1.2 2.52 95.0 35.0 0.55 30 133
10111 40:60 13:17 1.2 1.8 2.30 90.2 24.0 0.35 35 127
1 20:80 6:23 0.6 2.4 2.50 83.4 18.0 0.32 51 109
0:100 0:29 0.0 3.0 2.30 65.0 22.0 0.44 54 99
3 YP/S = Polymer production yield (g polymer/g carbon), which was calculated as the polymer accumulated divided by the TOC consumed.
5 between 0.69 and 0.32 (g/g), was lower than the theo-
6 retical yield of PHBV from fatty acids of 0.98 g-
7 PHBV/g-fatty acids by Rhodospiril rubrum (Yamane,
8 1993). However, it was closer to the theoretical yield
9 of 0.65 g-PHBV/g-fatty acids by A. eutrophus (Yamane,
20111 1993), which is a common genus in activated sludge.
1 The wide ranging yield in the activated sludge could
2 be attributed to the complex microbial species in the
3 ecosystem of the sludge, giving rise to widely varied
4 metabolic pathways from fatty acid to polymer in
5 different microbial species. On the other hand, Dave
6 et al. (1996) described that when activated sludge was
7 incubated under nitrogen- and phosphorus-limiting
8 conditions, selective overgrowth of Bacillus spp. from Figure 1 Relationship between 3HV fraction in PHBA and
5 to 80% (cell count) was observed. It is therefore C5 concentration in the medium.
30111 believed that the variation of valeric acid concentration
1 in medium caused the changes in the balance of micro-
2 bial species, and hence the prevailing metabolic path-
3 ways in activated sludge during the 48-h incubation.
4 This, in turn, resulted in the wide ranging YP/S values.
6 Effects of fatty acid ratios on co-polymer
7 composition
8 When butyric acid was used as sole carbon source, there
9 was only PHB homo-polymer produced instead of
40111 PHBV co-polymer (Table 1). On the other hand, the
1 highest 3HV mole fraction in the co-polymer accumu-
2 lated was when valeric acid was used as sole carbon
3 source. The mole fraction of 3HV in the accumulated
4 co-polymer increased proportionately with the valeric Figure 2 Relationship between melting temperature and
5 acid concentration in medium. Figure 1 illustrates a 3HV fraction in PHB(V).
6 linear relationship between 3HV mole fraction in the
7 co-polymer and the valeric acid concentration. These
8 results from activated sludge were in agreement with Thermal property of co-polymer from activated
9 that observed in pure cultures of A. eutrophus (Doi et al., sludge
50111 1988; Ishihara et al., 1996). These results also indicated The melting temperature, Tm, of the co-polymer accu-
1 that the 3HV mole fraction of the PHBV co-polymer mulated in the activated sludge with different medium
2 accumulated in activated sludge could be controlled by composition ranged from 99 to 178°C (Table 1). The
3111 adjusting the valeric acid concentration in the medium. co-polymers with maximum and minimum values of Tm

Biotechnology Letters · Vol 19 · No 7 · 1997 697

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W.F. Hu et al.

11111 were obtained when butyric acid and valeric acid were instead of producing by pure culture fermentation.
2 respectively used as the sole carbon sources in the These significantly reduced the costs of PHA produc-
3 medium. Increase of 3HV monomeric units in the tion.
4 PHBV co-polymer formulation resulted in a close to
5 proportionate decrease of polymer melting temperature References
6 (Figure 2). The melting temperature of the PHA American Public Health Association (1995). Standard Methods
7 produced by activated sludge decreased with an increase for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 19th edition,
8 in the 3HV fraction, indicating that 3HV unit act as Washington, D.C., USA.
9 defects in the PHBV crystal lattice. Otherwise, the Bluhm, T. and Marchessault, R.H. (1988). Can. Chem. News, 40,
10111 infrared spectrums of the PHA produced by activated Chua, H., Yu, P.H.F. and Ho, L.Y. (1997a). Appl. Biochem.
1 sludge were identical with that of the standard samples Biotechnol. 63, 627–635.
2 including PHB and PHBV. Such defects are also known Chua, H., Hu, W.F. and Ho, L.Y. (1997b). J. IES Chem. Eng.
3 to have adverse effects of such mechanical properties 37. (in press).
4 as tensile, compressive, flexural and shear stresses of Dave, H., Ramakrishna, C. and Desai, J.D. (1996). Indian J.
Experimental Biol. 34, 216–219.
5 the materials. These results agreed with the published Doi, Y., Tamaki, A., Kunioka, M. and Soga, K. (1988). Appl.
6 thermal properties of polymers and co-polymers of Microbiol. Biotechnol. 28, 330–334.
7 PHA. Intracellular polymers of PHA are highly Doi, Y., Segawa, A. and Kunioka, M. (1990). Intl. J. Biol.
8 crystalline thermoplastics with a melting temperature Macromol. 12, 106–111.
9 (Tm) around 180°C for PHB homo-polymer and a range Ishihara, Y., Shimizu, H. and Shioya, S. (1996). J. Ferment. Bioeng.
81, 422–428.
20111 from 96 to 160°C for PHBV co-polymers depending Kim, G.J., Yun, K.Y., Bae, K.S. and Rhee, Y.H. (1992).
1 on the fraction of 3HV units (Doi et al., 1990). Biotechnol. Lett. 14, 27–32.
2 Therefore, the 3HV mole fraction of the PHBV co- Lee, S.Y., Chang, H.N. and Chang, Y.K. (1994). Comparison of
3 polymer accumulated in activated sludge, and hence its Escherichia coli Strains for the Synthesis of Poly-3-
4 thermal and mechanical properties, could be controlled Hydroxybutyric Acid in Various Media, In: Better Living
Through Innovative Biochemical Engineering (Teo, W.K. (ed)),
5 by adjusting the valeric acid concentration in the pp. 53–55, Singapore University Press.
6 medium. Lowell L.W. and Edwin, N.D. (1972). Env. Sci. Technol. 16,
7 161–164.
8 The novel technique to synthesis of PHA from activated Shimizu, H., Sonoo, S., Shioya, S. and Suga, K. (1992).
9 sludge is beneficial in two ways. On the one hand, excess Production of Poly-3-Hydroxybutyric Acid (PHB) by
Alcaligenes eutrophus H16 in Fed-Batch Culture, In: Biochemical
30111 sludge generated from activated sludge processes needs Engineering for 2001 (Furusaki et al. (ed.)), pp. 195–197,
1 further treatment such as anaerobic digestion and Springer-Verlag, Tokyo.
2 disposal by landfilling. This technique can reduce the Shirai, Y., Yamaguchi, M., Kusubayashi, N., Hibi, K., Uemura,
3 quantity of excess sludge by about 37% as described by T. and Hashimoto, K. (1994). Production of Biodegradable
4 Chua et al. (1997a), therefore reducing the costs of Co-Polymers by a Fed-Batch Culture of Photosynthetic
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5 sludge treatment. On the other hand, large quantities Engineering (Teo, W.K. (ed.)), pp. 263–265, Singapore
6 of biomass harvested from activated sludge wastewater University Press.
7 treatment processes were induced to produce PHA Yamane, T. (1993). Biotechnol. Bioeng. 41, 165–170.
40111 Received 3 April 1997;
1 Revisions requested 24 April 1997;
2 Revisions received 20 May 1997;
3 Accepted 22 May 1997

698 Biotechnology Letters · Vol 19 · No 7 · 1997

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