Instruction Sheet 4, Gr.9 PET 1. Activities That Improve Physical Wellness, 2014

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Life Orientation Grade 9 Form of assessment: Movement Performance demonstration (10)
PET Mark sheet: Frequency of participation during periods per term (20)
Topic: Physical Term 1. Sub-Topic: Participate in activities that Mark allocation: 10
Education Task 1. Act.4 improve physical wellness & safety issues. Due date:

This is an individual and group activity. Your teacher will divide the class into groups of e.g. 6 learners.

NAME OF GROUP: _________________________________________ GRADE 9:____


 Do your warm-up activities every time before you participate!

 Before starting an exercise routine, it is important to know your pulse rate and to write it down. Your
teacher will explain to you how to do this. After 3 weeks of exercise, take your pulse rate again, write it
down and compare your progress.

Assessment activity 1: This is an individual activity.

Your teacher will divide the class into groups and write down your names.

1.1. Do your warm-up activities every time before you participate.

1.2. Teacher explains to the class how the Bleep test works. Play CD- let learners listen to instructions.
1.3. Measure the distance, put out a row of cones to indicate start and finish.
1.4. Demonstrate how the learners must run.
1.5. Write down the levels they have completed.

You will be assessed according to the assessment sheet for the Bleep test below.

Level Mark Level Mark
11-12 10 10 10
9-10 9 8-9 9
8 8 7 8
7 7 6 7
6 6 5 6
5 5 4 5
4 4 3 4
3 3 2 3
Below 3 2 Below 2 2

Gr. 9 FAT, PET Task 1.Act.4: Participate in activities that improve physical wellness & safety issues 1
Assessment activity 2: This is a pair activity.
Your teacher will divide the class into pairs and write down your names.

2.1. One performs the exercise and the partner counts the repetitions.
2.2. Do all the exercises for one minute. Try your best!
1. Repeated runs 5. Star jumps 8. Lunges
2. Crunches 6. Bench presses 9. Hip rolls
3. Step-ups 7. Skipping 10. Back stretches
4. Push-ups (100÷10=10)
2.3. Cool down activities.
2.4. The teacher will use Assessment 3: Table for fitness: Boys and girls separately to
assess your performance.

TERMYN 1, Task 1. Act.4. Assessment Tables for fitness Gr. 9

1.Repeated runs (Boys) 2. Crunches (Boys) 3. Step-ups (Boys) 4. Push-ups (Boys)
Repetitions Mark Repetitions Mark Repetitions Mark Repetitions Mark
25+ 9 46+ 9 46+ 9 36+ 9
23-24 8 41-45 8 41-45 8 34-35 8
21-22 7 36-40 7 36-40 7 31-33 7
18-20 6 31-35 6 31-35 6 26-30 6
15-17 5 26-30 5 26-30 5 21-25 5
11-14 4 21-25 4 21-25 4 16-20 4
10 and less 3 20 and less 3 20 and less 3 15 and less 3

5. Star jumps (Boys) 6. Bench Presses (Boys) 7. Skipping (Boys) 8. Hip rolls (Boys)
Repetitions Mark Repetitions Mark Repetitions Mark Repetitions Mark
51+ 9 50+ 9 100+ 9 50+ 9
46-50 8 45-49 8 91-99 8 45-49 8
41-45 7 40-44 7 81-90 7 40-44 7
36-40 6 35-39 6 71-80 6 35-39 6
31-35 5 30-34 5 61-70 5 30-34 5
26-30 4 25-29 4 51-60 4 25-29 4
25 and less 3 24 and less 3 50 and less 3 24 and less 3

9. Lunges (Boys) 10. Back stretches (Boys)

Repetitions Mark Repetitions Mark
41+ 9 41+ 9
36-30 8 36-30 8
31-35 7 31-35 7
26-30 6 26-30 6
21-25 5 21-25 5
16-20 4 16-20 4
15 and less 3 15 and less 3

Gr. 9 FAT, PET Task 1.Act.4: Participate in activities that improve physical wellness & safety issues 2
TERMYN 1, Task 1. Act.4. Assessment Tables for fitness Gr. 9


1.Repeated runs (Girls) 2. Crunches (Girls) 3. Step-ups (Girls) 4. Push-ups (Girls)

Repetitions Mark Repetitions Mark Repetitions Mark Repetitions Mark
21+ 9 41+ 9 41+ 9 36+ 9
19-20 8 36-40 8 36-40 8 31-35 8
17-18 7 31-35 7 31-35 7 26-30 7
15-16 6 26-30 6 26-30 6 21-25 6
12-14 5 21-25 5 21-25 5 16-20 5
9-11 4 16-20 4 16-20 4 11-15 4
8 and less 3 15 and less 3 20 and less 3 10 and less 3

5. Star jumps (Girls) 6. Bench Presses (Girls) 7. Skipping (Girls) 8. Hip rolls (Girls)
Repetitions Mark Repetitions Mark Repetitions Mark Repetitions Mark
46+ 9 41+ 9 100+ 9 41+ 9
41-45 8 36-40 8 91-99 8 36-40 8
36-40 7 31-35 7 81-90 7 31-35 7
31-35 6 26-30 6 71-80 6 26-30 6
26-30 5 21-25 5 61-70 5 21-25 5
21-25 4 16-20 4 51-60 4 16-20 4
20 and less 3 15 and less 3 50 and less 3 15 and less 3

9. Lunges (Girls) 10. Back stretches (Girls)

Repetitions Mark Repetitions Mark
36+ 9 36+ 9
31-35 8 31-35 8
26-30 7 26-30 7
21-25 6 21-25 6
16-20 5 16-20 5
11-15 4 11-15 4
10 and less 3 10 and less 3

Gr. 9 FAT, PET Task 1.Act.4: Participate in activities that improve physical wellness & safety issues 3
NAME OF LEARNER: _________________________________________ GRADE 9:____

Task 1. Act.4. Participate in a fitness programme and record progress made.

Assessment activity 1: Name of activity Level completed Mark scored

(Individual activity) Bleep test

Assessment activity 2: Exercise No. of repetitions Mark out of 10

(Pair activity) 1. Repeated runs
2. Crunches
3. Step-ups
4. Push-ups
5. Star jumps
6. Bench presses
7. Skipping
8. Lunges
9. Hip rolls
10. Back stretches
Grand total=100
Mark (100÷10)=10

Assessment activity 3: This is an individual activity.

3.1. Set your own personal goals for improvement on the bleep test results.
(Suggest ways of improving your fitness after your results on the Bleep test.: 10 marks)
3.2. Plan and design your own circuit programme according to your own fitness level and time available
between school activities.
3.3. Include different types of exercise: Stamina, Muscular strength and endurance, flexibility.
3.4. Write your fitness programme down on an A4 page and hand it in on time. Use the given headings.

3.1. Set your own personal goals for improvement of your fitness after the Bleep test results
(E.g. After 3 weeks I want to …..)
______________________________________________________________________________ (10 marks)

Gr. 9 FAT, PET Task 1.Act.4: Participate in activities that improve physical wellness & safety issues 4
3.2. Your own circuit (Fitness)programme designed according to your own fitness level and time available
between school activities.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Warm-up activities

Main activity

Cool-down activities

Final Assessment rubric:

Assessment criteria None Limited Adequate Proficient Excellent LEARNERS’
(0 marks) (1-3 marks) (4-5 marks) (6-8 marks) (9-10 marks) MARK (10)
(Assessment act.1) No Did very Did average in Did good in Did outstanding
Assessment of own level participatio little bleep test Bleep test in Bleep test
of fitness according to n in Bleep exercise in
results of Bleep test test Bleep test

(Assessment act. 2) No ways Tried to set I set some I set some I set clear,
Suggest ways of suggested some goals goals- not all realistic goals realistic goals
improving my fitness of them are for myself
(Assessment act. 3) No fitness Started the Programme Programme Programme
Plan and design a fitness programm programme has 5 has 5 contains more
programme e planned - but need exercises-very exercises. than 5 exercises
support to basic Difficulty level with a high
finish is average. difficulty level.
Effort is Put in a lot of
proficient. effort.
TOTAL: 30÷3=10

Gr. 9 FAT, PET Task 1.Act.4: Participate in activities that improve physical wellness & safety issues 5

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