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Eight Great Ways to Process Feedback and Fail Well

Stick with It
Don’t expect to reach the peak on your first attempt. Have realistic
expectations and stick with it. Design Thinking is a process of fixing things as
you work towards the ultimate prize.

2 Loving the Feedback

Feedback might not always be comfortable, but embrace it; it’ll make your
ideas stronger. Stay flexible and figure out how best to respond to feedback
by changing your design.

3 What’s My Motivation?
When dealing with feedback, refer back to the original motivation for your
design. What problem were you trying to solve? Who for? Does the
feedback help you refocus on your goal—or reveal a flaw in your approach?

4 Storm the Changes

More ideas mean more options and lead to better systems and solutions.
So brainstorm possible changes to your idea suggested by the feedback
you’ve received.

Quick + Dirty = Good
Prototypes are meant to be quick and easy to create. You’ll
probably want to make several as you respond to feedback
during the testing phase.

6 Sacrifice Your Pets

Don’t get too attached.
Be prepared to kill off a pet idea and start again with something new.

7 If It Ain’t Broke…
…don’t fix it. But do iterate based on the strengths of your idea. Small improvements
throughout your business model can really boost adoption.

The Power of the Pivot
If your idea fails the test, a pivot can transform that failure into powerful
learning. Use this to create a new hypothesis or to redefine the business

Which of these insights resonates? How could

you use them to handle feedback more

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